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Front Cover | Photo: Farmers with teams of horses and wagons hauling winter wood to the beach for transport. |
2. | Indexes. |
3. |
Photo: The water flue that carried water from Lake Kagawong to the mill, submitted by Stan Gordon Sr. Photo: The Kagawong mill, submitted by Stan Gordon Sr. |
4. |
Photo: Pump mill and tramway at Kagawong. Photo: A picture of the hill at Kagawong. |
5. | Photo: of the corner store at Kagawong in the early days, submitted by Stan Gordon Sr. |
6. |
Photo: of a winter water flue. Photo: of Oliver Berry Sr., in a boat that he built in Kagawong. |
7. |
Photo: of the Kagawong dock. Photo: of Hill Tinkis houseboat at Kagawong, Oliver Berry Sr. was the owner. Photo: of the main street in Kagawong before 1925. |
8. |
Article: A Courageous Stand, 1909 -- Mr. Letts. Article: Current Comment 1909 -- John Baxter, Glory Whalen, Mr. Carey. |
9. |
Article: Current Comment 1909 continued -- R.R. Gamey, Miss Ethel Kinrade, Miss Florence Kinrade. Article: Silver Water 1909 -- Mrs. C. Wasnidge, Mr. W.T. Cook, A.L. Kemp, W.E. Graham, Mr. D. Currie. |
10. |
Article: Steaks 500 Years Old, 1909. Article: Tale of Women Pirates, 1909. |
11. |
Article: Killarney Hosts 300 Guests at Fridays Formal Road Opening -- John Skelliter, Mrs. W.T. Pitfield, Rev. Fr. O.
St. Peirre, Hubert Roque, Mrs. Ed. Rousseau, Ferdinant Solomon, John Sagima, John Prouix. Article: Gore Bay Shop Windows Have Attractive Display (many years ago). |
12. |
Article: Officials Rule Out Weather Conditions As Possible Factor, 1972 -- Don Mogaerts, John McKenna, Thomas V.
Mulrooney, Harold James Burt, Mary Bridget McKenna, Joyce Bogaerts, Dr. J.B. McQuay, Constable John Ross, Dr. Russel
Kepton. Article: Canada Facts, 1909. |
13. |
Article: Death Takes Grant H. Turner, 1964. Wife Freda Greenside; son Byron G. and daughter Dorothy (Mrs. Spencer
Gore). Article: Little Current news 1903 -- H. May Jr., Mrs. (Dr.) Jas. Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. John Dawson, E.M. Bradley, Mr. A.E. Dyment, Miss Jessie Gould, Mr. and Mrs. B.H. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. T.C. Sims, Mr. Jas. Carter, Mr Ellis, Henry Cannard. |
14. |
Photo: of the ships Prescodoc and Iroquis -- 1961. Article: The Prescodoc, by Skip Gillham. |
15. | Article: The Prescodoc continued. |
16. |
Photo: Soccer on the Manitoulin, submitted by Stan Johnson -- Greer, Sandy Burns, Sam Flanagan, Alfred Johnson,
George Johnson, George McRae. Article: The Last Man to Leave, by Rev. John Ellis Currey Garnish -- Capt. Norman McKay. |
17. | Article: The Last Man to Leave continued. |
18. |
Article: Queens Hotel, Manitowaning Destroyed in Sunday Night Blaze, One Injured -- Walter
Wageman, Mrs. Wageman, Whitmore E. Hoover, Heinz Wageman, Jess Lehman, Jack Tilston, Art Mastin. Article: Anglican Mission Services, 1909 -- Mr. Srigley. |
19. |
Photo: Merchants Bank of Canada, Manitowaning, Manitoulin Island. Article: Opening of Bank of Manitowaning, 1917 -- David Goldsmith, J.B. Wallace, J. Hanna, W.B.A. Cross, S.L. Peppler, R.J. Gilroy, W.E. Cramp, F.M. Thompson, L.B. Malot, A.G. McLean. |
20. |
Article: The Convention, 1909 -- Dawson F. Fitzpatrick, Geo. Fox, G.H. Cook, John Edmonds, John Campbell, John Learmont,
R. Clark, W. McCormick, Robt. Sloss, P.M. Patterson, B.H. Turner, W. McMinn, F. Story, T. Bateman, John Scott,
W. Robinson, W. Wilkinson, Gordon G. Emiry, M. McArthur, Robt. Russell, J. Williamson, W.I. Wagg, J.A. Palmer,
Fred Smith, J. Liddicoatt, J.W. Griffith, J. Fisher, R. Robinson, A. Burns, W.H. Johnson, Sheriff Fell, F. MacRae,
S.P. Jackson, J.H. Craig, John McLaughlin, C.C. Platt, F.E. Titus, A.E. Graham, Mr. Gammey, Mr. McBee,
Mr. Flemming. Article: Our Canadian Winter, 1909. |
21. | Photo: Marriage, 1918 -- Mr. and Mrs. Truman Wilson, Charlie and Louise Wismer. |
22. |
Article: Edward Armstrong and Eliza Jackson -- Children: John, George, Isabella, Jackson. Also mentioned: John Kemp. Photo: of Granny and Granddad Armstrong, about 1870 of Shanty Bay. |
23. |
Article: Edward Armstrong and Eliza Jackson continued -- signed Kathleen Trick. Article: Advance, 1909 -- Mr. Alf Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Holder, Mr. and Mrs. Guy, Charlie Louise. Article: Hudson's Bay Route Is All Right, 1909. Article: Cut Flowers Available from Manitoulin Gardens. |
24. | Photo: of first homebuilt snow plane, submitted by Wilda and Jack Wright. |
25. |
Article: Gordon -- Ward Foster, Mr. John Hall, Wes Strain, George Strain, Alf Johnston, Norman Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Beck, Miss Charolotte Hutchinson, Joseph Hutchinson, Rev. Mrs. Tate, George Hall, Charlie Burt, George Willet,
Willard Hall, Herbert Battye, John Woods. Mrs. Edwin Beck. Article: Providence Bay, 1909 -- Mr. A. Hall, Mr. F. McRae, Mr. W. Wright, Mr. William Caddle, Mr. P. Caddle, Mr. T. Reid, A. Buschert, Mr. and Mrs. H. Tinkis, Mrs. Robert Parkins, Mr. William Stoddart, Ms. Jesse Lehman. Article: East Campbell, 1909 -- D.S. McColeman, Don Galbraith, Mr. Fisher, Andy McDonald, John Anderson. |
26. |
Article: East Campbell, 1909 continued -- Archie Galbraith, Will Legge, Will Gardner, Mr. Fry, Mrs. D.C.
McColeman, Mrs. Jas. Johnston, Mrs. Geo. Kirk, Mrs. Jas. King, Mr. W.I. Wagg. Article: Sheshegwaning, 1909 -- Capt. Graham, Alex Wabegejig, M.R. Thorburn, Chief Jos. Edowishkosch, Mr. H. Smyth, Douglas Mitchel, D.E. Sampson, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Marshall, John Symon. Article: Shequiandah, 1909 -- Jas. Burnett, Mr. Wm. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Nieyrs, Miss Kate Meyers. |
27. |
Article: Shequiandah, 1909 continued -- Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ellanton, Master Jon. Knight, Mr. Bert Watson,
Mrs. Bradbury, Mr. Hastey, Mr. Jas. Dunlop. Article: Manitowaning, 1909 -- Mrs. Tom McCulloch, Mrs. T. Clarke, Master Henry Wedgerfield, Miss Bessie McCoy, Mr. Ezra McCoy, Miss Olga Connell, Mrs. McLeod, Miss Vera Bradley. Article: Kagawong, 1909 -- Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Burnett, Mrs. A. Thompson, Mr. Richard Tustian, Mr. Colin Baillie, James Gordon, W. Lloyd, Joe Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crossley, Editor Graham, Miss G. Gamey. Article: Fernlee, 1909 -- J.B. Graham, T. Harper. |
28. |
Article: Fernlee, 1909 continued -- Capt. Graham, W.S. Cook, Jim Crawford, J.B. Graham, Mr. Gillies. Article: Ice Lake, 1909 -- Mr. Gordon, Geo. Croft, A.W. McArthur, Henry Palmer, Mr. John McKenzie, Mr. Thos. Wilson, Miss Lizzie Wright, Mr. Jas. McGill, Charlie Hore, Mrs. Wm. Deering. Article: Gordon, 1909 -- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brocklebank, Mrs. D. McColeman, Mrs. J.L. Crawford, Mr. Best, Alex McLaren, Mr. Chas. Beck. |
29. |
Article: Gordon, 1909 continued -- Rev. Mr. Tate, Mr. Holland. Artticle: Providence Bay, 1909 -- Mr. Pulford, Mr. L. Farrel, Capt. Cole, Mr. W. Thompson, Miss Stella Snead. Article: Silver Water, 1909 -- Mr. Grubb, Archy Duncanson, John Edmonds, E. Lloyd, A.C. Edmonds, J.B. and Mrs. Graham, Wm. Priddle, Miss Nellie Priddle, Mr. Crouchman. Poem: Strength in the women's sphere, by Kate Field. |
30. | Poem: Our Little Neighbours, by Mrs. E. Sherman Smith, submitted by Owen Maguire. |
31. |
Photo: of Nelson's Dock in Manitowaning about 1920, submitted by Owen Maguire. Subscription and information on "Through the Years". |
Back Cover |
Article: Killarney Road to Outside Finally Becomes a Reality, 1920. Article: Espanola to Send Man to Little Current Hearing -- Councilor Bill Leeson. |
MFT Home 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 TOP
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Front Cover | Majority of this edition focuses on the "Murders on the Manitoulin Island" 1877. |
2. | Indexes. |
3. |
Article: Tehkummah, 1909 -- Miss Johnston, Miss Flora Ball, Mrs. Henry Smeltzer, Joseph Newman, A. Mitchell,
Rev. Mr. Marks, Rev. Mr. Andrews, Mr. Goulds. Article: No. 2 Carnarvon, 1909 -- Miss Minnie Sawyers, Mrs. Austin Palmer. Article: Little Current, 1909 -- Miss Queenie Foote, Mr. Loftus Allen, Miss Vera Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. W.H. McGregor, Miss Spackman, Miss Hastie, Mr. W.S. Bradley, Miss Mildred Kingsboro, Miss Skippen, Mr. James Wilkin. Article: Mindemoya, 1909 -- Mr. Wagg, Mr. Hare, Dan Galbraith, Mr. Stotesbury, Miss Jennie Elliott. |
4. | Drawing of 2 men fighting, underneath is noted "Murder on the Manitoulin Island". |
5. | Letter from the Editor, John McQuarrie, thanking George and Eva Skippen for their time and effort to writing this story, and supplying drawings. |
6. | Copy of Award Posted for Mr. Laban Amer, July 1877. |
7. |
"Murders on the Manitoulin Island" -- deceased persons William Bryan and his son Charles Bryan. Local names mentioned in this story include: George Archibald Amer, William Bryan, George Amer, Annie Amer, Laban Amer, Ellen Sim, Samuel Blanchard, Eleanor Bryan, Charles Bryan, Arthur Bryan. |
8. | "Murders on the Manitoulin Island" continued -- Other local names mentioned in this story include: Porter brothers. |
9. | "Murders on the Manitoulin Island" continued -- Other local names mentioned in this story include: Samuel Sloan, Benjamin Boyer, Dr. William Francis, Mr. J.C. Phipps, Mr. W. Haner, Mr. Thos Gorley, Mrs. Charles Boyd, Mr. J.C. Phipps, John Porter, Samuel Blanchard, Ellen Sim, Constable Boyd, Honourable Walter McCrea, Mr. John Hamilton, Mr. M.C. Cameron, Mr. W. Sproat, Mr. Reed. |
10. | "Murders on the Manitoulin Island" continued -- Other local names mentioned in this story include: Mayor Mr. Rick Noltes, Clerk Norm Gordon, Mr. S.C. Dawson, MPP. |
11. | "Murders on the Manitoulin Island" continued -- Epilogue: Alex Brinkman, William Herbert Brinkman, Pearl Brinkman, Harriet Bryan, William Bryan Jr., Abe Bryan, Carrie Bryan, Annie Bryan, William Skippen, Ross Skippen, Reva (Skippen) Montgomery. |
12. | Copy of Criminal Subpoena for Mrs. Eleanor Bryan. |
13. | Copy of drawing presented as evidence showing Porter's house and Bryan's house. |
14. | Photo: of Arthur and Mary (Lewis) Bryan with children Wilbert and Mae. |
15. | Photo: of Eleanor (Boyce) Bryan, Mother of Arthur. |
16, 17. | Copy of a drawing of the overall murder scene presented at the trial. |
18. | "Murders on the Manitoulin Island" Depositions of Witnesses -- John Porter, Andrew Porter. |
19. | "Murders on the Manitoulin Island" Depositions of Witnesses continued -- Dr. William Stoten Francis. |
20. | "Murders on the Manitoulin Island" Depositions of Witnesses continued -- Samuel Sloan, Andrew Porter Junior, Benjamin Boyer. |
21. | "Murders on the Manitoulin Island" Depositions of Witnesses continued -- Arthur Bryan. |
22. | "Murders on the Manitoulin Island" Depositions of Witnesses continued -- Charles Boyd, Samuel Blanchard, Ellen Sims, Andrew Porter. |
23. | "Murders on the Manitoulin Island" Depositions of Witnesses continued -- Benjamin Boyer, William Stoten Francis. |
24. | "Murders on the Manitoulin Island" Coroner's Inquest. |
25. | "Murders on the Manitoulin Island" Coroner's Inquest continued. |
26. | "Murders on the Manitoulin Island" Coroner's Inquest continued. |
27. | "Murders on the Manitoulin Island" Coroner's Inquest continued. |
28. | "Murders on the Manitoulin Island" Coroner's Inquest continued. |
29. | "Murders on the Manitoulin Island" Coroner's Inquest continued. |
30. | "Murders on the Manitoulin Island" Report of Criminal Business conducted by John M. Hamilton esquire concerning George Archibald Amer and Laban Amer. |
31. |
Photos of the passenger and freight carrier Bon Ami. Subscription and information on "Through the Years". |
Front Back | Article: Sheguiandah, 1909 -- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Finch, Mr. Hy Skippen Sr., Mr. Noah Skippen, Mr. Frank Scott, Mrs. Woods, Mr. Henry Skippen, John Heis, Mr. Fred Sharpe, Miss Vera Miller, Mr. D. Miller, Mrs. Rod McKay, Mr. Wilf, Ted Russell, Angus Dunlop, Mr. Smith, Thos. Lewis, Mrs. D. McGilvray, Mrs. R. Somerville, Mrs. Cliff Spragge. |
MFT Home 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 TOP
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Front Cover | Photo: of a parade of horse and cutters going to Gore Bay fair grounds. |
2. | Indexes. |
3. |
Letter: from Elizabeth M. Lint, to the Editor -- William Scott Riddell, Etta Leslie, Jessie Sandilands Riddell. Article: Business directory of 1892 -- Jopie Loughead, Daniel B. McRae. Article: Manitoulin Island, late 1800's -- David Miller, J.B. Abrey. |
4. | Photos: of the McLeod Timber Camp on Cockburn c. 1949. |
5. |
Photo: of the tanker turned freighter, Willowdale. Story: of the Willowdale, by Skip Gillham. |
6. |
Story: of the Willowdale, by Skip Gillham continued. Photo: of the tanker turned freighter, Willowdale. |
7. |
Lyrics and article about "My Lodging, it is on the cold ground". Article: Ice Lake, 1909 -- Miss Nellie Palmer, Jim Nelson, Rob Deering, Dr. Baker, Rob Brown, Bob Gamey, James Montgomery, W.J. Wright Jr., Neil Kennedy, Andrew Robertson. |
8. |
Photo: of a young family in 1908 loaded up to go for a ride. Submitted by Ruth Nicholson. Photo: of John and Mac Young's Country Store. Submitted by Ruth Nicholson. |
9. |
Photo: of William Hubbert, wife Elizabeth, Charlie Bracken, Maria (Bracken) Hubbert and Clara Hubbert. Submitted by
Ruth Nicholson. Photo: of Clara Hubbert, Chiropractor, 1921. |
10. |
Article: Little Current and Gore Bay hold football match, 1903 -- Thos. Burns, S. Flannagan, Alex Burns, Olgar Greer,
S. Greer, W.G. White, S. McKessock, Abe Lehman, Frank Johnson, John Kelly, Archie McRae, Gilbert May, Loftus Allen,
R. Hay, M. Johnston, W. Geno, Alex Boyd, Albert Laking, M. Simpson, Dr. McDonald and R.D. Fleming. Article: Wikwemikong Man Killed, Seven Injured, submitted by Owen Maguire -- Dominic Lewis, Samuel Osawamick and Clara Osawamick and their five children Margaret, Vincent, Teresa, Mary Jane and James, Dr. Albert Lecot, Dr. J.F. Bailey, Constable W.J. Isreal. |
11. |
Article: A Canadian Honored, 1909 -- Charles A. Adamson, Bert Mendell, Mr. T.B. Greenman. Article: Dorando and Shrubb -- fifteen-mile race held in Buffalo. |
12. |
Article: From 1909 -- sermon. Article: $16,200.00 Road Grand for the District, 1909 -- R.R. Gamey. |
13. |
Article: Lady Laurier, 1909. Article: Punish the wife beater, 1909, from the St. Thomas Times. Article: Conciliate, 1909 from the St. John Sun. |
14. | Article: Mindemoya, 1909 -- Thomas Love, Wm. Vincer, Miss Minnie Vincer, Mr. Stotesbury, Mr. Gailbraith, D. Williamson, Thos. Smith, Dan McArthur, Jas. McMurray, Mr. W. Hopkins Jr., Mrs. Malcom Crawford. |
15. |
Article: Trials and tribulations of Gore Bay curlers, by Diane Robbins -- Sheriff Jackson, John and Delilah Jane
Goodmurphy. Photo: of E.F. Priddle rink, 1955 -- Deb Johnson, Tom Newburn, Grant Priddle, E.F. Priddle, Bill Smith, George Purvis Sr., Ronnie Gordon and George Jackson. |
16. |
Article: trials and tribulations of Gore Bay curlers continued. Photo: of Little Current rink -- Frank Major, Joe Parks, Captain Graham and Cliff Bradley. |
17. | Article: trials and tribulations of Gore Bay curlers continued -- J.R. McGregor, Jack Gibbs, Dr. J.A. Baker, Fred Smith, Ned Jackson, John Kinney, Doran McCauley, Wm. H. Hurst, A. Burns, Frank Priddle, Jimmy Gordon, Adam Casson. |
18. |
Article: trials and tribulations of Gore Bay curlers continued -- Barney Graham, Adam Casson, Captain R.L. Graham, O.T. Bennet,
S.J. Conion, T. Cunning, T. Dunn, W. Glanville, O. Roszel, F.L. Sims, W.A. Sims, G. Boyd, A. Burns, J.D. Gordon,
A.O. Hinds, J. McKenzie, G. Purvis, R. Riching. Photo: of E.F. Priddle and son Grant scheming their way to a win in 1955. |
19. |
Article: trials and tribulations of Gore Bay curlers continued -- R.W. Smith, W.A. Smith. Photo: of 1909 Soo, Michigan winners. |
20. |
Article: trials and tribulations of Gore Bay curlers continued -- A.O. Hinds, George Boyd, Coral Priddle. Photo: of Best Dressed rink -- Bill Smith, Charlie Wright, Jack McKenzie and George Purvis Sr. |
21. |
Article: trials and tribulations of Gore Bay curlers continued -- Marv and Rhea Wood, Bud and Dorothy Priddle,
Jack McKenzie. Article: Didn't lose them all -- R.J. Porter, A.E. Dyment, Graham Turnbull, Skip Porter, Mayor Fraser, Ed Jackson, Biehl McKessock. |
22. |
Article: Mail Carrier in Early 1900's -- Mr. and Mrs. John H. Merrylees, Mr. Burke, Mr. Hurst. Submitted by Marjorie J.
Merrylees. Article: Commercial fishing in the North Channel in the early 1900's -- John H. Merrylees, D.B. McRae, James Young. |
23. |
Article: Commercial fishing in the North Channel in the early 1900's continued. Photos: for fishermen with their catch of the day. |
24. | Photos: for fishermen and their catches. |
25. |
Photos: -- 1) a big sturgeon hanging on the line. 2) a large trout. 3) Jack Merrylees and Cecil clear the nets of fish. 4) Cecil pulling on the line to lift the net on to the ice. |
26. |
Article: Fishes of Ontario -- John Merrylees, Mr. N.S. Baldwin. Photo: of a man and child in a boat. |
27. |
Article: Fishes of Ontario continued -- kinds of fish. Photo: the port of Meldrum Bay, a busy fishing village in the early days. Fish nets in the foreground. |
28. | Copy of a shipping tag and mending needles to repair fishing nets. |
29. | Article: Fishes of Ontario continued -- Alex Purvis, Bill Armstrong, W.E. George, James Purvis, Ed Purvis, James Purvis, Father Papineau. |
30. |
Photo: of a team of horses pulling a sleigh loaded with timber -- Bill Alikes, Earl McGibbon, Cliff Rumley. Article: Gordon, 1909 -- Mrs. Phil Beck, Miss Lizzie McMillan, Miss May Beck, Miss Ester Wiggins, Mr. and Mrs. Will Cook, Mr. Will Strain, George Strain Sr., Miss Ruby Strain, George Strain Jr., Miss Jennie Elliott, Miss Millie Hall, Mrs. Milton Nelles, Dan McArthur, Mr. A.E. Johnston. |
31. |
Photo: 1950/1 Gore Bay Hockey Team -- Stan Gordon, Godfrey Porter, Cliff Beange, Jr. Strain, Ken MacKenzie, Fraz Porter,
Ken Bessy, Ev. Haliday, Frank Major, Bill Dinsmore, J.D. Gordon, Bob Baker, Wilbur Oliver, George Van, Doug Prestige
and Marv Woods. Subscription and information on "Through the Years". |
Back Cover |
Article: West Campbell, 1909 -- Mr. Stoddart, Miss Kate McColeman, Miss Mary McColeman, Joe McColeman, Mrs. Donald Patton,
George Bailey, Joe Smyth. Article: West Carnarvon, 1909 -- Frank Wagg, Duncan Cameron, Mrs. William Vincer, John Caddle, David Williamson, Fred Wagg. Article: Barrie Island, 1909 -- Mr. W.J. Munns, Mr. Thorburn, Wm. Cook, Mr. A. Long, Mr. D.D. Griffith, Mr. S.G. Flanagan, Mrs. D.D. Griffith, Miss Emma Noble, Miss Ethel Greenman, Willard Witty, Mr. and Mrs. T. Rumley, Fred Glanville, Wm. Phalen, Emma Noble, John Jennings, Oliver Runnalls, Arthur Runnalls. |
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Front Cover | It's Spring followed by a poem by Isabel Ecclestone MacKay. |
2. | Indexes and subscription and information on "Through the Years". |
3. | Photo: Hockey team of Manitowaning -- Tilston, Rennie Mastin, Ronny Hunter, Leyman Moggy, Bernard Maguire, Barry Morrison, Tommy Hembruff, Bill Sim, Wally Rutledge and Jimmy Hembruff. |
4. | Significant births and events unrelated to the Island. |
5. | Significant births and events unrelated to the Island continued. |
6. |
Significant births and events unrelated to the Island continued. Article: Pleasant Valley, 1909 -- Mr. A. Beach, Mr. A. McClarty, Miss Harper, Mrs. E. Glanvill, Mr. H. Howland, Harold Glanvill, Mr. Thos. Pope, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Robertson, Mrs. George Young, Mrs. Hugh Brown, Miss Annie and Jane Robertson, Miss Alice Montgomery, Mrs. Cressweller, Miss Mary Glanvill, Mrs. R. McGregor, Mr. Amby McArthur, Mrs. Thos. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Brandow, Mr. E. Baker, Miss Rachel Wilson, Mr. Hugh Brown. Article: Dies at 64, 1965 -- George Lockyer, wife Barbara Bryant, Hannah (Mrs. Walter Corbett). |
7. | Article: Helen Hindman -- Captain George Hindman. |
8. |
Article: Helen Hindman continued. Photo: of the Grovedale. Article: Green Bay W.W.C. 1950 -- Flora Ferguson, Pearl Cosby, Dorothy Ferguson, Florence Bayer. |
9. | Article: Marvels of 1920 Aerial Progress. |
10. |
Article: Marvels of 1920 Aerial Progress continued. Article: Presentation, 1909 -- Mrs. W.T. Cook, Mrs. J. Edmonds, Mrs. H. McKeen, Mrs. W. Kemp. |
11. |
Article: The Sims family -- Reverend Jabez Sims, Thomas Sims, Bill Sims, Lyle Sims, J.G. Sims, E.O. Vincent. Photo: Sims & Co. Store, 1920. |
12. |
Article: The Sims family continued. Photo: Mrs. Fred Sims in early 1900's. |
13. | Article: Keep Them Out, 1909 -- A Canada, US fisheries story. |
14. |
Photo: of Mrs. Wm. Jordan who was a cook at Michael's Bay, with her daughters Lula and Selena. Photo: of Mrs. Josiah Heminwag Johnston. Photo: of Mary Ellen Maguire (Lane) with two nieces. |
15. |
Photo: of John Maguire as a youngster. Photo: of Owen and Amy Maguire. Date unknown. Article: West Carnarvon, 1909 -- Mrs. George Gilpin, Mr. Benjamin Bock, Rev. Mr. Laycock. |
16. |
Article: Kagawong Council, 1909 council members, Messrs. Foster, Bowser, Lemon -- James Gordon, Wm. McAnsh. Photo: taken c. 1900 at White Pine Lumber Co., Birch Lake -- Jack McLander, Frank Morrison, Archie McPhee. |
17. |
Article: Kagawong Council continued -- John Hodgson, W.J. McKenzie. Article: Mr. Alex Thorburn Honored, 1909 -- C.C. Platt, A. Hall, F. McRae, J. Craig, S. Cronkhite, W.H. Price, A.G. Murray and T. Griffith. |
18. | Some old time recipes, including Mahnomen Casserole, Wild Rice Muffins, Wild Rice Stuffing, Strawberry Fool and Trifle. |
19. |
Some old time recipes, including Sherried Melon, Squash Blosson Tarts. List of Manitoulin Market price in 1909 -- dressed turkey was .12 cents per lb. |
20. | Article: Old Spring Bay -- Rev. Hugh McKay, Benjamin Bock, Fred Wagg, Rev. Wm. Munroe, Mr. Purvis, William Schroeder, Daniel Hagey, John Evans, Thomas Riching, John Bock, Andrew King, Martin Buck, Harold Tracy, Jim Gilpin, David Van Horn, Stu Cutherbertson, Robert Parkins, Ross Cranston, George Kirk, Harold Kirk, Len Sterling, Bob Linegar. |
21. |
Article: Old Spring Bay continued -- Alexander and James Hanner, Tracy Maple Sugar Camp, William George,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark, John Young, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Hartley, Legge farm. Article: Longboat and Shrubb, 1909 -- Big Chief Longboat, Mr. Shrubb. Advertisement for Mansion House, Little Current, Wm. Bradley, Prop. |
22. | Photos: provided by Andrew Chisholm. First of a family in a buggy pulled by a team of horses. Second photo is of Andrew S. Chisholm, Edward and Fred Shields. |
23. | Photos provided by Andrew Chisholm. First picture is of Andrew, Francis and Margaret Chisholm. Second photo is of the Major family on an outing -- Mrs. Major and Magistrate Major. Third photo is of an unknown town (could be Gore Bay). |
24. | Photos: provided by Andrew Chisholm. First is a photo of Jim Smith, Iliff Johnson, Roy Battye, Richard Morden, Andrew Chisholm, and Mac McQuarrie, 1923. Second photo is of Grace Major, Mrs. Major and Frank Major. Third photo is people in a boat at McGregor launch. Forth photo is of Mary Parks, Andrew and Grace Major. |
25. | Article: Who's Who On Manitoulin, by Marg Hague -- Ivan Trick, Don Murray, Marjorie Cahn Brazer, Mrs. Gwen Wickett, Mrs. Edna Millman, Barney Turner, Mike Arbour, Alberta Millman, Edna Millman, Ethalyn Cadotte, William McDonald. |
26. |
Article: Who's Who On Manitoulin continued -- Joe Millamn, Ivan Trick. Photo: of Hilly Grove school class, 1915 -- Carl Hall, Jim Sim, Clarence Sim, Jack McDougall, Roy Hall, Roy Brainard, Lula Jordon, Lola Sim, Emma Haner, Earl Sim, Viola Sim, Margaret Haner, Albert Hindle, Thomas E. Jordon, Owen Maguire, William Hindle, Selina Jordon, W.E. Maguire, Alice Hindle, Hilda Sim and Katie McDougall. |
27. |
Letter to the Editor: Rev. J.H. More, D. Fiske, signed by Chas. White. Letter to the Editor: Mr. Cronkhite. |
28. |
Letter to the Editor: signed Mrs. F. Glanville. Article: The Late Judge Archie McCallum. |
29. |
Photo: of Tobermory taken in 1949. Poem: Waiters, 1909. Poem: Around the Corner, by Henson Towne. |
30. | Poem: Love Asks Everything, by T.B. Gleave. Submitted by Lois Cooper. |
31. |
Article: East Campbell -- Mr. Wickett, Jack McMillan, Mr. F. Haner, Mrs. Jas. King, Mrs. A. Galbraith, Miss Minnie
Wilson, Mrs. Wiber, Mrs. Sloss. Article: Ice Lake, 1909 -- Mr. Jas. McGill, Miss E. Wright, Mr. Sam McDonald, Miss M. Stephens, W.J. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Robertson, Neil Douglas, Andrew Robertson, Mr. Amby McAurthur, George Croft. |
Back Cover |
Article: Silver Water -- Miss Florence McKinley, Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Cook, Miss McLeod, Mabel Priddle, Mrs. John Edmonds,
Mr. Harry Edmonds, Mr. Harry Noble, Mr. John Kemp, Mr. Geo. Trick. Poem: Slow me down, Lord. |
MFT Home 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 TOP
Page | Article or Item |
Front Cover | Photo: of a family out for a ride in their automobile, one similar to John L. Baker's. |
2. | Indexes, subscription and information on "Through the Years". |
3. | Poem: by John P. Rockefeller Jr., named "I believe". |
4. |
Photo: of the passenger and freighter carrier Caribou, Ron Beaupre photographer. Article: related to the Caribou. |
5. | Another photo of the S.S. Caribou. |
6. | Article: Dancing Not Degrading, 1909. |
7. |
Article: Dancing Not Degrading continued. Article: Bishop Champions Dancing. |
8. |
Article: Dancing. Letter to the Editor: signed J.H. More. |
9. | Photo: of policeman in 1890. |
10. |
Photo: of David Irwin, Ida Strain, Ron Irwin, Andrew Irwin and Violet Irwin. Photo: Violet Irwin and Pearl Walker, 1919. Photo: Ross Irwin, Andrew Irwin and Violet Irwin. |
11. |
Article: Andy Wabiganett finished strong in his run of twenty-eight miles, 1909. Articles relating to the above: Charles Burns, T.J. Reid. |
12. | Article: Manitoulin has a Longboat, 1909 -- Andy Wabiganett, Peter Kada, Billie Sampson. |
13. | Article: Billy Sampson wins big race, 1909 -- D'Arcy Burns, Isaac Marshall, Billy Sampson, Will Porter, Archie Ward, Mr. Gladstone, J.R. McGregor, Douglass Merrit Jennings and A.E. Graham. |
14. | Article: Wonders of "Wireless". |
15. |
Article: Sheguiandah -- Mr. L.J. Bateman, Mr. Laycock, Miss Georgina Hastie, Mrs. Redford String, Mrs. L. Skippen,
Mrs. Henry Hindle, Miss Stringer, Mr. Titus, Mr. Baker, Miss Armstrong, Mr. T.J. Bateman, Mr. Wm. Stevens, Mr. Smyth,
Mr. Wm. Burnett, Miss Bert Hastie. Article: Gordon -- Miss Gertie and Henrietta Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Best, Miss Katie Campbell, Mr. More, Fred Moody, Fred Nelles, Harvey McLaren, Miss May Beck, Edwin Beck, Harry Hall. |
16. |
Article: Gordon continued -- Ward Foster, Geo. Willett, Robt. Elliott, Robt. Giroy, Earnest Gilroy, Rose Campbell,
Harry Hall, Mrs. Matt Lockhard, Mrs. John Woods, Evelyn Woods, Miss Olive Aiken, Mr. Gamey. Photo: Queen's Hotel. |
17. |
Article: Poplar -- Miss Ella Foster, Miss Maggie Robinson, Master Alden Wilkinson, Scott McPhie, Matt Davis,
Mr. T. Robinson, Mr. S.E. Dinsmore, Mr. Marshall Orford. Article: Kagawong -- Richard Tustian, Walter Green, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Foster, Mr. More, Miss Ernie Dickout, Miss Emma Tustian, Sam Deering, Willie Brown, Mrs. Geo. Tustian, Miss Anna Thomson, Miss Orpha Bailie. |
18. |
Article: No Quarter for the Hotel Man. Article: Tehkummah -- Mr. and Mrs. John Smeltzer, Mr. A.J. Mastin, Miss M. Mastin, Mr. Geo. Hopkin, Miss Celia Russell, Miss A. Tilson, Mrs. P. Smeltzer, Miss Maggie Smeltzer, Miss Mary E. Russellm Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Russell, Mr. Robert J. Duxbury, Rev. W.W. Anglin, Rev. F.G. Anderson, Miss Martha Mastin, Mr. S. Russell, Miss L. Duxbury, Mr. W. Russell. |
19. |
Article: West Carnarvon -- Mr. Fry, Rev. Samuel Goudy, Rev. Mr. Tate, Mr. Stotesbury, John Millmine, Mr. and Mrs. M.L.
Buck, Mrs. John Edmonds, Mrs. Thos. Rumley, Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Edmonds, Robert Rumley, Mr. A. Bock, John Anderson. Article: Balloon to cross the ocean. |
20. | Article: notes of the Session, by R.R. Gamey, M.P.P., 1909 -- Hon. J.P. Whitney, Hon. R. Cochrane, Hon. J. Reaumme, Hon. W.J. Hanna, Hon. A. Matheson, Hon. Jas Duff, Hon. R.A. Payne, Hon. A. Beck, Hon. J. Hendry, Hon. J.J. Foy, Hon. A.G. McKay, J.P. Downey, Col. H. Clarke, F. McGarry, Howard Ferguson, F. MacDairmaid, J. Dargravel, A.C. Pratt. |
21. |
Article: notes of the Session continued -- W.H. Hoyle, W.H. Hearst. Advertisement: for J.L Wismer, Photo Artist -- Gore Bay. Advertisement: for Livery Stable owned by J & G May of Little Current. Article: North Tehkummah -- Rev. Mr. Mark, Mrs. J. Neuman. |
22. |
Photo: of winter timber hauling from the bush by teams of horses and sleighs. Article: All the Fashion. |
23. |
Poem: Good Old Days. Poem: Northern Town. Poem: Times do change. Poem: The yodeling cowboy, supplied by Dorothy Miller. |
24. | Article: Battle of Waterloo. |
25. |
Article: Germany and England. Article: Gordon -- Mr. Frank Lowrie, Miss Ella Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Moody, Mrs. Milton Nelles, Mrs. Matthew Lockhart, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Best, Miss Hattie Cook, Miss Cochrane, Mrs. Lee, Miss Lottie Strain, Mr. Wm. Elliott, Mrs. Wm. Wood, Mr. Jack Montgomery. |
26. |
Article: Tehkummah -- Mr. Kidd, Miss Rose, Mrs. Thos. Martin, Miss Sproule, Miss Florrie Ball, Mrs. Henry Smeltzer,
Rev. F.G. Andrews, Mrs. J. McKechnie, Mrs. D. Watson, Mr. J. McLaughlin. Article: Manitowaning -- Mr. R. McGregor, Mr. Ed Tucker, Mrs. McKechnie, Mrs. David Watson, Mrs. Cochrane, Mr. and Mrs. Hinds, Mrs. Clement, Miss Madge, Miss McCausland, Miss Young. Article: Barrie Island -- Miss Ida Jackson, Mrs. Madill, Mrs. N.A. Runnalls, Mr. Albert Long, Mrs. Edmonson, Miss Mildred Jeffkins, Mrs. John Coutts, Mr. W.H. Noble, Mr. Bert Greenman, Mr. O. Greer, Miss Rose, Mr. Kidd. |
27. | Article: Manitoulin & North Shore Railway. |
28. |
Photo: of Union Station in Toronto, 1927. Poem: A Baker's Dozen. |
29. | Article: Queen Elena of Italy. |
30. |
Article: Providence Bay -- Jas. Gladstone, A. Ward, B.F. Mutchmore, Mrs. Wm. Bain, Miss E.M. Hall, Mr. Leslie Richmond,
Norman McColeman, Mrs. McIlveen, Mrs. Wm. Charters, Mr. John Kennedy, Mr. W.G. Vair, W.G. Pink, Mr. Wm. Charters,
Mr. Walter Chisholm, Earnest Graham, J.A. Murray, D.S. Perrin, W.E. Gregger, Geo. Nelson, H. Gamey, John Fraser,
J. Carter. Article: Ice Lake -- Miss Blanche Palmer, Joe Nelson, Miss Mary Glanville, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. Geo. Burch, Miss Lottie McArthur, Miss Mamie Palmer, James Brown, Miss Mary Thompson, Mr. Wm. Guy, John McArthur, Master Edgar, Mrs. Geo. Croft, Miss Ellie Wilson, Mrs. N. Douglas. Article: Jacksonville -- Miss Lizzie Wright, Miss Katie McDougall, Mrs. Angus McDougall, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Berry, Mrs. Charles Ward, Mr. Russell Noble, Mr. Sam Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. A. McDougall, Mr. L. McDougall, Charles Wright, Bert Needham, Abe Lehman, Henry Vanzant, Charlie Hanson. |
31. | Article: District Court -- Judge Charles Edward Hewson, Mr. C.R. Atkinson, Mr. F.E. Titus, Judge McCallum, C.R. Atkinson. |
Back Cover |
Article: District Court continued -- Mr. A.G. Murray, Mr. R.R. McKessock, Mr. W.F. McRae, Mr. Charles Reckin,
Mr. Alex Owen. Article: Mindemoya -- Mr. Jas. Love, Mr. William Hopkin, Mr. D. McDonald, Mrs. D. Williamson, Lizzie Williamson, Jas. William Jr., Mr. Ab Long, Dan Gillis, Thos. Pearson, Mr. Smith, Mr. Wyman, Mr. John Tann, Mr. Becks, A.J. Wagg, Mr. Caddle, James Caddle. Article: Gore Bay School Report, June 1909 -- Hilda Stephens, Alfred Clark, Henrietta Wilson, Lyle Alexander, Hazel Bailey, Rudolph Wismer, Irene Porter, Harker Coutts, Winnifred Kennedy, Elsa Fell, Pearl Walker, Agatha Merrylees, Willie Dinsmore, Emma Young, Julia Wright, Mary Armstrong, John McKinley, Frank Currie, Agnes Burns, Gladys Jewell, Earle Platt, Edward McTarrart, Clifton Burkholder, Nelda Smith, May McTaggart, Daisy Thorburn, Clive Fell, Frances Murray, Stella Bailey, Isobel Fell, Ray Merrylees, Earl Carr, Howard Carr, Harry McTaggart Lincoln Fraser, Earl Burkholder, Henry McKinley, Lewis Stephens, Edgeworth, Murray, Violet Badgerow, Clarence Walker, Sherman Bailey, Eddie Canniff. |
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Page | Article or Item |
Front Cover | This booklet is dedicated to the stories of early Anglican Missionaries to Manitoulin District. |
2. | Indexes, subscription and information on "Through the Years". |
3. | Article: Bon Ami Revisited. |
4. | Poem: Our Precious Day. |
5-18. | Article: Anglican Missionaries to Manitoulin District -- Only names directly associated with Manitoulin Island are listed: Captain Anderson, Rev. Mr. Prouix, Chas. C. Brough, Mr. Keating. |
19. | Article: The birth of the establishment at Manitowaning in 1838 -- Captain Thomas Gummersall Anderson, Sophia Anderson. Signed Frank A. Myers, 1957. |
20, 21. |
Article: Colonel S.P. Jarvis, Chief Superintendent of Indian Affairs, 1838 -- Rev. and Mrs. Brough, Dr. Darling,
Mr. Bailey, Mr. Fielde, Mr. Prouix, Mr. Lamorandiere, Angus Bethune, William Nourse, Major Rains. Signed T.G.
Anderson. Copy of a Holy Baptismal certificate for Josephine Blanche. |
22. | Photos: of the following Ministers: George Thornloe, D.D. bishop, W.A.J. Burt, Rev. Dr. O'Meara, Rev. A.E. Owen, Rev. J.J. Ferguson, Rev. Wm. Munro. |
23. | Article: The Church of England on Manitoulin Island -- Rev. W.M. Murray, Rev. C.C. Brough. |
24. | Article: The Church of England on Manitoulin Island continued -- Rev. Dr. O'Meara, Mr. Jacob, Rev. H. Rollings, Rev. D.A. Johnson, Rev. H.C. Aylwin, Rev. A.J. Young, Rev. J.W. Sims, Rev. Roland Hill, Rev. F. Frost, Rev. W.T. Eccleston, Rev. P.W.P. Calhoun, Rev. C.C. Simpson, Rev. Geo. Prewer, Rev. A.J. McLeod, Rev. W.H. Hunter, Rev. E.P.S. Spencer, Rev. John Tate. |
25. | Article: The Church of England on Manitoulin Island continued -- Rev. C.C. Simpson, Rev. H. Haines, Rev. H.A. Sims, Rev. Geo. Prewer, Rev. Canon Burt. |
26. | Article: Tales About Monarchs, 1909. |
27. | Article: A visit to Cockburn Island -- by Rev. P.T. Rowe, John Esquiman, John Marks, Mr. Beer, Old Odahwah, Mr. Street, Mr. W.B. Ross, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Robinson (son of Lieut. Gov. of Ont.). |
28. |
Article: Sunday School Convention, 1909 -- Mr. A.J. Wagg, Rev. Mr. Munro, Rev. Mr. Cunningham, Rev. E. Baker,
T.G. Hurlburt, Rev. E. Baker, Rev. J.J. Ferguson, Rev. E. Marks, F.W. Major, S.P. Jackson. Article: Communication, 1909. |
29. | Article: Communication, 1909 -- signed S.P. Jackson. |
30. | Poem: Our Neighbour; to Canon Fuller, written by Robert McGilvray. |
31. |
Article: Providence Bay -- Mr. Chisholm, Albert Lougheed, Dan McDougall, Mr. T.J. Reed, Neil McColeman, Miss Minnikin,
Mr. Dorse Burns, W.G. Vair, Mr. J. McLaughlin, Jesse Lehman, F.A. Hubbard, Mr. A.E. Moore, Mr. J.S. Allan, J.D. King,
Wm. Kennedy, Wm. Charters, Mr. Paul, Mr. J.M. Calcolm, Frank Mutchmor, Mr. F.A. Dandrice. Article: Gordon -- Art McArthur, Percy Beck, Miss Emery, George Strain, Mrs. H. Wilson, Mrs. Vic Noble, Mrs. J.D. Wismer. |
Back Cover |
Article: Mindemoya -- Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnston, John Love, Guss Johnston, Miss Laura Love, Miss Sadie Becks, Dan McDonald,
Mrs. Richard McDonald, Dr. Johnston, Miss Nell Becks. Article: Sheguiandah -- Sam McLean, Mrs. Prewer, Mrs. Vincent, Thos. Batman, Elizabeth S. Swallow, Thomas Batman, Alfred Batman, Edwin Batman, Evelyn (Mrs. Bartholemew) Batman, Gertrude Batman. Article: Auto-buggy ride -- Mr. J.R. McGregor, Jean McGregor, Mr. H. Bell. |
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Page | Article or Item |
Front Cover | Photo: Main Street of Providence Bay many years ago, submitted by Toots McDermid. |
2. | Indexes, subscription and information on "Through the Years". |
3. |
Photo: The freighter "Black River". Article: Details on the freighter Black River. |
4. |
Article: Details on the freighter Black River continued. Photo: The freighter Black River taken in Toronto, March 1995. |
5. |
Article: Details on the freighter Black River continued. Article: Judge Hewson to the rescue -- A.E. Graham. Died: Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Emery, 1909. |
6. | Photo: Gore Bay, Manitoulin Island ball team -- Murray McDermid, Ken McKenzie, Bud Thorburn, Ken Bessie, Bill Dinsmore, Johnny Walker, Bruno Debaissige, Grant Priddle, Ted Jackson, Frank Priddle, Jack Addison, Doug Prestage, Charlie McLean, Bill Clarke, Bud Priddle, Frank Major, Allan Graham. |
7. | Photo: Providence Bay, Manitoulin Island ball team -- Capain Morkey LeSarge, Murray McDermid, Ed Segall, Wendell Buie, Randy McArthur, Bob Caddell, Mike MacDonald, Doug Pattison, Harold Arnold, Glen McDougall. |
8. | Photo: Gore Bay baseball team of 1927 -- Eddie Shields, Rus Jackson, Roy Baxter, Ray Fawcett, Doug Buchanan, Tom Parker, Jim Gordon, Roy Battye, Ernie McColeman, Alex Thorburn, Charlie McLean, Frank (Bum) Clarke. |
9. | Article: Gore Bay news of May 1909 -- S. Clarke. Samuel Emery, Sam Greer, Mr. F. McRae, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cole, Miss Maggie Beange, Harold Wismer, Father Renand, Mr. Mowatt, J.B. Graham, Mike Johnson, Miss Grace Gamey, Mr. J.W. Foster, R.R. Gamey, Mrs. Hawkins, Grace Hawkins, Jas. Fisher, Capt. R.L. Graham, Thos. Fisher, Geo. Henning, Constable Morris, J.J. Turner, Colin Campbell Sr., Hugh Stephens, Miss Zilpha Bickell, Miss Bickell, Harry Snooks, Mr. D. Bickell, Judge Hewson. |
10. | Article: Gore Bay news of May 1909 continued -- Miss Jean Murray, Wm. Smith Sr., Mr. Dunlop, Mr. Bickell, Stewart Clarke, Fred Ellis, Allan Bushchart, Wm. Clark, ED Ainslie, John Bock, Miss Flora Fraser, Chas. Prior, Geo. Henning, Henry Gamey, Mr. R.T. McDonald, Andy Wabiginett, Capt. Purvis, Wm. Fields, W.M. Boyd, Mr. A. Duncanson, Chas. Hutton, Mr. M. Thorburn, Geo. Priddle, L.E. Kemp, Joseph Addison, Mrs. Joshua Jackson, Rev. D. Bruce McDonald, Mr. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Prior, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Nesbitt, Dr. J.S. Brooks, Mr. W.H. Johnson, W.H. McGregor, George Morris, Harry Biehl, R.R. Gamey. |
11. |
Article: Gore Bay news of May 1909 continued -- Sam'l Wright, Sandy Burns, A.W. Bradley, M., McDonald, Mr. Shubb,
Tom Longboat. Article: Kagawong, July 1909 -- Wes O'Brien, S. Johnston, F. Carter, H. Boyd, W. Thompson, William McAnsh, Ed Baker, John Fogal, Mr. G. Bush, William Hillard, John Bailey, James Carter Jr., Will Hunt, Jess Lehman, Albert Lemon. |
12. |
Article: Sheguiandah, June 1909 -- Miss Sproule, John Ferguson Sr., Geo. Bassingthwaighte, Mrs. W. Stevens, Mr. Melville
Stringer, Rev. Alex Halbert, Mr. Laycock, Mrs. L.W. Ferguson. Article: Gordon, June 1909 -- Will and George Strain, Mrs. Charles Brooklebank, Miss Bertha Smith, Ethel Strain and Edna Beck, Rev. J.H. More, Miss Florence McLaren, Miss Minnie Pemberton, Mrs. Henry Dixon. Article: Advance, 1909 -- Robert Elliot, R.R. Gamey, George Archibald, Wm. P. Guy, Mr. and Mrs. McGill, Miss Matilda Thompsen. |
13. |
Article: Fernlee, July 1909 -- L.E. Kemp, J.J. Rumley, Douglas Mitchell, John Wickens, John Morcen, S. Harper,
Joe Morden, Geo. Priddle, Mr. N. Wicket, Miss Maggie Edmonds, Geo. Cook, Sam Emery, Mrs. A.L. Kemp. Article: Providence Bay, June 1909 -- Miss Gandur Milliner, Capt. Jas. Purvis, Wm. Field, Mr. V.H. McLennon, Mr. W.E. Southgate, Wm. Robertson, John Lehman, John Dewar, Robert Hewitt, Wm. Gilpin, Neil McColeman, Milton Stonge, L.J. Lawson, E.W. Christian, Thos. Lawson, W.J. Bradley, Mrs. B.F. and Alex Mutchor, Mrs. Hearst, Mrs. Steele, Wm. Bailey, Capt. Chapman. |
14. |
Article: West Carnarvon, June 1909 -- Mr. and Mrs. John Bock, Martin L. Buck, Mrs. David Munroe, Mrs. Gibbs, Macdonald
Gibbs, Mr. Stotesburry. Article: Tehkummah, June 1909 -- Miss Martha Mastin, Chas. Mayland, John Smeltzer, Miss Lydia Hall, Miss Nellie Hall, Mr. Will Tilson, J. Lougheed. Article: Silverwater, June 1909 -- Joe Armstrong, Mr. W. Hazzard, Mr. W.F. Kydd, Miss Laura Rose, Jesse Lehman, Mr. and Mrs. H.A. Sims, John Wickens. Article: Grimesthorpe, June 1909 -- Mr. Beatty. |
15. |
Article: Burpee, June 1909 -- Mr. W. McKinley, John McGibbon, John Bailey, John Keown, Frank Williams, Miss Thompson,
Mr. Wismer, Arthur Williams, Will Ainslie, Rob Rumley, Howard Granville, Geo. Cook, Maggie Morden. Article: Jacksonville, May 1909 -- Phil McGrath, Oliver Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Jason Kent, Mrs. Chas. Ward, Archie Turner, Mr. Slagel, Messrs. Ed and John Jackson. Article: Providence Bay, May 1909 -- Dr. Burt. |
16. |
Article: Manitowang, May 1909 -- Mrs. H. McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Hinds, Mrs. Clement, Mrs. R. McGregor, Mrs. Dr. Walker,
Mrs. Leitch, Mr. Andrews, Master Jim White, Mrs. Tom Gorley, Miss Bessie McCoy, Dr. Brooks. Article: Tehkummah, June 1909 -- Miss Amelia Smeltzer, Mr. and Mrs. R. Tilson, Mrs. D. Williamson, Lizzie Williamson, Jas. Ritchie, Mrs. P. Pyette. |
16, 17. | Photo: of Old Little Current. |
17. |
Article: Ice Lake, June 1909 -- Rev. Mr. More, Mrs. Chas. Wright, John McArthur, Guy Palmer, W.J. Wright, Mrs. McLeod,
Mrs. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. Geo. Burch. Article: Ice Lake, June 1909 -- Jas. McGill, Mr. W.J. Wright, John Hillard, Charles Wright, Sandy Brown, Mr. H. Glanvill, Chas. Hore, Guy Palmer, Mr. C. McAthur, Geo. Birch, Chas. Wright, Jon Douglas, Fred Connors. |
18. |
Photo: The Mindemoya Orchestra. Article: Teachers Banqueted -- Rev. E. Baker, John McLaughlin, Mr. Batman. |
19. | Poems: Somebody's Darling and The Stone outside Dan Murphy's Door. |
20. | Article: The Widow of France, 1909. |
21. |
Article: The Widow of France, 1909 continued. Advertisement: Square Gear Cream Separator, Samuel Wright, Agent, Evansville. Article: North Allan, June 1909 -- Frank Alexander, Frank Van Horn, John Douglas Jr., Bob Jaffrey. |
22. |
Article: Indian Place Names. Article: Advance, June 1909 -- Mrs. A.G. Garrabrant, Wm. Guy, Mr. and Mrs. L. Stone, Mr. J. McGregor. |
23. |
Advertisement: for Sheguiandah Woollen Mills -- A. Weber, Proprietor. Article: Mistaken Identity story. |
24. |
Photo: Tom Rumley Family -- Roy Rumley, Thomas Rumley (father), Margaret, Lorne, Victor, Viola, Rebecca, Minnie (mother)
Minnie is Robert Jewell's sister. Article: Barrie Island, June 1909 -- Miss Emma Noble, Mr. and Mrs. S.G. Flanagan, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. G.H. Noble, Arthur Bryan, Mrs. R. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. F.J. Ellis, Albert Long, Dan Gillis, Mr. Long. |
25. | Article: Some Great Salaries, 1909. All the famous singers and musicians make money fast. |
26. |
Photo: The Village of Kagawong, submitted by Toots McDermid. Photo: A fisherman's cabin at Providence Bay, submitted by Toots McDermid. |
27. | Photo: The Fraser timber camp on 1904. |
28. |
Photo: Big winners in curling, 1940 -- Andy Burns, Frank Priddle, Jimmy Gordon and Adam Casson. Article: Meldrum Bay, July 1909 -- Miss Lizzie Nicholl, Mr. Purvis, Wm. Crosson, Ward Foster, Joe Good, Wm. Wickett, Paul Dube, Bill Irwin, Mr. Grant. |
29. |
Article: Glorious Twelfth, July 1909 -- Geo. L. Collins, Rev. Owens, Rev. H.R. Horne. Advertisement: Dr. Jos. Johnston, Chemist and Druggist. Article: Sheguiandah, June 1909 -- Harrison Nevills, Jas. Stringer, Byron Abbott, John Orr, Robt. Stringer, Thos. Lewis, Jas. Dunlop, Mr. C.P. Coane, Gordon Stringer, Mr. C.L.D. Sims, Mr. D. Miller, Rev. Geo. Prewer, Frank Atkinson, Miss Ila Trotter, Mrs. Aylesworth, Mrs. E.P. Daone. |
30. |
Article: School Report, Providence Bay, May 1909 -- S.S. No. 6 Carnarvon -- Howard McClarty, Ray Fawcett, Joseph Charters,
Sadie McColeman, Malcolm McDougal, Mary King, Gladys Fawcett, Essie Kennedy, Ruby Monkhouse, Lizzie Sinclair, Tory Ellis,
Elsie Berry, Evelyn Patterson, Gertie Patterson, George Berry, John Cameron, Willard Reid, Clinton Reed, George Reed,
Russell Sinclair, John McKechnie, Dimple Fawcett, Clifford Monkhouse, Grace Chisholm, Lizzie Cameron, Austin Monkhouse,
Elsworth Patterson, Francis burns, Blanche Fawcett, Bessie Leason, Mary Emery, Violet Parkins, Myrtle Wagg, Bellwood
Berry, Hazel Charters, Bertha McDougal, Ada Sinclair, Victor H. McLennon. Article: School Report, Grimesthorpe, May 1909 -- Sadie McColman, Walter Galbraith, Lizzie McDonald, Bertha Hartley, Elva McDonald, Herbie Wilson, Pearl Lougheed, Bertha McKenzie, Milton Buie, Russell McDermid, Matt Sloss, Verdie Galbraith, Bell McKenzie, Russell Hartley, John Sloss, Earl Lewis, Teddy Graham, Dave Lewis, Vera McKenzie, Bessie Anderson, Tena Bowerman, Hewson Buie, Albert Hartley, Sidney Sloss, Wesley McColeman, Venie Graham, Ida Harper, Nelda Belton, Nettie Cranston, Willie Lougheed, Sadie Reid, Violet Galbraith, Herbie Galbraith, Clarence Haner, Gracie Buie, Anne Lewis, Vernon McColeman, Janet McColeman, Victoria Cranston, Austin Hartley, Verdon Buie, Leonard Lewis, Charles Belton, Emerson Reid, Willie Reid, Austin Lewis, F. McDonald. Died: John Bates, Joseph and Mary Jane Bate, Mrs. Wm. Cockburn, Mrs. T.R. Lougheed. Article: A Terrific Storm on Superior, May 1909 -- Mr. Wm. Baxter, Captain John Baxter. |
31. |
Article: Tehkummah, May 1909 -- Mrs. R. Stocks Sr., Mrs. R. Tilson, Harry Hopkins, Mr. Kidd and Miss Rose,
Miss Agnes Sproule. Article: Jacksonville, May 1909 -- Ray Mastin. Article: Advance, May 1909 -- Mr. Wm. Gilroy, Will Guy, Mrs. Wm. P. Guy. Article: Cockburn Island, May 1909 -- John McKay, Miss Mary McKay, Mr. A. Olmstead, George Wright, Mr. Wm. Pedwell, Kenneth McDonald, Mr. M. Thorburn, Donald McDonald, Jas. Fitzpatrick, Mr. Geo. and Arthur Pateman, Mr. W.T. Pateman, Jas. Nesbitt. |
Back Cover |
Article: West Carnarvon, May 1909 -- Robert Cranston Jr., Archie Cranston, Wilfrid Parkin, David Williamson, Mr. Bock,
Rev. Mr. Fretz, Martin L. Buck, Rev. S. Marks, Rev. Munroe. Article: Pleasant Valley, May 1909 -- Mrs. Fred Glanvill, Alex Brown, Miss Mary Glanvill, Miss Janet Robertson, Henry Howald, Walter Wright. Article: North Allan, May 1909 -- George Croft, Will Hillard, Mr. and Mrs. James Montgomery, Archie Turner, Fred Montgomery. Article: Shishigwaning, May 1909. |
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Page | Article or Item |
Front Cover | Picture of a sailboat full of passenger in the early 1900's. |
2. | Indexes, subscription and information on "Through the Years". |
3. |
Article: Groceries were cheaper back in the good old days -- J.F. McDermid, Toots McDermid. Letter to the Editor: from Ronald McDonald. |
4. | Copy of a Tax Notice of George A. Amer's Book of 1907. Submitted by Owen Maguire. |
5. | Photo: of the old telephone office in Gore Bay. |
6-9. | Article: The story of Robert Russell Gamey. |
10. | Copy of a Financial Report of Manitoulin Island Rural Telephone Co. Ltd., 1943, Submitted by Toots McDermid. |
11. | Copy of a Financial Report of Manitoulin Island Rural Telephone Co. Ltd., 1944 -- signed J.H. Burt and W.W. Anglin. |
12. | Photo: of students at S.S. No. 2 Burpee (Elizabeth Bay) School, 1909, submitted by Mrs. Margaret Purvis -- Irene Ainslie (Keyes), Bertha Morden (Matheson), Mabie Williams (Noble), Matilda Thompson (Morden), Levena Ainslie, Frank Williams, Jack Williams, Jim Matheson, Matt Ainslie, Harold Ainslie, John Matheson, Reuben Ainslie, Ernest Williams, Billy Williams, Lewis Williams, Jim Blackburn, Lily Ainslie (Bryan), Thomas Ainslie, Loretta Williams (Cook), Beatrice Ainslie (Purvis), Margaret Ainslie (Purvis), Oliver Ainslie, Lewis Ainslie, Julie Ainslie (Morden), Pearl Noakes (Hayden). |
13. | Article: Reminiscences of Manitoulin Wild Flowers and Rock Formations. |
14. | Article: Reminiscences of Manitoulin Wild Flowers and Rock Formations continued. |
15. |
Article: Reminiscences of Manitoulin Wild Flowers and Rock Formations continued. Article: Cockburn Island petitions for ferry, October 1968 -- Dr. Frost. Article: Silver Water, May 1909 -- Miss Mary Rumley, Mrs. W.S. Cook, Mrs. Geo. J. Priddle, Miss H. Smyth, Miss Ida Graham, Miss Elma Edmonds, Miss Katie Kimp, Miss Mary Rumley, Mr. and Mrs. John Kemp, Mrs. G. Trick, Mr. J. Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Graham. |
16, 17. | Photo: of the Manitoulin Salvation Army of 1904 -- Jack Montgomery, Alvin Green, James Campbell, Bobby Thorburn, Tom Ritching, Charlie Conners, Johnse Noble, Bill Pierce, Sam Clayton, Mr. Hunt, Neil Montgomery. |
18. |
Article: Ice Lake, June 1909 -- John Wilson, Mrs. N. Douglas, Mr. A. Walker, Mrs. A. Brown, Ed Baker, Mr. A. Archibald,
Miss Janet Robertson, Mr. W.J. Wright, Miss F. Brown, Miss Lizzie Wilson, Mrs. A. McArthur, Mr. I. Johnson, Rev. Mr.
More, Mr. W. Young, Miss Nellie Wilson. Article: Big Lake, June 1909 -- James Johnston, Miss Zella Hutchinson, Rev. W.W. Anglin, Miss E. Hamilton, Mr. N. Moody, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hutchinson, Mr. and Mrs. Young, Mr. J. Lehman, Miss Wilson, Mrs. Jas. Hutchinson, Inspector McLaughlin, Mrs. A. Ashley, Mr. Currie. Article: Poplar, May 1909 -- Miss M. Platt, Miss Lizzie Robinson, Miss Hetty Middleton, Archie Turner, Mr. E. Snow, Mr. E. Minard. |
19. |
Article: Burpee, July 1909 -- Sam McKinley, Mr. Bailey, John Martin, Harry Hall, Wm. McKinley, Pool Campbell, Joe Noland,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Williams, Dr. Johnston, Edward Ainslie, Archie Ainslie, Mrs. Robert Greenman, Frank Williams,
William Morden, Sam Emery, John Williams, Allen Matheson, Will Bailey, Will Ainslie, John Bailey, Mr. Keown,
Arthur Williams, Miss Thompson, Hugh Bailey, Frank Morden. Article: Lake Manitou, July 1909 -- Miss Lockyers, Miss Emma McCulligh, Mr. Andrew. |
20. |
Article: Lake Manitou, July 1909 continued -- Mat McCulligh. Article: Sheguiandah, July 1909 -- Jas. Burnett, Gordon Bickell, Miss Ethel and Viola Bickell, Miss Hastie, John Hastie, Len Rumley, John Dunlop Jr., Will Dunlop, Miss Dell Lewis. Article: Poplar, July 1909 -- Miss Clara Noland, Miss Besse McArthur, Mrs. Sterling, Wm. Foster, Cecil Atkinson. |
21. |
Photo: The Germanic. Article: about the steamer Germanic. |
22. | Poem: Old Familiar Faces. |
23. | Article: "Many lives were saved", S.S. Arlington. |
24. |
Article: "Many lives were saved", S.S. Arlington continued. Article: Kagawong, May 1909 -- James Caddel, Robert Seers, Wm. Cronk, Aaron Walker, George Foster, Mr. G. Hawk, Mr. McPherosn, Sam MacLean, W.M. Boyd, Henry Baker. |
25. | Photo: the corner of Water and Worthington Streets, Little Current, early 1900's. |
26. |
Photo: two early homes in Meldrum Bay belonging to Gertie Bailey and Ella Williams. Article: Fernlee, May 1909 -- H. Snooks, H. Smyth, John Morden, J.J. Rumley, Chas. Burns. Article: Advance, May 1909 -- Mrs. Holder, Mr. W. Gilchrist, Mr. L. Gamey. |
27. | Copy of an invitation to a 50th anniversary for Mr. and Mrs. James Leeson. Return address: Mrs. and Mrs. Henry McMullen. |
28. |
Photo: of Captain Adam Casson, another man and a child. Article: about Captain Adam Casson. |
29. |
Article: about Captain Adam Casson continued -- Rev. Mr. Swaison, Whilhemina Jennings, Effie Bowman,
Mac McQuarrie, Dorothy Purvis. Article: Gordon, July 1909 -- Harry Hall, Mrs. Charlie Burt, Mrs. Cushing, Jim Cushing, Mr. and Mrs. John Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Gilroy, Fred Nelle, Miss May Vanzant. |
30. |
Article: New Beginnings, New Hope, by Jessie Munro -- Mrs. Gilchrist, Jim Johnston, Frank Van Horn, Ira Middaugh. Article: Barrie Island, May 1909 -- J. McLaughlin, Geo. Henning. |
31. |
Photo: of students at Gore Bay Public School, 1950/51 -- Evelyn Kruger, Mary Jane Thibault, Helen Jewell, Eleanor Munro,
Frances Coburn, Dorothy Bisson, Maudie Lane, Alberta Coburn, John Rowe, Wilmer Rowe, John Sloan, Calvin Kelly,
Irene Coburn, Shirley Fogal, Loreen Bryan, Loreen Gibson, Annie McCannell, Thelma McLeod, Noreen Wilson, Marion Bousquet,
Craige McQuarrie, Fred Wright, Jack Hunt and Fred Emery. Submitted by Evelyn (Kruger) Towns. Article: Sandfield, May 1909 -- Mr. Gordon, Mrs. Stocks, Mr. J. Hutchinson, Joe Robinson, Elias Hutchinson. |
Back Cover |
Article: Sheguiandah man horticultural director, 1963 -- F.A. Lashley, Murray Smith, George Biship,
Mrs. Peter McCallister, George Bishop, Mrs. M.O. Mersett, Mrs. K.W. Biglow, Frank Siliphant, Murray Smith. Article: Address, 1909 -- Josh Jackson, signed Mrs. Cosby. |
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Page | Article or Item |
Front Cover | Note: Historical sketch of Wikwemikong from 1648-1981. |
2. | Indexes, subscription and information on "Through the Years". |
3. |
In this edition of Through The Years, we present a synopsis of the History of Wikwemikong Reserve on the Manitoulin
Island. Note from name transcriber: Pages 4 through 29 only names will be listed, and only once, and no titles. |
4. | Father Antoine Poncet, Father J.B. Prouix, Francis Bond Head, Bishop Gaulin, Bishop Power, Father Charest, Father Chone, Ferdinand Roque, Father Hanipaux, Capt. Anderson, Father Kohier, Father Nicholas Point, Bishop Baraga. |
5. | Mr. and Mrs. Cadotte, Dr. Darling, Mr. J. Dollard, Father F. Boulanger, Father Durangquet, Brother Jennesseau, Father du Ranqet, Brother Jean Veronneau, Father Hanipaux, Mr. McCormick, Wakegijik, Kinogame, Lawagijik, Animikwaam, Aguonie, Father Peter Point, Bemanakinang. |
6. | Chief Kenogameg, Chief Bemassige, Father Fremiot, Father Hanipaux, Mrs. Hebert. |
7. | Brother Jennesseau, Father Hus, Marie Mishibinijima, Marguerite Itawegijik, Bishop Farrell. |
8. | Mr. Gibbard, Father Ferard, Metosage. |
9. | Brother Muldoon (Tibishkokijik), Father Blettner (Desaneshkand), Mr. Wm. Gibbard, Wakegijik and Thomas, Chief Osawanimiki, Judge Prince. |
10. | Agent Dupont, Kitchi Batis, Mathew Cameron, Father Ferard, Father Perron, Dr. Layton, Dr. Simpson, Wakegijig, Alphonsus Rodriguez. |
11. | Brother Clark (Ogedenakwad), Bishop Baraga, Miss Francis, Brother Hickey, Miss Elizabeth. |
12. | Bishop Jamot, Archbishop Lynch, Koehmstedt, Brother Lovoie. |
13. | Bishop Jamot (Sagakki), (?) Beaudin, Chief Kinogameg, Chief Wakegijik, Brother Brown, Mr. Phipps. |
14. | James McKay. |
15. | Brother Genest, Dr. Francis, Mr. Crowley, Wm. Kinogameg, Mr. McLean. |
16. | Father Hudon, Miss Lucy, Miss Miller, Mr. Somlon, Gabow, Brother Dubord, Father Hamel, Chief Wakegijik. |
17. | Dom Flamand, Father Gagnieur, Agatha Gabow, J. Peltier (Wawashkesh), Father Fremiot, Bishop O'Connor, P. Cooney. |
18. | Father Richard, Brother Gauthier, Mr. Benson, W.B. Rose, Wm. Kiwiwe, Mr. McNeill, Mr. Hogan, Dr. Stevens, Father Dugas, Brother Trudell. |
19. | Chief Wm. Kinogang, Mr. Cameron, Miss Bridget, Brother Lefebre, Wassegijig, Father Larue (Waiadeshkang), Father Coulture. |
20. | James Dougherity, Father Specht, Father Desautels (Gasongideshkong), Minakwad, Bishop Scollard, Mr. Sherette, Miss Margaret Whelan. |
21. | Father Baudin, Porcheron, Sophia Bebamikwe, Father Drolet. |
22. | Joseph Bitawanakwad, Father Bellemere, Father Paquin, Sisters Helen and Agnes Gabow. |
23. | Ignace Osawanimiki, Jos. Osawanimiki, Brother Savole, Mr. Dubeau, Miss St. James. |
24. | Chief Osawanimiki, Father James Howit, Vincent Wakegijik, Lucle Tekushijisaan, Father Provincial, Father Hingston, Brother Flynn, Marie Neokwegijik. |
25. | Alex Roland, James Wakegijik, Miss Brown, Father Labelle (Gaminodee), Jos. Roy, Brother McMyler. |
26. | Miss Brown, Father Belanger. |
27. | Catherine Tegakwitha, Zoe Bebamikwe, Mary Pangowish, Father Paquin, Charlotte Manitowabi, Chief Joe. Wakegijik, Dr. Shaw, Evely Atchitawens, Alex Peltier, Father Renaud, Wm. Kinogameg. |
28. | Father Rolland (Alabisiwinge), Henry Webkamigad, Tom Longboat, Father George Nuna, Harry Wabanose. |
29. |
Adam Corbiere, Andrew Manitowabi. Article: Gore Bay new, June 1909 -- F.E. Titus, Stewart Clarke, Norman Smith, Jas. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Easton, Inspector McLaughlin, Roy Smith, George Hall, R.T. Hall, Will McGibbon, Magistrate W.H. Price, Mrs. R.J. Porter, Mrs. H. Woodleigh, Joseph Beattie, Mrs. J.F. Haner, Andrew McMillan, John McGibbon, D`Arcy Burns, Wm. Burns, Dr. McComb, John Taylor. |
30. | Article: Gore Bay new, June 1909 continued -- Sam Flanagan, Wm. Clarke, Frank Williams, Mr. E.G. Scott, Mrs. W.T. Wright, Mr. J.W. Kinney, Mr. A.C. Edmonds, Sam Every, James McKinley, Geo. Scott, T. Wittie, Mr. J.O. Gilbert, Mrs. Melford, Mrs. Fred Smith, Police Magistrate Price, C. Egan, John Merrylees, Sam Churchill, Mr. Sandy Burns, Wm. Cosby, Mrs. A.B. McCullum, Mr. and Mrs. Titus, Samuel Lane, Mat Irving, Sheriff Irving, John Rumley. |
31. |
Article: Gore Bay new, June 1909 continued -- Donald Campbell, Miss Annie Gamey, Miss Muriel Morris,
Miss Pearl Hall, Mrs. Morris, Johnston Baker. English song and lyrics, written by M. Hobson. |
Back Cover |
Poem: Her Debut Night, by Amy E. Campbell, February 1909. Poem: Seeing is Believing, by Edgar A. Guest. |
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Page | Article or Item |
Front Cover | Photo: of 1926 automobile -- Joe Millman family of Meldrum Bay, Edna, Alberta, Nellie and grandsons. |
2. | Indexes, subscription and information on "Through the Years". |
3. |
Photo: of 1926 automobile with Joe Milliman. Submitted by Edna Millman. Photo: of Donald McQuarrie and his children Kaye and Ronald with a car. |
4. | Letters to the Editor: 1909 -- S.P. Jackson. |
5. | Letters to the Editor: 1909 continued -- Chas. White. |
6. | Letters to the Editor: 1909 continued -- S.P. Jackson. |
7. | Letters to the Editor: 1909 continued -- Chas. White. |
8. | Letters to the Editor: 1909 continued. |
9. | Letters to the Editor: 1909 continued -- S.P. Jackson. |
10. | Letters to the Editor: 1909 continued -- S.A. Marks, Felix A. Belcher. |
11. | Letters to the Editor: 1909 continued -- S.P. Jackson. |
12. | Letters to the Editor: 1909 continued -- signed "Farmer John". |
13. | Letters to the Editor: 1909 continued -- S.P. Jackson, and "Fair Play". |
14. |
Article: Gordon, June 1909 -- Frank Lowrie, Mrs. Will Strain, Mrs. Becktel, Mr. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Al Pemberton,
Mr. and Mrs. John Hall, Miss Eleanor Miles, Mrs. Emery, James Emery, Dan McArthur, Mr. and Mrs., George Emery,
Miss Jean Milligan, Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas. Article: Tehkummah, May 1909 -- Miss Cassie Russell, Mr. Alex Russell, Jas. Caddel, Miss L. Duxbury, Mrs. A. Trowbridge, John Little. Article: Billings, May 1909 -- Mr. Henry Smyth, Mr. Campbell, John Greenfield, Russell Wiber, Mr. D.J. Bailey, Will Conk, Bert Foster. |
15. |
Article: Soo Marathon, July 1909 -- Harold Munro, M. Bell, Harry Killen, K. Weeks, Melvin O'Neil, Joe Shogle, W. Cook,
Isaac Marshall, Harold Nelson, Neil Munro. Article: Providence Bay, June 1990 -- Neil McDougall, Oliver Berry, Fred Leison, Mrs. Thos. Reid, John Kennedy, Wm. Charters, Robert Gault, W.J. Berry, Richard Tasker, Wm. Imrie, H.M. McNally, G.A Gordon, Mr. Wallace, James Frampton. Article: Gordon, June 1909 -- Joney Lee, Geo. Willett, Mr. Bannerman, Miss Olia Hall, Mr. T.J. Hall. |
16. |
Article: Gordon, June 1909 continued -- Mrs. H. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Nelles. Replica of the ship Nonsuch, belonging to the Hudson's Bay Company. |
17. |
Article: Kagawong, June 1909 -- Neil McDougall, Mr. Jesse Leham, Will Hillard, Wm. Snow, Mr. Taylor. Article: Advance, May 1909 -- Miss Gertie Vance, Mrs. F. Glanvill, Wm. Gilroy, Mr. Pewer, Mr. Tate. |
18. | Article: A remarkable old document, submitted by William Purvis. |
19. | Photo: of the Allen home. |
20. |
Article: A remarkable old document continued from page 18 -- signed by Timothy Corncraik. Article: North Allan, May 1909 -- Chas. Wright, Miss L. Bowser, Mr. A. Turner, Bernard Montgomery, Mr. L. McDougall, Miss L. Wright, John Turner, Alex Brown, Miss Maggie Beange, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Montgomery, Mrs. Mack McCaffrey. |
21. | Three photos of the Village of Kagawong. No date. |
22. |
Letter from the West (Alberta), Aug. 1909 -- A.E. Graham, signed W.T. Cook. Article: Communication, 1909. Article: Poplar, May, 1909 -- Cecil Atkinson, Ernest Moscrop, Clarence Oxford, Rev. Mr. Tate, George Bowser, Milton Dinsmore, Thomas Robinson, Mr. E. Noland, Mr. S. Middleton. |
23. |
Article: Challenges, Aug 1909 -- Clarence Platt, signed D.B. Burns, John Wickens, W. Smapson, R.J. Porter,
D'Arcy Burns, C.E. Platt. Article: Reply to C.E. Platt, Aug 1909 -- signed D.B. Burns. Article: Court of Assizes, 1909 -- Justice Britton, Peter Ogemah, Harriett Nawegesick. Article: Court of Assizes continued -- Thomas McLean, McGregor estate. |
24. | Pictures of two homes in early 1900's. |
25, 26. | Typographic error, these pages were not included in this edition. |
27. | Article: News Items of Interest, 1909. |
28. |
Poem: The Lady and the Chameloen. Song of Humbug, 1908, by LaTouche Hancock, New York Sun. |
29. |
Article: School Report, 1909, S.S. No. 6 Carnarvon -- Howard McClarty, Ulva Ellis, Willie Chisholm, Ray Fawcett,
Essie Kennedy, Mary King, Ruby Monkhouse, Lizzie Sinkler, Elsie Berry, Will Monkhouse, Herman Chisholm, A.I. Pattison,
Evelyn Pattison, Willard Reid, Clinton Reid, John Camerson, Edna Mckechnie, Warren Wedgerfield, Ada Sinkler,
Lizzie Cameron, Mary Emiry, Bellwood Berry, Bertha McDougall, Grace Chisholm, Violet Parkins, George Emiry,
Austin Monkhouse, Elsworth Pattison, Blanch Fawcett, Myrtle Wagg, Hazel Charters, Francis Burns, V.H. McLenon. Article: Canada's Paganini, 1909 -- George Fox, Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Mutchmor. Article: Silver Water, May 1909 -- Capt. Graham, Mr. H. Snook, Mr. M.R. Thorburn, Jock Campbell. |
30. | Advertisement: for The Daimler Motor Co., Coventy, England. |
31. | Article: A big day on Manitoulin, Marathon Meet, 1909 -- Chas. Burns, John Wickens, D. Bailey, H. O'Neil, Jas. Mastin, Solomon and Roy of Killarney, Clarence Platt, D. Burns, W. Galbraith, M. Jennings, C. Smith, R. Willett, Robt. Elliott, Billy Sampson, Andy Wabiganette, J. Jackson, E. Charter, Shaw and A.J. Wickens, N. McDougall, J.R. McGregor, T. Hand, R.R. Gamey, Geo. Henning, S.H. Greer, A.E. Graham, Andrew Hall, H. Bull. |
Back Cover |
Article: Silverwater, 1909 -- Mr. A.E. Graham, James Corey, Mrs. B. Crooke, Mr. J. Crawford, Mrs. Snead, Mrs. Geo.
Armstrong. Article: Barrie Island, 1909 -- Mr. Geo. Brydes, Miss Mary McLean, Miss Ruthven, Mr. Cushin, Mrs. Geo. Doherty, Mr. and Mrs. John Jeffkins, Mrs. Griffith, Mrs. W.A. Runnalls, Emma Noble, Mrs. N.N. Runnalls, Mrs. N.O. Runnalls, Mrs. John Jennings. Article: Sheguiandah, 1909 -- Ed Bradley, Harry Lewis, James Burnett, Rev. E. Baker, Mr. Halbert, Mrs. Nevills, Levi Stringer, Melville Stringer, Miss Ellen R. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Finch, Mrs. D. McGilvary. |
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Page | Article or Item |
Front Cover | Photo: of the vessel Bon Ami. |
2. | Indexes, subscription and information on "Through the Years". |
3. | Two photos taken at Arden and Ruth Duncanson's farm of deer hunters and their harvest. |
4. | Poem: The old hunting camp, by Lyle Henderson, Kalkaska, Michigan. |
5. | Photo: Twelve Michigan men take down 30 deer. |
6. | Article: Manitoulin district news items -- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McGibbon, Mr. W. Hubbert, Tom Longboat, Mr. T.J. Smith, Miss Montcrief, Wm. Robertson, Mr. A. Delaphante, Doctor and Mrs. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. N. Wickett, Mrs. Fred Smith, Mr. J.B. Wallace, Wm. Burke, Lyman Gamey, Isaac Bailey, Judge Hewson, Dr. Henderson, Richard Nicholson, Mr. Saul Nicholson, Archie Duncanson, Wm. McKinley. |
7. | Article: Manitoulin district news items continued -- Judge Hewson, Miss Grace Gamey, Mr. A. Brown, Miss Hubell, Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Burns, Mr. and Mrs. John Fraser, Mr. A.M. Rumley, Miss Flo Kinney, Miss Mepham, Miss Annie Gamey, John Wismer, Mr. Abe Lehman, Mr. and Mrs. McNally, John Fraser, J.H. Cranston, Dr. Thornloe, John Bailey, Sergeant Blackburn, Frank Morden. |
8. | Article: Manitoulin district news items continued -- Thom. Robinson, Miss B. McLane, Mr. Sam, Miss C. Greer, Mr. B.F. Mutchmor, Donald McArthur, Wm. Vincer, R.J. Porter, Willard Cook, Geo. Trick, James Fitzpatrick, Mr. Beattie, Mr. C.E. Platt, Mr. C.H. Mastin, Harry Gamey, A.E. Graham, Miss Gertrude Vance, John M. Fraser, Sandy Burns, Thomas Lougheed, Master Frank Priddle, Mrs. R.J. Armstrong, Mrs. Neil McIntosh, Wm. Johnston, Miss Lottie Johnston, Mrs. Trick, Mrs. Jason Kent, Mrs. Esley Eaton, Mr. Geo. Trick, Chas. White, A.E. Graham, R.J. Proter, F. McRae, S.P. Jackson, W.H. Hurst, Ed Christian, A.E. Graham, S. Greer, C.H. Mastin, M.S. Sutherland, C.C. Platt, W.R. Young. |
9. |
Photo: of Manitoulin soldiers at the Halifax Disaster, submitted by Ruth (Buck) Duncanson. Article: General French, of the Boer War. |
10. |
Article: Soldier helps temperance 1909, after 37 years Sir Ian Hamilton Signs Pledge. Article: Tehkummah, 1909 -- Miss McKerrol, Miss McNevin, Mr. and Mrs. Colenutt, Wm. Griffin, Miss A. Tilson, Miss Amanda Storms, Jas. Williamson, Mrs. David Hopkins, Dr. and Mrs. J.C. Speer, Mrs. H.B. Gallagher, Miss Martha Mastin. |
11-13. | Article: Admiral Nelson's victory in 1798 over the French fleet at the mouth of the Nile. |
14. |
Article: Burpee, June 1909 -- Jas. McKinley, Wm. Griffith, Frank Williams, Jas. Blackburn, Thos. Rumley, Will Griffith,
James McKinley, Sam Emery, John Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Prestage, Mr. and Mrs. John Williams, Mr. M.R. Thorburn,
Chas. Morden, John Morden, Miss Grace Williams, Mr. A.L. Kemp. Article: Mindemoya, 1909 -- Miss Lillie McNevin, Miss Mary Williamson, Miss Aggle Aiken, Mrs. Walter Gordon, Miss Kink, Mr. King. |
15. | Copy of the 1909 District of Manitoulin Court Calendar -- Archibald Bain McCallum, Charles Caleb Platt, J. Haddow Fell, A.G. Murray, W.R. Abrey, His Honor Judge McCallum, Andrew Hall, E.F. Leith, D. McGilvery, Alfred Monck. |
16. |
Letter from Redford, Sask. Photo: J.H. Thorburn Family in 1900, submitted by Bud Thorburn -- Mr. J.H. Thorburn, Annie, Katherine, Robert, Jessie, Mungo, Flora, Mrs. Annie Thorburn, Donald, Margaret, George, Mary. |
17. |
Article: Promotions, 1909 -- G. Wilson, O. Titus, E. Burns, E. Bailey, W. Bryan, E. Myles, G. Jewel, M. Johnston,
D. Alken, W. Fraser, E. Beck. Article: Sheguiandah, 1909 -- Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Hastie, Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Angus Dunlop, Mrs. Nevills, Chas. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Hillock, Mrs. F.R. Bradbury, Jas. Dunlop, Chas. Aylesworth, Mr. Halbert, Gordon Bickell, Thos. Batman, Mrs. Thos. Trimmer, Rev. Mr. Prewer. |
18. | Photo: The Griffith Family before 1900, submitted by Helen (Tracy) Croswell -- William, Donald, Matthew, Thomas, George, Bob, Mrs. Jane Griffith, Nelle, Mr. Thomas Griffith. |
19. | Photo: The Jackson Family in 1903, submitted by Jean (Jackson) Capon -- Verna (Jackson) Armstrong, Edward Henry Jackson, Mary Anne (Coatsworth) Jackson, Winnifred (daughter of Ned Jackson), Rev. Clifford Jackson, (Mollie) May Isabelle (Jackson) Smith, Evelyn Purvis (daughter of Sally (Jackson), and Jack Purvis and Wilhemener who died in infancy. |
20. | Article: The Reverend James Ralph Steele Mutchmore, moderator of the United Church 1963-64 talks of his early years on Manitoulin Island, submitted by Toots McDermid. |
21. |
Article: The Reverend James Ralph Steele Mutchmore continued. Article: Britainville, 1909 -- Geo. Spackman, Mrs. J.W. Umphrey, Miss Effie, Mr. F. Glanvill, Mrs. Neil McColeman, Miss Gladys Paisley. Article: Sheguiandah, 1909 -- Miss Mabel Hastie, Rev. F. Meredith, Will Nevill, Mr. L.W. Ferguson, Mr. Geo. Sharlton, Byron Abbott. |
22. |
Photo: of Eleanor Street, Gore Bay many years ago. Photo: of apple trees at Gordon Farm, submitted by Stan Gordon Sr. |
23. |
Photo: of the Manitoulin District Court House, Gore Bay. Details of the above Court House, Phipps Street, Gore Bay -- Kivas Tully, George Ball. |
24. | Details of the above Court House, Phipps Street, Gore Bay continued. |
25. | Details of the above Court House, Phipps Street, Gore Bay continued -- F.W. Major, Max Rosenthal. |
26. |
Article: 3,000,000 Buried Coins, South Africa, 1909. Article: Lioness fatally wounds Arab who sought to steal her cubs. |
27. |
Photo: the Johnson Family, 1900 -- Jane (Armstrong), Bill Ishmel, John, Alfred, Ida (MacIntosh), Grandpa Isaac Johnson,
Isaac, Grandma Jane (Hill), Alice (White), Jim, Myrtle, Gilfoy and Samuel. Article: Big Lake, 1909 -- Mr. and Mrs. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. M. Young, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith, Mr. Dighy Young, David Thompson. |
28. |
Listing of those buried in Meldrum Bay Cemetery. Note from name transcriber -- more complete listings can be found on the Manitoulin web site. |
29. |
Article: Burpee, 1909 -- Mr. Crawford, Wm. Ainsley, Jas. Blackburn, Wm. Baxter, John Williams, John Morden, Joe Williams,
Mr. Crawford, Wm. Bailey, Mrs. Wright and Sandy, Edward Ainsley, Levy Patterson, Mrs. Wm. Noakes, Mrs. Malcolm McCarthur,
Mr. W.F. Neal. Article: Fernlee, June 1909 -- Mr. A.L. Kemp, Wm. Priddle, Mrs. A. McMillan, H. Smyth, Dr. Johnston, Mrs. L. Duncanson, Mr. Hopkins, Mr. G.H. Cook, D. McMillan, Chas. Hutton, Jim Crawford. |
30. |
Article: Fernlee, June 1909 continued -- Chas. Morden, Mr. A. McMillan, Andrew McMillan, Rev. A. Gills. Article: Pleasant Valley, May 1909 -- Truman Wilson, Hugh Brown, Walter Wright, Wm. Snedden, Miss Florence and Tillie Brown, Mrs. Fred Glanvill, Mr. H. Howard, Mr. A. Robertson, Miss Lizzie Wilson, Mrs. R. Deering, Mr. George and Thomas Archibald. Article: Green Bay, May 1909 -- Mrs. Dave Wyman, Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong, Mrs. R. Stringer, Mrs. L.W. Ferguson, Rev. A. Laycock, Mrs. H. Crosley, Miss Eliza Stringer, John Skippen, Mr. H. Wooley, Angus Dunlop. Article: Gordon, May 1909 -- Mr. George Strain. |
31. |
Article: Gordon, May 1909 continued -- Alf Johnson, Miss McLean, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Nelles. Article: Advance, 1909 -- John Vance Sam McLennan, Miss Gurtie Vance, Robert Elliott. Article: Lake Manitou, 1909 -- Norman Forsythe, Miss Emma McCulligh, Mrs. Thompson, Miss Mable MccCulligh, Miss Alice Alick, Miss May Gould, Mr. L. McDougall, Mr. W. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Moggy. Article: Providence Bay, July 1909 -- Wm. Horn, Mr. and Miss King, Miss Christina Bowerman, Miss Ina Latham, Wm. Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mutchmor, Rev. Mr. Munroe, Mr. Lyble. |
Back Cover |
Article: Wedded, 1909 -- Minnie Leona Wilson & Robert G. Clark, Samuel Wilson, Rev. Mr. Fiske, Mr. Fry, Miss Bickell,
Miss Carrie Wilson. Article: Poplar, 1909 -- Mr. McArthur, Mr. Bannerman, Miss Hastie, Mr. Meredith, Mr. J.C. Baker, Miss Olive Spackman, Mrs. M. Oxford, Miss Queenie Nealy, Miss Noland. Article: West Carnarvon, 1909 -- Rev. Mr. Remington, Miss Little, Sam King, Rev. Mr. Munro. |
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Page | Article or Item |
Front Cover | Merry Christmas. |
2. | Indexes, subscription and information on "Through the Years". |
3. |
This booklet is dedicated to the first 10 years of publications as Willis John McQuarrie turns the business over to
Marg Sanderson and Doug Robinson. Through The Years in retrospect -- Lorne and John McQuarrie, Cecil Merrylees, Donald McQuarrie, John Merrylees, Ronald McQuarrie. |
4. | Through The Years in retrospect continued -- William Watts. |
5. | Article: An Old Timer Recalls Memories of Long Ago, written by W.J. Moody, 1954 -- John Hillard, William Hillard, George Avis, Wes Galagher, Douglas Buie, Ernest Ferguson, R.R. Gamey. |
6. | Article: An Old Timer Recalls Memories of Long Ago continued -- John/Jim Alexander, John Luther, Paddy Berry, Joe Gibson, Will Culford. |
7. | Article: An Old Timer Recalls Memories of Long Ago continued -- Jack Reed, Burt Davidson, Burt Bridges, Jack Connors. |
8. | Article: An Old Timer Recalls Memories of Long Ago continued -- Chris Towell, Tom Smith, Mr. Pateman, Mr. Foster, Dan Morrison. |
9. | Article: An Old Timer Recalls Memories of Long Ago continued -- Charlie Moody, Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, Mr. Bradley, Mr. Bradbury, Will Bassingthwaite, Walter McFarlane, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williton, Albert Trowbridge, Mrs. Coventry, Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, Wes Gallagher, Frank Haner. |
10. | Stories -- Humphrey May, Rev. P.T. Rowe. |
11. | Poem: Sorrow for the Lost, composed by Robert Tustian. |
12. | The Worst Marine Accident in Manitoulin History, the Asia: those know to be onboard -- J.H. Tinkis, D.A. Tinkis, H.B. Gallagher, Capt. Savage, Mate McDonald, Second Mate McNabb, Purser McDougall, Steward Carter. |
13. | Article: D.A. Tinkis tells his story of the Asia accident. |
14. | Article: D.A. Tinkis tells his story of the Asia accident continued -- Miss Little, Miss Morrison, Grace Darling. |
15. |
Article: Jury's Findings. Article: Newly Married Couple Perish, October 1882 -- Agnes Mastin & Willie Christie, Mr. I. Mastin, Verna Middaugh. |
16. | List of Manitoulin marine history casualties. |
17. | List of Manitoulin marine history casualties continued. |
18. |
List of Manitoulin marine history casualties continued. Article: The Burning of the Steamer Manitoulin, Manitowaning Bay, May 18, 1882 -- David Young. |
19. | Article: The Burning of the Steamer Manitoulin continued -- Capt. John Simpson, Capt. P.M. Campbell, John Maynard, William Lockerbie, Duncan X. McInnes, Mate Playter, Engineer Lockerbie. |
20. |
Article: The Burning of the Steamer Manitoulin continued -- Capt. Campbell. Article: A Tragic Story in Manitoulin History, March 1987 -- Russell and Evangelina Carter, Robert Boyter, Mr. Thorpe. |
21. | Article: A Tragic Story in Manitoulin History continued -- Mr. Lewis, May Baxter, Miss Shea, Robert Boyter, Mr. Thorne. |
22. | Article: A Tragic Story in Manitoulin History continued -- James Young, B. Canniff, Gilbert McWhirter, William Thorn. |
23. |
Article: A Tragic Story in Manitoulin History continued -- Robert Boyter, Mr. Lewis. Article: Perishing on the Ice -- Mrs. Boyter, George Thorn, Nellis Shea, May Baxter, Alex Lewis. |
24. |
Article: Perishing on the Ice continued -- Dr. Johnson, Mr. Currie, Messrs. Baxter, Jackson, Cameron and Barry,
Messrs. Young, McWhirter and Caniff, Mr. W. Thorburn, Mr. Lewis, Miss Baxter, Miss Shea, Dr. Johnston,
W.H. Baxter. Article: Recollections by Mr. Anderson -- Robert Boyter, Dan Boyter, Dr. Johnson, Busty Currie. |
25. |
Article: Recollections by Mr. Anderson continued -- May Baxter, Andrew Davidson, Gilbert McWhirter, James Young,
Wm. Thorburn. Written by the Editor -- Danny Dodge. |
26. | Written by the Editor continued -- Frank Guinn, R.R. Gamey, Hon. Beniah Bowman, A.E. Graham, Senator Farquhar, John Lane, Chief Black Burd, Frank Debassige, J.B. Assignack. |
27. | Written by the Editor who is Thankful to many -- Ev Proctor, Earl Baker, Kathleen Dinsmore, Jean McLennan, Frank Myers, Clara Lane, J.L Runnalls, Harry Jaggard, Alex Aiken, Grant Priddle, Skip Gillham, John and Ethel Prior, Helen Fogal, Gilmore Tracy, Lois Cooper, Bruce Pitfield, Harold Ednie, August Kruger, Jean Harvey, Melvin Bock, John Buie, Jean Jackson Capon, Helen Tracy Croswell, Barney Turner, Emily Rolston, Margaret Purvis, Lin Fraser, Edmon Long, Harold Irwin, Carmen Walker, Ron Lane, Ian Anderson, Marty Thorburn, George Thorburn, Dougal Middleton, Louise McGibbon, Mary Fogg, Charlie Robertson, John Rowe, Beatrice Beange, Hazel Addison, Harold McMilan, Reg Dewar, Erma McAllister, Ronald McDonald, Myrtle McDermid, Toots McDermid, Cecil Merrylees, Mary Ellen Lane, Ivan Trick, Owen Maguire, Dorothy Addison, Edna Hazzard, Francis, Colville, Marvin Clarke, Marven Bowman, Cecil King, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Carter, Gerald McLeod, Mac McQuarrie, Eva and George Skippen, Edna Millman, Elva Doris and Jack Hester, Kathleen and Maurice Trick, Sharon Green, Terri Van Horn, Helen Hazzard, Randy Anning, Bob Brooks, Jim Noble, Greg Batman, Theresa (McQuarrie) Noble, Beth (McQuarrie) Gibbs, Arlene (McGibbon) McQuarrie. |
28. | Written by the Editor continued -- signed Willis John McQuarrie, Doug Robinson, Marg Sanderson. |
29. | Photo: ladies wearing the dress of the era -- Jean Wilson and Myrtle Aline. |
30. |
Article: Billings-Allan Township, Christmas 1898 student list -- Lile Wilson, Annie Wyman, Beta Love, Hannah Farquhar,
Willie Van Horn, Marshal Holmes, George Farquhar, Emma Buck, George Wyman, Ada Hilliard, Ardella McGill, Norman LaRush,
Vern LaRush, Harry Rawlings, May Wyman, John Pierce, Maggie Farquhar, Myrtle Dickout, Fred Tustian, Willie Burch,
Alex Burch, Walter Newburn, Joe LaRush, Florence Chapman, John McGill, Alice Rawlings, Amy LaRush, Earnest Burch,
Roy Wright, Morley Dickout, Willie Hilliard, Percy Hunt, Earnest Hunt, Dave McGaughy, Mary Graham, Joe Newburn,
Willie Dickout, Willie Clark, Edith Farquhar, Lesley Tustian, Willie Graham, Fred Wyman, Tommy Boyd, Jennie Graham,
Benson Love, Tommy Van Horn, Joseph Rawlings, Edith Newburn, Lizzie Thompson, Amelia Slagel, Laura Graham,
Richard Wyman, James Newburn, Frank La Bar, Nellie Wyman, Tena La Bar, Maudie Graham, Minerve La Bar. Submitted by Stan
Gordon Sr. Merry Christmas Wishes from Ellen Bailey, Ed Brown in 1911. Submitted by Toots McDermid. |
31. | Poem: Christmas 1918 -- signed from O. Brown, Capt. -- Submitted by Toots McDermid. |
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Photo: The family car -- Keith and Norma Wismer. Submitted by Louise McGibbon. Article: Bush Fires, August 1909 -- McDonald & Rose, Owen Sound. |
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