
Selections From
The Napanee Standard

Vol. 34, No. 34.
Friday, August 26, 1887.
Jas. A. Baker, Publisher.

I purchased this newspaper at an antique store many years ago. It consists of four huge broadsheet pages. Suprisingly, only one page contains local news; all the others have selections from other newspapers in the U.S. and Canada. I have included items of family and local history interest and have excluded most items of a strictly advertising or religious nature. Surnames are in bold type. The items are more or less in the order published -- the Marriages and Deaths are at the very bottom of the page.

  • Next Tuesday week is the regular quarterly fair day.
  • If yon want a baby carriage go to Gallagher's Bargain Store. He has sold sixteen baby carriages this summer, more than all the other dealers put together.
  • The Public and High Schools open on Monday next.
  • Bargains in Lead Pencils, Slates, Pens, scribbling and. exercise books, foolscap, all kinds of school supplies at Gallagher's Bargain Store.
  • On Saturday evening last a couple of youngsters belonging to Thomas Nelson were engaged in firing stones at boys in front of Baker's restaurant when one of the missels missed its mark and broke a large pane of glass in the restaurant window.
  • Buy your school books at Gallagher's Bargain Store and save money.
  • The Belleville School Board have decided that in future pupils from outside the city limits attending their High School will have to pay a fee of $8 for the coming term, and $5 for each of the other terms, making $18 for the year. Napanee charges just one-third that amount.
  • Excursion to Kingston, Montreal and Quebec: Napanee to Kingston, 75c.; Napanee to Montreal, $6.05 ; Napanee to Quebec, $9 00. Tickets good to go August 27, 28, 29 and 30th, and to return until September 13th. J. L. Boyes, Ticket Agent.
  • The Deseronto's excursion on Saturday evening last was very well attended. The usual trip to Davy's Island and Glenora was taken.
  • Vandusen, the celebrated low-priced manufacturer or first-class harness, has a fine stock of everything in his line, including harness of every description, whips, curry-combs. brushes, lap rugs. patent sweat collars, etc., which he is prepared to sell at prices which will astonish the natives. Go and see his stock. Next to the Campbell House.
  • A couple of Gipsy wagons, with their usual contents of children and old kettles, passed through town on Tuesday going west. They were a hard looking lot.
  • Just received this week a fine assortment of toilet soaps. We have the Baby's Own at 10 cents per cake. Sea Foam, 7 cents, Oat Meal soap, 7c, London Bouquet, a fine large cake, for 7c, glycerine soap, 12 cakes for 20 cents, also a new lot of the latest books and novels just added to our lending library. You can read a week for 10 cents, or 2 cents per day, at the 7 Cent Store, west of the Campbell House. -- R. Vance.
  • The job of grading Robert street is nearing completion at last. It has been a long job, and the residents on the street will be glad when the work is finished.
  • Go to Lockwood's for the cheapest School Books and supplies. Haggard's latest novels, also The Delineator and other fashion books, baskets, hammocks and express wagons in great variety. A very pretty line in jewelry worthy of inspection. Wall paper and all seasonable goods very cheap. Give him a call.
  • School Books, slightly damaged, but just as good as new ones for use, can be had at Madden's Bookstore. Save your money by buying everything you want for school at Maddens.
  • Boyle & Son. Are now offering the finest assortment of Bird Cages, Toilet Ware, Crumb Brushes and Trays, Sad Irons and carpet sweepers, that have ever been brought to town at a very low figure. They are worth seeing if you do not buy. Call at BOYLE & Sons.
  • A team of the Napanee cricket club goes to Toronto this evening, and will play Toronto club to-morrow. Mr. Fred. Richardson went up this morning. We wish our boys success.
  • Silverware is being sold at prices never offered before in Napanee. For instance, pickle cruets with fork at $1.25, also butter cooler at $1.00, five-bottle cruets, splendidly chased, for $3.35, best quality plate, and everything else in proportion, at ARNOTT'S, next to the telephone office.
  • Immense Bargains in Self-sealers, fishing tackle, base ball goods and toilet soaps at Gallagher's Bargain Store.
  • Toronto and Park Nine base ball clubs play an exhibition game at Kingston on Wednesday, Aug. 31st. Return tickets for that day 95 cents.
  • On Wednesday a poor demented man named Thomas Elmore was brought before His Worship on a charge of vagrancy. He was kept in confinement till Thursday morning when he was allowed to go on promising to leave town.
  • Several members of our local band are forming themselves into an orchestra, under the leadership of Mr. Amos. Kimimerly. The orchester will probably consist of seven pieces -- two violins, cornet, clarionet, piccalo, flute and bass viol. A fine new instrument of the latter class has been purchased in Toronto at a cost of $40. It is of English make, and a good one. It is expected that practise will be commenced in a few days. The want of an organization of this kind has long been felt.
  • Chinneck has just received a fine new line of Spectacles and eye-glasses of the celebrated Stanley brand. He is able to fit in a satisfactory manner any sight or age, and at much less expense than for those of the same quality in any other make.

Farm Sold.
The Empey farm on the south side of the river was sold by private sale on Tuesday to Mr. Robert Johnson of this town, the price paid being $5,500. The farm is a good one, and being situated almost within the town limits, is considered very cheap at that figure.
The Kingston Whig is delivered daily on arrival of evening train for 10cts per week. Leave your order at Gallagher's Bookstore.

Yesterday afternoon some part of the harness of the horse attached to the bakery wagon of Mr. W. H. Davis, gave way, which so frightened the horse that it ran away upsetting the cart. The driver clung to the lines, and the horse was stopped with little damage being done.
Mr. T. H. Waller's horse was standing in front of that gentleman's shop, and became frightened and ran away, making the wagon spin for a short distance. It was captured at the market by Mr. Hugh Milling, no damage being done.
About four o'clock yesterday afternoon, Mr. Harry Larkin was driving down Dundas street with one of Haley & McNulty's rigs when the kingbolt gave way and the horse started to run with the front wheels. Mr. Larkin was thrown over the dash board to the hard road, but clung to the reins till they broke. The horse was caught a short distance off. The dashboard of the buggy was broken off, and Mr. Larkin received a severe bruise on the knee.

Board of Health.
The Board of Health met in the Council Chamber on Tuesday, all the members being present. Considerable discussion took place with regard to the unsanitary condition of the several places and establishments in town. The sanitary inspector and physician of the board were requested to look after some places, of which complaints have been made, and we understand they have done so. There are half-a-dozen establishments in town which are a disgrace to any community, the smell emanating from some of them being enough to cause a plague. The proprietors should be severely dealt with if they continue to endanger the health of the town.

Cheese Board.
The regular weekly meeting of the above Board was held in the Council Chamber here on Wednesday. There was a good attendance of both buyers and sellers, and 850 boxes of the first of August make were offered. The highest price offered was 12 cents, and that only for 400 boxes. This price was considered too low by the sales men, and there were no transactions. Cheese was quoted at a shade lower than last week.

Police Wanted.
A number of young men and boys congregate on the cricket field every Sunday afternoon to play ball, and the oaths and foul language indulged in are something fearful. The practice has continued for some time, and persons residing in the neighborhood threaten to take the law in their own hands if the police do not soon do something to stop the nuisance. On Sunday last the language used was enough to make one's hair stand on end. The police should take a quiet walk in that direction and make an example of the hoodlums.

Eastern Methodist Church.
On Sunday morning last, the pulpit of this church was occupied by Rev. Mr. Baker, who preached an able sermon on the duty of church members in looking after the spiritual wants of those around them. In the evening, the erstwhile familiar form of Mr. E. A. Dunham occupied the sacred desk, and his sermon called up reminiscences of long ago. On Sunday next Rev. Mr. Cleworth, of Morven, will preach both morning and evening. Mr. Cleworth is well known to Napaneeans, and should have large congregations.

Sabbath Breaking.
On Tuesday John Davern appeared before Mr. Justice James to answer to a charge of Sabbath breaking by fishing on Sunday last. It appears that Davern and some companions were engaged in the above pastime when they were discovered by and remonstrated with by Charlie Pearson, who was met by a torrent of abuse in reply. Charlie laid an information against Davern only, as he did not know any of his companions, and on Tuesday he appeared and acknowledged his guilt, when Mr. James imposed a fine of $4 and $2.75 costs, with an alternative of thirty days in jail. John had the money and paid the fine.

On Thursday last Mr. George M. Elliott, of Her Majesty's customs here, went down to Kingston and seized the steamer Hero for an infraction of the customs regulations, in not getting clearance papers on leaving for Cape Vincent with the Oddfellow's excursion, and not reporting on her return, Mr. Elliott fined the vessel $150, subject to the approval of the authorities at Ottawa. The money was forthcoming and the vessel was allowed to go on her regular trips. The action of Mr. Elliott will teach the proprietors of excursion boats that they must submit to the regulations when taking excursion parties from this port to ports in the States. This is not first case of the kind.

A Nuisance.
On Wednesday evening, while the Council was in session and as the Clerk was reading the minutes, the Salvation Army came along and entered the Town Hall, making such a racket that not a word could be heard for some minutes. The Mayor spoke sharply about the matter, saying that it was about time something was done to have the nuisance abated. Mr. Aylsworth said he had always objected to letting the Town Hall for any such purpose, and had Mr. Saul stuck to his text the nuisance would not now have to be complained of. The fact was that the Town Hall was being destroyed, and was not fit to hold a public meeting in. It never should have been let for any such purpose. Other members of the Council expressed themselves similarly, and it is probable the Army will have to seek new quarters. The School Board complain to the same effect.

School Board.
The School Board was to have met according to adjournment on Tuesday evening. and it did meet, but transacted no business, for the following reason: Messrs. Fralick, Coxall, Preston, Henry, Hall, Webster and McCay were present, enough to form a quorum, but delay in opening made Mr. Webster impatient and he left the room, stating that he would return in a few minutes. He did not do so, however, and after unsuccessful skirmish around to find another member of the Board to make up a quorum the remainder of the members reluctantly left. It is unfortunate that a meeting was not held, as the schools open on Monday, and business of importance connected therewith should receive the attention of the Board. It is a pity that so little interest is taken in matters which are of the utmost importance to the community.

We extend our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Madden in their bereavement in the loss of their little daughter Gertrude, who died on Tuesday evening, carried off by that dread disease diphtheria. About a month ago the family lost a bright little girl from the same disease, and Gertie was sent away to escape contagion. The house was thoroughly disinfected before her return and it was thought that all danger was past, when she was brought home about two weeks ago. But on Friday last she too was taken ill with the fell disease, and notwithstanding the best of care and all that medical skill could do, she grew worse and died on Tuesday. She was the only one left of five children, and the bereaved parents have the heartfelt sympathy of the community.

N. T. and Q. Railway.
The stockholders of the Company met in annual session at their offices here on Friday last and elected the following directors: Messrs. Alex. Henry, W.F. Hall, H.B. Sherwood and W.S. Williams, Napanee; E.W. Benjamin, Yarker; F.S. Rathbun, W.R. Aylsworth and H.B. Rathbun, Deseronto; and R.C. Cartier, Kingston. At the conclusion of stock-holders' meeting, the directors met and appointed the following officers for the ensuing year: Alex. Henry, president; W.R. Aylsworth, vice-president; W.S. Williams, secretary; F.S. Rathbun, treasurer; E.W. Rathbun, general manager; R.C. Carter, assistant general manager; H.B. Sherwood, superintendent. The general manager reported favorably upon the prospects of the road. The total number of passengers carried during the past year is 31,132, and the revenue, after paying all expenses, $5,647.40. This is a very good showing, and when connection shall have been made with the C.P.R. at Tweed, the traffic will be much increased.

  • Mr. Wilbur Daly of Peterboro is in town.
  • Mrs. T. McKee, of Stirling, returned home on Monday, after a week's visit with friends here.
  • Schuyler Shibley, Esq., ex-M. P. for Addington, was here Tuesday.
  • Mr. R. Richardson, station agent at Newburgh, and Mrs. Richardson, are visiting friends in Oswego.
  • Mrs. and Miss Kennedy, of Toronto, have been visiting here for some time past.
  • Mr. Wm. Dryden was taken seriously ill on Saturday morning and has suffered very much pain since.
  • Mr. Ed. Chown, of Kingston, was here on Thursday on business.
  • Jas. Russell, Esq., of Brampton was here this week on business.
  • Miss Annie James is visiting friends in Belleville.
  • Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Magee, of Uxbridge, returned home on Tuesday, after a six weeks' visit with friends.
  • Mr. Harry Duncan, of Syracuse, is visiting friends here.
  • Miss Jennie Carter, of Picton, is visiting friends here.
  • Mr. Orlin Herring, jr., has returned from his holiday trip.
  • Miss Bella Douglass is visiting friends in Belleville.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Jas Armstrong, left on Saturday morning last for Chicago, where they will reside in future.
  • Mr. Fred. Swetman left on Wednesday for Chicago to seek his fortune. We wish him success.
  • Misses Ruby Slaven and Edith Henry are visiting in Toronto this week.
  • Mr. Fred. Jemmett, of the Merchants Bank, has returned from his holiday trip, and is again at his post.

Scott Act Cases.
On Friday, Aug. 19th, Thos. Empey, of the Brisco House, and George Grieves, of the Rush Inn, appeared before the Police Magistrate and acknowledged judgment. The case was adjourned till Thursday of this week, when a fine of $50 and costs was imposed on each case.
On Monday, 22nd Nancy Babcock, of Odessa, was fined $50 and costs.
On Tuesday Otis Johnston, of the Tichborne House, was fined $50 and costs.
On Wednesday Peter Amey, of the Bay View House, Bath, appeared before the Police Magistrate at that village on a charge of violating the provisions of the Scott Act. The case was adjourned till yesterday, when a fine of $50 and costs was imposed.
P. McAlpine came up again yesterday, and a further adjournment of one week was made.
T. W. Huffman, of the Huffman House, and John Wheeler, of the Queen's, were up yesterday, and the cases were adjourned till Thursday next at 10 o'clock at the Magistrate's office.
Chas. A Cornell, of the Cornell House, has been served with a summons, and his case will come up before the Magistrate this morning.

The Dominion and Industrial.

We have received a copy of the official programme for the above exhibition, which is to be held at Toronto from Sept. 5th to 19th, inclusive. Every effort has been and is being made to make this the grandest exhibition ever held in Canada. Through the untiring exertions of Mr. H. J. Hill, manager and secretary, in addition to the usual grand display of horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry, dairy, horticultural and agricultural products, machinery, implements, fine arts, ladies' work, manufactures of all kinds, etc., special attractions of every character have been secured. Among these are the famous lady equestriennes Miss Masterman, of Denver, and Miss Morse, of Pittsburgh, who will engage in some most daring acts of horsemanship; the celebrated aeronauts, Prof. Oscar Hunt and Miss Lottie Hunt, who will make several ascensions with two balloons, both giving hazardous trapeze performances in mid-air; special athletic sports, in which $400 in prizes will be given; magnificent displays of fireworks by Prof. Pain, of London, England, introducing the great pyrotecnic display of the seige of Pekin; over a score of military and other bands; and a thousand and one other novelties. The coming exhibition will undoubtedly be the most extensive and grand ever seen in this country, and a visit to its numerous attractions will be the event of a lifetime. The Grand Trunk will issue return tickets at a single fare, good to return up to the 19th September.

Fatal Accident.
A sad fatality occurred at the G. T. R. freight sheds here on Wednesday, by which an estimable young man lost his life. Mr. Thomas Jolly, was a young farmer living on the 5th concession of Richmond near Empey Hill. He had a contract for delivering the cheese from Gould factory, and on the day named was at the freight shed with a load in company with some other teamsters. A freight train came in and frightened his horses which started to run, pulling him off the platform and throwing him face downward upon the hard road. The horses started across the road dragging the young man after them. Here the beasts turned sharply to the right and the momentum of the heavy load broke the front bolster at the left end stake-hole, causing the boxes of cheese to shift and the load to upset on top of the prostrate man, crushing the life out of him almost instantly. A young man who was standing on the platform and witnessed the accident, at once ran over and found Mr. Jolly pinned to the ground. He at once removed the heavy boxes, and turned the unfortunate man over on his hack. He presented a terrible sight, the skin being scraped from his face by its contact with the hard road, while his head was cut and bruised in a frightful manner, a stream of blood spurting from his left ear to a height of several inches. Dr. Ruttan was at once summoned, but nothing could be done to relieve the sufferer, whose heart ceased to beat in ten or twelve minutes after the accident. He never spoke after the accident. An examination revealed the fact that the base of the skull was fractured near the left ear, the left arm was broken, the chest crushed, the head terribly bruised and the face so cut as to be almost unrecognizable. The body was removed to the Fire Hall where it was washed and laid out. His uncle arrived in a short time and the remains were taken home in the evening. Deceased was the son of Mr, John Jolly, and grandson of old Thomas Jolly, who is well known in this town and county. The father of the unfortunate man lives in Manitoba, where he carries on farming. Coroner Huffman was notified of the accident, but did not deem it necessary to hold an inquest. Mr. Jolly was about 28 years of age, of steady, industrious habits, kindly disposition and respected by all who were acquainted with him. His untimely death was a shock to the entire community where he resided. He was unmarried, but we understand was soon to have been united to an estimable young lady.
After the horses were relieved of their load they dashed down East street, the wagon bounding like a rubber ball. Near the residence of Mr R. G. Wright they crashed into the furniture van of Gibbard & Son, in which were seated Mr. John Gibbard and Mr. J. Robinson, who narrowly escaped serious injury. The maddened brutes sprang into the van, which stopped their career, one of them being knocked down and having four of its ribs crushed in, and the skin torn from its legs. The wagon was considerably broken up.

The General Committee named to make all the arrangements met in the Town Hall Napanee, on Tuesday evening the 23rd inst.
The Farmer's Institute was represented when the following names were added to the General Committee.
  • Adolphustown -- DW Allison, P. Platt, J. J. Watson.
  • South Fredericksburgh -- A Downey, G D Hawley, J Wilson, D Griffith.
  • North Fredericksburgh -- I Parks, J Hough, J Blanchard.
  • Amherst Island -- Mr Polley, Mr Filson.
  • Bath -- E J Howard, R Finkle.
  • Ernesttown -- I F Aylsworth, John Sharp, S K Miller, Cyrus Neville.
  • Richmond -- Allen Oliver, Elijah Storr, Peter Dafoe, Ira B Hudgins.
  • Camden -- Jas Reid, Wm Whalen, J S Miller, E W Benjamin, H A Baker, B C Lloyd, J S Haydon.
  • Sheffield -- L Wagar, Wm Brown, B Detlor, J Shields, R Fraser.
  • Newburgh -- J D Ham, Miles Caton, J B Aylsworth, Jas Thompson, D E Burdette.
The following gentlemen were added to the special committees:
  • Reception Committee -- R. Switzer, M Bogart, W N Doller, J C Carscallen.
  • Finance Committee -- George Lott, L E Percy, John Blanchard.
  • Accommodation Committee -- W N Doller, M Bogart, J C Drewry, W E Herrington.
The secretary was authorized to invite the Farmers' Institutes of Prince Edward, Hastings and Frontenac to meet and co-operate at Mr. Wiman's meeting.
The meeting will take place on the Agricultural Grounds on the 7th day of September next at 2 o'clock p. m. Arrangements as to the reception and entertainment of Mr. Wiman were left with the Reception Committee.
The General Committee adjourned to meet again in the Town Hall, Napanee, on Tuesday evening, 30th inst., at 8 o'clock, when all the committees are to report.
The Methodists have loaned the large canvas tent, in which the meetings will be held.
Excursions will take place on the steamers Armenia, Deseronto and Reindeer, and we expect the Hero will also bring a party on the morning of the 7th. The N., T. & Q. Ry. will run excursion trains at one fare for the round trip.
It is expected there will be a very large attendance.
The following are the arrangements with the railways and steamers for the demonstration:
N., T. & Q. RAILWAY.
Single fares. Two trains in the forenoon as follows:
Tamworth, leave .......... 6.45 11.45
Enterprise  "   .......... 7.00 12.05
Moscow      "   .......... 7.15 12.20
Yarker      "   .......... 7.30 12.35
Camden East "   .......... 7.45 12.50
Newburgh    "   .......... 7.65  1.00
Napanee Mills "   ........ 8.05  1.10
Napanee, arrive .......... 8.20  1.30
Returning will leave here at 6 p. m.
The Grand Trunk Railway will issue tickets at single fare on regular trains from all points between Brockville and Cobourg, good to return the following day.
Boats will leave Picton at 7 a.m.; Trenton, 6 a.m; Belleville, 8 a m.; Deseronto, 8.30 and 10 a.m.; returning, will leave Napanee at 5 p.m. The Reindeer will leave Prinyer's at 5.30 a.m., calling at Adolphustown, Picton and all way points on her usual time; returning, will leave Napanee at 5 p.m. Greatly reduced fares.

The Council met in a special session on Monday evening at 8 o'clock, His Worship Mayor Cook in the chair.
Members present -- Reeve Carscallen, Deputy-Reeve Lapum and Councillors Carson, Lowry, Davis, Aylsworth, Bowen, Gibbard and Saul.
Minutes of last meeting were read when objection was taken as to the legality of the meeting on the ground that it was not called according to law. It was found that the meeting was not legal, the Mayor not having ordered the Clerk in writing to notify each of the members of the Council. A requisition to the Mayor was at once signed, asking him to call a special meeting for Wednesday evening, which was done, and the meeting dissolved.

Wednesday Evening.
The Council met at 8 o'clock. Mayor Cook presiding.
Members present -- Deputy-Reeve Lapum, and Councillors Lowry, Bowen, Stevenson, Carson, Davis, Joy, Saul and Aylsworth.
Minutes of the last meeting read and approved.

From E. F. Vanluven. stating that he had commenced building his shop on the canal before the fire limits by-law was passed, and that in any case the building was over forty feet distant from Dundas street. Filed.
From E. J. Hopper, town solicitor, stating. that he would only accept the position on condition that the town would pay all disbursements in case of loss of suits, and that in case of the town being successful, he receive the solicitor's costs, if any are obtained; also he recommended that a by-law be passed embodying such agreement. The communication was on motion laid on the table, with the understanding that such by-law be passed.
From the Rathbun Co., with tender for cedar blocks for pavement, at $7 per cord, 7 inches long. Referred to the Street Committee with power to act.
From Dr. Ruttan, medical health officer. complaining of an open street drain on the Tyendinaga road near bridge street, containing stagnant water, to the danger of the health of the neighborhood. Referred to Street Committee with power to act.

Mr. Lapum, for the Finance Committee, submitted the report of Mr. R. McCay, collector, showing --
Amount on roll .....................$19,328.48
Cash collected......................$18,516.89
Returned, uncollectable..............    98.99
Taxes remitted.......................   532.60
Salary of Collector..................   150.00
The statement was referred to the Finance Committee to report.
The above committee also brought down the estimates for the current year, as follows
Estimated Receipts--
Market and stalls.................... $ 700.00
License..............................   300.00
Fines ...............................   200.00
Clergy reserve ......................    30.00
Dog taxes............................   150.00
County grants .......................   700.00
Special tax (street sprinkling)......   250.00
Cash on hand.........................   800.00
Rateable property at 2 per cent..... 19.350.06
Estimated Expenditure--
Interest and debentures............ $ 4,295.00
County rate.......................... 2,868.75
High and Public Schools.............. 5,337.92
Bills payable........................ 2,000.00
Salaries ............................ 2,500.00
Law and elections....................   175.00
Streets and improvements............. 2,000.00
Fire, water and gas..................   900.00
Poor ...............................    750.00
Town property........................   150.00
Printing ............................   250.00
Board of Health......................   150.00
Street watering .....................   250.00
Taxes incollectable..................   124.00
Incidentals ........................    729.39
The committee recommended, that a by-law be passed to levy a rate of 14-1/2 mills on the dollar on rateable property for general purposes, and 5-1/2 mills on the dollar on the rateable property for school purposes. The report was received and adopted.

Mr. Joy, for the above committee, brought in pay list No. 16 amounting to $50.62, which was sanctioned.
Mr. Joy, for the same committee, also reported recommending that a plank walk 4-1/2 feet wide be built from John Vine's to Robt. McMillan's, in Salem, at a cost of $88.
Also that on the petition of Alex. Craig & Son, for repairs on the road leading to their mill, the matter be referred to the Street Committee with power to act.
This being unfinished business, was laid over till that order of business came up.
Mr. Joy also reported that the expenditure on streets last year was a little over $3,000.

Fire, Water and Gas.
Mr. Carson, for the above committee, submitted the pay list for filling up two tanks, amounting to $19.25.
Mr. Joy asked who ordered him to fill up the Herring tank at the foot of Richard street. This was the best tank in town and had cost a great deal of money to the town.
Mr. Carson replied that this was the tank which the Council had ordered them to fill up.
Mr. Aylsworth said it was the worst piece of blundering ever perpetrated in town. If such was the economy of the Fire, Water and Gas Committee, good Lord deliver us from such.
Mr. Carson said the place was a mud hole, and Mr. Light complained of it.
Mr. Davis said he relied on the judgment of the rest of the committee, as he was not very well acquainted with the location of the tanks. The report was adopted.
Mr. Carson also submitted a report with regard to the water works, embracing the offer of Mr. Northay to furnish thirty hydrants, to be located wherever the Council should decide, each of the hydrants to furnish four streams through inch nozzles to a height of 75 feet. The committee reported recommending that the offer be accepted, subject to details to be accepted by this Council. The report was adopted.

The clauses in the Street Committee's report, referred to above, were laid over till the next meeting of the Council.
Mr. Lapum introduced a by-law to levy a rate of 20 mills on the dollar on all the rateable, real and personal property of the town of Napanee for the purpose of paying the general expenses of the town and for the use of the High and Public Schools of the town.
The by law passed through the several stages and became law.
Mr. Lapum also introduced a by-law for the appointment of a Collector for the current year. The by-law passed through the several stages and was signed, sealed and finally passed, Mr. Robt. McCay being appointed Collector, he to give his bond for $10,000 and two sureties of $3,000 each as security for the due performance of his duties. The salary was fixed at $150.
Mr. Davis gave notice that he would at next meeting of the Council introduce a by-law to repeal the Transient Traders' by-law.
Mr. Davis introduced a by-law for the appointment of E. J. Hooper as town solicitor, at a salary of $75 per annum, from June 1st last. The by-law passed in the usual way.

R. Easton, Treasurer, amounts paid, $146.56, voucher ordered; Boyle & Son, lamps, etc., $1.30. to Fire, Water and Gas Committee with power to act; E. Kelly, John Vanalstine and others, chasing tramps, $3.50. payment refused; Robert Light, lumber, $67.42, to Street Committee with power to act; Rathbun Co., lumber, $2.72, to Street Committee with power to act; J. Emberson, night watchman, $4, paid; assignee of late Dr. Bristol, $4, to Finance Committee to report; John Wickum, clearing market, 60 cents, paid; B. Abrams, impounding cattle, $9, paid; Hatch & Burns, livery rig. $1.50, paid.
Mr. Carson moved, seconded by Mr. Saul, that the indebtedness of Mr. S. Gibson on account of plank borrowed and stone taken without leave be placed in the hands of the town solicitor for collection. Carried.

GENGE - McAFEE -- In Napanee, by Rev. Mr. Howard, on Wednesday, Aug. 17th, Mr. Geo. Genge, to Miss Alice McAfee, all of Napanee.

CHATTERSON -- At Belleville, on Sunday, Aug 21st, 1887, Nancy Carter, relict of the late Cornelius Chatterson, aged 80 years and 6 months.

AYLSWORTH -- At Ernesttown, near Odessa, on Wednesday, Aug. 24th, David Aylsworth, Esq., aged 86 years. [The funeral service will take place at the Methodist Church, Odessa, on Saturday at 10 o'clock, after which the funeral will proceed to Cataraqui Cemetery vault.

JOLLY -- At Napanee on Wednesday, August 24th, Thomas Jolly, aged 28 years, 11 months, and 2 days.

FERRIS -- Near Kingston, on Aug 18th, Charlotte, wife of John V. Ferris, and daughter of the late Benj. Aylsworth, of Violet.

CLARK -- At Hamburgh, on Tuesday, August 23rd, George Clark, aged 29 years.

SCHERMEHORN -- At Richmond, on Wednesday, August 24th, Henry Schermehorn, aged 93 years, 7 months and 29 days.

MADDEN -- At Napanee, on Tuesday, 23rd inst. Gertie May daughter of Mr. Andrew Madden, aged 6 years and 5 months.

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