
Smiths Falls, Ontario :
St. John's Church, 1929 Annual Report.

Cover of Saint John's Church, Smiths Falls, 1929 Annual Report.

Annual Report For Year Ending 31st December 1929.

Inside front cover of Saint John's Church, Smiths Falls, 1929 Annual Report.

The Rector: Rev. Canon D'A. T. Clayton, B.A.
The Rectory – 2 George St., Phone 124.
Curate : Rev. E. H. Costigan, B. A.,
31 William St., W., Phone 469.

Lay Reader: A. S. Malcolm.

Church Wardens: O. F. Anderson,    F. W. Oldham.

Vestry Clerk: C. B. Houston.

Envelope Secretary: Mrs. C. G. Jones.

Organist: John H. Marquette.

Soloist: Miss Flora Newsome.

Lay Representatives To Synod:
C. G. Jones,    John O. Drummond,    F. R. Gilroy,
C. B. Houston,    J. A. Johnston,    D. S. Noad.

Finance Committee:
The Rector,    The Church Wardens,    The Vestry Clerk,
S. B. Code,    F. R. Gilroy,    A. S. Jones,
C. G. Jones,    G. T. Young,    D. S. Noad.

Auditors: H. H. Layng,    D. S. Noad.

Sexton: J. M. Fader, 47 Chambers St.

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Those who gave their lives during the Great War

Priviate Alfred James Fields.
Private Clarence T. Ferguson.
Sergeant William H. Cooke.
Bombadier John B. Perkins.
Private Rexford Hurlburt.
Major Sydney W. Gilroy.
Private Sherwood Wood.
Sergeant Herbert C. Polk.
Private David H. Lucas.
Private Lorne Lucas.
Lance-Corporal Harry Webb.
Private George Fields.
Bombadier Sydney Holland.
Private George S. Robinson.
Gunner Frank H. Prior.

"Grant them, O Lord, Eternal rest, and
let Light Perpetual Shine upon Them."

Page 2 of Saint John's Church, Smiths Falls, 1929 Annual Report.


The following figures and particulars will be of interest to the members of this vestry and parish.

There are over 550 families that claim the care and ministrations of St. John's Church, the total church population being over 2,500. The regular services have been maintained and there have been many special and very impressive services.

There have been 145 celebrations of the Holy Communion. Sunday services numbered 185; Week day services 96 – making a total of 281; this does not include services in the hospitals, or with the sick in their own homes. There were Baptisms 51; Confirmed 36; Marriages 19; Burials 32.

The Nine Parish organizations are strong and nourishing and have had a very successful year. Their finances are in good condition and show a total balance on hand of $1,775.64. You will note the number of burials was larger this past year than usual. Many have been the hearts and homes that claimed our active sympathy, and among them the families of two of our clergy, viz.: The Rev. E. G. Heaven, in the first of the year, and the Rev. George Code, near the close of the year, both of them faithful shepherds, beloved of their flocks, and "faithful unto death."

One of the special and impressive services of the past year, was held on Monday, June 24th, when the Lord Bishop of the Diocese and fourteen of the clergy were with us for the ordination of the Rev. E.H. Costigan, B.A., to the priesthood, and whose good and faithful services we all appreciate.

Other Special Services and days we will long remember with pleasure and pride are those in connection with the gathering together here of the members of the Woman's Auxiliary of the whole Diocese of Ottawa, to hold their Annual Diocesan Conference. This was something no other parish of this diocese could undertake alone. But, owing to our equipment, and the splendid and loyal work of the members of the parish, men and women, it was a wonderful success and a great credit to our people and parish. We received praise and congratulations from all parts of the diocese, and your rector was very proud of the parish and people.

I desire to express my thanks for, and my appreciation of, the faithful work of our church wardens, during the past year.

Time and space will not permit my giving the full measure of credit and praise due the officers and members of our various organiz­ations. May God's blessing be upon us all, throughout the New Year.

– D'ARCY T. CLAYTON, Rector.

Page 3 of Saint John's Church, Smiths Falls, 1929 Annual Report.

Auditor's Report

Page 4 of Saint John's Church, Smiths Falls, 1929 Annual Report.

Auditor's Report (cont).

Page 5 of Saint John's Church, Smiths Falls, 1929 Annual Report.

Auditor's Report (cont).

Page 6 of Saint John's Church, Smiths Falls, 1929 Annual Report.


To the Members of St. John's Church, Smiths Falls, Ontario :

We, your Church Wardens herewith present the financial statement for the Church year, ending 31st of December, 1929. The present year has been a satisfactory one. No outstanding improvement in our financial position has been recorded, but notwithstanding our increased expenditures in general maintenance account, no retro­gression has occurred and our floating debt remains at practically the same figure as last year. Contributions from loose collections and envelopes were higher than the preceding year, which indicates greater efforts and more liberal support on the part of our members to the general and Mission Funds. An outstanding feature of the fiscal year was the beautification of the Chancel by the acquisition of new lighting standards, and the laying of the hardwood floor. The latter improvement was entirely financed by the Women's Guild.

Too much stress cannot be laid upon the recommendation of the retiring Wardens of last year for an immediate canvass of the Parish with a view of enlisting the support of old and new subscribers toward liquidating our floating debt of $1,000, and making provision for the maintenance and improvement of the Church property. The Women's Guild intend to re-decorate the interior of the Church during the summer of 1930, and it is imperative that the roof be repaired before the work is undertaken. Since the date of our last canvass many changes have taken place in the parish. Some of the older families who contributed generously to the Support of the Church have moved away, and others have been added. Your retiring Wardens suggest that a new census of our Church population be taken, and a systematic canvass made.

The Wardens desire to express their warmest thanks and appreciation to the various organizations of the Church for their untiring efforts, loyal co-operation and material assistance rendered during the year.

All of which is respectfully submitted,


Page 7 of Saint John's Church, Smiths Falls, 1929 Annual Report.

Wardens' Report (cont).

Page 8 of Saint John's Church, Smiths Falls, 1929 Annual Report.

Summary of the Reports
of Church Organizations.

List Of Subscribers

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Page 9:

Aboud, S.

Adams, H. B.

Allan, Mrs. John F.

Allport, Mrs. R. G.

Alexander, Mrs. James

Ainsley, Mrs. William

Alder, Thomas

Amy, H. A.

Amy, Grant

Anderson, O. F.

Anderson, Ernest

Anderson, Albert

Andrews, Harry

Armstrong, Mrs. M.

Arnold, Geo. E.

Ashmore, Thomas

Alexander, Greta

Baker, George

Baker, Milburn G.

Backus, William

Baird, George

Barrie, Mrs. M.

Bailey, Mr. and Mrs.

Best, Albert

Best, George

Best, Misses Ella and Eva

Berry, Walter

Blackburn, Samuel

Bishop, Philip

Bolton, Miss Mary

Bolton, W. H.

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Bradley, Thos.

Bradley, J. J.

Bradley, Ellison

Bradley, T. H.

Brinkman, Mr. and Mrs.

Bradshaw, Mrs. Margaret

Briggs, Mr. and Mrs. W. R.

Burchill, W. J.

Burchill, Mrs.

Burrows, Mrs. C.

Cameron, Mrs. W. L.

Campbell, Charles

Cawdron, A. R.

Cartland, Mrs. John

Caswell, Byron

Caswell, B.

Catchpole, Mrs.

Chiswell, W. J. H.

Clayton, Rev. D'A. T.

Clark, T. H.

Costigan, Rev. E. H.

Coates, Mrs. W. H.

Cavanagh, John

Code, S. B.

Code, Joseph

Code, Ben.

Code, Mrs. Russell

Code, Mrs. Robt.

Code, Mrs. W. H.

Code, W. A.

Code, R. Harvey

Code, Dorothy

Code, Harry

Conlin, Frank

Cook, L. H.

Corbett, J. F.

Covell, Frank

Covell, George

Covell, Bob.

Couch, W. H.

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Couch, George

Couch, Mel.

Crate, Ernest

Crate, Henry

Crate, Doris A.

Cullen, Mr. and Mrs. R.

Crampton, William

Crate, Fred. A.

Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. James

Davis, Morton

Davis, Mrs. John

Devlin, Herbert

Dowsett, Mrs. Burt

Dowsett, Helen

Dodd, Charles

Driffield, Dorothy

Drummond, John O.

Davidson, G. H.

Earner, Kenneth J.

Eamer, Miss

Edwards, W. H.

Edwards, W. S.

Edwards, Mrs. Charles

Edmonds, Mrs. J. E.

Elward, Mrs. R.

Elwood, Joseph

Elwood, W. A.

Evans, Percy

Evans, Thomas

Fader, John

Farrell, James

Ferguson, Misses M. and V.

Ferguson, Mrs. George

Ferguson, William G.

Fitchell, W. J.

Fitzgerald, Theodore

Fitzpatrick, Mrs. H.

Flegg, Mrs. Robt.

Flegg, Mrs. G. H.

Flegg, Wilson

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Flaherty, Mrs. H.

Flaherty, Edna

Foster, Mrs. Adam

Free, John

French, Mrs. R. H.

Frost, Miss C. L.

Garton, Mr. & Mrs. Clifford

Gardiner, Mrs. M. & Miss E.

Gardiner, William

Geddes, Mrs.

Gilday, Mrs. D.

Gilroy, Mrs. S. W.

Gilroy, Mrs. George

Gilroy, Miss Estella

Gilroy, Mrs. Fred.

Gilroy, Richie

Gilroy, Miss S.

Gilroy, Mrs. Stewart

Giffin, Mrs. Ernest

Gilmour, E. J.

Giff, Mrs. Thomas

Giff, Miss Beckie

Giff, William, (Chambers E.)

Giff, William, (Chambers W.)

Giff, Samuel

Gordon, Samuel

Graham, Andrew

Graham, W. A.

Graham, E. G.

Graham, Miss M.

Graham, Mrs. Gordon

Gray, Harry

Gray, John E.

Grier, Walter

Griffith, L. V.

Griffith, Mel.

Gray, Edward

Hagan, Harry

Hagan, Ernest

Hagan, Alf.

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Page 13:

Haggar, Leo.

Halladay, E. A.

Halladay, Ambrose

Haley, Mansell

Hawe, Miss Mary

Hawkins, Robert

Harrison, Mrs. Edwin

Hauraney, H.

Hayes, Miss Anna

Hehir, George

Hehir, Edwin

Hewitt, Mrs. Joseph

Henry, Mrs. Murrel

Himmelman, P. V.

Hill, William

Hills, Mrs. R. H.

Hills, Miss Roberta

Hitchings, William

Hobbs, Mrs. C. E.

Hobbs, Mrs. Albert

Horning, Mrs. D. and Colin

Houston, C. B.

Howard, J. C.

Hodgins, Ellard

Holmes, S. D.

Hudson, Mrs. J. H.

Hudson, Fred.

Hudson, Willie

Hunter, Wilfrid

Humphries, Mrs. A.

Hutton, Mrs. Arthur & brother

Irvine, James

James, Mrs. J. L.

Jones, R. Davis

Jones, W. J.

Jones, Arthur S.

Jones, James G.

Jones, Harold

Jones, John

Jones, C. Grant

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Johnston, William

Johnston, J. A.

Johnston, Cecil R.

Johnston, Salathiel

Joynt, R. Wesley

Katinas, Emanuel

Kazy, Mrs. Albert

Kennedy, K. K.

Kilfoyle, Wesley

Kilfoyle, James

Kilfoyle, Howard

Kilfoyle, Addison

Kilfoyle, Hilliard

Knapp, Wesley

Layng, H. H.

Layng, Mrs. H. H.

Langley, Thomas

Leach, Arthur

Leach, Norman

Leach, Miss Laura

Leach, Stanley

Leach, Milton

Leach, Wesley

Leach, W. H.

Leach, John W.

Leaver, Mrs. Julia

Leaver, Thomas

Leaver, Peter

Leaver, James

Livingstone, John

Line, John

Line, Eugenie

Line, Priscilla

Lee, Mrs. Frank

Lee, Miss Sadie

Leathers, William

Landry, Mrs. C.

Lewis, S. H.

Love, George

Love, Omar

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Lorimer, Joseph

Lavender, William

Lemax, Russsell

Leverette, G. G.

Lodge, Mrs. Thomas

Lucas, William F.

Lucas, R. G.

Lucas, Howard

Lucas, James W.

Lucas, John

Lunn, Mrs. Edith

Lynn, Mrs. Joseph

Malcolm, A. S.

Mansfield, W. J.

Mansfield, Mrs. Bert.

Maplebeck, Sidney

Maxwell, W. G.

Marquette, John

Martin, Mrs. Dora

Martin, Arthur & John

Maud, Mrs. Robt.

Message, Arthur

Menagh, Frank

Mitchell, Mrs. E.

Mitchell, Mr. F.

Millard, John

Minshall, Thomas

Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Harold

Moag, Mrs. James

Morgan, Dr. George S.

Morris, Edward

Morris, Ephraim

Morris, W. E.

Morris, Charles

Morrison, Mrs. G. A.

Molton, W. J.

Murphy, Dr. W. S.

Murphy, W. H.

Mulligan, Geo.

Mullarkey, Mrs. J. P.

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McArthur, Mrs. L. D.

McCue, Wilson

McCann, J. D.

McCann, Clarence G.

McCouan, Wallace

McCreary, Hamilton

McEwen, John

McGillivray, Mrs. Anna

McLean, Howard

McLean, Mansell

McLean, Harry

McGillis, W. J.

McFadden, Mrs. M. A.

McLaren, Mrs. A. Clarke

McLaughlin, E. J.

McNayr, Lorne

McKenzie, Arthur S.

McWatters, Miss

Neale, Arthur

Neil, Robert

Neil, Alex

Neil, Con.

Nelson, Mrs. Elizabeth

Newsome, A. E.

Noad, D. S.

Oldham, Fred.

Oldham, R. C.

Ormrod, T. J.

Patterson, W. J.

Patterson, Mr. & Mrs. Harold

Patterson, Dan.

Patterson, Mrs. George

Pierce, Herbert

Pierce, Miss Effie

Pearson, Mrs. J. T.

Pierce, Leona

Phillips, Mrs. J. F.

Phillips, Mrs. A. & Ross

Pippard, Fred. J.

Plato, Reuben L.

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Polk, Miss

Porter, Mrs. John

Porter, R. L.

Potter, Ernest

Potter, Fred.

Powers, Mrs. Ben.

Pratt, S. P.

Pratt, Annis

Prior, Mrs. Annie

Preston, Mrs. Anthony

Purcell, Byron

Purdy, Mrs. Fred. S.

Purdy, Clare

Purdue, Joseph

Randall, Sydney

Randall, Elmer

Ranshaw, Ernest

Reynolds, J. J.

Richey, William

Riley, William

Robinson, Mrs. M. & Mona

Rogers, George E.

Rogers, Edmond

Rogers, Thomas

Ross, Mrs. W. J.

Rothwell, E. F.

Rutherford, Mrs. J.

Rutherford, Miss Elsie

Rice, R. A.

Salter, E. A.

Saunders, Samuel

Saunders, Dr. S.

Scott, Ralph

Serviss, Mrs. W. A.

Shane, John

Shane, Harry

Sheridan, Joseph

Sharples, Alfred

Sloan, Mrs. T.

Sloan, George

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Sloan, Miss Edith

Shufelt, Percy

Smith, H. E.

Smith, T. E.

Snyder, Mrs. G. S.

Sparham, B. E.

Spooner, Mrs. H.

Stammers, Mrs. C. L. B.

Stephens, Mrs. Alex.

Stewart, Joseph

Stewart, Mrs. W. E.

Stanzel, William

Swayne, G. B.

Swayne, Mrs. Eliza

Sylvester, B. N.

Tassie, Robert

Thomas, Florence

Thomlinson, Mrs. J.

Thomlinson, Henry

Timlin, Chas. H.

Tompkins, Mrs. Grant

Vicars, Misses O. & G.

Walker, Mrs. J.

Walker, Miss Goldie

Walker, Miss Eileen

Walker, Mrs. Fred.

Ward, Mrs. Laura

Warren, John

Webster, F. O.

Webster, Ormond

Webster, J. C.

Webb, Earl

Weedmark, Mrs. E.

Williams, Mrs. Wm.

Wills, Robert

Wilton, Fred.

White, Mrs. Albert

White, Mr. Charles

Whitfield, Alf.

Wright, Charles

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Wynne, J. A.

Yarwood, James

Yarwood, William

Yellen, Charles

Young, Miss Leah

Young, Mrs. G.

Inside back cover of Saint John's Church, Smiths Falls, 1929 Annual Report.


Women's Guild:
Hon. Pres. – Mrs. D'A. Clayton.
President – Mrs. A. Foster.
Secretary – Mrs. A. Anderson.
Treasurer – Mrs. W. Kilfoyle.

Women's Auxiliary to M. S. C. C.:
President – Mrs. D'A. Clayton.
Vice-President – Mrs. A. Jones.
Secretary – Mrs. A. Foster.
Treasurer – Mrs. Ranshaw.
Dorcas Secretary – Mrs. R. Flegg.

Girls' Auxiliary to M. S. C. C.:
President – Miss Roberta Hills.
Secretary – Miss Anita Leach.
Treasurer – Miss Flora Plato.
Dorcas Secretary – Mrs. A. Hagan.

Hospital Auxiliary:
President – Mrs. W. Kilfoyle.
Secretary – Mrs. D'A. Clayton.
Treasurer – Mrs. Stammers.

Altar Guild:
President – Mrs. D'A. Clayton.
Secretary – Miss E. Gardiner.
Treasurer – Mrs. C. Timlin.

President – The Rector.
Secretary – Miss R. Hills.
Treasurer – Mr. S. Hagan.
Organist – Mr. J. H. Marquette.
Choir Leader – Miss Flora Newsome.

Sunday School:
Superintendent – The Rector.
Secretary & Treasurer – Rev. E. H. Costigan.
Librarian – Mr. E. Randall.

Boy Scouts:
Scout Master – Rev. E. H. Costigan, B.A.

Y. P. A.:
President – Mr. H. Morphy.
Secretary – Miss L. Randall.
Treasurer – Miss M. Walker.


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