Photos by Charles Dobie

Mariposa Folk Festival,
Toronto Island, July 24-26, 1970.

Mariposa Folk Festival, Toronto Island, 1970.

Photo 1. Brian Good (guitar) and his twin brother Bruce Good (autoharp).

Mariposa Folk Festival, Toronto Island, 1970.

Photo 2. Brian Good (guitar) and his twin brother Bruce Good (autoharp).

Mariposa Folk Festival, Toronto Island, 1970.

Photo 3. Brian Good (guitar) and his twin brother Bruce Good (autoharp).

Mariposa Folk Festival, Toronto Island, 1970.

Photo 4.

Mariposa Folk Festival, Toronto Island, 1970.

Photo 5. Bruce Good.

Mariposa Folk Festival, Toronto Island, 1970.

Photo 6. Brian Good (guitar) and his twin brother Bruce Good (autoharp).

Mariposa Folk Festival, Toronto Island, 1970.

Photo 7. Brian Good (guitar) and his twin brother Bruce Good (autoharp).

Mariposa Folk Festival, Toronto Island, 1970.

Photo 8. Bruce Good with autoharp.

Mariposa Folk Festival, Toronto Island, 1970.

Photo 9. Bruce Good with autoharp.

Mariposa Folk Festival, Toronto Island, 1970.

Photo 10. Brian Good (far right with guitar) and his twin brother Bruce Good (autoharp).

Mariposa Folk Festival, Toronto Island, 1970.

Photo 11. Brian Good.

Mariposa Folk Festival, Toronto Island, 1970.

Photo 12. Brian Good with guitar in center. Other musicians are not identified.

Mariposa Folk Festival, Toronto Island, 1970.

Photo 13. Brian Good with guitar at far left. Other musicians are not identified.

Mariposa Folk Festival, Toronto Island, 1970.

Photo 14.

Mariposa Folk Festival, Toronto Island, 1970.

Photo 15.

Mariposa Folk Festival, Toronto Island, 1970.

Photo 16. Jugmilk Funk Band.

Mariposa Folk Festival, Toronto Island, 1970.

Photo 17. Written on the washtub is "Jugmilk Funk Band".

Mariposa Folk Festival, Toronto Island, 1970.

Photo 18. Jugmilk Funk Band.

Mariposa Folk Festival, Toronto Island, 1970.

Photo 19. Jugmilk Funk Band.

Mariposa Folk Festival, Toronto Island, 1970.

Photo 20. Guitar player centre (with mic) is Ramblin' Jack Elliott.

Mariposa Folk Festival, Toronto Island, 1970.

Photo 21. Guitar player centre (with mic) is Ramblin' Jack Elliott.

Mariposa Folk Festival, Toronto Island, 1970.

Photo 22.

Mariposa Folk Festival, Toronto Island, 1970.

Photo 23.

Mariposa Folk Festival, Toronto Island, 1970.

Photo 24.

Mariposa Folk Festival, Toronto Island, 1970.

Photo 25.

Mariposa Folk Festival, Toronto Island, 1970.

Photo 26. Unknown woman and child.

Mariposa Folk Festival, Toronto Island, 1970.

Photo 27. Games.

Mariposa Folk Festival, Toronto Island, 1970.

Photo 28. Games.

Mariposa Folk Festival, Toronto Island, 1970.

Photo 29. Games.

Photographs Copyright © 1970- by Charles Dobie.

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