Photos by Charles Dobie

Anti-Vietnam War Demonstration
Summer, 1970

This small demonstraton on the sidewalk in front of the US Consulate was held by what we called "Maoists", but were officially the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist). If you can identify anyone,

Maoist anti-Vietnam War demonstration, US Consolate, Toronto.

Photo 1. Unidentified speaker in front of banner which reads "Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Movement".

Maoist anti-Vietnam War demonstration, US Consolate, Toronto.

Photo 2. General view of the demonstrators.

Maoist anti-Vietnam War demonstration, US Consolate, Toronto.

Photo 3. General view of the demonstrators.

Maoist anti-Vietnam War demonstration, US Consolate, Toronto.

Photo 4.

Maoist anti-Vietnam War demonstration, US Consolate, Toronto.

Photo 5. Compare the police presence then to what it would be today.

Maoist anti-Vietnam War demonstration, US Consolate, Toronto.

Photo 6.

Maoist anti-Vietnam War demonstration, US Consolate, Toronto.

Photo 7. "Denounce US Imperialist Crimes Against Asian People"
Woman in the centre is Kathleen O'Hara.

Maoist anti-Vietnam War demonstration, US Consolate, Toronto.

Photo 8. "Escalate People's War!" "U.S. Imperialism Get Out of Vietnam Laos & Cambodia!"
Third person from the right holding the sign is Paul Mackey.

Maoist anti-Vietnam War demonstration, US Consolate, Toronto.

Photo 9. "Denounce US Imperialist Puppet Trudeau! Prince of Lackeys"

Maoist anti-Vietnam War demonstration, US Consolate, Toronto.

Photo 10: Young woman in the centre with arm up is Eva Mackey.

Maoist anti-Vietnam War demonstration, US Consolate, Toronto.

Photo 11. "Escalate People's War"
Young woman on far right is Eva Mackey.

Maoist anti-Vietnam War demonstration, US Consolate, Toronto.

Photo 12.

Photographs Copyright © 1970- by Charles Dobie.

Can you provide names, details or corrections?

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