
Bruce County : Wiarton Public School, Grade 7, 1950.

Wiarton Public School, 1950

Murray Ceaser sent me this photo – the same students as this grade 6 class, but about a year later.

Back Row, L - R: 1-Wayne Forbes, 2-Gary Heath, 3-Francis Edmonston, 4-Bill Clifford, 5-Unknown, 6-Bob Williamson, 7-Terry Butchard, 8-Unknown, 9-Unknown, 10-Margaret Ingles.
3rd Row, L - R: 11-Donna Boyd, 12-Unknown, 13-Ladorna Eyre, 14-Donelda Smart, 15-Unknown, 16-June Driffil, 17-Unknown, 18-Nancy Wheton, 19-Allison Gosling.
2nd Row, L - R: 20-Ted Tyson, 21-Bev McGarvey, 22-Unknown, 23-Raymond Bolter, 24-Martin Rouse, 25-Bill Wilford, 26-Murray Ceaser, 27-Peter Mertha.
Front Row, L - R: 28-Unknown, 29-Bert Robertson, 30-Bill France, 31-Ivan Bert, 32-Raymond Gilbert, 33-George Smart, 34-Shirley Schank, 35-Unknown.

Many thanks to for this photo and the names.

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