
People in or near Tolley, North Dakota, about 1907

Anna Long and Blanche Stark

Anna (Long) Carlson (left) and Blanche (Byers) Stark.
They were life-long friends since their childhood in Princeton, Minnesota.

Bachelor friends

The photo is captioned "Bachelor Friends". My mother (Margaret Carlson) used to relate how the bachelors would flock to the Byers' homestead because Blanche was one of the few eligible single woman in the county. There is no information on where this photo was taken and none of the men are identified.

Last day of school

The photo is captioned "Last day of school", but no further information is given. I'll speculate that it was taken in Tolley, ND. or Princeton, MN.

Many thanks to for these photos.

Can you provide names, details or corrections?

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