Back, L - R:
Adolph Schmelzle,
Otto Kaufman,
Wilhelm Schmelzle,
George Schmelzle,
Henry Kaufman,
Herman Schmelzle,
Christian Fredrich Schmelzle Jr.
Middle, L - R:
Pearl (Sloan) Schmelzle,
Helen (Schmelzle) Hanson,
Helen (Gunther) Schmelzle,
Maria (Schmelzle) Fera,
Martha Schmelzle,
James Fera.
Seated Front, L - R:
Alma (Schmelzle) Crawley,
Anna (Schmelzle) Kaufman,
Christian Fredrich Schmelzle Sr.,
Wilhelmina (Krizizan) Schmelzle,
Minnie (Schmelzle) Hardy.
Many thanks to who sent me the above photo and the newspaper clipping which follows.
The oldest resident of South Porcupine died on Tuesday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. H. Kaufman.
He was Christian Frederick Schmelzle, aged 91 years.
Up until Friday of last week Mr. Schmelzle enjoyed fair health, and until this last few weeks might be seen taking his daily walk as briskly as if he were twenty years younger.
His death followed a stroke taken on Friday from which he did not recover consciousness.
He lived in South Porcupine for twenty-seven years, coming here on his retirement from farming in the district of Jewelville, Palmers Rapids, near Ottawa.
His wife predeceased him some years ago.
He was born in Germany, and came to Canada with his wife in 1881.
He is survived by his children, George of Toronto, Martha of Toronto, Mrs. Hardie (Minnie) of Toronto, Christie of Athabasca, Alberta, and William of Athabasca Alta., Alma Evans of Vancouver, Mrs. H. G. Kaufman (Anne), Mrs. Ed. Hanson (Helen), Mrs. James Fera (Mary) and Adolph all of South Porcupine.
The body is resting at Hunkin's Funeral Home until Thursday, when a Lutheran service conducted by the Lutheran Minister will be held in St. Paul's Anglican Church.
Interments will be made in Timmins Cemetery. He leaves 37 grand children and 39 great-grand children.
— The Porcupine Advance, Thursday, February 17, 1949.
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