Photos by Charles Dobie

Anti-Vietnam War Demon­stration, Winter of 1972 or 1973

An anti-Vietnam War rally which must have started at St. James Church. The route is confusing but the photos are posted in the order taken. If you can identify anyone or provide details,

Anti-Vietnam War demonstration, 1972 or 1973, Toronto.

Photo 1.

Anti-Vietnam War demonstration, 1972 or 1973, Toronto.

Photo 2.

Anti-Vietnam War demonstration, 1972 or 1973, Toronto.

Photo 3.

Anti-Vietnam War demonstration, 1972 or 1973, Toronto.

Photo 4. The little girl in the stroller is almost certainly Carrie Blance Lively -- this may have been her first demo!

Anti-Vietnam War demonstration, 1972 or 1973, Toronto.

Photo 5.

Anti-Vietnam War demonstration, 1972 or 1973, Toronto.

Photo 6.

Anti-Vietnam War demonstration, 1972 or 1973, Toronto.

Photo 7.

Anti-Vietnam War demonstration, 1972 or 1973, Toronto.

Photo 8.

Anti-Vietnam War demonstration, 1972 or 1973, Toronto.

Photo 9.

Anti-Vietnam War demonstration, 1972 or 1973, Toronto.

Photo 10. This is the last photo I took at this demo. I don't know why, because it wasn't the end of the roll. Maybe I had to go to work.

Photographs Copyright © 1970- by Charles Dobie.

Can you provide names, details or corrections?

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