I purchased this book from an antique dealer near Perth, Ontario, about 2001. It was published in 1862 by William Collins, Glasgow, Scotland. See title page.
All family information is written in faded black ink on the pre-printed Family pages in the middle of the book. The Bible itself was in such poor condition that I discarded it after removing these pages.
FIRST PAGE : (See Scan)FAMILY REGISTER --- PARENTS NAMES HUSBAND John Mynard Born Was July 19.. 1834 WIFE Nanny Mynard Born Was July 18.. 1832 [with a 6 written above it in pencil] MARRIED John Mynard And Nanny Richards Was Married May 5 1858
CHILDRENS NAMES --- Mary Ann Mynard Was Born July 4 .. 1858 Cathrine Mynard Was Born November 4 .. 1859 Thomas Mynard Was Born January 19 .. 1861 John Mynard Was Born January 25 .. 1862 Mary Ann Mynard Was Born June the 4 .. 1863 Cathrine Mynard Was Born August 29 .. 1864 Thomas Mynard Was Born May the 27 .. 1867 Emily Mynard was Born February the 18 .. 1869 Emily Mynard was Born June the 11 1870 Ellen Mynard was born June 25 1872 Emily Mynard was born September 8.74
MARRIAGES --- Catharine Mynard was married July 18 1888 Aged . Thomas Mynard was Married November 23 1892 John Mynard Married at 72 Church Ave Verdun Que. September 16th 1914, To Bertha M. Barnewall Ellen Mynard married to James Maybery August 18th 1915 Verdun Que John Edwin Mynard Son of Thomas and Priscilla Willbour Mynard born Nov 20 1900. Married Annie Jean McDonald Aug 16th 1922 at Cornwall Ont
DEATHS --- Mary Ann Mynard Died December 26 1859 Cathrine Mynard Died May 15 1862 John Mynard Died April 18..1863 Thomas Mynard Died November 18..1865 Emily Mynard Died September 20 1869 Emily Mynard Died August 5 [or 15] 1870 [Line so faint it didn't scan] 1897 Louisa Mynard Died September 12..1899 [Year is unclear] Emily Mynard Died August 28 1875 William Mynard Died October 20 1879 John Mynard Died June 3 1896 Aged 61&11mo Nanny Francis Richards, relict of late John Mynard, Died March 16th 1898 Aged 61yrs and 8 months Mary Ann died August 20th 1910 Aged 47 years 2 months John Mynard. Died Apr 20 1942. Age 64 years & 8 months Mable Eleanal Mynard born 15/7/24 Daughter of John and Annie Died February 1st 1938 age 13 years 9 Mo 16 Days. John Edwin Mynard Died March 7 1969 - 68 - 3m. 15day son of Thomas and his wife Priscilla Wilbur.
John Mynard His Book This book become the property of John Mynard's Son John at his death June 3rd 1896 John E. Mynard. This Book. became the property of John Edwin Mynard at the death of John the Son of John. Born Nov 20 - 1900