This is a clipping from The Conservator. The caption is transcribed below:
Here's a "Good Old Days" photo which will bring back memories of "the little red schoolhouse" to many well-known district residents. It is a picture of the class at Woodhill public school taken in 1930, and was loaned to The Conservator by Mrs. Roy Timms, Malton. Left to right; back row; Mrs. Wilfred Watson (nee Wilson), teacher; Margaret Davis, Mamie Davis, Evelyn Ward, ????, Tom Wright, Jack Wright, ????, Buster Elinsky, William Davis; second row; Merle Hostrawser, Jean Dale, Wilma Ward, Janie Elinsky, Harriett Wright, Teresa Elinsky, Irene Davis; front row; Orrville Hostrawser, Allan Maltby, and Bob Davis. (Photo reproduced by Gordon Campbell).
Many thanks to
who kindly sent me this scan of the clipping.
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