Photos by Charles Dobie

Baldwin Street, Toronto, 1970

These photos were taken in 1970 and are on the same roll of film as the McCall Street housing co-op photos shown on this website. Photos 1 to 4 relate to John Phillips and Laura Jones and photos 5 to 14 are of a street festival, exact date unknown, but they are also on one of the McCall Street co-op rolls.

Baldwin Street, Toronto, 1970.

Photo 1: General view of Baldwin Street with John Phillips and his 4x5 camera on a tripod in the distance.

Baldwin Street, Toronto, 1970.

Photo 2: The storefront on the left is The Yellow Ford Truck store.

Baldwin Street, Toronto, 1970.

Photo 3: Kids wait for the photographers to set up the camera. Laura Jones is behind it.

Baldwin Street, Toronto, 1970.

Photo 4: John Phillips takes a photograph. One boy gives the peace sign, another gives the finger.

Baldwin Street, Toronto, 1970.

Photo 5: Kids in front of The Yellow Ford Truck store.

Baldwin Street, Toronto, 1970.

Photo 6: Street festival in front of The Yellow Ford Truck store.

Baldwin Street, Toronto, 1970.

Photo 7: Street festival in front of The Yellow Ford Truck store.

Baldwin Street, Toronto, 1970.

Photo 8: Street festival in front of The Yellow Ford Truck store.

Baldwin Street, Toronto, 1970.

Photo 9: In front of Mandels Creamery Products, two stores down from The Yellow Ford Truck store.
The man leaning on a broom handle just to the left of the ice cream bicycle, is Jimmy Wilson, owner of the Yellow Ford Truck store.

The photos below were added to this page December 27, 2019.

Baldwin Street, Toronto, 1970.

Photo 10: Street festival in front of The Yellow Ford Truck store.

Baldwin Street, Toronto, 1970.

Photo 11: Unidentified people at the street festival in front of or close to The Yellow Ford Truck store.

Baldwin Street, Toronto, 1970.

Photo 12: Unidentified musicians at the street festival in front of or close to The Yellow Ford Truck store.

Baldwin Street, Toronto, 1970.

Photo 13: Unidentified musicians at the street festival in front of or close to The Yellow Ford Truck store.

Baldwin Street, Toronto, 1970.

Photo 14: Street festival in front of The Yellow Ford Truck store.

Photographs Copyright © 1970- by Charles Dobie.

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