
McCoy Family Photos :
Descendants of Alexander McCoy & Mary Robinson.

Please see the separate descendant list for this family. These photos are of various descendants of Alexander McCoy and Mary Robinson, who lived in several areas in and around Leeds and Lanark Counties in eastern Ontario. Most of the photos are unidentified, and most of those were found in the albums of George W. McCoy, and were taken at various reunions in Canton, New York.

Identified Photos :

George W. McCoy, son of Alexander McCoy and Mary Robinson.

George W. McCoy, 1841-1904.
Son of Alexander McCoy & Mary Robinson.
He died in Canton, New York.
See his family in the descendant list.

Wedding of Maggie McCoy and John Shail.

The wedding of Margaret Helen "Maggie" McCoy and John Shail,
August 6, 1902, Innisville, Ontario.
Particia who submitted these photos, says: "Here's a photo with brothers and sisters to the Bride and Groom. To the left is Maggie, in the back behind her I believe is John Shail, Charlotte McCoy and possibly Bill Shail. The front two women are unidentified. The man in between looks like a brother of John due to the resemblance."
See this family in the descendant list.

Andrew McCoy and Ellen Lewis.

Andrew McCoy (1837-1928) and Ellen Lewis (1847-1916).
See this couple in the descendant list.

Innisville Ontario school, 1888.

Innisville Ontario school students, 1888, in which there are several McCoy children named.

This picture was taken about 1888 at the Innisville School and includes some adults from the community as well as the regular school children and some younger ones who had not yet started in school. Standing on the platform: Fred Clifford, W.H. Churchhill, Mrs. Margaret Code, Kate Jackson, Eliza Code, Dorcas Butler, Kate Hughes, Emma Ruttle, Mary E. Code, Selena York, Rose Burns. On the Steps: Tom Dial, Stella Way, not known, Annabel Hughes, Carrie Hughes Lily Hughes, Ida Belle Crampton, Maggie Crampton, Verda Hughes, Maggie McCoy, - McCoy. Standing: Betty Dial, Esther Jackson, not known. Bertha Crampton, Eva Code, - Hopkins, the Crampton twins (Margaret & George). Front Row: Hugh McKim, Ernie Ruttle, Will Crampton, George Code, Eddie Martin, Lloyd Moore, - Lowe, Will Hughes, Gladys Code and her cousin from Perth, Jack Code (sitting), Norma Code (sitting), Arthur Code, Edmund Code, not known, Bertha Moore, 2 McCoy sisters.

See another school photo, probably with McCoy children included, in an 1898 photo taken at Innisville, Ontario.

Family outing, 1939, with George W. McCoy.

McCoy family outing, 1939, Rainbow Falls, South Colton, NY.
Back Row, L-R: Geogia Dumont, Edith Beswick, Harry McCoy, Bessie Dickson, Albert McCoy, Albert Dickson, and Bill Ball (a friend of Harry McCoy).
Front Row: Harold Dickson and Edith McCoy, wife of Harry.

See this family in the descendant list.

Unidentified McCoy Photos :

Unknown McCoys.

Unknown McCoy family.
Patricia says: "Nice looking family! The resemblance to George W. McCoy and his brother Andrew, who lived in Innisville is remarkable, but we still have yet to identify this family."

unidentified McCoy

An unidentified McCoy from the album of George W. McCoy,
(son of Alexander "Allen" McCoy & Mary Robinson).

unidentified McCoy

An unidentified McCoy from the album of George W. McCoy.

unidentified McCoy

An unidentified McCoy from the album of George W. McCoy.

unidentified McCoy

An unidentified McCoy from the album of George W. McCoy.

unidentified McCoy

An unidentified McCoy from the album of George W. McCoy.

unidentified McCoy

An unidentified McCoy from the album of George W. McCoy.

unidentified McCoy

An unidentified McCoy from the album of George W. McCoy.

unidentified McCoy

An unidentified McCoy from the album of George W. McCoy.

unidentified McCoy

An unidentified McCoy from the album of George W. McCoy.

Unknown McCoy from Perth Ontario.

Photographer is
McIntyre, Perth, Ont.

Unknown McCoys, probably all from Perth Ontario.

Photo of the man with the book was taken at W.M. Thompson,
Gore St. Perth Ont., as stated on the back.
The other two are unknown, perhaps parents?

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