
Mostly Lanark Township Photos

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Lanark County group photo

Kate Palmer says: "The photo of all the ladies (and one lone man?) is a mystery. Front row third from right, seated in white dress, is Christena Graham who married James Lorne Prentice. Christena (1880-1969) was the daughter of Jeanette Fleming and William Graham of Lanark Township. I suspect this was taken c. 1915, before her marriage to Lorne. Possibly a Graham family reunion but no men. Ladies' temperance league? Church ladies' picnic?" Both this photo and the one below were probably taken in Lanark Township.

Lanark County group photo

Christena Graham is in the middle of this photo with an "X" written on her chest. Again, what this group was is unknown.

Unknown people.

Unknown people. Photo taken in a dry goods store or pharmacy.

Unknown man.

Unknown man. Church window is visible in the background.

Unknown family.

Unknown family. Do you recognize the house?

Unknown woman.

Unknown woman. The portrait is from the studio of an Arnprior photographer.

Unknown family.

Unknown family.

Unknown man.

Unknown man with bicycle. From an Almonte photographer's studio.

Unknown man.

Unknown man. Seems to be from a Perth photographer's studio.

Unknown woman.

Unknown woman.

Unknown man.

Unknown man.

Unknown man.

Unknown man.

Unknown man.

Unknown man. From a Kingston / Perth photographer's studio.

Unknown family.

Unknown family. From a Carleton Place photographer's studio.

Girls' Conference, Iroquois Ontario, November, 1928.

Girls' Conference, Iroquois Ontario, November, 1928.

Unknown man.

Unknown man.

Unknown baby.

Unknown baby.

Unknown girl.

Unknown girl.
This photo and the one above are from the same Grand Rapids Michigan studio.

Unknown man.

Unknown man.

Unknown man.

Unknown man. Photo is from a Newport News, Virginia, studio.

Unknown man.

Unknown man. Photo is from a Perth, Ontario, studio.

Unknown man.

Unknown man, who Kate Palmer says is one of her Prentice or Molyneaux ancestors.

Unknown man.

Unknown man, who Kate Palmer says is another Prentice or Molyneaux ancestor.

Unknown man.

Unknown man, who Kate Palmer says is another Prentice or Molyneaux ancestor.

Unknown man.

Unknown man, who Kate Palmer says is another Prentice or Molyneaux ancestor.
Photo is from a Perth, Ontario photographer's studio.

Unknown couple.

Unknown couple, who Kate Palmer says are Prentice or Molyneaux ancestors.

Unknown women.

Unknown women, who Kate Palmer says are Prentice ancestors.

Photographs © copyright by .

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