Photos by Al Darlington

Anti-War Measures Act Demonstration
October 17, 1970

Al Darlington see photo of him was a photographer for Guerilla newspaper during 1970/72, or perhaps longer. I don't remember much about him but all of Guerilla's photographers used the same darkroom and developed each other's film, so I ended up with this roll of his film when I removed mine from Guerilla. Where are you Al? If you can identify anyone, either speakers or members of the crowd,

Speaker at anti-War Measures Act demonstration, Toronto.

Photo 1. George Atkinson of the League for Socialist Action.

Speaker at anti-War Measures Act demonstration, Toronto.

Photo 2. George Atkinson of the League for Socialist Action.

C.S. Jackson at anti-War Measures Act demonstration, Toronto.

Photo 3. C.S. Jackson, president of the United Electrical Workers Union.

C.S. Jackson at anti-War Measures Act demonstration, Toronto.

Photo 4. C.S. Jackson, president of the United Electrical Workers Union.

C.S. Jackson at anti-War Measures Act demonstration, Toronto.

Photo 5. C.S. Jackson, president of the United Electrical Workers Union.

Speaker at anti-War Measures Act demonstration, Toronto.

Photo 6.

Speaker at anti-War Measures Act demonstration, Toronto.

Photo 7.

Speaker at anti-War Measures Act demonstration, Toronto.

Photo 8.

Speaker at anti-War Measures Act demonstration, Toronto.

Photo 9.

Nancy Pocock speaking at anti-War Measures Act demonstration, Toronto.

Photo 10. The late Nancy Pocock. See feature article here.

Speaker at anti-War Measures Act demonstration, Toronto.

Photo 11.

Charles Dobie at anti-War Measures Act demonstration, Toronto.

Photo 12. Charles Dobie, photographer for Guerilla.

anti-War Measures Act demonstration, Toronto.

Photo 13.

anti-War Measures Act demonstration, Toronto.

Photo 14.

See more photos of this demo by Charles Dobie.

Photographs Copyright © 1970- by Al Darlington.

Can you provide names, details or corrections?

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