MFT Home 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 TOP
Page | Article or Item |
Front Cover | Photo: of Sim's Hardware Store in Little Current. |
2. | Introduction to "Through the Years." |
3. | Article: Manitoulin Caribou antler found -- Gordon Dinsmore, Alex Purvis, Cecil Merrylees, Jack Merrylees, Jim McQuarrie Sr. |
4. |
Article: Do You Remember Way Back In 1896 -- Jas. Fisher, R.R. Gamey, D.I. Millar,
W. Montgomery, Chas. White, Russell McGregor, R.T. Hall, G. Peters, Jas. Carter, C.C. Pratt,
G.W. Myles, W.R. Abrey, J.J. Kehoe, J.W. Cashman, (Millar, Young,
Hall & Connor), J.S. Hawkins, S.J. Keys, M.E. Wetherilt, M.A. Bruce, Sara Jackson,
H. Currie, H.B. Hunt, John Hillard, John W. Kinney, T. Bowser, M. Bailie,
Wm. Farquhar, M. Graham, Wm. Lloyd, J. McKenzie, Geo. Tustian, W.J. Wiber, Wm. Thorburn,
H. Currie, D.I. Millar, W.W. Holden, E.C. Jackson, W.F. Brown,
J.W. McIntosh, John Puris, Bert Whit, Wesley Mutchmor. Canadian Pacific Time Table -- R.A. Cormack. Article: Gore Bay School Report, Standing of Pupils for December -- Form I -- Percy Price, Annie Thornburn, Martha Wixson, Gracie Brazenor, Jennie Fraser, Nellie Thorburn, Aggie Thornburn, Gordon Bickell, Alfred Johnson, William Milligan, Jennie Allen, Ethel Needham, Farquhar McRae, Lorne McArthur, Andrew Hall, Wesley Mutchmor, Flo Kinney, Florence Young, Willie White, Archie McRae, Eliza Johnson, Maud Wismer, Maggie McRae, S.J. Keys (Principal). |
5. |
Article: Gore Bay School Report -- Standing of Pupils for December continued. Form II -- J. Flanagan, Z. Bickell, J. McArthur, R. Bickell, B. Hall, H. Price, W. Johnson, P. Platt, W. Young, L. Hawkins, W. Gilbart, G. Hall, A. Needham, I. Jackson, R. McRae, A. White, S. Connor, W. Lehman, K. Thorburn, M. Vanzant, F. Needham, M. Thorburn, L. Johnson, A. Aiken, N. Mastin, E. White, E. Belton, C. Flanagan, G. Jennings, A. Lehman, L. McRae, L. McRae, F. Fraser, M. Mutchmor, L. Dell. Form III -- Flora Thorburn, John Fraser, Alethea Goodmurphy, Mac Fraser, Ida Mastin, Jessie Thorburn, Chas. Connor, Robt. Thorburn, Maggie Stone, Clarence Platt, Bertha Montgomery, Oliver Wismer, Ethel Bickel, Millie Hall, Alex Aiken, Annie Mutchmore, Jennie Jeffrey, Maggie Sutherland, Ike Johnson, Fred Connor, Chas. Fraser, Maggie Johnson, Gracie Hawkins, Frank Baxter, Bessie Fraser, Thos. Nesbitt, Marjory Vanzant, Mamie McGrory, Willie Parkinson, Jennie McKeown, Etta Harper, Thos. Richards, Robert Pickard, Mary Pickard, Matt Irving, Aggie Buffey, Alberta Whicher, Etta Hall, Robert Jeffray, Annie Mathieson, Ida Pickard, Sandy Harper, M.A. Bruce (teacher). Form IV -- Allan Fraser, Wilfred Lehman, Mamie Fraser, (Sara Mathieson, Maud Platt), Maggie Thorburn, Willie Leask, James Stone, Eva White, Frank Wolfe, George Stone, Etta Mastin, Flora Thorburn, Roy Thorburn, Simon Fraser, Grenville Price, Harold Wismer, Emma Allen, Lula Vanzant, Mary Jaffray, Bob Hopkins, Janet Cockburn, John Jaffray, Ollie Aiken, Emma Fraser, Jas. Thorburn, Allie Connor, Ville Harper, John Buffy, Alice Johnston, Sam Johnston, James Bickell, Flora Bickell, Hatti Pickard, Jessie Coburn, Murdock Mathieson, Ethel Baxter, Ray Caniff, Sara Jackson (teacher). Photo: of A.E. Graham and article. |
6. | Photo: of horseless carriages at Barrie Island. |
7. | Carters Saw Mill Fire at Tobacco Lake 1890. |
8. | Manitoulin Guide, 1890 -- B.W. Ross, Jas. Carter, John Fraser, J.H. Thorburn, Samuel Dinsmore, Robt. Porter, Henry M. Stanley, Tentant. |
9. | Poem: To My Island Home, by Marjorie May Cook. |
10. | Photo: 1954 -- Alice McClaren, Mrs. Donald Orford, Mrs. George Willett, Mrs. Jack Hall, Mrs. Charlie Burt, Mrs. McClen, Mrs. Stewart Clarke. |
11. | Letters to the Editor: W.H. Price, Wm. Plummer, Dr. Berry. |
12. | Letters to the Editor: Wm. Gibson, Chas. Woodward. |
13. | Picture: of 15 women of various ages and a Church Minister (location and names unknown). |
14. | Articles: from the Manitoulin Guide 1885 -- Mr. Mutchmore, D. McIntosh, J. Leask, J. Goodmurphy, C. Woodward, Mrs. Wm. Allan, J.C. Nelles, James Milligan. |
15. |
Articles: from the Manitoulin Guide 1885 -- R. Gamey, H.L. McLean,
A. Irving, J. Goodmurphy, Colin Campbel, T. Prestige, W.
Bailey, John Bell, W. Coughlin, J. Eaton, J. Keown, A. Ross, E. Sanders, Ja. Stewart. Report of Mills School -- Willis Arneil, Edward Baker, Jennie Elliot, Sarah Sides, Elizabeth Robertson, David Robertson, William Montgomery, William Baker, James Arneil, Alexander Orford, Florence McKenzie, Albert Watts, Isabella McKenzie, Willie Elliot, Joseph Baker, Ashsa Baker, Miss Agnes Phillips (teacher). Article: Island News, Campbell, 1885 -- Mr. R. Clark, Robt. Gamey, D. Karr, R. McKeown, Mrs. R. Williton, D. Clarke, W. Heron. Weddings: Jan 1885 James Carter & Miss Margaret Currie -- Donald Currie. W.H. Taylor & Miss Maggie Stone -- Mr. James Stone. John S. Scarlett & Miss Emma Scott -- Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Fetterly, Robert Scarlett. |
16. | Poem: Isle Of Manitou, by Harry Beckerton, Gore Bay -- December 4, 1884. |
17. | Advertisement: for C. Woodward's store in Gore Bay 1884. Song: Auld Lang Syne "New Version" as per Professor Blackie. |
18. |
Advertisements: R.T. Jaffray & Co. Ford Dealers; A.E. Johnson Meats, Gore Bay; The Leading
House of A. Hogg; Anderson Bro's of Gore Bay; Kapausing Experimental Station Weekly News Letter; Collingwood &
Georgian Bay steamer schedule. Article: Barrie Island, How it got it's name -- named after Commodore Barrie, a naval officer stationed at Kingston and who visited the area in 1820's. |
19. | Advertisements: Furniture Depot of A. & W.S. Davidson; Billdark(?) Blood Bitters; Michael's Bay, dry goods & hardware; Gore Bay Grist & Saw Mills; Quality Meat Market (submitted by Jenny Long); National Pills; Long Bay Store of R. Gamey, Long Bay; Boar for Service by H.L. Melean(?); Annual Meeting of Gordon Agricultural Society, by A. Irving, Secretary; Notice by J. Goodmurphy of Gore Bay; W.R. Tighe, Tailor. |
20. | Obituary: of Major Wm. McRae, 3rd November 1890. |
21. | Gen. John Bidwell, Burton Witty. |
22. | Article: Commercial fishing 1925 by Bruce Pitfield. |
23. | Letter: of 1908 by Bruce Pitfield. |
24. | Postcard: to T.H. Jackman of Killarney -- 1910. |
25. | Article: A backward glance at the Manitoulin District schools (1945). |
26. | A Short History On S.S. 4, Sandfield -- Called Silver Bay (1883) February 3, 1944. |
27. | Manitoulin Island As An Oil Field -- from the pages of history 1912. |
28. | Manitoulin Island As An Oil Field, continued -- from the pages of history 1912. |
29. | Manitoulin Island As An Oil Field -- from the pages of history 1912. |
30. | Article: Mr. Geo. Avis of Cockburn Island, manager for the Island Cedar Co. of Chicago and his teamster Pat Barry had a terrible experience on the ice during the last nine days. |
Inside Back Cover |
Photo: 1912 -- E. Van Horn, D. Cameron, Chas. Ferguson, William Vincer, A. Caddel,
W. Sterling, Sinclair, J. Cochrane. Photo: Fish catch, Manitou Lake. |
Back Cover | Photo: -- Indian people at Kagawong, Manitoulin Island. taken about 1897. |
MFT Home 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 TOP
Page | Article or Item |
Front Cover | Photo: 1900 Wm. Watt's oxen in front of Ocean House, submitted by Edward Milleton. |
Inside Front Cover | Indexes. |
1. | Letter to the Editor: Jack Merrylees, Henry Wood, John Oxford, Mrs. Mary Belton, Mary Lougheed, Mrs. Rebecca Proctor. |
2. | Photo: repeat from November 1983 -- Mrs. Mary Belton, Melvin Lougheed, Mrs. Rebecca Proctor, Mrs. Stewart Clarke,
Mrs. Cosby. Letter to the Editor: continued from page 1 -- Marj Claridge, Mrs. Stewart Clarke, Archie Wickett, by Ev Proctor. |
3. | Article: Establishment at Manitowaning 1838, by Frank A. Myers -- Ms. Anderson, Capt. T.G. Anderson,
Miss Sophia Anderson. Photo: Manitowaning. |
4. | Article: Manitowaning 1838 letter by Superintendent Indian Affairs. |
5. | Article: Manitowaning 1838 letter by Superintendent Indian Affairs continued. Photo: Hotel Manitowaning. |
6. | Article: Manitowaning 1838 letter by Superintendent Indian Affairs continued. See Letter, July 1925 by Robert Roe. |
7. | Advertisement: 1912 The Queen's Hotel in Manitowaning -- E.R. Tucker. |
8. | Poem: De Man From Mani-too-lin by Frank T. Conlon -- Jim May, Bob Gamey. Article: Citizens race meet, Treasurer's Statement 1912 -- J. McDonald, W.A. Tait, R.J. Porter, J. Richards, Jas Purvas, C.M. Hennings, F.W. Major, John W. Kinney. |
9. | Photo: 1907 Share Certificate for Manitoulin Oil, submitted by Whitney Shields. Poem: Don't Knok. |
10. | Article: 1948 Wikwemikong has historic background -- Rev. Antoine Poncet, Rev. Eugene Papineau, Rev. Chone. |
11. | Article: History of the Obidgewong Indian Band compiled by Frank A. Myers -- Ray Merrylees, Johnny Moquan. |
12. | Photo: Mr. & Mrs. Goldie Brown. |
13. | Article: History of the Obidgewong Indian Band compiled by Frank A. Myers continued. |
14. | Article: History of the Obidgewong Indian Band compiled by Frank A. Myers continued. |
15. | Article: History of the Obidgewong Indian Band compiled by Frank A. Myers continued. |
16. | Article: History of the Obidgewong Indian Band compiled by Frank A. Myers continued. |
17. | Letter to the Editor: That corpse. |
18. | Photo: Early Automobiles in the Gore Bay area 1911. |
19. | Article: About the early automobiles in Gore Bay -- Mr. J.R. McGregor, Jim Johnson, Milton Brett, Mr. J.H. Biehl, Mr. W.H. Hurst, Mr. Burke, Helena Hurst, Aaron Walker, Sandy Burns, Dr. J.A. Baker, W.F. McRae, Peter Donaldson, Wm. Arniel, Walter Duncanson, Alf Turner. |
20. | Photo: 1910; Dr. Oliver with his first car. Article: About the early automobiles in Gore Bay -- Ev Proctor. Article: Town council 1895 -- D. Beatty, Fraser Young, C.C. Platt, Johnson Brazenor, J.S. Hawkins, E.H. Jackson, Fraser Jackson, John S. Hawkins. |
21. | Article: The Glorious Twelfth 1910 -- Mr. Wm Boyd, Rev. A.E. Owen, Rev. John Coburn, Mr. R.R. Gamey. Article: Billings 1925 -- Mrs. J. Muncaster, Ross and Allan Walford, Junior Bower, Miss Repha Greenfield, Morgan Bowser, Roy McAnsh, Miss Ruth Thomson, Mr. Goerge Wyman, Miss Alberta Greenfield, Robert Tustian. |
22. | Article: Possibilities and needs of Manitoulin by A.J. Wagg 1910. Photo: Wagg's Store in Mindemoya. |
23. | Article: Possibilities and needs of Manitoulin by A.J. Wagg 1910 continued. Photo: Wagg's Creamery in Mindemoya. |
24. | Article: Mindemoya 1910 -- Elias Hutchinson, Andrew Williamson, Mr. O.L. Morgan, Mr. Bunt, Mr. Brooks, George Becks,
Dr. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wagg, D. Wyman, Allie Vincer. Article: Recalls Hockey Match 1900 -- Capt. E. Mackey, F. Johnson, Dave Turnbull, Bob Beatty, Norm McKay, Bob Porter, Barney Turner, Sandy Burns, Dave Beatty. |
25. | Lyrics to songs. Death Notice: John Smith 1904. |
26. | Photo: Women's Institute Convention at Mindemoya. |
27. | Article: Women's Institutes by Margaret Edmonds -- Miss Blanche Maddock. |
28. | Article: Women's Institutes by Margaret Edmonds continued. Photo: Miss Margaret Edmonds. Article: from Manitoulin Guide 1895 -- E.C. Jackson, Proprietor. |
29. | Photo: 3 Furrow plough Barrie Island. Poem: Prosperous farmers of Manitoulin. |
30. | Article: Personal 1925 -- Mrs. Alton, William Clark, John Green, Mr. and Mrs. D.H. Kirk, Messrs. Harry Porter and
William Reed, Mrs. Gordon Rainey, Mr. and Mrs. William Boyd, Miss Dorothea Comfort, Mr. Newell Comfort,
Miss Dorothy Langford, Mrs. McLean, Mrs. Joseph Baker, Miss Catherine Buchanan, Mrs. Robert Elliot, John McKenzie,
Miss Muriel Gordon, Miss Elenor McColeman, Mrs. D. McColeman, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Turner, Eddie Magee, Hugh Broadfoot,
Chris Wood, C.C. Platt, A.E. Graham, Mrs. H.B. Hunt, Phyllis Jackson, Dorothy Jackson, Frank Paisley, Will Smith,
Miss Ethel McIntosh, Mr. and Mrs. Genville Lougheed, Mr. and Mrs. T.R. Lougheed, Miss Elsa Fell,
Sheriff and Mrs. J.H. Fell, Mr. Robert Freeman, Miss Reta Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. T.W. Boyd, Miss Vera Boyd,
Miss Mary Williton, Joseph Williton, Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson, Miss Theo Hewson, Judge and Mrs. Ahewson, Mrs. C. Knight,
Artchie Knight. Article: Little Current suffers heavy loss by fire, 1925 -- George Hanning, John May, Mr. Boyter, Mr. Perkins, Mr. Ratti, Mr. Currie, Mr. Rozell. |
31. | Writing found in old Saint Paul's Church, Baltimore, dated 1692. Article: Ice Lake W.I. 1925 -- Mrs. George Croft, Mrs. Alf Brandow, Ethel Croft, Nellie Douglas, Ardath Croft, Grace Kerr, Charlie Hore. Article: An old grit dodge -- John McMillan, James M. Bickel. |
32. | Photo: 1912, Captain Sinclair with the only team of oxen now in use on the Island. Photo: Irving and Co.'s Store, 1878. |
33. | Article: Gordon Council 1910 -- M. McArthur, W. Gilroy, J. Vanmeer, William Dinsmore, A. Morrell, H. Hall, John Gibson. Poem: To a Bluebird, July 9, 1925. Article: South Bay Mouth 1910 -- Hugh Boyd, Miss Vera Coultis, Dick Leeson, Miss Edith Coultis, Mr. H. Gammey, Mr. George Coultis, Miss Leonie McKechnie, Mr. W. Sterling, Mr. W. Bailey, Thomas Leeson, Mr. Jess Sloan, Mr. L. Leeson, Mr. R. Gault, John Bryan. Article: Barrie Island 1912 -- Miss Gertie Letts, Mrs. George Doherty, Mrs. John Jeffkins Jr., Mrs. George Beck, Mrs. Gertie Morris, Mrs. T.B. Greenman, Mrs. James Milligan, Mrs. Wesley Hamilton, F.J. Ellis, Will Phalen, Henry Vancise, Charles Lane, George Noble, George Long. |
34. | Article: Down Memory Lane by Bruce Pitfield -- David Martin, Robert Tilson, Henry Martin, B.W. Ross, Mr. C.L.D. Sims,
John McIvor, Leonard William Lane, Mr. W.H. Baxter, Charles Moore, Ed Kift, Dave Ham. Article: Town council 1910 -- Jessie Allan, J.R. McGregor, W.R. Wood, W.H. Brett, Mayor Smith, A.E. Graham, Rev. A.E. Owen, N.R. Smith, W.E. George, J.W. Kinney. |
35. | Article: The Most Beautiful, a Christmas story. Article: Stand United for Peace, 1954 another Christmas story. |
36. | Photo: A load of wool on the way to market by Manitoulin farmers. Article: Poplar 1925 -- Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Harvey Robinson, Mrs. J.C. Baker, Miss Verna Baker, Miss Sarah Orford, Master John Orford. |
Inside Back Cover | Subscription and information on "Through the Years". |
Back Cover | Photos: Four of the Mansion House 1912 -- now known as the Anchor Inn, Little Current. |
MFT Home 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 TOP
Page | Article or Item |
Front Cover | Advertisement: for D.Bickell & Co., agent J. Russell McGregor. |
Inside Front Cover | Contents (1836-1862) and introduction. |
1. | Photo: 1907 -- Manie Armstrong, Lawrence Armstrong, Joe Armstrong. Article: Frank Myers a true historian, E.W. Davis. |
2. | Subscription form to "Through the Years". |
3. |
Letters to the Editor: D.W Walmsley, Harry Middaugh, Mrs. Cora (Irwin) Jutra. Editor's note: Family of Joseph Best and Catherine Irwin; Joseph was the son of John Best and Ester ?; Catherine Irwin, daughter of Nicholas Mary. Their children; John William (Jane Neely). Mary Ann (Alexander Jim Merrylees then Frederick Cole), Ellen Jane (James Merrylees), Esther (Wallace Milligan), Jeretta (Hob Wilson and Arthur White), Elizabeth (Lizzie) (Jack Wood), Joseph (M. Mary Noble). |
4. | Family of Joseph Best and Catherine Irwin continued. Article: Presbyterianism on the Manitoulin Island by Rev. J.J. Fergusson, B.A. (1912) -- Rev. Hugh McKay, Rev. Allan Findlay. |
5. | Presbyterianism on the Manitoulin Island continued -- Rev. J.L. McGillivray, Rev. John Rennie,
Rev. J.L. Robertson. Photo: of Methodist Sunday School Staff. |
6. | Presbyterianism on the Manitoulin Island continued -- Rev. James Anderson, Rev. D. Fiske,
Rev. J.D. Barnes, B.D.
Rev. Simon Cunningham, T.H. Armstrong, James Steele, Rev. Dr. J.A. Carmichael, Rev. R.Y. Thomson, Dr. G.B. Wilson,
Rev. N.R.D. Sinclair, Messrs. Thornburn, McLean, Fraser, Patten, Hay, Love, Cochrane, Thomson. Article: Spring Bay -- Miss Meston, Mrs. A. Tracey, Mr. B. Buck, Jno. Blackie. |
7. | Article: History of the Manitoulin 1836-1862 by Frank A. Myers. |
8. | Article: History of the Manitoulin 1836-1862 continued -- Jas. Carter, Chas. Persian, W. Harper. |
9. | Photos: of Kagawong: Charley Snow's Dock and Store, 4 other area scenes. |
10. | Advertisement: Leask Bro's & Gore Bay Planing Mills. Article: From the "Ancaster Heritage" -- William Kemp, Emma Gurnett. Article: Spring Bay moved -- Melvin Bock. |
11. | Article: History of the Manitoulin 1836-1862 by Frank A. Myers
(Economic Factors) continued (Religious Factors) Edowishcosh, J.B. Assikinack, Chief Blackbird, Adam Elliot, C.C. Bough, Rev. Frederick O'Meara. |
12. | Article: History of the Manitoulin 1836-1862 by Frank A. Myers (Religious Factors) continued. Manitoulin Indian Census 1847 Indian Buildings results. |
13. | Article: Manitoulin Guide, 1892 -- A. McKeechnie, R.W. Mutchmore, A. Peters Cpt., W.J. Berry, Miss Annie Tilson, E. Battye, D. Parkins, S.R. McEwen, Jenny Cochrane, Jas. MacGillivray, William Cranston. |
14. | Photo: of a sewing bee Gore Bay -- Mrs. Alex Purvis Sr., Mrs. Jim Purvis, Mrs. Wm. Dinsmore, 2 unknown. |
15. | Article: History of the Manitoulin 1836-1862 by Frank A. Myers (Early Wikwemikong Settlers) -- Michael Giwashkam, Vincint Adawish, Chief Louis Wakegijik, Chief William Kinochameg. |
16. | Article: History of the Manitoulin 1836-1862 by Frank A. Myers (Early Wikwemikong Settlers) continued. |
17. | Article: History of the Manitoulin 1836-1862 by Frank A. Myers (Chief Supperintendent Jarvis). |
18. | Article: History of the Manitoulin 1836-1862 by Frank A. Myers (Chief Supperintendent Jarvis) continued. |
19. | Article: History of the Manitoulin 1836-1862 by Frank A. Myers (Chief Supperintendent Jarvis). |
20. | Article: Horse race 1890 -- Sandy Burns, Jas. Crawford,
Jim Mastin, R.E. Smith, Mrs. Alice McGibbon, Mr. Farthing, Mr. Geo. Priddle,
Mrs. Wm. Ainslie, Mr. & Mrs. Bruin, Rev. Wm. Munro, Rev. W.T. Prittie. Thos. Lowe dies 1925. |
21. |
Article: From the Manitoulin Guide 1892 -- Geo. Wedgerfield, Miss Kate Scott,
Mr. W.J. Totten, Dr. Carruthers, Rev. Mr. Brace, August Kruger. Married: Smith & McColeman, Miles & Cooke, Bailey & Foster. |
22. | Photos: of Kagawong -- 6 different scenes including Havelock Hotel. |
23. | Article: History of the Manitoulin 1836-1862 by Frank A. Myers (Sawmill at Wikwekikong). |
24. | Article: History of the Manitoulin 1836-1862 by Frank A. Myers continued -- Charles W. LaMorandiere, Mr. Benjamin Byly, John Robertson, Mr. John Burkitt, Rev. O'Meara. |
25. | Article: History of the Manitoulin 1836-1862 by Frank A. Myers continued -- Rev. C.C. Brough, McArthur, Samuel Hall, Henry Dennison, Wm Granger, Rowell & Hutchinson. |
26. | Photo: Anglican Church Manitowaning built 1845. Article: Anglican Church Manitowaning -- Thomas G. Anderson. |
27. | Text of Indian petition 1843 (Mahnetooahneeng). |
28. | Text of Indian petition 1843 continued --
John Webenacone, Joseph Othkenahwatek, Isaac Sky, George Sky, Peter Sky, Patrick Sky, Charles Sky, Jack Nahahbunwa,
James Nahabunwa, John Nahabunwa, Nichael Ahnuhgwuahdone, Abraham Animmekeke, Chief Arthur Nahwakezhek, John Sly,
George Wahbbeshashe, William Nahwakezhek, Adam Sky, Thomas Sky, John Abram Nahahbunwa, Samuel Ottahwah, Oshkemah,
Robert Chinwahanday, Thomas Kadah, James Nahwekezhig. Article: From Bishop to Governor-General 1844. |
29. | Article: History of Manitoulin (Mahnetooahing) -- Rev. Frederick O'Meara, Jarvis, Anderson, John Burkitt, Rev. C.C. Brough. |
30. | Article: Names on Manitoulin -- John Cook, Mrs. Meldrum Wickett, David McDonald, Badgerow, Robertson, Brandow, Saigeohn, Thibault, Newby, Griffith, Sanswe, Tom Bowser, Samuel Grimes, Reeve George Avis, Alexander Rumelly, Charles Trick. |
31. | Article: Names on Manitoulin continued -- Elwood Sloss, J.F. McDermid, F. Anglin, Stanley Gordon, Austin Hunt,
Joe Brown, Dave McDonald, Sam Osawamick, Philip Pitawanakwatt, Miss Mabel Williams, Miss Tillie McArthur,
Messrs Will and Wes Strain, Miss Edna Beck, Mr. Sims, Mr. Tait, John Hall, Herb Gilroy, Mr. & Mrs. Barbour,
Miss Pearl Carter, Mr. King, Mrs. Olmond, Mrs. Geo. Strain, Mr. McKeown, Mrs. M. McArthur. Photo: W.J. Tucker 1912. |
32. | Advertisement: photo Gamey Block -- built by Geo. Strain. |
Inside Back Cover |
Advertisement: for Tobacco Lake Lumber. Advertisement: for Purvis Bros. & Co. James Williamson, Mindemoya. |
Back Cover | Photo: The hunt 1907 -- Joe Armstrong, Lawrence Armstrong, Jackson (Manie) Armstrong, Dr. Maphette. |
MFT Home 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 TOP
Page | Article or Item |
Front Cover | Photo: "The Iron Horse" by Elgin McAllister -- R. Dougal McKenknie, Boris Burns, Duncan McKenknie and old Mr. Bucanan. |
Inside Front Cover | Table of contents. |
1. | Photo: W.I. Silverwater, Ont. Date unknown, ladies (26) unknown. Ike Johnson, Betty A Moody, Mrs. Betty Lawrence, William Latham, Elgin McAllister, Mrs. Bill Jones. |
2. | Photo: 1911 -- Mr. Brett and Bertha Brett, Laura Macra, Mable Milton, Will Montgomery, Annie, Maggie, Jim Chris and Bella Montgomery. Submitted by Elgin McAllister. |
3. | Article: History of the discovery of Mindemoya Caves by Frank A. Myers -- John Robert Miller, Mrs. Beatrice Levesque, W.L. Wagg, J.F. Cooke, Daniel Hagey (Haiggie or Heggie), William Schroeder, John Evans, Mrs. Andrew Tracey, Herbert Ritching, Mrs. John King, John Evans. |
4. | Article: History of the discovery of Mindemoya Caves by Frank A. Myers continued -- John Buck, Benjamin Bock, Joe Buck, J.F. Cooke, Mrs. Frank Wagg, Jesse Wagg, Martin Buck, Herbert Ritching, Albert Lemon. |
5. | Photo: Skeletons found 1888. |
6. | Article: History of the discovery of Mindemoya Caves by Frank A. Myers continued -- John Merrylees, Joseph Peltier, Joe Buck, W.L. Wagg, Father Gabriel Lalement, Father Jean de Brebeuf, Fred Ace, John Baptist Ense, A.J. Wagg. |
7. | Article: History of the discovery of Mindemoya Caves by Frank A. Myers continued -- Joe Hodgson, Peter Horning, Daniel Hagey, Joe Buck, Mrs. Andrew (Elizabeth Bock) Tracy, Martin Buck, William Schroeder, Russell and Herbert Ritching, Thomas Ritching, Benjamin Bock, Mrs. James King (Mary Ann Anderson), John Evans, Walter Joseph Wagg, Alma Josiah Wagg, Mrs. Emily Rolston, Jesse Wagg, J.F. Cooke, Grant Turner. |
8. | Article: History of the discovery of Mindemoya Caves by Frank A. Myers continued --
Fred Ace (Ense), John Ense, Father John McKay S.J., Miss Jesse Clark, Mrs. James Sloss. Poem: The Cave and Cave Dwellers by William Munro. |
9. | Photo: A family reunion, Montgomery family members, by Elgin McAllister. |
10. | Advertisement: for Leask Bro's, Gore Bay. William Kemp, Emma Gurnett, Lewis Kemp, Melvin Bock. |
11. | Article: History of the Manitoulin Island (1836-1862) by Frank A. Myers
continued from Jan 1984 edition. 1843 Progress Report -- Mr. Burkitt, Mr. LaMorandier, Rev. F. O'Meara. |
12. | Article: History of the Manitoulin Island (1836-1862) by Frank A. Myers continued. Manitowaning 1843 -- Henry Hodgson, Alex Cameron, James Peterson, John McKay, John McDonald, Patrick O'Donnell, Malcolm McArthur, Philip May, Charles Westcoatt, Duncan McKenzie, Donald Monro, William Murray, Joe Kitchi Baptiste. Article: Upper Canada College 1842 -- Francis Assikinack, Charles Keejeek, Joseph Chinguak, Francis Petosky, J.B. Assikinach (Chief Blackbird). |
13. | Article: History of the Manitoulin Island (1836-1862) by Frank A. Myers continued. Article: Upper Canada College 1842/3 continued -- Mrs. Blossom Mastin, Francis Assikinack, J.B. Assikinack, Benjamin Assikinack, Atowishcosh. |
14. | Article: History of the Manitoulin Island (1836-1862) by Frank A. Myers continued. Change in Distribution of Presents 1836-1842. Requests from Wikwemikong (Wequamekong). |
15. | Article: History of the Manitoulin Island (1836-1862) by Frank A. Myers continued. Requests from Wikwemikong (Wequamekong) continued. Request Their Priest Be Paid -- Rev. Mr. J.B. Proulx, Rev. Paquin. |
16. | Article: History of the Manitoulin Island (1836-1862) by Frank A. Myers continued. Request Their Priest Be Paid -- Bishop Power. Article: Gore Bay 1890 -- R.J. Porter, A.E. Dyment, Hurst, Capt. Graham, Turnbull, Porter, Mayor Fraser, Ed Jackson, McKessock, Biehl. Photo: The Graincradle required skill -- Henry Bock. Brief by Melvin Bock. |
17. | Algoma Elections 1894 results. |
18. | Photo: The day of the wooden boats. Submitted by Maurice Trick. Photo: A barn raising at George Priddle's farm. Submitted by Maurice Trick. |
19. | Article: The Eden Isle of Evil Spirits -- An article published in a national publication December 1952 briefly depicting activities on Manitoulin Island. |
20. | Article: The Eden Isle of Evil Spirits. continued. |
21. | Article: My Memory of Providence Bay: by Mrs. E. Pattison -- Johnston, Chief Horn, Mrs. Joseph Turley, Mrs. R.P. Green, William Clark, William Pattison and Janet Turley, John McDougall, Mr. H. McKay, Rev. Rogers, Mrs. Ogle, Mrs. Mary Mutchmore, Mr. Avery. |
22. | Photo: 1910 "Siver Spray" power boat built by Mr. Bock. Submitted by Melvin Bock. |
23. | Photo: The Village of Providence Bay (date unknown) includes history notes. Submitted by Mrs. Grace Tracy. |
24. | Photo: 1912 The Means of Transportation -- horse drawn cutter with George Trick and Lewis Kemp. Submitted by Maurice Trick. |
25. | Article: Indian Place Names on Manitoulin by Father J. Edward O'Flaherty S.J.H. -- Introduction and The Meaning of Manitoulin. |
26. | Article: Indian Place Names on Manitoulin by Father J. Edward O'Flaherty S.J.H. -- Wikwemikong, Manitowaning. |
27. | Article: Indian Place Names on Manitoulin by Father J. Edward O'Flaherty S.J.H. -- Shequiendah. |
28. | Article: Indian Place Names on Manitoulin by Father J. Edward O'Flaherty S.J.H. -- Assiginack. |
29. | Article: Indian Place Names on Manitoulin by Father J. Edward O'Flaherty S.J.H. -- Tehkummah. |
30. | Article: Indian Place Names on Manitoulin by Father J. Edward O'Flaherty S.J.H. Photo: 1912 W.L.Trotter, General Merchant, Shequiandah. |
31. | Photo: Barn raising on Cockburn Island, about 1890, possibly Pateman Farm. Submitted by Glen McLeod. Article: A Story is Told -- Mr. Ainslie search for flour. |
32. | Subscription form for "Through the Years" monthly magazines. |
Inside Back Cover | Photo: P.J. McDonald, M.D. 1912 --
brief details of same. Photo: Neil McIntosh 1912 -- advertisement details about his business. |
Back Cover | Photo: O.M. Thomson 1912 -- advertisement details
about his business. Noted -- William M. Lloyd, member of his firm. |
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Page | Article or Item |
Front Cover | Article: Four Days on Lonely Island; Eats dog. 1883 story includes the names Wm. Lloyd, Fred Martin, H.W. Martin, Robert Boyter, Dave Boyter, Chas. Burrison. Submitted by Jean Harvey. |
2. | Article: Four Days on Lonely Island; Eats dog. continued. Letter to the Editor: Names of women group P 13, Vol 1, No 2. What is in this issue. |
3. | Photo: of pioneer home of Henry Lewis (father of Mrs. Sloss Sr.). Article: History of Long Bay by Mrs. Robert Sloss Sr. -- Memoirs include the names Wilson's, Hunt's, Sandy McColeman, George Pearson. |
4. |
Article: History of Long Bay by Mrs. Robert Sloss Sr. continued --
Memoirs include the names Badgerow, Williton, Pearson, Richard Hearn, Sandy McColeman. Article: Manitoulin "Drys" Appeal to Minister, 1914 -- R.R. Gamey involved. |
5. | Photo: The Saw Mill Providence Bay 1907/8, submitted by Grace Tracy. Don McDougall, Tom McNichol, Jack Pete McDonald, Delance Latkam, Jim Love, Mick McNichol, Elmere Pattison, Parkins, Hopkins, William Chisolm, Jack Cameron, George and Reddy Armstrong. |
6. | Story: Instinct vs Instruments -- by Melvin Bock. |
7. | Photo: The Cook's dock sawmill in the village of Silver Water. |
8. | Photo: A family picture est. 1900, submitted by Walter Smyth -- Winnie and Roy Smyth, Russell Hopkins, Chess Willis, Mable Priddle and son Humphrey, Archie Duncanson, Wilbur Edmonds and Elma Edmonds. |
9. | Article: Algoma Missionary News and Shingwauk Journal by Rev. P.T. Rowe, April 1, 1881. |
10. | Article: Algoma Missionary News and Shingwauk Journal continued. |
11. | Article: Algoma Missionary News and Shingwauk Journal continued. Article: Fire at Little Current -- January 16, 1919. Article: A Loss to Little Current -- February 20, 1919. Mr. Ruth Hay. |
12. | Photo: A community picnic in Silver Water. Submitted by Walter Smyth. |
13. | Article: Local Items January 2, 1919 -- Ed Snow, Miss Jennie Brett, Miss Meda Atkinson, Mrs. A. Burns, Mrs. Wm. Johnson, Miss Irene Shields, Misses Jean Wilson, Willa Palmer, James McIntosh, Dan Matheson, Miss Ethel McIntosh, Miss Bassford, Mr. & Mrs. Paisley, Mrs. J.W. Kinney, Milton Brett, Mrs. A.C. Bryan, John Langtree, Dr. L.R. Gamey, Miss Nelda Smith, Miss Bessie Jaffray, Mrs. Jas. Carter and Clifford, Miss Lena Rheaume, Mr. & Mrs. Wes Hamilton, Mrs. Bracken, Miss Margaret Thorburn, Miss Douglas McGregor, Mrs. Cliff Ferguson. |
14. | Death: of Mrs. Francis Wagg Sr. (1855-1919). Death: of Mrs. J.B. Baker -- deceased children; Edward, Joe, William, John, Mrs. Andrew Robertson, Mrs. McConnell, Mrs. Dornbus, Mrs. R. Orford, Mrs. Bumstead, and Miss Lydia Baker. Death: of Mrs. E.G. Scott -- 1919. Farm for Sale 1919 -- apply to Geo. W. Hutchinson. |
15. | Photo: Dinner camp for workers. Submitted by Walter Smyth --
Roy Smyth, John McLeod, Jacob Rumley, Ed Hopkins, Donald McGibbon. Death: of John H. Hall (1882-1919) -- sisters Mrs. Cyrus Hall, Mrs. J. Smeltzer, Mrs. Duxbury and Mrs. George Kay. Death: of Benjamin Vine (1856-1919) -- wife Etta Griffith, son Bethal, daughters Myrtle, Clara and Annie. |
16. | Article: Germs more deadly than Germans. Article: Nominations 1919 -- J.W. Kinney, Wm. Strain, John Douglas, John Donaldson, Wm. Linley, Russul Noble, Alf Battyre, Wm. Beange, Ed Baker, John Bowser, Alex Ednie, Randolph Fraser, Samuel Johnson, Wm. McShane, Geo. Thompson, C.P. Ferguson, John T. Galbraith, Daniel Kay, Robt. T. McDonald, Russell G. Ritching, Andrew Tracey, David Williamson Sr. Marriage: Campbell to Bailey, 1919. |
17. | Indian Land Sale Grant Copy: William Coburn, Jim McQuarrie. |
18, 19. | Deed copy. |
20. | Article: about Mr. Humphrey May, born 1844, written by John Priddle, grandson of Humphrey May -- parents Mr. and Mrs. Philip May. |
21. | Article: about Mr. Humphrey May continued -- wife Jane Dorcas Franklin; children Mary Jane (Mrs. William Priddle), Elizabeth (Mrs. William Longworth), Maggie (Mrs. David Boyter), Dorcas (Mrs. George Priddle), Nellie (Mrs. Harrison Nevills), Lucinda (Mrs. Joseph Addison), Humphrey Jr., John and Gilbert. Mrs. E.P. Eawyer, Humphrey (Bud) May. |
22. | Photo: Grandpa May and Aunt Molly Priddle 1912. Article: about Mr. Humphrey May continued. |
23. | Photo: Humphrey Philip May and wife Jane Dorcas Franklin. Article: about Mr. Humphrey May continued -- wife died in 1912; they married in 1865. |
24. | Article: about Mr. Humphrey May continued --
Humphrey Priddle, John and Gilbert May, Mrs. Grenville Orr. Note "father of six daughter and three sons". Mary Jane (Mrs. Wm. Priddle), Elizabeth (Mrs. William Longworth), Maggie (Mrs. David Boyter), Dorcas (Mrs. George Priddle), Nellie (Mrs. Harrison Nevills), Lucinda (Mrs. Joseph Addison), Humphrey Jr., John and Gilbert. |
25. | Article: Monteith born on Manitoulin? Death: of Mr. John Monteith. Article: Silver Bay 1919, Women's Institute -- Mrs. M.I. Johnston, Mrs. T.W. Thomson Jr., Mrs. R. Coe, Annie and Edith Johnston, Florence Bassingthwaite, Mrs. J.E. Johnston, Mrs. H. Bassingthwaite. |
26. | Photo: A day of rest at the timber camp, about 1890 -- Mr. & Mrs. Henry Smyth, Henry Farthing, Mrs. Henry Farthing, Walter Smyth. |
27. | Advertisement: W.R. Tighe 1919. Article: Little Current 1919 -- Mrs. Clifford Ferguson, Miss Sarah Mastin, Misses Whalen, John Clark, Alena and Peter McDonald, Robert Currie, Arnold Sims, Bob Patten, Hugh Hay, Misses Kathryn Scesson, Florence Hay, Gladys Boyter, Elizabeth Wilkin, Frank Conlon, Lorne Cockle, George Currie, Mr. & Mrs. Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. O. Vincent. Article: Kay Settlement 1919 -- Messrs. Bob and Andy King, Harold and Edward Cranston, Mr. Joe Bowerman, Mr. & Mrs. Jim Cranston, Mr. D. McQueen, Mrs. Barclay. |
28. | Photo: Church a social event, submitted by Eileen McMillan. -- Note: Thought to be a picture of a group at the Billings Church. |
29. | Photo: Anglican Church 1845. Article: The Manitoaning Mission, St. Paul's Anglican Church -- Rev. Adam Elliot, Captain T.G. Anderson, Rev. Charles Crosbie Brough, Rev. Frederick A. O'Meara, Bishop Strachen, Father Hanipaux, Peter Jacobs. |
30. | Photo: Manitoulin Railroad in 1913 (Canadian Pacific Railway Service). |
31. | Article: The railroad in 1913 -- Abraham Hughson, Mrs. M. Bryant. Notice: to farmers 1919 -- J.T. Burns. Notice: 1919 -- Mr. Peter L. Mastin, Mr. A.J. Mastin, W.H. Mastin. Farm for Sale 1919 -- Hiram Pearson. |
32. | Article: Origin of the Indian Births: 1919; Son to Mr. & Mrs. Burton Witty. Son to Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Haner. Article: The Loyal Sons Bible Class -- Mrs. R. Wiseman, Roberta Latta, Cecil Runnalls, Harold Lane. |
33. | Advertisement: 1919; The Weekly Fashions. Two McCall patterns. Article: 1919; Providence Bay Women's Institue -- Mrs. Wm Monkhouse, Mrs. W.I. Wagg. Article: 1919; Tehkummah -- Misses A. and Liliam Tison, Pts. Lorne Russell, Mrs. John Ward. |
34. | Article: 1919; U.F.O. Convention -- R.R. Gamey, Beniah Bowman. Article: 1919; Pegantrum -- Mrs. Tom Wilson, Mrs. Robert Pickard, Mr. & Mrs. John Kerr, Mr. Ben Vine. Article: 1919; Snowville -- J.A. Ward, Pte. Alex Russell, Miss M. Bannister, Misses Ada and Alice Turnbull. Article: 1919; Sheshegwaning -- Rev. John New. Article: 1919; Storage Batteries -- Milton Brett. |
35. | Subscription form for "Through the Years". |
Back Cover | Advertisement / photo: 1912; Cochrane Hardware. |
MFT Home 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 TOP
Page | Article or Item |
Front Cover | Photo: Logging with Harry Sheppard. |
Inside Front Cover | Photo: The mill at Cutler. Article: Last trip on ice with mail 1926 -- submitted by John Robertson. |
1. | Letters to the Editor: 1984 -- Dorothy Purvis, Willy McDonald, T.H. Thompson, Mrs. M. Bohler (Margaret Robertson),
Cora (Irwin) Jutra. Correction to edition 3, back page. |
2. | Rockville's Early History. |
3. | Elegy written in a country Churchyard -- by Thomas Grey. Photo: The Cold Springs Church. |
4. | Article: A Pioneer looks backward -- Mr. & Mrs. Jas Spry, Mr. Batman. |
5. |
Photo: Oxen that helped clear the first land in Rockville. Article: A Pioneer looks backward continued. |
6. | Photo: Stuart's Mill, Honora -- John Collins, James Spry Sr., Gid Hawk. |
7. | Article: Honora in the early days -- Wm. Graham, Mr. & Mrs. David Hay, Mr. Graydon Hay, Dr. Herriman, Mr. Chas. Stuart, Mr. John Collins. |
8. | Article: Honora in the early days continued -- Gideon Edward Hawke, Mr. David Hay, Mr. Wm. Trumble, Mr. M. Sanderson, Mrs. S. Leonard, Barbara Ward. |
9. | Photo: Honora in 1900. |
10. | Article: Rockville's Uninhabited Clearings, by Mrs. H. Spry -- Mr. Stapleton, Mr. Glasby, Wm. Stevens, Adolphus Woods (children: William John, Leslie, Myrtle, Ethel), Kirkwood, Harold Shepard, Tom Parkinson, Harry Sheppard, Alf Spry, Adam Demmy, Harvey Sheppard, Jim Moore, Jessie O'Brien, John Connor, Ben Hallet, Annie Fowler, Kathaleen Hallet, Teddy Robinson, Arthur Newman, Andy Hannah, Norman Earl, John Moore, Annie Fields, Leslie Woods, Bassingwaites, Glasby. |
11. |
Article: Rockville's Uninhabited Clearings, by Mrs. H. Spry continued -- Wm. Stevens, Alfred Newby, Thomas Batman,
George Spry, Ted Ashley, Jim Ashley, Albert Ashley, Farquhar Anglin, Mr. & Mrs. Looker, Mrs. Robert King, Bernard Felix,
George Hammond, Miss Bassingwaite, Lawrence Tann. Photo: A Sunday drive -- Miss Lily Campbell, Miss Faye Chisolm, Bernard and Harold Felix. |
12. | Photo: In Camp -- Bill Phillips. Article: The story of Honora post-office by Mrs Ethel Campbell -- William Graham, Mrs. Ann Wright, Gideon Hawke, John Collins, George Campbell, William Moore. |
13. | Photo: Louis Corbiere. Photo: "Old Wandabence". |
14. | Photo: Logging operation. Article: Rockville as I knew it in 1919 by Milton Sanderson -- Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Spry, Mr. Spry Sr., Jim Spry, Faye and Julian Chisolm. |
15. | Letter to the Editor: "Oxen vs Man", by Andrew Russell -- John Lane. Article: Herbert Looker by Mrs. A Newby -- Edith, Florence, Edmond, Norman. |
16. | Photo and brief: William Ashley by Mrs. A. Newby -- Mr. & Mrs. Ashley, Wes. O'Brien, Gib Hawk. Notice: General Registrar of 1890 Pioneer Trustees -- John Connor, James Spry, A.D. Wood, A. Sheppard, Alf Spry, John Moore, G. Hammond, William Stevens, Adolphus Wood, Alfred Newby, Jos. Parkinson. |
17. | Photo: William Cannard, Jack Spry, Mrs. John Connor, Isobel Sheppard. Article: by Zella Spry -- Mr. & Mrs. William Cannard's children, Maude, Walter, Harry, Lucy, Phoebe, William, May, and Orilla, Jack Cannard, Dolly Thompson, Joseph Cannard, Mr. Wm. Skippen, Mr. Vanzant. |
18. | Article: by Zella Spry continued -- Jack Ballie, Harry Sheppard. Photo: 1913; Mr. & Mrs. (Dolly Thompson) Jack Cannard. |
19. | Photo: young Joseph Cannard. Article: 1919; Delegation to Ottawa -- Messrs. J.W. Kinney (Mayor), Dr. J.S. Brooks, F. Langton, Geo. Strain, W. Vincer, A.J. Wagg, W. Trotter (Mayor), T.C. Simms, Geo. Baxter, Jas. Lewis (Reeve) J.L. Ferguson, J. Ward, J.J. McMurray, Mr. Hunter. |
20. | Article: (includes photo) -- Julian Chisolm (born 1905) by Edith Chisolm -- Alonzo Chisolm, Lily Spry, Faye, Julian (Jule), James and Alfred Spry, Lily Snow, Edith Tustian, Jean Bailey, (Marilyn, Julianne, and Alfred Chisolm), Doris Howard, Orion Aelick, Helen Cosby. |
21. | Article: Julian Chisolm (born 1905) by Edith Chisolm continued -- Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tustian,
Bernard & Elaine Felix, Mrs. Sterling. Article & Photo: Albert Major Newby by Mrs. Alfred Newby -- Sadie Harper. |
22. | Article: Early years in Rockville by E.A Felix -- Fred Fields, (Laura, George & Henry Newby), Mr. & Mrs. Stevens,
Mrs. Demmy, Mrs. & Mrs. James Spry, Harry Sheppard, Joshua Parkinsons, Bill Kennards, Demmy family. Photo: Mr. & Mrs. Alfed Newby. |
23. | Article: Early years in Rockville by E.A Felix continued -- Adam Demmy by Mrs. Harvey Spry --
James Spry, Harvey Sheppard, (Elizabeth, Margaret, Joe and Bill Demmy),
Albert Sheppard Sr., Louis Corbiere, Mr. William & Mrs. Margaret Phillips. Article: Early years in Rockville by E.A Felix continued -- John Connor, Burnett Spry, Ashley family, Geo. Hammond, Albert Sheppard, Dolphesus Woods, Cushion family, Mr. Herman, Mr. & Mrs. Aelicks, Thaddy Thompson, Miss O'Dare, Jack Kannard, Wells Parkinson, Albert (Doc) Sheppard, Evelyn Spry, Hattie Spry, Agnes Sheppard, Bill Connor, Alice Stevens, Leslie Woods, John Woods, Elizabeth Moore, Wallace Moore, Mr. Finley, Albert Ashley, Elgin Kennard. |
24. | Photo: Threshing Time -- Gid Hawk, Annie and Kate Hallett, Jim Spry, G. Hauphman, Willie Hallet, Ted Ashley, W. Parkinson, Alfred Newby. |
25. | Article & Photo: Mr. & Mrs.(Mary Jane) Joshua Parkinson by Mrs. W. Parkinson -- Nevills family, Elizabeth
Parkinson (Mrs. Wesley O'Brien), Robert Parkinson, William Parkinson, Rebecca Ann Parkinson, Richard Parkinson,
Wellington Parkinson. Photos: Mr. & Mrs. William Stevens. |
26. | Article: William Stevens by Mrs. A. Newby -- married Caroline Brenchley. Children: Mary Ann (Mrs. Alfred Newby),
Emma, William, Jim, Harry, Alice (Mrs. Wm. Granger) and Thomas. Article: Mr. John Ferguson Sr. died 1920 -- wife Mary Johnston. Children: Andrew, Cornelius, Theodore, Lindsay, Mrs. B.A. Griffith, Mrs. Frederick Phillips, Mrs. W.H. Gordon, Jemima, Vicky (Mrs. Stringer). Advertisement: Manitoulin Roller Flour Mills. J.T. Burns. |
27. | Photo: Harry Sheppard and sister Lucy. Photo: Mrs. Albert Sheppard Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Newby. |
28. | Photo: Mr. James Spry, Mrs. John (Emma Spry) Connor, Mrs. Gordon Bickell and Marion Bickell. Article: James Spry by Edith Chisolm -- Lewis Spry married Rose King, Jim Spry, Lily Spry marid Alonzo Chisolm, Belle Spry married Harry Sheppard, Gordon Bickell. Article: George Spry by Zella Spry -- wife Edith Spry. Burn Spry, Beatrice Thomas, Ethel Mae Moore, Annie Fields, John Moore, Thomas Batman, Joshua Parkinson. |
29. | Article: George Spry by Zella Spry continued -- Children of George & Edith: Roy Albert Ernest
(married Lillian Gordon), Violet Elizabeth, Clara Mae (1: Mrs. Oliver Berry, 2: Mrs. Roy Morrell), Donald Henry
(married Alberta Campbell), Elva Elizabeth (Mrs. Doran McColeman), Velma Ethel (Mrs. Goldwin Sheppard), Rena Joyce
(Mrs. George Foster), Lorna Beatrice (Mrs. Morland Taylor). Photo: The Burn Spry homestead. Article: Burn Spry by Zella Spry -- Lewis Spry. |
30. | Article: Burn Spry by Zella Spry continued -- wife Beatrice Thomas. Children: George, Violet, Stuart,
Pearl, Oscar, Harvey, Eva and infant. Merle Gailbraith, James Spry, James Smith, Mr. Cannard, Jack Cannard,
Doc Sheppard, Mr. Kirkwood, Mr. Stoddard. Photo: Mr. & Mrs. Burn Spry, Mrs. & Mrs. Harvey Spry, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Newby. |
31. | Photo: Mr. & Mrs Alfred Spry married at Snowville 1912 -- family included Sheppard, McAllister, Brown, Cushing, Snow, Bennett, Ward, Spry, Connor, Ingram, Welman, Turnbull, Cannard, Thompson. |
32. | Photo: The Spry homestead -- Belle, Eva, Mr. & Mrs. Jas., Lily, Hattie, Emma, Burn, Jim and Alf. |
33. | Photo: Rockville Ladies W.I. 1910. |
34. | Article: Rockville Women's Institute 1964 -- Mrs. Parkinson, Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Lily Spry, Mrs. Wells Parkinson,
Mrs. McIntrye, Mrs. Farquhar, Miss Lewis, Mrs. Newby, Mrs. James Bond, Mrs. Herb Hill, Mrs. Runnalls, Mrs. Harvey Spry,
Mrs. Vanzant, Mrs. Ramsbottom. Photos: Mrs. McIntyre, Mrs. Lily Sory, Mrs. Wells Parkinson, Miss E. Lewis, Mrs. Farquhar, Mrs. A. Newby. |
35. |
Photo: Women's Institute 1921 Annual meeting. Article: Women's Institute 1967 meeting -- Mrs. Harvey Spry, Mrs. Cecil McVey, Mrs. Lulu Howard, Mrs. Wells Parkinson, Mrs. James Bond, Mrs. Don White, Mrs. Hazel Size, Mrs. Ellen Thomas, Mrs. H. Cooper, Ethel Campbell, Mrs. Harry Coventry, Mrs. Pearl Rowe, Mrs. Robert Cosby, Mrs. G. Wood, Mrs. J.B. Ferguson, Mrs. Andrew Beaudin, Mrs. Clarence Cosby, Mrs. Lew Ferguson, Mary Liscumb, Sadie Brown, Mrs. R. Pyette, H.D. Hare, Mary Vincer, Muriel Pyette, Hazel Brown, Evelyn Smith, Eva Turnbull, Welda Campbell, Grace Dewar, Miss Ella Lewis, Mrs. Clara Orr, Mrs. Eldridge Myers, Mrs. Lloyd Lewis, Mrs. Leonard Bond, Mrs. R.C. Walker, Mrs. James G. MacDougall, Mrs. Mildred Sauder, Mrs. Laura Leeson, Mrs. Fred Russell, Mrs. Laura E. Scott, Mrs. Lily Spry, Mrs. Elaine Felix, Mrs. Doris Bowerman, Mrs. Jean Harfield, Goldie E. Taylor, Mrs. Charles Sheppard, Mrs. Edith Chisholm, Mrs. Dan Daggett, Mrs. Irene Sheppard, Mrs. Ellen Sheppard, Mrs. Dorie Chisholm, Mrs. Helen Chisholm, Mrs. Jean Chisholm. |
36. |
Photo and article: Women's Institute 75th 1972 -- Mrs. Julie Chisolm, Mrs. Sterling,
Mrs. Austin Zoeller, Miss Helen McKercher, Mrs. Pardy, Mrs. Small, Mrs. Cook, Miss Martin. Letter: by Nellie Joyce -- Jean Wismer, Dot Tregea, Nellie Joyce, Anne Baker, Jessie Summers, Commander Norman Donaldson, Mary Best, Gert Greenman. Letter: by Robt. Duguid, Chief Engineer, Mr. Peter Donaldson. |
Inside Back Cover | Subscription form to Through the Years. |
Back Cover | Advertisements: for McCall pattern capewrap and coatee. |
MFT Home 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 TOP
Page | Article or Item |
Front Cover | Photo: Mudge Bay boat yard by Viola (Berry) Spry -- Oliver Berry Sr., Sylvester Berry, John Cornelius, George Lebar, Charlie Snow. |
2. | Article: A Dry Manitoulin 1919 -- Mr. R. Robinson, Mrs. John Purvis, Mrs. J.W. Gagen, Mr. Ed Jackson,
Mesdames J.H. Biehl, Alex Purvis, D. McAulay, Messrs. W. Cosby, S. Fraser, W.M. Morrison. Article: About "Through the Years". Article: Tehkummah 1919 -- Mr. Sid Frampton. |
3. | Photo: of Archie Wickett in 1950. Article: History of Meldrum Bay and Dawson Township by Archie Wickett -- J.W. Fitzgerald, Harry Wasnidge, Bob Barrie. |
4. | Article: History of Meldrum Bay and Dawson Township by Archie Wickett continued -- Cameron McKinnon, John Poole, Sam Brundidge, Samuel Walker. |
5. | Article: History of Meldrum Bay and Dawson Township by Archie Wickett continued. Photo: Four Generations by Arthur Wickett -- Arthur's mother, her father Alexander Baillie, Jennie Billings and May Kinney. |
6. | Article: History of Meldrum Bay and Dawson Township by Archie Wickett continued -- George Walker,
William Nicholas, Wilfred Joyce, Simon Fitzpatrick, Jim Ball, Mr. Hector Ball. Photo: Arthur and Archie Wickett in 1912. |
7. | Photo: Fishing Lilly Lake 1922 -- Mrs. Arthur Wickett and wife Kathleen Buckland. Article: History of Meldrum Bay and Dawson Township by Archie Wickett continued -- Jim Ball, Wm. Cullis, Mr. Miller, Robinson family, Tom Beers, John Wilson, Dave Van Every, Cameron McKinnon. |
8. | Photo: Mr. & Mrs. Wickett Sr. 50th Anniversary -- Mrs. Thompson, Shirley Stephens, Mrs. Wickett, Meldrum Wickett,
Jean M., Lila Murray, Mr. Wickett, Kay Murray. Article: History of Meldrum Bay and Dawson Township by Archie Wickett continued -- Clark Van Every, Simon FitzPatrick, Wm. Burns, Clarence Morrison, Nat Wickett, Dave Van Every, Cameron McKinnon, Alfred Fisher, Dave Young, George Wickett, Wm. Thornburn, Reid Van Horn, Tom Morrision. |
9. | Article: History of Meldrum Bay and Dawson Township by Archie Wickett continued -- William Switzer, D.B. McRae, "Waldie", Miss McAllister, Mr. Tillson, William Tilson, Mr. Dyment, Farquhar McRae, Mr. Anderson, Rev. John New, Rev. Wm. Munro, Robert Baillie, O.D. Cadotte. |
10. | Article: History of Meldrum Bay and Dawson Township by Archie Wickett continued -- George Everett, John Cook. |
11. | Article: History of Meldrum Bay and Dawson Township by Archie Wickett continued -- Wilbert Steele, Morrison Steele, William Cullis, John Holdsworth, Mrs. Joe Millman, Capt. Red McDonald. |
12. | Article: History of Meldrum Bay and Dawson Township by Archie Wickett continued -- Jerry Moss, Wilfred Joyce, Jim Moss, J.P. McDonald, Joe Millman, Jack Keen, Frank and Dan Sullivan, Frank and Joe Nicholas, Fred S. James, Harold Purvis, Drake Alexander Leslie. |
13. | Photo: The Meldrum Bay Sawmill (1900-1914) Photo: The Wickett's Mill 1921 Photo: The first load of fish boxes from the mill. |
14. | Article: History of Meldrum Bay and Dawson Township by Archie Wickett continued -- Estabrook, Ed Gaulin, Billie Rae, Sandy McRae, Dan Currie, Bill Crossin, Jim Doyle, Capt. R.H. Jewell, Os Wright, George Wright, John Poole, Scott Misner, Tom Falls, George Everett, Ivan Trick, George Burns, Jim Fitzpatrick, Jim Ball, Jack Walker, Gilbert and Jim Duntin. |
15. | Photo: A woodcutting bee -- Mrs. Cadotte, Reid VanHorn, John VanEvery, Robb Prentice, Wilfred Joyce, Charlie Joyce. Article: History of Meldrum Bay and Dawson Township by Archie Wickett continued -- Charlie Allan, Mrs. Doyle, Bob McColmb (?), William Prentice, Jake Prentice, Reg. Bell, Charlie Wasnidge, Aldred Wasnidge, Mr. Beaumont, Duntin homestead. |
16. | Article: History of Meldrum Bay and Dawson Township by Archie Wickett continued -- Mrs. Alf Fisher, Mary Currie, O.D. Wright, Mr. & Mrs. S.P. Woods, Simon Peter. |
17. | Article: History of Meldrum Bay and Dawson Township by Archie Wickett continued -- Walt Wright, Dave Van Every, Jim Bell, Hector Ball. |
18. | Article: History of Meldrum Bay and Dawson Township by Archie Wickett continued -- Dan Sullivan, Jim McColeman, Harold Purvis, F.S. James, Ike Smith, Frank Cockwell, Sam Brundige, William Switzer, D.S. McRae, Xaviar Beakler, (Bill) W.J. McDonald, Sam Walker, Bob Baillie, Thomas Falls Sr., Christopher Barrie, Oakley Joyce, Barrie Falls, Alex Falls, Charlie Joyce, Capt. John Joyce, Wilfred Joyce, Tom Kelly. |
19. | Photo: The old Turnbuckle thresher, submitted by Arthur Wickett. |
20. | Photo: The day of buckrake 1950, submitted by Wilfred Joyce. Article: History of Meldrum Bay and Dawson Township by Archie Wickett continued -- Charlie Burns, Charles McDonald, Joseph and Jackson Armstrong, Wm. Kerr, Ed Markle. |
21. | Article: History of Meldrum Bay and Dawson Township by Archie Wickett continued. Photo: A prize winning crop 1913. |
22. | Article: History of Meldrum Bay and Dawson Township by Archie Wickett continued -- Mr. Walker,
J.W. FitzGerald, Mr. S.F. Tolsma, Mr. Myers, Mr. Dennis. Photos: Archie Wickett at the sugar camp. Snowmobile not likely too fast. |
23. | Article: History of Meldrum Bay and Dawson Township by Archie Wickett continued -- Rev. Andrew Barclay, Robert Bell. |
24. | Article: 1919, Meldrum Bay -- Norman Kelly, Mr. F. Lovelace, Mr. & Mrs. A. Wasnidge, Miss Jessie Griffith,
Miss Lavina Van Every, Mr. Wm. Morrision, Mr. Bromley, John Van Every, Mrs. O.M. Thomson, Mrs. J. Hopkins,
Mrs. J. Addison, Mrs. W.F. Edmonds, Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Clarke, Ada Elizabeth Clarke, John Wesley Van Every,
Miss Katherine Buchanan, Mr. W. Cosby, Marvin and Frank Clarke, Stewart Young, Miss Florence Alexander,
Miss Livica Ferguson, Misses Margaret and Julia Ainslie and Jessie Clarke. Article: 1919 -- Dr. Bellman Medical Co. Article: 1919 -- Registered Stock -- D.J. McLeod. |
25. | Article: Melvin Bock speaks of days past -- Benjamin Bock, Tom Riching, Mrs. Curly Stewart. Notice: 1919 -- Mr. O.E. Langford. |
26. | Photo: Sunday School convention at Kagawong. |
27. |
Photo: Women's Institute 1921 Annual meeting. Article: Sunday School Convention 1917 Kagawong meeting -- Mrs. Roy Smyth, Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Edmonds, Jean King, Mrs. Moddie, Mrs. A.J. Wagg, Mrs. D. Wyman, Ernest E. Moddie, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Black, Irene Smith, Susie Ferguson, J. Anderson, W.J. Davis, Captain J. Runshaw, E.C. Smith, L.R. Piplier, Arthur C. Edmonds, Mrs. Duncanson, Winnefred E. Cook, Flora Alexander, Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Belton, Bertha Hartley, Mrs. Robert Tustian, Mrs. Wm. Priddle, Roy Smyth, Mrs. Turner, Mrs. R.G. Halbert, Mrs. Matt Graham, Mrs. John Edmonds, Margaret Edmonds, Mrs. R.A. Smith, Alburtta Greenfield, Rev. and Mrs. R. Barclay, Repha Greenfield, Mae Bailey, Ruby Buck, Elva Buck, Mrs. N.A. Runnalls, Mrs. W.N. Runnalls, Clara E. Runnalls, Wilhemine Hastie, Mrs. Wiber, J.N. Vanhorn, E. Yeatts, Mrs. John King, Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Wagg, Mrs. J.H. Beihl, Mrs. M.L. Davidson, Mrs. George Croft, Mrs. Joe Smyth, Mrs. R. Skeppen, Mrs. R. Love, Mr. and Mrs. David Munro, Robert Wiseman, Mrs. Joe Greenfield, Roblean Tustian, Cranston Perivale, John New, Jeannie Brett, Emma Northesar, Rev. and Mrs. J. McDonald, Norine Tracy, Matilda Pearson, Pearl Hammond, W.D. Runnalls, W. Duxbury, Miss Sarah Duxbury, Wm. Munro, Mrs. W.H. Merrick, Mrs. W. Gordon, Miss Florance Latta, Mr. and Mrs. Galbraith, Miss E.M. Hubbert, Mrs. E. Hilborn, Mrs. Thos. Reid, Mrs. H. Haner, Wm. D. Hopkin, Lizzie Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Sterling, A. Watson, Emma Noble, W.J. Berry, Gordon Wm. Beatty, L.C. Bock, Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Letts, Mrs. G.A. Cole, Anna Tilson, Mrs. Shaw. Article: Bank of Mindemoya 1919 -- Mr. Wallace, Wm. Hare Jr., Mr. King, G.H. Bond, A.J. Wagg, Wm. Vincer. |
28. | Photo: The ladies aid, submitted by Mrs. Viola Spry. Article: Memorial Service -- Rev. R. Wiseman. Article: Mr. C.C. Platt gets registrarship 1919 -- W.R. Abrey. |
29. | Photo: A wedding 1904, submitted by Viola Spry (Berry) -- Arthur Berry, Mr. & Mrs. Bill Wilson, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Graham, Hattie Prestige. |
30. | Photo: A girl and her dog 1914, submitted by Viola Spry -- Joyce (Cornelius) Brandow. Photo: 1912, submitted by Viola (Berry) Spry -- Oliver and May Berry Sr., Lydia, Viola, Robby and Oliver Jr. |
31. | Subscription form to "Through the Years". |
Back Cover |
Obituary: of William Bock July 31, 1919 -- Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Bock, Sarah J. Dowsett. Death: of Mr. John Hubbard February 13, 1919 -- Miss Sadie Phillips, Mrs. S.E. McCullough, Mrs. John Hodgins, Misses Marie and Clara Bock, Frank and Will Bock. Obituary: of Wm. Jos. McKeown May 22, 1919 -- Mr. & Mrs. McArthur, Mrs. Wm. Owen, Mrs. Firth, Mrs. Len Robinson. |
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Front Cover | Photo: William Cornish holding Marie Gill in 1912. |
2. | Index and "Through the Years" information. |
3. |
Letter to the Editor -- William MacDonald, Ronald McDonald. Article: Melvin Bock writes -- Thomas Ritchings, Ben Bock. |
4. | Article: Melvin Bock writes continued -- Martin Bock, Mrs Minnie Hartley, William George, Laura McCrae, Thomas Lougheed. |
5. |
Letter to the Editor: Norman Bartlett, Henry E. Ross. Article: Kagawong's beginning -- Mr. Ritchie, Bella C. Bartlett. Article: Summer Camp Destroyed, 1919 -- R.T. Hall. Article: Duxbury vs Watson, 1919 -- Mary A. Duxbury, Robert Duxbury. |
6. |
Photo: The late Joe Noland. Article: Pioneer recalls days of old, submitted Eldene (Bailey) Porter -- Robert Hamilton, George Gallagher. Photo: The front stone posts made by Joe Noland in front of his farm. |
7. |
Photo: One of the first tractors in the area at Joe Noland's farm. Article: Pioneer recalls days of old continued -- John Baker, Robert Hamilton, Wilfred Stoneman, Higginbothams family, Gorrel family, Jim Purvis, George Young, R.J. Porter, Hack McClean, Joseph Proctor, James Proctor, James Proctor, Edith Proctor, Flora Proctor, W. Robinson. Photo: Hauling in hay at Joe Noland's farm 1984 -- Harry Noland. |
8. |
Photo: Joe Noland and Marty Thorburn in Gore Bay. Article: Pioneer recalls days of old continued -- Fred and Ned Brockelwood. Article: Bad Boys, 1919. Article: Orange celebration, 1919 -- Mr. Donald Bailey, Henry Bailey, Cliff Bailey, Albert Campbell. |
9. |
Photo: The W.I. Wagg Store in Providence Bay, 1911. Photo: Providence Bay. |
10. | Article: The old Country school, by Eve Proctor. |
11. |
Article: The old Country school, by Eve Proctor -- continued. Article: Obituary of Nelson Forsyth, 1919 -- Matthew Orr, Mrs. E. Middaugh, Mrs. Ham. |
12. | Photo: A Wedding, submitted by Eldra Burt -- Jesse Brown, George Shields, Peter Gilchrist, Mrs. Russell Piece, William Montgomery. |
13. | Photo: Right in style, 1918, submitted by Mary (Wagg) Fogg -- Myrtie (Wagg) Morden. |
14. |
Photo: Doctor Dais on call, submitted by Gilmore Tracy. Article: Gore Bay Oil & Gas Co., 1919 -- A.E. Graham. |
15. | Article: Historical Background of Killarney, circa 1820 -- Etienne Augustin de la Morandiere. |
16. | Article: Historical Background of Killarney continued -- Miss P. Lamorandiere, Charles Lamorandiere. |
17. |
Article: Historical Background of Killarney continued. Article: Notice 1919 -- W.J. McKenzie. Article: A letter to U.F.O., 1919 -- Jack Learmont. |
18. |
Article: Black bears a problem to farmers, 1921 -- by Charlie Robertson. Photo: Charlie Robertson and Tom Pope with three bear shot in 1922. |
19. | Article: Black bears a problem to farmers continued -- Howard Baker, Andrew Wilson. |
20. |
Article: Black bears a problem to farmers continued -- Mr. George R. McRae. Photo: The monument in Carnarvon, submitted by Murray McDermid. |
21. |
Photo: Sawmill at Helen Bay -- Tom Bouser and wife Charlotte Baker. Article: Editor's Note -- John Robertson, Tom Bouser, Fred Eaton, Mrs. Mable Noble, Frank Williams, Joe Williams. |
22. | Photo: The mill at Helen Bay when it was operating. |
23. | Photo: Remains of the mill after the explosion. |
24. | Article: Recollections of Mrs. John Kerr, Ice Lake -- Julie McArthur, Peter McArthur, Mary Campbell McArthur, Archie McGill, Mr. Stinson, Charles McArthur, John Nelson, John Nelson, Mr. Hogg, Jim Brown. |
25. |
Article: Recollections of Mrs. John Kerr continued -- Mr. McClarty, Duncan McLeod, Jim Brown, Bethel Croft,
Robert Douglas, Joe Wilson, Charlotte Wilson. Article: Death of Little Joan Ward, 1919 -- Joe Ward, Mrs. William Tilson. |
26. |
Photo: The old dam at Lake Mindemoya, 1910. Submitted by Mary (Wagg) Fogg. Photo: The pier at Providence Bay, submitted by Murray McDermid. |
27. |
Article: Scott's Mill by Mrs. Beatrice (Scott) Beange -- John Scott, Maria Paddock, William Scott,
L.A. Buck, John Purvis, Ed Purvis, Jim Purvis, J.L. McKenzie. Photo: The Mindemoya river, submitted by Murray McDermid. |
28. | Photo: The Wagg home in Gore Bay, owned by Peter Gordon in 1984. |
29. |
Article: Cockburn Island Township (1821) -- Herbert F. Gardiner. Photo: Main Street Tolsmaville, Cockburn Island. |
30. |
Article: Cockburn Island continued. Article: Obituary of Mrs. William Burch, 1919 -- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Glanville. Article: Obituary of E.L. Russell, 1919 -- Robert Russell, Rev. Munro. Article: Strayed 1919 -- Gordon Vancise. |
31. | Subscription form to "Through the Years". |
Back Cover | Photo: A pioneer homestead, 1895 -- Morris Body Farm in Bidwell. |
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Front Cover | Photo: The Thelma of Cockburn Island cruiser. |
2. | Wedding: 1919 -- McRae & Omnet. |
3. | Letter to the Editor: The good old days by Earl Baker. |
4. | Old Pictures identified: by Mrs. Lewis Ferguson (1) Mrs. John (Mary Johnston) Ferguson (2) Jemima Rozanna Ferguson. |
5. | Letter to the Editor: Irish, Scottish or English by Cora E. Jutra. |
6. | Article: Helper saves carrier, boat and mail lost by Ruth McCaig -- Marvin Falls, Emler McCaig, Miss Betty Ferguson, Thomas McCaig, Ivan McCaig, Arthur Mogg. |
7. | Article: How Deadman's Point got it's name. Narrative by William J. Rumley -- Mr. Arthur Edmonds, W.F. Edmonds, Lewis Kemp, E.W. Davis, Sandy (A.M.) Rumley, John McKinley, Duncan Smith, Mr. Henry Smyth. |
8. | Article: How Deadman's Point got it's name compiled by Frank A. Myers -- Wilfred Williams, Norman Duncanson, Hughie McGibbon. |
9. | Photo: 12th July Providence Bay -- Maude (Chislom) Ritching, Mrs. Russ Ritching, Billy Love, Elizabeth Sinclair. |
10. | Photos: Barn raising in Ice Lake, submitted by Arthur Willett -- Bob Baillie, Beange, McLean. |
11. | Article: Founder of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church in Spring Bay. Submitted by Helen (Haner) Fogal -- William Schroeder, Calvin Haner, Mrs. B. Bock. |
12. | Article: continued -- Mrs. Gilpin, Bert Hill, Mr. George Hartley, Mrs. Frank Haner, Ada Haner,
Mrs. Galbraith, Clifford Galbraith, Gordon Galbraith. Photo: Providence Bay Boarding House. Submitted by Gilmore Tracy -- Bill Berry, Mrs. Wm Bock, Sam Sinclair, Mrs. McCullough, Mrs. Sam Sinclair. |
13. | Article: A pioneer tells his story by Jesse Lehman. Submitted by Gilmore Tracy -- Mr. Budge, Alfred Crawford. |
14. | Article: A pioneer tells his story by Jesse Lehman continued -- Miss Agnes Phillips, Miss Lizzie Potts, Miss Fletcher, Miss Dawson, Mr. Trotter, Mr. Craig, T.W. Thompson, Frank Wagg, Samuel Sloan, Mr. Cowan, Mr. McDonald, Tobias Nighswander, Tom Nighswander, Andrew Tracy. |
15. | Article: A pioneer tells his story by Jesse Lehman continued. |
16, 17. | Photo: The days of the horse and buggy. Submitted by Gilmore Tracy -- Jim Burt, Jim Connelly, W.I. Wagg, Sam Sinclair, Albert Davis, Rev. Munro. |
18. | Photo: A loving kiss -- Harold Wagg, Mary (Wagg) Fogg. Photo: Providence Bay in 1913. |
19. | Photo: Mrs. Hartley celebrates 90th. Article: Mrs. Martha Jane Hartley (nee Neely) 1894. |
20. | Article: Mrs. Martha Jane Hartley (nee Neely) 1894 continued. |
21. | Article: Looking back on Little Current by Robin Melton -- Allan Dryburgh, Miss Whaland, Miss McGilvray, Stan Farquhar, Lyle Sims, Elmer Vincent, Jim Lewis, Ernest Lewis, John Dunlop, George Bayers, William Stevens, Thomas Farquhar. |
22. | Article: Looking back on Little Current by Robin Melton continued -- Allan Dryburgh, Jack Trimmer Sr., Tommy Sims, Sandy Jeffrey, Dr. Carruthers, D. McDonald. |
23. | Photo: Picnic Island Saw Mill, submitted by Allan Dryburgh. |
24. | Photo: The old iron horse -- submitted by Allan Dryburgh. |
25. | Article: Place-Names in Georgian Bay and the North Channel. |
26. | Article: Place-Names in Georgian Bay and the North Channel -- continued. |
27. | Article: Place-Names in Georgian Bay and the North Channel -- continued. |
28. | Photo: The Union Church in Providence Bay -- submitted by Toots McDermid. Photo: Tracy's Sugar Bush -- submitted by Gilmore Tracy. |
29. | Photo: Homesteading in Ice Lake -- Mr. & Mrs. Tom Robertson. Photo: Tom Robertson's home on Ice Lake after fire 1941. |
30. | Photo: of Tom Robinson Family of Ice Lake -- Janet Pope, Elen Nelson, Annie Hardaker, Will and Alex, John, Margaret Bohler and Andrew. |
31. | Photo: Bald eagle on Robertson farm -- Mr. J. Merryless. Photo: 1910 barn-raising bee on Robertson farm. |
Back Cover | Subscription and information page for "Through the Years" booklets. |
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Front Cover | Photo: of Billy Sims -- submitted by Jeanne Pearen. |
2. | Index, subscription and information page for "Through the Years" booklets. |
3. | Article: Country Correspondence from Years Past -- Richard Tustian, James Gordon, Miss Estelle Carnall, Mr. & Mrs. G. Buck, Mr. & Mrs. W. Beange, Mr. & Mrs. W. Pigeon, Mrs. J.N. Waite, George Croft, Neil Douglas, Andrew Robertson. |
4. | Photo: Gordon Township picnic. |
5. | Article: Old Community Picnics -- Harry Hall, Frank Williams, Grant Strain, George (Yankee) Johnston, John Williams, George Strains Sr., Dougal Middleton, Mrs. Pete Bell. |
6. | Article: Old Community Picnics -- Joe and Irwin Best, Larry and Cecil Wismer, Gordon Wallett, Bill Johnston,
Frank Currie, Ted Brockelbank, Bob Morden, Alf Burt, Roy Rayner, Arkon Mervyn, Bill Millar. Photo: A Kagawong family -- Mr. & Mrs. John Cornelius with Lily and Joyce, also Mrs. Waterhouse. |
7. | Article: Wilfred "Billy" Sims reminisces by Robin Melton. Photo: house built by T.C. Sims -- submitted by Jeanne Pearen. |
8. | Photo: The part of Little Current was known as Sim's Block in 1912. Submitted by Mrs. Jeanne Pearen, daughter of Mr. W.A. Sims of Little Current. Article: Wilfred "Billy" Sims reminisces continued -- J.G. Sims, Oliver Vincent, Lyle and Billy Sims. |
9. | Article: Wilfred "Billy" Sims reminisces continued -- Thomas Chapman Sims, Lyle Sims. Article: Police Court News -- Margaret Pearl LaRouche, John Percy Smith, Mrs. Cooper, Joseph LaRouche. |
10. | Article: What's in a Name, written about 1945 submitted by Mrs. Clara Lane. |
11. | Article: What's in a Name, written about 1945 submitted by Mrs. Clara Lane continued. |
12. | Article: What's in a Name, written about 1945 submitted by Mrs. Clara Lane continued -- William Moody, Jack, Bill and Frank Little, John Long, John Baker, Harvey Beck, Oliver Bond, Stewart Clark. |
13. | Article: What's in a Name, written about 1945 submitted by Mrs. Clara Lane continued -- Clifford Walker, William Hilliard, Thomas Clarke. |
14. | Article: What's in a Name, written about 1945 submitted by Mrs. Clara Lane continued -- Joseph Ward, Norris Lovelace, Clinton Sisson, Charles Hore, Miss Catherine Fraser, George Thorburn, Ivan Langtree, |
15. | Article: What's in a Name, written about 1945 submitted by Mrs. Clara Lane continued -- Alex Mitchell, Cecil Runnalls, John Woods, Dr. Shaw, John Addison, Thomas Phillips, Roy Arnold, Lawrence Morrell, Kenneth Kemp. |
16. | Article: What's in a Name, written about 1945 submitted by Mrs. Clara Lane continued -- Rev. Mr. Renshaw, Charles Woodruff, Bowerman family, Boyter family, Ed Looker, Richard Coe, Harry Croft, Granger family, Wagg family, Roy Chisholm, Charles Burt, Mr. Lyn Miller. |
17. | Article: What's in a Name, written about 1945 submitted by Mrs. Clara Lane continued -- Bill Griffith, Oliver Bond, Miss M. Collins, Vernon Person, Neil Douglas, Arthur Gordon, A.E. Graham, William Neily, Webster Tilson, George Scott, Mrs. Robert Lewis. |
18. | Article: Country Correspondence from Years Past -- Wm. Cosby, Gordon Milligam, R.J. Porter, John McKenzie, Joe Armstrong, Mrs. Chas Myland, Miss Hattie Myland, Mrs. & Mrs. Henry Smeltzer, Mr. John McKechnie, Robert Palmer, Mrs. M. McArthur, John Carr, Mr. W.J. Tucker, Es. Eaton, George Brydges, Samuel Cole, Mr. Bert Fleming, Mr. Wm Goulter, J.B. Graham, John Rumley, Will Graham, Mrs. John Owen, Allan Buschert, Sydney Berry, Miss Bessy Young, Mrs. Frost, Mrs. Bassingthwaite, John Vance, Mr. & Mrs. Elliot. |
19. | Photo: Rev. Munro preaches in Thessalon, submitted by Gilmore Tracy. |
20. | Photo: Rev. Munro pictured with a log drive. |
21. | Photo: Home of young couple starting out. |
22. | Photo and Article: Rev. Munro's buggy at a log camp. Article by Gilmore Tracy -- Charlie Wright, Tom Wright, Bob and Bill Wright, Pete and Albert King, Tom Merrylees, Austin Merick, Jim McGill, Archie Rowe, Lew Witty, Archie Duncanson, Jim Panton. |
23. | Article: Through the Years with Lillie Williams (nee Morden). Advertisement: The "Old Honesty" cooking stove. |
24. | Advertisement: T. Eaton sewing machines. Article: Through the Years with Lillie Williams continued. |
25. | Article: Through the Years with Lillie Williams continued -- Dr. Baker, Mr. Oliver Runnalls. Advertisement: Kroehler Divanette Suite, 3 pieces $84.00. |
26. | Photo / advertisement: The Manitoulin Lumber Co. |
27. | Advertisement: Sash and Door Factory of W.E. George, Gore Bay. Advertisement: Merchants Bank of Canada, W.S. Chisholm Mgr., Gore Bay Branch. |
28. | Photo: Back in 1909 -- Meredith Street, Gore Bay following the fire that destroyed the business section. Article: Country Correspondence from Years Past continued -- C.H. Mastin, Mr. J.T. Hall, Mrs. A.E. Graham, J.R. McGregor, Purvis Bros. Mr. & Mrs. T. Wilson, George Coft, A.W. McArthur, Henry Palmer, Henry Palmer. |
29. | Article: Country Correspondence from Years Past continued -- John McKenzie, Thomas Wilson, Crawford's mill, J.B. Graham, Eli H. Corbiere, Leo Ensiben, William Corbiere, Abe Lehman, Miss M. Beange, Miss Bessie Fraser, Messrs. Beattie and Robert Thorburn Jr., Arthur Eade, James Gordon, Ed Bartlett, Mr. & Mrs. Sproule, Mr. George Tustian Sr, Miss Justine Foster, Miss Ida Noland, Ward Foster, Mr. John Hall, Wes Strain, Frank Wagg, Mrs. Wasnidge, Mr. T.W. Cook, Capt. Angus Morrison, Miss Hubell, Mr. & Mrs. W.J. Griffith. |
30. | Article: Country Correspondence from Years Past continued -- Miss Ida Jackson, Miss Pearl Ilene Platt, Mr. & Mrs. C.C. Platt, Edward Blake Purvis, Oliver Runnalls, Hy Skippen Sr., Noah Skippen, Frank Scott, Henry Skippen, Rob Brown, Bob Gamey, Andrew Robertson, James Montgomery, Lizzie McMillan, May Beck, Will Strain, Ruby Strain, Miss Mildred Kingsboro, George Hennings. |
31. | Subscription and information on "Through the Years." |
Back Cover | Page not available. |
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Front Cover | Photo: A new building in Gore Bay -- Post Office. Submitted by Ann Claridge. |
2. | Index, subscription and information page for "Through the Years" booklets. |
3. | Photo and Tribute to "Through the Years" founding Editor, Lorne H.E. McQuarrie on his untimely passing. Written by his father W.J. McQuarrie, Publisher of "Through the Years". |
4. | Letters to the Editor: W.B. Snow, Joe Ward, Lilly Spry, Donald C. Thompson, Mary C. Shantz, Albert L. Buck,
Archie and Gwen Wickett, Bruce Webster. Photo: Archie Wickett. |
5. | Letters to the Editor: Allan Dryborough, Mr. Bock, Annie McNicol, Toots McDermid. Photo: The days of timbering and horses -- Earl McGibbon. |
6. | Article: The bizarre story of Danny Dodge's Death 1938 -- John F. Dodge, Lorraine McDonald, Lloyd Bryant, Wes Rider, Robert Batman. |
7. | Article: The bizarre story of Danny Dodge's Death 1938 continued. Photo: Dodge family yacht about 1930. Submitted by Kathleen Dinsmore. |
8. | Notice: REWARD $1500.00 -- for the recovery of Daniel G. Dodge's body. |
9. | Article: Country Correspondence from Years Past -- George Henning, W.H. McGregor, J. McLaughlin, J. Hutchinson, Gordon's mill, William Gilroy, James Caddel, Robert Seers, Rev. Mr. Fretz, Martin L. Buck, Rev. S. Marks, Hugh Brown, Truman Wilson, W.T. Edmonds, Jacob Rumley, Lach Duncanson, Jas Hutchinson, R. McKay. |
10. | Article: Manitowaning Memories by Robin Melton -- Owen McGuire, Lulu Fairbarn, Ruby Ferguson, Ruby Sparrow,
Alec Alken, Susan McCiver, Gertrude Jewel, Helen Peterson, Luther Hart, Mary Gabriel, Neil D. Reid. Photo: submitted by Owen McGuire -- John McGuire, John Hunter. |
11. | Article: Manitowaning Memories continued -- Dr. Walker, Dr. Dowsley. Photo: submitted by Owen McGuire -- Downtown Manitowaning in the earlier days. |
12. | Article: Manitowaning Memories continued -- John James Morrow, John Shields, Alec Russel. Photo: submitted by Owen McGuire: 1926 logging camp at Collins Inlet -- Cecil McLennan, Albert Mishibinisima, Alphonse Cooper, Moses Fox, John Osawabine, Bill Third, Moreau, Dan Gaiashk, Sim Collins. |
13. | Photocopy: 1896 Fishery License. |
14. | Article: The days of snow and more snow 1947 -- Ivan Purvis, D.A. McQuarrie. Photos: of 1947 snowfall, submitted by Ann Claridge. |
15. | Article: Country Correspondence from Years Past 1909 -- A.L. Kemp, Jackson Bros., Sam Greer, Mrs. T. McCulligh, Reeve Munro, Mr. Boyd, Will Hilliard, Mr. & Mrs. John Fraser, Norman Smith, Jas. Fisher, A.E. Johnson, N. Smith, Mr. W. Vincer, Mr. Widdifield, Mr. Wm. Smith, Romaine Conley, Oliver Bond, Edward Rodgers, William Wilson. |
16, 17. | Photo: The 1908 Killarney hockey team -- Sandy McIvor, Bill Reid. |
18. | Article: The Middleton's memories -- Dougal Middleton, Mrs. Tom Clark Sr., Mrs. Pearson, Mr. Milligan, Mrs. Dorothea Alken, McPhee family farm, Farquhar McRae, Dr. Davis, William Baker. |
19. | Article: The Middleton's memories continued -- Lilly Middleton, William Baker, Joe Noland. Photo: 1937: submitted by Mr. and Mrs. Dougal Middleton -- Sidney Dinsmore, Dougal Middleton. |
20. | Photo: 1923, submitted by Mr. and Mrs. Dougal Middleton -- Lorne Baker, Dougal Middleton. Article: The Middleton's memories continued -- William Arnell, Lilly Middleton. |
21. | Article: The Middleton's memories continued. Advertisement: Smith Bros. General Merchants -- Angus Able, Gore Bay 1936. Article: March 11, 1909 -- Miss Moncrief, McDonald & Baxter Lumber Co. |
22. | Photo: 5 Sisters 1940 -- Jean Goodbrand, Bessie Wright, Frances Bock, Margaret Woods, Jessie Elliot. Article: The Johnson family by Betty (Johnson) Moody -- Patrick Campbell Johnson, Elizabeth Grindle, George Johnson, William Johnson, Martha Johnson, Susan Johnson, Issac Allen. |
23. | Article: The Johnson family continued -- Patrick and Elizabeth (children: George, William Isaac,
James and Eli) Jane (Hall) Johnson (children: Ishmael, Ida, John, Eliza Jane, Alfred, Caroline, William, Susan and
Isaac (twins), George, Samuel, Alice, James and Myrtle (twins). Photo: Bessie Wright, John Woods, Jean Goodbrand. |
24. | Article: The Johnson family continued. Photo: Bill Johnson, Stan Goodbrand, Millie Johnson, Gail Goodbrand, Jean Goodbrand. |
25. | Photo: Shell gas station Gore Bay. Article: Story from the Past -- Isaac (Ike) Johnson Jr. Article: Death of William Trimble, 1919. |
26-29. | Article: Accounts of Peninsula Portage 1833 by Rev. William Case. |
30. | Article: Charles Slomke passes -- Elizabeth Hinds, Clayton Slomke, Mrs. S. Burkholder,
Ephriam Wiggins, John W. Kinney, William Burns, William Woods, William J. Griffith, Norman Buchanan, Frank Williams. Article: Obituary of Mrs. (Harriet Almond) George Strain Sr. -- William Strain, Miss Lottie Strain, Ruby Slomke, Ethel Wright, Teddy Strain, Sarah Scott, Roy Strain, Fred Strain, Fred Strain, Roswell Strain, Rev. Walker, Rev. Swanson. |
31. | Subscription and information on "Through the Years". |
Back Cover | Photo: Mr. Oswald Hinds Hardware and Furniture Store, Manitowaning. Article: For Sale, Wagon by A.J. Chicolm, Cutler, Ontario. Advertisement: Wool, by Manitoulin Woolen Mills, Sheguiandah. A. Weber. Births: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson, twin boys -- Mr. and Mrs. W. Montgomery, a son -- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLean, a son -- Mr. and Mrs. Chas Wright, a son. |
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Front Cover | Photo: Tobermory, In the early days. |
2. | Indexes. |
3. | Letters to the Editor: Earl Baker. |
4. | Letters to the Editor: Jean Dixon, Clara E. Jutra (on the Best and Noble families). |
5. | Photo: 1908 Women's Institute Poplar -- Atkinson, Lowrey, Foster, Newell, Oxford, Davis, Baker, Sides, McGillivary, Minerva, Robinson, Dinsmore, Wilkinson, Watt, Noland, Moscrop, Griffith, Scott, Kinney, Baker, McArthur. |
6. | Article: Memories of Nola Smith (nee Dryburgh) by Robin Melton -- Mr. Ripley, Robert McDougall, Helen Porter, Wesley Taylor. |
7. | Article: Memories of Nola Smith continued. Photo: Serge bloomers in 1930 -- Ella Caddel, Nola Dryburgh. Article: Do you remember when? -- R.T. Hall, R.C. Oliver, Jas. Fisher, Stewart Clarke, Frank Clarke, Wm. Burns, John Taylor, Mr. Beattie, Thomas Lougheed, Norman Forsyth. |
8. | Photo: The early years of Cockburn Island. Article: The historical settings and early beginnings. |
9. | Photo: Main Street Tolsmaville, Cockburn Island. Article: Early years on Cockburn -- Isaac Cockburn. |
10. | Article: History of Cockburn Island. |
11. | Photo: Do you remember when? Of deer and moose hunt. Advertisement: Oliver Vincent General Merchant, Little Current. |
12. | Article: The mystery of the bell in Gore Bay -- W.F. McRae, Geo. R. McRae. Article: George Ross McRae Pharmacy -- Harry Bull, Dr. Jas. A. Baker, Nancy Omnet. Article: Major William Farquhar McRae, Lawyer -- R.R. McKessock, Marjory Stevenson. |
13. | Photo: Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Johnston. Article: The Johnstons Recall, by Robin Melton -- William Kemp, Catharine Johnston, Miss Cumberland, Lindsay Johnston, Reverend Tait, Jim Purvis. |
14. |
Article: The Johnstons Recall continued -- Ada Johnston, Catharine Johnston. Photo: Lawrence Johnston. |
15. |
Article: Do you remember when? -- Mrs. Herring, Mrs. A.J. Wagg, Dr. Baker, May Galbraith, G. McCracken,
A.E. Letts, Frank Williams, Wm. Ainslie. Article: Early settlers on Barrie Island -- Thomas Allan & Eliza Vancise (Pearl, James, Lottie, Clara, Mary, Marion, Rhoda); Alf Armstrong & Margaret Phalen (William, Clarence, Alvin, Elva, Alfred); Frank Alexander & Annie Roszell (Wesley, Wilhelmena, Charlotte, Georgina, Aleitha, Flora, Lyle, Hector); James Allan & Della Lane (Doris, Edgar, Leola, Gladys, Gordon, Edna, Catherine). |
16, 17. | Article: Early settlers on Barrie Island by J. Lawrence Runnalls -- John McLean, John McQueen, Mrs. Long, Wm. Blackstock, Frank Alexander, Matthew Cole, Robert Lewis, Ernest Letts, Hector McLean, Thomas Allan, Robert Lane, Albert Ellis, Fred Ellis, Neil McPhail, John McPhail, James Small, Charles Greer, Sam Cole, George Cole, Ed Runnalls, William Phalen, Joseph Phalen, Archibald Latta, John Latta, John Lane, Samuel Lane, Mr. Lee, Hugh McLean, Jack Latta, Oliver Runnalls, Nelson Runnalls, Robert Brydges, George Noble Sr., John Jeffkins Sr., Harry Witty, Thomas McCracken, William Vancise, Nelson Morden, Peter Archdeacon, John Witty, Burton Witty, George Witty, Robert Gamble, Norman Lebar, John McLean, James Morden, Mr. Zettler Donald Griffith, William Blackburn, Robert Morden, Thomas Letta, Thomas Witty, George Mervyn, Harry Mervyn, T.B. Greenman, John Coutts, Duncan McAllister, John Calback, Robert Long, William Roszell Jr., William Roszell Sr., Philip Morden, Steven Morden, Orton Morden, Joseph McTaggart, Walter Jennings, John Jennings Sr., John Jennings Jr., Mr. Morris, Albert Long, Tim Emery, John Schoenblum, Jim Young, Dickout, Albert Long. |
18. |
Article: The Johnston's Recall continued -- Lindsay Johnston. Article: October 13th, 1908 -- Wesley Mutchmor, Frank Wolfe, Chas. Wolfe, Pierre Moriere, Mr. & Mrs. Jos. Best, Christina Helen Campbell, Samuel Gordon Flanagan, H.B. Hunt, Mrs. James McCannell, George Beck, W.E. George, George Willett, Rev. Mr. Neal, Albert Orford, Rev. J.J. Ferguson. |
19. | Photo: Stone quarries of past years in Dawson Township (2) |
20. | Article: Manitoulin early history by Robin Melton. |
21. | Article: Manitoulin early history continued. Article: Do you remember when? -- John McDonald, R. McDonald, A. Smith, Barney Addison, J. Cronk, Jim Hazzard, Frank Quinn, Jas. Crawford. |
22. | Article: Manitoulin opened for settlement by Robin Melton -- George Obbotossaway, Sarah Newman, James Chance, William McDougall. |
23. | Article: Manitoulin opened for settlement continued. Article: Do you remember when? -- Thomas Lewis, Dan McChesnie, Albert Long, Mr. Morden, Charlie Wright, Donald McArthur, Mr. & Mrs. George Willet, Mr. & Mrs. T.R. Lougheed, Mr. & Mrs. Sandy McCannell, Mr. & Mrs. A.V. Buck. |
24. | Photo: Dressed for Church -- Mrs. Louie Paul, Mrs. Mary Ebins (Wabange) and Sopie Wabange. |
25. | Article: The Manitoulin Indian Treaties of 1836 compiled by Frank A. Myers. |
26. | Article: The Manitoulin Indian Treaties of 1836 continued -- Sale of liquor to Indians. Article: Do you remember when? 1909 -- James Crawford, John Kemp, A.L. Kemp, H. Bull, Matt Irving, Dr. J. Johnston, Hugh Brown, John McGibbon, William McKinley, Etta Mary Hall to William Leslie Richman, Annie Baker Matheson to Albert Reid Wood, John Smeltzer to Lydia Hall, Mrs. Chas Mayland. |
27. | Photo: The old Red Mill at Little Current, submitted by Allan Dryburgh. Article: How Little Current got its name, by Frank A. Myers -- John Burkitt, George Ironside. |
28. | Article: How Little Current got its name continued. Article: Meaning of the Indian word for Little Current. |
29. | Article: Meaning of the Indian word for Little Current continued. Article: Do you remember when? 1909 -- William Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Isbister, Mr. Ernie Taylor. Photo: the lighthouse at Little Current. Marriage: Janet Sophia Jaffray to Hiram Wesley Clark, Bertha Smith, Ethel Strain, Edna Beck. |
30. | Article: Do you remember when? 1909 -- Miss Thompson, Mr. Melville Stringer, Walter Gilpin, David Kerr, Mr. Jas Crawford, Mr. Bert Bond, Mrs. F. Bassingthwaite, Mrs. A. Sibbald, Mr. M. Stapleton, Mrs. A. Sibbald, Mr. M. Stapleton, Mr. Fred Moody, Reid Davidson, Drs. Shaw and Walker, Mr. Wm. Gilroy, Smith Bros. |
31. | Subscription and information on "Through the Years". |
Back Cover | Photo: the view near Willisville, Ontario. Article: In the good old days. |
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Page | Article or Item |
Front Cover | Photo: Manitowaning dock. |
2. | Indexes. |
3. | Article: Through the Years one year old. |
4. | Letters to the Editor: Norma Haves Island poem. Article: Poison Ivy -- George Johnston. |
5. | Article: Poison Ivy continued -- Doug Murray. Article: Looking back on Little Current. |
6. | Photo: 62nd Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. W. Cosby of Gore Bay, April 17, 1919. Article: Country Correspondence from Years Past 1909 -- Judge McCallum, J.R. McGregor. |
7. | Photo: The Croaker Island quarry. |
8. | Photo: The Croaker Island quarry. |
9. | Photo: A large loop used Croaker Island. Article: About the Croaker Island quarry -- Mrs. Viala Spry (nee Berry), Oliver Berry Jr., Enos Berry, Cletuis Berry, Pat Weatherall. Photo: Pat Weatherall in his launch. Article: Country Correspondence -- Miss Ludlow, Mrs. Jas Fitzpatrick. |
10. | Article: Little Current memories -- Thomas Dunn, Rose Peltier, Ursula Roszel. Photo: ship, The Algoma. |
11. | Article: Little Current memories -- Mr. Elmer Vincent, Mr. A. Dryburgh, Dr. Carruthers, Dr. McDonald,
Dr. Young, John Young, Clay Cook, Mel Boyter, Humphrey Beaudin, Harold Hembruff, George Baxter, Al Little,
Almer Vincent. Photo: Dredge at work in the Channel. |
12. | Article: Country Correspondence from Years Past, 1909 -- Andy McDonald, Mr. Galbraith, Mr. McColeman, William Horn, Miss G. Morris, Mrs. H. McKeon, Miss E. Cochrane, Miss Alice Wilson, Mrs. Thomas Robertson, William Priddle, Mr. R.E. Bell, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Holland, Mrs. T. Robinson, Mr. Bunt, Dr. McLaughlin, Mr. Spackman, Mr. J. Royal, Charlie Burnett, Miss Harper, Thomas Batman, T.J. Batman, Mr. A. Batman, Miss Vera Miller, Miss Sadie Becks, Dan McDonald. |
13. | Article: Country Correspondence from Years Past, 1909 continued -- J. Russell McGregor, Stephen Cronkhite, Robert Robinson, Neil McColeman, Miss Mannikin, Mutchmore mill, William Charters, Robert Galt, Art McArthur, George Strain, Archie Turner, Miss M. Platt, Lizzie Robinson, Miss Hettie Middleton, E. Snow, E. Minard, Phil McGrath, Oliver Berry. |
14. | Photo and article: Purdy's Mill in Manitowaning submitted by Florence E. (nee Purdy) Armstrong -- John Purdy, Seymour Purdy, Henry Martin, Jim Martin. |
15. | Photo: John Purdy. Photo: Jane (McCauley) Purdy, wife of John. Article: Purdy's Mill in Manitowaning continued. Photo: Roberta Purdy (Mrs. Alan McKenzie) standing on a pile of lumber at the Mill. |
16. | Photo: 1906 or 1907 Purdy Mill and house -- John Purdy, Seymour Purdy. Article: Purdy's Mill in Manitowaning continued. |
17. | Photo: Queen Street, Manitowaning. Article: Purdy 1879, 1898, 1898. Photo: Queens Hotel. |
18, 19. | Copy of John Purdy land purchase. |
20. | Advertisement: of John Purdy. |
21. | Article: Mail Service -- Jim Purvis, Norbert Loosemore. |
22. | Article: Lighthouses -- James MacDonald, Lauchie MacDonald, J.P. MacDonald, Alfred Cook, Captain Rogue, Foster Morris. |
23. | Article: Channel Islands -- J.P. MacDonald, Alexander Henry. |
24. | Article: Channel Islands continued -- Jim Moore, Irene Moore, Roque. |
25. | Article: Channel Islands continued -- Anna Jameson, George Simpson McTavish, Jerry Moss, J.P. McDonald, Joe Milliman, Jack Keen, Drake Alexander Leslie, Jim Doyle, Captain R.H. Jewell. |
26. | Photo: The days of the Methodist Church in Gore Bay 1904, submitted by Jack Bain and Mr. W.A. Smith -- Florence Young, Bill Young, Peral Platt, Mr. Ennis, Ida Jackson, Maude Jackson, Mrs. Ennis, Rev. Gray, Mrs. Belton, Elsie Bowman. |
27. | Article: Early Days in this Vicinity from the Recorder 1932 -- John Cook, Reeve W.L. Strain, Willard Hall, Thomas Dinsmore, C.H. Wright, Alex McLaren, Morrell family, Coupland family, Beaudin family, Jack Dinsmore, Mrs. Casson, Linley family, W.E. McRae, R.A. Smith, James Kinney, E.K. Nesbitt, John Hall, George Cook, Tom McLean, J.M. Fraser, A.C. McRae. |
28. | Article: Looking back continued, by George H. Cook. Photo: of unknown man. Article: Country Correspondence from Years Past -- Harry Craig, J.B. Graham, George Henning, D. McGibbon, George H. Cook. |
29. | Photo: A pioneer church, St. Andrew's Church in Cold Springs (view of front). |
30. | Photo: A pioneer church, St. Andrew's Church in Cold Springs (side view). Article: A pioneer church built in 1887 -- Mrs. Margaret Moore, Samuel McLean, Henry Cannard, William Sterling, Clifford McFarlane, G.C. Scott, Henry Rodgers, James Steele, William Ewart Bannerman, Reverend Roy Columbus, J. Harris Burry, Oliver McCormick. |
31. | Photo: Inside view of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Article: A pioneer church built in 1887 continued -- R.R. McKay, Reverend James McLaughlin, Mrs. Mary McVey, and Mr. Shaw. Article: Do you remember? -- Mr. and Mrs. Huan, William and Richard Langtree, Mr. H. Sloss, Mr. and Mrs. Liddicoat, Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery, Fred Connor, Palmer family. |
32. | Photo: Cold Springs Cemetery. Article: Country correspondence from past years, 1909 -- Misses E. Wismer, F.C. Bickell, E. Bickell, Messrs. Gordon Bickell, Harold Wismer and R. Bickell, George Morris, William Wood, Dr. Thornloe, James McKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Morris, Harold Morris, Mr. and Mrs. M. Young, Digby Young, Miss Mabel Hastie, George Shariton, Byron Abbot, Mrs. J.W. Humphrey, Effie Humphrey, Mrs. Spackman. |
33. | Photo: The Red Cross Hospital, submitted by Nora Layton, Mindemoya. |
34. | Photo: The doctor makes his call, submitted by Nora Layton, Mindemoya -- Dr. Davis. Photo: Covered sleigh, submitted by Nora Layton, Mindemoya. |
35. | Subscription and information on "Through the Years". |
Back Cover | Advertisement: "Through the Years" publications make a perfect Christmas gift. |
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Page | Article or Item |
Front Cover | Christmas edition and Christmas wishes. |
2. | Indexes. |
3. | Letter to the Editor: Martha Webb on Perivale farm. Article: A pioneer writes in 1878 -- John B. Baker, W.H. Eagle, Mr. Griffith. |
4. | Letter to the Editor: John Hastie, Muriel Hastie, Georgina Hastie, Alberta Hastie, Ruby Hastie,
Jack Hastie. Article: From years past -- Sam King, Miss Little, Miss Mary Williamson. |
5. | Article: Through The Years filling important role. Photo: The Gore Bay fire of 1908 view from the west side of Meredith Street -- "Two newspaper offices were demolished, that of the Reformer, which was owned by Mr. Keith, and the Conservator, operated by a Mr. Ennis." |
6. | Photo: South Baymouth, submitted by Kathleen (nee Green) Dinsmore -- Mr. Ritchie, Mr. Green. |
7. | Article: Early history of South Baymouth by Mae McGauley -- Wilman and Ritchie families, Bill Boyd, Mrs. Robert Green (Sarah Livingston), John Ritchie, James Ritchie, Suzannah Bowerman (Mrs. James Ritchie), Robert Sander, Alex Chisholm, Valentine Wilman, Elizabeth Bennett (Mrs. V. Wilman), Sam Clark, William Wallace, Dave Marwick, George McKim, R.P. Green, Walter Chisholm, David Sim, J. Ownes, Miss Hammond. |
8. | Article: Early history of South Baymouth continued -- Rev. Rawlings, Rev. Renny, McGauley. Article: Cannon Frederick Frost by Harry Robbins -- Bishop Sullivan, Miss Longfellow, Chief Buhgue Jenene, Chief Shingwauk, Miss Coates. |
9. | Photo: Muchmore Street in Providence Bay, submitted by Mrs. Grace Tracy. Article: The Tracy's talk about early Manitoulin -- Earl Tracy. Photo: Providence Bay saw mill, submitted by Mrs. Grace Tracy. |
10. | Photo: The pier in Providence Bay, submitted by Mrs. Grace Tracy. Article: The Tracy's talk about early Manitoulin continued -- Andrew Tracy, MacNevin family, Earl Tracy, Miss Griffith, Annie Carter, Gertie Jewell, Bella McDonald, Reuben Cranston, Grace McIntyre McDougall. |
11. | Photo: Frank and Helen Wagner of Providence Bay, submitted by Mrs. Grace Tracy. Article: The Tracy's talk about early Manitoulin continued -- Dr. R.B. McQuay, Andrew Tracy, John Shields, Ab Stuart, Louis Needham, R.R. Gammie, Ritching, Purvis Bros., Marshall Patterson. |
12. | Photo: Union Church in Providence Bay, submitted by Mrs. Grace Tracy. Photo: The first Bank of Montreal in Mindemoya, submitted by Mrs. Grace Tracy. Article: Manitowaning -- Mrs. H. McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Hinds, Mrs. Clement, Mrs. D. Walker, Mrs. Leitch. Article: Kagawong -- C.M. Fraser, Robert King. |
13. | Article: Sad drowning accident, Norman Doane of Ten Mile Point Settlement -- Mr. Walford. Mr. William S. Gibbon's Statement: John Dawson. |
14. | Article: Sad drowning accident, Mr. Gibbon's statement continued -- A.G. Walford, Mr. Humphrey May. Article: Sad drowning accident, Mr. A.G. Walford's statement -- Norman Doane, Mr. Gibbon, Mr. Dawson. |
15. | Article: Sad drowning accident, Mr. A.G. Walford's statement continued -- Doane, Dawson, Gibbon. Article: Country correspondence from past years, 1909 -- Rev. J.J. Ferguson, Miss Mabel McRae, Milton Brett, Mr. A. Morrell, Mrs. Annie Lehman, M. Lehman, Jesse Lehman, W. Lehman, Misses Ethel and Lizzie Robinson, Miss Hetty Middleton, Neil McColeman, Miss Lucinda Johnson, Peter McKenzie, Mr. McLeod. |
16, 17. | Photo: Logging Camp in 1880, submitted by Harry Robbins of Ten Mile Point. Article: on Logging Camps -- David Sim. |
18. | Article: on Logging Camps continued. |
19. | Article: on Logging Camps continued. Article: Country correspondence from past years -- Mr. J.C. Morphet, Mr. Jas Wilkin, Mr. W.T. Phillips, Mr. Halbert, Mr. McConnell, Mr. J. Caddle, Mr. Looker. |
20. | Article: Early pioneers of Gordon -- James and Eliza Beckerton, Sarah Ann Beckerton, William John Beckerton,
Agnes Fletcher, Eliza Jane Beckerton, Robert Beckerton, Henry (Harry) Beckerton, Wellington (Duke) Beckerton,
Emily Beckerton, Thomas Beckerton, Roland Beckerton, Frank Royal. Photo: Flossie and Lizzie Royal about 1989. |
21. | Article: Early pioneers of Gordon continued -- Agnes Beckerton, Frank Royal, Elizabeth Florence Royal,
James Henry Royal, Flossie Mimer Royal. Photo: Flossie Royal, Jim Royal, and Harry Beckerton. |
22. | Article: Early pioneers of Gordon continued -- Elizabeth Royal and Joseph Williams (children Victoria, May and Grant) Jim Royal and Jennie Dunn, James and Eliza Beckerton, Teresa (nee Beckerton) Mailloux. |
23. | Article: Early pioneers of Gordon continued. Article: Country correspondence from past years, 1909 -- Miss McLeod, Mr. Beattle, Arthur McAuley, Dr. Johnston, Alfred Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Clarke, Jos Smyth, W. Dougherty, N. LaRush, Misses W. and B. Hastie, Reeve T.J. Batman, Mr. and Miss Umphrey, William Vincer, Miss Sadie Galbraith, Miss Jennie Elliott. |
24. | Photo: One big buck -- Les Prentice, Jim Doyle, James Prentice, Lawrence Morrison, Jim Morrison. |
25. | Photo: Buck fell into crack, submitted by Alex Purvis. |
26. | Article: Country correspondence from past years -- Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy (children John, William and Melissa) Mary Ellis, Thomas Ellis, Mrs. Wm. Charters, Ritchie Bros, Sr. Wilman, Reg Dewar, Mrs. Lydia Russell, James Sawyer, George Hunter, Findlay McDermid. |
27. | Article: Country correspondence from past years continued -- John Kennedy, John Dewar, Archibald Cranston, James Cranston, James Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs. E. Burch, Mr. and Mrs. L. Hopkin, W.H. Graham. |
28. | Figures at the Provincial elections. Article: Country correspondence from past years continued -- Dr. McComb, Mr. E.G. Scott, Misses Muriel Morris and Pearl Hall, Ed Tucker, Miss Madge, Miss McCausland, Miss Ida Jackson, Mrs. Madill, Mrs. N.A. Runnalls, Mrs. John Coutts, Miss Rose, Mr. Kidd, Mr. and Mrs. Moody, Mrs. Milton Neilles, Miss Hattie Cook, Miss Cochrane, Jack Montgomery. |
29. | Article: Country correspondence -- Mr. D.M. Fraser, Mrs. Jim Gordon, Miss Stella Hilliard, James McLeod, James Gladstone, A. Ward, Mrs. Wm. Bain, Miss E.M. Hall, Mr. Leslie Richmond, Mrs. William Charters, Walter Chisholm, Miss Florrie Ball, Mrs. Henry Smeltzer, Mrs. J. McKechnie, Mrs. David Watson, Thomas Batman, Gordon Bickell, Mr. G. Gamble, Mrs. Crasweller, Dan Ednie, Frank Bennett, Neil Douglas, Ida Summerville, Mr. Gillis, William Griffith, Mr. A. Caniff, James Blackburn, Tom and Sandy Rumley, Ed Bradley, Melville Stringer, Miss Ellen R. Lewis, Miss Amanda Storms, James Williamson, Dr. and Mrs. J.C. Speer, Mrs. H.B. Gallagher. |
30. | Photo: Billings Township a few years ago. Article: Country correspondence 1909 -- Stewart Clarke, Will and Nick Cole, Mrs. R.M. Bell, Harry Bell, Mrs. A. Lehman, Mr. H. Stapleton, Miss M. Hubbert. |
31. | Photo: The days of the horses -- Ernest Debassige of West Bay. Subscription and information on "Through the Years". |
Back Cover | Advertisement: "Through the Years" publications make a perfect Christmas gift. |
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