1898-1899 DIRECTORY

Perth, Ontario, Canada :
1898 - 1899 Directory

Introduction | Perth Schools | Perth Town Directory

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | Mc | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y
Aerated Waters | Agricultural Implements | Artists Material | Auctioneers | Bakers & Confectioners | Banks | Band Instruments | Bands of Music | Barbers | Barristers | Bicycle Dealers | Bicycle Repairs | Billiard Rooms | Blacksmith | Boat Builders | Book-Binders | Book Sellers | Bottlers | Boots & Shoes | Brick Manufacturers | Builders' Supplies | Butchers & Meat Markets | Cabs | Cabinet Makers | Carriage Makers | Carters | Cheese Dealers & Shippers | Chemists & Druggists | Churches | Clothiers & Outfitters | Coal & Wood Dealers | Coopers | Dentists | Dressmakers | Dry Goods, Clothing, Etc. | Dry Goods & Groceries | Dye Works | Electric Light Co's | Fancy Goods | Flour & Feed | Foundries | Furniture Dealers | Gents' Furnishings | Grocers | Hardware Stores & Tinware | Hotels | Insurance Companies | Livery & Sale Stables | Manufacturers | Marble Works | Merchant Tailors | Newspapers | Painters | Photographers | Physicians | Railway & Steamship Ticket Agents | Restaurants | Saddlery & Harness | Telegraph & Telephone | Veterinary Surgeons | Watchmakers & Jewelers


A thriving town, capital of Lanark County, situated on the River Tay and on the main line, Ontario Division of the Canadian Pacific Railway, has now a population of about 4,475. Its progress from its first settlement up to the present has been steady and marked by solid growth. Surrounded by a fertile agricultural country, possessed of mineral and other resources of great value; with transportation facilities adequate in every point of view and offering to the importer and exporter every advantage requisite in these days when quick transit at reasonable cost is demanded; with a population composed of thrifty, industrious and enterprising citizens, whose ancestry, by the way, is mainly Scotch-Irish. Perth has acquired an amiable reputation as a place of residence corresponding with its commercial importance. Its Educational institutions have been based upon and are conducted in accordance with the high standards exacted by the Canadian Educational administrative departments. Its Churches are substantial edifices which will bear favorable comparison in point of architectural design and pastoral service and administration with those of any town of the size of Perth on the Continent. The County buildings and public offices meet every requirement.

Telephone, telegraph and express service, electric light systems, roads leading to and from it, river, canal, post office and railway communication are up-to-date in every respect. Waterworks are now laid and will serve to improve the standing conditions and make Perth more than ever eligible and desirable as a place of residence. Within a few miles from the town is a popular Summer Resort at Oliver's Ferry, where handsome hotels and commodious summer cottages have been built for the accommodation of visitors hailing from all parts of the Dominion and the United States. Christie's Lake, also a short distance from Perth, is a popular resort.

The Canadian Pacific Railway Company carry on large carshops here, from which are turned out refrigerator, box and flat cars, etc.

Water communication, via the Tay Canal, is established between Perth and Montreal; thus assisting in making the former a distributing point for a populous surrounding district.

The manufacture of Cheese has become an important wealth producing factor, in the section of which Perth, is the centre and correspondingly the immediate beneficiary. Cheese branded "Perth" rates at a premium in all European markets. The value of the dairying interest and all branches of trade and industry immediately related to it is commensurately enhanced by the high standard maintained by the cheese factors.

The great value and importance of the mines in the vicinity of Perth is as yet but faintly understood. Iron, mica, mineral, phosphate and other rich deposits await simply the development that goes hand in hand with enterprise and capital. Enquiry is now active in the direction indicated and it is reasonable to believe that investment will soon follow.

Perth can show more aged people to the square yard than any town of its size on the Continent. The mortality statistics go to show that the climate and sanitary conditions here are so extremely favorable that Insurance Companies are justified in according to policy-holders very low rates – which they do. This longevity, however, is not to be attributed altogether to the purity of the water, salubrity of the climate or the phenomenal freedom from epidemics, but is largely due to the habits of the people which, might serve in point of morality, temperance and intelligent self-government, as a model for any community. The truth of this statement will be borne out by the records of the criminal courts as well as by the mortality statistics.

The future of Perth is bright with hope. Capital is becoming interested and the manifest advantages presented here for the establishment of factories are so great that it needs no prophet to foretell a great access of prosperity within the coming decade.

Mayor – James A. Allan, barrister.
Treasurer – Henry Moorhouse. Collector – R. Jamieson.
Assessor – John G. Campbell. Clerk – John A. Kerr.
East Ward – G.A. Consitt, Geo. Deacon and Robt. Little.
Centre Ward – T.A. Code, H.M. Shaw and A.C. Shaw.
West Ward – Robt. Burris, Peter Hope and J.A. Stewart.

The Council meets regularly the second and last Mondays of each month in the Council Chamber in the Town Hall.

Five Trains leave Perth daily, as follows :–
Going East.
Toronto Express, leaves Perth at 3 a.m.
Montreal Local, leaves Perth at 7 a.m.
Toronto Express, leaves Perth at 3 p.m.
Going West.
Montreal Express, leaves Perth at 12:40 a.m.
Montreal Express, leaves Perth at 12:40 p.m.


"Olive", Ottawa Forwarding Co., Props. Leaves Ottawa for Perth Friday at 7 a.m.; arrives in Perth Saturday morning. Leaves Perth, Saturday at 10 a.m., arriving at Ottawa, Monday at 6 p.m., and at Montreal Tuesday afternoon. R. Burris, Agent.


The peace is preserved throughout the town by two Constables. The Chief of Police is John Keays, and to this office is added that of Health Officer, Sanitary Inspector, Truant Officer, Collector of Poll Tax and several other minor duties.

The Night Patrol, whose duty it is to patrol the streets of the town from 9 o'clock p.m., to 7 o'clock a.m., each night of the year, is Michael Lappin.

Besides these two regular Constables there are Ward Constables, who may be called out at any time by order of the Chief.

D.R. Noonan – Chief Engineer.
Richard Walker, Capt.
J. Kane, Secy.
John Dittrick, 1st Engineer. Frank Walker, 2nd Engineer.
Neil McCallum, 3rd Engineer.
John Rae, Capt. James Morris, Secy.

The Volunteer Fire Department is equipped with 60 men, thirty to each Company and sustained by an annual grant from the Town Council.

Judge – William S. Senkler, Perth, P. O.
Sheriff – James Thompson, Perth, P.O.

E.O. Malloch, County Crown Attorney and Clerk of the Peace, Perth; W.S. Senkler, Master in High Court of Justice, Perth.

Charles Rice, Local Registrar of the High Court of Justice, and Clerk of the County Court, Perth.

Allan Carswell, Warden; W.A. Moore, County Clerk; John Code, Treasurer; W.H. Grant, Governor of Gaol; John Lee, Turnkey; P.J. Lee, Caretaker of Court House; Robt. Jamieson, Division Court Clerk; James Armour, Perth, Registrar S.R.; John Menzies, Almonte, Registrar, N.R.; N. McLenaghan, Collector Inland Revenue, County of Lanark.

Collector of Customs. – Port of Perth, N. McLenaghan.
Inspector of Weights and Measures, – A. Code, Ottawa.

License Commissioners, S.R. – Ralph Dodds and J. Hutton; Inspector, J. McCann, Perth, P.O.

License Commissioners, N.R. – Wm. Snedden and W. Dickson; Inspector, James Robertson, Almonte, P.O.


Located in Kellock Block, corner Gore and Herriott, Sts.

Annual membership fee of $1 entitles laboring men and mechanic's apprentices to full privileges of reading and amusement rooms and library; for others, fee is $1 each for reading room and library.

Robert Jamieson, Secy. Librarian. H. Moorehouse, Treasurer.

Board Of Managers: – elected annually in May. Board for 1897-98, Dr. Munro, President; G.A. Consitt, 1st Vice-President; J.M. Walker, 2nd Vice-President; Sheriff James Thompson, Dr. J.D. Kellock, James Bell, E.G. Malloch, Henry Taylor, D. Kippen.

Number of Volumes in Library are about 4,000, which is augmented from time to time by purchase or gifts from patrons.


List of Scholars Enrolled Nov., 1897.

M.M. Jaques – Principal.

Maggie Doyle, Maggie Malloch, Clara Anderson, Aggie Barr, Enid Robertson, Emma Frayn, Annie Warren, Sarah Donald, Katie Beveridge, Julia Urquhart, Mabel Hanna, Ethia Raney, Lizzie Spiers, Mary E. James, Annie Montgomery, Tena McDougaIl, Minnie Steele, Edith McKecknie, Josie Sheehan, Ida Fife, Helen McEwen, Sophia Healey, Lillie Whiting, Maggie King, Addie Allan, Genie Garvin, Naomi Teskey. Olive Pattie, Lizzie R. Forest, Louise Borrowman, Tillie Arnoldi, Wm. J. McPhail, John E. Moul(t?)on, Frederick Rice, Oswald Montgomery, Angus P. Devine, Howard Bain, Edwin Wilson, George McLaren, Thomas Balderson, William Ferguson, Anthony Kean.

FORM VIII. – K.E. Philp, Teacher.

Jessie McKinley, Carrie Moore, Jessie McCullough, Annie Darcy, Edith Hughes, Annie Moore, Lillian Cameron, Edith Jamieson, Annie LeMoine, Martha Armour, Bessie Armour, Jessie Armstrong, Winnie Moore, Mary Allan, Anna Gemmell, Jean McKinnon, Ella Jordan, Valeria Edmi(?)ton, Lillian Chamberlain, Helen Taylor, Bessie Foote. Marjory Grant Alex. Brown, Norman Stanley, Kenneth Hendry, George Scott, Ernest Lee, Melville Jamieson, Frank McLenaghan, James Ferguson, Fred Fuller, Albert Free, Willie McLaren, Walter Griffin, Hubert Allan, Arthur Wilson, John James, Robert McLaren, Harry Flummerfelt.

FORM VII. – S.B. Drysdale, Teacher.

Bessie Lillie, Gladys Code, Etta McCarthy, Christabel Bothwell, Edna Berlangette, Minnie Flett, Alice Labron, Jennie Robertson, Rose Sanders, Flossie Davis, Flossie Paul, Bertha Griffin, Nellie Hughes, Lucy Dolan, Mabel Walker, Dolly Lyon, Annie Robertson, Isobel Nicholl, Edith Mason, Harry Ferrier, Reginald A. Meighen, Creighton Wilson, Lloyd Ferrier, Fred Dittrick, Joseph Warren, Robert Gemmell, James Kellock, Matthew Tippins, Fred Bolton, Edward Burr, James Montgomery, Arthur Publow, Alex. Walker, Edward Nicholson, James Irving, Fred McLenaghan, Jack Inderwick, Edmund Griffith, Ernest Ireland, Douglas McCulloch, Walter Asseltine, George Glossop.

FORM VI. – L. Lowe, Teacher.

Eva Rowatt, Greta Grey, Lottie Dena, Alma Gibson, Gertie Love, Lizzie Stacey, Mary Lane, Clara Griffin, Florence Asseltine, Rebecca McAuley, Minnie Moore, Leonore Meighen, Elsie Hope, Sarah Robinson, Maude Code, Anna Cooper, Charlotte Scott, Katie Lyon, Ethel Ferrier, Eva McLaren, Ella Kenyon, Carrie Hendry, May Duffield, Norman Grant, Lizzie Crosbie, Eva Potter, Lyda Moore, Vena Stokes, Ida Morris, Clara McGregor, Pearl Thompson, Victor Fuller, Alex. Labron, Arthur Hopkins, Norman Wilson, Mervyn Code, Willie Irving, Alex. Cameron, M(?)rton Harvey, Frank Harvey, Allie Irons, Eddie Walker, Alex. Adair, Robbie Dewitt, George Barrie, Fred Free, Norman Code, Thomas Beatty, Henry McAuley, Willie Graham, Homer Kerr, Wiillie Soper, Allie Sinclair.

FORM V. – M. Walker, Teacher.

Jean Robinson, Bella Mclnroy, Ada Mitchell, Carrie Griffith, Amy Rossiter, Edith Gibson, May Belle Ferrier, Lena Dolan, Lillian Allan, Ethel Moore, Vera Allan, Maggie Rutherford, Dora Price, Anna Finlay, Mabel Thornton, Ella Beatty, Maggie Kennedy, Edith Flett, Mary Darcy, Ethel Wilson, Maud Publow, Josephine Armstrong, Isobel Kellock, Gertrude Emerson, Sara Morrison, Kenneth Labron, William Baird, William Burr, Wilson Cain, Alex. Flumerfelt, William Rutherford, Albert McKerracher, Donald Campbell, Charles Campbell, David Fisher, Charles Sanders, Albert McLean, Adam McKinley, Harold Cameron, William Brown, Gordon Hall, William Cain, George Rock, Roy Wilson, William Lake, Benjamin Walker, Ward Gamble, Frank Carr, William Emerson, Thomas Wilson, Ross Heatherington.

FORM IV. – Margaret Skiffington, Teacher.

Joy Hogg, Cora Smith, Maggie Hamilton, Ella Berlangette, Margaret Chester Minnie Mitchell, Bertha Richardson, Bessie Stewart, Cora Dena, Tena Thornton, Annie Collins, Irene Allan, Madge Allan, Olive Flett, Christina Wilson, Martha Moore, Ruby James, Helen Walker, Eva Paul, Ina Samways, Maud Berlangette, James Fisher, Chas. Cooper, Fred McTavish, Albert Co(?)ney, James Renaud, Alfred Saunders, Willie Flett, Harry Bolton, Jas. Graham, Jas. King, Willie Darcy, Thos. Collins, Thos. Farmer, Victor Dolan, John White, Norman Davis, Arthur Code, Fred Ferguson, Wilfred Hughes, Geo. Meighen, Paul Griffin, Roy Cook, Robert Sloan, James Brown, Fred Dickenson, Desmond Meighen, Wilbert Stewart, Wilfred Hart, Fred Allan, Ben Reid, James Moore.

FORM III. – Emma Wodden, Teacher.

Lonnia Lewis, Hattie Moore, Jennie Ferguson, Hattie Clint, Leah Headrick, Alice McLean, Cora Arkison, Ethel Peters, Jessie Hughes, Theresa Collins, Tena Emerson, Anna Rowatt, Lily Soper, Wilhemina Crosbie, Bella Hamilton, Mina Turcott, Maud Flett, Winnie Foote, Sadie Finlay, Hazel James, Minnie Balderson, Nettie McLaren, Lizzie Allan, May McLenaghan, May Graham, Edna McMaster, Mary McMaster, Anna Grant, Stella Flagherty, Lizzie Lister, Robbie Carr, Edward Chatfield, Earl Ager, Harry Rae, Norman Rae, Jack Rock, Allie King, Albert Dewitt, George Code, James Collins, Leslie Paul, Arthur Cooper, Elmore Keys, Lloyd Keys, George Currie, David Sullivan, Clark James, Walter Robertson, Lawrence Griffith, Eddie Cooper, Willie Telford, Carl Bates, Alfred Kirkham, Alan Bateman, James McKenny, Archie Sinclair, Samuel Troke, Hubert Cameron, Harold Asseltine.

FORM II. – Elizabeth Stanley, Teacher.

Holly Stickland, Harriet Fisher, Annie Wilson, Evelyn Kellock, Merva Warren, Clara Graham, Maggie McAuley, Susy Troke, Flossie Burke, Sadie Graham, May Labron, Alice Graham, Bertha Raymond, Mattie Richardson, Tillie Lewis, Jessie Haw, Kathleen Rudd, May Rock, Mildred Emerson, Isobel McTavish, Georgina McAuley, Alice Hetherington, Ethel Smith, Lorene Chapman, Elsie Affleck, Grace Berlangette, Hattie Carr, Mabel Lyon, Willie Cooke, Lloyd McLaren, Ronald Scott, George Bothwell, Eric Meighen, Willie Howie, Willie McDonald, John Moore, Charles Baird, John Haw, Harold McCarthy, Henry Steele, Boyd Mitchell, Ivan Publow, Allan Campbell, Willie Clarke, Alfred Gemmill, Ernest Dickenson, Harry Dena, Edmund Code, Adelbert Sharpe, Harold Chapman, George Brown, Jack Hope.

Miss Anderson's Department.

Part Second – Edith Kirkham, Ethel Smith, Annie Griffith, Ethel Free, Ruby Spalding, Ethiel Gibson, Herbert Allan, Lloyd McKinley, John Mars, Mervyn Davis, Waldo Morris, Lawrence Kirkham, John Richardson, Gordon Hughes, Abram Robinson, Fred Cooney, Joseph Beatty, Eddie Ferguson.

Junior Third Class – Daisy Drysdale, Florence Moore, Jean Hughes, May Fidlar, Arthena Spalding, George Dewitt, Mervyn Smith, George Wilson, David Ferguson, Lloyd Clarke, George Fraser, Ezra Lewis, Lindsay Sinclair, Basil Inderwick.

Senior Second Class – Julia Lemoine, Clara Jacques, Jesaie Wilson, Florence Fuller, Maud Turcott, Mervyn Bates, Welland McMaster, Mervyn McLaren, Boyd Grant, Howard Morris, Fred Morris, Thos. Adair, Thos. Irving, Hannah Lark.

FORM I. B. – Mrs. Buchanan, Teacher.

Olive Campbell, Mamie Haw, Lavina Moore, Lillian Foote, Jessie Sanders, Rachel Flett, Mary Beatty, Florence Leaver, Lottie Grey, Nada Grey, Mossie Ager, Lizzie Cooper, Florence Harvey, Ethel Gamble, Frances Robinson, Pearl Richardson, Mary Fisher, Laura Thornton, Joseph White, Willie Chester, Alex. Howie, Cyrus Smith, Loyd Walker, Norman Bateman, Jack Hopkins, Walter Hughes, Willie McLenaghan, Jimmie Major, Wilfred McLellan, Floyd Wilson, Foss Bolton, Eddie Dewitt, John McMaster, Tom McLellan, Willie Whitney, Joseph McMaster, Geo. Graham, Geo. Robinson, Eddie Irvine, Tom Kirkham, Henry Moore, Baxter Davis.

FORM I. A. – Mrs. McKinnon, Teacher.

Eliza Hone, Eleanor Crosbie, Jane Hone, Eva Rae, Bessie Farmer, Pearl Ferguson, Mina Flumerfelt, Pearl Cameron, Ruby Cameron, Olive Allan, Isobel Rutherford, Helen Chapman, Francis Collins, Agnes, Smith, Sadie Frizelle, Gertie Frizell, Georgina Collins, Annie King, Elsie Walker, Lizzie Huddleston, Maria Richardson, P(?)ncy Asseltine, Isobel Lillie, Cassie Lewis, Lizzie Troke, Myrtle Sinclair, James Robertson, Nelson Paul, Fred McCallum, Willie Hamilton, Carlyle McArthur, Samuel Thornton, Henderson McArthur, Bertram Ferrier, Fred Carr, Job Carpenter, Walter Ferrier, Allan Rowatt, Willie Cooney, Emerson Edmiston, Willie Collins, Fred Thompson, Harold Stone, Willie Andrews.

Rev. Mother Mary Francis, Superior.
Rev. Sister Mary Immaculate, Music Teacher.
There are three teaching Sisters in the Separate School.
Rev. C.J. Duffus, Chairman.

Messrs John Doyle, John McCann, Jas. Hartney, Jas Lally, P.J. Lee, Secy.

The Board meets last Tuesday of every Month.

GRADE IV. – Sister Mary Clare, Teacher.

Senior Fourth – Mary Burns, Annie Burns, Edward Burns, Mary Conway, Edmund Connelly, Florence Drennan, Evelyn Dowdall, Gertrude Dowdall, Everard Doyle, Catherine Furlong, Vincent Farry, Ellen Gallipeau, Annie Hogan, Mary Irvine, Alexander Kehoe, Annie Lally, Vincent Le(e?), Lawrence Morrison, James McCann, William McGowan, Alfred O'Brien, Margaret Sullivan, Oswald Sutherland. Lawrence Sheridan, Peter Wilson, Mary Young.

Junior Fourth – John Courtney, Edmund Furlong, Lloyd Gormon, Lloyd Hartney, Hazel Kane, Leo Lally, Elizabeth McGowan, Mary Mulholland, Clara Morrison, George J. Noonan, George D. Noonan, Frank Publow, Agnes Smith, Joseph Sullivan.

GRADE III. – Sister Mary J. Vincent, Teacher.

Senior Third – Clara Cavanagh, Clara Connolly, Margaret Conway, Alice Doyle, Agnes Farry, James Farry, John Gallipeau, Alexander Gaudreau, Robert Hudson, John Larkin, Monica Lee, Daniel Lee, Joseph Lee, Alice McArdle. Edward McDonald, Winifred O'Brien.

Junior Third – Francis Burns, Fred Carey, Etta Dowdall, Ethel Farrell, Alphonsus Gallipeau, Mary Griffith, Frank Hartney, Ethel Hogan, Edward Hogan, Thomas Hogan, William Hogan, Loreto Horan, Mary Kennedy, William Lally, Evelyn Lappin, Rose Legault, Francis McAleese, Edmund McCann, John McCann, Florence McCarthy, Anna McDonald, George McElligott, Josephine Mulholland, Mary Shirley, Lawrence Young.


Senior Second – Willie Drennan, Mary Doyle, Maggie Gallipeau, Gertrude Hogan, Kathleen McGowan, Tena Noonan, Thomas Sullivan.

Junior Second – Mary Brady, Charles Cavanagh, James Cavanagh, Maggie Courtney, Teresa Courtney, Mary Doyle, Katie Hogan, John Hogan, Mary Hogan, Daniel Horan, Edith Hudson, Vincent Lally, John Patterson, Fred Publow, Ethel Shirley, Mary Williams.


Part Second Class – Anna M. Horan, Charles Hudson, James Hudson, Henry Irvine, Louise Kane, Bernard Lee, John McAleese, Alph McCann, Kate McCarthy, Jane McDonald, Leo McElligott, Herbert Mulholland, Mary Murphy, Annie Noonan, Edward Noonan, Earl Quinn, James Morrison, William Shirley, Annie Shirley, Francis Sullivan, Veronica Young, Kate Williams.

Part First Class – Mary Adams, Florence Brady, Gerald Brown, Mary Brown. Fred Burns, Teresa C(a?)rey, Herbert Carey, Cathleen Carr, Veronica Carr, John Carroll, Jane Cherette, Annie Cherette, Cecelia Cherette, Peter Collins, Frank Conway, Cecelia Davis, Bessie Davis, Leo Doyle, Earl Doyle, Gordon Fairburn, Mary Flareau, Mary Furlong, George Gallipeau, George Gormon, William Griffiths, Thomas Hogan, Henry Irvine, May Noonan.

Primary Class – Maggie Gaudreau, Fred Hale, Helen Hartney, Florence Hartney, Stella Hartney, Michael Hartney, Maggie Hogan, Lorne Horan.


R.A. Paterson, B.A., Principal and Mathematical Master.
L. Stevenson, B.A., B.Sc., Science Master.
W. Hardie, B.A., Classical Master.
Miss E.O. Woods, B.A., Modern Language Teacher.
J.A. Edmiston, Commercial Master.



Fred Allan, Harold Allan, Gerald Allan, Marshall Allan, Cecil Bateman, James Beatty, John Best, George Bolton, Edward Consitt, John Harper, Daniel Herlehy, William Hicks, Lloyd James, Clark Jaques, Fred Lappin, John Lappin, James Madden, Howard Manders, Thomas McCann, Mervin McDonald, James McMaster, Lloyd Moore, John Robertson, Harry Sinclair, David Sloan, William Walker, George White, Herbert Wilson, Laura Allan, Sarah Brown, Ethel Crosbie, May Cuthbertson, Katie Grant, Helen Hall, Jennie Hope, Edith Horning, Mena Hossie, Maggie Hughes, Thyra Jordan, Grace Kennedy, Eliza Kennedy, Francis McCann, Elsie McGregor, Mary McIlroy, Maggie McLaren, Grace McLean, Laura McVeity, Morna Meighen, Lottie Morris, Winnie Spalding, Francis Sullivan, Maggie Thornton, Anna Walker, Katie Wilson.


Alex. Burlangette, Ernest Davis, Lorne Ferrier, George Irons, Elwood James, Thomas Kane, Bert Lyon, Walter McRae, George O'Grady, Charles Publow, Fred Robertson, Charles Robertson, Kenneth Taylor, John Wilson, Carrie Best, Edith Bothwell, Cornelia Deacon, Anna Glenn, Bernadesta Gorman, Louise Hogg, Minnie Hope, Allie Horning, Maud Leaver, Ethel McCallum, Maggie McConnell, Edith McDonald, Lizzie Robertson, Evelyn Smith, Minnie Warren, Henrietta Watson, Mary Wilson, Anna Wright.


Austin Bothwell, Donald Bothwell, Jefferson Collinson, Allan Dennison, John Drysdale, Harold Gibson, William Hope, Oliver Leslie, James Lynch, Walter McKinnon, James McLaren, Howard Scott, Laura Allan, Edna Bowen, Maggie Brownlee, Mabel Buchanan, Emma Burr, Jennie Connelly, Nellie Croskery, Edith Farrell, Lenore Farry, Maggie Glossop, Gertrude Gorman, Phunie Hopkins, Jessie Keays, Maggie Leonard, Josie McCaffrey, Kathleen McCann, Lizzie McKinnon, Jennie McLaren, Jennie McLenaghan, Kathleen Michell, Ursula Murphy, Dora North, Mabel Pierce, Hessie Poppelwell, Ethel Scott, Hannah Thompson, Minnie Thornton, Ida Warren, Pearl Warren, Annie Watson, Isobel Watts, Edna Whyte.


Robert Balderson, Norman Bothwell, George Glenn, Thomas Hicks, Robert Kellock, Robert Motherwell, George Noonan, William Weir, Euphemia Allan, Mabel Bateman, Mima Currie, Rose Currie, Annie Doyle, Kate Forrest, Ethel Glossop, Lizzie James, Alice McGarry, Annie McGillivray, Maud Murphy, Jennie Noonan, Maggie Pierce.


Rupert Michell, George Stanley, Lloyd Warren, Gertie Farrell, Lizzie McCann, Agnes Scott.




Andersen, blacksmith, emp waterworks, se cor Herriott and Drummond

Armstrong, Margaret, (D.Hogg's) es Gore, bet North & D'Arcy.

Agar, Alice Mrs., widow, ws Drummond near cor North.

Allan, Francis Mrs., widow, ss D'Arcy bet Gore and Drummond.

Anderson Elsie, housekeeper, (Hon. J. Haggart's) Haggart's Island.

Abercrombie Annie Mrs., ss Harvey bet Arthur and Park ave.

Adair John, railroader, es Market bet Peter and John.

Adams Fred Mrs., es Gore bet Boulton and D'Arcy.

Adams James emp car shops, cor Harvey and Drummond.

Adams Mrs. John, ss Brock bet Gore and Wilson.

Adams Michael, miner, ss cor Drummond and Brock.

Affleck Jane Mrs., widow, ss Gore bet Isabella and D'Arcy.

Agar A T grocer, ss Foster bet Gore and Wilson res ws Drummond bet D'arcy and North

Agar J D storeman (with A Meighen & Bros) cor Drummond and Herriott

Albury Henry driver ss Halton bet Gore and Drummond

Albion Hotel J H Young prop cor Craig and Gore

Allan Alice waitress Revere House

Allan House A Robinson prop ws Gore bet Colburn and Market sq

Allan Line Steam Ships A.E. Seeley agt ws Gore N. branch Tay

Allan James trader res Cockburn Island

Allan James Merchant cor D'arcy and Wilson res Stewart's Sq

Allan J A lawyer es Gore bet Foster and Herriott res ws Gore bet North and D'arcy

Allan's Saw Mills Caroline villiage w end Peter

Allan Francis grocer ns Peter bet Thom and M'k't

Allan Frank Saw Mills res Peter bet M'k't and river

Allan John framer Peter bet Lewis and Thom

Allan Robt. gentlemen es Gore bet Brock and Cockburn

Allan William cor Peter and M'k't

Allan Winnie emp Code's Mill res Peter bet Lewis and Thom

Anderson Agness domestic D'arcy bet Victoria and Drummond

Anderson Benj emp Allan's Mills

Anderson F E clerk (with R W Croskery) ws Wilson

Anderson Harriet es Gore bet Harvey and Craig

Anderson Jas. farmer ss Wilson nr rr

Anderson Mary cook Queen's Hotel res same

Anderson Wm. photos ss Brock bet Gore and Drummond

Andison Isabel ns Peter bet Lewis and Thom

Andision Mary school teacher ns Isabella bet Gore and Wilison

Andison Nicholas res Peter bet Lewis and Thom

Arkison D Mrs widow es Beckwith bet H(?)lton and Robinson

Arkison Jennie saleslady (J H Mendel's) res cor Robinson and Beckwith

Armour Jas registrar, office Ct House res se cor Foster and Drummond

Armour John gentleman cor Isabella and Victoria

Armour Beatrice res cor Isabella and Victoria

Armour Margaret res cor Isabella and Victoria

Armour Mary res cor Isabella and Victoria

Armstrong Annie res ft of Harvey nr river

Armstrong Carrie res ws Drummond bet Isabella and Mary

Armstrong Clara cashier res ws Drummond bet Isabella and Mary

Armstrong Geo E dry goods es Gore bet Foster and Herriott res Stewart sq

Armstrong Grace Mrs res ft of Harvey near river

Armstrong Ida res ws Drummond bet Isabell and Mary

Armstrong Harriet res ws Drummond bet Isabella and Mary

Armstrong James emp Allan's Mill res ft of Harvey near river

Armstrong Jennie domestic (with J Spalding) ss Craig bet Gore and Drummond.

Armstrong Marshall emp carshops res ws m'k't bet Peter and river

Armstrong Wilbert B c'l'k (Warren & McCarthy's) s opp Drummond

Armstrong William gentlemen ws Drummond bet Isabella and Mary St

Armstrong W A clk (G E Armstrong's) res ws Drummond b t Isabella and Mary st

Aseltine Geo painter res cor North and Lewis

Atchison John emp Canning factory res ns Peter bet Wilson and Lewis

Atchison Richard Miss. res ns Gore bet Robins n and South

Atchison William, capitalist, res c r Gore and Robinson

Avison Eugene Mrs., res ns Brock bet Gore and Drummond


Barker Robert, bartender Allan House

Babcock Jas., engineer CPR bds Albion Hotel

Bailey Jas., capitalist, es Gore near Harvey

Bailey Mary Mrs ns Herriott bet Gore and Wilson

Baird Thos carter ss Leslie nr Wilson

Baker J F Mrs ns Harvey bet Drummond and Beckwith

Balderson Jas. M Lawyer (Matheson & Balderson) res ns D'arcy bet Gore and Wilson

Balderson Matt es Drummond bet Halton and Robinson

Balderson N S Mrs dressmaker sw cor D'arcy and Wilson

Balderson Robt gentleman D'arcy bet Gore and Wilson

Balderson Robert student es Wilson bet Harris and Mary

Balderson Susie R res ns D'arcy bet Gore and Wilson

Banning Jas emp Code's Mill res ws Gore bet South and Robinson

Bank of Montreal R J Drummond Mgr ws Gore bet Foster and Herriott

Baptist Church ns D'arcy bet Gore and Drummond

Barr Agnes res es Gore bet Craig and Harvey

Barr Robert Mrs housekeeper ws Wilson n of Mary

Barrie's Hotel Thos Barrie prop es Wilson nr D'arcy

Barrie Geo agent ss D'arcy bet Gore and Wilson

Barrie Isabella student ws Wilson bet North and D'arcy

Barrie Lawrence farmer ws Wilson bet North and D'arcy

Barrie Lena res es D'arcy bet Gore and Wilson

Barrie Malcolm res ws Wilson bet North and D'arcy

Barrie Maud teacher res es D'arcy bet Gore and Wilson

Barrie Geo Mrs widow ws Wilson bet North and D'arcy

Barie T C clk (Shaw & McKerracher's) res es Gore bet Foster and Herriott

Baskey Leaonie domestic (with R Bolton) nw cor Foster and Drummond

Bateman G A Ins'ce Agt res cor Beckwith and Foster

Bates Walter shoemaker (with G B Farmer) res ws Drummond bet Brock and Craig

Baynard Fred emp Canning factory res ns Peter bet Lewis and Wilson

Beach A C coml traveller res n Grant bet Wilson and Arthur

Beach W G clerk Mer Bk res ns Grant bet Wilson and Arthur

Beal Charles laborer res ws Gore bet Cockburn and Halton

Beal Grace res ws Gore bet Halton and Cockburn

Beal Henry carpenter carshops res ws Gore bet Halton and Cockburn

Beal Wm tailor res cor Beckwith and Brock

Beaty Jas res es Wilson bet Harris and Mary

Beaty Jos res es Wilson bet Harris and Mary

Beaty Wm emp carshops ws mkt bet Peter and river.

Beavis Florence res ns North bet Beckwith and rr

Beeman Thos W physician ss Foster bet Gore and Drummond.

Bell James res es Gore near cor Harvey

Bell Telephone Co rear Nothgrave's Jewelry store es Gore near Herriott

Bennet Margaret Mrs widow ws Beckwith bet Halton and Robinson

Bennet Mary dressmaker ws Beckwith bet Halton and Robinson

Bennett Michael emp carshops ws Beckwith bet Halton and Robinson

Bennet Stephen carpenter ws Beckwith bet Halton and Robinson

Bennet Stephen laborer res ss Herriott bet Drummond and Beckwith

Berlangette & Lee painters (J Berlangette P J Lee ns North near Wilson

Berlangette John painter res ws cor Lewis and North

Bishop – emp carshops res ws Gore nr cor Craig

Bissoneau Joseph farmer ws Craig opp brickyards

Bolton Henry Mrs widow res ss Harvey bet Arthur and Park Ave

Bond John Mrs widow res ws Gore bet Craig and Harvey

Bond John carpenter ns Brock bet Gore and Harvey

Boon Bella res Peter bet Lewis and Thom

Boon Gertie res Peter bet Lewis and Thom

Boon Robt emp Canning factory res Peter bet Lewis and Thom

Boon Thos emp carshops res Peter bet Lewis and Thom

Bothwell Edith res ns North bet Lewis and Mkt

Bothwell Joshua cooper res ns D'arcy bet Gore and Wilson

Bothwell Louisa res ns D'arcy bet Gore and Wilson

Bothwell Thos cooper ns Gore bet D'Arcy and Bolton

Bothwell W K clerk (Charles & James) res ns D'Arcy bet Wilson and Gore

Boucher David R, carpenter bds Albion Hotel

Boulton H R clerk (B'k of Montreal) res cor Foster and Drummond

Blackburn Chas res ws Gore bet D'Arcy and North

Black A C es Gore opp Methodist Church

Blair L( )na ws Wilson, near rr

Blair Robert ws Wilson near rr

Blair W H agent agrl implts bds Barrie's Hotel

Bower J A Son drupgists cor Gore and Basin

Bower Christina Mrs., widow – res cor D'Arcy and Victoria

Bower J D druggist res Craig st bet Gore and Drummond

Bower Joshua Mrs res ss Craig bet Gore and Drummond

Bowerr Annie stenographer res ss Craig bet Gore and Drummond

Bower Etta student res ss Craig bet Gore and Drummond

Bower Frank student res ss Craig bet Gore and Drummond

Bower Wilfred res ss Craig bet Gore and Drummond

Bowey Alice res Hicks House

Boyce Mary E domestic Albion Hotel

Brady Mrs J cook

Brady Thomas emp carshops res cor Gore and Craig

Brash Chas emp CPR bds Albion Hotel

Briggs Wm emp waterworks res ws Gore nr cor Craig

Brimner Joseph (Laurie's baker) bds same

Bogan Joseph painter bds Queen's Hotel

Brooks Mary res es Gore bet Herriott and River

Brown Helen (res Jas Allan's) n end of Gore

Brown John res ss Brock bet Gore and Wilson

Bri(?)co Thos emp carshops se cor Herriott and Drummond

Bulger Geo emp carshops es Beckwith near river

Burns Win carter ss Halton bet Drummond and Gore

Burns Jas W emp carshops ss Halton bet Drummond and Gore

Burns Thos emp carshops ss Halton bet Drummond and Gore

Brown R A drover res ns North bet Lewis and Market

Brown Robert street inspector res Brock bet Gore and Wilson

Bryson R B clerk (G E Armstrong's) res ns North bet Beckwith and rr

Bryson M Miss res ns North bet Beckwith and rr

Bryson L Miss res ns North bet Beckwith and rr

Bryson J res ns North bet Beckwith and rr

Buchanan James harness-maker res ns Brock bet Gore and Drummond

Buchanan James emp carshops bds Barrie's Hotel

Buchanan John emp waterworks res ss North bet Lewis and Market

Buchanan Mabel student es Gore bet Lewis and Market

Buchanan Norman emp carshops bds Barrie's Hotel

Buffam Elisha emp carshops bds es Drummond n end Long Bridge

Buffam Frank clerk CPR Depot

Buffam William barber (with E Love) nw cor Gore and Herriott

Buntin Jas liveryman (Palace Livery Stable) ne side Long Bridge

Burke Geo engineer res es Beckwith bet Herriott and river

Burke Michael farmer res ss Herriott bet Beckwith and Drummond

Burke Michael shoemaker (with G B Farmer) res 2nd line of Drummond

Burns John J emp carshops res nw cor Harvey and Beckwith

Burns St V emp carshops res nw cor Grant and Wilson

Burns Thos carpenter waterworks bds Albion Hotel

Burr Chas blacksmith res Herriott nr cor Beckwith

Burr Gracie emp Code's Mill res Herriott nr cor Beckwith

Burr Rowland emp carshops res Herrott nr cor Beckwith

Burris R (Flour and Feed) ws Gore nr N. branch Tay res es Wilson bet Boulton and Isabella

Burris W E tel operator G N W Tel Co ws Gore nr N branch Tay res es Wilson bet Boulton and Isabella

Burris William hostler Hicks' House bds same

Burry Thos bakery es Gore bet Foster and Harriott

Busette Wm emp Code's Mill bds Albion Hotel

Butler Amy res cor D'Arcy and Drummond

Butler Geo tinsmith es Gore bet Colborne and Basin res se D'Arcy and Drummond

Butler G W tinsmith res es Gore bet Colborne and Basin

Butler Victoria res cor D'Arcy and Drummond

Butler William hardware res cor D'Arcy and Drummond

Butler William gentleman res ws Wilson bet Foster and Herriott

Byrne Alphonse clerk (H T Noonan's) res same

Byrne A T emp carshops res ws Gore bet Craig and Harvey

Byrne Florence res ws Gore bet Craig and Harvey

Byrne Harry blacksmith bds Barrie's Hotel

Byrne Lawrence emp carshops es Gore bet Brock and Cockburn

Byrne Maggie domestic (G E Armstrong's) n end Gore

Byrne Michael gentleman res ws Arthur bet Church and Grant

Byrme Owen emp carshops res ws Gore bet Craig and Harvey

Bygrove Edward ag'l implements res Long Swamp road

Bygrove Geo clerk (Charles & James) res ss Herriott bet Gore and Drummond


Cain Dr. Wm vet surgeon res ws North bet Lewis and Wilson

Cairns Arthur clerk P O res ns North nr Gore

Cairns Alex wiper CPR bds Albion Hotel

Cairns William laborer carshops bds Barrie's Hotel

Callahan James laborer res ws Gore bet Halton and Robinson

Cameron A livery Market Square Cockburn Island

Cameron Aggie milliner es Wilson bet Boulton and Isabella

Cameron A M blacksmith es Wilson bet D'Arcy and Boulton

Cameron Bros livery (R & W Cameron) nw cor North and Gore

Cameron Catherine M caretaker Public Library res Kellock's bl'k cor Herriott and Gore

Cameron Christina res ws North bet Gore and Wilson

Cameron Malcolm livery res Market Square Cockburn Island

Cameron Robert (Cameron Bros) res ws Gore near North

Cameron William (Cameron Bros) res ws Gore near North

Campbell & Downey merchant tailors ss Foster bet Gore and Wilson

Campbell Albert baker (Laurie's) bds same

Campbell Archibald Mrs widow res ws Drummond cor Mary

Campbell D G tinsmith ws North bet Gore and Wilson

Campbell F G (Campbell & Downey) res ns Foster bet Drummond and Beckwith

Campbell J D Mrs widow res ns Foster bet Gore and Wilson

Campbell James Mrs widow ss D'Arcy bet Drummond and Victoria

Campbell John G gentleman ss D'Arcy bet Drummond and Victoria

Campbell Levi A marble cutter es Gore bet North and D'Arcy res ns Cockburn bet Beckwith and Drummond

Campbell Mary A B clerk (with EG Malloch) ss Drummond nr cor Mary

Campbell William tinsmith bds Barrie's Hotel

Canton M A Mrs grocery res sw cor Gore and Craig

Canton W J emp carshops res se cor Brock and Beckwith

Capell Thos drug clerk (J Bower & Son) bds R Lillie's

Carmichael John laborer res ws Wilson nr rr

Carey Edmund carpenter res es Drummond bet Harvey and River

Carey James marble cutter (res sw cor Cockburn and Wilson

Carpenter Geo pilot res nr North end Drummond

Carr Frank emp carshops ns Herriott nr CPR Depot

Carroll John emp Allan's Mills res nr cor Peter and Market

Carroll Mary emp Code's Mill res cor Peter and Market

Cathcart Michael res ss Harvey bet Gore and Wilson

Cavanagh Peter engineer CPR ns Harvey bet Gore and Wilson

Cavanagh Thos res sw cor Market and Peter

Chambers Henry mason ns North bet Lewis and Wilson

Chamberlin Geo laborer bds Queen's Hotel

Chapman W J Conductor CPR res ss North nr cor Beckwith

Charette Adam emp carshops es Beckwith bet Harvey and River

Charette Mary res es Beckwith bet Harvey and River

Charette Medric emp carshops es Beckwith bet Harvey and River

Charette Trifle emp carshops es Beckwith bet Harvey and River

Charles & James dry goods nw cor Peter and Wilson

Charles John gentleman ns North bet Beckwith and rr

Charles Joseph (Charles & James) ns North bet Beckwith and R R

Charles L A mason ws Lewis next Exhibition Grounds

Charlton Mary domestic (C N Simmons) ns Isabella bet Gore and Wilson

Cheeters Chas Mrs res es Wilson nr cor Craig

Cher(?)ie Hannah tailor ss (Campbell & Downey) bds with T A Moon opp. Basin

Chester T A bakery ws Gore nr Market Square res same

Clarke Samuel emp Car Wheel Works ns Peter bet Thom and Market

Clarke Wesley emp carshops ss North bet Market and Lewis

Clements Andrew railroader es Gore nr river

Clement Peter teacher bds Barrie's Hotel

Clements W J emp carshops es Gore nr river

Clint Aggie emp Code's Mill res ws Market bet Peter and river

Clyne John carpenter es Drummond bet Harvey and river

Code Eliza es Drummond bet North and D'Arcy

Code George emp Code's Mill ss D'Arcy bet Gore and Drummond

Code J A dye works bds Revere House

Code John Co Treasurer es Drummond bet North and D'Arcy

Code Manda Mrs res Caroline Village

Code Richard emp Allan's Mills ws Thom bet Peter and John

Code Richard Mrs widow ws Thom bet Peter and John

Code Robert dyer (with J A Code) es Gore near river

Code T A prop Knitting Mill ne cor Herriott and Wilson res opp

Code's Knitting Mill T A Code prop ne cor Herriott and Wilson

Coffey George plasterer cor Craig and Gore

Coffey Mary dressmaker cor Craig and Gore

Coffey Minnie dressmaker cor Craig and Gore

Collins Chas emp carshops ss Church bet Arthur and Park Ave

Collins Eliza ss Brock bet Beckwith and Sherbrooke

Collins Marcellus Mrs ss Church bet Park Av and Arthur

Collins Mary Anne Mrs ss Church bet Park Av and Arthur

Collins Mary ss Brock bet Beckwith and Sherbrooke

Collins Simon carter ss Cockburn bet Drummond and Beckwith

Collins Thomas ss Brock bet Beckwith and Sherbrooke

Conway J T clerk (Dickenson Bros) es Drummond bet Halton and Robinson

Conway John emp carshops cor Drummond and Halton

Conway Joseph tailor cor Drummond and Halton

Consitt Emma ws Gore bet Brock and Cockburn

Consitt G A lawyer office es Gore Cockburn Island res ws Gore bet Brock and Cockburn

Connelly Edward emp carshops ss Harvey bet Gore and Wilson

Connors John emp Hicks House res same

Cook Bridget cook Revere House res same

Cook Jennie tailoress (Campbell & Downey) es Beckwith bet North and D'Arcy

Cook H A night operator CPR depot es Victoria bet North and D'Arcy

Cook James emp carshops ss Brock opp brickyard

Cooney Ellen Mrs widow ss North bet Market and Lewis

Cooper Evangeline cook (Jackman's Hotel) res same

Cooper Harriett emp canning factory ss Church bet Arthur and Park av

Cooper James Mrs emp Hicks House res same

Cooper James sr laborer ss Church bet Arthur and Park av

Cooper James jr emp carshops ss Church bet Arthur and Park av

Cooper Jennie seamstress ss Church bet Arthur and Park av

Cooper Maggie domestic (at Lapoints') res same

Cooper Wm emp carshops ss Church bet Arthur and Park ave

Cope Chas emp St John's presbytery res same.

Cornell Carrie emp Canning factory ws Mill nr Gore

Corry Geo dpy Sheriff ss Colburn near bridge

Corry Jas laborer bds Barrie's Hotel

Corley Minnie emp Barrie's Hotel res same

Corley Sadie emp Barrie's Hotel res same

Cosgrove Catherine Mrs ws Gore bet Harvey and Craig

Cosgrove Elize emp Code's Mill ws Gore bet Harvey and Craig

Cosgrove Kate ws Gore bet Harvey and Craig

Cosgrove Maggie ws Gore bet Harvey and Craig

Court House Drummond bet Harvey and Craig

Chambers W H emp carshops se cor Herriott and Drummond

Court Deborah domestic (F A Hall's) w f Gore bet Herriott and Foster

Cobb Rebecca Mrs domestic (W A Meighen's) ws Drummond bet Isabella and D'arcy

Crayton Robt emp carshops ws Beckwith bet Foster and Herriott.

Confederation Life Association of Toronto John McLenaghan Agt se D'arcy bet Gore and Wilson.

Courtney Alice emp Code's Mills e cor Beckwith and Halton

Courtney Jas emp carshops se cor Beckwith and Halton

Cowan S J housekeeper sw cor Brock and Gore

Cowie Georgina domestic (J F Kellock's) cor Mary and Drummond

CPR Telegraph office A E Seeley agt ws Gore on n branch river

CPR carhops ft of Herriott

Crawford Fred tailor (Campbe11 & Downey's) bds Barrie's Hotel

Crawford James blacksmith bds Barrie's Hotel

Crawford Martin tinsmith (A T McArthur's) res same

Crosby W J shoemaker (R W Croskery's) ws Gore next Methodist Church

Croskery Miss res ns Mill near Gore

Croskery Mary P ws Gore bet Craiig and Brock

Croskery Mena dressmaker ws Gore bet Craig and Brock

Croskery Rosanna ws Wilson cor D'Arcy

Croskery R W boots and shoes ns Foster bet Gore and Wilson bds Revere House

Crosby John bds High School janitor rms

Crosby Thos janitor High school Victoria cor D'Arcy

Craig Wm farmer es Gore bet Isabella and D'arcy

Crawford Jas laborer bds Barrie's Hotel

Cromwell J M O Mrs widow es Wilson bet Isabella and Mary

Cromwell Miller student es Wilson bet Isabella and Mary

Crosby Robt res Queen rear High school Victoria st

Crossin Anne furrier (H B Wright's) cor Gore and Colborne

Cudahy Joseph shoemaker ns Harvey bet Gore and Drummond

Cunningham Michael es Beckwith bet Craig and Harvey

Cunningham Miss es Beckwith bet Craig and Harvey

Currie Dugald Rev Pastor Knox Church res opposite

Currie Matrhew emp carshops cor Arthur and Church

Currie Rose student cor Arthur and Church


Davidson M A Mrs res es Wilson bet Boulton and Isabella

Davis Catherine emp Code's Mill es Gore bet South and Robinson

Davis Frank gentleman ws Lewis bet Peter and river

Davis James, street sprinkler ss North bet Lewis and Market

Darcy John engineer ws Thom bet Peter and John

Darou Francis farmer ws Wilson bet Boulton and lsabella

Daughen Bella ss Cockburn bet Drummond and Beckwith

Daughen John gardener ss Cockburn bet Drummond and Beckwith

Daughen Edward carshops ss Cockburn bet Dummond and Beckwith

Daughen Kate dressmaker ss Cockburn bet Drummond and Beckwith

Daughen William carshops ss Cockburn bet Drummond and Beckwith

Davis John emp waterworks ss cor Herriott and Drummond

Day Sarah Mrs tailoress (A.C. Walker's) ws Wilson bet Foster and Herriot

D(?)nsereau Joe emp carshops ss Herriott cor Beckwith

Davis John emp carshops ws Drummond bet Cockburn and Brock

Davis Mary ss North cor Lewis

Davis Mary ws Lewis bet Peter and river

Davis Sarah A dressmaker bds Revere House

Davis Thomas shoemaker ns Peter bet Lewis and Thom

Davis Wm Mrs res Gore nr n branch Tay

Deacon Farguhar moulder (Frost & Wood's) es Wilson bet Cockburn and Halton

Deacon Geo carpenter ws Drummond bet Halton and Robinson

Deacon Harriet, Mrs ns Brock bet Gore and Wilson

Deacon Hester emp Code's Mill es Wilson bet Herriott and Foster

Deacon Wm Mrs ns Robinson bet Gore and Drummond

DeHertel Mrs J E ws Wilson opp Boulton

DeHertel J E com travlr ws Wilson opp Boulton

Delisle Fred emp carshops ss Herriott bet Drummond and Beckwith

Delisle Peter emp carshops ss Herriott bet Drummond and Beckwith

Delisle Wm emp carshops ss Herriott bet Drummond and Beckwith

Delisle Mary housekeeper ft of Craig and river

Delisle Stephen carshops ft of Craig and river

Dena Chas (Rae & Dena) ss Colburn bet Gore and Long Bridge

Dennison John stockman yard Colburn bet Gore and N branch river res cor Boulton and Gore

Devlin A Tanner bds Revere House

Devlin A ss Mill on river

Devlin Chas Tanner res Beckwith and river

Devlin Fred butcher (Tovey's mkt) ss Mill on river

Devlin Geo office Devlin Block res ws Drummond bet North and D'arcy

Devlin Mary emp Knitting factory es Beckwith bet Craig and Harvey

Devlin Sarah tailoress ws Beckwith on river

Devlin Geo emp carshops ws Beckwith on river

Devlin Maggie ws Beckwith on river

Devlin John F ws Drummond bet North and D'arcy

Devlin Tena res ws Drummond bet D'arcy and Boulton

Devlin Wm bds Allan House

Devlin Mrs William ss Mill on river

Devlin W A emp carshops ss Mill on river

Dewitt emp Canning factory res es Drummond bet Halton and Robinson

Dewitt Zeph emp carshops es Drummond bet Halton and Robinson

Dewitt William emp carshops es Drummond Halton and Drummond

Dickenson Bros general merchants ss Foster bet Gore and Wilson

Dickenson Benj F (Dickenson Bros) es Beckwith bet North and Foster

Dickenson A Sidney (Dickenson Bros) res Beckwith bet North and Foster

Dillon William emp carshops sw cor Beckwith and River

Di(?)sette Wm spinner Code's Mill bds Albion Hotel

Dittrick Geo moulder es Wilson n of rr

Dittrick James tailor bds Queen's Hotel

Dittrick John prop machinery hall es Wilson bet D'Arcy and Boulton res es Wilson nr rr

Dittrick John jr bicycle expert res es Wilson nr rr

Dittrick Norman electrician res es Wilson nr rr

Dobson John carpenter carshops es Drummond bet Harvey and River

Dodds M R flour and feed es Gore bet Hairiott and N Branch Tay res Drummond bet D'Arcy and North

Dodge Mrs Thos res Drummond bet Herriott and Foster

D(?)lan James stone cutter ws Gore bet Boulton and Isabella

Dominion Express Office A E Seeley ag't ws Gore on n branch of Tay

Donnelly Chris emp carshops bds se cor Craig nd Gore

Donnelly Tillie sw cor Gore and D'Arcy

Dougherty Margaret Mrs res ss Colburn bet Gore and Drummond

Dougherty Minnie bk kpr (T A Code's) res ss Colburn bet Gore and Drummond

Dowdall Jas blksmith (M Stanley's) ne cor Gore and Brock

Dowdall Lorne clk (J Doyle's) cor Gore and Brock

Downey C J (Campbell & Downey's) es Gorr bet D'arcy and Boulton

Doyle Thos jr emp carshops cor Drummond and Herriott

Doyle Jas farmer ss Grant bet Arthur and Park av.

Doyle T A emp Code's Mill bds es Lewis bet Peter and river.

Doyle John flour and feed ss Foster bet Gore and Wilson res ns Grant cor Arthur.

Doyle Jos emp Code's Mill es Lewis bet Peter and river

Doyle Katie domestic (H D Wells) cor Foster and Drummond

Doyle Maggie tailoress (Campbell & Downey) ss Mill

Doyle Thos farmer ws Arthur bet Church and Grant

Dow(?)ett Harl(?)y emp carshops ws Beckwith on river

Drennan Josephine ns Peter bet Lewis and Wilson

Drennan Hattie ns Peter bet Lewis and Wilson

Drennan Micheal livery ws Gore bet Foster and Herriott res ns Peter bet Lewis and Wilson

Drummond R J Mgr Bk Montreal ws Gore bet Foster and Herriott

Drysdale Calvin factory ws Drummond ss Long Bridge

Drysdale Geo factory ws Drummond ss Long Bridge

Drysdale Jas student bds Barrie's Hotel

Drysdale Jas laborer ws Drummond s of Long bridge

Drysdale Jean tel operator ss Foster bet Gore and Drummond

Drysdale John bridge tender ws Drummond s of Long bridge

Duffield Fred Jeweller (Rudd & Neilson's) ss Colburn nr river

Duffus Rev C J St John's church res Presbytery

Duncan John es Drummond bet Halton and Robinson

Duval J bds Allan House

Dunlop Peter emp carshops ss Church bet Arthur and Park ave

Dunnon Wm G pharmacist (J F Kellock's) bds ns North nr Gore

Dunham Alice (bds P McTavish's) ns North bet Gore and Drummond

Dwyre A W Dr office ns Wilson nr Gore res ws Herriott bet Gore and Drummond

Dwyre Kate res ns Herriott bet Gore and Drummond


Earle Wm emp carshops es Lewis bet Peter and river

Eaton Minnie domestic (W T Walker's) ws Drummond bet Isabella and Mary

Egan Lizzie emp Code's Mill bds ws Gore bet Halton and Robinson

Eddington Wm emp Laurie's bakery res same

Elliott Archibald drover es Victoria bet North and D'Arcy

Elliott Edith res es Victoria bet North and D'Arcy

Elliott Ernest clerk (A.E Seeley's) ns Brock bet Gore and Drummond

Elliott Albert Milton clerk nw cor Foster and Beckwith

Elliott Norman F clerk nw cor Foster and Beckwith

Elliott Robert contractor sw cor Halton and Gore

Elliott Thos hardware Foster opp Revere House res nw Foster and Beckwith

Emerson Bella domestic (with Mrs Samways) ss Boulton bet Wilson and Gore

Emerson C laborer ss D'Arcy bet Gore and Wilson

Emerson Sam emp carshops se cor Herriott and Drummond

Emerson George emp Barrie's Hotel

Emerson John farmer ss D'Arcy nr Exhibition Grounds

Emerson John emp Barrie's Hotel

Enright John clerk (Henry Taylor's) Basin opp O F Co's dock

Enright Edward P tel operator Basin st opp O F Co's dock

Enright Mrs. Tim tailoress Basin st opp OF Co's dock

Expositor Perth C F Stone prop es Gore nr Foster


Fagan Jas emp carshops nw cor Grant and Wilson

Fairbairn A W emp carshops es Wilson bet Craig and Harvey

Farmer Chas clerk (G B Farmer's) es Gore opp Methodist Church

Farmer G emp carshops ns D'arcy bet Gore and Drummond

Farmer G B boots & shoes ws Gore bet Herriott and n branch river res es Gore opp. Methodist Church

Farrell Blanche res Basin opp O.F. Co's dock

Farrell Geo harness maker res Basin opp O F Co's dock

Farrel Geo emp carshops se cor Craig and Gore

Farrell, Julia tailoress (J A McAllister's) res Gore bet Colburn and basin

Farrell Gertie student ws Lewis bet Peter and river.

Farrell Lillie seamstress ws Lewis bet Peter and river

Farrell Wm mail Clerk ws Lewis bet Peter and river

Farrell Wm harness maker ws Lewis bet Peter and river

Farrell Thomas emp carshops nw Grant and Wilson

Farry Daniel mason ns Craig bet Gore and Drummond

Farry Franklin J emp carshops ns Craig bet Gore and Drummond

Farry Lenore student ns Craig bet Gore and Drummond

Farry Lucy emp Code's mill ns Craig bet Gore and Drummond

Fennell Maggie res nr end of Wilson

Fenwick H C book-keeper carshops ws Drummond bet Halton and Cockburn

Ferrier John A harnessmaker nw cor Gore and Herriott res same

Ferrier Mary cashier (Charles & James) res ns Herriott nr CPR depot

Ferrier Walter Mrs ns Herriott bet Gore and Wilson

Ferrier William harness-maker es Drummond ns Long bridge

Ferguson Archibald G shoemaker (R W Croskery's) bds Barrie's Hotel

Ferguson Peter Mgr Albion Hotel res ws Gore bet Craig and Harvey

Ferguson Wm student ss D'Arcy bet Gore and Wilson

Fidler Emma music teacher es Wilson bet North and D'Arcy

Fidler Margaret grocer es Wilson bet North and D'Arcy

Fidler William railroader es Gote nr river

Fife Anna domestic (A Rudd's) ws Wilson bet Foster and North

Fife Ida student ns Herriott bet Gore and Wilson

Finlay G & G meat market ns Foster bet Gore and Wilson

Finlay George (G & G Finlay) Brook's Block

Finlay George jr butcher n end Wilson st

Finlay Thos teamster ns John bet Market and Thom

Fisher Samuel junk dealer ss Cockburn bet Wilson and Arthur

Flett John laborer res junction Queen and rr track

Flett Laila domestic (W H Grant's) res same

Flett W J prop Revere House cor Wilson and Foster

Flaherty Hugh emp water wks se cor Drummond and Herriott

Flaherty Crawford farmer se cor Drummond and Herriott

Flannery B Miss emp Code's mill res 1st line Drummond.

Fleming Pat lab water wks bds Albion Hotel

Flumerfelt emp carshops se cor Wilson and Harvey

Flumerfelt J S emp carshops se cor Wilson and Harvey

Foley Pat lab es Market bet Peter and river

Foote James clerk ns Peter bet Lewis and Wilson

Foote Chas clerk ns Isabella bet Gore and Wilson

Forde Archibald ss D'Arcy bet Gore and Drummond

Forest Katie res ns Craig bet Gore and Drummond

Forest Lizzie student cor Drummond and Herriott

Fowley Ed emp carshops ws Mkt bet Peter and river

Foy Chas J lawyer bds Queen's Hotel

Foy John clerk Queen's Hotel bds same

Foy Michael lab ss Mill on river

Fraser Archd bus driver Allan House res e Gore opp Methodist Church

Fraser John H pump mfr sw cor Lewis and Peter

Fraser William emp carshops res Gore opp Methodist church

Frayne John butcher ws Gore bet Craig and Brock

Free Annie emp Code's Mill ws Gore nr cor Craig

Free Edward ss Cockburn bet Gore and Wilson

Free Jane Mrs ws Gore bet Craig and Harvey

Free John emp carshops ss Cockburn bet Gore and Wilson

Free William emp carshops ws Drummond bet Halton and Cockburn

Frizell Richard lab waterworks ws Drummond bet Isabella and D'Arcy

Fuller Ada clerk (T A Moon's) res es Park av bet Harvey and Grant

Fuller David woollen factory res es Park ave bet Harvey and Grant

Fuller Wm woollen factory es Park ave bet Harvey and Grant

Fuller Blanche res Grantville

Furlong Patk biksmith ne cor Grant and Arthur

Furlong Pat gentleman ns Peter bet Lewis and Thom

Furney Tina domestic es Beckwith bet North and Foster


Gallinger Mary ns Foster bet Gore and Wilson

Gallipeau Chas tailor ws Drummond bet Craig and Brock

Gallipeau Hattie emp Code's ws Drummond bet Craig and Brock

Gallipeau Mrs Widow es Gore bet Harvey and Craig.

Gamble Jas painter es Craig bet Gore and Wilson

Gardiner Jas S S M ag(?) ns Foster bet Gore and Wilson

Ga(?)row John lab bds Queen's Hotel

Garvin Gertrude student es Wilson bet North and D'arcy

Gemmell Lawrence gentleman ss Harvey b t Wilson and Arthur

Gemmell's Woollen factory Park ave near river

Geddes Margaret es Drummond bet Foster and Elliott

Gillespie John emp carshops bds ws Drummond bet Brock and Craig

Giles David emp waterworks se cor Herriott and Drummond

Glassford Angus machinist (James & Reid's) sw cor Gore and D'arcy

Glidden Wm carpenter bds Queens Hotel

Glossop D boots and shoes store ws Gore opp Town Hall res ws Wilson bet Isabella and Mary

Glossop James clerk (D Glossp's) res same

Glossop Jeanette res same

Goodman Arthur Excise Inspr Brooks Block bds Hicks House

Goodreau Joseph railroader ws Beckwith bet Harvey and river

Gordon Sam emp Code's Mill es Peter bet Wilson and Lewis

Gordon Wm lab bds John Dittrick's Wilson st nr rr

Gorman Bridget tailoress (J A McAlIister's) res Gore bet Craig and Brock

Gorman Edmun Surveyor cor Wilson and D'arcy

Gorman Minnie es Wilson cor D'arcy

Gough Thos gardener Railway nr Drummond

G N W telegraph Co R Burris Agt ws Gore nr n branch river

Graham Thos gardener (W A Meighen's) ws Drummond bet Isabella and D'arcy

Greer Annie dressmaker es Wilson bet Boulton and Isabella

Gray Bella ss D'arcy bet Gore and Drummond

Griffin Thos emp carshops ws Gore nr Methodist Church

Griffin Ed butcher ws Gore nr Methodist Church

Griffin Patrick shoemaker ws Gore nr Methodist Church

Griffin Geo harness maker ws Lewis bet Peter and river

Graham Archb carpenter ns Robinson bet Drummond and Beckwith

Graham Bella ns Robinson bet Drummond and Beckwith

Graham Charlotte emp Code's mill ne cor Drummond and Beckwith

Graham David emp carshops ns Robinson bet Drummond and Beckwith

Graham Geo Mrs ns Robinson bet Drummond and Beckwith

Graham Geo emp carshops ns Robinson bet Drummond and Beckwith

Graham Henry lab ne cor Robinson and Drummond

Graham Jas emp (Spalding & Stewart's) ne cor Robinson and Drummond

Graham John gentleman es Victoria bet North and D'Arcy

Graham Lizzie emp Hicks House res same

Graham Margaret J saleswoman (Shaw & McKerracher) ws Gore nr corner Foster

Graham Minnie res ws Gore nr corner Foster

Graham Richard Mrs confectionery ws Gore nr cor Foster res same

Graham Thos gardner sw cor D'Arcy and Gore

Graham William lab es Drummond bet Halton and Robinson

Graham William emp carshops ns Robinson bet Beckwith and Drummond

Grant Allan station agent CPR ws Beckwith bet Herriott and Foster

Grant Mrs C res ws Beckwith bet Herriott and Foster

Grant Lizzie res ws Beckwith bet Herriott and Foster

Grant Michael baggage master res ws Beckwith bet Herriott and Foster

Grant Mrs Dr se cor Gore and Harvey

Grant W H jailer res nr Court House

Gray Robert emp waterworks ns Boulton bet Gore and Wilson

Gray William emp (Col Matheson's) ns Boulton bet Gore and Wilson

Greenly Lily emp Code's Mill ws Wilson bet Foster and Herriott

Greer David railroader es Beckwith nr river

Greer Thos emp cheese factory ss Peter cor Market

Griffin Lizzie emp Code's Mill ws Gore nr Methodist church

Griffin Mary res ws Gore nr Methodist church

Griffin Paul emp carshops ws Sherbrooke bet Herriott and river

Griffin Peter Mrs ws Gore bet Craig and Brock

Griffith Fred emp carshops ss Harvey opp brickyard

Griffith John emp carshops ss Peter bet Lewis and Wilson

Griffith Wm emp (T Hicks') ns Boulton bet Gore and Wilson


Haggart John Mrs ws Wilson opp Boulton

Haggart J Hon M P Haggart's Island

Haggart & Herron flour mills (John Haggart and Jas Herron) Haggart's Island

Hale Hugh carpenter bds Queen's Hotel

Hale Richard emp carshops ns Grant bet Wilson and Aithur

Haley Jno Mrs widow ss Harvey bet Gore and Wilson

Haley John emp Code's mill ss Harvey bet Gore and Wilson

Haley Sophia student ws Drummond nr Harvey

Haley Thos emp Code's Mill ss Harvey bet Gore and Wilson

Halfpenny Jake emp carshops bds es Wilson bet Herriott and Foster

Hall Annie ws Gore bet D'Arcy and North

Hall Francis Mrs ws Gore bet D'Arcy and North

Hall F A (Hall & Hall) ws Gore next Bk of Montreal

Hall F L druggist ns Foster bet Gore and Wilson

Hall F W (Hall & Hall) res ws Gore next Bk of Montreal

Hall Jas McN lawyer res ws Gore next Bk of Montreal

Hall Mary Campbell res ws Gore next Bk of Montreal

Hall William ws Wilson bet Church and Grant

Halpin Daniel machinist CPR bds Albion Hotel

Hamill James emp carshops es Beckwith bet Craig and Brock

Hamilton Chas Mrs widow es Gore opp Methodist church

Hamilton Chas emp Code's Mill es Gore opp Methodist church

Hamilton Clyde emp water works ws Gore cor Craig

Hall & Hall lawyers ns Foster bet Gore and Drummond

Hamilton Geo emp carshops es Gore opp Methodist Church

Hamilton Hattie emp Code's mill es Gore opp Methodist church

Hamilton Mrs Jas res Caroline village

Hamilton Lizzie emp Code's mill es Gore opp Methodist church

Minnie Hamilton es Gore opp Methodist church

Hammond Ella teacher ws Gore bet Boulton and Isobella

Hanna A E Dr office ws Wilson bet Foster and Herriott res ws Gore bet North and D'arcy

Hanlon Jas emp carshops ns South bet Drummond and Beckwith

Hanlon John emp carshops ss Halton bet Gore and Drummond

Harback Hiram biksmith ns Boulton bet Gore and Wilson

Harback Mary res ns Boulton bet Gore and Wilson

Hardie William classical master bds Hicks House

Hargraves Annie emp canning factory ss Church bet Arthur and Park ave

Hargraves Chas painter ss Church bet Arthur and Park ave

Hargraves Fred carder es Wilson nr cor Craig

Hargraves John emp carshops ss Church bet Arthur and Park ave

Harper Chas G accountant Merchants' Bank of Canada ns Craig bet Gore and Drummond

Harper Dorothy housekeeper ns Craig bet Gore and Drummond

Harper Francis es Thom bet Peter and river

Har(?)shaw Wm tailor (A C Walker's) ws Wilson bet Foster and Herriott

Hardie Caroline domestic (Jno McMaster's) s end Drummond

Hart John Mrs ns Herriott bet Gore and Drummond

Hart W B stationer es Gore bet Herriott and Foster res ns Herriott bet Drummond and Gore

Hartman Maud parlor maid (P McLaren's) es Drummond

Hartney Annie dressmaker ns Giant bet WiIson and Arthur

Hartney Jas tailor (with J A McAllister) ns Grant bet Wilson and Arthur

Hartney John engineer CPR nw cor Halton and Drummond

Hartney Julia milliner (A Meighen & Bros) ne cor Halton and Drummond

Hartney Lily dressmaker ne cor Halton and Drummond

Hartney Michael Mrs ne cor Halton and Drummond

Harney Pat emp carshops ns Grant bet Wilson and Arthur

Hartney Thos fireman CPR ns Halton bet Drummond and Beckwith

Haskins Lena emp Hicks House res same

Harvey Agnes domestic ns North nr cor Beckwith

Harvey Edward emp Code's Mill es Drummond bet Harvey and river

Harvey Emma Jane es Drummond bet Harvey and river

Harvey Geo plasterer es Beckwith bet Craig and Harvey

Harvey Mary Jane es Drummond bet Harvey and river

Harvey Martha H es Drummond bet Harvey and river

Harvey Sarah Ellen es Beckwith bet Craig and Harvey

Harvey William emp (J H Mendels') es Drummond bet Harvey and river

Haw William blacksmith ss Beckwith Herriott and river

Haworth Geo T clerk CPR ss Harvey bet Arthur and Park av

Hayes Edgar emp carshops ws Mill nr Gore

Hayes Pat pensioner bds Albion Hotel

Hazzard Miss emp T A Code's bds Allan House

Hedrick William fireman water works ws Kippen

Hendry Hugh clerk (with A Wilson) res ss North bet Wilson and Arthur

Hendry John blacksmith ss North bet Lewis and Market

Henderson J T Mrs es Drummond bet Boulton and D'Arcy

Henderson Jessie Mabel es Drummond bet Boulton and D'Arcy

Henderson James musician bds Queen's Hotel

Henderson May Isabel es Drummond bet D'Arcy and Boulton

Hendry Lizzie dressmaker ss North bet Lewis and Market

Herron John clerk (Haggart & Herron's) bds Revere House

Herlehy Bridget (with J A McAlister) tailoress res es Gore Kennedy block

Hetherington Jason mail clerk ws Wilson bet Foster and Herriott

Hicks House John Wilson prop ne cor Gore and Foster

Hicks Emma ne cor Foster and Wilson

Hicks Frank A (with H T Noonan) res ne cor Foster and Wilson

Hicks James A electrician ne cor Foster and Wilson

Hicks W A machinist ne cor Foster and Wilson

Hicks James butcher (Geo Finlay's) n end Wilson

Hicks James Mrs widow ne Foster and Wilson

Hicks M G jeweller ss Gore nr branch of river

Hicks R E grocer se cor Gore and Herriott res ne cor D'Arcy and Drummond

Hicks T N clerk (with Warren & McCarthy) res ns North bet Gore and Drummond

Hicks W H carriage maker ns North bet Gore and Drummond

Hicks William res nw cor D'Arcy and Drummond

Hicks Thos carriagemaker ns North bet Gore and Drummond

Hicks Fred Mrs es Gore bet North and D'Arcy

Hicks Edith ns North bet Gore and Drummond

Hicks Minnie ns North bet Gore and Drummond

Hicks Tillie ns North bet Drummond and Beckwith

Higgins Joanna es Gore nr river

High School es Victoria cor Boulton

Himes Joseph emp canning factory ne cor Craig and Wilson

Himes Mary ne cor Craig and Wilson

Hogan Bernard lab bds Barrie's Hotel

Hogan Daniel emp McLaren's distillery res Mill st

Hogan Maud emp Code's Mill cor Drummond and Herriott

Hogan Maggie domestic (with H Moorhouse) ns Foster bet Gore and Drummond

Hogan Michael emp Perth distillery res ns Mill

Hogan P J conductor CPR es Drummond bet Herriott and n branch river

Hogan Richard hostler Revere House bds same

Hogan Mary tailoress (AC Walker's) ws Wilson bet Foster and Herriott

Hogg Isabella dressmaker es Gore bet North and D'Arcy

Hogg Mary music teacher es Gore bet North and D'Arcy

Hogg David cabinet maker, undertaker and upholsterer factory es Gore bet North and D'Arcy res same

Hogg W J emp carshops es Gore opp Town Hall (2nd floor)

Holliday Ellen Mrs widow es Wilson bet Craig and Harvey

Holliday Eva es Wilson bet Craig and Harvey

Holliday James gentleman ne cor Victoria and North

Holmes Ernest emp carshops es Peter bet Thom and Market

Holmes M Mrs widow ss Peter cor Thom and Drummond

Hone James farmer res nr north end Drummond

Hone John emp carshops ws Drummond nr north end Drummond

Hone Job emp waterworks ws Drummond next n end

Hope Andrew jr Mrs ws North bet Gore and Wilson

Hope Peter tinsmith ns Foster bet Gore and Wilson res cor Alexander and St Mary

Hopkins Alice ws Wilson bet Isabella and St Mary

Hopkins Euphemia student sw cor Wilson and D'Arcy

Hopkins Gertrude ws Wilson bet St Mary and Isabella

Hopkins Leonard miller ws Wilson bet St Mary and Isabella

Hopkins Robert miller ws Wilson bet St Mary and Isabella

Horning Allie student ws Gore bet Isabella and Boulton

Horning Eddie student ws Gore bet Isabella and Boulton

Horan Timothy butcher ss Herriott bet Gore and Drummond

Horricks John emp waterworks ws Drummond bet D'Arcy and Isabella

Howard William emp carshops ws Sherbrooke bet Herriott and river

Howie John carpenter se cor Beckwith and Craig

Hoyle J s painter bds Queen's Hotel

Huddleston Robt lab ss North bet Lewis and Market

Hudson Annie emp (H B Wright's) res ns Brock bet Beckwith and Sherbrooke

Hudson Archibald emp Code's Mill es Wilson next Code's Mill

Hudson Daniel emp Code's Mill es Wilson next Codes Mill

Hudson Edward emp Code's Mill res ns Brock bet Beckwith and Sherbrooke

Hudson Henry emp carshops res se cor Craig and Beckwith

Hudson Henry emp (D Glossop's) ns Brock bet Beckwith and Sherbrooke

Hudson John emp Code's Mill es Wilson adjoining Mill

Hudson John emp Code's mill cor Craig and Beckwith

Hudson Wm emp carshops se cor Herriott and Drummond.

Hudson J H teller Bk of Montreal es Drummond bet Craig and Brock

Hughes John tinsmith (with Peter Hope) res Brock bet Beckwith and Drummond

Hughes John emp carshops ss Brock nr cor Sherbrooke

Hughes John jr ss Brock nr cor Sherbrooke

Hughes S J Rev pastor Methodist church sw cor Gore and Brock

Hughes William clerk sw Brock nr cor Sherbrooke

Hunter Marian H es Wilson bet Halton and Robinson

Hunter Marian Mrs widow es Wilson bet Halton and Robinson


Imeson Amelia dressmaker es Gore bet North and D'Arcy

Inderwick Chas Mrs se cor Harvey and Wilson

Inland Revere Office es Gore nr cor Herriott

Inwood Geo emp carshops se cor Brock and Sherbrooke

Ireton Geo res ws Gore bet Boulton and Isabella

Irons Annie emp Code's Mill ws Beckwith bet Herriott and Foster

Irons Emma Mrs ws Beckwith bet Herriott and Foster

Irons William bandmaster ws Beckwith bet Herriot and Foster

Irving Jas emp carshops ne cor Brock and Beckwith

Irving Wm emp carshops ne cor Brock and Beckwith

Irwin Archibald emp carshops bds Albion Hotel

Irwin William emp carshops ws Gore bet Boulton and Isabella


Jackman Mrs ws Lewis bet Peter and river

Jackman House G A Jackman prop cor Mill and Gore

Jackson Carrie dressmaker (Mrs Lockwood's) ns North bet Gore and Drummond

Jackson Robt emp carshops ss D'arcy bet Gore and Drummond

Jackson John barber ws Gore nr Herriott res ws Gore bet Craig and Brock

Jackson Martha domestic (with Miss Matheson) es Gore nr Herriott

Jackson Samuel foreman waterworks bds Barrie's Hotel

James & Reid hardware sw cor Gore and Herriott

James Beatrice teacher ns Grant bet Wilson and Arthur

James Benj carpenter ns North bet Drummond and Beckwith

James Chas carpenter ns Grant bet Wilson and Arthur

James E A student ws Gore bet Boulton and Isabella

James Edward blacksmith ne cor North and Drummond

James Geo S (James & Reid) es Drummond bet D'Arcy and North

James Henry carpenter ws Gore bet Boulton and Isabella

James Laura teacher ns Grant bet Wilson and Arthur

James Lawrence clerk (James & Reid) es Drummond bet D'Arcy and North

James Mary student ws Gore bet Isabella and Boulton

James Matilda Annie es Drummond bet North and D'Arcy

James Thomas ns Peter bet Lewis and Wilson

James Wesley carpenter sw cor North and Beckwith

James William (Charles & James) es Wilson bet St Mary and Harris

Jamieson Alma teacher ns Gore bet Boulton and D'Arcy

Jamieson D E student s Gore ss Locks Bridge

Jamieson G Miss milliner ss Locks Bridge Gore st

Jamieson Mrs John widow es Gore bet D'Arcy and Boulton

Jamieson Robert Division Court Clerk res es Gore ss Lock's bridge

Jaques Albert emp waterworks ws Gore cor Craig

Jaques Marcus principal Pub Sch ns Foster bet Drummond and Beckwith

Jaques Mary res ns Foster bet Drummond and Beckwith

Jaques Mable r s cor Craig and Gore

Jaques Maud res ws Gore cor Craig

Jaques Nelson currier ws Gore cor Craig

Jeacle T A tinsmith carshops ws Gore bet Craig and Harvey

Jones Norman carshops ss D'Arcy bet Gore and Drummond

Joynt Chas emp car shops ws Drummond bet Craig and Drummond

Johnston Arch'd soda water factory ne cor Wilson and D'Arcy

Johnson Mary chambermaid, Queen's Hotel

Jones Edward emp car shops res ws Beckwith bet Harriott and river.

Jones Laura housekeeper rear of ns Victoria bet Beckwith and rr

Jordan Elizabeth, dressmaker ns Boulton bet Gore and Wilson

Jordan Maud emp Mrs Jordan's es Gore between Foster and Herriott

Jordan M H Mrs, fcy goods es Gore bet Foster and Herriott res same


Kane Anne Mrs widow ws Drummond opp Court House

Kane Anthony student ns Grant bet Arthur and Park ave

Kane Bridget Mrs widow res near Lock's bridge fronting Basin

Kane James painter foreman carshops res ws Drummond nr cor Craiig

Kane James J emp car shops res ns Craig bet Gore and Wilson

Kane Mary tailoress below Lock's bridge es river

Kane Patrick emp car shops res es river fronting basin

Kane Peter painter res ws Drummond opp Court House

Keays Alfred clerk ne cor Foster and Beckwith

Keays Ansley carpenter res es Wilson bet Isabella and St Mary

Keays John lab res es Peter bet Thomas and Market

Keays John police officer res ne cor Foster and Beckwith

Keays John L jr law clerk A.C. Shaw's res ne cor Foster and Beckwith

Kenyon Annie domestic with J. Dittrick res es Wilson near rr

Kehoe Aggie tailoress Campbell & Downey res Devlin Block

Kehoe Henry carter res North bet Gore and Drummond

Kehoe John emp Shaw & McKerracher's res ss North bet Gore and Drummond

Kehoe Julia tailoress Campbell & Downey res Devlin Block

Kehoe Maggie nurse Queen's Hotel

Kehoe Pat emp car shops

Kehoe Florence emp Codd's mill res ne North bet Gore and Drummond

Kehoe P J bartender Jackman House res same

Kellock Mrs Dr widow res se cor D'Arcy and Gore

Kellock Jas F druggist cor Gore and Herriott res sw cor St Mary and Drummond

Kellock R J clerk J F Kellock's res sw cor St. Mary and Drummond

Kellock W M painter es Wilson bet North and D'Arcy

Kellock Nessie res es Wilson bet North and D'Arcy

Knox Church cor Gore and D'Arcy

Kelly Katie res es Wilson bet Foster and Herriott

Kelly Mary Mrs. widow res es Wilson bet Foster and Herriott

KeIsey F W photographer es Gore bet Colburn and Basin

Kennedy Grace Bell res ns D'Arcy bet Gore and Drummond

Kennedy Harriett F res ns D'Arcy bet Gore and Drummond.

Kennedy J F dentist office and res ns D'Arcy bet Gore and Drummond.

Kennedy Patrick emp waterworks bds Albion Hotel

Kennedy Phillip emp car shops ne Brock bet Gore and Wilson

Kennedy T W com traveller ne D'Arcy between Gore and Drummond

Kerr Dawson gentlemen sw cor Cockburn and Drummond

Kerr Catherine widow George cor Craig and Drummond

Kerr John A town clerk office Town Hall res ss D'Arcy opp Baptist church

Kilpatrick David, emp car shops res sw cor Drummond and Harvey

Kilpatrick Lawrence emp car shops res se cor Harvey and Drummond

Kilpatrick Marian Mrs widow Peter res ws Wilson bet Foster and Herriott

Kilroy Wm emp car shops bds ws Drummond bet Craig and Brock

King Alex emp car shops ws Drummond near Brock

King Edgar emp car shops res es Drummond bet Halton and Robinson

King G W bartender Hicks House res es Victoria bet North and D'Arcy.

King James emp Perth distillery res ws Heriott bet Drummond and Beckwith

King William emp Perth distillery res ws Harriott bet Drummond and Beckwith

King John lab res ss Grant bet Arthur and Park Avenue

Kippen Alex emp Kippen & Allan Kippen st res sw cor Kippen and Wilson

Kippen Catherine res es Wilson bet Boulton and Isabella

Kippen Christena res es Wilson bet Boulton and Isabella

Kippen Duncan postmaster ws Wilson bet D'Arcy and Boulton

Kippen Ruth res ws Wilson bet D'Arcy and Boulton

Kirk T.H. ws Drummond bet Harvey and Craig

Kirkham George emp car shops res ns Brock bet Beckwith and Sherbrooke

Kirkham Joseph farmer ss Grant bet Arthur and Park ave

Knowles Elizabeth bds ss North bet Lewis and Market


Lacey Mary res se Herriott bet Gore and Drummond

Lacey Mrs. M widow res ss Herriott bet Gore and Drummond

L(?)dyn Ann Mrs es Gore near river

Lally Annie T milliner A Meighen & Bros ns Grant bet Wilson and Arthur

Lally James painter car shops res ws Gore bet Craig and Harvey

Lally Michael emp carshops res ns Grant between Wilson and Arthur

Lalonde Arch'd engineer res cor Park ave and river

Lambert J emp car shops res 33 D'Arcy bet Gore and Wilson

Lambert F S prop Queen's Hotel

Lamont Adlore painter, bds Queen's Hotel

Lamont Joseph Mrs res ws Gore bet D'Arcy and North

Lancanshire Ins Co Jno McLenaghan agent res ss D'Arcy bet Gore and Wilson

Lanark Stage M Murphy prop leaves P O daily for Lanark 4 pm arrives at Perth 11.45 am

Lang J R clerk B'k of Montreal res es Drummond bet Craig and Brock

Laurie Mrs Jas bakery and confectionery ws Gore bet Foster and Herriott

Lapointe M L barber ws Gore bet Colburn and Basin res ws Drummond bet Harvey and Craig

Lark Hannah res se cor Grant and Arthur

Lark Henry lab res ss Grant bet Arthur and Park Ave

Lavergne Angeline res cor Halton and Gore

Lavergne Peter gardener res ne cor Halton and Gore

Lavery Edward emp Queen's Hotel res same

Laycock Arthur tinsmith bds with Mrs Bolton

Lappin Etta milliner A Meighen & Bros ws Drummond bet Craig and Brock

Lappin Michael night watch sw cor Drummond and Craig

Lappin William emp Code's mill res ws Drummond bet Craig and Brock

Lebron Mrs A emp Mrs E A Lester res ss Robinson bet Gore and Wilson

Lebron Mary emp canning factory res cor Gore and Cockburn

Lebron Rebecca emp canning factory res cor Gore and Cockburn

Lebron Thos lab res cor Gore and Cockburn

Leckie Mrs Mary widow res ws Gore bet D'Arcy and Boulton

Legge Jas emp car shops res ss Foster bet Gore and Drummond

Leaver Fred L painter res Basin opp O F Co's dock

Leaver Wm carpenter res Basin opp O F Co's dock

L(?)nton Jas emp carshops res ws Beckwith on river

Lewis Lucy res with Mrs. T.C. Reid Grantville

Lockwood C N emp Code's mill ns North bet Gore and Drummond

Lockwood Mrs dressmaker res ns North bet Gore and Drummond

Lyon Chas emp Allan's mills ws Alma bet North and D'Arcy

Lyon Gertrude seamstress res ws Alma bet North and D'Arcy

Lyon Geo painter Courier office res ws Alma bet North and D'Arcy

Laing J S clerk Bank of Montreal res es Drummond bet Craig and Brock

Leckie Nellie ws Gore bet D'Arcy and Boulton

Lee J T meat market cor Gore and Mill res ws Wilson Grinley's Corners

Lee Edith res house adjoining Court House

Lee Ellen domestic with Mrs. Catherine Kerr cor Craig and Beckwith

Lee James painter res cor Robinson and Gore

Lee John butcher res Wilson near Dufferin

Lee John jr lab res Wilson near Dufferin

Lee Gregory butcher res Wilson near Dufferin

Lee Tom laundry es Gore bet Colburn and Basin

Lee John turnkey res house adjoining Court House

Lee Pat'k J bailiff painter Berlanquette & Lee res house adjoining Court House

Lee Daniel emp car shopr w e Wilson

Legault Arthur electrician ws Beckwith bet Harvey and river

Legault Luger emp Tel Co res ws Beckwith bet Harvey and river

Leggett George emp car shops res ws Beckwith bet Foster and Herriott

Leggett Joseph emp tannery res ws Beckwith bet Foster and Herriott

Leggett Thos emp car shops res ss D'Arcy bet Gore and Wilson

Lemoine Alex emp car shops ns Grant bet Arthur and Park Ave

Lemoine Frank emp car shops res ns Grant bet Arthur and Park Ave

Lemoine John emp car shops res ns Grant bet Arthur and Park Ave

Lemoine Laura res ns Grant bet Arthur and Park Ave

Leonard Bernard, lab bds Barrie's Hotel

Leonard Maggie student ss Herriott bet Gore and Drummond

Leonard Mary tailoress res ss Herriott bet Gore and Drummond

Leslie Herbert emp CPR bds Albion Hotel

Lessard Anthony emp car shops res ss Harvey opp brickyards

Lester Alex carriage maker ss D'Arcy bet Gore and Drummond

Lester Mrs E A fancy goods Kellock's Block es Gore bet Foster and Herriott

Lever Bertha emp Code's mill res Basin

Lewis Geo emp Code's mill res cor Church and Arthur

Lewis Lucinda res cor Church and Arthur

Lewis Maud emp Code's mill res cor Church and Arthur

Lewis Naomi res cor Church and Arthur

Lewis Thos laborer res cor Church and Arthur

Lewis Thos emp car shops res nw cor Brock and Drummond

Lillie's foundry ns North near Wilson

Lillie Jessie ns North bet Gore and Wilson

Lillie Minnie ns North bet Gore and Wilson removed to Nelson BC

Lellie Robert foundry res ns North bet Gore and Wilson

Lillie William Mrs widow res ns North bet Gore and Wilson

Liscomb William carpenter bds Queen's Hotel

Lister Andrew carpenter ss Boulton bet Gore and Wilson

Lister Charlotte res ne cor Wilson and Boulton

Lister Edith res ne cor Wilson and Boulton

Lister James emp carshops ws Sherbrooke bet Herriott and river

Lister Jennie ss Boulton bet Gore and Wilson

Lister John book-keeper res ss Boulton bet Gore and Wilson

Lister Maggie ss Boulton bet Gore and Wi!son

Little Robert carpenter es Drummond bet Craig and Brock

Lochead Robert weaver ws John bet Market and river

Lockwood Dollie emp Code's mill ss North bet Gore and Drummond

Lomas Robert blksmith A M Cameron bds es Wilson

London Mutual Fire Ins Co John McLenaghan ag't res D'Arcy bet Gore and Wilson

Lowe Allie carpenter Kippen & Allan es Drummond w end Long Bridge

Lowe David emp Kippen and Allan res w end Long Bridge

Lowe Harvey Palace Livery res w end Long Bridge

Lowe Lizzie teacher res w end Long Bridge

Love Ambrose barber es Gore n end Lock's Bridge

Love Arthur barber res ns Foster bet Gore and Drummond

Love Della res ns Foster bet Gore and Drummond

Love E barber res ns Foster bet Gore and Drummond


McAleese Ellen se cor Halton and Gore

McAleese John emp car shops se cor Halton and Gore

McCallum James foreman car shops res nw cor North and Drummond

McGibon Mrs housekeeper M R Dodds ws Drummond bet North and D'Arcy

McGregor Ethe1 milliner res ss North bet Wilson and Lewis

McGregor Nettie res ss North bet Wilson and Lewis

McGregor Daniel Mrs ss North bet Wilson and Lewis

McGregor Ada milliner ss D'Arcy bet Victoria and Drummond

McLaren John emp carshops se cor Herriott and Drummond

McFarlane Jennie housemaid W A Meighen ws Drummond bet Isabella and D'Arcy

McPherson Margaret cor Sherbrooke and South

McAdam James Mrs widow ss Drummond nr cor Harvey and Drummond

McAllister Jas A merchant tailor es Gore bet Colburn and Basin bds Allan House

McArdle Mrs widow ne Grant bet Arthur and Wilson

McArdles James emp car shops ne Grant bet Arthur and Wilson

McArdle Mary emp Code's mill ne Grant bet Arthur and Wilson

McArdle Margaret emp Code's mill ne Grant bet Arthur and Wilson

McArthur A coal dealer office ns Foster bet Gore and Wilson res ss Drummond bet Foster and Harriott

McArthur AT tinsmith ns Foster bet Wilson and Gore

McAuley Joseph railroader ws Beckwith bet Foster and Herriott

McAuley Lizzie ws Beckwith bet Foster and Herriott

McAuley Mary ws Beckwith bet Foster and Herriott

McAuley Henry railroader ws Beckwith bet Foster and Herriott

McCabe Katie emp Code's mill res ne cor Grant and Arthur

McCabe Peter butcher w e Lewis bet Peter and river

McEwen Ella ns Herriott bet Gore and Wilson

McCabe Peter yardman Allan's sawmills.

McLennan Robert emp carshops ss Herriott cor Beckwith

McFarlane Geo with J Armour cor Isabella and Victoria

McEwen Lezzie bds Mrs D Nichol ws Wilson and D'Arcy

McDonald Lizzie bds with janitor High School in bldg

McTavish Ida with Mrs. Lockwood ns North bet Gore and Drummond

McTavish Peter livery cor Gore and North res same

McGregor Mrs. Daniel ss North bet Wilson Lewis

McCabe William emp car shops bds ss Herriott with T Horan

McCaffry Lettie emp Code's mill es Gore opp Town Hall

McCaffry Loretto dressmaker es Gore opp Town Hall

McCaffry Mary dressmaker es Gore opp Town Hall

McCaffry Nellie emp canning factory ns Peter bet Lewis and Wilson

McCallum Ethel es Gore bet D'Arcy and Isabella

McCallum Neil carriage maker with T Hicks res es Gore bet D'Arcy and Isabella

McCann James emp CPR bds Albion Hotel

McCann John livery sw cor Gore and Harvey

McCann John license inspector prop Perth Marble Works ss North bet Wilson and Lewis

McCann Josephine teacher ss North bet Wilson and Lewis

McCann Annie music teacher ss North bet Wilson and Lewis

McCann Margaret ss North bet Wilson and Lewis

McCann Mrs Peter widow ns Harvey near Drummond

McCann Thomas emp car shops ne cor Beckwith and Brook

McCarthy John emp car shops es Drummond bet Cockburn and Halton

McCarthy Michael painter nw cor Grant and Wilson

McCarthy Richard Warren & McCarthy ne North bet Drummond and Beckwith

McCormick M Mrs ws Gore bet Foster and Herriott

McCulloch Geo Drennan's livery ss North bet Beckwith and Drummund

McCulloch John carriage maker ss Peter bet Wilson and Lewis

McCullough J H Dr. dentist res w e Victoria bet North and D'Arcy office ns Foster bet Gore and Drummond

McCullough Miss M dressmaker ws Gore nr M'k't sq

McCullough Eliza teacher se cor Lewis and Peter

McCullough Mary se cor Lewis and Peter

McCusker Edward carter nw cor Gore and Halton

McDermott Bernard hostler bds Albion Hotel

McDonald Mrs Bella boarding house es Wilson bet Herriott and Foster

McDonald Dan foreman for Davis ss Harvey bet Gore and Wilson

McDonald James emp carshops ws Sherbrooke bet Herriott and river

McDonald John pump maker es Harvey bet Gore and Wilson

McDonald Lizzie emp Code's mill se D'Arcy bet Gore and Wilson

McDonald Mrs Margaret C ns Boulton bet Gore and Wilson

McDonald Maggie cor Drummond and St Mary

McDonald Sarah domestic with J A Allan sw cor Alexander and Isabella

McDonough Jas potash mfr ne cor Beckwith and Craig

McDonough Thos emp CPR shops ne cor Beckwith and Craig

McDonagh William potash mfr ne cor Beckwith and Craig

McDowell John clk Henry Taylor's ss Harvey bet Arthur and Park Ave

McElligott George emp car shops ws Sherbrooke bet Herriott and river

McElroy Mary es Gore bet Craig and Harvey

McEwen Mrs Catherine widow ns Grant bet Arthur and Wilson

McEwen Cornell lab ns Boulton bet Gore and Wilson

McEwen James emp waterworks bds es Wilson bet Herriott and Foster

McFarlane John butcher bds n end Wilson

McFarlane Geo farmer for John Armour

McGarry Alice ss Grant bet Arthur and Park Ave

McGaughey John carpenter bds Queen's Hotel

McGillivray J T emp car shops Basin opp O Ford'g Co's dock

McGillivray Thomas emp CPR bds Albion Hotel

McGlade Arthur prop sand pit se cor Drummond and Cockburn

McGlade John emp car shops ws Beckwith bet Harvey and river

McGlade Patrick emp car shops ws Beckwith bet Harvey and river

McGlade Michael bridge tender ws Beckwith bet Harvey and river

McGonigle Emma es Gore opp Methodist Church

McGonigle Emma tailoress Campbell & Downey es Gore cor Craig

McGonigle Mary tailoress Campbell & Downes es cor Gore

McGonigle May student bds A. Fraser's opp Methodist Church

McGowan B shoemaker A Wilson's es bet St. Mary and Isabella

McGowan B cheesemaker se Peter cor Market

McGowan Mary es Wilson bet Isabella and St Mary

McGowan Thomas emp car shops bds with Timothy Horan

McGregor Jennie housekeeper ns North bet Lewis and Market

McGregor Mrs Malcolm widow cor D'Arcy and Wilson

McGregor Peter stenographer Rogers & Stewarts ws Gore bet D'Arcy and Boulton

McGregor Peter stonemason sw cor Gore and Boulton

McGuigan Patrick clerk Hicks House ne Craig bet Gore and Drummond

McHugh Barbara seamstress es Beckwith bet Craig and Brock

McHugh Mary Ann es Beckwith bet Craig and Brock

McInroy James emp car shops ne Brock bet Gore and Drummond

McIntosh A M carpenter bds Queen's Hotel

McIntosh Bertha ns Grant bet Arthur and Park Ave

McIntosh John dyer ne Grant bet Arthur and Park Ave

McGibbon F blacksmith bds Barrie's Hotel

McGillivray A Theresa Basin opp O F C dock

McGillivray Robert es Beckwith bet Craig and Brock

McGiven F biksmith bds Barrie's Hotel

McIntyre W H photographer res sw cor D'Arcy and Gore Studio ws Gore bet Foster and Herriott

McKenney Hiram contractor nw cor Grant and Wilson

McKenny James carpenter bds nw cor Grant and Wilson

McKernan Thos gardener bds ne Brock bet Gore and Wilson

McKerracher Benj emp canning factory se Harvey bet Arthur Wilson

McKerracher B J printer Courier office se Harvey bet Wilson and Harvey

McKerracher John emp canning factory

McKerracher J tailor sw cor Leslie and Wilson

McKerracher William emp canning factory

McKerracher W J Shaw & McKerracher ne cor St Mary and Wilson

McKerrow John agent bds Barrie's Hotel

McKian Daniel farmer ne cor Drummond and Cockburn

McKian Margaret seamstress ne cor Drummond and Cockburn

McKiam Annie res ne cor Craig and Drummond

McKinley Mrs Elizabeth widow ne cor Brock and Gore

McKinley Jo(?)n cor Craig and Drummond

McKinley Mary cor Craig and Drummond

McKinnon Angus emp carshops es Gore opp Methodist Church

McKinnon Annie housemaid

McKinnon Jessie Mrs teacher ws Gore bet Boulton and Isabella

McKinnon Lizzie ws Gore bet Boulton and Isabella

McKinnon Walter student ws Gore bet Boulton and Isabella

McLaren Bella tailoress AC Walker's ws Wilson bet Foster and Herriot

McLaren Catherine cor Sherbrooke and South

McLaren Margaret cor Sherbrooke and South

McLaren Finley farmer ft of Queen near rr

McLaren Frank Campbell & Downey's es Gore opp Town Hall

McLaren Geo emp canning factory nw cor South and Drummond

McLaren Geo W baker es Gore opp Town Hall

McLaren James Queen near rr

McLaren J R clerk A Meighen & Bros sw cor Gore and Isabella

McLaren Mrs Jas es Gore bet Robinson and South

McLaren John A prop Perth distillery etc office at distillery res ss Wilson n of St Mary

McLaren James es Drummond n of rr

McLaren Kathleen es Drummond n of rr

McLaren Margaret es Drummond n of rr

McLaren Peter Hon es Drummond n of rr

McLaren William es Drummond n of rr

McLaren Richard G es Gore bet South and Robinson

McLaren Tena clerk W A McLaren's res same

McLaren W A baker es Gore opp Town Hall

McLaren Wm John carpenter Kippen & Allan es Gore bet South and Robinson

McLean Minnie emp Code's mill ne Herriott bet Gore and Wilson

McLean Mrs R F sr w e Drummond bet Herriott and Foster

McLean Walter printer Courier office w e Drummond bet Herriott and Foster

McLellan Geo lab ss Foster bet Drummond and Herriott

McLenaghan Mrs Chas nw cor Gore and Herriott

McLenaghan Flossie ws Gore bet D'Arcy and Boulton

McLenaghan John Ins Agt ss D'Arcy and Boulton

McLenaghan Laura ws Gore bet Boulton and D'Arcy

McLenaghan Nathaniel Inland Rev Office es Gore bet D'Arcy and Boulton

McLenaghan W A emp car shops ns Foster cor Beckwith

McLenaghan Robert emp car shops ns Foster cor Beckwith

McLenaghan John painter bds Basin

McLennan Katie domestic E G Malloch's ne Foster bet Gore and Drummond

McMartin Mrs widow ns Harvey bet Drummond and Beckwith

McMaster John com traveller se end Drummond

McMaster John painter es Beckwith near river

McMaster Lucie s end Drummond on South

McMillan Alex horseshoer ne North bet Lewis and Wilson

McMillan John blksmith bds Barrie's Hotel

McMumm [sic] William emp car shops bds Barrie's Hotel

McNab Finlay ns D'Arcy bet Gore and Drummond

McNab Katie ns D'Arcy bet Gore and Drummond

McNaughton Mrs Elizabeth ws Gore near cor Craig

McNee Duncan gentleman ss North near rr

McNee Maggie music teacher ss North near rr

McNee Mary C w a North bet Gore and William

McParland Kate domestic Gore and n branch river

McParland Rose ernp Code's mill ns Herriott bet Gore and Wilson

McParland Alice emp Hicks House bds same

McPhail Wm student bds Albion Hotel

McPherson Bella sw cor Brock and Drummond

McRae Annie clerk ne cor Harvey and Gore

McRae W R, grocer ne cor Harvey and Gore

McShane Alice emp Hicks House bds same

McShane James emp car shops bds se cor Craig and Gore

McVean Harriet domestic (Dr Hanna's) ws Gore bet North and D'Arcy

McVeigh Jennie domestic ws Wilson bet D'Arcy and Boulton


Mavelle Mary domestic (F.L. Michell) es Drnmmond near Craig

Malcolm Margaret emp Code's mill

Marrs P railroader es Wilson bet Halton and Robinson

Manders Richard emp Facer Car Wheel wks es Wilson bet Boulton and Isobella

Miller Mrs Mary dressmaker (with Mrs C N Lockwood)

Moore James es Alma bet North and D'Arcy

Moore Ellen emp Canning factory res bet North and D'Arcy

Moore Robert emp Allan's mill res bet North and D'Arcy

Moore Maud emp Canning factory res bet North and D'Arcy

Moore George res bet North and D'Arcy

Moore Maggie emp Canning factory res bet North and D'Arcy

Moore Fred emp waterworks res bet North and D'Arcy

Miller Mrs Isobella Haggart's Island (Hon John Haggart's)

Millikin Annie domestic Allan House

Machinery Hall Jno Dittrick prop es Wilson bet D'Arcy and Boulton

Madden Alphonso stone mason bds Queen's Hotel

Madden John stone mason bds Queen's Hotel

Magie John emp car shops se cor Grant and Arthur

Maher Robert lab bds Queen's hotel

Major Agnes ss Herriott bet Gore and Drummond

Major Clara ss Herriott bet Gore and Drummond

Major Ernanuel carpenter Herriott bet Gore and Drummond

Major Margaret Herriott bet Gore and Drummond

Major Thos ss Church bet Arthur and Park ave

Malloch E G barrister ns Foster bet Gore and Drummond

Malcolm Margaret emp Code's mill res Cockburn bet Gore and Drummond

Malloch Maggie cor Peter and Thom

Malone Bernard emp Queen's hotel res ws Drummond bet Foster and Herriott

Malone Ellen dressmaker ws Drummond bet. Foster and Herriott

Malone Maggie teacher Drummond bet Foster and Herriott

Manders Chas plasters ss D'Arcy bet Wilson and Gore

Manders Howard student ss D'Arcy bet Wilson and Gore

Manders Thos plasterer D'Arcy bet Gore and Wilson

Manion Gertrude nurse ss North bet Wilson and Lewis

Manion Mrs James widow ws Gore bet Harvey and Craig

Manion Mrs Mary dressmaker es Drummond bet North and D'Arcy

Manion Mary dressmaker ws Gore bet Harvey and Craig

Marclay James emp CPR bds Albion hotel

Martin Frank emp car shops ws Gore bet Halton and Robinson

Mason F Inland Revenue Office ss Harvey bet Wilson and Arthur

Mason Louise ss Harvey bet Wilson and Arthur

Matheson & Balderson Lawyers Lt.-Col. Matheson MPP and James Balderson cor Foster and Gore

Matheson's cheese factory C.A. Matheson prop head of Peter across river

Matheson A es Gore bet Foster and Herriott

Matheson A J Lt-Col MPP es Gore bet Foster and Herriott

Matheson C A prop Riverside cheese factory res es Gore bet Foster and Herriott

Matheson E res es Gore bet Foster and Herriott

Matheson J R res es Gore bet Foster and Herriott

Matheson J res es Gore bet Foster and Herriott

Menzie Lena cook Barrie's Hotel

Menzies W B stone cutter ns North bet Gore and Wilson

Medore Zephrien emp Telegraph Co w e Beckwith bet Harvey and river

Meighen A & Bros gen'l merchants wholesale and retail nw cor Gore and Foster

Meighen Arthur ws Drummond bet D'Arcy and Boulton

Meighen Chas gentleman es Drummond bet D'Arcy and North

Meighen Laura es Drummond bet Foster and Herriott

Meighen Mabel es Drummond bet Foster and Herriott

Meighen J M clerk A M & Bros es Drummond bet Foster and Herriott

Meighen Robert S clerk A M & Bros es Drummond bet Foster and Herriott

Meighen Ethel res es Drummond bet D'Arcy and North

Meighen Hattie es Drummond bet D'Arcy and North

Meighen William es Drummond bet D'Arcy and North

Meighen William A ws Drummond bet D'Arcy and Isabella

Mendels J H dry goods etc res ss Harvey bet Arthur and Park Ave store sw cor Wilson and Peter

Methodist Church ws Gore bet Craig and Brock

Milligan Elizabeth es Beckwith bet Halton and Cockburn.

Milligan Joseph emp car shops es Beckwith bet Halton and Cockburn

Michell F L IPS es Drummond bet Craig and Brock

Michell Robert student es Drummond bet Craig and Brock

Michell W R student es Drummond bet Craig and Brock

Milne Mary ns Herriott bet Gore and Wilson

Mitchell Mrs widow ss locks bridge

Mitchell David carpenter ss John bet Thom and Market.

Mitchell D J ernp car shops Basin opp Ottawa Fordg Co's dock

Mitchell Bella J ss John bet Thom and Market

Mitchell Mrs Jas widow Basin opp Ott Fordg Co's dock

Mitchell Jas G ss John bet Thom and Market

Mitchell Jennie emp Code's mill res Carolina village

Mitchell John ernp car shops res ws Gore nr cor Craig

Mitchell John ss Locks bridge Gore st

Mitchell John ns D'Arcy bet Gore and Wilson

Mitchell John R mason ns Harvey bet Gore and Drummond

Mitchell Lilian dressmaker ns D'Arcy bet Gore and Wilson

Mitchell Norman J lab ss John bet Thom and Market

Mitchell J R dentist ns North bet Lewis and Market

Mitchell T G clerk ss John bet Thom and Market

Moore Chas emp Canning factory Wilson bet Foster and Herriott

Moore Chas emp car shops ss Grant bet Arthur and Park ave

Moore Etta (Laurie's confectionery) bds same

Moore Mrs Robert widow ss Grant bet Arthur and Park ave

W A MOORE County Clerk represents the following cheese factories

Watson's Corners, Brookside, Clairview, Tay Banks,

Hopetown, Zealand, Maberly, Poland, New Glasgow,

Tennyson, Bolingbroke, Tay Side, Burnstown and North Shore

office ws Wilson nr cr Foster res North st

Moffatt Robt es Beckwith bet Brock and Cockburn

Moffat Sarah Jane es Beckwith bet Brock and Cockburn

Moffatt Thos (Seeley & Moffat) r s Beckwith bet Brock and Cockburn

M(?)on T A cor Gore and Market Sq res ss Tay river

Montgomery Alex drover ns Peter bet Lewis and Thomas

Montgomery Annie ss Gore bet Boulton and Isabella

Montgomery Eliza ns Peter bet Thom and Lewis

Montgomery Henry miner ne Peter bet Thom and Lewis

Montgomery Jennie dressmaker ns Peter bet Thom and Lewis

Montgomery Oswald sw cor D'Arcy and Gore

Moran Peter carter ws Gore bet Brock and Cockburn

Moorhouse Anna ns Foster bet Gore and Drummond

Moorhouse Henry ne Foster bet Gore and Drummond

Morrison Jas lab ss Peter bet Lewis and Wilson

Morrison Jas painter ns Mill 4 doors w of Gore

Morrison Jas jr driver ss Peter bet Lewis and Wilson

Morrison Mary emp Code's mill Mill st

Morrison Mrs widow Mill near Gore

Morris Albert lab bds ns Boulton bet Gore and Wilson

Morris Alex butcher ss Foster bet Wilson and Arthur

Morris Mrs Catherine domestic Queen's Hotel

Morris Dalbert emp car shops ws Beckwith bet Halton and Robinson

Morris Mrs John cor Leslie and Wilson

Morris Emily cor Leslie and Wilson

Morris John A es Wilson bet Craig and Harvey

Morris Katie domestic ne cor St Mary and Wilson

Morris Susan domestic W Butler's ws Wilson

Morris Mary emp Code's mill res Mill st

Morrison Annie nurse cor Foster and Drummond

Mortimer Ethel typewriter sw cor D'Arcy and Gore

Motherwell Wm P O clerk sw cor Boulton and Gore

Motherwell Mrs ws Wilson bet Herriott and Foster

Moss Martha chambermaid Revere House bds same

Moulton John bds Albion Hotel

Muckleston H S student res Ch of England rectory

Muckleston Rev W J rector Ch of England res rear same

Mulholland Michael emp car shops ws Beckwith bet Halton and Robinson

Mullin Jane dressmaker ss Tay fronting Basin

Munro David M D office ws Wilson bet Foster and North res same

Munro Alex n end Drummond

Munro Gertrude ws Wilson bet Foster and North

Munro Maud ws Wilson bet Foster and North

Munro John gentleman n end of Drummond

Munro Nellie n end Drummond

Murphy Ellen G milliner A M & Bros bds Hicks House

Murphy John F blksmith nw cor Gore and Brock bds ss Herriott bet Gore and Drummond

Murphv John emp CPR bds Albion Hotel

Murphy Katie dressmaker sw cor Gore and Harvey res ws Beckwith bet Halton and Robinson

Murphy Thomas ws Sherbrooke bet Herriott and river

Murphy Ursula ne cor D'Arcy and Drummond

Murray Alicia emp Code's mill

Murray James fireman CPR bds Albion Hotel

Mutton Mrs Ann widow Robt nw cor Cockburn and Drummond


Nagle Carrie emp Code's mill cor Gore and Colburn

Nagle Hattie emp Code's mill cor Gore and Colburn

Nagle Maurice res cor Colburn and Drummond

Neelon Thos emp car shops nw cor Cockburn and Drummond

Neil Archie lab ns Robinson bet Gore and Drummond

Neilson Mrs Elenor widow ss Herriott bet Gore and Drummond

Neilson H H watchmaker Rudd & Neilson ss Herriott bet Gore and Drummond

Neilson Minnie res ss Herriott bet Gore and Drummond

Nichol Elizabeth ws North bet Gore and Wilson

Nichol Harriet ws North bet Gore and Wilson

Nichol Neil B clerk James & Reid's ns North bet Gore and Wilson

Nichol Thos bk-kpr Peter McLaren's ws North bet Gore and Wilson

Nichol Mrs Dr ns Wilson bet D'Arcy and North

Nicholson David carpenter ns North bet Market and Lewis

Nixon Joseph carpenter es Beckwith bet Craig and Harvey

Nixon Robt A bkkpr ns Craig bet Drummond and Beckwith

Nixon W H carpenter ns Craig bet Drummond and Beckwith

Noble Grace domestic ws Gore bet Craig and Harvey

Noble Jane milliner ws Gore bet Craig and Harvey

Nom Long laundry es Gore bet Colbourn and Basin

Noonan D R ag't Agrl Implts warehouse ws Wilson near D'Arcy res nw cor North and Wilson

Noonan H T grocer ss Foster bet Gore and Wilson res ss Halton bet Gore and Wilson

Noonan Mrs James ss Halton bet Gore and Wilson

Noonan James drover cor Colbourn and Drummond

Noonan John blksmith ns North bet Lewis and Market

Noonan Lizzie nw cor North and Wilson

Noonan Peter nw cor North and Wilson

Noonan Maggie emp Code's mill ws Wilson bet Foster and North

Noonan Mary emp Code's mill nw cor Wilson & North

Noonan Theresa teacher ns North bet Lewis and Market

Noonan Mrs. Thos widow ns North bet Lewis and Market

Norris Jennie domestic

North Dora ss Harvey bet Arthur and Park Ave

Northgraves Ann E ss Harvey bet Gore and Drummond

Northgraves Hannah ss Harvey bet Gore and Drummond

Northgraves Margaret ss Harvey bet Gore and Drummond

Northgraves William watchmaker es Gore bet Foster and Herriott res ss Harvey bet Gore and Drummond


Oakes Thos marble cutter ns Craig near Gore

Oa(t?)way John plasterer ne cor Gore and Craig

Ogilvie Miss Salvation Army ss Isabella bet Gore and Drummond

Oliver David emp car shops es Beckwith near river

Oliver Mrs Mary widow ss Basin fronting O F Co dock

Oliver Thomas boat builder rear house ws Gore bet Brock and Craig

Osborne James section man ns Craig bet Gore and Drummond

Osborne Jennie ws Sherbrooke bet Herriott and river

Osborne Sarah Mrs ns Craig bet Gore and Drummond

Ottawa Ford'g Co. R Burris ag't office ws Gore near n branch Tay dock on Baisin

O'Brien Wm tinsmith se cor Wilson and Cockburn

O'Dare John emp Code's mill res Caroline Village

O'Dea Dennis emp car shops es Drummond bet Halton and Cockburn

O'Dea Maggie emip Code's mill es Drummond bet Halton and Cockburn

O'Dea Matt emp car shops es Drummond bet Halton & Cockburn

O'Dea Simon lab es Beckwith cor Halton

O'Donnell Mary ne cor D'Arcy and Drummond

O'Brien Jeanette n w cor Market and John

O'Neill James emp waterworks se cor Herriott and Drummond

O'Neill Miss waitress Jackman House

O'Donnell Miss es Wilson bet Boulton and Isabella

O'Neill Mary domestic Allan House

O'Hara Mrs Elizabeth es Wilson bet Cockburn and Halton

O'Hara M E es Wilson bet Cockburn and Halton

O'Hara William emp Allan's mills es Wilson bet Cockburn and Halton

O'Hare Kate ss Grant bet Arthur and Wilson

O'Hare Mary housekeeper ss Grant bet Arthur and Wilson

O'Hare Rose tailoress ss Grant bet Arthur and Wilson

O'Loughlin John tel operator CPR se cor Beckwith and Brock

O'Loughlin Martin se cor Beckwith and Brock

O'Loughlin Mary telephone operator cor Brock and Beckwith

O'Loughlin Quentin emp car shops se cor Brock and Beckwith

O'Neill Jno F blksmith ns North bet Market and Lewis

O'Neill Lizzie domestic ws Victoria bet North and D'Arcy

O'Neill Lizzie wks Laurie's bakery, res same


Palace Livery Stable H Lowe prop n br Tay bet Colbourn and Drummond

Parker Chas carpenter bds Queen's Hotel

Perth distillery Jno A McLaren prop Cockburn Island

Patterson W emp car shops se cor Herriott and Drummond

Potter Wm emp Code's mill

Patterson Mrs Elizabeth es Wilson bet Herriott and Foster

Patterson F Annie domestic Wm James' es Wilson bet St Mary and Harris

Patterson J grocer ss Foster bet Gore and Wilson

Patterson James bailiff cor Drummond and Halton

Patterson Robert J emp car shops ws Drummond bet Craig and Brock

Pattie Olive student ss D'Arcy bet Gore and Wilson

Paul Bella tailoress bds cor Drummond and Brock

Paul W R teamster nw cor Brock and Drummond

Paxton Mrs Annie housekeeper ne Robinson bet Gore and Wilson

Peunant Edward fireman CPR bds Albion Hotel

Pepper J W carpenter bds Barrie's Hotel

Pepper Silas carpenter bds Barrie's Hotel

Perry Miss M A sw cor Gore and Brock

Perth Courier Walker Bros props es Gore bet Herriott and n br river

Perth Dyeing and Cleaning House J A Code prop es Gore near Lock's bridge

Perth Expositor C F Stone prop es Gore nr cor Foster

Peters Robert emp car shops ns John bet Thom and Market

Petts Geo machinist car shops bds se cor Craig and Gore

Pierce Mabel student ws Gore bet Boulton and Isabella

Pierce Maggie student ws Gore bet Boulton and Isabella

Provan Bella emp canning factory ws Thomas

Public Library and Mechanic's Institute Kellock's block

Publow Geo G Cheese Inspector ns Peter bet Lewis and Thomas

Publow James bridgeman CPR sw cor Grant and Arthur

Publow William sw cor Arthur and Grant

Phillips Carrie es Peter bet Thomas and Market

Phillips Belle dressmaker es Peter bet Thomas and Market

Phillips Kate teacher es Peter bet Thomas and Market

Phillips Maggie teacher es Peter bet Thomas and Market

Phillips Mrs Margaret widow es Peter bet Thomas and Market

Pink J W prop Perth planing mill Victoria cor D'Arcy

Playfair Mrs A W ns Herriott bet Gore and Wilson

Playfair Sophia dressmaker ss D'Arcy near Exhibition grounds

Pollard Chas ernp car shops bds se cor Craig and Gore

Pollard Thos emp car shops bds se cor Craig and Gore

Pook Bella ns Peter bet Lewis and Thomas

Pook Richard merchant tailor ws Wilson near cor Peter res ns Peter bet Lewis and Thomas

Potter Wm painter res South shop ns North near Wilson

Powers Ben emp waterworks es Wilson bet Craig and Harvey

Powers Miss M emp Shaw & McKerracher bds ws Gore bet Harvey and Craig

Poulet John emp Queen's Hotel bds same


Queen's Hotel Francis Lambert prop ss Foster bet Gore and Herriott

Quinn Jas carpenter bds Queen's Hotel

Quinn Peter emp car shops es Willson near cor D'Arcy


Rabb James carpenter ns Boulton bet Gore and Wilson

Rabb William contractor es Wilson bet St Mary and Harris

Rae & Dena horseshoers and waggon maker nw cor Kippen and Wilson

Rae John (Rae & Dena) ws Wilson bet Kippen and Boulton

Ramsden Edward promoter car wheel works ns Herriott bet Gore and Wilson

Raymond Nicholas emp water works es Beckwith near river

Reeves Harvey drug clerk ss D'Arcy bet Gore and Wilson

Reid D W (James & Reid) es Gore bet North & D'Arcy

Reid James caretaker Bk of Montreal ws Wilson bet Cockburn and Halton

Reid Samuel lab ss Foster bet Gore and Drummond

Renaud Joseph, jr emp carshops ss Harvey opp brickyard

Revere House W J Flett prop cor Wilson and Foster

Rice Chas clerk County Court ws Gore bet D'Arcy and North

Rice James emp Code's mill ws Gore near cor South

Richardson Chas emp car shops se cor Halton and Wilson

Reid Mrs T dress and mantle maker es Gore bet North and D'Arcy

Richardson Dinah domestic with Mrs Dr Grant cor Harvey and Gore

Richardson Jessie ns Church bet Arthur and Park Ave

Richardson James emp car shops ns Church bet Arthur and Park Ave

Richardson Maud domestic H Taylor's res Grantville

Richardson Susie emp canning factory ns Church bet Park Ave and Arthur

Richardson Wm gardener ns Church bet Park Ave and Arthur

Richardson W T emp car shops ss Church bet Arthur and Park Ave

Riddell John ns Herriott bet Gore and Wilson

Riddell Margaret ns Herriott bet Gore and Wilson

Ripley Wm emp CPR bds Albion Hotel

Ritchie Geo ins ag't bds Revere House office ws Wilson bet North and Foster

Roberts Alex carpenter ws Gore bet South and Robinson

Robertson Mrs D M ws Drummond bet Isabella and St Mary

Robertson Emma music teacher ss Wilson bet North and D'Arcy

Robertson Hugh bkkpr A M & Bros es Wilson bet North and D'Arcy

Robertson James carpenter sw cor Robinson and Gore

Robertsen Jessie teacher ws Drummond bet Isabella and St Mary

Robertson Mrs John widow sw cor Robinson and Gore

Robinson Margaret milliner A M & Bros ws Drummond bet Isabella and St Mary

Robertson Margaret ss Herriott bet Drummond and Beckwith

Robertson Mary domestic J H Mendel's ss Harvey bet Arthur and Park Ave

Robinson A prop Allan House

Robinson Maggie domestic Jas Hicks ne cor Wilson and Foster

Robinson Peter farmer es Wilson bet Robinson and Peter

Robinsom [sic] Wm emp Code's mill res Caroline Village

Rock Rev G C pastor Baptist church ne D'Arcy bet Gore and Drummond

Rockwell Alfred emp carshops es Wilson bet Craig and Harvey

Rogers Jas butcher ss Foster bet Wilson and Arthur

Rogers J D butcher ss Peter bet Lewis and Wilson

Rogers Marian domestic Mrs C F Stone Gore st East

Rogers Wm prop livery stable ns Peter bet Lewis and Wilson

Rogers & Stewart barristers ss Foster & [sic]

Rogers Joseph M (Rogers & Stewart) ns North bet Drummond and Beckwiith

Rose Sidney electrician ns Wilson near rr

Rowatt Aggie enp woollen factory bet Peter and river

Rowatt Fred F emp Allan's mill ws Market bet Peter and river

Rowatt W L emp canning factory ws Market bet Peter and river

Rowatt William harness maker es Wilson bet North and D'Arcy res ws Market near river

Rudd & Neilson watch makers ns Foster bet Gore and Wilson

Rudd Anslow B jeweller and optician ws Wilson bet Foster and North

Russel John emp car shops ne cor Drummond and Halton

Russell Mrs Kate widow emp car shops ne cor Drummond and Halton

Rutherford Agnes weaver es Peter bet Market and Thomas

Rutherford James weaver es Peter bet Market and Thomas

Rutherford John emp canning factory es Peter bet Market and Thomas

Rutherford Mary se cor Wilson and Brock

Ryan Mrs F emp canning factory ss Church bet Arthur and Park Ave

Ryan Nellie cook Hicks House


St John's Church n end Brock

St John's Convent ss Grant bet Wilson and Arthur

Salvation Army ss Foster bet Drummond and Gore

St James J teller Mer Bank res Drummond bet Craig and Brock

Stewart Mary laundress Allan House

Simpson Mary domestic se cor D'Arcy and Gore

Scott Robert contractor ws Drummond bet North and D'Arcy

Scott Jean teacher ws Drummond bet North and D'Arcy

Stewart Robt (Spalding & Stewart) ss D'Arcy bet Gore and Drummond

Stewart John A (Rogers & Stewart) ss D'Arcy bet Gore and Drummond

Seeley & Moffat prop Str John Haggart

Senkler Miss E M es Drummond cor Boulton

Sloan Thos ws Beckwith bet Herriott and Foster

St Andrew's Church cor Craig and Drummond

Sargent Miss domestic J Graham's es Victoria bet North and D'Arcy

Sutherland Julia es Wilson bet Halton and Robinson

Sutherland Wm teacher es Wilson bet Halton and Robinson

Sargent Emma domestic H M Shaw cor Drummond and Isabella

Salways Alvin lab bds Queen's Hotel

Samways Chas emp Code's mill ss D'Arcy next Exhibition ground

Sanders Geo tailor ws Beckwith bet Harvey and river

Sang Lee laundry es Gore bet Colburn and Basin

Scott Aggie student es Wilson bet St Mary and Harris

Scott Rev Alex H pastor St Andrew's Church ss Boulton opp high school

Scott Miss E N ss Boulton opp high school

Scott Geo chessmaker [sic] se cor Peter and Market

Scott G G student ss Boulton opp high school

Scott H H student ss Boulton opp High school

Scott John teamster ws Wilson cor D'Arcy

Scott William emp car shops bds se cor Craig and Gore

Seeley A E express ag't ws Gore next to n br Tay res same

Senkler W S Co Judge es Drummond cor Boulton

Sepo John harness maker bds Queen's Hotel

Sharpe Thos R emp P McLaren's es Drummond bet Herriott and river

Sharpe Wm yeoman se cor North and Beckwith

Shaw & McKerracher gen'l merchants, se cor Gore and Foster

Shaw A C barrister ss Foster near cor Wilson

Shaw H M (Shaw & McKerracher) es Drummond c r Isabella

Shaw Catherine es Drummond cor Isabella

Shaw Mary es Drummond cor Isabella

Shaw Mary domestic F A Hall's ws Gore bet Herriott and Foster

Shaw Mrs McNairn widow nw cor Foster and Drummond

Shellington Henry ns North bet Gore and Wilson

Sheehan Josie ne cor D'Arcy and Drummond

Sheppard Ernest printer Courier Caroline Village

Sheridan Patrick lab ns North bet Lewis and Market

Sheridan Patrick emp Barrie's Hotel bds same

Sherwood Mary domestic ns North bet Drummond and Beckwith

Shields Albert emp car shops se cor Herriott and Drummond

Shirley Herman lab es Wilson bet Welland and railway

Short Caroline emp Code's mill es Thomas bet Peter and river

Short Mary emp canning factory es Thomas bet Peter and river

Silverstone H clothier ns Foster bet Gore and Wilson

Simmons C N jeweller ns Foster bet Gore and Wilson res ss Isabella bet Gore and Wilson

Simpson John emp waterworks bds ws Wilson near rr

Sinclair Cora es Lewis bet Peter and river

Sinclair Peter cabinet maker W J Pink's es Gore bet North and D'Arcy

Sinclair P M com traveller es Lewis bet Peter and river

Slavin John se cor Drummond and Cockburn

Sloan Mrs Kate ws Sherbrooke bet Herriott and river

Smith Mrs Elizabeth widow ss Harvey bet Arthur and Park Ave

Smith Geo contractor sw cor Herriott and Drummond

Smith Mrs Geo es Gore bet D'Arcy and Boulton

Smith Mrs James widow es Drummond bet South and Robinson

Smith James baker (Laurie's bakery) rear of High School

Smith Jas Howard engineer (Kippen & Allan's) Queen rear High School

Smith John emp carshops es Drummond bet South and Robinson

Smith Joseph hostler (Jno McCann's) bds cor Harvey and Gore

Smith Julia A res cor Drummond and Gore

Smith Lily res cor Drummond and Herriott

Smith Lizzie ss Harvey bet Arthur and Park Ave

Smith Mabel Queen st rear of High School

Smith Maggie emp Code's Mill cor Herriott and Drummond

Smith M Theresa emp Code's Mill cor Herriott and Drummond

Smith Mary seamstress cor Herriott and Drummond

Smith Richard bricklayer ss Harvey bet Arthur and Park Ave

Smith Ruth domestic (Rev Scott's) ss Boulton opp High School

Smith T stonemason ns Peter bet Lewis and Thom

Smith Thos emp car shops Craig near rr crossing

Smith Wilfred emp car shops Queen rear high school

Smith William lab ws Gore bet Cockburn and Halton

Soper William carpenter ws Gore bet Halton and Robinson

Spalding & Stewart distillers ws Gore cor Harvey

Spalding Jas (Spalding & Stewart) ss Craig bet Gore and Drummond

Spence Maggie es Drummond bet D'Arcy and North

Stafford Edward railroader sw cor Gore and D'Arcy

Stafford Mrs John ne cor Brock and Drummond

Stafford Julia milliner A M & Bros ne cor Brock and Drummond

Stafford Lily milliner A M & Bros ne cor Brock and Drummond

Stafford Lottie sw cor Gore and D'Arcy

Stafford Peter emp canning factory sw cor D'Arcy and Gore

Stafford Peter student ne cor Brock and Drummond

Stafford Rose ne cor Brock and Drummond

Staniford Miss salvation soldier ss Isabella bet Gore and Drummond

Stanley Lizzie teacher ns North cor Lewis

Stanley Matt carriage maker ws Wilson bet North and D'Arcy res ns North cor Lewis

Steacy Benj emp carshops ss Church bet Arthur and Park Ave

Steacy Elfrida domestic ns Craig bet river and rr

Steacy Geo emp carshops ns Grant bet Arthur and Park Ave

Steacy James B printer Expositor bds Barrie's Hotel

Steacy John emp carshops ns Brock bet Gore and Drummond

Steacy Joseph emp carshops ns Craig bet river and rr

Steacy Philip emp brick yard ns Craig bet river and rr

Steacy Joseph lab ns Brock bet Gore and Drummond

Steacy Thos emp carshops ss Church bet Arthur and Park Ave

Steele Geo shoemaker (A Wilson's) ss Herriott bet Drummond and Beckwith

Steele John barber ss Herriott bet Drummond and Beckwith

Steele William emp carshops ss Herriott bet Drummond and Beckwith

Stephens Angelina tailoress bds ns North cor Lewis

Stevenson Louis Prof Science High School bds ns North nr cor Gore

Stewart J B Mrs res Drummond bet Foster and Herriott

Stewart Kate Gore bet Herriott and Foster

Stewart Mrs Mary ss D'Arcy bet Victoria and Drummond

Stewart R F (Spalding & Stewart) ss D'Arcy bet Gore and Drummond

Stinson Mrs Anne widow ws Gore near Mill

Stinson Margaret Jane ws Gore near Mill

Stinson Mary E ws Gore near Mill

Stinson W grocer ws Gore near Mill

Stone Chas F prop Expositor ws Gore bet Halton and Robinson

Stone Ed L printer ws Drummond opp English Church

Stone Herbert tailor ws Drummond opp English Church

Stone Henry painter es Gore bet Harvey and Craig

Stone Jennie ws Drummond opp Ch of England

Stone Milton baker Mrs Lauries' ws Gore bet Foster and Herriott

Stokes Geo carter ss Brock opp brickyard

Strickland John emp car shops ns river front bet Beckwith and Long bridge

Strong Wm blksmith John McMullin's bds Barrie's Hotel

Sutherland Frank emp W Northgraves ns Foster bet Gore and Drummond

Sutherland Fred driver R Burris ns Foster bet Gore and Wilson

Sutherland James grocer ns Foster bet Gore and Wilson

Sullivan Jeremiah emp Dom Public Works ws Wilson bet Church and Cockburn

Sutherland Susan ns Foster bet Gore and Wilson

Sweet Matt carpenter bds Albion Hotel


Tait Bella ns Boulton bet Gore and Wilson

Tait John carpenter ns Boulton bet Gore and Wilson

Tait Mary ns Boulton bet Gore and Wilson

Taulty Emma emp Code's Mill cor Gore and Colbourn

Taylor Henry hardware es Gore bet Foster and Herriott res e a Drummond n of railway

Taylor Herbert M clerk es Gore bet Foster and Herriott res es Drummond n of railway

Templeman Ann knitting factory es Gore opp Town Hall

Templeton Mrs James ns Herriott near CPR depot

Teskey Naomi es Wilson bet North and D'Arcy

Thompson C ag't ag'l implts warehouse ws Wilson bet North and D'Arcy

Thompson Isobella sw cor Brock and Drummond

Thompson James sheriff es Gore on n br river

Thompson Margaret es Gore on n br river

Thompson Minnie domestic A Matherson's res same

Thomson Robert grocery se cor Drummond and Craig

Thompson T J emp car s ns Brock bet Gore and Drummond

Thompson William clerk es Gore on n br river

Thornbury Samuel clerk A M & Bros es Wilson bet Harris and St Mary

Thornton Bella clerk Geo Thornton's se cor North and Wilson

Thornton George musical goods etc sw cor Wilson and North bds Revere House

Thornton James sewing machine ag't es Wilson cor North

Thornton John emp brickyard ne cor Harvey and Beckwith

Thornton William emp car shops ne cor Harvey and Beckwith

Tinn(?)y Edward carpenter bds Queen's Hote1

Tippins Mary se cor Sherbrooke and Cockburn

Tippins Mark emp T Burry's confectionery se cor Sherbrooke and Cockburn

Tippins William emp car shops se cor Sherbrooke and Cockburn

Tovey M J meat market ws Gore bet Foster and Herriott res ss North bet Arthur and Wilson

Toffey John emp car shops es Beckwith next river

Tovey Catherine es Drummond bet North and D'Arcy

Tovey Mrs Margaret ss Peter bet Wilson and Lewis

Town Hall ws Gore Cockburn Island

Trace Mrs Ann ns North bet Lewis and Market

Troke Isaac carpenter ws Sherbrooke bet Herriott and river

Troke William ss Herriott bet Drummond and Beckwith

Turcott William carter ss Harvey bet Gore and Drummond

Turtle Mrs Hannah es Drummond bet Herriott and river

Twohey James tailor J A McAlister bds ns North bet Gore and Wilson

Tyres Chas carpenter bds Queen's Hotel


Underhill Helen ss Craig bet Drummond and Beckwith

Underhill Henry blksmith ss Craig bet Drummond and Beckwith

Urquhart Julia ns cor Victoria and North


Vandusen Wilson emp canning factory ne cor Craig and Wilson


Waddell Miss M J es Drummond bet Craig and Brock

Wadsworth Wm emp Round House bds Albion Hotel

Waghorn John blksmith bds Queen's Hotel

Wainwright W A carpenter bds Queen's Hotel

Whiteford Norman watchmaker bds Allan House

Waite Henry lab Herriott bet Gore and Drummond

Waite Jno Lynde clerk J F Kellock bds Barrie's Hotel

Waite Mrs Robert widow ws Thomas bet Peter and river

Waite Wm J clerk Herriott bet Gore and Drummond

Walker Bros props Perth Courier office es Gore bet Herriott and n br Tay

Walker Mrs Joseph emp Code's mill

Walker Agnes ss Foster bet Wilson and Lewis

WaIker Andrew C merchant tailor ws Wilson bet Foster and Herriott

Walker Benj blksmith ss North bet Drummond and Beckwith

Walker Elizabeth ws Wilson bet Foster and Herriott

Walker Elizabeth laundry ss Peter bet Wilson and Lewis

Walker Frank S clerk Perth distillery Mill near Gore

Walker Geo emp car shops ne Peter bet Lewis and Market

Walker John emp canning factory ns Peter bet Thomas and Market

Walker Isabella ss Craig bet Gore and Drummond

Walker J M ss Craig bet Gore and Drummond

Walker James hostler ss North bet Drummond and Beckwith

Walker John emp Allan's saw mill es Peter bet Thomas and Market

Walker Joseph emp cars shops ns Peter bet Thomas and Market

Walker Peter emp car shops ns Peter bet Thomas and Market

Walker Mary teacher ws Drummond e Long Bridge

Walker Mary ss North bet Drummond and Beckwith

Walker Richard emp Perth distillery ne Herriott bet Gore and Wilson

Walker Robert carpenter J A McLaren's s Long Bridge

Walker Richard machinist emp John Dittrick's ns Herriott bet Gore and Wilson

Walker Robert emp car shops Mill near Gore

Walker Mrs Walter widow ss Craig bet Drummond and Gore

Walker W T ws Drummond bet Isabella and St Mary

Walsh Dr A R Vet Surgeon bds Revere House

Warren & McCarthy gen'l hardware sw cor Gore and Foster

Warren Benj ws Wilson bet Isabella and Boulton

Warren Henry clerk ws Wilson bet Boulton and Isabella

Warren Howard emp W G Bulter's ns Grant bet Wilson and Arthur

Warren Mabel teacher ns Grant bet Wilson and Arthur

Warren Rose teacher ns Grant bet Wilson and Arthur

Warren William tailor ns Grant bet Wilson and Arthur

Warren John blksmith ns Grant bet Wilson and Arthur

Watson Mrs Ellen es Gore bet Boulton and Isabella

Watson James V clerk G E Armstrong es Gore bet Halton and Robinson

Watson James stone cutter es Gore bet Halton and Robinson

Watson Lizzie emp Code's mill es Gore bet Halton and Robinson

Watson Maggie domestic Mrs Jas Hicks' res same

Watson Marjorie dressmaker es Gore bet Halton and Robinson

Watson Robt lab Queen's Hotel

Watson Thos carpenter es John cor Herriott

Watson William emp Code's mill es John cor Market

Watt Herbert clerk J H Mendel's bds Revere House

Weatherhead Mrs Thaddeus ws Drummond bet Herriott and Foster

Webster Susie ws Wilson bet Boulton and Isabella

Wells H D mgr Mer B'k ne cor Drummond and Gore

Weston John gentlemen nw cor Market and John

Whateley Alice ns Harvey bet Gore and Drummond

Whateley Edward ns Harvey bet Gore and Drummond

Whately Florence ns Harvey bet Gore and Drummond

Whateley Margaret ns Harvey bet Gore and Drummond

White Charlotte ws Thomas bet Peter and John

White Chas J butcher ns Grant bet Arthur and Park Ave

White Eli ns Grant bet Arthur and Park Ave

White Elizabeth emp canning factory ns Grant bet Arthur and Park Ave

White Hannah ns Grant bet Arthur and Park Ave

White James butcher ss D'Arcy bet Gore and Wilson

White John ns Grant bet Arthur and Park Ave

White Mehaley dressmaker ns Grant bet Arthur and Park Ave

White Samuel carpenter ns Grant bet Arthur and Park Ave

White Sarah Ann emp canning factory ns Grant bet Arthur and Park Ave

Whitney Thos emp car shops es Beckwith near river

Wilkins Martha ns St Mary Stewart Sq

Willets Thos eng'r Park Ave and river

Williams Geo tinsmith Peter Hope's es Peter cor Thomas

Williams John emp canning factory ws Wilson bet Foster and Herriott

Williamson Ed bkkpr Hicks House ss North bet Market and Thomas

Willis Benj clerk J H Mendels' bds ss Foster bet Wilson and Lewis

Wilson & Mitchell dentists sw cor Wilson and Peter

Wilson Mrs dressmaker es Gore bet D'Arcy and Boulton

Wilson A boots and shoes ne Foster bet Gore and Wilson res es Wilson bet Isabella and Boulton

Wilson Annie domestic es Wilson bet Isabella and Boulton

Wilson C T emp Allan's saw mill ws Wilson bet Foster and Herriott

Wilson Ella es Wilson bet Boulton and Isabella

Wilson Mrs Ellen widow James ns North bet Wilson and Lewis

Wilson George tailor Campbell & Downey sw cor D'Arcy and Gore

Wilson Isaac Ins ag't ws Drummond opp Court House

Wilson James emp car shops cor Wilson and Welland

Wilson James D farmer ns Grant bet Arthur and Wilson

Wilson John Albert farmer ns Grant bet Arthur and Wilson

Wilson Mrs Jessie ns Grant bet Arthur and Wilson

Wilson John emp Code's mill res Mill st

Wilson John prop Hicks House ne cor Gore and Foster

Wilson Joseph e c Thomas bet Peter and river

Wilson Lillie sw cor Herriott and Drummond

Wilson Lorne C clk John Hart's ws Drummond opp Court House

Wilson Mary ws Drummond bet D'Arcy and Boulton

Wilson May bds Hicks House

Wilson Richard livery res Caroline Village

Wilson Robert wool carder ns John bet Market and Thomas

Wilson S C dentist ws Wilson bet North and D'Arcy

Wilson Susie chambermaid Hicks House

Wilson Albert emp car shops es Wilson

Wilson Wm ns Mill Haggarts Island

Wilson Geo emp grist mill ns Mill bet Craig and Harvey

Wiltse Geo A clerk J H Mendels bds sw cor Gore and Isabella

Wincey Ada domestic Albion Hotel

Woddon Emma teacher se cor Gore and Isabella

Wodden Mary P O elk se cor Gore and Isabella

Wodden P contractor se cor Wilson and Isabella

Wodden William gentlemen se cor Gore and Isabella

Wood Emma domestic rectory ch of England

Woods James emp car shops ws Sherbrooke bet Herriott and river

Woods Charlotte domestic James Allan's Market Sq

Woods John lab es Beckwith near river

Woods Mary ws Drummond bet Cockburn and Halton

Wordie Hannah es Drummond bet Boulton and D'Arcy

Wordie Harnett es Drummond bet Boulton and D'Arcy

Wright Ben contractor ws Drummond bet Craig and Brock

Wright Edith M se cor Colburn and Gore

Wright Flora G se cor Colburn and Gore

Wright H B se cor Colburn and Gore

Wright B B se cor Colburn and Gore

Wright B H & Co merchant tailors se cor Gore & Colburn

Wright H B & Son furriers and clothiers se cor Gore and Colburn

Wright Mary ws Drummond bet Craig and Brock

Wright T A se cor Gore and Colburn

Woods Miss E teacher ss D'Arcy bet Victoria and Drummond

Westerman Lizzie domestic sw cor North and Beckwith

Webster John emp car shops bds Jackman House

Walker Chas emp car shops cor Halton and Wilson

Wrathall Mrs M ss D'Arcy bet Gore and Drummond

Wrathall Minnie ss D'Arcy bet Gore and Drummond

Wrathall Tillie domestic ss D'Arcy bet Gore and Drummond

Wilson Mrs Margaret widow ns Mill

White Bridget cook Allan House


Young E A clerk bds Albion Hotel

Young Edward clk H Silverstone's sw cor D'Arcy and Gore

Young Emma res Albion Hotel

Young Dennis emp car shops ss Grant bet Arthur and Wilson

Young E clerk R E Hicks' nw cor Gore and Craig

Young J H prop Albion Hotel

Young Patrick clk G E Armstrong's bds ss Herriott bet Gore and Drummond



Johnston Archibald ne cor Wilson and D'Arcy


Blair William H ws Wilson near D'Arcy

Bygrove Edward Long Swamp road

Noonan D R ws Wilson near D'Arcy

Thompson Carr ws Wilson near D'Arcy


Bower J & Son Cockburn Island

Hall F L ns Foster bet Gore and Wilson

Hart John es Gore bet Foster and Herriott

Kellock J F cor Herriott and Gore


Devlin Geo Devlin Block Market Square


Burry Thos es Gore bet Foster and Herriott

Laurie Mrs James ws Gore near cor Foster

McLaren W A Cockburn Island

Kirk T H Cockburn Island


Bank of Montreal R J Drummond Mgr.

Merchants' Bank of Canada H D Wells Mgr


Thornton Geo sw cor Wilson and North


Citizens Band Wm Irons Bandmaster

Harmonic Band C J Downey Bandmaster


Jackson J S Gore near cor Herriott

Lapointe M Cockburn Island

Love Ambrose Locks' Gore n end Bridge

Love E Foster near cor Gore


Allan J A es Gore bet Foster and Herriott

Consitt Geo Cockburn Island

Foy C J es Gore bet Foster and Herriott

Hall & Hall ns Foster near cor Gore

Malloch E G Foster

Matheson & Balderson es Gore near Foster

Rogers & Stewart ss Foster near cor Gore

Shaw A C ss Foster near cor Wilson


Elliott Thomas cor Foster and Wilson

James & Reid cor Gore and Herriott

Taylor Henry es Gore bet Foster and Herriott

Warren & McCarthy cor Gore and Foster


Dittrick John Wilson n of D'Arcy

James & Reid cor Gore and Herriott


Hicks House cor Gore and Wilson

Queen's Hotel Foster bet Gore and Wilson


Cameron A nw cor Wilson and North

James Ed ne cor North and Drummond

McVeigh J W nw cor Wilson and North

McMillan John ns North bet Wilson and Lewis

Murphy John F nw cor Brock and Gore

Rae & Dena ws Wilson near cor Kippen

Warren John ss Mill


Oliver Thomas near Methodist Church


McLenaghan Wm A ns near cor Beckwith


Bower J & Son Cockburn Island

Hart John es Gore bet Herriott and Foster


Johnston Arch'd sodawaters ne cor Wilson and D'Arcy

McLaren John A Cockburn Island

Spalding & Stewart cor Harvey and Gore


Croskery R W ns Foster bet Gore and Wilson

Farmer G B ws Gore near cor Herriott

Glossop Daniel Cockburn Island

Wilson A ns Foster bet Gore and Wilson


Scott Robt ns Craig e of river


Elliot Thos cor Wilson and Foster

James & Reid cor Gore and Herriott

Taylor Henry es Gore bet Foster and Herriott

Warren & McCarthy cor Gore and Foster


Finley G & G ns Foster bet Gore and Wilson

Tovey M ws Gore bet Foster and Herriott

Lee John cor Mill and Gore

Griffith J Riddle Block Gore st w


Albury Henry ss Halton bet Gore and Drummond


Hogg David es Gore bet North and D'Arcy

Pink W J Victoria cor D'Arcy


Hicks Thos ns North bet Gore and Drummond

Stanley Matt cor Wilson and North


Baird Thos ss Leslie near Wilson

Burns Wm ss Halton bet Gore and Drummond

Gallipeau Chas Drummond bet Craig and Brock

McCusker Ed cor Gore and Halton

Moran Peter ws Gore bet Brock and Cockburn

Turcotte J ss Harvey bet Gore and Drummond


W A MOORE representing the following Cheese Factories :–

Watson's Corners, Brookside, Clairview, Tay Banks,

Hopetown, Zealand, Maberly, Poland, New Glasgow,

Tennyson, Bolingbroke, Tay Side, Burnstown, North Shore.

Matheson C A cor Gore and Foster


Bower J & Son Cockburn Island

Hall F L ns Foster bet Gore and Wilson

Kellock J F cor Gore and Wilson


Baptist Church Rev G C Rock pastor

Church of England Rev W J Mucklestone pastor

Know [sic] Church Rev Dugald Currie pastor

Methodist Church Rev S J Hughes

Presbyterian Rev A H Scott pastor

Roman Catholic Rev C J Duffus pastor


Silverstone H ns Foster bet Gore and Wilson

Wright B H & Co cor Cockburn and Gore


McArthur A ns Foster bet Gore and Wilson

Taylor Henry es Gore bet Foster and Herriott


Bothwell Thos ns D'Arcy bet Gore and Wilson


Kennedy J F ns D'Arcy bet Gore and Drummond

McCullough J H ns Foster bet Gore and Drummond

Wilson & Mitchell sw cor Peter and Foster


Balderson Mrs sw cor D'Arcy and Wilson

Bennett Mary ws Beckwith bet Halton and Robinson

Coffey Mary, cor Craig and Gore

Croskery Mena, cor Craig and Gore

Davis Sarah A, Peter

Hartney Annie, Grant

Hartney Lily cor Drummond and Halton

Malone Ellen ws Drummond bet Herriott and Foster

Manion Mary es Drummond bet North and D'Arcy

Mitchell Lillian ns D'Arcy bet Gore and Wilson

McCaffrey Loretta es Gore opp Town Hall

McCullough M ws Gore Market Sq

Montgomery Jennie ns Peter bet Thomas and Lewis

Mullin Jane ss Tay fronting Basin

Murphy Kate sw cor Harvey and Gore

Playfair Sophia ss D'Arcy nr Exhibition Grounds

Reid Mrs, Gore st w

White M ns Grant bet Arthur and Park Ave

Wilson Mrs es Gore bet D'Arcy and Boulton


J H Mendels sw cor Peter and Wilson


Armstrong G E es Gore bet Herriott and Foster

Charles & James nw cor Peter and Foster

Dickenson Bros ss Foster bet Gore and Wilson

Meighen Arthur & Bros nw cor Gore and Foster

Shaw & McKerracher se cor Gore and Foster

Thompson Robert se cor Craig and Drummond


Perth Dyeing and Cleaning House Cockburn Island


Perth Electric Light Co Ltd., J A Allan Secy

Tay Electric Light Co Ltd., Hon John Haggart Pres, J M Balderson Secy and Mgr


Lester Mrs E A Gore bet Foster and Herriott

Jordan Mrs M H es Gore bet Foster and Herriott


Burris R Cockburn Island

Dodds M D es Gore nr n bridge

Doyle John ss Foster bet Gore and Wilson

Thornton Geo cor Wilson and North


Lillie's Foundry, R Lillie prop ns North near Wilson

Machinery Hall and Perth Foundry, John Dittrick prop es Wilson bet D'Arcy and Boulton


Hogg David es Gore nr cor North also Undertaking

Pink W J Victoria cor D'Arcy


Armstrong G E es Gore bet Foster and Herriott

Campbell & Downey Foster st

Charles & James cor Wilson and Peter

Dickenson Bros ss Foster near cor Gore

Meighen A & Bros nw cor Foster and Gore

Shaw & McKerracher se cor Foster and Gore

Wright H B & Son Cockburn Island


Agar A T Allan Block Gore st

Allan Jas nw cor D'Arcy and Wilson

Canton Mrs M A sw cor Craig and Gore

Dodds M R, ns North bridge

Fidler Miss M se Wilson bet North and D'Arcy

Graham Mrs Richard ws Gore near cor Foster

Kirk T A Gore opp Town Hall

McRae W R cor Harvey and Gore

Moon T A cor Gore and Market Sq

Noonan H T ss Foster nr cor Wilson

Paterson James ss Foster bet Gore and Wilson

Stinson William Cockburn Island

Sutherland James ns Foster near cor Gore


Butler W G Cockburn Island

Elliott Thos cor Foster and Wilson

Hope Peter ns Foster bet Wilson and Gore

James & Reid cor Gore and Herriott

McArthur A T ns Foster bet Gore and Wilson

Taylor Henry es Gore bet Foster and Herriott

Warren & McCarthy cor Gore and Foster


Albion Hotel, nw cor Gore and Craig, Jas Young prop

Allan House, Cockburn Island, A Robinson prop

Barrie's Hotel, se cor Wilson and D'Arcy, Thos Barrie prop

Hicks House, ne cor Gore and Foster, John Wilson prop

Jackman House, n of Lock's bridge, Geo Jackman prop

Queen's Hotel, ss of Foster bet Wilson and Gore, Frank Lambert prop

Revere House, se cor Foster and Wilson, W J Flett prop


British Amer Ass Co A C Shaw agt

Caledonia Fire Ins Co Matheson & Balderson agt

Commercial Union Ass Co Jessie M Henderson agt

Confederation Life Ass John McLenaghan agent

Federal Life Ass Co F A Hall

Lanark Co Mutual Fire Ins Co Geo Ritchie agt

Liverpool London and Globe Ins Co John Code agt

London Mutual Fire Ins Co John McLenaghan agt

Northern Ass Co Matheson & Balderson agt

Ontario Mutual Life Ass Co John A Kerr agent

Phoenix Fire Ins Co of England A Meighen & Bros agt

Royal Ins Co H D Wells agt

Standard Life Ass Co Henry Taylor agt


Cameron Alex, Market Sq

Cameron Bros cor North and D'Arcy

Drennan Michael ws Gore near cor Foster

Lowe Harvey Palace Livery stable cor Drummond and Herriott

Jackman Geo, Union Hotel

McCann John cor Harvey and Gore

McTavish Peter cor North and Gore

Rogers Wm ns Peter bet Lewis and Wilson

Wilson Richard cor North and Wilson


CPR Car shops Jos Duval Mgr

Dittrick John Perth Foundry Wilson nr D'Arcy

Facer Solid Steel Car Wheel on R R bet Wilson and Drummond

Devlin C & A tanners cor Harvey and Beckwith

Haggart & Herron flour mill Mill st

Hicks Thos carrriage maker ns North nr Gore

Hogg David furniture and undertaking es Gore bet North and D'Arcy

Kippen & Allan sash and door factory Kippen st

Matheson's cheese factory w of river opp Peter st

McDonagh Win potash cor Craig and Beckwith

Lillie Thos foundry ns North near cor Wilson

Perth distillery John A McLaren Cockburn Island

Pink W J cor Victoria and D'Arcy furniture factory

Rae & Dena pumps and waggons Wilson street w

Scott Robt, brick manufacturer

Tay Knitting Mill cor Wilson and Herriott T A Code prop

Perth Woollen Co Ltd Mr Hope super

Spalding & Stewart distillers cor Gore and Harvey

Stanley Matt carriage maker ws Wilson cor North


Perth Marble Works John McCann prop North w of Wilson

Tay Marble Works L W Campbell prop near cor North and Wilson


Beal Bros Butler block Foster bet Wilson and Gore

Campbell & Downey es Foster near cor Wilson

McAllister Jas A Cockburn Island

McKearacher John ws Wilson cor Leslie

Pook Richard ws Wilson nr cor Foster

Walker Andrew ws Wilson bet Foster and Herriott

Wright B H & Co Cockburn Island


Courier Perth Walker Bros es Gore near North bridge

Expositor Perth C F Stone prop se cor Gore and Foster


Berlanquette & Lee ns North bet Wilson and Lewis

Black Campbell es Gore opp Methodist Church

Fowlie A E sign and scenic painter cor Craig and Wilson

Hart Benj ss Isabella bet Gore and Wilson

Kellock Wm es Wilson bet North and D'Arcy

Morrison Jas ns Mill near Gore

McCarthy Michael ws Wilson bet Craig and Harvey

Potter William res South st shop ns North bet Lewis and Wilson


Kelsey F W Cockburn Island

Mclntyre W H ws Gore bet Foster and Herriott


Beeman F W ss Foster bet Gore and Drummond

Dwyre A W cor Drummond and D'Arcy

Fowler R V Foster bet Gore and Wilson

Hanna A E sw cor Peter and Wilson

Munro David ws Wilson bet North and Peter


Kellock J F cor Herriott and Gore

Seeley A E Cockburn Island


Laurie's Bakery ws Gore nr cor Foster

Sutherland Jas ns Foster nr cor Gore

Burry Thos es Gore bet Foster


Farrell Wm ss Foster bet Gore and Wilson

Ferrier J nw cor Gore and Herriott

Rowatt Wm es Wilson next Barrie's Hotel


Bell Telephone Co W Northgraves Mgr es Gore bet Foster and Herriott

CPR Telegraph Co A E Seeley agt Cockburn Island

GNW Telegraph Co R Burris agt Cockburn Island


Cain W ws North bet Wilson and Lewis

Walsh A R bds Revere House


Hicks M G Gore nr North bridge

Northgraves Wm es Gore bet Foster and Herriott

Rudd & Neilson ns Foster bet Gore and Wilson

Simmons C N ns Foster bet Gore and Wilson


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