The names are difficult to attribute because the rows are uneven, but here goes:
Back Row, L - R:
Gwen Kirk,
Barbara Bumstead,
Patsy McGarvey,
Ross MacIntosh,
Miss Bradford (teacher).
3rd Row: Hazel McNabb,
Valerie Vaughn,
George Kinsley,
? McGarvey,
Bill Rouse,
Doris Wilson.
2nd Row: Karen Wilson (mitt over face),
Ken McCartney,
Wayne Lee,
Ruth Bumstead,
Randy Crawford,
Judy Sutherland,
Sally Rouse,
Janet Bumstead.
Front Row, L - R:
Percy Seigrist,
Bill Catto,
Gordon Saunders,
Elmer Seigrist,
Elgin Rouse,
Willard Lee,
Ernie McCartney.
Many thanks to for this scan.
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