David Mulholland's books can be ordered on his website.

'McNabb', by David Mulholland
ISBN 1-897113-46-3
ISBN 9781897113462

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Forget about your boring high school history! McNab portrays the lives of real 19th century immigrants struggling with personal, political and social challenges in the young British colony. Entrusted with the settlement of a township in 1825, Chief Archibald McNab brings crofters (farmers) over from the Highlands. He tells them he owns the land, and imposes the Scottish feudal system. Led by Donald Cameron, McNab depicts the settlers' sixteen-year fight against the tyranny of their Chief.

Before emigrating, families suffer extreme hardship and brutality during the High­land Clear­ances. In Albany County, New York, settlers deal with life under a similar feudal system. And there's romance! McNab's piper, Malcolm Kenneth MacGregor, has a turbulent relationship with Colleen O'Malley, an Irish lass who challenges his beliefs about marriage and women. Her passionate independence takes his heart on a wild ride!

'Duel : a novel of dramatized history', by David Mulholland
ISBN 9781897508398

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Much has been written about the fatal duel between John Wilson and Robert Lyon that took place in Perth, Ontario, June 13, 1833. Much has been written – but apparently not all has been revealed. Author David Mulholland claims to have uncovered an account written fifty years after the duel. It was written at the request of John Watson, a Professor of Moral and Mental Philosophy (Psychology) at Queen's University in Kingston.

The day before the duel, Lyon agreed to apologize for assaulting Wilson if the latter would acknowledge that the letter he had sent from Bytown (Ottawa) was not intended to denigrate Lyon's character. But on the morning of the duel, Lyon reneged on his promise. Why? The belief is that Lyon's Second, Henry Lelievre, convinced him to meet Wilson on the Field of Honour. But is that what really happened? The answer lies within.

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