
Port Arthur, Central School, Kindergarten, 1957-58.

Central School, Port Arthur, Ontario, Kindergarten, 1957-58

Many thanks to Mark Fisher for posting this photo and names, in the Thunder Bay Memories group on Facebook.

Back Row, L-R: Joey Piechota, Ronnie Packota, Sandra Schevchenko, JoAnn Hallahan, Linda Gehl, Danny Megson, Dougie Muir, Mrs. Murray (teacher).
Middle Row, L-R: Billy Heinz, Mark Fisher, Marion Robinson, Kirsl Saarinen, Sharon Prieston, Florence Taylor, Mark Sippola, Michael Thomson.
Front Row, L-R: Rita Becker, Fay Jung, Danny Richmond, Dennis Rioux, Sally Rowe, Margaret Frehner, Agnes Husic.

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