Photos by Charles Dobie

Free Rabies Clinic, Toronto, 1970

Toronto historian, George Rust-D'Eye has this to say about photos 1, 2 & 3, below: " The now-Sears building is indeed on Jarvis Street, still standing. Unfortunately the row of Georgian buildings in the foreground, on the north side of Shuter, are not, one of the major losses of heritage buildings in Toronto in the last few years. Built in the 1850's, they were among my favourite heritage structures in the city. "

Free rabies clinic, Toronto, 1970.

Photo 1. The large building is now the Sears warehouse on Jarvis Street. The lineup of people is on Shuter St.

Free rabies clinic, Toronto, 1970.

Photo 2. The houses were on the north side of Shuter Street.

Free rabies clinic, Toronto, 1970.

Photo 3. The houses were on the north side of Shuter Street.

Free rabies clinic, Toronto, 1970.

Photo 4.

Free rabies clinic, Toronto, 1970.

Photo 5.

Free rabies clinic, Toronto, 1970.

Photo 6.

Free rabies clinic, Toronto, 1970.

Photo 7.

Free rabies clinic, Toronto, 1970.

Photo 8.

Photographs Copyright © 1970- by Charles Dobie.

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