
Beardmore and Geraldton Ontario :
Nugent's Drug Store

Beardmore, Ontario, Nugent's Drug Store

Nugent's Drug Store, Beardmore, Ontario. (Image from the Ken R. Johnson Collection).

Geraldton, Ontario, Nugent's Drug Store

Nugent’s Drug Store, Geraldton, Ontario. (Image from the Ken R. Johnson Collection).
This drugstore was located in the Gordon Block, adjacent to the Geraldton branch of the Royal Bank of Canada. Both were located in the same building on Third Street North. Originally known as the Geraldton Drugs Limited (opened in 1934), the store was sold by Leon Scher to Mr. C.D. ‘Court’ Nugent. The store was then re-named ‘Nugent’s Drug Store’. Mr. Nugent in turn sold the business to Robert Colquhoun in 1945, and it became known as Colquhoun’s Drug Store. -- Compiled by Ken R. Johnson.

Nugent's Drug Store advertisement

Halo’s was located on First Avenue North - was a 1930s-era general/department store located in Geraldton. This advertisement was published in The Geraldton Times Star, Thursday, May 26, 1938. Image is from the Ken R. Johnson Collection.

"Announcement has been made by C.D. Nugent of the sale of Nugent’s drug store to Major R.A. Colquhoun, formerly of Port Arthur. Mr. Nugent and family expect to leave within the next two weeks for Virginia­town, in the Kirkland Lake area, where Mr. Nugent has purchased a drug store."

"Mayor W.F. Draper (Geraldton) has left for Kirkland Lake, where he will attend the mayor’s con­vention. He was accom­panied by Mr. J.S. Hill and C.D. Nugent.”

(Fort William Daily Times-Journal, Sept. 28, 1945 / Geraldton Times Star, April 26/56.)

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