
Eleven Photos & A Postcard Found Together.

These photographs may or may not be related. The first four are connected because the handwriting on their backs is similar. For more info on these photos please contact Mary Turnbull.

Harold Boyce

"Harold Boyce".
Photo by Weeks & Pugh, Moose Jaw, Sask.

Victoria Clark

"Aunt Victoria Clark, Age about 25 years."
Photo by Bell & Son, Kingston, Ont.

Elmer Collins

"Elmer Collins".
Photo by Brock & Co., Trenton, Ont.

Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton

"Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton
Lizzie's Father & Mother
Also Gertie's father & Mother."
Photo by F.S. Richardson, Napanee, Ont.

friend of family

"Friend of Family."
Photo by Jons(?) Bros., Ottawa.

young woman in large hat

Unidentified young woman in large hat.
Photo by D.A. Weese, Elite Studio, Kingston, Ont.

young man, Toronto

Unidentified young man.
Photo by Chas. L. Rosevear, 538 Queen St. W., Toronto.

Unidentified baby

Unidentified baby. No identification and no photographer.

Edith, age 3 years, 1911

"Edith / Age 3 yrs 4-1/2 mths / Taken March 1911"
Photographer is Gordon, 411 St. Catherine St. W., Montreal.

Unidentified baby

Unidentified baby.
Photograph by "Weese, Kingston"

unidentified farm

Snapshot of unidentified farm.

Postcard showing Union Street Aberdeen, Scotland

"Union Street, Aberdeen".
Original size is 5-3/8 inches wide by 3-1/8 inches high.

Postcard to Ernie, signed Clifford

Reverse of card above, Signed "Clifford".

Can you provide names, corrections or comments?
Please contact Mary Turnbull, using the email link at the top of this page.

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