Through The Years is a series of 151 local history booklets published by the Gore Bay Recorder from 1983 to 1997. The transcribing and web publishing of these extracts is a project of Manitoulin Family Trees. Thousands of Manitoulin's First Nations and European pioneer families and their descendants can be found there.
This project is managed by Doug Tracy, typed by Lynn, and formatted for the internet by Charles Dobie. Our apology for any errors made in transcribing the names -- corrections and comments can be sent to
Permission to publish these booklets was granted to MFT by W. John McQuarrie, Mid-North Printers & Publishers Ltd. 1983, who holds the copyright, This publication is protected by Copyright ©. Any use of photos or material in whole or in part without written permission is a direct contravention of the Copyright Laws and is punishable by law.
Thanks also to Rick McCutcheon of The Manitoulin Expositor.
Original copies of "Through the Years" can be purchased for $2.00 plus $1.00 for postage. Not all issues are available -- none before #12, for example. Please email Heidi Ferguson, Curator of Centennial Museum. |
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