MFT Home 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 TOP
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Front Cover | TURKEY SHOW OF 1937: Charlie Langton, Bill Vicer. |
2. | Indexes. |
3. | Photo: Old Cedar Fences. |
4. |
Article: The New Year 1920; Victory Bonds. Article: Some Island Marriages: By Bruce Pitfield, Rev W.G. Marshall, William Russell to Margaret Martin, Rev J.R. Gibson, Abraham Dinsmore to Mary Emma Goodmurphy, William C Conner to Emma Spry, Rev J. Morgan, William Spurgeon Bradley to Alice Leslie, Rev J Baskerville, Charles McKechnie to Jane Bracken, Rev. D.H. McLennan, Robert G. Crouch to Agnes McPherson dau of John McPherson, Rev T. Neal, Daniel Kitchen to Miss Rachael Wakelam, Rev T.W. Neal, Thomas Lewis to Miss Sarah Francis Pretty, dau of Charles Pretty. |
5-8. |
Article: Manitoulin 1600-1800 by Th. Couture S.J.,: Father Couture,
Father Vimont, Sagard, Father Joseph Antoine Poncet, Father Garnier,
Father Chabanel, Father Menard, Father Allouez, Father Marquette,
Father Dablon, Father Nouvel, Father Bailloquet, Father Andre, Father Siloy. Article: Spring Bay U.F.O. 1921: Mrs George Cranston, Mrs. Wyman, Mrs. N. Campbell. |
9, 10. | Article: Snippets of History: by Bruce Pitfield, Marble From Lake Huron -- Colonel Rankin, E.J. Chapman, Mr. Ambrose Abbot, P.A. Switzer, Geo Chisholm, Mr. Cooper, Major Lewis, Mrs. F.D. Pepin, Martin & Catherine Heiss, Father Dufresne, Cecilia Pepin, Melvin Pepin, Alf Pepin, Leo Pepin, Melville Pepin, Mrs. A. Roque, Mrs A. Lahaye, Mrs. H. Roszel, Mrs. E. Mignault, Mrs. J. Moorby, John Heiss, Joseph Heiss, Mr & Mrs. R.J. Inkster, Mrs F. Tiplady, Miss Jean Miller, Eva Wilton, Mrs. H. Duff, Mrs. J. Walsh and Carrie Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. A. Dubie, Mr. J. O'Grady, Mr. D. Crisp, N.A. Morrissette, Mr. & Mrs. A. Caniere, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Pepin, Mrs. J.D. Malloy, Mr. & Mrs. M. Madagan, Cecilia Pepin, Mr. & Mrs. J.J. Symour, Mrs. D. Crisp, Miss U. Roszel, Mr.& Mrs. P.P. Lynott, Mr. & Mrs. T.J. McDermott,Mr. & Mrs. T.J. McCauley, Miss Z. Lecour, Mrs.H. Roszel, Mr.& Mrs. E. Desaunier, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Cahill, Mr. & Mrs.A. LaHaye, Mr. & Mrs. N. Hacker. |
11. |
Article: Motor Cars and Such: Twentieth Century brought motor cars. Article: Long Bay 1921: Mr. & Mrs. Ferguson, Harry Coulam, Sam Ford, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Pearson, Leo Miron, Miss Lottie Sloss, Mrs. B Saighon, Mr. W. Linley, Henry Cranston, Rev. Brubaker. |
12-14. |
Article: Manitoulin May Lose Hospital -- Veteran Doctor Leaving:
Dr. Robert W. Davis, Mr. & Mrs. Tom Smith, Sadie Davis (Mrs Davis' name),
A.L. McPherson. Photo: Dr. Davis and his automobile with skies in front, The hospital. Article: School Reports: 1919: Emerson Baker, J. Runnalls, M. Robertson, E. McIntosh, E. Gilroy, M. Currie, H. Kemp, D. Purvis, R. Bailie, M. Purvis, M. Brett, N. Purvis, M. McGillivray, C. Campbell, V. Baker, O. Witty, J. Wiseman. |
13. | Article: Ice Lake 1919: Miss J. Griffith, Joe Nelson, Harry Croft, Abe Wilson, Frank Palmer, Robert Dearing, Mrs Robert Brown, Mrs. G. Burch, Mr. & Mrs Geo Dearing, Mr. & Mrs. Will Wright, Mrs. R. Palmer, Abe Wilson, S. Burns. |
15. |
Article: Manitoulin Railway 1920: Secure government assistance. Article: War Situation 1900: Gen Buller. |
16, 17. |
Photo: Kagawong Hockey Team 1909: N. Thompson, G. Badgerow,
T.J. Thompson, J. McGill,V LaRush, W. Hunt, W. Hilliard, N. LaRush. Article: Socialism is Advancing: Municipal ownership. Article: Application for Charter: Application for railway. |
18-20. | Article: The Story of Manitoulin: Samuel Sieur de Champlain, Etienne Bruie, Father Joseph LaCaron, Jean Nicolet, Father Vimont, Louis Raisson, Louis Joilet, Nicholas Perrott, Robert Cavelier, de la Salle, Pierre de la Verendrye, Alexander Henry, Simon McTavish, William McGillivray, Sir Alexander McKenzie, David Thompson, Lord Selkirk, Sire George Simpson, Rev Fr Joseph Antoine Poncet, Sir Peregrine Maitland, Sire John Colborne, Sir Francis Bond Head, Capt Thomas G. Anderson, Rev Adam Elliot, Rev Charles C Brough, Dr. Paul Darling, Mr. Bailey, Little Bennie Bailey, Rev Frederick O'Meara, John Bickill, Hon William McDougall, Father Kohler. |
21-26. | Article: The 1925 Suits: People who had ordered pairs of pants or suits Cecil McLenan, Massis Campbell, Harman Banus, J.W. Jamek, C. Bradley, Dr. Aliston, M. Bouder, Fred Stewart, Carman Pearson, Ralph Boyter, Martin Buck, Gorge Buck, William Armstrong, George Armstrong, George Munroe, M. McIntyre, Cecil McDonald, Albert Sloan, Stanley Morphet, John Davis, George Gilpin, Ronald Gordon, Stanley Richards, Clive Panton, Ernest McColman, M.L. Davidson. |
27. | Article: Bousquet to Close Down: by Bruce Pitfield: George Webster, Lionel Brooke, James Bousquet, Robert Tough. |
28. | Article: Voters List 1918: Polling Place Meldrum Bay I.O.F. Hall, Joseph Armstrong, Jackson Armstrong, Emma Armstrong, Robert Arnold, Charles Burnett, George Bromley, Frank Cockwell, Christina Cockwell, Jas Doyle, Margaret Doyle, Henry Falls, Mabel Falls, Alfred Fisher, Mary Ann Fisher, Bert Fisher, Alice Fisher, W.K. Grant, Mary Grant, Albert Grant, Marjorie Grant, Joseph Granville, Ameda Gareau, Joseph Gareau, Ida Gareau, Charles Joyce, Maggie Joyce, Mary James, W.J. Keen, Wm Kerr, Gertrude Langman, Edward Markle, Wm McGibbon, Lucy McGibbon, Joseph Millman, Josephine Millman, Frank Morrison, Catherine Morrison, Wm Morrison, Wm McDonald, Gertrude McDonald, Edward Morrison, Muriel Morrison, B. Morrison, Donald Murray, May Murray, John Murray, Olive Morrison, Ida Belle Morrison, Kate Maxwell, Jacob Prentice, Eliza Pello, Wilbert Steele, Anna Steele, Jessie Steele, Dan Sullivan, Ethel Sullivan, Lulu Sullivan, J.A. Townsend, Hattie Townsend, David Vanevery, Jennie Vanevery, John Vanevery, James Vanevery, Russell Vanevery, J. G Wickett, Jannett Wickett, R.G. Wickett, Belle Wickett, Mary Wickett, Oswald Wright, Jessie Wright, Alfred Wasnedge, Hattie Wasnedge, Simon Woods, Maggie Woods, Henry Walker, Dave Young, Charlotte Young. |
29. |
Article: Golden Wedding 1921: Mr. & Mrs Isaac Johnson. Article: Gordon Merrymakers: 1921: Mr. & Mrs Delbert McArthur, J.B. Gibson Louis Stone, Paul Jones. |
30. |
Article: Providence Bay 1900: W Baxter, Mr. Hastings, W. Berry, Mr. Brooks,
J. Morrow, Dr. Johnston, Frank Mutchmor, R. Fawcett, W. Coresh,
Dr. MacIntosh, B.F. Johnson. Article: Silver Water 1900: Rev Mr. Robertson, Mr. Fraser, Wm Cook, Capt. Hamley, Mr. McMillan, Mr. Graham, Mr. Morris, Mr. Trick, Chas Post. |
31. | Article: Long Bay 1920: Clayton Sloss, T. Clarke, Jacob Venmeer, Miss Turnbull, Russel McDermid, Milton Buie, Mr. & Mrs. Norman McDermid, Irene Campbell, Walter Cranston, Mr. & Mrs R Pearson, Nelda Van Horn. |
Back Cover |
Article: Silver Bay 1919: Violet Moody, Dr Davis, Thos McCulligh,
Mrs. Brown, Miss Mildred, Mrs. Thos Smith, Wm Beattie, Mr. & Mrs.
N. Moody, Everett Moody, Mr. & Mrs. E. Spry, John Learmont. Article: Gordon 1921: Norman McLaren, Herb, Gilroy, Burt Kemp, George Hall, Mrs. Wm Hall Sr, Mrs. Beange, John Vanhorn, Charlie Witty, George Willet, Tom Merrylees. Article: Spring Bay 1921: John Cranston, Edward Cranston, Robert King, Mr. & Mrs Wm Galbraith, Hilton Cranston, Angus Taylor, Randolph McDonald. |
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Front Cover | Photo: Farming The Way It Used To Be. |
2. | Indexes. |
3. |
Article: Ed Cabino A Fine Guy: Willard Witty, Ed Cabino, Bill Jones. Article: Will Visit The Royal Winter Fair1930: Susie Baker, Carol Baker, Christina Kerr, Edna Hopkins, Winifred Love. Article: Wins Contest for Sewing: Mrs. Emerson Lewis, Fern Hale, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hale. |
4. |
Photo: Charlie Langton with his mare and colt. Photo: Charlie Langton with four horses hitched for discing. |
5-9. |
Photo: Robert Cavelier. Article: Lasalle The Explorer Prof W.J. Eccles, Collier de Casson, Rene Francois Brehand de Galinee, Nicholas Perrot, Jesuit Father Marquette, Sieur Simounet, M Dumont, M Raiul, Henri de Tonty, Frances Parkman. |
10-11. |
Article: Searching for the Griffon: Luc the Dane, Frank A. Myers, Father Lou Hennepin. Photo: Lasalle portaged up the Humber River. Photo: Map of Lasalle's Journey. |
12-18. |
Article: The Mystery of Lasalle's Griffon: Tom Tomlinson, Wm. Downer, Mary Tomlinson, Capt Lux Dare, Alice Hackett,
Orrie Vale, Wm Cullis, Roy Fleming, G.H. Agnew, Thomas J. Battman, Archie Wicket, Jack Allen, Mrs. Joe Millman,
Jim Bail. Sketch: Lasalle marches beside his canoe, and Map of Lasalles's route. Photo: The Griffon built by Lasalle in 1679 -- first large vessel on Great Lake. John Holdsworth, W Albert Grant, W.K. Grant, Mr. Tucker, Commander E.F. McDonald, Vichot, Denoix, Snider and Murphy, C. Ben Davis, Jim Stewart, Mr. Martin, Fred and Finny James, Mr. Tappenden, Norman L. McCready, Richard Charboneau, Tom Rausch, Thomas Spedding, Feltus "Finnie" James, Walter Kenyon, Father Jean Louis Hennepin, Mrs. John McQueen, Mrs. John Cranston, Mrs. James Cranston, Thos Fawcett, John Fawcett, Robert Fawcett, Mrs. Wm. Robertson, Mrs. A.S. Thomson, Mrs Enie Sherwood Sketch: Lasalle's lost ship. |
18. |
Article: Golden Wedding 1920: Mr. & Mrs. R.W. Fawcett, Rev. J.S. Duncan, Prof. Hargraves, Mrs. John Cranston,
Mr. & Mrs. Thos. Fawcett, Mr. & Mrs. David Williamson, Mrs. Thos. Bailey, Miss Mildred, Rev Mr. Bell. Obituary: Henry Witty: Elizabeth Coutts, Rev. W.T. Swainson, Charles Witty, Frank Witty, Clarence Witty, Mrs. J.G. Storey, Olive Witty, Maxwell Witty, Delbert Witty, Janet Witty, Ruby Witty. |
19. |
Article: The Opening of a Church: George Strain, Jack Hester. Photo: Church in Gordon Township: Several people in front. |
20-26. | Article: The first Cruise of the Olivette 1890: Commodore J.G. Sing, Geo. L. Griffith, W.T. Moore, C.T. Sutherland, C. Stewart, Wm McLaren, G.P. McIntosh, Tom Boyter, L. McDonald, Miss Fanny Merrill, Miss Start, Miss Kilbourn, Miss Barnhart, Mrs. O'Reilly, Horace Smith, F.H. Kilbourn, H. Lepan, Tibishko Hunt, Donald Griffith, Tinkiss, Jupiter Pluvius. |
26. | Article: Accidental Death of Herbert Wilson Wright: W.J. Wright, Charles Wright, Robert Wright, Miss Gwyndolyn Agg. |
27. |
Photo: Oil Wells. Article: Oil Wells Near Petroilia, Ontario : 1917. |
28. | Article: Voters List 1918: Polling Place Meldrum Bay I.O.F. Hall, Joseph Armstrong, Jackson Armstrong, Emma Armstrong, Robert Arnold, Charles Burnett, George Bromley, Frank Cockwell, Christina Cockwell, Jas Doyle, Margaret Doyle, Henry Falls, Mabel Falls, Alfred Fisher, Mary Ann Fisher, Bert Fisher, Alice Fisher, W.K. Grant, Mary Grant, Albert Grant, Marjorie Grant, Joseph Granville, Ameda Gareau, Joseph Gareau, Ida Gareau, Charles Joyce, Maggie Joyce, Mary James, W.J. Keen, Wm Kerr, Gertrude Langman, Edward Markle, Wm McGibbon, Lucy McGibbon, Joseph Millman, Josephine Millman, Frank Morrison, Catherine Morrison, Wm Morrison, Wm McDonald, Gertrude McDonald, Edward Morrison, Muriel Morrison, B. Morrison, Donald Murray, May Murray, John Murray, Olive Morrison, Ida Belle Morrison, Kate Maxwell, Jacob Prentice, Eliza Pello, Wilbert Steele, Anna Steele, Jessie Steele, Dan Sullivan, Ethel Sullivan, Lulu Sullivan, J.A. Townsend, Hattie Townsend, David Vanevery, Jennie Vanevery, John Vanevery, James Vanevery, Russell Vanevery, J. G Wickett, Jannett Wickett, R.G. Wickett, Belle Wickett, Mary Wickett, Oswald Wright, Jessie Wright, Alfred Wasnedge, Hattie Wasnedge, Simon Woods, Maggie Woods, Henry Walker, Dave Young, Charlotte Young. |
29. |
Obituary: John J. Wilkinson January 15, 1920: Miss Nellie Haugh, dau Hettie, sons Arthur and Lyle. Allen predeceased.
Sister Mrs Alfred Lowrie, Mrs. Hugh Edgar. Obituary: Duncan McLeod 1920: married Catherine Buie, Rev Mr. McLaughlin, Andrew Robertson. Daughter, Mrs. Hunt, Mrs. Griffin, Mrs. McLeod, son Walter McLeod, sister Mrs. Isabella May. |
30. | Article: Household Science Competition Closed: Mrs F.M. Durnin, Susie Baker, Mrs. C. Foster, Carol Baker, Christena Kerr, Annie Johnston, Pauline Doe, Olla Green, Olive Wagg, Mary Allen, Mrs. C. Foster, Annie Johnston, Irene Dearing, Edna Hopkins, Winifred Love, Hilda Conley, Irene Wagg, Catherine Allen, Jessie Munro, Martha Robertson, Kathleen Hopkins, Carrie Cook, Mary Lane. |
31. | Article: Winners of Course Get Free Trip: 1930, Mrs Robert Boyter. |
Back Cover |
Article: Girl's Judging Contest 1930: Miss Lilly Petty, Mr. Wagg, Sadie Lee, Mrs. R. McAnsh, Della Lane, Elsie McDonald,
Dora Langton, Lenna Bailey, Freda Duxbury, Edith Tustian, Ethel Langton, Dorothy Sanders. Article: Silver Water 1920: Mr. Alex Purvis, Alf Wasnidge, Messrs D. VanEvery, H. Walker, Annie McDermid. |
MFT Home 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 TOP
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Front Cover | Photo: Old Gore Bay late 1800. |
2. | Indexes. |
3. | Article: School teaching The Early Days: Olive Wismer, Harold Wismer, Rudolph Wismer, Gertrude Wilson, Edith Glover, Isabell Baker, Mr. Dollar, Mr. Nickle, Mr. Penny, George Purvis, Judge Hewson, George Irwin. |
4-7. |
Article: Little Current 1912: Willis Chipman, T.G. Anderson. Photo: Early Little Current. Article: Little Current 1912: Captain Anderson, Rev C.C. Brough, Mrs. Brough, Dr. Paul Darling, Mr. Bailey, Mrs. Bailey, Benny Bailey, Basil Darling. |
7. | Obituary: Lewis Ainslie Sr 1926: Mr. & Mrs Jas. E. Ainslie, Ida Belle Facon, Lavina Ainslie, Julia Ainslie, Margaret Ainslie, Lewis Ainslie, Oliver Ainslie, Lily Ainslie, Thomas Ainslie, Wm Ainslie, Mrs. Norman Matheson, James Ainslie, Archie Ainslie, Edward Ainslie, Mrs. Isaac Bailey, Rev. Thos. Ainslie, Mrs. Robert Greenman, Rev. W Munro, W Noakes, W. Morden. |
8. | Article: S.S. Meldrum Bay Has Been Scrapped: by Skip Gillham, George Hindman. |
9. | Photo: Ship Meldrum Bay In Welland Canal 25 August 1983. |
10. |
Article: The File of June 23, 1919: Miss A Wicher, Mrs. Jennings, Dr. Frank Gilbart, Mr. & Mrs. D.A. Bickell, Dan McWhirter,
W.F. McRae, John McDonald, Miss Bickell, Mr. & Mrs, E. Bickell, T.H. Holdsworth, Mrs. John Goodmurphy, Mrs. Cooper,
Mrs. Baker, John Kildare, Mrs. Allen, Dr. D.H. Walker, Robert Russell. Article: Barrie Island : John W. Jefkins, Robert Greenman, W. Vancise. Article: Gordon : Beryl Beck, Jean Milligan, Martha Neilly, Mary, Campbell, James Burt. Phipps-Norton Marriage: Mrs. Norton, Letitia Maud. Thomas Henry Phillips. |
11. | Article: Police Officer Had Some Unusual Requests In Line Of Duty, December 1989; BY John Averill Shields, Levina "Lule" Watson, Irene Shields, A.R. Knight. |
12. | Photo: John Shields and Mrs. Shields. |
13. | Photo: R.R. Gamey Block in Gore Bay at the time of great fire of 1908. |
14. |
Article: Will Construct Telephone Line To Killarney -- July 1936: by Bruce Pitfield: Thos Farquhar, W.L. Miller,
Wm Hale Thompson. Article: Will Resume Construction of Telephone Line -- June 1937: by Bruce Pitfield, Mr. Sim. |
15. |
Article: Killarney Telephone Completed: -- September 1937. Article: Str. Telegram Burned- Thursday November 5, 1908: Capt Waugh, R.T. McLaughlin, R. Tasker, Capt Cleland. |
16-17. | Photo: Two pages map of the Great Lakes in 1755. |
18-25. | Article: Indian Treaties, Legends & History, No. 94: Wm McDougal, Wm. Spragge, Malshewonggai, Okemabeness, J.B. Assiginack, Benjamen Assiginack, Waibenessema Shewitogun, George Abbetoswai, Paimokuonaishkong, Abense, Taibosigal, Atowishcosh, Maiwandaigeshik, Waukauesay, Keesh Kewaubik, Sir Francis Bond Head, Wahkaossaway, KeeshKeewobie, Naishequongai, O. Kemabeness, Waibenessimais, Shhewitogun, Baibomsay, Patadigoshing, Kijigobines, George Ironside, Wm Sheppard, David L. Layton, John A. McDougall, Peter Jacob, McGregor Ironsides, Tekumoh, Runis Sobleny, Captain Ironside, P.J. Chabbot, King George, Capt T.G. Anderson, Lieutenant Colonel M'Kay, Capt De Lattery, Lieut. J. Austin, Lieut. Wm Taylor, Lieut Moses White, Mr. True, Mr. Patten, L.S. Johnston, Dr. Mitchell, Joseph St. Germain, A. Dusang, Lieut. Colonel M'Dowal, Ocarta, Sir W. Johnson Capt Roberts, Chief Little Knife, Rt. McDonall, John Johnson. |
26-30. |
Article: 1921 Official Road Guide For Canada: John Lennox, F.A. Van Norman, J.C. Wallington, Roque & McGillivray,
E.A. White. Article: Points Of Law Motorists Should Know: by Thomas N. Phelan. |
31. | Photo: National Registration Certificate 1940: The War Year Jessie Blanch VanEvery. |
Back Cover | Article: Little Known Postal Facts: Mrs. Ellen Fairclough, Sir John A. Macdonald, King Richard III. |
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Front Cover | Photo: That Old Model T Ford: Beniah Bowman. |
2. | Indexes. |
3. | Letters to the Editor: Pioneers of Big Lake: Mildred (Brown) Caddel, Al Brown, Mary Brown, Wilfred Brown, Van Zant, Bill Spikers, Will Moody, Mr. Middaugh, Jessie(Mrs. Geo. Shields), Mack Brown, Mrs. Moody, Mrs. Johnston, Harry Brown, Bessie(Mrs. Tom Smith, Roy Smith, Bill Montgomery, Mr. Steel, Mr. Munroe, Irene Shields, Mary Maguire, Percy Brown. Stan Brown, Rae Leeson, Kathleen McColeman, Mike Smith, Leila Wagg. |
4. |
Article: Reader Provides Missing Information: 1990: Jack Hester,
Mrs. Mildred Bond, George Strain, Mrs. Whiteloon, Annie Wandabense, Ida Owl,
Eliza Owl, Louise Fairbanks, Katherine McGraw, Jessie Abottosaway, Lena Owl,
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Owl, Mr. & Mrs. Tom McGraw, Amelia Corbiere, Kathleen Fairbanks, Charlie George, Tom Abotossaway,
Charlie Whiteloon, George Whiteloon, Levi Abotossaway, Gladys Abotossaway, Mildred Abotossaway. Photo: S.S. Manitoulin: Travelled North Channel, Manitowaning and Providence Bay. |
5-14. |
Article: Manitoulin Memories, by Marven Bowman: Kaiser Wilhem, Henry Ford, Kitty Hawk, Barr, Dr. Robert W. Davis,
Charles Lloyd Marven, Charles Quaiffe. Photo: Rev & Mrs. Beniah Bowman Wedding day l1 September 1909. Photo: Marven Bowman taken by Joe Wismer. Photo: Bowman farm, hay wagon pulled by horses Bob & Jess -- Rev. Sam Goudie, J.R. MacGregor, Dunc Jeffrey, Bonar Law, Sir Wilfred Laurier, Sir Robert Borden, Rev Bill Yates, Henry Pedwell. Photo: Model T Ford, with Beniah Bowman, Marven Bowman and dog Scotty. Mac McCormick, Da Scott, Henry & Jen Sloss. Photo: A New barn at the Smith Place. Photo: The Smith Place. R.R. "Bob" Gamey. Photo: Clara Pearson & Marven Bowman, Wendel Bowman, Benjamin Bowman. Photo: Come Josephine in my Flying Machine. |
15. | Photo: S.S. Heron Bay Loaded Pulpwood on Island, original name Agawa, finally named Robert P. Durham. |
16-17. |
Article: Meldrum Bay 1921: Joe Hester, Bill Clarke, Mr. & Mrs. J. Van Every, J.A. Townsend, Mrs. A. McDonald,
Bert Fisher, Lewis Stephens. Photo: We Could Not Resist This Picture: Palmolive's Happy Gang Family Foto, Hug Bartlett, Toddy, Eddie Allen, Judy, Bobby Gimby, Blain Mathe, Joe Niosi, Lou Snider, Jimmy Namaro, Cliff & Terry McKay, Kathleen Stokes, Bert Pearl, Front row Murn (Mrs. Eddie Allen, Grace (Mrs. Bobby and Lyn Grimsby, Hilda (Mrs. Blain) Mathe, Mary (Mrs. Joe) Niosi, Sally and Eleanor (Mrs. Lou) Snider, Denise, Anne (Mrs Jimmy Namaro) and Linda, Patricia, Vera (Mrs. Cliff) McKay, Joan and Sally McKay. |
18-19. | Article: 55 Years in Lumber Camps: written in 1964: Adam Wood, William Wood, Duncan McGregor, Maude Hunter. |
20. | Article: Memorial Day Memories: By Ruby McColman Woodruff, November 11, 1986: Bernice McColman, Jim Merrylees, Bill McColman, Jack McKenney, Ernie McColman, Eleanor McColman. |
21. |
Article: My Youth At Mindemoya by Daughter Blanche Manley (Hubbert): Grandma Campbell, Tom Hewitt, Mary & Frank Hubbert,
Frank Sinclair, Sandy Fowler, Rosie Hubbert, Ira Middaugh, Lew Spry. Photo: George Hubbert. Frances Hubbert, Jessie Hubbert, Ruth Hubbert. |
22. | Photo: Mrs. Frank Hubbert family with her nine family members after husbands death 1965. |
23-25. |
Photo: Grandmother Campbell, with three grandchildren. Article: The Turnbull and Hubbert Families: Great Grandfather Janmes Turnbull, Great Grandmother Joanna Jordan, George Turnbull, Elizabeth Hartry. Article: Family of George and Elizabeth Turnbull: Charlotte Turnbull, Charlie Baxter, Mary Jane Turnbull married Francis Latimer Hubbert, Mina Elizabeth Hubbert married Karl T. Johnston, Margaret Mary Edith married Mervyn Knott they had four of a family Randy, Robin, Steven, Tracy Knott, George Richard Hubbert, Mildred Young, Harold Cameron Hubbert married Alice Hornibrook, Barbara Ann Hubbert married Gordon Jacques, Betty Jane Hubbert married Joseph Gregliano, they had two sons Barry, Harold married Jan Way and they had Ryan and Robyn Ashley, and William Francis married Lori Carr they had two daughters Mary Jane and Beth Anne. Blanche Adabelle Hubbert married Stanley Arthur Conley their three children Mary Agnes Conley married Wm Gordon Wilson with Sam Gordon Wilson, David Arthur McKiney Wilson, Emmy Lou Rebecca Wilson. David Arthur Conley and Ruth Ann Conley (twins), David married Karen Henderson they had two sons Christopher David Allen Conley and Stephen James Maxwill Conley. Eilein Pearle Conley married Rob Farrow with two sons -- Michael Warren Farrow and Bradley Robin Farrow. Mary Aressa Hubbert, Carmen Ryerson Hubbert, Charlotte Ruth Hubbert married Marvin Reed with Donna Mae Reed married Wm Austin and Rodney Paul Reed to Diane Charlton. Photo: Mennonite Sunday School Picnic. Back row Dougal Gilchrist, George Gilpin, Harold Hubbert, Bill McCormick, George Hubbert, Earl Gilpin, Stewart Sloss, Carman Hubbert, Elwood Gilpin, Gordie Campbell, Doria McCulligh and in front: Kathleen Campbell, Kathleen Sloss, Oressa Hubbert Gilpin, front row Percy Mastin, Orpha Sloss, Ruth Hubbert, Mrs. P.G. Lehman, girl on knees Jessie Hubbert, Annabelle Campbell, Russel Campbell, Bernice Sloss. Article: Jessie Delena Hubbert married David Munro with seven children Mark David Munro, Cora Emily Jane Munro, Anthony David Munro, John Robert Munro, Jessie Mae Munro, Lavender Ruth Munro married Joe Stutzman with Levi David Stutzman. Carmen Alexander Munro, Donald Cameron Munro. Frances Eunice Hubbert married John Wright with one daughter Constance Francis Wright married Don Davison, they have one dau Rachell Frances Davison. George & Elizabeth Turnbull, Maurice James Turnbull, George Edward Turnbull married Mildred Chapman, Wm Oliver Turnbull, Flora Turnbull married Ray Pyette with Irene Pyette married Lorene McCulligh, Arthur Pyette married Florence Skippen with four children Jean, Calin, Kenneth, and Chris. Ada Isabel Turnbull married John McLean with four children Phyllis, Leonard, Betty and Colin. Alice Victoria Turnbull married Stanley Paisley with three children Jack, Bill, and Barbara. Delena Turnbull married Jack McCauley with Isabel McCauley married Bud Woodhouse and they have two sons. Leonard Turnbull married Elva Morden. Pearl Turnbull married Wendell Anglin with two sons Billie, Robert Anglin married Barbara Sampson with three sons Jamie, John and David. Photo: The George Hubbert family, back row Uncle George, Uncle Willie, Mother Mary Jane, Aunt Charlotte, Uncle Maurice. Front row Grandpa George Turnbull, Grandma Elisabeth Turnbull, Aunt Pearle on her knee, Uncle Leonard, Aunt Ada, Aunt Alice, Aunt Delena, Aunt Flora. |
26-27. |
Article: Turnbull History and Reflections: George Turnbull, James Turnbull, Joanna Jordon, Charlotte Elizabeth Hartry,
Abbotts, Fanny Hunter. Photo: The S.T.S. Hockey Team of Tehkummah: by Pat Hall. Harvey Pyette, Bill Case, Dodds McCauley, Raymond McKenzie, Keith McGauley, Seward Hall, Front row Doug Swanton, Calvin Sagle, Ken McMurray, Art McMurray, Percy McMurray, Gordon Little, Allan McKenzie. |
28. |
Poem: Tehkummah Cowboys by Norris Pyette. Article: Silver Water 1921: Nels Campbell, O.M. Thomson, J.B. Rumley, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Williams, Frank Duncanson, W.S. Cook. |
29. |
Photo: Play ball, young lady going to play ball. Poem: Openin' Gates by Pat Hall. Article: Sailor's Ball 1920: Capt Angus Matheson, A. Purvis, W. Carr. |
30. | Article: Deer and Caribou of Manitoulin, by Frank Myers: February 1886 D Bickel, Thomas Beckerton, Jim Poquam (Bal-gum-quoam), Joe Noland, Wm T. Baker. |
31. | Article: 1930 Turkey Show a Huge Success: Mr. Taylor, Earl Graham, Mrs. R. Weber, S. Marston. |
Back Cover | Article: 1930 Turkey Show continued Whit McDonald, Cecil Foster, Mrs. D.O. Campbell, Angus Greenfield, Mrs. W.R. Tustian, J.R.W. Phillips, Thos Baker, W.T. Bryan, C.A. Brandow, Miss Christina Kerr, W.W.T. Bryan, Norman Brandow, Wm Goulter, Mrs. Robert Pickard. |
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Front Cover | Photo: Ward's Store in Tehkummah. |
2. | Indexes. |
3-4. | Article: Tehkummah -- Sandfield Schools 1897: Geo Turnbull, S.R. McKewen, R. Dodson, John Kirkpatrick, Dunkin McGregor, Anna McGregor, Annie Galbraith, A.E. McKewen, A.J. Wagg, Mrs. Will Moody, Norman Young, Maurice Ward. |
5-6. |
Article: George A. Graham On The Rocks: by Skip Gillham: Mark Russell. Photo: Ship George A. Graham. |
6. | Article: Populations: 1901,1911, 1921 for all townships. |
7-10. |
Article: Dollars in The Great War: Herbert Brown Ames. Photo: Emergency Hospital The Canadian Patriotic Fund winter 1918-1919. Col D.T. Irwin, J.M. Courtney, T.C. Gasgrain, Hon W.L. MacKenzie King, Hon R. Dandurand, Sir Edmond Walker, Francis H. Gisborne, J.B.Wallace, W.H. Hawkin, R. Hay, A Irving, O. Hinds, Rev. W.C. Conning, Dr. R.W. Shaw, W.A. McLeod, J.H. Fell, W.S. Chisholm, J.R. McGregor, Judge Hewson, F. Smith, A.E. Graham, R. Robinson, J.W. Griffith, Olive Fell, J. Russel. Photo: Carton The Manitoulin News 1921. |
11-23. |
Article: S.S. No.1 Mills School, by Darlene Orford; Sam Allen, Sam Ford, Mrs. Thomas Sides, Thomas Sides, W.E. George,
Miss Helen (Nellie) Scott, Millie Orford, Helen Fogal, D.S. Allen, Wm Robinson, Jas Dinsmore, Thos. Robinson,
Ira Middaugh. Photo: S.S. #1 Mills: by Helen Tracy Croswell: Class of 1898. M, McArthur, R. Connell, Carl Robinson, Edna Millman, Anne Casson, Mrs. Cadotte, Mrs. Long, McLaughlin, S. Phillips, J.W. Hagan, N.R. Wightman, S. Geiger, F.K. Staffen, N.E. Ward, Norma Runnalls, Edna Orford. Photo: S.S. No.1 Mills: by Helen Croswell: Mr. W. Milligan Class of 1899. Jessie Honess (Bell), Marshall Orford, J.B. Baker, Thomas Robinson, Wm Watt, Robert Sides, D.S. Allen, J.C. Baker, Matthew L. Davis, John McPhee, Thomas Arniel, Gibson; Moscrop, John Davis, Arthur Wilkinson, Albert Watt, S.G. Ford, Robert Radcliffe, Clayton Slomke, Scott McPhee, Ray Witty, Norma Orford, Harvey Robinson, George C. Scott, Llewellyn Honess, Ira Middaugh, Wm Dinsmore, Stanley Paisley, Albert Davis, Fred Lanktree, George Noland, Nelson Runnalls, Edmund Orford, Mrs. J.C. Robinson, J.D. Wiseman, Jim Ford, Delbert Orford, A.V. Pearson, Sherman McCulligh, Thomas Robinson, Wesley Hamilton, Albert Orford, John Scott, George L. Griffith, George Scott, Thomas Sides, John McKenzie, Wm. Orford, Wm Arniel, Bob Orford, S. Middleton. Ed Orford. Photo: S.S. No. 1 Mills in 1901: Teacher Miss Gloria Sizer (Mrs. Joe Baker). Teachers: Millie Orford, Miss Tooke, Agnes Phillips, M. Swan, Mary May (Mrs. Geo. Phillips) Jennie Robinson, Thomas Arniel, George Thorburn, Dorcas May (Mrs. Wm Priddle), C. Thorburn, R.J. Hawkey, Barbara Bailey, D. Sam Alllen, Jeniie Elliott, Miss C.C. Johnson, Lizzie Cumming, Wm. Mulligan, Gloria Sizer, (Mrs. J.C. Baker), Louise Wright, Marshall McDonald, Olga McDonald, Lula Fairbourne, Violet McGillivray, Helen J. Scott (Mrs. John Kinney), Mae Person (Mrs. Thomas Clarke), Vera Myles (Mrs. Geo. Scott, Dorothea Aiken, Addie McDonald, Victor McLenon, Bessie Jeffray (Mrs. Colin McDermid), Pearl Orford, (Mrs. Geo. Coe) Whitney Davis, Ruby McColeman (Mrs. Char. Woodruff), Louise Kelly, Rhoda Axler, Olive Witty, Gordon More, Ethel Watson (Mrs. Carl Slomke), Margaret Hamilton (Mrs. Ray Baker), Margaret Watson (Mrs Evans), Pearl Conley (Mrs Burton Nelder), Mildred Pearson, Chas.A.K. Cockburn, Mildred Cameron, J.D. Wiseman, Edith Stephens, Pearl Sloss, Frances Corrigan (Mrs. Hammond), Glenelda Shaule (Mrs. Cliff Orford), Harry Coventry, Laverne Dempster, Barbara Ann Fraser (Mrs. Wm Orr), Fern Panton (Mrs. Doug Patterson), Leila Hayden, Margaret Davis, Allan Eagleson, Carole Waskin, Dorothy Ford (Mrs. Lyle Sloss), Helen Fogal. |
19. | Elsie Middleton (Lewis), Harris Baker, Will Davis, Whitney Davis, John Orford, Susie Baker (Runnalls) Mary Baker (Runnalls), Clara Moscrop (Sloss), Dougall Middleton, Jean Ford (Croft), Carol Baker (Lane). |
20-21. | Article: Teachers and Students of the First Years: 1905 had Hettie Wilkinson, Clarence Orford, Ernest Moscrop, Syd Dinsmore, Will Atkinson, Ted Middleton, Bob Middleton. 1905-1906 had Milton Dinsmore, Lizzie Robinson, Ida Wilkinson, Emma Davis, Maggie Robinson, John Baker, John Robertson, Norman Orford, Andrew McArthur, Bob Foster, Pearl Orford, Winnie Foster, Annie Middleton, Will Orford, Arthur Atkinson, Annie Atkinson, Aiden Wilkinson, Thressa Atkinson, Len Robinson, Wm Dinsmore, Ella Foster, Orval Noland, Meadie Atkinson, Mary Slomke, Hettie Wilkinson, Will Atkinson, Harve Robinson, Albert Davis, Clarence Orford, Jennie Noland, Richard Foster, Arthur Atkinson, Jim Scott, Annie Dinsmore, Winnie Foster, Hettie Middleton, Wm Dinsmore, Eva Robinson, Orval Noland, Geo. Scott, Syd Dinsmore, Nelson Dinsmore, Arden Irwin, Llewellyn Honess, Bob Middleton, Chas. Middleton, Edith Noland, Will Scott, Clara Moscrop, Frank Wilson, Wilfred Atkinson, Myrtle Atkinson, Jim Foster, Violet Irwin, Myrtle Brockelbank, Georgia McGibbon, Whitney Davis, Sanford Baker, Arthur Wilkinson. |
22. | Photo: 1899 School Section 1 Mills, Bill Milligan Teacher. |
23. | Photo: Out for a Cutter Ride; Jane and Matthew McCauley and grandchildren. |
24-26. |
Article: Annual Household Science Ccompetition: 1932, Flora M. Durnin, Miss Florence P. Eadie, Miss E. Zavity, Miss Edith Burt,
Lena Clarke, Vilda Gardener, Mary Haner, Elizabeth Proctor, Ruth Farquhar, Ethel Hamilton, Marguerite Nelder,
Florence Morphet, Nora Morphet, Laura Rowe, Eldrid Smith, Clara Hodgson, Verna Coe, Jean Baker, Francis Matheson,
Jean Campbell, Violet Pearson, Merle Davis, Bertha Pearson, Marjorie McPhee, Aleta Davis, Agnes Robertson, Ella Garbutt,
Elsie Newman, Olive Vanhorn, Margaret Calback, Dorothy Dearing, Lois Tustian, Emma Armstrong, Helen Johnston, Ida Pyette,
Jean Hutchinson, Mrs. Geo Bryan, Alma Nevilles, Bertha McMullen, Edith Brockelbank, Lenna Bailey, Pauline Coe,
Hilda Conley, Dorothy Noland, Mary Granger, Mrs. C. Runnalls, Dora Langton, Ethel Langton, Pearl Bryan, Catherine Allen,
Edna Allan, Mary Lane, Florence Skippen, Carol Baker, Edna Burnett, Irene Wagg, Violet Wagg, Jessie Munro, Christena Kerr,
Irene Dearing, Leta Dearing, Vera Matheson, Edna Hopkins, Amy Smith, Adeline Smith, Carrie Cook, Kathleen Hopkins,
Freda Duxbury, Nellie Turnbull, Nellie Runnalls, Martha Robertson, Mary Donaldson, Mrs Cummings, Mr. R.E. Cummings,
Mr. A.J. Wagg, Mr. N.R. Wightman, Mrs. J. McGauley, Mrs. Wm Cooper, Mr. A.E. Graham, Mrs. Cecil Runnalls. Article: Girls' Judging Contests 1932: Lily Petty, Sadie Lee, Mrs. R. McAnsh, Della Lane, Elsie McDonald, Olla Green, Edith Tustian, Dorothy Sanders. Article: Billings 1921: Mr. & Mrs Len Foster, Mrs. J. McDermid, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. McAnsh, Katie Bowser, Aylmer Tustian, Morgan Bowser, Mr. Charlie Wiber, Mrs. J. Ferguson, Mr. R. Tustian, Mr. & Mrs. G. Tustian, Miss Jean Tustian, John Greenfield, Miss Repha. Article: Poplar 1921: Rev Mr. Feast, Mr. & Mrs. Ed Orford, Pete Donaldson, Nelson Dinsmore, Dr. James Scott, Bob Sides, Clayton Slomke, Bill Orford. |
27. | Article: Public School, Daily Register For Recording The Attendance of Pupils: Year 1908, Township of Gordon. Teacher A.E. Johnson, Dora Black, James Burt, Rose Campbel, Ern Gilroy, Beatrice Beck, Robert Gilroy, Homer Glenn, Maggie Wright, Estelle Vance, Robert Elliott, Will Johnson, Edith Woodruff, George Guy, Ern Elliot, Flo Pemberton, Ida Glenn, Frank Wood, Arthur Elliot, George Wright, Ella Beck, Edith Burt, Alex Vance, Ruth MacLaren, Gurtie Pemberton, Walter Hall, Edgar Burns, Gordon Pemberton, Allen Montgomery, Hilda Beck, Vada Elliot, Chas Woodruff, Hugh MacLaren, Bella Pemberton, Otto Guy, Gladys Willett, John Beck, Gladys Beck, Alf Burt, Clifford Pemberton. |
28-29. | Article: Public School, Daily Register For Recording The Attendance of Pupils: Year 1912, Teacher N. Griffith, Bob Montgomery, Dave Vance, Harker Coutts, Gladys Willett, Violet Badgerow, Frank Currie, Phillip Badgerow, Maggie Currie, Ethel Gilroy, Martin Proctor, Laura Vance, Leonard Willet, Lydia Badgerow, Clifford Coutts, Freda Ellis, Jean Vanhorn, Geo Ellis, Roy Hall, Willie McLaren, Gordon Vanhorn, Violet Burt, Lottie Pemberton. |
30-31. | Article: District News: September 5, 1902: James Carter, Mr.& Mrs. E.H. Jackson, Miss Ida Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. Beattie, Mrs. Teakle, Mr. & Mrs. Holden, Judge McCallum, Stephen Gain, Miss M McAuthur, James Todd, Rev. R.S.E. Large, Maggie Thorburn, Thos. Flesher, Mrs. W.W. Holden, Mrs. J.H. McMillan, John McMillan, Alf McMillan, Mr. & Mrs. D.B. McRae, Stewart Clarke, Miss Beach, Miss Belle McRae, R.O. White, Rev. J.L. Robertson, Rev. Mr. Byrnes. |
Back Cover |
Article: The Files of July 7, 1910: George Bowser, John Warner, W.S. Chisholm, Mr. Sutherland, Aggie Thorburn, Mrs. G.H. Bond,
Mr. & Mrs. Wm Purvis, Russ Morris. Article: Gordon: Miss May Beck, George Emery, Herb Gilroy, Harry Witty. Article: Meldrum Bay: Jim Fitzpatrick, Harry Godson, Ed Stonehouse, Gordon Milligan, Charlie Burnett. Article: Tekhummah: Emily Mastin, Martha Mastin, Mrs. Robert Stocks, Mrs. Jas Hopkins, Will Little. Article: Fernlee: John Barber, Mrs. John Rumley. Article: Cockburn Island: Miss M. Mock, Miss Mary McKay, D.J. McLeod, George Wright. Article: Ice Lake 1921: J.E. Wright, Thomas A. Baker, Ed Baker, A.A. Robertson, W.E. Hoare, Mary Robertson. |
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Front Cover | Photo: A Payload of Children: Three children waiting for a ride. |
2. | Indexes. |
3. |
Advertisement: Use Sunlight Soap. Article: Committed to Trail 1897: John Smith, Wm Thorburn, R.N. Thorburn, D.I. Millar, Justices Fraser & J.S. Mullin, J.W. Cashman. R.R. Kessock. |
4-5. | Poem: The South African War by C.S. Moore, Perivale, Manitoulin. |
5. |
Article: For Young Women 1902: Miss Emily Liddell. Article: Searchlight Telephone 1920: Dr. A.O. Rankin. |
6-7. |
Photo: Bayton in Montreal 11 August 1964, by Dan McCormick. Article: Bayton: by Skip Gillham, Capt R. Scott. Advertisement: Blue Ribbon Ceylon Tea, Forty Cents, Black or Green. |
8-22. |
Article: The First Two Centuries of the Catholic Faith -- North Bay to Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario: Father J. Edward
O'Flaherty, Nicholas Aubry, Jesse Fleche, three Recollect Fathers -- Denis Jamet, Jean Dolberau, Joseph LeCaron,
Brother Pacifique Duplessis, St Jean de Brebeuf, Father Nouvel, Father Wm Poullain, Father Jacques de la Foyer,
Jean Nicolet, Dr. Paul le Jeune, St. Isaac Jocques, Father Charles Raymbault, Father Claude Pijart, Fathers Leonard
Gareau, Rene Menard, Joseph Antoine Poncet, Adrien Daren,Father Poncet, St. Gabriel Lalemant, Father Ed Jacket,
Father Gabriel Druillettes, Parkman, Father Simon Le Moyne, Fathers Claude Dablon and Peter Chaumonat,
Pierre Tonsohoten, Fathers Garreau and Druillettes, Father Charles Albanel, Jean Guerin, Henry Colin Campbell,
Father Allouez, Father Marquette, Father Dadlon, Father Baraga, Father Louis Andre, Fathers Casson & Gallenie,
Father Druillettes, Father Bailloquet . Father Siloy, Etienne de Carheil, Father George Hunter, Sir Guy Carleton,
Lord Hillsboroughm, Bishop Briand, Abbe Bailly, Bishop Macdonell, Bishop Burke, Father La Valiniere, John Carroll,
Father Pierre Potier, Father Marchand, Bishop Desglis, Bishop Plessis, Father Joseph Crevier, Father John McKenna,
Bishop Deslis, Father Roleric Macdonell, Father Edmund Burke, Father Alexander Scotus Macdonell, Wm Canniff,
Bishop Baraga, Father Gabriel Richard, Francis Picquet, Governor de Vaudreuil, Rev. Abbe Picquet, Rev Wm Case,
Peter Jones, John Crane, Father Nadeau, Father Francis Badin, Father Dejean, Capt Anderson, Mr. Bell, Bishop Weld,
Father James Bennett, Father Leonard Dempsey, Father John Baptiste Proulx, Bishop Gaulin, Father Chazelle,
Father Du Ranquet, Brother Jennessaux, Bishop Power, Fathers Peter Point and Peter Chone, Father Joseph Hanipaux,
Father John B. Menet, Father Pierz. Article: Fish Chased Ashore By Whales 1908: Nahant, fish chased onto beaches by whales. Article: A Narrow Escape -1908 :Fred Nelles, John Nelles. |
23. | Article: Centre Manitoulin Sheep Club 1920: I.F. Metcalf, Mr. Rixon, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Bond, Mr. Vincer, Thos. McLean, N. Morden, Geo Strain, Geo. H. Cook, Alvin Bock, Mildred Bock, George Sterling, Ruth Sterling, Jean Dryden, Roy Connolly, Bessie Love, Farquhar, Edmund Looker, Norman Looker, James Smith, Lloyd Smith, Mervyn Dunlop, Betram Dunlop, Willie Hare, Zella Vanhorn, Wilbert Hopkin, James David Stapleton, Karl Johnston, Leonard Caddel. |
24. | Article: Building an Icehouse: Every Ontario farmer who produces milk. |
25. |
Article: The Carriage Waits "Without" 1908: by Harvard Lampoon. Photo: Early automobile. |
26-27. | Article: Snowville Sports July 8, 1920: 400 Witness ball game in Snowville: McKenzie, Gibbs, Bock, Anderson, Galbraith, McColeman, Ferguson, Cushing, Becks, Bond, Russell, G. Wallace, Dr. Baker, Mr. Farrell, Line up McCutcheon, Baxter, Ward, Watson, Williamson, McDonald, Hare, Anglin, Hilton, Cranston, Rowe, Mastin, McIntosh, Smith, Hinds, Casson, Jaffray finished with races, Turnbull, Griffith, Mrs. J. Haner, Lydia Hunter, Ray Thomas, A. Vanhorn, R. Thomas, N. Turnbull, Randolph McDonald, Sheila McDonald, Andy Williamson, Effie Becks. |
27. | Article: Renewal of Oil Prospecting 1920: M.Y. Williams, W.J. Embury, P.S. Warren, V.K. Stevens, Senator Poirier, Mr. Gordon. |
28. | Article: Providence Bay 1902: Oliver Berry, Capt McKinnon, Duncan Cameron, E.K. Near, A.J. Cooper, John Weatheral, Wm. Thorburn, M Pearson, Levi Bock, Mr. & Mrs. S. Sinclair, Joe Milton, E.J. Knight, Chas. E. Tran, Capt Matheson, Chas. Field, N. Buchanan, Mr. Rennie, Capt Monkhouse, Don H. Jacobi, Capt. Smith, Mrs. Mutchmor, Mrs. N. McKechnie, Mw. Charters, B.F. Mutchmor, Thos Love, Rev. Daniel Bock, B. Bock, Sam King, Joseph Gamey, J.H. McMillan. |
29. |
Article: Tehkummah 1920: Robert Russells, Henry Hall, Mr. Elford, Mr. Metcalf, Tony Hembruff. Article: Manitowaning 1920: Pearl Woolley, Vair, Morden, Dr. Art Hines, Adam Arnold. Article: Little Current 1920 : Wm Collings, Comrade M. Boyter, W.A. Sims. |
30. | Advertisement: Bargains in Used Cars 1920: prices ranged from $200 to $2,000. Algoma Agency & Supply Co., Limited. |
31. | Article: Cockburn Island June 10, 1920: Mr. & Mrs. N. McKay, a son, Mr. Manday, Mr. Hagan, Mrs. Doherty, Miss R. Thomson, Capt McKay, Mr. & Mrs. Pateman, Chas. Homestead, Mr. King, Galt, Watson, Sheriff Fell, Mrs. Ward. John McKay, Mr. Smith, Mr. Goodmurphy, Mr. McLeod. |
31-32. | Article: Silver Bay, March 1920: J.A. Ward, Mrs. A. Russell, Mrs. Roy Brown, Mrs. Jonathan Hutchinson, Mr. Robt Parkinson, Ross Johnston, Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Aelick, a son.Mr. Garne, Joe Millman, W. Steele, Arthur Wicketts, J. Doyle, George Cook, Merle Wickett, Chas. Joyce, Geo. Rumley, James VanEvery, Finnie James. |
Back Cover |
Article: Tobacco Lake 1920: Jessie Mastin, Miss McIntosh, Sally Bernie, Jennie Brett, Mamie Brett, Elsa Fell, Beryl Fell,
Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Gimby, Jack Gimby, Mrs. Chisholm, Mrs. Hickenbottom, Mrs. R.T. Hall, Bernice Kemp, Jean McGowan,
George Hall, Kathleen Hagan, Lena Thorburn, Tiny McIntosh, Jack Hagan, Percy Lane, Miss McGuire, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Smith,
Mr. & Mrs. McGregor, Mrs. Langley, Mr. & Mrs. Allen, Florence Pearson, Mr. & Mrs. Neil McIntosh, Mr. & Mrs. Cronkhite,
Mr. & Mrs. Needham, Viola Needham, Mrs. Dinsmore, Mr. & Mrs. John Hurn, Miss Reid, Miss Ray, Messrs Harker and
Cliff Coutts, Misses Jean Coutts, Mable Coutts, Vera Casson, Mr. & Mrs. A.E. Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Wm Johnston, Miss Wilson,
Ken Buchanan, Neil McIntosh, John Gibbs, Mrs. Silverthorne. Article: Government Road 1920: Mr. Dewar, Mr. & Mrs Fred Hopkins, Mr. & Mrs. Goddard, Mr.& Mrs. Albert Langtree, John Longtree, J.R. Gailbraith, A. Owen, Mrs. M.J. Barclay, Mr. Spears, Charlie Goddard. Article: Barrie Island 1920: Mr. & Mrs. G.A. Cole, Mr. & Mrs. E.A. Letts, Geo. Brydges, B.F. Morden, Rev. Mr. Wiseman. |
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Front Cover | Photo: The Gore Bay Shoeing Shop, 1902: By J. Griffith. |
2. | Indexes. |
3. | Article: 25th Anniversary of Canada's Flag -- 1965-1990: February 15, 1965 that the new flag was raised over Parliament Hill, in honour of Lester B. Pearson. |
4. |
Poem: A Prayer for Canada -- 1920. Article: New Stores at Mindemoya -- 1920: Orion Thomson, Jack Galbraith, A.J. Wagg. |
5, 6. |
Photos: Salvage attempt on Western Star and photo while going to dry dock. Article: Western Star Aground on Robertson Rock: by Skip Graham -- renamed Prescott and it's last sail was November 29, 1962. |
7. | Poem: The Good Old Days by Bruce Duncanson. |
8. | Article: Sandfield Township's Owners are Many in 1886 by Bruce Pitfield -- W.H. Price, William Hagan, F. Martin, Eliz Martin, J B White, Wm Wilson, Even McAuley, James Fiddes, F. Watson, R.A. Lyons, Kate McF White, Wm Bowler, John McWhirter, H, Vanzant, Joseph Johnston, W.S. Clarke, Mathilda Tinkis, Robert Wagg. |
9-14. |
Article: 100 Years Ago, Incorporation of Gore Bay and Little Current took place 100 years ago by Bruce Pitfield.
Assented to 7 April 1890, comprising portions of the municipality of Gordon in which is situated bye unincorporated
village of Gore Bay. Photo: Water Front in Gore Bay. Article: An act of incorporate the Town of Little Current by Bruce Pitfield -- David McGilvery Esquire. |
13. | Article: Death of Louis Beboning 1920 -- Deaths of Mr. & Mrs Beboning with a year. |
15. | Article: Manitoulin as a summer Resort: Dec 26, 1919: by Sportsman -- Mindemoya. |
16. |
Photo: The Modern Car Chevrolet Car and a convertible too. Article: Good Road Convention: 1920 -- the convention will be asked to propose the most effective means of constructing and maintaining good roads. |
17. |
Article: Women's Institute: 1920 -- Big Lake: Mrs. Roy Brown, Mrs. J.H. Johnston, Mrs. H. Bassingthwaite. Article: Sunday School Convention: 29 April 1920 -- Rev T.A. Halpenny, Miss G. Batman. Article: Prohibition Resolution: May 20, 1920 -- Hon Beniah Bowman. |
18, 19. | Article: District Court and General Session of Peace for Manitoulin Held at Gore Bay on Tuesday and Wednesday 1897: Honor Judge Johnston, Queen vs Bailey, Robert and Joesph Bailey, Isaac Bailey, Samuel Bailey, J.J. Kehoe, Queen vs Madwedgiwan -- Recollect Madwedgiwan, Mr. Kennard, Ayer vs Kenny Capt Graser, Ed E. Ayer, A.D. Greasor, Randall Kenny. Queen vs Smith, G. McAlphine, R. Thorburn, D.I. Millar, W. Thorburn. |
19. |
Article: Found Guilty 1897 -- John Smith Ran an Illicit Still: W.J. Strattton, John Smith, Justice Fraser and Mullin. Article: The Saturday Mail 1920 -- Looking for a solution about late mail arrival. Article: Still a Place for a Good Horse 1920 -- Horse demand during the war. |
20. |
Advertisement: Ontario Riding Plow sold by J.W. Kerr. Article: Secrets Bridges May Keep 1920 -- Rule of marriage. |
21. |
Advertisement: Queen's Hotel Gore Bay prop R.O. Small. McDougall House Providence Bay, Manager Neil McDougall. Article: A Dog of Napoleon's Day, 1920 -- Marshall Lannes. |
22. |
Article: Baseball -- Snowville vs Wikwemikong 1920 -- August 16,Messrs Hinds & Farrell Umpires. Article: Toronto Woman Shot 1920 -August 11, W.W. Carter, August Wendt, Mr. & Mrs McIntosh. Why Beauty Fades 1920 -- Dr Williams Pink Pills. Article: Remarkable Cure 1920 -- Dr Jas Newburn, Arthur Wayman, Chas Taylor. |
23. |
Article: Cape Croker Indians 1920 -- Five Akiwenzie brothers. Article: Labour Day at Manitowaning 1920 -- Ruddell C McCutcheon, Sylvester, Davis, George, J. Bondy, B Isaac, Dominic, I Bondi, Jack Bondi, Gabaw, H. McCutcheon, Baxter, Ward, McDonald, Tilson, V McCutcheon, Watson, Snow, Thomas, Currie, Sheppard, Hinds, B McKenzie, Smith, Jaffray, Casson, Wright. |
24. |
Article: Masonic Installation January 1920 -- W Bro J.W. Griffith W.M., Bro S. Clarke, Bro W.M. Morrison, Bro N.R. Smith,
Bro. J. Wismer, Bro C.C. Platt, Bro E.E. Jackson, Bro H A. Pearson, Bro A.D. Mastin, Bro D. McLean, Bro D. Beatty,
R.W. Bro A.E. Graham, W Bro R. Robinson, Bros J.A. Baker and J. Donaldson, R.J. Winter. Article: Grain Exhibits 1920 -- W.J. Hopkiins, Joe Wilson, Fred Wagg, Whit McDonald, Van Every Bros, Fred Fisher. Advertisement: To Avoid Influenza:Health tips 19 February 1920. |
25. |
Article: Disastrous Fire 1920 -- One if the saddest events on the evening of Sept 24 when John Gibson lost his life,
Chris Burns, Rev R. Wiseman, Mrs. S. Bailey, Mrs. R. Bailey, Mrs. J. Bailey, Mrs. Wilson. Article: Donations for Mrs. Gibson 1920 -- Jas McKinley, A. Brown, T. Latra, Rev R. Jaffray, T. Wilson, N. Campbell, Wm. Baker. Article: La Cloche Island May Be Sold 1920 Rumours of sale for $250,000. |
26. |
Article: W.I. Comvention 1920 -- Mrs. Todd, Mrs. R. Wiseman, Mr. Metcalf. Article: Where the Smiths Come From 1920 -- The Smith Manufacturing Company. Article: G W.V.A. Dance at Little Current January 8, 1920 -- Susie Currie, Ed Valliquette. Article: Charged with Speeding 1920 -- I.F. Metcalf. |
27. | Article: District News 1897 -- D.I. Millar, Mr. & Mrs. W.H. Baxter, S R. McKeown, R. Tilson, R.R Gamey. A.C. McCrae, John Leask, Alex Merrylees, Mrs. W.W. Holden, D. Bickell, W. Thorburn, Honor Judge Johnston, Attorney Kehoe, Barrister Hearst, Sheriff Carney, Sheriff Stevenson. |
28. |
Article: Terrible Fatality -- David Magill Threshing machine explosion. Article: A Bad Wound -Young McDonald, Miss Bain From the Ducks, the lad fell carrying a dish and was dressed by Dr. Johnston. |
29. |
Article: Canada is to Have A New Coat of Arms 1920 -- Ottawa July 27, Earl Marshall. Article: To The Electors of Manitoulin 16 October 1919 -- With four votes to be polled. The First is the leading one. Second ask you to compromise with strong drink, Vote no for three and four. Article: Women's Institute Carnavron 1920 -- Mrs George Wedgerfield, Mrs. A. Owen, Mrs. J. McQueen, Mrs. P Caddel Poplar - Mrs. Joe Lee, Mrs Watt, Mrs Radcliffe. |
30. |
Article: Orange Celebration At Manitowaning July 5, 1920 -- King William, Mr. Wm McCauley,
Mr. Boyd of Kagawong,
H.L. Richardson, Rev D. Watson, Rev Sanderson, Hugh Fraser, Ki Casson, Jack Sheppard, Art Mastin, Cliff Gibbs, Line ups
for Killarney E. Roque, C. Roque, Egan, J. Bernard, T. Bateman, Wm Lowe, D. Roque, H. Roque, V. Roque, Line up for Gore
Bay -- H. Fraser, C. Gibbs, A. Mastin, J. McIntosh, J. Sheppard, A. Hinds, R. Jaffray, Ki Cassion, C. Smith. F. Prye
played short stop for Killarney in the last three innings. Article: Lineup for Snowville -- T. McCutcheon, T. Baxter, D. Ward, P Russell, B. Watson, V. McCutcheon, B Robinson, C. Snow and C. McCutcheon and for Gore Bay C. Smith, C. Gibbs, A. Mastin, J. McIntosh, J. Sheppard, A. Hinds, R. Jaffray, Ki Casson, H. Fraser. Massrs Jackman and Cushing of Mindemoya umpired the two games. |
31. |
Article: The Glorious Twelfth 1920 -- The Loyal Orange Kidges celebration at Meldrum Bay on Monday July 12.,
Bro J.B. Bailey, RevJ.D. New, Rev R. Wiseman, G.H. Cook. Barber Shop 1902 on Meredith Street, Gore Bay, Baths at all hours, Chas White. |
Back Cover | Article: Annual Sunday School Convention May 20, 1920 -- Miss Tilson, Miss Bateman,Rev T.A. Halpenny, Mr. Elford, R. Robinson, A.J. Wagg, Mrs. R.W. Shaw, Mrs. A.D. Watson, D. Munro. |
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Front Cover | Picture: Deer Season: Jane Hilson McCauley, Dodd and Vilda with children Pat, Shirley, Joan and Blaine. |
2. | Indexes. |
3, 4. | Article: George Hindman/Brookdale by Skip Graham: Capt George Hindman, W.J. Crosby. Scott Misener, Capt Norman Reoch. |
5. |
Article: The Lumbering Situation October 1897 -- Jos Turner, John Charlton, W.C. Edwards, Mr. Cranneil. Article: Must Not Smoke in the Theatre 1920 -- Paul Mounet, Eben Plympton, Otis Skinner, M Mounet. |
6-21. |
Article: James Young Arrives on Manitoulin in 1889 -- James Young and wife Cynthia had seven Children, Oscar, William,
Louisa, Jane (Murray Thompson's grandmother -- Kagawong) Adeline, Emma, James and George, Bill Purvis. Article: Diary of James Young January 1, 1889 -- Shepardton, McBrides, G. Fielders, Jack Mountiney, C.W. Gauthier, George Wiles, Will Smith, Stuart Clark, Gordon Gauthier, Norman Mathison, Frank Smith, Emma & Hattie Cook, Jack Purvis, Theodore Nastin, D Anderson, Angus & Martie Thorburn, Dan Matheson, McLelians, Ainslies. G. Irwin, Sir Godman, Dr Johnston, Marrylee, Wylies, Cootsis, H. McLean,T. Whitys, G Witty, Roszells, Mordens, Tebo, Greenmans, T. Witty, B Witty, Burton Witty, Harry Mervins, George Witty, John McLean, Tom Witty, T Greenman, Ed Purvis, Totten & W. Thorburn, Jim Grear, W. Jennings, Boyters, Cambles, Phil Morden, T, Latta, H.B. Hunt, G. Latta, Jim Merrylees, G Barnebus, Jim Good, Steven Morden, Brackens, George Cook, Ben Hopkins, Angus Matheson, Bill McTaggard, Calback, B.W. Ross, Goodmurphy, E.L. Brazene, Mary McLean, Sam Coborn, Jack & Willard Witty, D.I. Millar, Wallace Milligan, Joe Wilson, Stringer, Beckertons, B. Good, James Hughson, Billy Purvis. Poem: by Willie Young, Gore Bay, Ontario. |
22. | Poem and Picture: The Village Blacksmith. |
23. |
Article: Dailey Mail for Providence 1908 -- A.E. Dyment, M.P.P., Inspector Thompson. Article: Some Don'ts for Girls 1902 -- Advice to girls, reasons not to marry. |
24-29. |
Photos: of Resident of Tehkummah Submitted by Pat Hall --
Etta Geraldine McCauley, Wilmer McCauley, Pete and Jean McCauley,
Frank Hall, Matilda Hall with sons Everett & Seward Hall, Milt McConkey, Bert & Wilmer McCauley, Jane & Matthew McCauley,
Isaac & Phronic Boyd, John C Hall with wife Bessie (Leeson) Hall,Ettie (McCauley) McConkey, Trader Jack with Bays,
Dodds & Ettie McCauley, Vilda & Ettie McCauley, Pat (McCauley) Hall, Elinor Boileau. Article: Kill That Ant 1920 -- Dissolve pound of alum in the quart of boiled water, apply to every crack where ants have been seen. |
30. |
Article: Georgian Bay Park Collingwood Season of 1890 -- B. Callary. Article: Dentists Will Open Here 1903 -- Drs Brooks & Sutton to open in Gore Bay. |
31. |
Article: The Grand Rally 1902 -- Mr. Whitney, R.R. McKessock, barrister Atkinson, W.H. Price Jr., R.R. Gamey. Article: Diptheria Regulations 1903 -- In Carnarvon townshop, Peter H. Bryce. |
Back Cover |
Article: The Methodist Pastors Who Will Labour in Algoma 1902 -- Revs J. Allen, G.S. Faircloth, Rev S.E. Stone,
Rev R.A. Spencer, Mr. D.B. Jeffrey, Rev W. Galloway, Rev. W.H. Thompson, Rev W.G. Watson, Rev R.S.E. Large,
Rev T.G. Barlow, Rev H.L. Partridge, Rev V.R. Hart. Article: Revision of confession of Faith 1902. Poems: of 1902 The New Bnu and Signs of May. |
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Front Cover | In The Garage for Repairs Donald McQuarrie. |
2. | Indexes. |
3. |
Article: Empire Day 1925 by Earl Grey Governor General of Canada. Article: In Memory Founding editor Lorne Harold Earl McQuarrie passed away September 9th, 1984 two days after his 29th birthday. |
4. | Article: 1930 Model A Ford Belonged to Bill Sloan until 1948 then to Max Leeson. |
5. | Photo: Max Leeson with 1930 Model A Ford. |
6, 7. | Article: Rural School Fair 1920 Prize winners -- Howland Stanley Morphet, Grant Bayers, Fred Willis, Vincent Neghesikh, Ruby Owl, George Willis, Walter Collins, Floyd Morphet, Roy Rozell, Isabel Connor, Karl Skippen, Edythe Ferguson. Eliza Owl, Maud Lewis, Pearl Stringer, Stella Ferguson, Wilhemene Kageshoinga, Donald McDonald, Walter Jaggard, Lawrie Peck, Grenville Orr, John Peck, Andrew Doan, Alex McDonald, Geo. Willis, Lizzie Halcrow, Frank Harlcraw, David Nahwegahbo, Austin Stevens, Oscar Morphet, Billie Willis, Jessie Eade, Nelson Morphet, Irene Morphet, Grace Dryburgh, Alice Eade, Mary O'Brien, Bertha Willis, Mildred Rowe, Clifton Myland, John Peck, Alice O'Brien, Jean Stringer, Charlie Woods, Coy Wilkin, Lloyd Morphet, Alga Heis, Idena Skippen, Marguerite Nelder, Isabel Heis, Wilfred Heis, Johnnie Heis, Alex Cosby, Isabel Skippen, Belle Morphet, Stanley Morphet, Frank Obotossaway, Ida Ogoniat, Leonard Phillips, Matilda Richards, Edgar Richards, Elmer Lewis, Alex McDonald, Ernest Wilkin, David Nahwegahbo, Elizabeth Owl, Mary O'Brien, Jean Stringer, Alice O'Brien, Willis Rowe, Walter Morphet, Henry Stevens, Elizabeth Stringer, Margaret Nelder, Olga Heis, Leonard Riszell, Stella Richards, Carl Skippen, Kathleen Fairbanks, Laura Nelder, Millie Row, Ida Owl, Eliza Mushadavin, Mabel O'Brien, Irene Morphet, Alice Eade, Jane Wandabeewsh, Hattie Philips, Charlie Richard, Levi Thomson, Lulu Roszell, Leonard Phillips, Alicia O'Brien, Earl Abbott, Grant Roszell, Lyn Phillips, Henry Stevens, Charlie Richard. |
8. | Article: Rural School Fairs 1920 Prize Winners of Tehkummah -- Lila Connell, Frank Pyette, Enid Quackenbush, Earl Bowerman, Lorne Bowerman, Roy Bowerman, Clifford Connell, Everett Griffin, Edmund Smeltzer, Llyna Martin, J.D. McArthur, Stanley Watson, May Wagg, Nate Case, Lloyd Wagg, Clifford Hutchinson, Mildred Case, Edward Smeltzer, Earl Martin, Elsie Quackenbush, Alvin Little, Sadie Sagle, Alfred Gowlett, Stanley Pyette, Lyna Martin, Eva Corbett, Freeman Hutchinson, Wallace Wagg,Mabel Bowerman, Lizzie Case, Walter Gowlett, Mac Pyette, Gladys Hutchinson, Albert Van Horn, John Sagle, Florence Mitchell, Lloyd Wagg, Willie Quackenbush, Alma Griffin, Olive Wagg, Mary Wagg, Lyle Russell, Bertha Corbett, Edna Van Horn, Russell Williamson, Earl Martin, Lloyd Arnold. |
9. | Article: A History of Pioneer Work On the Manitoulin Island -- Missionary Church 100 years old Oct 1990 -- Spring Bay Salem Missionary Church, Rev William Schroeder, Ada Hanerk Lois (Sloss) Campbell, Marvel (Sloss) Campbell. |
9-13. | Article: Grand Manitoulin Island by Rev W. Schroeder, Pontiac, Michigan August 1945 -- Ben Bock, Dad Courtney, Sam Wilson. |
10. | Photo: Rev William Schroeder, at the home of Matt and Caroline Sloss. |
11. | Photo: Salem Missionary Church in Spring Bay. |
14-18. |
Article: Salem's Celebration of the Manitoulin Centennial in 1962 by Ada Haner -- Mrs. F Haner, Mrs. L. Galbraith,
Rev Jas Hill. Photo: Page 14: First Schroeder Home on Harold Tracy farm. Photo: Page 15: Ada Haner. Article: Early Revivals At Salem by Ada Haner -- Gordon Wilson, Mr. Shell, Mrs Clark. Photo: Page 16: Stepchildren of Rev. Schroeder, William Leaske, Caroline (Leaske) Galbraith, Lydia (Leaske) Haner, and Emma (Leaske) Jacobs. Photos: Page 17: Grandchildren of Wm Schroeder, Caroline (Haner) Sloss, Harvey Haner, Ada Haner, and Clarence Haner. 1962 in front of Salem Church Spring Bay Caroline (Haner) Sloss and Verdella (Galbraith) Klein. Article: Sloss-Haner 1920, quiet wedding 5th May at 5:00 at bride's mother Mrs. Frank Hanerby, Rev Wm H. Yates - Caroline marriage to Matthew Sloss, son of Mr. & Mrs Robt Sloss. Samuel Wilson George Hartley. Article: Pastors of Salem Missionary Church 1888-1988. William Schroeder, Edwin Battey, Silas. P.G., Ed Chatham, Joshua Schnell, C.R. Miller, J.F. Gugin, R.J. McLaren, Sylvester Fretz, A.T. Gooding, Wm. Waldreon, W.H. Yates, Issac Brubacher, I.B. Pipher, Russel Pike, Cressman, E. Lucas, Gordon Johnson, C. Perry, W.D. Sargeant, Clarence Hunking, D.T. Pugh, Wm Geiger, Curtis Bender, W. Purdy, C. Rosenburger, Ted Montgomery, David Thiesson, Phillip Dessaut, Raymond W. Kloetstra. |
19, 20. |
Article: Gore Bay Training School 1902 Junior 111 -- Florence McRae, Pearl Hall, Elma Porter, Alice Johnston,
Murdock Matheson, Alex Fraser, Lottie Johnston, Sam Flanagan, Annie Lehman, Fanny Coburn, Jessie Coburn, John Buffy,
Joe Good, Oscar Young, Willie Young, Durand Murray. Senior 11 -- Ralph Mutchmor, Blair Fraser, Florence McColeman,
Merrit Jennings, Henry Vanzant, Charlie Armstrong, Willie McEachern, Annie Armstrong, Milton McColeman, Edna Loban,
Allie Conner, Ellen Orr, Sam Johnston, Marguerite Williams, Verna Myles, Gracie Mutchmor, Emma Burns, Joe Porter,
Helen McGregor, Joe Merrylees, Everett Cook, Sam Coburn, Lulu Young, Ethel Orr, Myrtle Platt. Junior 11 -- Howard Bock,
Willie Currie, Willie Porter, Gladys Spence, Willie Coburn, Nina Thorn, Archie Currie, Fred Mastin, Harold Murray,
Minnie Loban. Teacher Nellie Thorburn. Article: Manitoulin Teacher's Institute 1902 -- R.D. Fleming, Miss A.E. Mitchell, Rev Mr. Young, Alex McKechnie, Rev Mr. Patridge, Miss E. Lalor, Rev Mr. Rennie, Mr. F.H. Hurlburt, Rev J. Young, R.O. White, Miss M.E, Jackson, Misses W. McDondal, M.I. Ewen, Chas Tran. T. McKechnie, I. Ewen, E. McDonald, F. Hay, M. McLeod, Ellen Johnson, J. Ball, A. Sibbald, M. Stringer, M. Farrant, N. Scott, M.E. Clarke, A.M. Blakely, L.R. Robinson, L. McNevin, O. McDonald, A. Tilson, M. McLean, W.A. McLean, W.F. James. O.L. Flanagan, R.J. Foster, R.D. Fleming. |
20, 21. | Article: Women's Institutes November 27, 1919 -- Big Lake, Mrs. J.E. Johnston, Mrs. Roy Brown, Mrs. M.I. Johnston, Mrs. G. Hutchinson, Mrs. Mary Brown, Mrs. H. Adams, Mindemoya Mrs. W.H.Vincer, Mrs. D. Williamson, Mrs. Jos. Hopkins, Mrs. Romain Conley, Mrs. Elliot. Poplar Mrs, Foster, Mr. Watt, Mrs. Slomke, Mrs. W. Robinson, Mrs. Watt, Mrs. Dinsmore, Mrs. John Baker. Providence Bay Mrs. E. Patterson, Mrs. Ellis, Dr. W. Newcomb. |
21. |
Article: District Annual Meeting W.I. 1920 -- Mrs. A. McDonald, Mrs. O.M. Thomson, Mrs. D. Munro, Mrs. George J. Priddle,
Mrs. Wm. Priddle, Mrs. Wilbert Edmonds, Mrs. Wiseman. Article: W.I. Reorganized Miss Hopkins, Mrs. Percy Anning, Mrs. Swainson, Mrs. Davidson, Mrs. Langford. |
22. |
Article: Why Not Go When The Going Is Good 1920 -- Beniah Bowman. Article: Providence Bay 1902 -- Mr. Fraser, Mr. Sheppard, Mr. McDonald, Thomas Lougheed Sr. Article: Tehkummah 1920 -- Mr. & Mrs. Roy Pyette, Mrs. Wm Sloan, Mr. R. Russell, Hugh Martins, R. E .McKinney, Mr. Elford. Article: Government Road October 1920 -- Mrs. Barclay, Mr. A. Owen. |
23. |
Article: Tobacco Lake August 4, 1920 -- Mr. & Mrs. Thos Kneale, Mrs. Davidson, Mrs. Cuthbert, Mr. & Mrs. L.F. Metcalfe,
Elizabeth Burns, Jean R. McGregor, Mr. & Mrs. McIntosh, jim, Eva and Ethel, George Hall, Mamie & Jennie Brett,
Sally Bernie, Elsa Fell, Alex Thorburn, Bill Smith, Jack Hagan, Vera Casson, Myrtle Johnston, Ethel McIntosh,
Mary Cuddy, Annie and Jessie Mastin, Violet and Mamie Silverthorne, Gretchen and Mildred Hewson, Cliff Gibbs,
Harker Coutis, Wm Burns, Mrs. R.A. Smith, Marian, Jim, Maude and Doris Purvis. Article: Providence Bay December 1919 -- Mr. McIntyre, Dr. Davis, Mr. & Mrs. Del Pattison, Mr. Humphrey, Mr. R. Ritching, Nathan Duxbury, Wm. Love, Geo. Langtry, Mr. & Mrs. Thos Love, Victoria Cranston, Mr. John Gordon. Article: South Tehkummah April 29, 1920 -- George Ward, Herb Taylor, Hazel Snow, Percy Russell, Hugh Martin, Chester Snow, Mrs. Norton, Mrs. Tom Philips, J.A. Ward, John Morrison, Hugh Littles, Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson. |
24. |
Article: Manitowaning 1920 -- Geo M. Thorburn, J. MacCauley, S. Purdy, D. Watson, Miss Wagg, Miss Tilson, A. Wyman,
Mrs. Geo and Art Holmes, Jas. Marshall, Mr. & Mrs. George Morrison, Clara Cowan, Ella Neilson, A. Irving, Jno. McKim,
Seth Chapmen, Carl Young, Dr. O. Hinds, Reid Hinds, Mr. Martelle. Article: Spring Bay 1920 -- Lloyd Buie, Jack Alexander, Bayward Buie, Bob King, Jim Dryden, Mr. McAllister, C.L. McDonald, Nancy Campbell, George Campbell. Article: Providence Bay November 6, 1919 -- Pearl Owen, Mrs. R. Arnold, Mr. & Mrs. Minnigan, T.J. Teed, Lizzie Gordon, D. Cameron, Mrs. Loyal McFarlane, George West, J. Purvis, Wes McFarlane, Mr. & Mrs. Sam Sinker. |
25. | Photo: Imperial London by Skip Gillham. |
26. |
Article: Imperial London Awaits Scrapping: Built 1948, 1978 refitted for saltwater service. Poem: My Mother 1920. |
27. |
Article: The Family Bible -- Wilfred Joyce, John Joyce, Charles Joyce, married Margaret Walker, Clarence Morrison. Article: C.P.R. Officials Visit Island 1920 -- W.S. Elliot, W.B Lannigan, J.J. Scully, Sopt Boucher, G.B. Nicholson. |
28. |
Article: 42 Years Ago June 24, 1920 -- Sheriff Fell, Mrs. Wm. Pyette, H. Mender: Flour $5.00, spring wheat 75-85,
Oats 60-70, Barley 50-60, Peas 90-1.00, Potatoes 60-60,Hay $20-25, Butter 20-25, eggs 15-17. Article: One Reason Why 1920 -- It Pays Farmers to Buy In Their Home Town The bigger and better the market the greater the value of his land. Article: Alf Johnson's Barn Burns 1920 -- A.E. Johnson, A. Burns -- No Insurance. |
29. |
Article: The New Cabinet November 20, 1919 -- E.C. Drury, M. Doherty, R.H. Grant, Ben Bowman, F.C. Biggs, W.R. Rollo,
H. Mills, C. Nizon, P. Smith, W.E. Raney, K.C., Lt. Col Carmichael. Poem: Beniah's Private Car. Article: U.F.O. Convention 1920 -- Mr. LaRoche, Dr. Carol, J. Wright, J. McEachern, Geo H. Cook, Scott Fraser. |
30. |
Article: Pacific Hotel Burned June 3, 1920 -- Jim Stone, Mr. & Mrs. Elliot and Andy, R.T. Hall. Article: Death of R.R. McKay 1920 -- Rev R.R. McKay. Article: W.W. Witty Dead 1920 -- Wilfred Willard Witty, Rev Morcombe, Harry Witty, Gordon and Mrs. Geo Cole. |
31. |
Article: Great Masonic Gathering 1920 -- Rt.Wor McCrea, Rt. Wor Bro White, Rt Wor Bro Graham. Article: Government Road 1920 -- Olga Hall, J. Langtrees, D, Hopkin, Mrs. Forbes, Dr. Davis, F. McDermid, J. McIntyre. |
Back Cover |
Article: Providence Bay October 23, 1919 -- Mrs. Barclay, Mr. & Mrs. E. Newell and son Percy, Mr. Robert Griffith, A. Tracy,
W. Vincer Jr., Jos. Hodgson, Mr. & Mrs. Van Loon, Samuel Sinclair, Norman Lewis, Arthur Hill. Poem: Short of Help by Mrs Margaret Wilson (Morden). |
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Front Cover | Thanksgiving. |
2. | Indexes. |
3. | Article: The History of the Stone Silo, by Ev Proctor, names mentioned, Gordon Willett, Frank Williams, Harry Noble, Joe Montgomery, Stewart Clark, Cy Beach. Nellie (Willett) Elford. picture of Nellie, speaking of the Tobacco Lake Pavillion Marvin Bowman, Minnie Fogg and the Flannagan girls. |
4. | Photo: Stone Silo on the Willett farm. |
5. | Article: Lost in the bush at 22 months, Jessie Elizabeth Johnston did this June 1944. John F. Van Horn,Gladys, John & Jim Johnston, Frank Slagel, Thomas Archibald, Mr & Mrs. Jim Proctor, Eve Protor, Fortune Teller Lizzie Pollard said the little girl had been found, Jack Newman, Johnny Mokam, Stewart Lane, Dr, Fred Strain, Bracken Farm, Don Burt, Reta & Steve Hall, Mrs. Gladys Trites (Glenn). |
6. | Article: Stories from 1894, Mrs.Estelle Johnson from Michigan, Mr. W.John McQuarrie, F.A.Hilton, William Lewis Baby, Raymond P.Baubie, Sandwich, Ontario, James Baby, Wiolliam E. Baubie, Wikwemikong Mission, Walter Wagg, F.A.Hilton, Darcy Hilton, Estelle (Tay) Baubie Johnson. |
7. | Article: A Visit to the Village of Wickwimikong; Manitoulin Islands Tales of 1894, picture of William L. Baby. |
8-12. | Article: A Visit to the Village of Wickwimikong, continued -- Charles Lamarandier. |
13. |
Article: A Visit to the Village of Wickwimikong, continued. Article: A Visit to the Sault Ste, Marie from Windsor to the Soo by steamer, Cambria. |
14, 15. |
Article: A Visit To The Sault Ste. Marie, continued. Article: Local News -- 1920: Rev R. Wiseman, Miss Mary Jaffray, Mr and Mrs H. Clark, Miss Kate Graham, R.J. Winter, Rich Harper, Albert Woods, Jas Purvis, Russel J. Hartley, Robt Gilroy. Jas Burt. |
16. | Post Cards: to Miss Flora Turnbull, Snowville, from Mary Turnbull, of Michael's Bay Ontario to Miss M.J.Turnbull, Snowville, P.O. from Merdick McIntyre. Michael's Bay. |
17. | Post Card: picture of a bird -- postage was 1 cent. |
18. |
Article: A Grand Lady of 90 -- Ruby (McColman) Woodruff, neice Eleanor King. Article: Memorial Day Memories, Nov 11, 1986, telephone operator, Bernice McColman. Article: Blueberry picking, -- Bracken and McColman families, Louisa McColman, Ernie McColman. |
19. |
Article: Blueberry picking, continued -- word that Jim Merrylees had been killed in action -- Bill McColman. Picture: XII of the Gore Bay Continuation School -- Meria Hubbard, Ralph Mutchmore, Florence McColman, Pearl Jewell, Bessie Jaffray, Nellie Carter, May Pearson, Lina Gamey, Grace Thorburn and Murray, Lina Gamey and Mr.Archibald, teachers. Photo belonged to Florence (McColman) McKenney and submitted by daughter Eleanor King. |
20. |
Article: Bill McColman had narrow escape on Dieppe Beach. Article: Jack McKenney is alive, Ernie McColman was an Army Cook. Article: Holiday Memories, One of the highlights of my Mother's (Florence McColman) teaching experiences was the trip home for the holidays from the North Shore to Gore Bay. Sometimes by water or over the ice. The Gore Bay Museum has the Log Books of these trips. Article: 1871 Census -- Robert J. Armstrong, age 40, Elizabeth age 38, Ambrose Henry age 15, Thomas William age 10, Simon George age 6, Mary Ann age 6, Elizabeth Jane age 5, Robert John age 3, James A age 1. Names mentioned: Thomas and Margaret Lougheed, Robert and Elizabeth Armstrong, Louisa Florence Armstrong, Simon Armstrong, Thomas William Armstrong. |
21. |
Pictures: of Robert John Armstrong. Article: Alexander McColeman, sailboat Black Jack, Charlie Moore, John Moore. Article: The life of Ruby (McColman) Woodruff, by Eleanor King -- Mrs.Brasner. |
22. | Article: The life of Ruby (McColman) Woodruff, continued -- married Charles Edward Woodruff. |
23. |
Article: The life of Ruby (McColman) Woodruff, continued. Poem: Autumn 1920. |
24. |
Article: Oct 23rd 1897 -- Sheep raising in Ontario -- D.C.Cameron possible candidate for coming Election. Article: The Nice Races 1902, record set by M. Serpolier in a 12 horse power steam machine of the flash-tube boiler type. |
25. |
Article: Mazzutti was a Versatile Carrier and called on Manitoulin communities to load
Pulpwood, by Skip Gillham. Photo: Manzzutti's last trip through the Welland Canal. Article: Ship J.S. Keefe, renamed Parame, renamed Canmore, by Skip Gillham. Photo: ship, Manzzutti. |
26. |
Article: Some names of ships, Aspenleaf. Mancox, Stadacona, Crystal Jewel. Article: Matrimony Has Ten Commandants 1902. Advertisement: Stops the Cough and Works Off the Cold. Article: Curlers Organized 1903, Jas. M. Fraser presided over meeting, elected, Patron Judge McCallum, Honourable President Wm. Stoddard, President W.W. Holden, Vice-President John M. Fraser, Secretary/Treasurer R.R. McKessock. Executive Committee R.J.Porter, F.E. Titus, W.H. Hurst, N. Buchanan, J.H. Biehl, building contact to Jas. Martin, electric lights by Mr. Goodmurphy. |
27. | Article: The South Side Score a Point, 1902, Judgement Given in the Ice Lake School Case Frank A. Anglin. K.C., Mr Williams, Mr. Murray, W.H. Brett, Thomas Robertson, Thomas Wilson, Neil McLear, Herbert Gilroy, Ben Vine, Robert Brett, Neil McLean. J.W. Kerr. |
28. | Article: The South Side Score a Point, continued. |
29. | Article: Presentment of Grand Jury, Court of General Sessions, District of Manitoulin, 1902. Archibald Bain McCallum, Judge of the Judicial District of Manitoulin, Alex Thorburn. |
30. | Article: Reptiles as a Table Delicacy. Considered a Dainty Dish in Some Countries, 1920. White Ants. Tigers, Elephants and Bats Furnish the Bill of Fare in Many Districts. Africans Like Green Lizards, Alligator just as tasty as rabbit. Turtle Ponds of the Amazon, frog is the most popular. |
31. |
Article: Frogs As Food continued -- and historical for eating
Where Bears' Flesh is Eaten. Article: Kagawong Picnic 1902 Reeve Munro of Billings, Rev. Mr. Byrnes, Mr. Titus, Peter Kickhout, J.D.Munro. |
Back Cover |
Article: Shorthorns 1902, George Strain, Ed. Beck, Dandy was George Strain's prize bull,
Gordon Princess was owned by Mr. Cattey, Farmer's Advocate. Advertisement: Rheumatic People Can Only Find Relief by Enriching the Blood, Dr.Williams' Pink Pills. Article: Famous Tower Demolished 1902, Tower of Remembrance. New Ontario 1902, A. Miscampbell, majority 270, W.R. Smyth, majority 78, R.R. Gamey, majority 350. |
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Page | Article or Item |
Front Cover | Poem: In Flanders Fields, by John McCrae. |
2. | Indexes. |
3. |
Poem: The Seigfried Line by Unknown. Poem: The Split Trench Blues by Unknown. |
4-7. | Article: The Battle of Queenston Heights, by Unknown (War of 1812) -- village of Queenston, Forty-ninth Regiment ("Green Tigers"), Captain Dennis, village of Lewiston, General Brock (Sir Isaac Brock), Colonel Macdonell, Mohawks, Norton, Brant, Major-General SlHuiib, Forty-first Regiment, General Sheaffe, General Wadsworth, General Van Rensselaer, Detroit. |
8. |
Article: The Three Bears 1943 -- George McRae, Chas. Wright. Article: Reminiscence 1943, by Florence Baker -- Erin, Ontario, Woolen Mill, William Duxbury, Methodist Church, Nathan Duxbury, brothers: Dave, Bill, Tom, four sisters, Credit River, Toronto. Article: Providence Bay 1920 -- Miss Sara Bennet of South Baymouth, Burpee, Miss Pearl Owen, Miss Lizzie Gordon, Mr. Wm. Chisholm, Mrs. R. Hitching, Miss Myrtle Wagg, Ada Sinkler, Mr & Mrs. S. Sinkler, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bowin, Miss Myrtle Hewitt, Providence Bay, Mr. John Gordon, South Bay, Mr. Bob Ainsile, Mrs. J. McKenzie, Toronto. |
9. |
Article: Early Residents Talk of Barrie Island. Article: Memories of and Expatriates of Barrie Island, by Edmon Lawrence Long, John Lawrence Runnals. Article: Women's Institute of Barrie Island -- Lady Tweedsmuir -- written Spring 1985. Article: The Jack Witty House -- Lot 5, Con. 5 -- Bill, Nelson, Art and Harold Lane, Arthur Runnalls married Elizabeth Stocks. |
10. |
Article: Memories of and Expatriates of Barrie Island, by Edmon Lawrence Long,
John Lawrence Runnals. Article: The Jack Witty House, continued -- Rev. Robert Wiseman, Gordon, Burpee circuit, Ravenna (near Collingwood), Jim Wiseman married Annie Lane (teacher), June 1932 Cecil married Mary Baker, Lawrence. Article: A Light in the Window -- Fred Langton, Royal Navy,Harry Mervyn, John Jennings, George Brydges. Article: Christmas Sleigh Rides -- Grandma Runnalls, Deacon's Hill, sleighs and toboggans home, Fan the horse, Article: The Double Strapping-- Morris Dickout. |
11. |
Article: The Double Strapping, continued Ed. Article: How I Met My Wife -- Arthur Runnalls, Pearl Louise Runnalls (Dora Sutton), Long family, Lizzie Runnalls. Article: Tire Changing -- Arthur Runnalls, Mina Stocks, Mr. & Mrs. William Stocks of Gore Bay, Lawrence. Article: Home Coming after World War I -- Dora. |
12. |
Article: Home Coming after World War I continued -- Gore Bay, Winona (steamer), Ernest Letts, Rev. Robert Wiseman, Alex.
Fraser, Matt Craig, Ed. Article: An Added Note -- Meeting the Winona when soldiers returning, Kay, Ed, Dora. Article: Naked in the Rain -- McLean farm, Greer's Corner, Lawrence. Article: Our First Telephone -- (on Barrie Island). |
13. |
Article: Mice -- Roger Simpson Company of Toronto, (women and mice). Article: Guns and Hunting -- John (Ed's father's brother), George (Ed's brother), Ed (soldier). Article: Snakes -- 1896 -- Albert Long, Agnes, three little boys, Steven Morden. Article: The General Election of 1917 -- Sir Robert Borden, Sir Wilfred Laurier, George B. Nicholson of Chapleau, Lewis, Mr. Major (police magistrate and former Recorder owner). |
14. |
Article: The General Election of 1917, continued -- Jean McGregor, Mr. Hern, Kate Fraser, Mr. O'Connor. Article: Going to Town -- (account of Lawrence's trip to town). Article: Mrs. Jeffkin's Accounts -- Mrs. John Jeffkins (postmistress' account keeping methods), Barrie Island. Article: Three Deliveries a Week -- Catherine (Ed's grandmother), Tom Latta. |
15. |
Article: Three Deliveries a Week, continued -- John C. Ross of North Bay, Victor Reed, Blair and Stuart Holtby. Article: In the Fuel Business -- (firewood business). Article: Wolves -- sheep raising, Bert Greenman. Article: The Old Well Boom -- (oil speculation). Article: Sugar Beets -- (Wiarton company contract with Barrie Island farmers). Article: Breaking the Law -- 1917 -- (hunting) night operator Gore Bay Telephone company, Mr. F.W. Major. |
16. |
Article: Breaking the Law, continued -- Jean McGregor, Ocean House, Whitney Shields, Mr. Shields (provincial police
constable). Article: November 11, 1918 -- (end of W.W.I) -- Rev. Robert Wiseman, Smith Brothers store in Gore Bay, Fred Smith, Cecil, Milligan's Hill, McEwan Hill, Nelson. Article: A Reverse Auction -- McLean place, lot 10, con. 5 -- William McLean, Edith Todd (teacher), (Christmas cleaning of the school, reverse auction), Oliver Runnalls and Katie Jennings married Dec. 15, 1897. |
17. |
Article: A Reverse Auction, continued -- Arthur, George Witty. Article: Locked Up -- (Ed accidentally handcuffed) Bill Wood of Gore Bay, Griffith Blacksmith shop. Article: A Tidal Wave -- Gore Bay tidal wave. Article: The Buggy Wheel -- (wheel fell off buggy). Article: Wild Mushrooms -- (gathering, cooking mushrooms). Article: Little J.P. -- (playing pranks) Charles Greer, Charlotte. |
18. |
Article: Little J.P. continued -- Runnals children, Miss Greer, Margaret Edmonds, Lizzie Stocks, Em Witty. Article: Whoa There -- c. 1911 (new car) -- church, John Jeffkin, Fred Ellis. Article: Pears, Delicious Pears -- George and Leonard Lane. Article: The Beef Ring -- (storing fresh meat). |
19. |
Article: The Beef Ring, continued. Article: Walking In the Rain -- Gore Bay Continuation School, Cecil, Milligan's Hill. Article: Mineral Water -- Nelson and Catherine Runnalls, Mervyn Creek. Article: The Sons of Temperance -- (anti-drinking), Gore Bay. |
20. |
Article: The Sons of Temperance, continued. Article: Boer War Soldier's Return -- Abe Thorn, Spanish Station. Article: Soda Biscuits -- (Sunday visiting) John Jennings, George Cole, Bob Cole, Sam Cole, Ernest Letts, Albert Long, Donald Griffith, Tom Rumley, Esley Eaton, Stan Runnalls. Article: Three Cheers -- (general election June 1914) -- R.R. Gamey, Rev. W.E. Wilson. |
21. |
Article: Three Cheers, continued -- J.H. Beihl, tailor and for agent in Gore Bay, T.B. Greenman. Article: The Snow Bank at School -- (school prank) -- Margaret Edmonds of Silverwater, Noble. Article: The Orange Lodge -- c. 1912 Barrie Island -- Long Family, George, Arthur Runnalls, Tom Gilmour, George Noble Jr., Emma Noble. |
22. |
Article: A Visitor Back Home -- (Lawrence returns to the island to visit) -- Bob Jeffrey. Article: The Wrong Tooth -- Deacon's Point, Gore Bay, Nelson, Cecil, Morris, Lawrence, Dr. McIntosh? Article: A Good Job -- 1915 -- Bob Burns, "Spot" Carr, Mr. Hoover (principal). Article: My First Day at School -- 1898 -- William Greer. |
23. |
Article: My First Day at School, continued -- Jim Mervyn, Ellen Brydges? / Frydges?, Agnes Nancy Long, James Annet Long,
Muriel Fell (nurse, daughter of Dr. J.H. Fell, sheriff of Manitoulin). Article: The Last Load -- c. 1913 purchase of Lot 5, con. 5 -- Jack Witty, Tim Emery, Nelson. Article: Summer Employment -- (cutting shingles) John Jeffkins, William McLean, Greer farm, George Noble. |
24. |
Article: Summer Employment, continued -- Mr. Rumley. Article: A Vistor Back Home -- (repeat). Article: Barrie Island -- (geographical and historical information about the island) Commodore Robert Barrie. Article: North America's Oldest Horse 1944 -- Dolly, 40 years old -- Walter Carruthers, Wingham, Ontario. R.T. Hall -- 1902 -- undertaker. |
25. |
Article: An Old Car Made Well -- Gore Bay Garage, Robinson Auto Body, Ted Cook, Don McQuarrie. Photos: cars. |
26. | Poem: The Maple. |
27. |
Poem: (Untitled) by H.F. Darnell. Article: British Royalty Buried in Canada 1944 -- London, Ontario, January 25, 1867, Charles Wetherbee, his wife, Lavinia Hermione Gertrude Amanda Guelph, dau. of King George IV of England died. |
28. |
Article: Make Way for the 14th -- composed by Indian member of 14th Forestry Company, Pete Charlie Matchan. Poem: Adolph's Nightmare. |
29. |
Article: CPO Frank Wagg Was at Helm of Frigate In Sea Battle -- Hon. Angus L. McDonald, minister of naval services, corvette St.
Thomas, frigate Dunver, Lt. Comm. W. Davenport of Victoria, Castle class corvette Hespler, Lt. Comm. Neville S.C.
Dickinson of Toronto and Halifax -- CPO Frank Wagg, Lt. Comdr. Erie R. Shaw of Victoria. Article: Well Known Captain Meets with Fatal Accident -- Joseph May of Little Current c. 1940 -- tug Helen S., Capt. R.L. Graham of Little Current, Tom Noble, William Wilkinson, T.C. Sims, Elia White (Joseph May's wife). Children: Frank May and Mrs. Thelma Grafolette. |
30. |
Poem: The Soldier's Desire -- Composed by a gunner of the Royal Winnipeg Rifles sent by Cpl. H.R. Cooper to his mother,
Mrs. W.J. Cooper, The Lonely Soldier. Article: History Has Repeated Itself -- Wordsworth poem. |
31. | Article: Manitoulin Used to Carry Pulpwood, by Skip Gillham -- shipping vessels, K.A.Scott, vessel Imari. |
Back Cover |
Article: Manitoulin Used to Carry Pulpwood, continued. 1925 -- Quote by Carlyle. |
MFT Home 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 TOP
Page | Article or Item |
Front Cover | Merry Christmas. |
2. | Indexes. |
3. |
Article: How Christmas Was Celebrated on Manitoulin Many Years Ago by Bruce Pitfield -- Rev Fred O'Meara, Rev Canon O'Meara. Picture: Winter scene with Horse and Sleigh. |
4. | Poem: Christmas Greetings. |
5. | Photo: of A Meeting in the Soo by Dorothy Addison. Joe Smyth, Russell Hopkins, Ted Cook, Edward Addison, Charles Hutton, Andrew McMillan, Herb Hopkins, Willard Cook. |
6-8. |
Article: The District Court 1903 -- Crown Attorney Murray, Robert Thorburn, Judge McCallum, Sheriff Jackson, Mr. Chamberlain,
Dr Ryerson, Mr. Plimsoll. Article: Government Usually Wins 1903 -- Mr. Whitney. |
9, 10. |
Article: Harry Loosemore Was A Great Resourceful Person by Bruce Pitfield. H.A. Loosemore, Joe DeMaggio, Adlaide (Adele) de la
Monrandiere, Vernon Loosemore, Norbert Loosemore, Edgar Loosemore, Virginia (Mrs. Milford Smith),
Dorothy (Mrs Jack Hoyland) Carol (Mrs Fred Carter) Gladys (Mrs. Dan Roque), Mrs. Jean (McDonald) Lowe. Article: Robert Boyter 1939 Mr. & Mrs. David Boyter, Rev Keith McKenzie, Ed Drolet, Emerson Boyter, Franklin May, Lawrence Peck, Dr. A. Alston, Mel Boyter, Mrs Ray Johnson, Mrs. M.W. Ritchie, Mr. & Mrs. J.T. May, Mr. & Mrs. J.G. May, Mr. & Mrs. Chas McDonald, Mrs. N. Trotter, Mr. J.N. Sisson, Mrs. Reid, Ernest Parry, Mr. & Mrs. R.M. Boyter, Mrs. R. Riddell, Mrs. A. Lees, Wm Lees, John Lees, Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Lees, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lees, Mr. & Mrs. John Bailey, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Addison, Mr. & Mrs. Steve Cull, Mr. & Mrs. E.F. Priddle, Mr. & Mrs. Roy Fields. |
11. |
Article: A Little Sermon 1925 by Louisa Alcott. Article: Christmas Cards 1920 -- W.E. Dobson, B.A. |
12. |
Poem: Christmas 1919. Story: In The Good Old Days 1920. |
13. | Poem: A Christmas Carol. |
14. |
Article: Party Thrilled by Wolf Hunt 1937 Mrs. Jas McKinley, Mrs. D.N. Bailey, Miss Noreen McKinley, Sam McKinley,
Willard Witty, Russell Hore. Article: Island Police Officer Dies After Seizure 1940 Constable Albert Wesley Stewart. |
15. |
Article: Seven Drown When M.S. Hibou sinks off Owen Sound ten make shore safely. Capt Norman McKay, Miss Iona Johnston,
W. McReynolds, M. McIvor, Chester Dunham, J. Minard, R. Earls, surviving Jas Agnew, Howard Allen, Orville Parr,
Daniel Rouse, Duncan Smart, F. Record, D. McIntosh, Ross Galbraith, E. Carr, Earnest Rouse and Daniel Rouse. Article: Interesting S.A. Meetings 1903 Adjt E. Sims, Mrs. Sims. |
16. | Photos: The Addison Family, Jack, Ted, Verna, May, Daisy, the other photo G.S. Addison wife Elizabeth Hurd Addison, Barney, Joseph, Edgard William, George, Charlie and Jessie in 1879. |
17. |
Photo: Ship Delkote. Article: Delkote by Skip Gillham Capt George Hindman, John Greenwood, Capt C.D. Secord. |
18, 19. | Poems: T'was the Morning of Christmas 1937, The Message of Peace and That Christmas. |
20-28. |
Photo: Waterfront of Killarney 1920. Article: From the French River to the Soo by Bruce Pitfield. Etienne Brule, Capt Casselman, Capt Joe Roque, Capt Wm Lowe, Tom Jackman, Mrs. McDonald, Father Comte, Lord Aberdeen, Lady Dufferin, Father Raymbault, Father Jogues, Capt Albert, Capt Charles. Photo: St. Joseph Church in Killarney 1920, and Little Delvina Roque (nov Mr. Ovus Pandke) with Jean McDonald. Edgar Fulchet, Capt Hutchin, John Noble, Mr. Moore (Editor of Expositor), Father Papineau, R.A. Lyon, R.R. Gamey, Mr. Price, Beniah Bowman, Thomas Ray, Father Jones, Joe Lapointe, Steve Poulin. Article: Cockburn Island Man Drowned at Walkhouse Bay: 1940 Geo Pateman, Capt R.L. Graham,George Manitower. Article: Under the Mistletoe 1920: Scandanavian about mistletoe. |
29. |
Sketch: New Ferry for Tobermory -- South Bay Mouth Run -- Named Norisle. Article: First P.O. Dept Surplus 1903: Sir Wm Mulock. |
30. | Article: Souvenir from S.S. #5 Assiginack School, 20 December 1918: A.I. Turnbull, T. Manual, P. Sparrow, F. Fields, Elva McGillis, Earl McGillis, Earnest Bryant, Neil McGillis, Main Bryant, Melvin Fields. |
31. | Two Christmas Poems. |
32. |
Story: The Teardrop in Mother's Eye. Article: Perishes in Wednesday's Blizzard at Meldrum Bay 1939: Mrs. Archie Stephens, George Williams, George Everett, Mrs. Edith Gareau, Constable Carmichael, A.R. Knight, Mrs. & Mrs. A. Grant. |
33. | Article: Recalling Old Timers on Manitoulin: 1937:Gordon S. Wismer, H.L. Wismer, Ed Purvis, J.S. Woodward, Josh Jackson, Capt J.L. Baxter, Sam Jackson, Robert Foote, Tom Griffith Jr., Tom Purvis, Bill Purvis, Alex Purvis, Dave Bickell, Bob Fotic, Beill English, Percy Price. |
34. | Article: A Church Federation 1900: The Presbyterian Review proposes a Federation of all Churches, which hold in common the fundamental laws of Christianity. |
35. | A Perfect gift for Christmas: Subscription to Through the Years. |
Back Cover |
Article: Manitoulin Island Opened to Settlers 75 Years Ago 1937: Hon Wm McDougall, Sir John Colburne, Capt T.G. Anderson. Article: Sudden Death of Young Man 1939: Cecil Langman, Gertrude Langman, Thomas Langman, Grace Campbell Langman, John Purvis, Clifford Langman, John Langman, Tom Langman, Mrs. L.C. Gill, Emily Langman Jessie Langman, Mrs. Wm Atkinson, Rev Mr. Radford, Leon Pattison, D. McDougall, Austin Monkhouse, J.D. McArthur, G. Reed, D. Caddel. |
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