
Smiths Falls Ontario : School Class, 1917-18.

School class in Smiths Falls, 1917-18

This photo was purchased from an antique store in Perth, Ontario, around August, 2013. The names of the students are hand-written on a sheet of paper which is taped to the back of the photo. Below the names is written "Sent in by Mrs. Leon S. Robbins".

Back Row, L to R: Grace Fields, Winona Scott, Aurelia Lane, Marguerite Dewey, Ivy Cooke, Winnifred Chalmers, Bessie Mason, Florence De Val.
Third Row, L to R: Grace Young, Margaret Elliott, UNKNOWN, Grace Allan, Lillian Dorman, Jessie Loucks, Willis McIntosh, Inez Wynne, Dorothy McGillvary, Mary Young.
Second Row, L to R: Dolly Gowland, Arnold Hall, Malcolm Parks, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, Andrew Johnston, Harry Kilfoyle, Charles Eldridge, Olaf Scott, UNKNOWN.
Front Row, L to R: Clarence Swayne, Kenneth Eldridge, UNKNOWN, James Crate, Claude Anderson.

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