
Letter From John McFarlane, Scotland,
To His Son John, Lanark, Ont.

I've put the surnames mentioned in this letter in bold type so they will stand out. Spelling has been left in its original form, and the §§§ marks are as written.

November 24, 2009 : Kathleen O'Neil sent me an email which included another transcript of this letter. Comparing the two enabled me to make minor corrections and fill in a couple of missing words. Her transcript was ". . . an original pencil copy made by Margaret Victoria McFarlane in 1940 found in Papers of James "Lorne" Prentice's home, 25 Mary Street, Perth, Lanark Cty Ont., after the death of his second wife, Christena Graham Prentice in 1969; re-copied here by Kathleen Palmer O'Neil, granddaughter of James "Lorne" Prentice - March 2006."

Lochgoilhead 1st April 1829

My Dear Son John

I received your loving & kind letter dated on the 23 Augt 1827, did not receive it untill in June 1828, it came in due course to me, I was at the time in Glasgow & Archd kept it from me §§§

I return you my sincere thanks, for your kind offer to me. I am now too Old to go to you, being 71 of age 26th day of this month of April, & you are 50 by 29th July first being born on 29th July 1779. I wish you joy of your son Michl Boyle Mf & Agnes, - I am now to give melancholy act - of Deaths §§§ My Wife died on the 20th Octr 1828. My Son WB Mcf died on the 4th Decr, 1828 §§§ & have left 6 Sons & 2 daughters, very poor he failed & was turn(ed) o(u)t of shop before death – John McGregor & wife are both dead. John Bain died 2 weeks ago. Andrew McCombie & his sister are dead & Andrew Mcfarlane Boige[?] of Finlas, Wm Walker Gardner & his wife also Laird Minses died poor & your old landlord, Peter Walker cotton spinner, fell into a Coal Pitt, & there was eleven people drowned at Terbet Locklomond from the Lady of the Lake. At this time the poor Glasgow weavers are starving, great confusion here, all over G. Britton & Ireland are afraid of a Sival Warr from Roman Catholics §§§ Alex Gibson Barber, is also dead & a great Numbers you know.

I read your letter to Ant R. & Mr. A. Smith both have there compts to you, Ant would go if I went.

It woud require a Rim of Paper to inform you of all the Death of them you once knew – Give my best compliments to all your Dear family Mrs. McCrae & McVicar Mr. Malloch Mr. Young, McKechnie & Robertson & Let WK know there are 500 Taylors without work in Glasgow at present poor times.

I have left Inchtavanock on 3d of Feby last, at present with Mr. James McGregor Teacher Lochgoilehead – My Family are very crwell to me, since my Wife died, they have taken from me the 2/ weekly that I formerly got & most life where they please. I dare not go to Glasgow, they will not lodge me themselves nor pay for my lodgings hard enough.

If I were young I would be with you this summer. I also saw the Carrman, he hase [sic] his compliments to you. I called on John Provan, at Cooks work, but they would not let me see him. Robt McLellan is some where about Port Dundas. I cannot find the rest – you would not know Glaso They are building a New Bridge aside the wooden one, there are said to be 213000 - 900 - 42 Inhabitant in City [ice?] anew key down on the South Side of River.

You do not mention if you pay much for sending the par(c)il, I am fond to send a few News papers to let you know somthing of old Scotland. I hope you will soon write me & let me know as much of your family as you can -- as they are for keeping your letters from me direct for me care of Mr. James Garthly Teacher Cochran Street Glasgow. I will if living receive it.

I am thinking of marring another Wife as my Family are useing me exeedingly ill §§§

I have much to say but I must stop. The mail must be at Greenock tomorrow in great hast as the Steam Boat is going.

I am My Dear son John
your affectionat Father
[ornate signature] John M'Farlane

Also see John McFarlane's journal on this website.

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