
Princeton Minnesota : High School Yearbook, 1930
"The Tiger"

Princeton Tiger, 1930, front cover

Cover of the 1930 issue of The Tiger : See a full-size image.

This book belonged to my aunt Cathryn Carlson who graduated from Princeton High School in 1930.

Princeton Tiger, 1930, title page

Title page : See a full-size image.

Princeton Tiger, 1930, pages 2 & 3

Pages 2 & 3 : See a full-size image.

Photo of the High School and a quote from Whitman.

Photo of a farm field and a quote from Whittier.

Princeton Tiger, 1930, pages 4 & 5

Pages 4 & 5 : See a full-size image.

Photo of a river and railway bridge and a quote from Bryant.

Dedication. This yearbook was dedicated to Mr. Gerhard Vinger who left an extensive hand-written message to my aunt which completely fills all available space.

Princeton Tiger, 1930, pages 6 & 7

Pages 6 & 7 : See a full-size image.

Photo of school superintendent Mr. Nixon.

High School Teachers' Portraits. See enlarged photo. Names are: Gertrude Torgerson; F. W. Eiden; Elsie Dristie; Dorothy Wilson; R. L. Bonham; F. J. Maroney; Jessalyn Zanger; D. F. Gorman.

Princeton Tiger, 1930, pages 8 & 9

Pages 8 & 9 :

High School Teachers' Portraits. See enlarged photo. Names are: Florence Donohue; Myrtle Ehnert; G.K. Vinger; Corena Nelson; Gertrude Burton; Muriel Johansen; G W. Elliot.

Primary School Teachers' Portraits. See enlarged photo. Names are: Florence Gibbons; Bernice Slind; Laura Sarner; Alma Larson; Olive Livingstone; Lois Alderman; Bernice Orr; Minnie Weivig; Evelyn Johnson; Cecelia Engstrom.

Princeton Tiger, 1930, pages 10 & 11

Pages 10 & 11 : See a full-size image.

Normal Department photo. See enlarged photo. Amazingly, nine of this class of eleven are ex-Princeton High School graduates. That they returned there to learn to be teachers speaks well for the school. Unfortunately only three names are given: Isabel Swanson; Harriet Hauge; Mrs. Gertrude Burton.

"Classes" Section Page. Plus Rosetta Mullen has left a hand-written note to my aunt on this page.

Princeton Tiger, 1930, pages 12 & 13

Pages 12 & 13 : See a full-size image.

Senior Class Officers photos. See enlarged photo. Names are: Stella Larson; Duane Stanley; Greta Osterberg; Martha Almer; Mr. Vinger.

Student Portraits. See enlarged page. Names are: Martha Almer; Clinton Anderson; Perry Bullis; Cathryn Carlson; Edna Foote; Margaret Hjelm.

Princeton Tiger, 1930, pages 14 & 15

Pages 14 & 15 : See a full-size image.

Student Portraits. See enlarged page. Names are: Clinton Johnson; Madeline King; John Lander; Stella Larson; Bernard Lundgren; Lee Miller.

Student Portraits. See enlarged page. Names are: Mildred Moody; Gertrude Nixon; Raymond Olson; Harriet Orton; Greta Osterberg; Gustave Osterberg.

Princeton Tiger, 1930, pages 16 & 17

Pages 16 & 17 : See a full-size image.

Student Portraits. See enlarged page. Names are: Marian Rod; Harry Sanford; Duane Stanley; Ruth Thoma; Joseph Wicktor; Mary Young.

Senior Class History. Names mentioned: Mr. Todd; Miss Dauwalter; Miss Bargen; Miss Zanger; Mr. Vinger.

Princeton Tiger, 1930, pages 18 & 19

Pages 18 & 19 : See a full-size image.

Class Will of 1930. Names mentioned: Martha Almer; Perry Bullis; Mary Young; John Lander; Stella Larson; Joe Smith; Clinton Anderson; Duane Stanley; Chester Morneau; Greta Osterberg; Lillian Stark; Edna Foote; Cathryn Carlson; Madeline King; Emily Kromminga; Gustav Osterberg; Bernard Lundgren; Mildred Moody; Lee Miller; Clinton Johnson; Chester Arnold; Joe Wicktor; Tommie Owens; Margaret Hjelm; Virginia Weisbrod; Ray Olson; Otto Eggert; Harry Sanford; Chester Lessard; Harriet Orton; Agnes Jones; Marion Rod; Bonita Peterson; Ruth Thoma; Clarice Olson; Gertrude Nixon; Kathryn Barnes.

The Tiger's Roar. Spoof news items from a future edition of November 19, 1940. Names mentioned: Martha Almer; Stella Larson; Mildred Moody; P.O. Bullis; Marion Rod; Harriet Orton; Cathryn Carlson; Raymond Olson; John Lander; Harry Sanford.

Princeton Tiger, 1930, pages 20 & 21

Pages 20 & 21 : See a full-size image.

The Tiger's Roar (continued). Names mentioned: Edna Foote; Ruth Thoma; Bernard Lundgren; Mary Young; H.H. Nixon; Madeline King; Duane Stanley; Greta Osterberg; Margaret Hjelm; Clinton Anderson; Joseph Wicktor; Clinton Johnson; Lee Miller.

Baby photos. See enlarged page. Names: Harriet O.; Gertrude N.; Cathryn C.; Mary Y.; Edna F.; Martha A.; John L.; Perry B.; Mildred M.; Margaret A.; Greta & Gustave; Duane S.

Princeton Tiger, 1930, pages 22 & 23

Pages 22 & 23 : See a full-size image.

Junior Class, group photo & history. See enlarged photo. Names mentioned: Joseph Smith; Floyd Arnold; Kathryn Barnes; Lois McRae; Lillian Stark; Miss Zanger; Miss Johansen; Chester Morneau; Ruth Chapman; Mr. Burgderfer.

Sophomore Class, group photo & history. See enlarged photo. Names mentioned: Mr. Bonham; Mr. Gorman.

Princeton Tiger, 1930, pages 24 & 25

Pages 24 & 25 : See a full-size image.

Freshmen Class, group photo & history. See enlarged photo. Names mentioned: Gerald Ellenbaum; Helge Seaberg; Glenn Harter; Miss Hamilton; Jeanette Smith; Evelyn Odegard; Frances Lessard; Mr. Maroney; Burton Johnson; Stanley Perman; Miss Ehnert.

Grade Eight, group photo & history. See enlarged photo. Names mentioned: Marjorie Mitchell; Miss Hamilton; Jeanne Mallette; Miss Torgerson; Kathleen Kaliher; Isabell Bible.

Princeton Tiger, 1930, pages 26 & 27

Pages 26 & 27 : See a full-size image.

Grade Seven, group photo & history. See enlarged photo. Names mentioned: Walter Teuber; John Soule; Harriet Engman; Miss Driste.

Athletics section page. A note to my aunt is signed by Agnes Jones.

Princeton Tiger, 1930, pages 28 & 29

Pages 28 & 29 : See a full-size image.

Football Coach, photo. See enlarged photo. Name: Maroney.

Football Team photo. See enlarged photo. Names: Seaberg; Hall; Wicktor; Anderson; Young; Miller; Weisbrod; Smith; Lessard; Harter; Olson; Osterherg; Kaufert; Perman; Byers; Ossell; Clough; Francis Maroney; Burton Johnson.

Princeton Tiger, 1930, pages 30 & 31

Pages 30 & 31 : See a full-size image.

Five basketball players, photo. See enlarged photo. Names: Smith; Arnold; H. Sanford; Weisbrod; Young.

Seven basketball players, photo. See enlarged photo. Names: Harter; Hall; B. Sanford; Lessard; Miller; Orton; Osterberg.

Princeton Tiger, 1930, pages 32 & 33

Pages 32 & 33 : See a full-size image.

Basketball Game Schedule and scores. Names mentioned: Arnold; Robbins; Olson; Young; Weisbrod; Alstrom; Sochaki; Stein; Monson; Sanford; Hollom; Swennes; Haskell; Palmer; Smith; Peterson; Holmquist; Peehl. (Includes names of non-Princeton players).

Basketball Game Descriptions. Names mentioned: Smith; Arnold; Skiba; H. Sanford; Sandstrom; Robbins; Hollom. (Includes names of non-Princeton players).

Princeton Tiger, 1930, pages 34 & 35

Pages 34 & 35 : See a full-size image.

Basketball Game Descriptions. Names mentioned: Arnold; Smith; Peehl; Palmer; Peterson; Sochaki. (Includes names of non-Princeton players).

Activities Section Page.

Princeton Tiger, 1930, pages 36 & 37

Pages 36 & 37 : See a full-size image.

Tiger Staff, photos. See enlarged photo. Names: Edna Foote; John Lander; Greta Osterberg; Gertrude Nixon; Martha Almer; Mr. Vinger; Duane Stanley; Kathryn Barnes; Harriet Orton; Clinton Johnson; Cathryn Carlson; Ruth Allen; Stella Larson; Lois McRae; Floyd Arnold.

Girls' Glee Club, group photo & history. See enlarged photo. Names mentioned: Loretta Kaliher; Myrtle Lundgren; Lillian Stark; Harriet Orton.

Princeton Tiger, 1930, pages 38 & 39

Pages 38 & 39 : See a full-size image.

Boys' Glee Club, group photo & history. See enlarged photo. Names mentioned: Miss Johansen; John Lander.

Princeton High School Orchestra group photo & history. See enlarged photo. Names mentioned: Miss Gaarde; Ray Olson; Clinton Anderson; Margueritte Erickson; Jeanette Smith; Elanor Tonn; Mina Mae Jones; Donald Peterson; Lavonne Erickson; Hermania Anslinger; John Erickson; Loretta Kaliher; Anne Kummer; Julianne Manke.

Princeton Tiger, 1930, pages 40 & 41

Pages 40 & 41 : See a full-size image.

Declamation. Names mentioned: Cathryn Carlson; Harriet Orton; Bernice Oftedahl; Bonita Peterson; Marie Sausser; Ruth Thoma; Gustave Osterberg; Chester Morneau; Donald Peterson; Thomas Owens.

Alpha Philo Literary Society. See enlarged photo. Names mentioned: John Lander; Chester Morneau; Gertrude Nixon; Lois McRae; Hilda Bier; Miss Wilson; Miss Ehnert.

Princeton Tiger, 1930, pages 42 & 43

Pages 42 & 43 : See a full-size image.

Senior Girl Scouts. See enlarged photo. Names mentioned: Evelyn Odegard; Cathryn Carlson; Frances Lessard; Ethel Kent; Virginia Weisbrod; Clarice Olson; Jeanette Olson; Delores Gerth; Janette Smith; Edna Foote.

Junior High Girl Scouts. See enlarged photo. Names mentioned: Miss Elsie Driste; Miss Bernie Orr; Jeanne Mallette; Dorothy Smith; Lucille Peterson; Helen Pohl.

Princeton Tiger, 1930, pages 44 & 45

Pages 44 & 45 : See a full-size image.

Golden Dipper Girl Scouts, Grades 5 & 6. See enlarged photo. Names mentioned: Miss Livingstone; Miss Alderman; Doris Iverson; Orvilla Harter.

Boy Scouts of America, Troop 16. See enlarged photo. Names mentioned: Mr. Elliot.

Princeton Tiger, 1930, pages 46 & 47

Pages 46 & 47 : See a full-size image.

Boy Scouts of America, Troop 27. See enlarged photo. Names mentioned: Mr. Bonham; Mr. Vinger.

Senior Class Play, Cast of Characters. Names mentioned: Greta Osterberg; Raymond Olson; Cathryn Carlson; Gustave Osterberg; Edna Foote; Harriet Orton; Clinton Anderson; Harry Sanford; Bernard Lundgren; Duane Stanley; Joseph Wickton; Clinton Johnson.

Princeton Tiger, 1930, pages 48 & 49

Pages 48 & 49 : See a full-size image.

P. T. A. Names mentioned: Mrs D.A. McRae; Mrs. D. Peterson; Mr. G. Vinger.

Student Life Section Page.

Princeton Tiger, 1930, pages 50 & 51

Pages 50 & 51 : See a full-size image.

School Event Calendar. September, October, November.

School Event Calendar. December, January, February.

Princeton Tiger, 1930, pages 52 & 53

Pages 52 & 53 : See a full-size image.

School Event Calendar. March, April, May.

Snapshots. No names.

Princeton Tiger, 1930, pages 54 & 55

Pages 54 & 55 : See a full-size image.

Snapshots. See enlarged photo. Names: Clinton A.; Duane S.; Greta & Gus; Virgil B.; Vincent; Harriet, Joe S.; Madelin C.; Ruth T.; Cathryn C.; Mr. Nixon; Lois; Kathryn B.; Ruth A.; John L.

Snapshots. See enlarged photo. Names: Myra B.; Louana W.; Elvie O.; Clint & Ray; Clinton H.; Gus & Greta; Bonita; Mr. Gorman; Mrs. Owens; Kathryn.

Princeton Tiger, 1930, pages 56 & 57

Pages 56 & 57 : See a full-size image.

Jokes . . .

. . . more jokes.

Princeton Tiger, 1930, pages 58 & 59

Pages 58 & 59 : See a full-size image.

. . . and even more jokes. Names mentioned: Chester Lessard; Madeline King; Cathryn Carlson; Julianna; Virginia Weisbrod; Gertrude Nixon; Harry Sanford; Edna Foote; John Lander; Mildred Moody; Bonita Peterson; Perry Bullis; Greta Osterberg; Clinton Johnson; Kathryn Barnes.

List of Past Graduates.

Class of 1920 : Carroll Anderson; Julia Birkeland; Leslie Blomquist; Elizabeth Bullis; Roy Busch; Morris Davis; Ida Henschel; Ruth Herdliska; Vivian Holm; Mildred Howard; Ernesta Jesmer; Sadie King; Eunice McVicar; Theron Nelson; Gertrude Pearson; Margaret Pitmon; Donald Sampson; Mabel Talberg; Paul Wesling.

Class of 1921 : Vivian Bridge; William Caley; Madge Chapman; Henry Gebert; Mae Howard; Winifred Kenely; Marion Mark; Milton Nygren; Blanche Oakes; Anna Peterson; Alberta Smith; Irene Wahlfor; Elvira Wergin; Madge Whitney.

Class of 1922 : Mary Armitage; Raymond Anderson; Josie Anderson; Katie Abrahamson; Pearl Bell; Ruth Berry; Glen Blomquist; Adeline Blum; Kenneth Camp; Blanche Chapman; Ermine Edmison; Ethel Esler; Dorothy Field; Delores Grow; Leonard Grow; Mildred Grow; Byron Hannay; Carl Henschel; Gustava Johanson; George McCool; Archie McCool; Ella Mattson; Walter Nelson; Alpha Nyberg; Lawrence Pearson; John Penhallegon; Dorotha Ross; Edna Shogren; Margaret Thoma; Kenneth Umbehocker.

Class of 1923 : Dagmar Anderson; Hazel Berry; Jordon Corteau; Christina Davis; John Dugan; Margaret DuSelle; Mary Ellenbaum; Edith Ericson; Elvie Ericson; Barbara Hartman; Walter Jump; Ruth Judkins; Asta Jorgensen; Helen King; Alma Larson; Grace Lundblad; Rio McVicar; Florence Miller; Doris Miller; Mildred Newton; Elizabeth Owens; Sigurd Pieters; Howard Riechard; Clement Sanford; Roe Sanford; Ruby Sanford; Eva Steeves; Fred Townsend; Everett Walker; Lillian Wergin; Harold Wesloh; Bonna Wilkes.

Class of 1924 : Henry Abrahamson; Hilding Almer; Mabel Almer; Alice Bergman; Vivian Bockoven; Odella Brodeson; Lulu Brown; Madge Buck; Irene Cater; Helen Chapman; Joyce Chapman; Margueritte Clough; Ruth Gorder; Gerald Hatcher; Austin Henschel; Agnes Homme; Ruth Johnson; Mildred Johnson; Leo Kaliher; Edna Kennedy; Ruby Lane; Wallace Le Febre; Agnes Lueck; Marian McMillan; Grace McKenzie; Nellie Mark; Hazel Oliver; Hazel Orton; Alex Rosin; Dorothy Sanford; Roger Sanford; Blanche Severance; Ethel Shrode; Frances Smith; Ruben Smith; Gerhart Thoma; Lucille Weisbrod; Clarence Wicktor; Muriel Young; Rosamond Tower.

Class of 1925 : Edna Belfanze; Helen Bengston; Elmer Bragge; Joyce Buckley; Mary Ann Caley; Bernard Carlson; Laura Cater; Bernice Chapman; Walter Davis; Bernice Gates; Charlie Gates; Gwendolyn Glade; Leland Grow; Robert Hall; Romain Hawley; Lucille Homme; Doris Howard; Margaret Jump; Frank Kaufert; Lydia Keen.

Princeton Tiger, 1930, page 60

Page 60 : See a full-size image.

List of Past Graduates.

Class of 1925 continued : Mildred Kimling; Cecelia Milbrath; Ione Mossman; Robert Oliver; Pearl Peterson; Iva Rosene; Mary Ross; Ruby Sausser; Emma Scholey; Robert Stanley; Ruth Townsend; Howard Wicktor; Mildred Young.

Class of 1926 : Geraldine Annis; Louise Barnick; Helen Benson; Luther Bergman; Eleanor Bragge; Helen Busch; Eugena Chapman; Audrey Davenport; Mildred Davis; PIoretta Dehn; Lila Gilbertson; Richard Hall; Grace Henschel; Agnes Johnson; Philma Jump; Dorothy Kaliher; William King; Orvalle Larson; Mandie Leander; Serena Levau; Sadie Libby; Bertha Lueck; Paul Minks; Ruby Mudgett; Olive Orton; Louise Payette; Walter Pieters; Leonard Pitman; Freda Steinbrecher; Dorothy Teutz; Esther Tincher; Harvey Tower; Eunice Townsend; Theresa Wicktor; George Young; Kermit Young.

Class of 1927 : Dorothy Allen; Carl Almer; Ardis Anderson; Hazel Anderson; Leroy Applegate; Phillip Bavier; Theresa Benseman; Lillian Benson; Beatrice Bergerson; Forde Bishop; Margaret Carlson; Marjorie Davis; Joseph Dickey; Iris Foote; Edward Heinen; Clara Johnson; Helen Johnson; Mathilda Jopp; Campbell Keith; Loyd Kroohn; Kyle Levau; Emma Lind; Leo Lind; Ruth Lindquist; Mary Lueck; Mildred McKinney; Elvero McMillan; Adella Madsen; Marian Miller; Lester Nelson; Elsie Noeske; Harold Olson; Ione Ossell; William Owens; Elliott Radeke; Florence Raiche; Wade Stanley; Robert Stark; Irene Steinbrecher; Dorothy Swanson; Charles Weisbrod; Ralph York.

Class of 1928 : Ruth Anderson; Kurt Behmer; Oke Behmer; Regina Bowen; Lawrence Breberg; Edward Crohn; Ward Foote; Kathryn Hall; Percis Hunt; Jerome Johnson; Eunice Kaliher; Dorothy Lander; Earl Leathers; Helmer Lind; Gordon Lundblad; Daisy Miller; Lucille Nelson; Rosalie Northway; Naomi O'Neil; Ward Smith; Vera Snow; Helen Staples; Leo Stadden; Edith Thorn; Henry Walton; Louis Weisbrod; Helen Westman; Vivian Winsor; Forrest Young; Magdaline Zimple.

Class of 1929 : John Anderson; Agnes Bragge; Clarice Brodeson; Myra Brown; Dorothy Erickson; Inez Gagen; Elsie Harter; Ida Hatcher; Dorothy Henschel; Adah Jones; Ruth Jones; Reinder Kromminga; Bernard Larson; Eleanor Lueck; Adeline Meyers; Mary McCue; Elvie O'Brien; Robert Owens; Mayme Pike; Irene Raiche; Rossie Southard; Louis Thoma; Cecelia Thronson; Ruby Wallace; Ruth Westman; Louana Wilhelm.

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