
Bruce County Ontario : Wiarton Public School, Grade 6, 1949.

Wiarton Public School, 1949

Murray Armstrong posted this photo in the GREY BRUCE IMAGES group on Facebook. He says "This is my eldest brother's class from 1949. Wiarton Public School Grade 6."
Names extracted so far, from his post and comments are:

Back Row, L - R: 1 Bill Williamson, 2 Bill (Winky) Wilford, 3 Ray Butchard, 4 Wayne Forbes, 5 Garry Heath, 6 Brother Bill Clifford, 7 Francis Edmonston, 8 Bev McGarvey, 9 Ivan Burt.
3rd Row, L - R: 10 Helen Hahn, 11 UNKNOWN, 12 Allison Gosling, 13 UNKNOWN, 14 Nancy Wheaton, 15 Margaret Ingles, 16 UNKNOWN, 17 Larry McDonald, 18 Murray Ceaser, Teacher is UNKNOWN.
2nd Row, L - R: 19 Margaret Symons, 20 June Driffill, 21 Myrna Schroeder, 22 Ladorna Eyre, 23 Donna Boyd, 24 Nancy Smart, 25 Gail Mason, 26 Shirley Schenk, 27 UNKNOWN.
Front Row, L - R: 28 UNKNOWN, 29 Peter Mertha, 30 Bill France, 31 Ray Boulter, 32 Ted Tyson, 33 Raymond Gilbert, 34 George Smart, 35 Bert Robertson.

Many thanks to Murray Armstrong for posting this photo in the GREY BRUCE IMAGES group on Facebook. And to Murray Ceaser for many of the names.

Can you provide missing names, comments or corrections?

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