Rosemont Ontario : Union School class, 1890's
This photo is inscribed on the back:
" Union School Rosemont, Mono Township, County of Dufferin. Picture taken
1890-1900? Land was part of grandfather McNabb's farm and given to the school board
for construction of this school. My grandfather in picture second from left, back row with fedora and dark beard.
He died Aug 23 1910". The above statement is signed "TD Hand 2/28/1981 ".
Many thanks to George Poirier
who kindly sent me the scan of this photo which he found inside of an old book.
Can you provide names, comments or corrections? Please email me.
Feb. 26, 2009: George informed me that he sent the original photo to a
great-granddaughter of William McNabb, who contacted him through this website.