Photos Copyright (©) 1969-
by Louise Peacock.

Festival of Little Big Horn on Baldwin Street, Toronto, 1969.

Many thanks to for these photos. She said in part: " I think I had borrowed (the fisheye) lens from a photog pal from Stratford. I was too broke to have owned one and I only see evidence of it getting used the one day. Some of those fisheye pics were taken at one of Jimmy Wilson's street party events. "

Dancing on Baldwin Street, Toronto, 1969.

Photo 1: Dancing on Baldwin Street.

Food table on Baldwin Street, Toronto, 1969.

Photo 2: Food table on Baldwin Street.

Sleeping couple on Baldwin Street, Toronto, 1969.

Photo 3: Couple snoozing under a tree on Baldwin Street.

Photographer on Baldwin Street, Toronto, 1969.

Photo 4: Unknown news(?) photographer on Baldwin Street.

Hans, a photographer from Harbinger on Baldwin Street, Toronto, 1969.

Photo 5: Hans, a photographer from Harbinger, on Baldwin Street.

Peace sign on Baldwin Street, Toronto, 1969.

Photo 6: Peace, brother! Photographer looks like Hans from Harbinger.

Festival crowd on Baldwin Street, Toronto, 1969.

Photo 7: Festival crowd on Baldwin Street.

Festival dancers on Baldwin Street, Toronto, 1969.

Photo 8: Young women dancing on Baldwin Street.

Pointing at the photographer on Baldwin Street, Toronto, 1969.

Photo 9: Pointing at the photographer. Louise Peacock is shown just right of centre -- the photo was taken by Larry Taylor from Stratford.

Unknown dude in the lane near Baldwin Street, Toronto, 1969.

Photo 10: Unknown dude in the lane near Baldwin Street. He's not happy about being photographed.

VW bus on Baldwin Street, Toronto, 1969.

Photo 11: VW bus on Baldwin Street.

Larry Taylor on Baldwin Street, Toronto, 1969.

Photo 12: Larry Taylor shows his chops on Baldwin Street.

Police on Baldwin Street, Toronto, 1969.

Photo 13: Police on Baldwin Street.

Photographs Copyright © 1969- by Louise Peacock.

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