

Vol. 27, No. 20.
Friday, May 15, 1896.
Wm. Templeton, Editor and Proprietor.

I purchased this newspaper at an antique store many years ago. It consists of four huge broadsheet pages. I have included items of family history interest and have excluded most items of a strictly advertising or religious nature. Surnames are in bold type. The items are more or less in the order published, so you can use the links below to easily find a section of interest to you.

Beaver Lake | Centreville | Colebrook | Croydon | Deseronto | Desmond | Enterprise | Erinsville | Fredericksburgh | Hawley | Ingle | Lime Lake | Millhaven | Morven | Orchard Hill | Plevna | Tamworth East | Violet | Wilton | Births, Marriages, Deaths

The Methodist church, Selby, having: been closed for repairs, will (D.V.) be re-opened for divine service on Sabbath next, May 17th; preaching at 10.30 a.m. by Rev. R. McCulloch, of Newburgh, and at 7.30 p.m. by the President of the Conference. Liberal collections are expected.

Recent Nominations.
  • Mr. A. W. Carscallen, of Marmora, an old Township of Richmond boy, has been renominated Conservative candidate for North Hastings, and will probably be re-elected by a good majority.
  • Mr. Wellington Boulter, of the Picton fruit canning works, has been nominated Conservative candidate for Prince Edward county. He has lots of friends among The Beaver readers who wish him good success.
  • Mr. Donald Mclntyre, Q.C., an ex-Mayor of Kingston, has been nominated Conservative candidate for Kingston. It is a popular nomination. He has hosts of friends and a lot of relatives in this vicinity.

Adolphustown Circuit.
The fourth quarterly meeting, for the Conference year, was held in Sillsville church, Saturday, May 9th. There was a full attendance of the members of the Board. The, meeting was in all respects harmonious. An unanimous invitation was given to the Rev. Mr. Shorey to return for a third year. Mr. Shorey, while not committing himself, expressed his willingness to return if the Conference saw fit to re-appoint him. A resolutions of condolence with the widow and daughters of the late Wm. Joyce, of Borland. and appreciative of Mr. Joyce's services so cheerfully and faithfully rendered in behalf of his church, was unanimously endorsed by the Board. Mr. Frank Mellow, President of the Epworth League, was licensed as an exhorter. H. VanDyck was appointed representative to the ensuing district meeting.

The Bull had to be Shot.
On Monday afternoon a mad bull, in the neighborhood of Mrs. McLaurin's, South Napanee, caused an unusual stir in that quiet vicinity. The animal was being led to the slaughter house by Messrs. Gerow & Haycock, butchers, and seemed to under- stand its coming doom, for by a mad effort it broke loose and rushed at its captors, both of whom made their escape by clearing a fence. Some young ladies on the street just managed to get into Mrs. McLaurin's yard as the infuriated beast came by, making straight for them. As the butchers found it impossible to capture the animal Mr. W. C. Smith, who is an expert shot, was sent for and promptly despatched the enraged quadruped. He made three shots, one in the fore shoulder and two in the forehead. Carter Vanalstine then took the carcass away.

Excursion to Conference.
An excursion to the opening of the Bay of Quinte Conference at Trenton, on June 4th, has been arranged for by the Western Methodist church, per steamer Merritt. Boat leaves Napanee at 8.30 a.m., Deseronto at 9.15. Return, will leave Trenton at 6.30 p.m., after the election of the new President of Conference.

  • Four old residents of Belleville died last week.
  • The Patrons of Prince Edward will hold a demonstration at the Sandbanks, June 13th.
  • Thomas A. Carroll, Yarker, will transfer his tavern license to E. H. McCarthy, Kingston.
  • A meeting of the Napanee District of Methodists will be held at Newburgh next Wednesday.
  • Mr. Wellington Boulter, of Picton. has been nominated by the Conservatives of Prince Edward.
  • The East Hastings Herald is the name of a small weekly paper established in Tweed by Zed Lafontain.
  • Mr. William James Wallace purchased the frame house and lot on Donald street from Mr. Dennis Daly, on May 2d.
  • The Tweed News says Mr. Thos. Symington is stumping in the northern part of Addington for G. W. Dawson.
  • Mr. Vanderlip, cutter for Messrs. Lahey & McKenty, has purchased Mrs. Whelan's house, South Napanee, and will occupy it.
  • Rev. A. Macdonald, B.A., and Miss Macdonald expect to sail from Montreal for Great Britain on Saturday, 23d inst., per steamer Parisian.
  • Burglars entered the photographic studio of Smith & Clarke, Belleville, last Friday night and took $20 from the vault and $10 from the till.
  • Dr. Harvey Clare, gold medalist of Trinity, and son of Mr. Jas. Clare, ex-Deputy Reeve, of Hungerford, has decided to begin practice in Pickering.
  • Mr. J. W. Harrison has moved into Mr. Thos. O'Neil's house, Bridge st., lately vacated by Mrs. Butland, who has moved in Mr. Alex. Henry's tenement house.
  • The remains of T. Fraser, who died at Brockville about four months ago, were placed in Cataraqui last week. Mr. Fraser was years ago a resident of Ernesttown.
  • Alfred Thomas, of Soperton, near Brockville, asked the privilege of escorting Miss Julia White home from church. She refused him, whereupon he shot himself dead.
  • D. E. Hughes, lay-reader in the Anglican church, assisting Rev. F. D. Woodcock in the parish of Camden, during the past six months, left for his home in England last week.
  • Mr. W. N. Ponton offers a prize to the member of the Forest and Steam Club, Belleville, who will tell the best fish or hunting story happening in that county. Consul Hendrich is one of the judges.
  • Messrs. H. Meng and W. T. Gibbard evidently intend to catch some of the finny tribe in the future as they have purchased new nickel plated steel fishing rods at a cost of $25 from Messrs. Boyle & Son.
  • Complaint is made that a number of children of school age are to be seen playing about the town during school hours. The town council should appoint a truant officer at once, and these little Arabs should be compelled to partake of our excellent school facilities.
  • Capt. W. N. Phillips, of Albany, Oregon, brother in-law of Mr. H. R. Spencer, Napanee, died April 30th. He leaves a wife and several children. He was a prominent Grand Army man, and distinguished himself during the late American civil war.
  • The following is the statement of some observing individual: "Never judge a person by his outside appearance. A shabby old coat may enrap a newspaper publisher, while a man wearing a high plug hat and sporting a gold headed cane may be a delinquent subscriber."
  • The Picton Gazette suggests that sailing skiff clubs should be formed at Trenton, Belleville, Deseronto and Napanee, and that a series of races should be held during the summer. They have a prosperous club in Picton.
  • Remember the entertainment in the town hall on Monday evening, 18th inst. It will be first-class. The Globe says: "Miss LaDell took the house by storm, and received double encores for nearly every number." The Mail-Empire : "The gems of the evening were the recitations given by Miss Marietta LaDell, an elocutionist of rare ability.
  • Three young ladies of Napanee drove up to Deseronto. One of them left her purse, gloves and handkerchief on a table in the hotel at which they stopped before they went out to sit on the balcony. In a few minutes she went back for them, but the purse was missing. It contained $9, and no trace of it could be found.
  • On Monday afternoon of this week Mr. J. N. McCreary left his horse and wagon standing in his yard ready for a trip in the country. The steamer Reindeer's whistle was giving the signal for starting. The horse answered the signal by starting off on a run. After a spin around several blocks he halted in front of Mr. Card's residence, West street, with everything right side up and no damage done.
  • On Saturday last while the son of Mr. Jas. Diamond was ploughing on their farm, Seymour East, he found a gold coin which may prove to be of great value to coin collectors. The piece is about the size of a large copper, is solid gold, dated 1756, and was issued in the reign of Joseph, 1st King of Portugal, who reigned from 1750 to 1777. The money value of the coin is $4.75.
  • The old man Macdermott, who came all the way from Sheffield township, Addington county, with the expectation of being able to obtain admission to the House of Providence, "there to end his days," was told by the mayor that his case would be looked into, and he was asked to return later. He has not put in his appearance since. -- Whig.
  • The Chilliwac Progress, British Columbia, says of our former townsman : Our enterprising jeweler, Mr. E. W. Thomas, has just received a very fine stock of clocks, watches, rings, plated goods, and many other articles of virtu, which are perfect bijous in the jewelery line. Mr. Thomas has not only great taste in the selection of works of art in his business, but is a thorough practical jeweller and watchmaker, and the most delicate work can be entrusted to his care.
  • The natural gas well on the farm of Mr. Schell, North Fredericksburgh, was tested one day last week by Mr. B. C. Steele, one of the owners. A lighted torch was thrust into the mouth of the well, and the gas ignited immediately, bubbling up through the water, and spreading over its surface in a sheet of flame. The well is not an unusually strong one, Mr. Steele says, but better results can be got by boring in other localities in the district, possession of which has been secured by the company. The firm will commence work at once to work the well, and sink others in the neighborhood.

  • wife of Martin Switzer, Sandhurst, passed peacefully away on Friday last, May the 8th, aged 43 years. Deceased was a daughter of Mr, G. B. Card, of Enterprise. Mrs. T. Mellow and Miss Maud Card, of Willard, N. Y., are sisters; Marshal, of Richmond, Jacob, of Hay Bay, Jeffers, of Sillsville, Edgerton, of Kingston, and Charlie are brothers. Deceased had been in poor health for two years past but was only confined to her bed three days before her death. As a wife, neighbor, friend, and a member of the church she was above reproach, and enjoyed the respect and esteem of all who knew her. Besides a bereaved husband, brothers and sisters she leaves one child, a young man of twenty years, Lela, her only daughter, preceded her mother to the tomb about two years ago. The funeral took place on Sunday, Rev. Mr. Shorey conducting the service. It was largely attended by friends from Napanee, Bath, Hawley and Kingston, which showed the esteem in which Mrs. Switzer was held.
    (Five verses of poetry omitted).

Public - Meetings
    PERTH ROAD, Orange Hall, Monday, 18th May.
    BEDFORD MlLLS,Tuesday 18th May.
    FERMOY, Town Hall, Wednesday. 20th May.
    BRADSHAWS SCHOOLHOUSE, Thursday, 2lst May.
    PARHAM, Oddfellows' Hall, Friday, 22d May.
    McLEAN. Saturday. 23d May.
  • Each meeting to be opened at 7.30 in the evening. Mr. Dawson, or his representative, is invited to be present, and will be given an opportunity to speak. Special seats provided for ladies.

In Her Majesty's Surrogate Court Of The County Of Lennox And Addington.
In the Estate of JOHN WESLEY FULLER, Deceased.
  • Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. O. Chap. 110, Section 36, and amendments thereto, that all persons having any claim or demand against or any lien on the estate or any portion of the estate of John Wesley Fuller, late of the Township of Sheffield, in the County of Lennox. and Addington, Province of Ontario, hardware merchant, deceased, are required on or before the First day of July, A.D. 1896, to send by post prepaid or delivered to the undersigned Executors or their Solicitors a statement in writing containing their names, addresses and occupations and full particulars of their claims with vouchers, if any, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them duly verified by Statutory Declaration.
  • And further notice is hereby given that after such last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to .the claims of which they shall then have notice and the said Executors shall not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them as aforesaid at the time of such distribution.
    Tamworth, Ont.
Napanee, Ont.,
Solicitors for Executors.
Dated at Napanee, April 25th, 1896.

  • Notice is hereby given to all parties indebted to the estate of the late John Wesley Fuller that in the administration of the estate all accounts must be paid to the Executors on or before the 1st day of July, 1896.

Parma, March and April.
  • Fifth Class -- Jennie Davis 586, Edith Chalmers 491.
  • Fourth Class -- Willie Stratton 463, Albert Chalmers 447, Norman Davis 196, (absent for part.)
  • Third Class -- Roy Davis 254, Eliza Galt 250, Florence Loyst 241, Ruby Clapp 240, Norman Galt 230, George Chalmers 174, Addie Caroll 165, Elmur Wagar 158, Mildred Cowper 89.
  • Second Class sr. -- Edna Brown 97, Mabel Chalmers 88, Julia Caroll 80.
  • Second Class jr. -- John A. Stratton 74.
  • Pt. Second -- Belle Davis 55, Theresa Caroll 50, Arthur Galt 54, Frank Loyst 46.
  • Pt. First -- Fred Loyd.
    -- Fanny E. Johnston, Teacher.

  • The highest cash price paid for coon skins at the Campbell House barber shop. (Advt.) L. A. Scott.
  • Col. North, the Nitrate King, died suddenly in his office in London, Eng., on Wednesday.
  • The well at Verona has been sunk 900 feet, and it is said the prospects of finding oil are encouraging.
  • John Dean, of Shannonville, has been sent to jail for thirty days for wilfully destroying property.
  • The new arrangement for the admission of tourists' bicycles into Canada from the U.S. has gone into effect.
  • A team belonging to Chas. Barnhardt, of the Reserve, ran away in Deseronto, Saturday. Mrs. Barnhardt was thrown out and injured.

(For last issue.)
  • Some of our farmers have finished their sowing and the fields are beginning to look quite green.
  • Miss Emma Snider, who has been quite ill, is recovering.
  • Miss Bella Close has returned home after spending a couple of weeks in Napanee.
  • Mr. F. Kirkpatrick and W. Tait, of Kingston, came out on their wheels Sunday and spent the day visiting relatives.
  • Morven wants to know why their young men come to Violet so often. Why it is because the Violet girls are better looking than the Morvenites.
  • Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Wiseman and Mr. Willie Robeson spent Sunday visiting relatives in Richmond.
  • Mr. U. Wilson, M.P. has been around electioneering. We wish him success.
  • The E. L. of C. E. was well attended on Tuesday evening.

  • As the news from our little hamlet has ceased these last few weeks in your paper I thought I would fill the space till the correspondent awakens again.
  • Seeding is about over in this vicinity and prospects of a good crop this season are favorable.
  • Geo. Leamy, of Napanee, was the guest of the Phelan House on Sunday.
  • Patrick Murphy is getting out stone for the foundation of his house.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hopkins were presented with a bouncing baby girl on Saturday last. She is gaining nicely under the care of Mrs. Sarah Murphy.
  • Some of our village people have started to send their milk to the factory.
  • A marriage ceremony was performed in the R. C. church on Monday, the couple were Mr. Kavanagh and Miss O'Neil.
  • M. A. Jackson, of Tweed, passed through here on Tuesday en route to northern parts of Ontario.

(For last issue.)
  • We are having fine cool weather and rain is badly needed.
  • Everybody is busy housecleaning.
  • Bicycle riders are all the rage. I think Will will have to get one.
  • Mr. James Crawford had a bee on Tuesday helping him to plow.
  • Master Burus Murphy is able to be out again after his severe illness.
  • Bob Hawkins, of Centreville, spent Sunday at P. Murphy's.
  • Miss Annie Burke is a guest at the Phelan House.
  • Mr. Hooley, who has been ill at the Phelan House, is slowly recovering.
  • Mr. A J. Stewart is busy fitting up his horse, Prince Charlie for the races in Kingston, May 21th.
  • M. S. Murphy has just finished delivering fruit trees for the Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto.

The residents of this locality are in a state of anxious expectancy to learn the decision of the company prospecting for oil near Verona, respecting the sinking of a test well here. A very large amount of property has been leased, and within the last few days upwards of 1,000 acres have been secured on Big Creek. B. E. Steele, accompanied by an expert from Boston, sent specially to inspect this case, were here Thursday last. A test was made which proved satisfactory, although not as strong a flow of gas was produced as on previous occasions. The reason for this being the fact that a large quantity of clay has apparently settled into the seams and crevices of the rock, thus preventing the usual flow, but it is there all right, and only requires the removal of six feet of water and another blast put in to set it flowing with renewed vigor. Mr. Schell has been working energetically since last fall to have a test made and we believe he will now succeed. He went to Verona to-day when the final decision will be made in the matter. We have every reason to believe his efforts to have a test made will ultimately succeed.

  • Our town was enlightened on Thursday evening last by the most excellent speech given by Mr. J. W. Bell, the conservative candidate for the House of Commons at the coming election.
  • One of our young men went to Kingston last Thursday, and in the afternoon the train left a little too soon for him, but he came back the very next day.
  • Miss Byrnes, of Kingston, was in town on Thursday and Friday of last week.
  • The merry rattle of the milk wagon is heard in town again.
  • A necktie social will be given by the young people of the village on 25th May. A first-class programme will be given. A cordial invitation is extended to all.
  • Mr. Rockwell Lockwood has purchased a new buggy from R. H. Peters.
  • I heard a girl say one evening, "I wonder why Wesley don't come around on our street and take me for a drive behind his War Cry?"
  • Mr. Jethro Card has his new barn nearly completed.
  • Miss Fitzmartin, of Napanee, is at present visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Scanlin.
  • R. H, Peters is making ready for the warm weather by adding to his store another department for the purpose of supplying ice cream to cool the blood of all requiring such treatment.

  • The shower we had on Monday did a great deal of good. The grain looks well and the grass and trees are beginning to show a real healthy green. The plum trees are in bloom and the apple trees are coming out. The weather has been very warm for the season.
  • Fish seem quite plentiful in the creek here now, and a great many are taking advantage of it.
  • Mr. Burrows, the school inspector, was around this week. He declared the school to be very satisfactory.
  • Quite an excitement was created in town by the launching of the new steam yacht. The yacht is a very fine little craft and certainly does Mr. F. Rickey, the builder, credit. It was named the Jessie Forward, which every one thought most appropriate.
  • Maggie Bell, of West brook, has been spending a few days in town this week.
  • Ethel Fleming is visiting friends in Kingston.
  • An entertainment and lecture will be held in the achool house here, to-night, by Mr. Merrill, B.A. The lecture is entitled "Our Dominion."
  • On Friday evening the popular play of Uncle Tom's Cabin will be presented in Bath.

  • In this vicinity farmers are nearly finished seeding.
  • The warm weather makes it very summer-like at present.
  • Milk wagons made their first appearance on Monday. Owing to the scarcity of milk Mr. Napp, our cheesemaker, says he will make only every other day.
  • While Mrs. E. Card was on her way to visit her daughter, Mrs. J. N. Black, Solmesville, she stopped off at her brother's, William Brown, near Tamworth, and while there received a telegram that Mrs. Black was very sick, to which she quickly responded. The result was that Mrs. Black was the happy mother of a nine pound boy.
  • The weather is superb and the farming operations, in consequence, go on without interruption.

  • James Eddington, of Scotland, who succeeded G. W. Ross in the flour mill, has taken up residence at Mrs. Douglas' house, on Dundas street. Mrs. Eddington arrived in town from Scotland last week.
  • W. J. Huff, of the sash and blind factory, has removed to New York.
  • During the thunder storm last week the residence and outbuildings of E. Walter Rathbun, at Bay View Ranch, were struck by lightning and damaged considerably.
  • Miss Carscallen of Smith's Falls, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Asselstine, Thomas St., for a few weeks.
  • Miss McLean, of North Augusta, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Denmark.
  • Mrs. Anderson, of the Mohawk parsonage, intends to move to town, and will occupy the residence, on Green street, recently vacated by S. Hawley.
  • The horse attached to W. S. Moore's bread wagon became frightened on St. George street, Saturday afternoon, and ran away, turning the rig upside down. Little Arthur Rixen was on the wagon and was thrown off and hurt considerably.

  • The farmers are pretty well through with their seeding and are preparing for planting.
  • We had a very nice rain on Friday morning, but another shower just now would do good.
  • House-cleaning and making garden are the order of the day.
  • Mrs. Jas. Galbraith, who has been sick for some time, we are pleased to see about again.
  • Mrs. Wm. South is also improving.
  • Our Sunday and day schools are progressing favorably. T. Furrs superintends the former and C. D. Tulloch the latter.
  • Mary McKnight, of Forest Mills, has been stopping with her aunt, Mrs. Wm. South, for the past week.
  • Mrs. T. Haynes and Miss Bert were guests of her daughter, Mrs. Melton Hughes on Sunday.
  • Bertha McKeown, who has been spending the past two weeks with her cousin, Mrs. Wm. Cook, Overton, has returned home.
  • Wm. Donovan and wife, of Tamworth, were the guests of Thomas Duey on Sunday.
  • Jas. McCutcheon and wife visited the home of her parents, Samuel McKeown, last week.
  • James McKeown has gone to Seymour township to visit his children for the summer.
  • Hattie Duey intends going to Napanee to spend the summer.
  • Guns, drums and tin pans were in great demand on Monday evening serenading Peter Pennell.
  • Wilson McCracken was the guest of Samuel Wilson on Sunday.
  • Nettie Galbraith, Ella and Edgar Campbell spent Saturday in Napanee.
  • Quite a number from Orchard Hill attended quarterly meeting at Roblin on Sunday evening.
  • Peter Pennell and Eliza South, were married on Thursday evening.
  • They're stepping off, the friends we've known, They're going one by one, They're taking wives to tame their lives, Their widower days are done.
  • Mr. Editor, is it true that leap year will not come again for eight years? I hope so for if it were not so and another year like this present one were to come soon, it would be difficult to imagine the state of the country.
  • The band wagon made its rounds again on Sunday night.
  • Miss Campbell recovered her lost property on Tuesday night.
  • Mr. E. Hart spent Sunday with his parents.

(For last issue.)
  • Mrs. South is still very ill, although the doctor reports favorable progress.
  • We are glad to know that Mrs. Galbraith is gaining strength. She is now able to sit up a little at long intervals.
  • Our superintendent failed to put in an appearance on Sunday, consequently our teacher had to take his place.
  • On account of the serious indisposition of Mrs. Cadman, which has prevented her getting out since last fall Rev J. R. Butler held a prayer meeting at her home on Tuesday evening. There will be one next Tuesday also.
  • I think there is a law prohibiting the Sunday running of excursion boats. Why is it not enforced?
  • The stage made a special trip to Croydon on Tuesday, the occasion being a speech by John W. Bell, Esq, our representative at our next Dominion Parliament, if Mr. Dawson don't get in. Mr. Furrs occupied the chair and after a few remarks callied on Mr. Bell who gave an interesting and instructive address on the questions of the day, particularly protection and the Manitoba schools. Regarding the latter Mr. Bell expressed himself as follows: "Hands off Manitoba."
  • Mr. T. Pennell has purchased a Chatham fanning mill with bagger attached.
  • In regard to their side walk our Croydon neighbors seem to think as the darky did about the hole in the roof. "In fine weather it did not need shingling and when it rains it is too wet."
  • Mr. A. Hart has purchased a fine new buggy.
  • Mr. Morgan and family have moved to their place on Shingle street.
  • Arbor day witnessed a thorough renovating of the school premises.
  • Green Landing is as beautiful and attractive this year as ever. A couple of our young people paid it a visit on Sunday afternoon.

  • Farmers are about through seeding and are now preparing their ground for planting.
  • Mr. Wm. Henwood has put out about a thousand berry bushes this spring, of the Shaffers. Wm. H. Funnell has also gone into berry raising, he has set out two thousand and intends putting out more.
  • Marsh Rombough had a very sick horse, but it is improving.
  • W. Davis and wife were in town on Wednesday.
  • Fannie Funnell has gone to Switzerville to sew. She intends getting a helper for the summer.
  • Henry Fralick and wife, of Napanee, at Miss M. Gordanier's.
  • Sunday callers : R. E. Meyers, B(i?)rdie Fretts, Ebby Fretts, of Hawley.
  • Come to stay at Albert Vanluven's, a smart little girl of ten pounds. Mother and child are doing well.
  • I was just looking all over Morven and I noticed about 85 good looking young ladies and fifteen not quite so good, and still our young men visit other places. What does that mean? It must be that they have better ways in Violet, Napanee and Hawley.
  • S. McNeill has been visiting in Morven and delivering fruit trees and potatoes. He keeps quite cool since I commenced to write. Let every one keep their own side of the fence.
  • G. Garrison was the guest of G. Davie on Sunday last.
  • There used to be a conundrum here to solve, which has never been solved yet and never will be, that was who is the correspondent, and the next great conundrum is who can be at the post office on Friday evening first for THE BEAVER.

  • Mr. McConnell, Newburgh, preached in the Methodist church last Sabbath in the absence of Mr. Clark, who was away on his wedding tour,
  • A heavy thunder storm passed over this place last Friday morning.
  • Henry Salsbury's barn was struck by lightning and a quantity of siding, about twelve feet square, torn off. It ran down a post, shattering it slightly, and disappeared in the ground.
  • Mr. Sagar, Free Methodist minister, preached at the residence of A. Emmons on Friday evening last. The house was well filled. He intends holding meetings here weekly on Wednesday nights.
  • The infant child of C. N. Garrison was buried on Thursday last.
  • Robert Campsall, who had the misfortune to get a finger cut off by the circular saw, is not improving very fast.
  • Visitors -- Miss Bertha Neilson, Wilton, at Charles Ward's.

  • The inspector of hotels passed through here last week and ordered some improvements to be made.
  • John W. Bell held a political meeting here last Wednesday night. There was a large number of the electors present.
  • Thomas O'Connor and his mother spent Sunday at Railton.
  • Rev. Fr. Hogan, Napanee, paid Rev. Fr. Hartigan a visit during.the past week.
  • D. McNeill, sick, has employed J. McNeill to work his farm.
  • B. Ritley's team ran away with a roller on Wednesday, but no serious damage was done.
  • James Deemy, Croydon, has been assisting J. Wees to put in his grain.
  • Miss M. McKenty spent Sunday at home.
  • J. Lorent, of Croydon, has been renewing old acquaintances this week.

  • The farmers here are through seeding and are now preparing their planting ground.
  • The grain is looking good, but rain is needed badly as the ground is very dry.
  • Benjamin Lewis and wife, of Newburgh, spent a couple of days with friends here.
  • D. A. Reid and wife spent Sunday at C. W. York's.
  • The milk wagons started last week, and the boys report a good load of milk.
  • Simeon Kellar and family were the guests of Geo. Mowbray on Sunday.
  • The fruit and ornamental trees that were sold by A. Kellar, agent for the Port Elgin Nursery, and delivered by C. G. Coxall, are the finest stock ever sold in this place.
  • J. S. Wood and wife spent Sunday at A. Kellar's.
  • Mrs. Joseph Kellar is on the sick list.
  • Victoria Hartin has returned to Newburgh, after spending a week with friends here.
  • Okil McKnight spent Sunday at M. Card's.

  • The weather still continues dry and everyone is wishing for rain.
  • Quite a number from here attended quarterly meeting at Marlbank Sunday morning.
  • Mrs. Leggatt and daughter and Mrs. Howe and daughter are visiting at John Henderson's.
  • George Marlin, who has been seriously ill, we are sorry to say, is not getting much better.
  • Mrs. R. Snook, of Belleville, has been visiting at John Snook's.
  • House-cleaning is the order of the day.
  • T. W. Falen, who met with a very severe accident some time ago, is recovering.
  • Rev. J. M. Whyte will deliver a lecture in Lime Lake church on Thursday evening, 21st May. This is expected to be pretty good and should be well patronized. Come boys, and bring your best girl. Come everybody.
  • Frank Allen is moving on the farm formerly occupied by Robt. Maxwell.
  • Farmers are nearly all done sowing.
  • Mina Brown, of Roslin, was visiting her sister last week.

  • Farmers are nearly through with their spring work, but rain is needed badly.
  • Our stock factory is doing a rushing business under the able management of Mr. Welsh.
  • Mr. H. Paul and cousin. Miss Mabel Jones, spent Sunday evening at Mr. John Shire's.
  • Service at Christ Church on Thursday at 3 o'clock.
  • Reuben York, wife and family, of Stratford, are renewing old acquaintances here.
  • Mass at the R.C. church, Erinsville, by Rev. Father Cicolari.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stinson, sr., and family spent Sunday at Mr. A. Coulter's.
  • Mr. James Burns was the guest of Miss Nellie Kearns.
  • Visitors : John Morrison at J. Tynor's; Mrs. Wm. Brown at her father's, Mr. Robert Reid, Enterprise; Mr. Geo. Waters and daughter at F. Reid's, Carmanville.

  • Your Morven correspondent, in the exuberance of his or her verbosity is trying to wreck the Hawley correspondent's life on the turbulent tide of their scathing criticisms. The production of their fluent pen depicts a gigantic intellect, a vivid imagination and a fertile brain. They also have an excellent flow of ideas but their pen does not seem to glide along in the versatile and trenchant style. If this critic comes to Hawley we will gladly give him or her a few lessons in journalistic vituperation whereby they can make us curl up and warp under the stinging exposure of a slashing article in your next issue. Please, Mr. Editor, give them about four columns till we have some fun with them.
  • Angus Lloyd has returned from the States to stay only a short time. It will be remembered that last winter he met with an accident and he is now coming at the Company for damages.
  • Wm. J. McNeill, of McIntyre's, at R. J. Hilditch's on Sunday.
  • Unity, unity is what is required. One of our young men went down to the Union on Sunday. It's quite a long drive, and the bird had gone. Cheer up and go again.
  • One of the grandest weddings that has been at Hawley for years was at the residence of Mr. Wm. Charters, when the Rev. Mr. Clarke was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Lois, second daughter of Wm. Charters, Township Treasurer. The presents to the bride were numerous and costly. The happy couple left on the evening train for Toronto and other cities. We extend our heartiest congratulations.
  • Isaac Sproule and wife, of Napanee, at Herman Simmond's.
  • What takes Sam down the road every other night and twice on Sunday? How some young ladies love the park.
  • Just received intelligence of another wedding which will soon take place. When I give notice of a wedding it's sure to take place. Be on the lookout for these two.
  • The black horse and cart went to McIntyre's on Sunday last, and the last voice was come again, Will.
  • We are sorry to say that Mrs. Spence Thurston is very sick at present. Under the careful treatment of Dr. Northmore we hope for her speedy recovery.
  • James Elliott, Westplain, at his father's, John P. Elliott.
  • Norris Brisco and sister, Nellie, of Ernesttown, at Charlie Hawley's.
  • Bertha Bristol at Mrs. Ben. Brisco's.
  • Fraser Bowerman at S, Asselstine's.
  • Charles Elliott at A. Craiven's.
  • We are sorry to say that Carrie Elliott is suffering from a severe attack of quinsy.
  • Effie Alcombrac has returned from a four weeks' visit in Moscow. Welcome back, Effie.
  • Mrs. Donovan Sills, accompanied by her mother, returned to Toronto.
  • Annie Marsh has returned to her home in Richmond.
  • Arch Simmonds made his usual trip on Sunday evening last.
  • Walter Swafield and wife at James Shane's on Sunday last.
  • It is with sorrow that we have to part with Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Hawley, who are about to leave us and reside in Napanee.
  • S. McNeill has been kept very busy this past two weeks delivering fruit trees. They are A No. 1 trees this year.
  • Well, Mr. Editor, I will close for this time, hoping there will be a nice rain before I write again.

  • Farmers are through seeding. Rain is very much needed.
  • Sabbath school re-opened with Mr. J. W. Bell as superintendent instead of the late and much respected Mr. J. C. Switzer.
  • Miss Ethel Switzer has returned from Olden, where she has been introducing the new system of dressmaking.
  • Somebody drives a new buggy. Who will be first, Rob?
  • Mr. L. B. Switzer has about finished his sawing at Colebrooke.
  • Rumor says one of our prominent young men has taken to himself a better half. Congratulations.
  • A new dress maker in our midst. Miss Jennie Hannah.
  • Master Melburne Low is recovering from his accident.
  • Our school house and school grounds look very clean after Arbor Day.
  • Mr. J. C. Carscallen is improving his premises by a hedge fence.
  • Mr. F. Johnson attended council at Centreville, on the 4th inst.
  • Mr. Joshua Switzer has built an addition to his house.
  • Visitors: Mr. J. Tait and wife at H. F. Bell's; Miss E. Bell at Miss May Henderson's; Effie Alcombrac at J. W. Stewart's; Mrs. Batelle at J. W. Bell's; Mrs. J. C. Switzer at J. C. Carscallen's; Mr. R. Colter at L. B. Switzer's.

  • Fair weather;garden and crops are going in fast. The rainbow on Monday morning brought no rain to us.
  • Friends from Watertown at Mr. Chas. Stoyer's.
  • Mrs, Miller is not any better.
  • Miss Nora Smith has returned to her home in Odessa.
  • Miss Lillian Parrott, by making a smoke to drive away mosquitoes, set fire to the verandah, but it was soon extinguished.
  • Ernest Babcock is very poorly.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Thompson visited Mr. Levi Moore, Napanee, on Friday and Saturday.
  • Mrs. Day and Miss Stewart, of Harrowsmith, called at Mr. James Thompson's on Saturday.
  • Some of our neighbors are moving.
  • May 24th will be flower day and children's day combined in the Methodist church.

  • The returning officers of Lennox and Addiogton are busy posting up proclamations.
  • The residence occupied by Mr. James Stark, Bridge street, looks better for having been painted.
  • Eye glasses and spectacles to suit you at a reasonable price at ARNOTT'S.
  • Mr. W. D, Madden is improving the looks of his residence, west Dundas St., by an application of paint.
  • Dry edgings for sale at B. Lights at lowest cash price.
  • Mr. G. R. R. Cockburn was unanimously renominated last evening at the Centre-Toronto Conservative convention. Mr. Cockburn declared against the remedial bill.
  • Not a single failure to cure the cough which usually succeeds an attack of grippe is known, when Dr. Laviolettte's Syrup of Turpentine has been used.
  • For reliable Garden, Field and Flower Seeds, Paints, Oils and Glass go to A. W. GRANGE & BRO.
  • The Napanee cricketers will engage in their first contest this season with the Deserontos on the 25th. The game will be played at Deseronto and will be an exciting one. Quite a number from town expect to witness the match.
  • The vital question to consumers of paint is, what constitutes a good paint? It is quite a common idea that pure white lead is a good paint. This notion was born of a misunderstanding. The white lead of twenty years ago was not lead, but a mixture of zinc and lead. Today it is pure lead, and pure lead paint is not durable. The oxide of zinc or other unchangeable pigments, as are used in the manufacture of MADDEN'S paint, make a paint twice as durable as a pure lead paint.
  • The Napanee Cricket Club have secured a splendid acquisition to their team in the person of Mr. Billingshurst, late of Sussex, England. Mr. Billingshurst will coach the team for '96, and also keep the grounds in good order. He has a reputation as an A.1. cricketer.
  • A. S. Kimmerly will sell Mammoth Southern Sweet Corn, 50c per bushel; Keewaitin Flour, $2 per 100; Canned Corn, 3 cans 20c. or 7c per can; Radway's Ready Relief, 20c per bottle; 8 Ibs. Sulphur, 25c. Try our Tea at 10c. Tea Cups and Saucers, 65c per dozen. 3-lb Box Sodas, 20c; Tobacco, 40c.; 2 cans Raspberries, 25c.; 2 Ibs. Chocolate Candy, 25c. Our 25c Tea has no equal.
  • One day last week while the men were engaged in putting in their spring seeding on the farm of Mr. F. Sherman, Hay Bay, one of the teams hitched to a drag took fright at something and started on a run. The driver of a team hitched to a seeder left his team standing in the field and started to catch the runaways. While running after the other horses the ones left standing started on a run with the seeder, causing a third team in the field to run. There was a lively time for a while until the horses were all caught and damages counted. Results, a broken drag, a broken seeder, and horses not much the worse for the scrimmage.

Where did you get your Milk Can? Why, at Madole's, he has the best made. Where did you get your Wire and Nails? Down at Madole's; he buys direct from the manufacturer and sells cheaper and better goods than any firm in Ontario. M. S. MADOLE.

  • Bruton's oysters are delicious. Try them
  • Fresh strawberries received daily at L. Vanblaricom's by express.
  • Two good second-hand bicycles at a bargain at Boyle & Son's.
  • His Honor Judge Wilkison held Division Court at Kingston on Tuesday.
  • Bruton's ice delivery wagon started on its rounds on Wednesday morning.
  • A few fifteen jewelled Elgin watches in silver cases at a bargain at ARNOTT'S.
  • Mr. H. R. Atkins' residence, west Dundas street, is being improved by a fresh coat of paint.
  • The next meeting of the District Council of R.T. of T. will be held at Deseronto on Nov. 5th.
  • The excavation for Mr. Wartman's new house, on Bridge street, has this week been completed.
  • Rev. Canon Doumolin, of Toronto, was elected Bishop of Niagara, to succeed Bishop Hamilton.
  • Rev., S. A. Duprau has been asked, by the Rednersville Quarterly Board, to remain for a fourth year.
  • At Brockville spring cheese was sold to Hodgson Bros.' agent, 7c. being paid for colored and 7-1/2 for white.
  • Dr. Salmon, London, the oldest Free Mason in the world, is dead. He was one hundred and six years old.
  • Mr. W. B. Haines, on Monday, was the recipient of a present in the shape of a mastiff-bull dog, from a Montreal friend.
  • Mr. D. J. Hogan this week purchased a lot from Mrs. Thos. Johnston, on East st., adjoining Mrs. John D. Ham's new residence.
  • Get your lace curtains done up equal to new for 25 and 35 cts. per pair at the new laundry. Blewett block. Sam Lee.
  • All kinds of tailoring done on reasonable terms and in a most workmanlike manner. T. J. O'Neil, workshop over Carson's harness shop.
  • Court Napanee, No. 584, C. O, F., initiated five new members at their last meeting, Tuesday night. This new lodge still keeps a booming.
  • The Canadian-Australian steamship line has closed a contract with McMillan & Co., Winnipeg, for carrying 700 tons of wheat to Australia.
  • One night last week the members of Argyle Lodge, I.O.O.F.,were photographed by flashlight by Artist Hulett. The resulting picture was an excellent one.
  • The wife of Oscar Lyons, a farmer living near Mayfield, Ky., a few days ago had five children at a birth, all of whom are doing well and likely to live.
  • Silver Hull Buckwheat (cleaned of foul seed) for sale. Also two thoroughbred Durham calves, male and female, for sale cheap. Apply to FRED K. GORDANIER.
  • Have you seen the narrow belts? No more wide belts. F. Chinneck has just received a consignment of narrow gold and kid belts. They are on exhibition in his window.
  • Miss Dr. Symington has purchased the property of Mr. B. S. Abrams, on the market square, consisting of shop and dwelling, lately occupied by Mr. F. W. Hart. The Dr. will take possession the first of June.
  • Mr. John Webster, of Webster & Boyes' carriage works, while operating a circular saw one day last week met with a painful accident. His hand slipped and the saw cut off the knuckle of the first finger of his right hand.
  • Mr. John Soby, jr., of Adolphustown, this week purchased Coun. Lowry's new brick house, at present occupied by Mr. C. Frizzell, for the consideration of $1300. Mr. Soby will occupy it in September next.
  • The yacht Dauntless made her first trip this season on Monday. Her crew was composed of Messrs. John Carson, Paul Peterson, H. Vankoughnet and J. R. Dafoe. They made a run down the reach and around Capt. John's Island.
  • United States Consul Col. Twitchell, of Kingston, has received word from the American Government to search for a James Nixon, who is supposed to live at Sunbury, for examination, as there is a fair pension to his credit.
  • E. G. Clute, Q.C., of Belleville, has been nominated Liberal candidate for East Hastings, in opposition to Mr. H. B. Northrup, the late member. Both candidates are able and energetic men and they will make a lively contest.
  • Last Saturday the dust blew in dense clouds on Dundas street and the merchants and people on the street were much annoyed. The sprinkler was laid up that day, receiving a fresh coat of paint. Its usefulness was made sorely manifest.
  • Roy Hughey, the ten-year-old son of David Hughey, Bobcaygeon, ran into the barn where his father was forking hay and was struck in the face by the fork. One tine of the fork struck the boy in the left eye and penetrated to the brain, killing him.
  • Quite a number of our townsmen are noted for having fine horses and nobby turn-outs. Mr. Robt. Thompson is among the number. This week he is out with a sporty new set of harness which sets off to perfection his noble team of blacks. Mr. Clark Botting was the maker of the harness.
  • Mrs. Ed. Sherman, No. 8 Vanauley St., Toronto, says :-- I have used Dr. Liviolette's Syrup of Turpentine in my family for some time, and I honestly consider it the best and safest remedy I have ever used. In cases of severe coughs and colds it has always effected complete and speedy cures. I recommend it with all my heart.
  • Our worthy Chief of Police is keeping pace with the rest of the citizens. Having taken a new wife he has had his already comfortable residence newly renovated from cellar to garret, by painting, papering and kalsomining, giving it a decidedly neat and tasty appearance. We trust the chief and Mrs. Storms may live long to enjoy it.
  • The old McPherson homestead was purchased this week by Mr. P. W. Dafoe. The price paid was about $500. Mr. Dafoe will rebuild the house in modern style. This property was at one time one of the most valuable in Napanee, and the sum of $4,000 has been refused for it, including a quantity of land.
  • During the past week the stone sewer on Centre street, at the point where Mr. John Herring has started the erection of a new house, has been left in an open condition. Large quantities of green, slimy filth have been running from the opening into Mr. Herring's cellar where it formed a regular cess pool. The noxious effluvia arising therefrom was the very essence of contagion.
  • On Tuesday, Mr. John Ham, of Albany, N.Y., who is visiting his brother, Mr. Zina Ham, Piety Hill, celebrated the day by taking a party of his friends down to Glenora in Snider's yacht. It was also the occasion of both Mr. and Mrs. John S. Ham's birthday. The party consisted of Mrs. G. F. Ruttan, Miss Morphy, Mrs. Burrett, Mrs. (Dr.) Bristol, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Ham and Mr. Zina Ham. A swell dinner was partaken of at Mr. C. Cornell's summer hotel. All enjoyed themselves immensely.
  • Mr. Thos. J. O'Neil cleans and repairs gentleman's clothing on the shortest notice. Shop over Carson's harness shop.
  • This is the time of year to look out for black knot on plum and cherry trees. It is regarded as an infectious disease on fruit trees, and the Ontario Act of 1893 provides that a fine of not less than $5 and not more than $20 may be imposed for every case of neglect. Cut off all knots five or six inches below the affected portion, and paint the wound with turpentine or linseed oil. Burn all prunings and affected branches which are removed. United action, on the part of all fruit growers, is necessary in order to secure the best results from the enforcement of these recommendations.
  • In the Division Court held at Bath last Friday B. B. Miller, of Ernesttown, sued the Village of Bath for $60 damages caused by his mare being impounded on the 23d of January last, as he claimed in an improper pound, the animal having been exposed in a storm of sleet and rain for upwards of twelve hours, which plaintiff contended caused her to lose a foal. Evidence of a number of veterinaries were taken but their opinions differed. Upon viewing the premises the judge decided in favor of the defence. Upon the suggestion of the judge the pound premises will be improved, W. G. Wilson appeared for plaintiff. J. H. Madden for defendants.
  • The assessor of North Fredericksburgh has furnished us with the following figures, taken from the assessment rolls of 1893 and 1896. The roll of 1893 not being at hand, the figures for that year are not given:
                               1893    1893 (sic)
    Dogs....................... 161     172
    Population................ 1453    1515
    Cattle ................... 2408    2314
    Sheep ..................... 851     523
    Hogs ...................... 474     710
    Births ..................... 15      26
    Deaths...................... 12       8
    Acres woodland............ 3930    5734
    Waste land................     1115-1/3
    Orchard and garden, acres.. 388     379
    Acres fall wheat........... 467      13
    Total number of acres .......... 23,269
    Total assessment for 1896 .... $769,550
  • Mr. D. M. Mclntyre, city solicitor, was nominated by the Conservatives of Kingston.
  • Robert Hall Gordon, of Belleville, died on Sunday. He was a son of Robert Gordon, of Tweed.
  • An old man named Garbutt was run over on the C.O.R. near Trenton, Monday, and killed.
  • An open air concert will be given by the 47th Batt. Band on Friday evening next, 22d May, weather permitting.
  • Rev. G. S. White preached to the Oldfellows in the Methodist church, Harrowsmith, last Sunday morning.
  • A disgraceful row occured on East street Saturday night. The police authorities should shut down on such houses.
  • Your attention is drawn to the adv. of Mr. Thos. J. O'Neil, practical tailor, which may be seen in another column.
  • The Cleveland bicycle is becoming a popular wheel everywhere. Mr. J. Powley has secured one and says it is all right.
  • Mr. E. B. Hemstreet has purchased the old Johnston property, corner Centre and Thomas streets. The consideration was $700.
  • Mr. Davis Asselstine, aged 84 years, one of Verona's oldest residents, is at present remarkably smart and able to do his spring gardening.
  • Screen doors and windows, largest variety. Cheapest place in town at Boyle & Son's. Agents for the best water filter and cooler in the world.
  • The Quarterly Official Board, of Harrowsmith circuit, have given an unanimous invitation to Rev. J. B. Robison to remain with them another year.
  • Warner Simmons, a Thurlow farmer, went to the woods on Saturday to burn underbush. He was found about 3 o'clock in the afternoon lying near the fire in a dying condition. The doctor said the inhalation of smoke had caused his death.
  • The riverdrivers have finished booming up the drive of logs in the river here. By next week it is expected the last log will have seen its way out of the river. Another drive is expected in the course of a month or so.
  • Tuesday and Wednesday were rogation days, observed by the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches as days of fasting and prayer for bountiful crops. Thursday was Ascension Day, one of the most solemn feasts in the Church's calendar.
  • On Tuesday Chief Storms paid an official visit to the dive in the north-west end of the town known as "Jack's." He notified the fair 'demoselles' that unless they took their flight out of town he would be under the painful necessity of arresting and bringing them before the justice mill. The birds have since flown.
  • A young lawyer with words of learned length and thundering sound stepped into one of our confectionery stores the other day and gracefully said, "A pauwnd of these mixed canadies, and let the chawkalates predominate." "They shall predominate as you wish," responded the affable white apron.
  • Fanning & Stevens have this week made a great improvement in their refreshment parlors by enlarging them. All the back half of their large store will now be given up to this purpose. A large summer kitchen is being built behind the store. This young firm, since opening up in town, have made a great success of their business.
  • Mr. Chas. Stevens, ex-mayor of Napanee, has announced himself as an independent candidate in Lennox. Mr. Stevens has heretofore been a Conservative. -- Toronto Globe. [The above will show that the correspondent of the Globe in Napanee is not very reliable, as Mr. Stevens heretofore has been a Liberal, and is now out in opposition to a Patron-Liberal Candidate.]

Good Cord Wood for Sale Cheap.
Mr. Ezra Pringle having purchased at a low figure the former stock of cordwood of Mr. R. Rooks is now prepared to sell on the yard or deliver same at a very low price.

Miss Lucy Fingland, an experienced dressmaker, is prepared to go out by the day to private houses. Satisfaction guaranteed, and terms reasonable. Apply at the residence of Mr. P. W. Dafoe, market square.

Mr. Bell in Addington.
Our Addington correspondent informs us that Mr. J. W. Bell has been meeting with very encouraging success in his campaign meetings this week. At Camden East a large and enthusiastic meeting was held on Tuesday evening. On Monday evening a good meeting was held in Newburgh, where a local Patron did him good service by his opposition. Mr. Bell is much encouraged with his reception and prospects.

Merely an Ad.
"This paper says that a married woman has been abducted at Napanee," she said. "I don't believe it," he replied promptly. "I'll bet it's nothing but one of radford's advertisements. He's trying to induce married men to go there and settle so that he can sell them hats. He can't tempt me unless he produces affidavits " Then she said he was a mean thing and he chuckled softly to himself and started for the club.

District Union.
The second annual convention of the District Union of C.E. and E.L. of C.E., will be held in Picton, on Thursday and Friday, 21st and 22d inst. Rev. W. W. Peck, M.A., Napanee; Rev. G. McConnell, Newburgh; Rev. W. B. Tucker, M.A., Ph.D., Bath; Mr. J. Matheson, Newburgh, and Revds. W. S. McTavish, B.D., and B. Taylor, Deseronto, are down for numbers on the programme.

A Baby Badly Scalded.
On Friday last the little son of Mr. Robert Solmes, market square, met with a painful accident. Mrs. Solmes had just finished getting dinner ready, and after pouring out the tea turned to replace the teapot on the stove. While the mother's back was turned the little fellow reached up and grasping hold of a cup upset it. The hot tea ran down his throat and breast, badly scalding it. The services of Dr. Leonard were called in and the little one's injuries were promptly attended to. The babe is just twelve months old, and a very bright child. It is now doing nicely.

On Sunday last Mr. Robert Page, an employee of Mr. Sidney Scott, Mink's Bridge, had a runaway on the Hamburg road, North Fredericksburgh. He was accompanied by his wife and baby, who had been visiting at Mrs. R. Wheeler's. They were just nicely seated in the rig when the horse became frightened. Mr. Page was afraid the lines were not strong enough to hold the horse and so jumped out and caught the animal by the head. The fiery steed jammed him into a wire fence where he had to let go his hold. Mrs. Page and baby were thrown from the vehicle, but sustained no serious injuries. The horse was stopped near Mr. E. Sills' through the lines becoming wound around the hub of the wheel.

Hogs Wanted.
I will ship hogs on Friday, May the 22d, for which I will pay the highest market value for all the select hogs offered. I want hogs weighing from 125 to 200 lbs. and do not want them too fat. Farmers should bear this fact in mind if they wish to obtain the highest prices. This is the class of hogs required to make bacon suitable for the English market, which is the market we study if we wish to go into hog raising to any great extent. As the price of all kinds of hogs is low farmers should try and have their hogs in a proper condition to make the highest prices. Hogs weighing 250 lbs. and upwards would be called heavy and this sized hog sells best if well fatted, but as the demand for this class is very limited through the warm weather, I think that farmers would do better by letting those run until fall.
As regards sheep. -- As the English Government has passed a law that all our sheep must be slaughtered on arrival we will not be able to ship them sheep as in the past, consequently we will have to fully fatten our sheep before shipping, and I would advise those having them to dispose of to take their lambs off early and feed some grain, so as to have them ready for shipment before the close of navigation. Farmers should make a practice of disposing of their inferior animals in this way, and keep their best stock to breed from, if they don't the quality of our sheep throughout the country will soon become entirely unfit for the export trade.
I expect to ship hogs about every ten days for the balance of the summer, and farmers will find it to their interest to see me before selling elsewhere. C. E. BARTLETT.

  • Judge Wilkison presided at a sitting of the first division court at Kingston, Tuesday.
  • Mr. T. A. Dunwoody, has purchased the beautiful File lot, Newburgh, and intends erecting a residence thereon.
  • Some ten or fifteen wheelman, from Kingston, were in town last Sunday. They were a sorry looking lot when they got here, puffed out from riding against the high wind which prevailed.
  • Charlie Pollard fell into the cistern of Mrs. Frank Boyes on Wednesday. The trap door had been left open. He was knocked senseless for a time and now carries a black eye.
  • Walker's Uncle Tom's Cabin Company passed through town on Wednesday on their way to Centreville. where they showed that evening. They had the cabin along with them.
  • In the columns of this paper there appeared some time ago a statement that at the coming Dominion Elections no one could vote who was under 24 years of age. This is misleading. All British subjects over 21 years of age, whose names appear on the voters' list to be used at this election and which is the Dominion voters' list as revised in the fall of 1894, and spring of 1895, and who are males and have the other requisite qualifications, are entitled to vote. Our young conservatives should look to it and see if they are on the list.
  • The remains of the late Anna Boyd arrived last night on the midnight train from Chatham for burial.
  • A member of the Kingston bicycle club claims to have discovered a passage in "Richard III" that foreshadows the bicycle. Richard exclaims in the last act: "Watch O'er My Safety While I Sleep."

  • THE BEAVER invites all its readers to contribute to this column. If you or your friends are going away on a holiday trip or if you have friends visiting you, drop a card to this office.
  • Mrs. (Dr.) Countryman returned to her home in Dakota last week.
  • Rural Dean Baker, of Bath, attended the session of Frontenac Rural Deanery at Kingston last week.
  • Mr. Alfred Wagar arrived home from Syracuse on Monday to spend a week with his family.
  • Mr. C. E. Knight has recovered from his illness and his many friends are pleased to see him around again. He was out on Monday for the first.
  • Mrs. John J. Haines, of Belleville, mother of Mr. W. B. Haines, is visiting her brother, of the firm of Orr & Lockett, hardware merchants, Chicago.
  • Mr. Ed. D. Miller started for Rochester, N.Y., on Monday, where he was called on business before returning to New York.
  • Councillor A. Alexander attended Belleville cheese board on Tuesday.
  • Mr. Mat. H. Williams, of the American Express Co., Mattoon, Ill., has taken THE BEAVER since he left the employ of the Rathbun Co. in 1869. His many friends in Napanee and Deseronto, will be pleased to learn that he is enjoying good health, and still holds a lucrative position with the Express Co.
  • Miss Alice Baughan is expected home this week after a month's visit in Toronto, where she has been the guest of Mrs. Dillon, formerly of Newburgh.
  • Prof. Dupius, of Queen's College, spent Tuesday in town the guest of Rev. W. W. Peck. He came from Sydenham on his wheel, and returned to the city on Wednesday.
  • Mr. Herb. C. Wright, late of our town, writes us from Detroit that he is getting along finely, and is greatly taken with the city. He receives THE BEAVER regularly and adds "It is like receiving a dozen letters from home each week."
  • Messrs. J. L. Jones and E. C. Molson spent Sunday in Kingston.
  • George Lane, an old time resident of Odessa, is now among the wealthy class of Rochester, N.Y., citizens. He owns a large carriage factory there. This spring his son graduated from Chicago Medical College.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Rockwell spent Sunday last at his grandfather's, Mr. Wm. Perry, Violet.
  • Rev. E. S. Shorey, Adolphustown, was in town on Monday and gave us a friendly call.
  • Saturday callers: Messrs C. H. Spencer, Chas. Anderson, Roblin; Chas. B. Wees, Croydon; C. W. Card, Enterprise; R. W. Saul, Camden East; Thos. Gould, Gosport; T. D. Creighton, York road; Mrs. W. Vanalstine and Miss Vanalstine, Richmond; Robt. R. Reid, Enterpnse.
  • Mrs Jas. Huggett, of Toronto, after a three weeks visit with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Genman, of Kingston, stopped off at Napanee and is visiting this week with her aunt, Mrs. A. J. Empey, Mill st.
  • Miss Edith Scott is visiting friends in Belleville, Picton and Cherry Valley.
  • Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Huyck, of Tweed, spent a few days with friends in Napanee last week.
  • Mrs. J. J. Taylor was visiting her sister, Mrs. (Sheriff) Gillespie, Picton, last week.
  • Mr. Clarence Warner returned from New York last Friday.
  • Miss Alice Gault has been visiting friends in Deseronto.
  • Mr. Cap. Bell, printer, has secured a situation at Oswego.
  • Mr. M. A. McWilliams, Camden East, spent Monday last at Mr. Cornelius Alcombrac's, Richmond.
  • Mrs. Geo. W. Morden, Picton, is spending a few days in town with her mother and sisters.
  • Mr. and Mrs. James Perry, of Centreville spent Sunday and Monday with friends in Napanee.
  • Mrs. James Russell, of Toronto, was calling on friends in town last week.
  • Mrs. Marcle, of London, is down on a visit at her father's, Mr. Geo. F. Robinson, Mill street west.
  • Mr. James Thomson, of Newburgh, Warden of Lennox and Addington, was in town on Monday and called on THE BEAVER.
  • Mrs. Fred. Jennings, South Napanee, has been suffering from a serious illness during the past couple of weeks.
  • Mrs. L. Vanblaricom and her aunt, Mrs. J.G. Vandusen, of Belleville, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Dean, spent last Friday visiting at Selby at the residence of Mr. Chas. Dean.
  • Mr. Post and Miss Helen Williams, of Hay Bay, were guests at Mr. E. L. Knight's on Tuesday.
  • Rev. Mr. Blacklock, of Kingston, was in town Tuesday, a guest at Mr. John Wallace's, Centre street.
  • Mrs. Geo. H. Embury, Belleville, spent a couple of days in town this week with her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Boyle.
  • Mr. Robert Phillips, of Fergus, Ont., and his brother, from Scotland, were in town on Wednesday calling on friends. The former was for years headmaster of Napanee high school.
  • Mrs. Frank Hamilton, Toronto, is down on a visit at her mother's, Mrs. Geo. Davy, Dundas street.
  • Mr. John W. Gordanier, Morven, was in town yesterday and called on THE BEAVER.
  • Mrs. D. W. Fralick is home from Chicago, where she has been stopping with her son, Mr. John Fralick, for the past three years.
  • Mr. H. E. Smith, optician, of the firm of Smith & Bro., was in Toronto this week purchasing further equipment for their optical department.
  • Mrs. George Greer is spending a month visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Tout, Buffalo.
  • Rev. J. R. and Mrs. Butler, of Roblin, spent Wednesday with friends in Napanee.
  • Mr. Thos. Pybus, whose eye was injured while cutting stone recently, is improving.
  • Mr. F. F. Miller and family, of Beaver Falls, Pa., intend returning to Napanee soon to reside, and will take up housekeeping in his house on Thomas st, now occupied by Mr. John Herring.
  • Mrs. Harry Chadd and daughter Lillie, of Picton, are the guests of her aunt, Mrs. George, at the Court House.
  • Dr. T. P. Weir, of Toronto, was in town on Wednesday and gave us a call. He also visited his old home at Newburgh.
  • Mr. Henry Wilson, Selby, was in town Wednesday and gave us a call.
  • Mr. Andrew Madden is able to be up and around again.
  • Capt. Holmes left on Monday for Port Huron.
  • Mrs. Murdoff, of Belleville, who has been the guest of Mrs. Murdoff, Bridge St., left on Tuesday to spend a week visiting friends in Picton. She was accompanied by Miss Ethel Murdoff.
  • Mrs. F. W. Vandusen is spending a week visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Luther Clark, of Empey Hill.
  • Mrs. A. A. Richardson, of Vancouver, B. C., has been spending the past week visiting her mother-in-law, Mrs. Rachael Richardson.
  • Mr. W. T. Gibbard was in Toronto on Wednesday on business.
  • Mr. H. V. Fralick made a business trip to Belleville yesterday.

Coffee Social.
Next Wednesday evening, 20th inst., a coffee social will be given in the S. A. barracks. In addition to coffee an ample supply of cake, sandwiches, etc., will be served, everybody guaranteed all they can eat. The programme will be principally musical. Among the visitors who will take part are Adjt. Archibald and wife, of Kingston. This gentleman is quite a musical genius, playing on a number of instruments. The officers are expected from Bloomfield, Picton and Deseronto. Solos, duets, trios, quartettes and full choruses will be given and those who attend we are sure will have a very profitable and enjoyable evening. The admission has been at the low figure of 15 cts., or 25 cts. a couple; children 10 cts. Proceedings commence at 8 o'clock.

McLEOD -- On Friday. May 8th. 1896, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McLeod, of Richmond, a son.
SMITH - PALMER -- At the Methodist parsonage, Marlbank, May 6th, by Rev. J. R. Butler, William Smith, Marlbank. to Ella Palmer, Tamworth.
PENNELL - SOUTH -- At the Methodist parsonage, Roblin, May 7th, by Rev. J. R. Butler, Peter Pennell, Camden, to Eliza South, Camden.
RUSSELL - RUSSELL -- On Wednesday, June 6th. at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Wilcox, Mr. Percy Russell, of Chatham. Ont., to Miss Theresa Russell, daughter of Mr. Thomas Russell, of Selby. Ont. [After spending a week with friends in this section the happy couple will leave for their home in Chatham on Monday next.]
SWITZER -- At Sandhurst, on May 8th, 1896, Zelica Jane, beloved wife of Mr. Martin Switzer, aged 43 years, 1 month and 3 days.

Excursion to Kingston.
The Citizens' Band, of Deseronto, will run an excursion to Kingston on Monday, 25th May, on the B. of Q,. Ry. Excursionists will have eight hours in the city. Train will leave Deseronto at 8 o'clock, Napanee 8.35, Napanee Mills 8.50, Newburgh 9, Camden East 9.07, Yarker 9.20, Harrowsmith 9.30, and arrives in Kingston at 10.20. Return tickets from Deseronto, Napanee, Camden East and Yarker, 75 cts.; from Napanee Mills, 90 cts.; Newburgh, 85 cts. Train will leave Kingston at 6.30.

  • The weather is fine at present, and the farmers are busy with their spring seeding. Mosquitoes in abundance.
  • Mrs. Isaac Harrison spent a week visiting her mother, Mrs. H. Killoran.
  • Master Robbie Asselstine, of Pine Grove, is staying with his sister, Mrs. McLaughlin.
  • Shadrac Wagar has removed some distance from the school-house. Much we miss the smiling face of his partner in life. "Sister, thou wast mild and lovely."
  • Arbor day was duly observed by teacher and pupils in cleaning the school-house and yard.
  • Geo. Deane, wife and family spent Sunday the guests of Wesley McLaughlin.
  • There must be some loyal hearts in this vicinity as we occasionally see a flag floating over the hilltops.
  • John McKnight, wife and daughter, Nellie, called on Murray Stinson on Sunday.
  • Arlie York and wife passed through here Sunday en route to David Varty's.
  • Alonzo Clark spent a few days last week at Goose Lake.
  • Old Mr. McLaughlin. our worthy steward, has again taken his quarterly round. He is looking hale and hearty. Long may he be able to serve in that capacity.

(For last issue.)
  • Mrs. K. Quinn is suffering from another abscess.
  • Mrs. J. Galbraith is a little better this week.
  • Prof. Fisher, a phrenologist, gave a lecture in the school house on Wednesday evening.
  • Miss Mylo, of Switzerville, is spending a few days with her brother, Frank Mylo, of this place.
  • Jimmie Lynch is among us again.
  • Reeve Wilde and Deputy Wees were absent discharging official duties on Monday.
  • Prayer meeting on Friday evening this week.
  • Angus McKeown is spending a few days at Selby.
  • A meeting in behalf of J. W. Bell, Esq., candidate for M.P. of Addington, was held in the Orange hall on Tuesday evening. Thos. Furrs was elected to fill the chair, and after a few remarks called on Mr. Bell, who addresed the electors present in his usual clear, cool, straightforward manner, pledging himself to support only such measures as he deemed would be truly beneficial to the people. The feeling of those present was that Mr. Bell was the proper man to represent Addington on the 24th June. Chas. Andersen, of Roblin, Lennox was present and made a short speech, scoring good points in behalf of Mr. Bell. As there was no opposition a vote of thanks was given the chairman, the National Anthem was sung with a will and the meeting closed.

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