Original size: 6 inches wide by 4-1/4 inches high.
Married names are in [square brackets] if known.
Back row:
Marion Cross,
Doug Gray,
Bertha Steacy [Modler],
Rhea Breckenridge [Gray],
Naomi Vanormen,
Betty Richardson [Green],
Ford Kyes (teacher),
Eleanor Steacy.
Middle row:
Eleanor McNeely,
Carol Steacy [Leggo],
Marjorie Russell,
Alice O'Hearn [Deans],
Leone Rotters,
Shirley Cross [Thomas],
Ruth Steacy [Riggs],
Jean O'Hearn.
Front row:
Earl McNeely,
Don Chisamore,
Archie Breckenridge,
Jack Cross,
Ford Breckenridge,
Keith McNeely,
Lappan O'Hearn.
Date and identification provided by Donald Chisamore.
Date confirmed by Ken Breckenridge, based on birth years and apparent ages of Breckenridge children.
Can you provide the missing name, corrections or details?