These three photos were submitted by . She says in part: " I found these old photos in a little book that belonged to my grandmother. She was Caroline Grace Babcock, born 1886 in Kepler (Kingston Twp., Frontenac County), Ontario. She was the daughter of Nicholas Babcock and Mary Amelia Rees, and one of her uncles was Rev. Charles Babcock. The women could be either Babcock or Rees. Would anyone recognize either young woman?
" Also the couple with the greetings of just Mr. and Mrs, Babcock -- is that a Canadian uniform? Which branch of the service? and I presume World War I. "
If anyone might know who they are, please contact Jackie at the email link above.
The above two photos could be of Babcock or Rees women.
"Mr. and Mrs. Babcock, High St., Epsom, Surrey, England".
(See the back below).