
Carleton Place, Ontario : St. James Church, 1945.

Cover of 1945 Annual Report of St. James Anglican Church, Carleton Place, Ontario.

Cover of Annual Report of St. James Church, 1945.
Rector: Rev. Canon T.H. Iveson, M.A.
Church Wardens: Orton Hobbs & Clarence Craig.
Secretary-Treasurer: Mrs. R.E. Keays.

Page 2 of  1945 Annual Report of St. James Anglican Church, Carleton Place, Ontario.

Annual Report, Page 2:
General Fund Statement, 1945.

Page 3 of  1945 Annual Report of St. James Anglican Church, Carleton Place, Ontario.

Annual Report, Page 3:
Mission Fund Statement, 1945, and
Financial Statement of Junior Auxilliary.

Page 4 of  1945 Annual Report of St. James Anglican Church, Carleton Place, Ontario.

Annual Report, Page 4:
Parish Hall Statement, 1945
St. James Guild, 1945.

Page 5 of  1945 Annual Report of St. James Anglican Church, Carleton Place, Ontario.

Annual Report, Page 5:
Parish Hall Contributions
Financial Statement of St. James W.A.

Page 6 of  1945 Annual Report of St. James Anglican Church, Carleton Place, Ontario.

Annual Report, Page 6:
St. James Parish Guild, Energetic Group
St. James Clergy Endowment

Page 7 of  1945 Annual Report of St. James Anglican Church, Carleton Place, Ontario.

Annual Report, Page 7:
Circle No. 1 – St. James Church
St. James Cemetery Endowment Account

Page 8 of  1945 Annual Report of St. James Anglican Church, Carleton Place, Ontario.

Annual Report, Page 8:
St. James Cemetery Maintenance
St. James Church Reserve Fund

Page 9 of  1945 Annual Report of St. James Anglican Church, Carleton Place, Ontario.

Annual Report, Page 9:
Little Helpers, Financial Statement
St. James Sunday School Report, 1945
St. James Cemetery Capital Account

Page 10 of  1945 Annual Report of St. James Anglican Church, Carleton Place, Ontario.

Page 10.

Ackland, Miss M.

Anderson, Miss Annie

Anderson, James, Wm. St.

Anderson, James, George St.

Anderson, Mrs. Gladys

Andison, Norman

Andison, Miss Leita

Atwell, Mrs. Robert

Armstrong, Mrs. Fred.

Bailey, Miss Joyce

Baird, Alvin

Baird, Miss Bernice

Ball, T.A.

Baker, Mrs. E.

Bellamy, Wilfred

Bennett, Austin

Bennett, Miss Dorcas

Bennett, Gordon

Bennett, Mrs. J.E.

Bennett, Victor

Bennett, Mrs. W.F.

Bittle, Mr. and Mrs John

Bittle, Mr. & Mrs. Wal. & Don.

Bleach, George

Bleach, Alfred

Bigras, Mrs. Mary

Bogaerts, Donald

Bogaerts, Peter

Bond, Harry

Boon, Philip

Bowland, H.R.

Bowland, Norman

Branford, Donald

Brazier, Mrs. Frank

Broom, Miss Mabel

Brown, Miss Mabel

Brown, Mrs. Elizabeth

Bryce, Norman

Buffam, Mrs. Noble

Buffam, Lorne

Burns, Mrs. Wellington

Burrows, Miss Laura

Bennett, Samuel

Boughner, Miss June

Bennett, Mrs. A.C.

Cassidy, Mr. Alton

Cassidy, A.V.

Campbell, William

Chamney, Miss Sadie

Chamney, Mrs. John

Clarke, Mrs. Frank

Clarke, Mr. S.T., sr.

Clarke, Mrs. Sydney

Page 11 of 1945 Annual Report of St. James Anglican Church, Carleton Place, Ontario.

Page 11.

Clarke, Mr. S.T., sr.

Collins, Roy

Comba, Gemmill

Comba, Stewart

Cooke, Frank

Cooke, Roy

Cooke, Mrs. Wesley

Coogan, Mrs. Mina

Cooper, Arthur

Craig, Clarence

Craig, Mrs George

Culbertson, Mrs. Bolton

Cummings, Miss Viola

Curtis, Miss M.

Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Milford

Collins, Fred.

Christenson, Diane

Campbell, Harvey

Davidson, Mrs. Arthur

Dolan, Miss C.F.

Dolan, James

Doucett, George H.

Dowdall, G.E.

Dowdall, J.E., Appleton

Dowdall, Leonard

Dowdall, Lester

Douglas, Mr. and Mrs Howard

Drummond, Mrs. Lena

Dugdale, Mrs. Arthur

Dugdale, Cecil, sr.

Dugdale, Cecil, jr.

Dugdale, Gertrude

Dugdale, Phyllis

Dugdale, Betty

Dugdale, Florence

Dunlop, Percy

Duff, Mrs. M.E.

Edwards, John A.

Edwards, Thomas A.

Edwards, Edith

Edwards, Ruth

Elliott, Miss C.V.

Elliott, Miss Louise

Elliott, Miss Olivia (deceased)

Erskine, Mrs. Marion

Fanning, L.E.

Fanning, George

Fanning, Samuel

Fanning, Miss A.

Ferguson, Ross

Fleming, Mrs. Earl

France, Mr. and Mrs. George

Fraser, Mrs. Jennie

Fraser, John Francis

Freakley, Mrs. Harold

Page 12 of 1945 Annual Report of St. James Anglican Church, Carleton Place, Ontario.

Page 12.

Frizell, Mrs. J.S.

Ferrill, Miss Marguerite

Finner, Wm.

Gardiner, Mrs. George

Garland, Mr. and Mrs. Fred

Garland, Mrs. Geo.

Garvin, Lorne

Garvin, Moses

Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. W.

Giles, Mrs. Geo.

Giles, Alfred

Giles, Ernest

Giles, Florence

Gladdish, Mr. and Mrs. A.

Graham, Mr. and Mrs. T.R.

Graham, Teddy

Graham, James

Graham, Wm.

Grant, Miss Bertha

Griffith, James

Griffith, Norman

Griffith, Samuel

Griffith, W.L.

Griffith, John, Appleton

Griffith, W. T.

Griffith, W.J., Mary St.

Gill, Miss Dorothy

Gravillo, Mr. and Mrs.

Hadinka, Mrs. F.

Hall, James

Hale, Samuel

Hamilton, Lindus

Hamilton, Ben

Hamilton, Ed.

Harrison, M.

Harthen, Joe

Harthen, M.L.

Hawkins, Miss Bessie

Hawkins, Wellington

Hawkins, Robert

Hawkins, Joseph

Hawkins, Mrs. Wm.

Hedderson, Mrs. F.

Hedderson, Miss Rose

Henery, Mr. & Mrs. P.

Hill, Fred.

Hilliard, Mrs. Robert

Hilliard, Borden

Hilliard, George

Hobbs, Orton

Hobbs, William

Hodgkinson, A.C

Hodgkinson, Kathleen

Horgan, Miss Alice

Page 13 of 1945 Annual Report of St. James Anglican Church, Carleton Place, Ontario.

Page 13.

Houston, Mrs. Wm.

Hudson, Mrs. A.E.

Hughes, Lloyd

Hughes, W.J.

Hurdis, Wm., sr.

Hurdis, Miss Aileen

Hyndman, Albert

Hamilton, Mrs. Alex

Hanneman, Mr. and Mrs. Albert

Hawkins, Frances

Hurdis, Mrs. Ed.

Hurdis, Boya

Hopkins, Wm.

Iveson, Canon and Mrs. T.H.

Iveson, Miss Dorothy

Iveson, Miss Betty

Jennings, A.B.

Jennings, Miss Joan

Jamieson, Mrs. W.J.

Johnston, Dr and Mrs. J.A.

Johnston, Chas.

Jones, Percy

Keays, R.E.

Kerr, Alvin

Kerr, Ashley

Kidd, Richard

Kirk, Mrs.

Kidd, E.A.

Lancaster, Frank

Langtry, F.G.

Langtry, I.C.

Langtry, Gordon

Laskaris, James

Lay, Ernest

Lloyd, Mrs. Lou

Leach, Miss Vivian

Leach, Gordon

Leech, Rev. Canon

Leech, Mrs. Thos. (Rev.)

Leech, Miss Mary

Leech, Mrs. Edward

Leech, Wellington

Leach, Arden

Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Albert

Lewis, Mrs. John

Lewis, Mrs. W.G.

Lewis, Miss Fern

Lewis, Miss June

Little, Howard

Leach, Percy

Loucks, Merrill

Lowe, Mr. and Mrs. John

Lynch, Mr. and Mrs. Dan

Lynch, Wilfred

Page 14 of 1945 Annual Report of St. James Anglican Church, Carleton Place, Ontario.

Page 14.

Lynch, J.A

Lynch, Mrs. W.J., sr.

Lay, Reggie

Lay, Albert

Madge, Mrs.

Marshall, W.E. and Samuel

Marshall, Gordon

Mathews, Mrs. Harry

May, Miss Sophia

Moore, S.J.

Moore, Ernest

Moore, Herbert

Moore, William

Morphy, Mrs. Chas.

Morris, Elisha

Morris, Fred.

Morris, Mervyn P.

Morris, S.G.

Moulton, James

Moulton, Thomas

Manahan, Mrs. Annie

Morris, Howard

Morphy, Wilbert

Mitchell, Miss Jennie

Mitchell, Thos.

Mullinger, Mrs. Geo.

Munshaw, Mr. and Mrs. Roy

McNeely, Mrs. M. and Eleanor

McNeely, Arthur, R.R. 3

McNeely, Arthur R.

McNeely, Bryce, sr.

McNeely, D.R.

McNeely, Howard

McNeely, Ossie

McNeely, Russell

McNeely, W.E.

McNeely, W.J.

McAdam, Mr. and Mrs. J.D.

McArton, J.A., jr.

McArton, Mrs. John, sr.

McArton, Stewart

McCaffrey, T.E.

McCauley, W.S.

McDaniel, Arnold

McDaniel, Mrs. Ed.

McDiarmid, Mrs. Alex.

McIlquham, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.

McIlquham, Miss Ellen

McKim, Hugh

McKim, William

McKim, Blanche

McLaren, Robert

McLaren, Samuel

McMaster, Mrs.

Page 15 of 1945 Annual Report of St. James Anglican Church, Carleton Place, Ontario.

Page 15.

McPherson, Mrs. Wilf.

McFarlane, Mrs. A.

McGarry, Mrs Robt.

Moulton, Joseph

Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Milford

Moore, Desmond

Mordy, Elsie

Neil, Miss Annie

Neil, Miss Emma

Neil, Howard

New, Mrs. Thos.

Nichols, Mrs. W. A.

Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. W.C.

Nichols, Thos.

Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. Miron

Nichols, Abner

Nolan, Miss Edith

Nolan, Miss Nellie

Nolan, Thos

Nolan, Mrs. Frank

Nichols, Doris

Oattes, Ebert

Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Ed.

Perry, James

Phillips, Harry

Pierce, Mrs. Edward

Pierce, Mrs. Kenneth

Poole, John

Poynter, John E.

Prime, David

Prime, William

Purdy, Bower

Pye, Lawrence

Pye, Hilton

Poxon, Joe

Ritchie, E.H.

Ritchie, Miss Agnes

Robertson, Harold

Rogers, M.W.

Romanauke, Mike

Rathwell, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.

Rathwell, Mr and Mrs. Herb.

Ryan, Miss Violet

Sadler, Mrs. H.

Saunders, Mrs. Rollitt

Saunders, Samuel

Scharfe, Mrs. Sarah

Scott, Mrs. Arthur

Scott, Mrs. Maurice

Sedman, Horace

Sedman, Miss Marjory

Shannon, Stanley

Smith, Mrs. Annie

Southwell, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.

Page 16 of 1945 Annual Report of St. James Anglican Church, Carleton Place, Ontario.

Page 16.

Stanley, Leonard

Stanley, Marjory

Stanzel, Earl

Stanzel, Staunton

Stanzel, S.W.

Stephen, Albert and Mrs.

Stewart, Walter

Spinks, Samuel

Swayne, Allan

Stacey, John

Steele, Mrs. Milo

Sennett, Mrs A.

Saunders, L.

Thompson, H.

Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.

Thackaberry, Stanley

Tinsley, Victor

Turner, George

Turner, John, Lake Ave.

Tighe, F.J.

Tysick, Mrs. James

Virtue, Fred.

Walroth, Dr. and Mrs. E.J.

Warr, Mrs. Geo.

Weir, George

Weir, William

West, Fred.

Whittle, Mrs. Chas. and Dorothy

Williams, Mrs. B.Y.

Williams, Howard

Williams, G. M.

Williams, Carol

Willows, Miss Martha

Wilson, W. H.

Wilson, Harold

Wilson, Robert

Woodcock, Miss Evelyn

Woodcock, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.

Woodcock, Roy and Helen

Weatherstone, June

Weatherstone, Billie

Wright, Thos.

Williams, James

Wynne, George

Wupperman, Mrs.


Williams, Adam

Watson, Miss Lila


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