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Front Cover | Mr. Oswald Hind store in Manitowaning. |
2. | Indexes, subscription and information on "Through the Years". |
3. |
Poem: I am a Calendar. Recipe: New Year's Punch. |
4-6. | Article: Another Year in History. |
6. | Recipes: Oat Cakes, Shortbread and Black Buns. |
7. | Recipes: Proper Cup O'Tea. |
8. | Recipes: Maple Syrup Pie and Johnny Cake. |
9. |
Recipe: Heirloom Shortbread. Proverbs: by John McQuarrie. |
10. | Proverbs: by John McQuarrie continued. |
11. |
Photo: of the C.P. Edwards. Article: C.P. Edwards. |
12. |
Photo: of the Forestdale in the Welland Canal, courtesy of Barry Anderson. Article: Forestdale, by Skip Gillham. |
13. |
Article: Forestdale continued. Photo: of the Forestdale in the Welland Canal, courtesy of Barry Anderson. |
14. | Article: Tragedy strikes at Campbells Bay, 1886 -- Willard Witty, Jacob Scott, ? (Isaac, Ishmael or Isaiah) Hogan, J.B. Ganton, Dr. Johnston, William Martin, Mr. W.F. McRae. |
15. | Article: Tragedy strikes at Campbells Bay continued. |
16. | Article: Ladies of olden time. |
17. | Copy of a Conditional Receipt from the Indian Office. |
18. |
Photo: Early Little Current. Poem: A New Year's Garden, by Lillian Holland Field. |
19. | Photo: of Frank and Lydia Haner with their children Harvey, Caroline (Sloss) and Clarence. Submitted by Lois Cooper. |
20. |
Photo: of Mr. and Mrs. Haner in 1930. Photo: of Duncan and Mary McDermid in 1941. Article: Pleasant Valley, 1909 -- Miss Myrtle Vine, Mr. T. Robertson, Mrs. Wm. Guy, Mrs. F. Glanvill, Mr. Wm. Baker, Mr. Ed Baker, Mr. G. Pateman, Mr. T. Robinson, Mr. G. Gamble, Mrs. Crasweller, Donald Oxford, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Robertson, Mr. Dan Ednie, Mr. Frank Bennet, Miss Helen Robertson, Neil Douglas. |
21. | Article: Names on Manitoulin in 1886 -- J.S. Hawkey, W.H. Price, J. Johnston, H.B. Hunt, H.L. McLean, John Barry, J. Riddell, Mr. Jackson, G.W. Hodgekinson, W. McLeod, D. Wolfe, Benge McLean, T. Porter, D. Clarke, R.G. Armstrong, Neil Kennedy, W.R. Abrey, C. Montgomery, Tucker, Christopher Barry, Duncan Currie, John Beckerton, Neil Currie, Henry Hall, Thomas McCracken, W. Hickinbottom, Foster Moor, James Cain, Robert Wiggins, Lachian McDougald, James Donaldson, John Hope, J.J. Douglas, Alex Ednie, T.H. Thompson, Robert Thorburn, J.H. Thorburn, Abraham Dinsmore, Alex Thorburn, Malcolm McArthur, Charles Woodward, John Bailey, James Montgomery, A. Willett, W.A. Gorrell, T.B. Greenman, R.F. Armstrong, J. Hastie, Mrs. Miller, Rev. J.C. Speer. |
22. | Article: Burpee, 1909 -- Wm. Ainsley, Miss Dora Keown, Will Ainsley, Miss Pearson, Miss Summerville, Wm. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McKeen, Barney Addison, Mr. Bannerman, Mr. Ferguson, Mrs. Wm. Prestage, Mrs. E. Williams, Mrs. Wm. Ainsley, Wm. Griffith, Frank Williams, James Blackburn, Tom and Sandy Rumley, John Martin, John Bailey, Walter Harper, Sam McKinley. |
23. |
Photo: of a fish catch, Manitou Lake, 1912. Photo: of W.D. Ritchie store, Little Current. |
24. |
Article: Dancing and Fighting, in Montenegor they have their own way of doing each. Article: Mindemoya W.I. 1909 -- Mrs. R. Cushing, Mrs. Mackie, Mrs. A. Trowbridge, Miss Susan Bowyer, Mrs. D. Williamson. Article: Advance, 1909 -- John Vance, Mrs. George Holder, George Archibald, Henry Howald, Wm. Guy. |
25. | Article: by Dr. M.A. Veeder's -- nails will, he thinks, give protection where lightning rods fail, 1909. |
26. |
Article: by Dr. M.A. Veeder's continued. Article: Ferlee, 1909 -- Roy Smyth, Miss Ida Summerville, R.L. and A.L. Graham, Mr. Sampson, Mr. Wickens, Mr. Burns, Mr. Gillis. Article: A trip to Manitoulin -- Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wagg. |
27. |
Article: Caught in a net -- Wright McLaughlin, Miss Alma O'Brien, Rev. J.A. and Mrs. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs.
C.L.D. Sims. Article: Floating message -- Mr. L.G. Connor, Mr. H.E. Hunt, G.H. Atkin. Article: West Carnarvon, 1909 -- Rev. S. Marks, Miss Emma Cooper and Alex Owens, Mrs. M.L. buck, George Cuff, Edward Hopkins, Mrs. J.B. Rumley. Article: Pervile, 1909 -- Mr. Carter, Mr. Patterson, Sam Clark, Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. A.H. McKenzie, Miss Mary Thompson. |
28. | Article: Hundreds of wolves in cave, 1886. |
29. | Advertisement: for the Queen's Hotel, Manitowaning, owner E.R. Tucker. |
30. | Article: W.I. Convention, 1909 -- Mrs. E.W. Mackie, Mrs. B.H., Turner, Mrs. D. Hopkin, Mrs. Tustian, Mrs. Moscrop, Mrs. Ed. Priddle, Mrs. J. Johnston, Mrs. Sibbald, Miss E. Stringer, Mrs. J. McGauely, Mr. Geo. Putman, Mrs. W. Gordon. |
31. | Article: W.I. Convention -- Mr. Grose, Mr. Putman, Mrs. Gordon, Miss Sommerville, Mrs. B.H. Turner, Mrs. J.T. Skippen, Mrs. W. Gordon, Mrs. Trowbridge, Mr. F. McGilvery, Miss Norah McGilvery, Mr. Hopkins, Miss J. Conners, Mrs. J. Gordon, Mr. A. Wagg. |
Back Cover |
Article: W.I. Convention continued. Article: Sheguiandah news of 1909 -- Wright McLaughlin, Mr. W.C. Croome, Miss Kinney, Mr. Aiken, Mr. Bradbury, Mrs. Frank Alexander, Mrs. Hastie, Mr. Berry, Rev. Halburt, Mr. Laycock. |
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Page | Article or Item |
Front Cover | Picture of a man watering his horses. |
2. | Indexes, subscription and information on "Through the Years". |
3. | Photo: of guns on display at John Reynolds' Hardware Store, taken in 1912. |
4. | Poems: To the Manitoulin -- The Fireplace -- Our Land. |
5. |
Advertisement: for Jas. Purvis & Son, Gore Bay, 1920. -- Interesting the office phone number was 107 and the residential
phone number was 45. Article: Sheguiandah, 1909 -- Mr. Levi Stringer, Rev. Alex Halbet. |
6. |
Article: Sheguiandah, 1909 continued -- Mr. J.H. Lewis, Mr. John Orr. Article: Perivale, 1909 -- Mr. Dawson, Maud McDonald, Andy McDonald, Archie Turner, Mrs. Charles Ward, Jim Dawson, John McArthur, Mrs. John Girvan, Mark Clark, Miss Elva McDonald, Miss Maggie Morden, Mrs. Will Clark, Alex McKenzie. Article: Little Current, 1909 -- Harry Laidlaw, Capt. Brown, Mrs. Hr. McDonald. |
7. |
Article: Little Current, 1909 continued -- J.G. Kingsboro, Dr. Carruthers, Geo. Foote, Hector Rozel, John Cox,
R. Hay, John Hastie, T.C. and C.L.D. Sims, Alex McGillis, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trotter, John Taylor, Frank Taylor,
M.N. DeLhorbe, John Collins, Geo. Garbutt, Geo. Scheltroph, Robert Small, Geo. Jenkins, Dr. James Dawson. Article: It Happened in 1909 -- John Dillion, Jas. Smith, Constable Shea. |
8. | Photos: of shanties. |
9. | Article: The New Third Reader of 1909. |
10. | Article: The New Third Reader of 1909 continued. |
11. | Advertisement and photo: of the Queen's Hotel, Gore Bay. Also proprietor A.C. Bryan. |
12. |
Article: Fernlee, June 1909 -- John Kemp, A.L. Kemp, F. Williams, G.H. Cook, Miss Harriett Cook, Miss E. Cochrane,
J.J. Rumley, Joe Rumley, Miss L. McMillan, John Fraser. Article: Perivale, 1909 -- Andy McDonald, Mr. McColeman, Mr. Galbraith, Mr. McDonald, Miss Neoma Johnson, Rev. Mr. Munroe, Alex McKenzie, Mrs. Arthur Bryan, Miss May, Mr. and Mrs. William Clark. Born: a son to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. W. Christian.continued. Article: Silver Bay, 1909 -- Harry Brown, Ben Nighswander, Miss A. Thompson, Mr. Watson. |
13. |
Letter to the Editor: of 1885 -- Inspector McLean, Mr. Kee, signed Phillie. Article: Ice Lake, 1909. |
14. |
Copy of Steamer Schedules for 1909. Advertisement: Daily Ferry Service (Steamer Islet Prince) Tobermory and South Bay, 1934. |
15. |
Article: News of October 1885 -- Mr. A.W.E. Thompson, Mr. D. McRae, Mr. T. Jonson, Mr. M. Austin, Dr. Johnston. Article: Rally Day, 1920 -- Mr. W.M. Morris, Mr. Carpenter. |
16, 17. |
Photo: of Mackinaw sailboat races, July 1st, 1900. Article: School Fairs, 1920 -- George Willis, Jane Muckadavin, Allan Dryborough, May Magraw, Isabel Connor, Robert Morphet, Morley Dryborough, Fred Willis, Mildred Thompson, Jane Muckadavin, Frank Abotossaway, Fred Willis, F. Halcrow, Percy Garbett, Ruby Owl, Stella Ferguson, Donald McDonald, Edith Bob, Mildred Rowe, Annie Newman, Wilfred Heis, Bill Willis, Roy Roszel, Willie Wilkie, Alma Neville, Granville Orr, Stanley Burnet, Clifton Myland, Florence Beck, Lloyd Morphet, Austin Stevens, Annie Newman, Alice O'Brien, Christina Dryborough, August Egan, Percy Garbett, Bessie Barnett, Walter Morphet, Almer Lewis, Wilbert Heis, Robert Morphet, Adelaide St. Jacques, Eliza Owl, George Willis, Leonard Roszel, Maggie Muckadavin, David Nahwegahbo, Stanley Morphet, Elizabeth Ferguson, Alex Cosby, Marion Bickell, Ulson Morphet, Bill Willis, Frank Halcow, Grenville Orr, John Beck, Leonard Stringer, Lawrence Beck, Charlie Wood, Peter Willis, Allan Morphet, Austin Stevens, Bertah Willis, May Taylor, Sandy Summerville, Almer Lewis, Lloyd Morphet, Mary O'Brien, Irene Skippen, Clifton Myland, Bessie Burnett, David Nehwegahbo, Alice Eade, Norine Wilkin, Percy Garbett, Bessie Eade, Maude Lewis, Carl Skippen, Mary O'Brien, Stanley Burnett, Stanley Stevens, Henry Stevens, Ruth Wilkie, Sophia Magraw, Mildred Rowe, Colin Skippen, Mable O'Brien, Alice O'Brien, Frank Halcrow, May Magraw, Coy Wilkin, Kathleen Fairbanks, Laura Nelder, Irene Morphet, Isabel Heis, Stella Ferguson, Dorothy Egan, Norine Silkie, Marion Bickell, Stella Richards, Lizzie Halcrow, Idena Skippen, Olga Heis, Isreal Heis, August Eade, August Eady, Christie Trumble, Matilda Richards, Lawrence Beck, Edgar Richards, Stella Richards, Austin Stevens, George Rowe. |
18. |
Article: School Fairs, 1920 continued -- Lizzie Halcrow, Florence Beck, Laura Nelder, Matilda Richards,
Arnold Roszel, Percy Collins, Elizabeth Collins, Fred Willis, Marguerite Nelder, Ella Hembruff, Edgar Richards,
Mary O'Brien, Mildred Rowe, Kathleen Fairbanks, Ruby Owl. Sophia Magraw, Gerald Roszel, Eliza Muckadavin, Jean Stringer,
Irene Morphet, Mary O'Brien, Mable O'Brien, Bessie Eade, Sophia Magraw, Charles Richards, Wilfred Heis, Cliff Dever,
Lulu Roszel, Nelson Morphet, Nelson Morphet, Almer Nevills, Wilfred Heis, Clifton Myland, Cliff White, Coy Wilkin,
Carl Skippen, Burton Nelder, Edgar Richards, Chas Richards, Ernest Wilkin, Bethel Vine, August Egan, Arnold Roszel,
Almer Lewis, Annie Newman, Leonard Roszel, Roy Roszel. Article: South Tehkummah, 1909 -- Mr. Coultis, Mr. Ashley, Miss Edith Coultis, Mrs. Gilpin. |
19. |
Article: School Trustees Association, 1920 -- Rev. W.M. Morrison, C.C. Platt, J.W. Hagan, G.A. Vancise, John Baker,
R.J. Winter, Wm. Jones, Harry Falls, Chas. Bell, Wm. Strain, Andrew Robertson, J.D. McColeman, Wm. Elliot, T.J. Reid,
Angus McDougal, Norman Campbell. Advertisement: for the Grand Manitoulin Hotel, Meldrum Bay. James Fitzpatrick, Proprietor. |
20. | Poems: The Old Wooden Cradle and The Mantle of Green. |
21. |
Advertisement: for CPR, 1912. Railway service to Manitoulin Island. Article: District Court, 1909 -- Judge Hewson, R.R. McKessock, Rex vs Owen. |
22. |
Article: Manitowaning Temperance Meeting in 1909 -- Dr. Burt. Article: Sheguiandah, 1909 -- John Hindle, W.L. Trotter, Jack Trotter, Reeve T.L. Batman, Miss Batman, Miss Ella Lewis, Mrs. Bradley, Miss Hilcock, Joseph Bayer. |
23. | Article: Patronize the Local Merchants. |
24. |
Article: Patronize the Local Merchants continued. Article: Ice Lake, 1909. |
25. |
Article: Ice Lake, 1909 continued. Article: Pirates Smoked to Death. Dutch soldiers kindle great fires before their caves. |
26. | Advertisement and photo: for R.A. Smiths' General Store, Kagawong. |
27. |
Article: Nuptials, 1909 -- William Morrow Hannah & Miss Hannah Hembruff, Mr. Joseph Hembruff, Rev. Cannon Young,
Miss E.I. Hembruff, Edward Norton. Article: Nuptials, 1909 -- Henry Sloss & Emma Jane Bowser, Mr. and Mrs. M. Bowser, John Bowser, Mrs. David Sloss, Rev. Mr. Monuoe, Miss Annie Sloss. Article: Nuptials, 1909 -- Milton Warren Brett & Mabel Isabell McRae, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Montgomery, Rev. A.E. Owen, Mr. F. McRae. |
28. |
Story: Faithless Lovers. Story: Electrifying an Elephant. |
29. | Article: Storm delays boat, Providence Bay in 1909 -- Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Fretz, Mr. F. Wagg, Mr. M. Buck, Rev. Mr. Fry, Rev. Mr. Turnbull, Mr. B. Bock, Mrs. Anna Robinson, Mr. J.H. Conley. |
30. |
Article: Storm delays boat continued -- Mr. Frank Conley, Mr. and Mrs. Dugald Campbell, Miss Edith Hopkins. Article: Marking the Canada -- U.S. Boundary, published in 1920. |
31. | Article: How Long Can They Do It? A Wall Street report. |
Back Cover | Article: Dreaded Influenza. |
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Front Cover | Picture of a team of oxen hitched up ready for work. |
2. | Indexes, subscription and information on "Through the Years". |
3. | Advertisement: for Kemp Manure Spreader, Stratford. |
4. |
Article: Accident claims two lives -- Mr. Copeman and Mr. Birch, John Long, John Wilson, Lyle Strain, Herb Best,
Albert Long, Burton Witty. Article: Joan Millicent Long Passes at South Bay, 1936 -- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Osburn Long. Other children: Clyde, Stanley and Ann Long. Article: Rotary Elects New Officers, 1957 -- Mr. J.R. Brown, Mr. R.R. Strain, Wm. Abraham, Ray King, Mr. C. Paquette, Cliff Boyd, Wm. Smith, Mr. A.W. Priddle and Ross Strain. |
5. |
Article: Agricultural Conditions on Manitoulin, 1936 -- Reeves J.G. Wallace and Wm. Stevens. Article: March 4, 1909 -- Mr. Hy Skippen Sr., Noah Skippen. Article: Grand National Bonspiel at Little Current, 1935. |
6. | Gore Bay news report, July 1909 -- F.E. Titus, Thomas Robinson, John Edmonds, Wm. McKinley, Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Atkinson, Mrs. A.L. Kemp, John Stewart, Tom McGregor, H.A. Sexton, Magistrate W.H. Price, Crown Attorney Murray, Bill Sampson, Andy Wabaganett, Miss Margaret Edmonds, Miss Spackman, Harry Farthing, John Fraser, Morton Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hall, R.J. Porter, Chas. Prior, John Wismer, Agnes Smith, Rev. Mr. Tate, Brother C.C. Platt, Stewart Clarke. |
7. | Gore Bay news report continued -- R.A. Smith, Stewart Clarke, W. & S. Smith, Jack Lougheed, Mrs. L. Duncanson, Duncan Millan, Donald McGibbon, Rev. J.H. and Mrs. More, Harry Bell, Miss Jennie Porter, Mrs. R.J. Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Matheson, Mrs. Donald Bailey, Mrs. C.J. Campbell, W.J. Johnston, J.R. McGregor, David Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. D'Arcy Burns, John Martin, Mr. Currie, Mrs. Madill, Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Jackson. |
8. |
Photo: furrow plowing at Barrie Island. Photo: Mr. Peter Caddel's residence in Carnavon. |
9. | Article: Little Current Inn Suffers $10,000 Damage By Fire, 1953 -- Janet Dyell, Keith McLeod. |
10. | Poem: Pioneer Tales by the late T.E. Hammond, Elma. |
11. |
Article: The Crimes of the Tongue. Article: Fall and Winter Apples, 1909 -- Geo. Morris and Mrs. Pankhurst. |
12. |
Article: Burpee, 1909 -- Mrs. Archie Ainslie, Edward Ainslie, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Williams, Wm. John McGibbon, McKinley,
James McKinley, Sam McKinley, James McKinley, Miss Florence McKinley, Mr. A.M. Rumley, George Tricks, John Bailey,
Colin Campbell, Mr. Sims, George Cook, John Wickens, Mr. A.N. Bailey, Mrs. J.D. Ainslie, Edward Ainslie. Article: Poplar, 1909 -- George McPhie, Wm Robinson, Mr. Scott, Miss Ida Jackson, Miss Nellie Scott, R.E. Bell, Wm. Young, Miss Alice Wilson, Mr. Moscrop, Rev. and Mrs. Holland, Mrs. T. Robinson. |
13. |
Article: Pleasant Valley, 1909 -- Miss Alice Wilson, Miss Mary Glanvill, George Archibald, Miss Florence Brown, Mr. Neal,
Aaron Walker, Mrs. Hugh Brown, Geo. Young, Mrs. Thos. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Robertson, Edward Deering,
Mrs. J. Smith, Mrs. E. Glanvill, Miss Emma Tustian, Mrs. A. Brown, Harold Glanvill. Article: Manitoulin News of 1885 -- Mr. P.J. Anderson, H.B. Hunt, John C. Nelles, Mr. I. Carter, Walter Wright, Rev. Mr. Ferrier, Willard Hall, Mr. J. Dinsmore, Mr. E. Nolan, Mr. A. Wilkinson, W. Montgomery, George Grexton. |
14, 15. | A Story for your children/grandchildren by Patten Beard -- The Little Bed that Ran Away. |
16. |
Advertisement: Dr. John Carruthers old reliable Drug Store, Little Current. Photo: Bass caught in MacGregor Bay, 1912. |
17. |
Story: Banner the Ancients Carried. Article: Tehkummah, 1909 -- Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Wagg, Mrs. P. Pyette, Mr. and Mrs. R. Tilson, Mr. f. L. Tilson, Carman Tilson, Miss Amelia J. Smeltzer, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ball, Will Tilson, Miss Lulia McNevin, Miss Florence McNevin. Born: Carter, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. James Carter. Born: Orr, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Orr. Died: Johnson, infant son of Richard and Sarah Johnson. Died: Mrs. Waldock, wife of Mr. T. Waldock. |
18. | Article: Mail Service in 1885 -- Basil C. Caniff. |
19. |
Article: The Guide Editorial, 1885. Wedding: Miss Ethel Boyd & R.T. Jaffray, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Boyd, Mrs. A. Jaffray, Miss Clara Elizabeth Bennett, George Britten. Article: 1920 -- Geo. B. Nicholson, M.P. |
20. |
Article: Little Current in 1920 -- Mr. T.A. Sims, Mr. and Mrs. T.C. Sims. Births: Mr. and Mrs. L. Spry, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. C. Burns, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Wilson, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Russell, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Angus McDougal, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wilson, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Richardson, a daughter (Nedra Gertrude) Marriage: Mr. A.E. Graham & Miss Grace Gamey, 1909 -- Miss Tate, Mr. and Mrs. R.R. Gamey. |
21. |
Article: Local News, 1944 -- Mrs. Alex Cosby, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lloyd, Mrs. S. Clarke, Dr. S.J. Rosental, Mr. and Mrs.
George Bishop, Mrs. Walter Cairns, Mr. and Mrs. George Thorburn, Iliff Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson,
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wood, Mrs. Leslie Wood, Mrs. John Cosby, Mrs. Ross Skippen, Mrs. S. Clarke, Miss Doris Ritching,
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ritching, Mrs. E.B. Purvis, Miss Eileen Purvis, Bud Thorburn. Article: re Our Boys Overseas, December 1944. Article: Manitowaning Red Cross December 7th Shipment, 1944 -- Mrs. Robt. Connell, Mrs. J.G. Wallace, Mrs. John Clarke, Mrs. Alex MacDonald, I. Ferguson, Mrs. McCoy. |
22. |
Advertisement: Gore Bay Drug Store, Harry Bull Chemist. Story: British Women on Jury, 1920. Story: How to Succeed, 1897. |
23. |
Article: Sheguiandah, 1909 -- Mrs. Henry Lewis, John Hastie, T.J. Batman, John Orr, Thos. Lewis, W.L. Trotter,
Loud. Stringer, Alf. Lewis, Mr. C.P. Doane, John Dunlop, Allan H. Weber, Mr. Wm. Stevens, Mr. Weber, Mr. R. Stringer,
Melville Stringer, Jas. H. Stringer, Bryon Abbott, Miss Edmonds, Rev. T.W. Neal. Married: Mark A. Clarke & Gertrude Gilpin, Rev. J.J. Ferguson, Mr. Geo. Gilpin. |
24. | Article: Compromise Reached on Proposed Ferry Rates Boost, 1957 -- Hon. J.N. Allan, Grant Oakes, Grayden Hay, John A. Fullerton, M.P.P., Mr. Ivor Wagner. |
25. | Article: Young Woman Drowns at Helen's Bay, 1936 -- Miss Mable Doris Bell (19), Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bell, Miss Verna Panton, Mr. Cleve, William Panton, Dr. Strain. Siblings: Gordon, Reginald, Arnold, Austin, Pearl, Lottie (Mrs. Archie Williams), Lenna and Lilly. |
26. | Article: Red Cross Field Day Held at Mindemoya, July 1936 -- Joe Bush, Wellington Cranston, Mr. Turner, Mr. Fawcett, Mr. D. Buchanan, Mr. J.B. Gibson, Geo. Brydges, Dr. J.A. Faulkner, Dr. F.W. Routley, Thomas Farquar, J. Wagg, J.A. Wagg. |
27. | Article: History of Manitoulin Island Ground Observer Corps, 1957 -- Mr. A. Hunt Jr., Nelson Little, Mr. C.E. Boyd, Mr. N. Ross, Rex Ward, L. Barone, Bill McDougall, Adam Corbiere, George Skippen, Mrs. Cowan, Mr. McKay, Stan Brown, Mrs. John Pheasant, Mrs. John Fox, Mrs. Ivan Trick, Rev. A.T. Kennard, Mrs. Blackburn, Mr. A. Hunt, Jim Rumley, Doug Becks, Miss B. Dryden, Charlie Beaudin, John Rowe, Mrs. A. MacMillan, Mr. D. Middleton, John Walker Jr., Jim Rayner, Mrs. Louise Lane. |
28. | Article: Howland Council, 1953 -- Messrs. Ferguson, Cosby, Chisholm, Roszel, Wm. B. Wilkin, Eliza Buzwah, Julian Chisholm, George Skippen, Dave Strain, Theresa Animkwaan, H.L. May, Norman Robbins, Mrs. J. Long, R. Corbiere, Miss F. Abott, Mrs. Nina Eadie, Mrs. Len Phillips, E. Willis, Julian Batman. |
29. |
Article: Little girl fatally injured in car accident Monday evening, May 1944 -- Miss Mary Lou Bisson, Mrs. Mary Bisson,
Mr. F.H. Cotton, Mr. and Mrs. D.A. McQuarrie, Dr. Strain, Police Constable Needham. Article: J.L McKenzie's Rink Win Smith Cup, March 1937 -- T. Nimmo, Wm. H. Johnson, Eraac Johnson. |
30. |
Photo: of the McRae home in 1911. Article: Gordon, 1909 -- Minnie and Will Pemberton, A. Pemberton, Mr. and Mrs. John Hall. |
31. |
Article: Old Pioneer of Manitoulin Passes at Britainville, 1935 -- Mrs. William (Sarah Ann Osborne) McCormick. Children:
Ella Mae, Nell (Mrs. Bert Hewitt) Alice (Mrs. Frank Lowrie), John, James. Pallbearers: Earl Gilpin, Wm. Hubbert, Geo. McCulligh, John Glasby, Charles Braken and Henry Sloss. Article: G.H. Turner Elected Mayor of Little Current, February 1935 -- Councilors: W.G. Alston, J.G. Morphet, Albert Bond (?), J.G. Hurd, C. McDonald, Joseph Con (?), utilities commissioner Willia Wardrope, public east trustee H. Hembruff, west William Crabbe. |
Back Cover |
Poem: In Memoriam by Mrs. C.R. Lehman, in memory of Mrs. Annie Lehman. Poem: Oh! Be Not the First. |
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Page | Article or Item |
Front Cover | Advertisement: "A Handy Little Thresher Of 1904" (drawing) Sawyer & Massey Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Canada. |
3, 4. | Play: The S.S. No. 4 Tehkummah Schoolhouse -- written by Kathleen Dinsmore of South Baymouth: "The Log Schoolhouse." Narrated story of the history of the Manitoulin -- Tehkummah Township -- Lake Huron Store at Walker's Point -- the Wilman Post -- Michael's Bay Company -- S.S. No. 4 -- Miss Hammond (teacher) -- "The Slash" (part in Tehkummah part in Assiginack) - Mr. Hugh Cowan -- Miss Annie Hutchinson (teacher) -- J.J. Russell -- Miss May McNiven (teacher) -- L. Chapman - Stella Bowerman -- Violet McCutcheon -- Catherine Paisley -- Ruby Coultis -- Mae McGauley -- William Bowerman -- J.A. Ward - Henry Bennett -- J.J. McMurray. |
5. | Photos: Turning Back The Clock On Time -- Grant Johnston and Bill Kemp of Silver Water, Burnt Island, Lyman Hunt. |
6. | Photos: Turning Back The Clock On Time, continued -- Dave Strain's car, Jim McGill & Kate (2nd wife), Ken, Will and Millie Kemp of Silver Water. |
7, 8. |
Article: Archeologists And Tourists Find Sheguiandah Site Interesting, 1953 -- Hon. L.B. Pearson, Hon. L.P. Cecil,
J. Fullerton, and G. Bishop, Thos. E. Lee, Dr. Albert Spaulding, Dr. John McGregor, Prof. N. Emerson,
Mr. John Dimick. Obituary: 1939 -- Mrs. William Hubbert, Frank and Will, five dau. Mrs. S.E. McCullough of Tehkummah, Mrs. John Hodgson, Mindemoya, Mrs. Wm. Russell, Elizabeth Bay, Mrs. Charles Bracken, Britainville, B.C., Mr. R.M. Hearst. Article: Origin Of Gore Bay -- Kwushquudemung, Captain Gore. |
9. |
Article: It Happened In June 1910 -- Mr. W.W. Holden of Cutler, Chief Constable Milligan,
Wm. Stoddard of Owen Sound,
Mr. D. Mountiny of Burpee, Mr. George Henning of Little Current, Mr. I Johnson, Albert Woods, Mr. John Green of
Kagawong, blacksmiths, Mr. Bailey on Meredith St. (housebreaking attempt), Mr. Wm. Robinson, Poplar; Mr. Columbus,
Poplar; Edith Noland, Poplar; Mr. George Priddle, Fernlee; Mr. Pichard, Fernlee; Mr. H. Stevens, Fernlee;
Mr. Jim McCormick, Britainville/Mills; Miss Bael Gilpin, Britainville; Mrs. Burnett and P.M. Burnett, Sheguiandah;
Mr. Frank Willis, Mr. J.S. Burnett, Howland; Mr. E.P. Doane, Sheguiandah; N.J. McColeman, East Campbell; Rev. J.J.
Ferguson, Neil Laughlan Turner of Ice Lake to Millie May, dau. of Matthew Browse of Perival. A Dog's Prayer. |
10. |
Article: Pioneer Resident Passes At Monument, February 1935 -- Mr. Samuel Wilson of Monument
Corner; Ann Aliza Dowsett (wife); Rev E. Lucas; Rev. Roberson, Rev. Wm. Vincer and Mr. Stirling. Article: Another Manitoulin Pioneer Passes, July 16, 1936 -- Mrs. Abraham Dinsmore; William and James (sons); Mrs. E. Hardy; Mr. Thornburn; Mrs. Jordison of Vancouver. Poem: For God'S Aid, 1897. |
11. |
Article: 50 Year Ago, Thursday, July 2, 1903 -- R.D. Fleming; T.J. Patten;
Albert McKewen of Tehkummah; Mr. Barlett of
Napanee; Mr. Wm. Peters; Miss Giles; Mrs. R. English; W.H. Smith of Silver Water. Article: 25 Years Ago, Thursday, July 5, 1928 -- Mr. Perrault; Alf Ashley; Roy and Arnold Roszel, Rauol Reinguette, Chas. Richards; Marie Brunette; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith. Article: Musical Fish, 1920 -- Lieutenant John White. Article: Death Of Jonathan Hutchinson 1909. |
12. |
Advertisement: The National Stands First 1904 (cream separator). Article: How To Preserve A Husband 1909. Poem: God's Pioneers 1897, by Philip E. Howard. |
13. |
Article: Canada In 1950 (from the Ediaburgh News). Article: Billings 1909 -- Mrs. Wibers, Mrs. R. Love, Rev. Mr. Munroe, Mrs. J.W. Foster, John McKenzie. |
14, 15. |
Article: The Rifle Association 1909 -- Mr. Needham; Graham, Capt. R.L.; Murray, A.G. Capt.; Graham, A.L.; Blehl,
J.H.; Hurst, W.H.; Mastin, Jas.; Kemp, Capt.; Hurst, Ross; Stewart, D.; Rumley, A.M.; Bryan, A.C.;
Rumley, W.J.; Murray, Harold G.; R.J. Porter; A.E. Graham. Article: Temperance 1897. Article: Mills Reception, 1919 (Returned soldiers' reception) -- Sydney Dinsmore, Norman Orford, Hack and Harvey Robinson, Henry Lee, Harold Armstrong, Leonard and Austin Wright, Mrs. Joseph Baker, Alden Wilkinson. |
16, 17. |
Article: Timbering Operation Show Marked Increase This Year, 1937 -- E.F. Priddle,
John Kemp, Chas. Wright. Photos: M. McGillivray, Alex McDougall, timber, Lindsay Johnson's cook camp, Ted Addison. Poem: The Seaside Thought -- 1897. Article: Sheguiandah 1909 -- Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Trotter (and son, Jack), Rev. E. Baker, Mr. R. Stringer, Mr. Jas. Dunlop, Mr. John Nevills, Loud. Stringer, Thos. Neldar, J.G. Morphet, W.A. Giles and Wm. Moore, Allan H. Weber, John Hastie. |
18. |
Article: Net 200 Tons Of Fish In Single Seining, 1935. Article: How To Succeed -- Words Of Wisdom In 1897, by H.W. Beecher. Poem: Gems Of Thought, 1897, by Henry Van Dyke. |
19. |
Article: Down On The Farm -- 1944. Article: Must Have Bathing Suits -- 1909. Poem: Love Divine -- 1897. |
20. |
Article: What Makes A Little Town? -- 1944 from Orangeville Banner. Article: The Secret Of Politeness -- 1897, by Drummond. Poem: For God's Aid -- 1897. |
21, 22. |
Article: Ice Lake 1909 -- (general farm news) -- Charlie Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Palmer,
Miss Flo. Turner, Ernest Birch, Chas. And Edgar Palmer, Alex. Birch, Guy Palmer, George Croft. Article: Mindemoya 1909 -- Mr. H.A. Bunt, Rev. E. Baker, Rev. H.S. Lovering, Mrs. Lovering, Mr. D. Wyman, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Tann, Mr. A.J. Wagg, Miss Helen Becks, Miss Grace Gamey, Miss Sarah Galbraith, Mr. Cooper, J.H. Johnston, Miss Mary Gordon, Mrs. Fred Wagg, Miss Jessie Ferguson. Article: What About Hockey -- 1909. Advertisement: Farm For Rent 1907 -- James Stone. |
23-27. |
Article: The Stephenson's From Ireland To Manitoulin -- Elizabeth Stephenson, William Hubbert, Eric Nicholson,
Mr. John-James Stephenson, Robert Stephenson and wife, Jane, four sons: Thomas, John, Robert, Samuel, Rachel Spence. Photo: Annie Hubbert's Wedding to Solomon McCullough 1901: Tom, Mary Pearson, Joe Newman, Frank Hubbert, Rose, John, Rebecca, Maria and Elizabeth Hubbert, Wm. Hubbert, Eli and Soloman McCullough, Annie and Mary McDonald. Photo: William and Elizabeth Hubbert. Photo: Isabella (Mrs. Robert Srigley), John Stephenson, Rachel (Mrs. Geo Gilpin), Frances (Mrs. John Srigley) and Elizabeth (Mrs. Wm. Hubbert) Absent: Annie (Mrs. Lougheed). Stephenson: Thomas, Rachel, John, Ann Jane, Frances, Isabelle, Rachel, Elizabeth, Charles Campbell, Thomas Lougheed, Latimer family. Hubbert: Ann, Rosena, Francis Latimer, John, Rebecca, Maria, William, Clara (Mrs. George Young) Rachel, George Gilpin, Gilpin: Barbara, Walter, Bill, Gertie, Mable, Emma, Earl, Elwood and Elva. Srigley, Frances, Isabella, John, Robert. Photo: Elizabeth Hubbert, Frances Srigley, George and Rachel Gilpin, Stephen, Betty, William Hubbert, George Gilpin, Robert Srigley, Ann Jane Lougheed, John Stephenson, Frances Srigley, Betty Woolard, Ruth Nicholson. Photo: Elizabeth Stephenson 1860's. |
28. | Article: Our Ferry Bottleneck -- 1944 (ferry between Tobermory and South Bay Mouth). |
29. |
Article: It Happened Many Years Ago --
Thursday, July 23, 1903 -- John Flower, George Bond, William Vincer, Richard McDonald, James Philips, George Wells,
Wm. McKenzie, Wm. Howard. Thursday, July 26, 1928 -- W. Cook, Mrs. Wm. Priddle, Mrs, Wm. Kemp, Andy E. Beaudin. |
30. | Poem: The Pioneers -- 1933. |
31. |
Article: News Of 1907 -- Harry Beattie, Inspector McLaughlin, Miss Hambly, Archdeacon Gowan, Feo. Henning, Mr. Gamey,
Mr. Dyment. Article: A Splendid Send-Off, 1907 -- Mr. and Mrs. W.G. White, Miss Annie Foote, Bessie Patteu, Vera Hambly, Annie Gamey, Jean Grant, Miss McGilvery, Messers. Douglas, Hay, Burke, Turner, McGilvery, Miss Wismer, John Island, A.E. Graham, Mr. Murphy. |
Front Cover | Advertisement: from November 21, 1907 -- C.N.&R. Brand Clothing, John Mutchmor. |
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Page | Article or Item |
Front Cover | Photo: of two gentlemen in their Sunday best out for a horse and buggy ride. |
2. | Indexes, subscription and information on "Through the Years". |
3. |
Copy of steamer schedules in 1907. Article: Caribou and Manitou Undergoing Repairs, 1935. |
4. | Article: Plane Landed on Island with Little Gas Left, 1953 -- Gilbert Owen, Beatrice Silva, Billy Owen, Richard Owen, Pilot Gerald Pare, W.J. Patterson, Pilot Moe Sears. |
5. |
Poem: Such Is Life, 1907. Poem: Try to be Happy by Mildred O'Neil, Odessa, Ontario. Poem: Create in Me a Clean Heart by Rev. Walter C. Smith. |
6. |
Advertisements: (1) New Klondike Hotel in 1909 at Nairn Centre -- W.F. Rivers Prop. (2) Queen's Hotel in Little Current -- Waters & Coffey Prop. (3) Hotel McGregor in Manitowaning -- W.H. McGregor Prop. (4) Grand Manitoulin Hotel in Meldrum Bay -- Jas. Fitzpatrick Prop. (5) Mansion House in Little Current -- Wm. Bradley Prop. |
7. | Article: Gore Bay Council Says "No" to Secondary School Plan, 1956 -- Mayor Priddle, A.H. McKague, T. Clarke, Mr. Porter. |
8. |
Story: The Soul's Awakening, 1909 from the Montreal Weekly Star. Married: 1907 -- Mr. R.T. Wright & Miss Ada Gilbart Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Steuart Clark, Rev. Mr. More, Florence Gilbert, Beth Clark, Thomas Clark. |
9. | Photo: of Dave Debassige Store in West Bay, courtesy of Peter Moggy. |
10. | Photo: of Wagg's Store in Mindemoya, courtesy of Peter Moggy. In the photo is Wilfred Cockran and father of Johnny Cockran. |
11. | Photo: of Wagg's General Store about 1950. |
12. | Photo: of Wagg's Creamery, standing in front are Len Caddle, Hugh Lehead, Marian (Wagg) Brown, Art Wagg and Ches Spry. |
13. | Photo: the ice house for the old creamery, in this photo Gordon Johnston is pouring milk into the tank on the wagon which is hooked up to a team of horses. |
14. | Photo: of the new creamery after the fire. It was rebuilt by A.J. Wagg. |
15. | Photo: Gus Hare and Ches Spry standing in front of the creamery. |
16. | Photo: of Liz Williamson and a Bond girl milking cows for the creamery. |
17. | Photo: of Paul Cronley and Fred Wagg at the Gus Hare service station owned by A.J. Wagg. |
18. | Photo: of a couple taking a ride in their buggy pulled by a horse. |
19. | Article: Manitoulin Livestock Producers Plan Show, 1944 -- C.D. Mackenzie, Mr. R.H. Graham, Mr. W.S. McMullon, Harvey J. Wilkin, Neil Becks, Harris Baker, Bert McLaughlin, Gilmore Tracy, Walter Duncanson, W.J. Tilson, Ray Van Horn, Neil Becks, Ernest Lewis, Alex McLeod, John Lane, Alex McLeod, Thos. McMillan. |
20. |
Article: Manitoulin Livestock Producers continued. Article: A Mail on Monday, 1907 -- Mr. Dyment. Article: Tehkummah, 1909 -- Wm. Hopkins Sr., Rev. H.S. Lovering, Wm. Bielky, Mrs. W.I. Wagg, James Mastin. Articles: (1) The Crossways, 1909. (2) Best Liver Pill, 1909. |
21. |
Article: The passing of Capt. Malcolm McGillivray, Mrs. M. (Clara Scott) McGillivray, 1936 -- Capt. Moles, W.I. Wagg,
Minerva (Mrs. C.W. Christian, Helen and Manson McGillivray, Mrs. Geo. Wedgerfield, Mrs. B. Stewart, Mr. J. Scott,
Mr. A.R. Crocker, Mr. Wilson Sterling. Pallbearers: Wm. McDonald, Finley McDermid, Finlay McDermid, Colin McDermid,
Albert McDermid and Norman Campbell. Poem: Christ of Calvary, by Captain M. McGillivray. |
22. | Eulogy of Captain Malcolm McGillivray. |
23. | Article: Disagrees With Hockey Correspondent, 1957 -- signed George H. Bishop. |
24. | Answering Mr. Geo. Bishop's letter on page 23 -- signed Godrey Porter. |
25. |
Article: Fernlee, 1909 -- R. Connell, G.H. Cook. Article: Tehkummah, 1909 -- John Little, Mrs. George Smeltzer, Wm. Hunter, Mr. H. Little, Mr. F. Tilson, Miss Florrie Ball, Mrs. H. Smeltzer, Miss Tena McKenchnie, Mr. and Mrs. Eli McCulligh, Miss Minnie Gallagher. Article: East Campbell, 1907 -- Jim Wilson, Mr. Mclaren, Henry Wilson, Mrs. Trowbridge, Big Dave Mowel Thompson, Burt Bond, John Galbraith. Story: His Reason For Voting, 1909. |
26. | Photo: of the wooden hulled steamer ship Majestic. |
27. | Story: with detailed description of the steamer Majestic. |
28. |
Article: Town Council Gore Bay, 1909 -- Mayor Smith, Mr. Liddicoat, Mr. Griffith, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Cronkhite, Wm. Jackson,
Mr. McColeman, Wm. Carr, T. Merrylees, W.R. Wood, Milton Brett, H. Pearson, T.R. Mougheed, Robt. Robertson,
J.W. Kinney. Article: West Carnarvon, 1909 -- M.L. Buck, Rev. Fretz. Story: Hometown Friendliness. |
29. |
Article: Manitoulin Island opened to settlers 75 years ago, 1937 -- Hon. William McDougall, Sir John Colborne, Captain
T.G. Anderson. Story: Just where the danger lies, 1907. Poem: The dinner-bell. |
30. |
Article: Child Loses Life by Drowning, September 1943 -- twin son of Mr. and Mrs. M.R. McQuarrie, Arthur Montgomery,
Dr. Rosenthal, Dr. Strain, Jacqueline McQuarrie, Craig McQuarrie, his twin Dougal McQuarrie, Rev. G.C. Gravenor,
Arthur Montgomery, Godfrey Porter, Jack Ritching, Billie Purvis. Article: Do Not Destroy Ration Book No. Two, 1943. Article: Manitoulin Runs Aground, 1946. |
31. |
Article: King Sends Condolences, 1936 -- Mrs. Martha Mandigo, son Lloyd Hall, Gunner Kemp. Article: Evansville, 1907 -- Mrs. McBride, Dr. Baker, Jas Mountnay, Wm. McKinley, C.A. Mountnay, Joe Bailey. |
Back Cover |
Article: Correspondence, 1907 -- Ben Adams, signed Chas. White. Advertisement: Peter Caddel, Post Office, Providence Bay and Pacific Hotel, Gore Bay (Harry Rayner). |
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Front Cover | Automobile with passengers in 1912. Noted that the Manitoulin roads are suitable for motoring. |
2. | Indexes, subscription and information on "Through the Years". |
3. | Article: about the steamer C.A. Bennett, by Skip Gillham. |
4. |
Article: about the steamer C.A. Bennett continued. Article: South Bay Mouth, 1957 -- Reuben Pyette, Mrs. Fred Leeson, Everett Leeson, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Britten, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Gelston, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gleason, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sisson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sisson, George Ward. |
5. | Advertisements: Plymouth Binder Twine and Paris Plow Co. |
6. |
Article: M. McDermid Works Triple Play to Start Pitching Duties, 1953 -- Ken McKenzie, Blair McDermid, Murray McDermid,
Dewar, Patterson, Roy Bisson, Bruno Debassige, Tom Newburn, Irving McDermid, Jack McDermid, Jim Prestage, Al Graham. Wedding: 1920 -- Major Harvey Price & Miss Roberta MacAdams, Rev. Cannon Davis, Mrs. Audry Poole, Major W.F. McRae, Major G.G. Moncrieff, Capt. Johnston MacAdams. |
7. |
Article: Three Persons Drown, 1953 -- Leonard Nicholson, Mrs. Nicholson (children: Gale, Judy, Wayne, Bobbie, Barry, a
four month old baby), Clayton Brock, Mrs. Annie Mortimore, Cecil Nicholson, Walter Nicholson, Leslie Nicholson. Article: Struck It Rich -- Dr. W.W. Thompson, A.C. Thorburn, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Thorburn. Article: Poplar, 1909 -- Mrs. Hunt, Mrs. J.C. Baker, Rev. Mr. Meredith, Mr. A. Wilkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Strain, Mr. and Mrs. Moscropt, Mr. J.B. Baker. |
8. | Poem: The Passing of the Pioneer, by Cameron Kester. |
9. | Article: Robinson Caught and Now on Trial -- Rev. Peter Matheson, Mrs. Jas. Robinson, John Robinson, James Robinson, John and Thomas Robinson, W. Ross. |
10. | Article: Robinson Caught and Now on Trial continued -- Constable Storey. |
11. |
Article: Robinson Caught and Now on Trial continued -- Margaret Robinson, Mr. McKessock. Advertisement: for McRae Distemper Cure, Geo. R. McRae & Co., Gore Bay. |
12. | Photo: of students outside the S.S. No.4 school in Mindemoya, c. 1908, Miss Hand was the teacher. |
13. | Article: Canadian Eatables Limited in 1909. |
14. |
Article: Manitoulin Limestone Might Have Commercial Prospects, 1956 -- Mayor Fred Sagle. Article: The Good and Bad of Farming, 1920. |
15. | Article: High School Cadets Inspected by Capt. Hart of Toronto, 1946 -- Mayor George Beal, Major Johnson, Cadets Wiseman, Cumming and J.D. Strain, Mr. S.J. Taylor, Miss Y.A. St. Pierre. |
16. |
Picture: of Old Mindemoya. Photo: of the old threshing machine at McKenric Farm, driven by true horse power. |
17. |
Article: Homeward Bound, 1057 -- Rev. W.W. Anglin, Kathleen (Mrs. J.E. Horton) Anglin, Justin Anglin, Dr. J.B. McQuay,
John Horton. Married: Andrew H. Pyette & Elizabeth Duxbury, Mr. Robert Duxbury. Married: Thompson E.J. Harper & Mildred Gibson, Mr. Robert Gibon. Married: Archibald Blue & Theresa May William, Mr. William. |
18. | Article: A Happy Sequel, written by Ada Haner, supplied by Lois Campbell -- Mr. and Mrs. Herb King, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chisholm, Mrs. A. Stringer, Mrs. Layton, Mrs. Stan Wyman, Mrs. D. Caddle, Mr. and Mrs. T. Vanhorn, Janice McQuay, Mrs. Marion Brown, Robt. Morphet, Mrs. Knott, Margaret Johnson, Mrs. Walter Smith, Mrs. Jean Hodgson, Mrs. Elva Cooper, Leland Lowrie, Cliff McCutcheon, Mrs. Jean Hodgson, Willard Carlisle, Jim Smith, Harvey Wagg, Mrs. Marie Nelder, Mrs. Kirchgatter, Allan Tustian, Rev. Vickers, Walter Smith, Clarence Anderson, Frank Smith, J.F. Anglin. |
19. |
Photo: of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chisholm of Mindemoya celebrating their 25th Wedding Anniversary. Mentioned in conjunction with the above: Mr. and Mrs. Herb King, Miss Gladys Wagg, Mrs. A. Stringer, Mrs. Layton, Mrs. S. Wyman, Mrs. D. Caddel. |
20. |
Article: A Happy Sequel continued from page 18 -- Mrs. King, Karl Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wagg, Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Wagg, Mrs. and Mrs. W. Leeson, Mr. and Mrs. Art Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Taylor, Mrs. Knott, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Wagg, Mrs. Albert Morphet, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Morphet, Mrs. Berniece Cassleman, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hembruff. Article: Sheguiandah, 1909 -- Mrs. R. Stringer, Melville Stringer, Levi Stringer, Mr. Halbert, Rev. Owens, Rev. John Tate, Mr. W.L. Trotter, Mr. L.W. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Hodgeson, Mr. J.G. Morphet, Mr. Jas. Wilkin, Mr. W.T. Phillips. |
21. |
Article: Plea for Mrs. Robinson -- Annie Robinson. Article: A Week of Court -- Isadore Bourassa, ex-Mayor Lemieux, Mrs. Robinson, Frank James. |
22. |
Article: A Week of Court continued -- Mrs. Robinson, Constables Hicks and Scott. Article: Perivale, 1909 -- Mr. Neil McColeman, Miss Annie Turner, Mrs. Wm. Clark, Miss Lucinda Johnson, Mr. Thomas Bryan, Jack Bowser, Henry Sloss, James McKenzie, Miss Bell, James Johnson, Mr. Dawson, Miss Annie Robertson, Peter McKenzie, Mrs. McLeod, Thos. Coultis, Mrs. W. Clark, Miss Lily Morden. |
23. | Photo: of Harold Armstrong, Fred Novy, Harry Jones. |
24. |
Article: 106 Years Old Crimea Veteran Passes, 1936 -- Robert Sims, John Overfield, Dave Sims, Charles Sims,
Mrs. Dave Sagle. Article: Capt. John Andrew Casselman, 1936 -- Rev. J.H. Martin, Arthur Casselman, Donald Casselman, Thomas and Robert Boyd, Lloyd Clark, Everett Ferguson, Sid Smith, Cliff Bradley. |
25. |
Article: Frozen Food Lockers Assured, 1944 -- George R. Graham, A. Casson. Article: A Petition, 1817 -- Dr. Johnston, Harry Bull, Mrs. Robinson, Rev. Mr. Ferguson. Article: Manitoulin District Gaol to be Closed, 1944 -- Judge Currie, Mr. and Mrs. R. McDermid. |
26. |
Article: "How to Stay Young". Copy of Little Current Ferry service and schedules, submitted by Allan Graham. |
27. | Article: Telephone Commissioners Meet Municipal Board Officers, 1953 -- Mr. F.G. Blake, J.A. McDonald. |
28. |
Article: West Carnarvon, 1907 -- Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Meldrum, Mr. L. Buck, Matt Russel, Herb Hopkins, Rev. Mr. McLaren,
Wm. Elliot. Article: Grimesthorpe, 1907 -- A. Lougheed, Miss Jennie Belton, Agnus McMillan, Samuel McKechnie, Mrs. Minniken, Mr. Irwin. |
29. |
Article: Alberta, 1907 -- George Moore. Article: Fernlee, 1907 -- Capt. Graham. |
30. |
Article: Early Resident Passes in Billings, March 1937 -- Donald Fraser, wife Ellen McKinley, C.M. Fraser, Mrs. James
Gordon, Randolph Fraser, Rev. E.E. Sylaes, Geo. Foster, W.J. Graham Jr., Wm. McAnsh, D. Sheppard, Thos. Johnston,
Wm. Hilliard. Article: John J. Douglas came to Manitoulin in 1876, March 1937 -- wife Elizabeth Patton, Neil Douglas, John Douglas, Robert Douglas, Rose Lynn Douglas, Charles Douglas, Mary (Mrs. Edgar Williamson), Barbara (Mrs. Willard Hall), Thomas Douglas, William Douglas, Alex Douglas, Mrs. Jas. Butchart, Mrs. Pratt. |
31. |
Article: Sixtieth Anniversary Celebrated, 1956 (Silver Water Ladies Aid) -- Mrs. Andy McMillan, Miss Maggie Paton,
Mrs. W.T. Cook, Mrs. John Edmonds, Mrs. Wm. Kemp, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Harry Smyth, Mrs. Tom Rumley, Mrs. J.D. Hopkins,
Mrs. W.F. Edmonds, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Duncanson, Mrs. Jack Addison. Article: Snowville, 1907 -- J. Bowmer, J. Mastin, Mr. and Mrs. C.W. McCollough, Rev. Patterson. |
Back Cover |
Article: News of Manitouliners in Toronto, 1935 -- Norman Campbell, Mr. E. Pattison, Mr. J. Reed, Cliff Armstrong,
Miss Martha Burch, Miss Charlotte McCannell, Miss Doreen Bailey, Dr. Davis, Miss Irene Mervyn, Misses Jessie and Susie
McCannel, Martha Burch, Reta Young, Marjorie Gilroy, Verna Merrick, Ethel Emery, Marjorie Gilroy, Emily Langman,
Misses Mary and Dorothy Smith, Lottie McArthur, Miss Dorine Bailey, Miss Hilda Conley, Ina Stevens, Sadie Williamson,
Alma Nevills, Stella Hall, Miss Stella and Vera Clark, Nellie Willett, Misses Ida and Ethel Thompson. Article: Hobo Higher Grade Than Plain Tramp, 1935 -- Walter Winchell, Jack McBeth. |
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Page | Article or Item |
Front Cover | This booklet is tribute to the "Tall Ships" of Georgian Bay. |
2. | Indexes, subscription and information on "Through the Years". |
3. | Note and acknowledgements for input into this issue -- Wilbur Prentice, Reg Lowe, Bill Pitfield, Marg Wyse, Audrey Roque, Creighton Hamel, Bert Pitt, Kathleen Dinsmore. |
4. | Article: The French River route to the Sault. |
5. |
Article: Lake Huron. Article: French River to Sault Ste. Marie Corridor. Article: The late Dr. Emerson Greenman. |
6. |
Article: Commander J.G. Boulton. Article: South Baymouth. Article: Direct from the Atlantic. |
7. |
Article: Collingwood to Chicago route. Article: The Outside Passage. Article: The Inner Passage. Article: The Hudson's Bay Company. Article: June 28, 1844. |
8. |
Article: Descending the French River. Article: Aboriginal Route. Article: Steamers -- the Gore. |
9. |
Article: Early Settlements. Article: Fisheries. |
10. |
Article: War of 1812 -- Lieutenant Miller Worsley, Colonel Robert Livingstone. Article: Penetanguishene in 1935 -- Lt. Miller Worsley, Lts. Armstrong, Bulgar and Radenhust, W.R. Williams. Article: The Griffon. |
11-14. | Article: Sault area in 1846-47. |
14. | Photo: of the steamer Manitou in Manitowaning harbour in the early years of the 19th century. |
15. | Article: The early years of Cove Island Lighthouse -- James White, John Alanson, George Collins, E. Collins, William Milne. |
16. |
Article: The early years of Cove Island Lighthouse continued. Article: Ship-building centres -- Mr. G.H. Wyatt, Mr. A. M Smith & Co., Miss McWatt, Capt. Smith. |
17. |
Article: Ship-building centres continued -- Mr. John Potter, Capt. A. Martis, M. Watts. Article: A Modern Robinson Crusoe. |
18. | Article: The Vessels of Mr. Foster -- Mr. Pitfield, Mr. Prentice, Mr. Wm. Foster, Capt. Amos Trip, John Young, Wm. Lawrence, John Oaks. |
19. | Article: The Vessels of Mr. Foster continued -- Capt. Trip, Capt. William Richmond. |
20. | Poem: The Captain's Daughter by James T. Field. |
21. |
Photo: of sailboats off Point Au Baril, submitted by W.H. Prentice. Photo: of a sailboat at Fitzwilliam Island c. 1930. |
22. | Photo: of a sailboat "One summer before the mast in the 1920's". |
23. | Article: "Bits and Pieces". |
24. | Article: "Bits and Pieces" continued -- Capt. Wilson, Alexander Burnside, Capt. W.J. Pease, Archilbald Allen, Capt. Harry Whitaker. |
25. | Article: "Bits and Pieces" continued -- Capt. James Ganley, Capt. M. Mahoney. |
26. | Article: "Bits and Pieces" continued. |
27. | Article: "Bits and Pieces" continued. -- J.B. Dobie, Capt. Jimmie Orr, James Wiley. |
28. | Article: "Bits and Pieces" continued -- William Carney, James Butchart. |
29. | Copy of the 1853 Royal Mail Line schedule -- Capt. Charles Bell, Capt. A.M. McGregor, Charles Thompson. |
30. |
Article: Survey -- H. MacPherson. Article: September 1898. Article: May 1886 -- John Sanderson Pinch. Article: July 1886 -- Mr. Pinch, Mr. John Bertram, Mr. Douglas T.L. White. Article: A Great Captain on the Georgian Bay -- Mr. Pitfield, Betty MacKinnon, Capt. Hugh McKinnon. Article: Schooner Sephie -- Capt. Hugh MacKinnon. |
31. | Article: Schooner Sephie continued -- Capt. Hugh MacKinnon, Neil MacKinnon, Capt. Peter MacKinnon, Jan McLaren, Betty MacKinnon. |
Back Cover | Photo: In 1993 in Killarney, Mister Perch catered to travelers who visit the Killarney waterfront. Robert and Pearl Herbert own this favorite eating establishment. |
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Page | Article or Item |
Front Cover | Drawing of a threshing machine. It is an advertisement for Sawyer & Massey Co. Ltd. of Hamilton. |
2. |
Drawing indicating how a picnic in 1910 would look. Indexes, subscription and information on "Through the Years". |
3. | Article: The Manitoulin "Griffon" vs The Tobermory "Griffon" -- C.H. Snider, Rowley Murphy, Orrie Vail. |
4. | Article: The Manitoulin continued. |
5. |
Article: The Manitoulin continued. Advertisement: for Snow's Store in Kagawong, 1907. Advertisement: for Flour and Feed Store in Providence Bay, 1907, run by N.B. McColeman. |
6. |
Article: The Orange Parade, 1953 -- Orval Pearson, John B. Clarke Jr., J.W. McDonald, Jack Cram. Article: Gordon fire, 1909 -- Mr. A Morrell. |
7. |
Photo: of the Norco in the Welland Canal, 1959 courtesy of Barry Andersen. Article: Norco. |
8. | Article: My Friend, Mike, by Bob Runnalls -- Mike Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith, Charlie Cadieux, Mabel Bryant, Roy Cooper. |
9. | Article: Little Current News, November 1909 -- Ted Tucker, Percy Bradley, Mr. McRae, Ab. Williamson, G.W. Spencer, B.H. Turner, Jimmy Jeffries, Mrs. Chas. Sims, Eileen Sims, Edna Sims, Miss Nan McMinn, James Noble, Robt. Small, Wm. Burke, Dr. McDonald, Denis Tucker, Miss Kate Rowe, Miss Nellie Conlon, Wm. Stoddart, W & S Jackson. |
10. |
Photo: Wrester, 1953 -- Bob Rayner, Frank Major. Article: Veterans to hold Decoration day. |
11. | Article: A Prominent Citizen Passes Over -- Mr. John McMurchy Fraser, Dr. Rayson, Mr. Ferguson. |
12. |
Photo: of the late John McMurchy Fraser. Article: about Mr. Fraser -- Don McQuarrie, N. Dyment, A.E. Dyment, children; Mary G., Muriel I., John D., Symon, and Wm. J., J.H. Thorburn, Mrs. T.W. Hine. |
13. | Article: about Mr. Fraser continued. |
14. | Article: about Mr. Fraser continued. |
15. | Sample of a Victory Loan 1919. |
16. |
Photo: of the Wm. Head family. Article: Left homeless when fire destroyed their home, 1937 -- William Head, W.E. Mason. |
17. | Article: West Manitoulin News of 1909 -- Mr. D. Young, Mrs. Chas. Lane, Mrs. Andrew Hall, A.E. Johnson, Mr. George Cook, Mr. J.M. Fraser, Messrs. Harry and Lyman Gamey, A.E. Graham, Mrs. Geo. Ellis, John Fraser, Wm. Stoddart, Wm. Clarke, Mr. F.E. Titus, Ralph Pearson, Mrs. R.T. Hall, Wright McLaughlin, Charles Kent. |
18. | Article: West Manitoulin News continued -- Ed Purvis, C.C. Platt, John Purvis, Chief Eagle Eye (David Sampson), Mr. W.H. Hurst, Miss Bond, Capt. Graham, Mr. Cronkhite Sr., Stewart Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. John Vance Sr., Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Graham, John Kinney, Capt. Alex Purvis, Mr. D. McAuly, Mr. N. McDonald, Mr. D. Irwin, John Fraser Jr., Geo. Lawson, W.H. Lawson, Mr. D. McAuly, Mrs. Jennings, Mr. Wm. Purvis, Miss Annie Gamey, Mr. George Morris, R.T. Hall. |
19. |
Article: West Manitoulin News continued. Article: West Carnarvon 1909 -- Mr. L. Buck, Richard Hopkins. Article: Sandfield 1909 -- Mr. Lloyd McDonald, Mrs. J. Hutchinson, Miss Stella MacDonald, Miss Wilson, Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Dave McDonald, Mrs. White, Mr. Irving, John Vanzant, Mr. Little. |
20. | Advertisement: for Wm. Hilliard Car Sales, Kagawong. |
21. |
Article: Sheguiandah News, November 1909 -- Miss Stocks, Gordon Bickell, Miss Wiber. Married: Angus Matheson & Margaret Dora Keown, Rev. J.J. Ferguson, John Keown. Married: Rev. William Munro Edward & Annie McNichol. |
22. | Photo: of Joe Shigwadja holding a lake trout, submitted by Joan (Shigwadja) Muise. |
23. | Photo: of Joe Shigwadja and George with a saw used for cutting timber in the bush. |
24. | Article, 1909: The tragic history of polar exploration. |
25. | Article: Providence Bay News, 1909 -- Married, Mr. Edward I. Thomas & Miss Annie McNichol, Rev. Wm. Munro, Miss Divina Duncan, George Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, Mr. Isaac Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Vanzant, Mr. J. McDonald, Mr. B. Bock, Mr. J. Sinclair, Mr. T. McNichol, Wm. Berry, Mrs. B. Bock, Mr. Wagg, Dr. Burt, Thaddeus Thomson, Miss E.I. Blackie, Dr. Johnston, George Bock, Mr. W. Charters, Mr. Thos. Love Jr., Mrs. Buie. |
26. |
Article: Providence Bay News continued -- Mr. Neil McDougall, Mr. B. Bock, Mr. Thos. Griffith. Article: Little Current 1909 -- Dick Fitzgerald, Wright McLaughlin, Ted Tucker, Wm. McGovern, John McLean, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McLean, Dr. Brooks, Bob J. Porter, Thos. McLean. |
27. | Photo: of early Mindemoya looking east at Waggs Store. |
28. | Article: The oldest love letter, written in 1909. |
29. |
Article: A city of mysteries, 1909 -- terrible deeds committed in Glasgow, Scotland. Article: Sheep shearing wage paid for work in Australia. |
30. |
Article: East Campbell 1909 -- Mrs. S. Wilson, Mrs. R. Cranston, Mrs. Kirk, Miss Sadie McColeman, Mrs. R. Clark, Mr. Frey,
Mr. R. Clark. Article: Tehkummah 1909 -- Rev. and Mrs. Jenner, Robt. Duxbury Sr., Archie Brown, Wesley and Will Duxbury, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Duxbury Jr., Miss Pearl Hopkin, Mrs. Walt Wagg, Miss Cassie Russell, Miss Janet Caddel, Mrs. Jas. Williamson, Miss Florence McNiven. |
31. | Advertisement: for Buchanan' Pitching Machine. |
BAck Cover | Advertisement: for General Motors 1942 Pontiac. |
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Front Cover | Drawing of a ship. Caption reads "Mystery of the Griffin". |
2. | Indexes, subscription and information on "Through the Years". |
3. | Letter to the Editor: re: Edward James Smith of Cockburn Island -- Leonard Gibbons, Mr. Lloyd Weston, Mary McLeod Hopkins, Len McLeod, Bud and Barabara Campbell, signed Mary Robson. |
4. | Article: Burlington's Ed Smith Active as 91 Approaches, October 1955 -- Edward James Smith, Miss Nora Gilbert, Moses Smith, R.P. Butchart, Mr. W.T. Wodehouse, Mrs. J.T. Kirby, W.M. Gilbert. |
5. |
Article: Lumber Pioneer Edward J. Smith Dies at Age 93, December 1957 -- Miss Nora Gilbert, Mrs. W.T. Wodehouse,
Mrs. J.T. Kirby, Willaim M. Gilbert. Copy of the Canadian Pacific Time Table, dated February 1935. Article: Women in Politics. |
6. | Numerous pictures of ladies fashion in 1916. |
7. | Numerous pictures of growing girls fashions of 1916. |
8. | Numerous photos of children's fashions in 1916. |
9. | Numerous pictures of ladies fashion with the emphasis on hats 1916. |
10. | Numerous pictures of ladies high-waisted coat in 1916. |
11. | Article: Manitoulin News in 1909 -- Dr. Walker, J.R. McGregor. |
12. | Article: Manitoulin News in 1909 -- John Fraser, Dr. Brooks, Mr. W.M. Patterson, Messrs. Jas. and Wm. McKinley, Mrs. R.J. and Miss Porter, Messrs. McGregor, Sutherland and McRae, Jesse Lehman, Jack Merrylees, John Cordick, Harry Moody, Harry Murphy, Godfrey Porter, Tom Lowe. |
13. | Article: Manitoulin News continued -- Charlie Atkinson, Mrs. A.E. Graham, Harry Bull, John and Archie Duncanson, John Jackson, Dan McArthur, Mr. Jas. Fisher, Wm. Purvis, John Cameron, David Irwin, Mrs. J.N. Waite, Harry Gamey, Josh Simpson, Messrs. Wm. Burns, Robt. Porter, Gordon Milligan, John McKenzie, Nelson Campbell and Dr. J.S. Brooks, George Strain. |
14. |
Article: Manitoulin News continued -- Mr. A. McKechnie, Mr. Wm. Little, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baxter, Miss Helena Hurst,
Misses Flo Kinney, Suttaby J. Porter, I. Tate, L. Johnston, and Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. R.J. Porter, Dr. Baker,
M.S. Sutherland. Article: An Island Railway, 1910. |
15. |
Article: Azov -- John Simpson, William Buntin, John Shaw, John Forrest, John Greenwood. Photo: of the sailing schooner Azov. |
16. |
Article: Manitoulin News continued -- Ron Beaupre. Advertisement: in 1909 for Smith Bros., and undershirts available. |
17. |
Article: Shishigwaning 1910 -- Mr. Jos. Shagey, Frank Negoniwina, John Negoniwina, Mr. and Mrs. Mat Sampson, Chief Joseph
Sampson, Mat Sampson, Frank Kirkwell, Jackson Armstrong. Article: Providence Bay 1910 -- Miss Brown, Mr. McLarty. Article: Mindemoya 1957 -- Mrs. Harvey Wagg, Mr. and Mrs. Herb King, Mrs. W.H. Lochmead, Mr. and Mrs. E. Sloss, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bassingthwaite, Rev. W.W. Anglin, Mr. L. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. H. Burt, Frank Hubbert, Mrs. E. Tustian, Mrs. Newburn, Wm. McGuire, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chisholm, Jim Bassingthwaite. |
18. | Photos and Article: on "Ice Keepers". |
19. | Article: Mindemoya News 1909 -- Dan Gailbraith, Bert Fletcher, Bert Bond, Mr. A. Sibbald, Mr. G. Bond, Mr. J. Gailbraith, Miss Aiken, Mr. D. McDonald, Mr. L. Corbier, Mr. Gladstone, Mr. Turnbull, Miss Mae Bond, Mrs. John Gailbrath, David Williamson, Dave Williamson, John Caddle, Miss Bertha Forsyth, Bert Bond, Mrs. Sibbald. |
20. |
Article: Mindemoya News continued -- Mr. Wyman, Mr. Oliver Bond, Mr. A.J. Wagg, Mr. W.I. Wagg, Miss Ida Sinclair,
Mr. D. Caddel, Inspector McLaughlin. Advertisement: for Michael's Bay goods. |
21. | Article: Awful Catastrophe Near Nairn Centre, C.P.R. Train No. 7 plunges into the Spanish River, dead number forty. |
22. | Article: Awful Catastrophe continued. |
23. |
Article: Awful Catastrophe continued -- George McDougall of Providence Bay. Article: Fire at Jacksonville 1909 -- Jackson Bros. |
24. | Photo: of Mindemoya Public School and students, 1884 -- Vic Coulter, teacher Ms. Cook, Tom Smith, A.J. Wagg. |
25-28. | Article: A possible solution to the mystery of the Griffin, by Richard P. Tappender, submitted by Lucille Prior. |
29. |
Article: Little Current Fire 1910 -- Jos. Ellenton, Mr. Bert Rowe, J.G. Kingsboro, Mr. Switzer, B.H. Turner,
Jos. Ellenton, Bert Rowe, P.C. Conion, E.H. Stephenson. Article: Poplar 1957 -- Joe Baker, Jack Orford, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Orford, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Orford, Mr. and Mrs. George Slomke, A.V. Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Campbell, Mrs. James Allan, Mrs. J. Wiseman, Mrs. Johnny Marchand, Michael Marchand, Mr. and Mrs. Reg McKay, Jim Ford. |
30. | Article: Cockburn Island News 1909 -- Murray McKay, Mrs. John McKay, Rev. Mr. Smith, Miss Agnes Feid, Mr. D. Dobson, Chas. Monk, Capt. Robt. Jewell, Wm. Rae, Rev. Wm. Tracy. |
31. | Article: Cockburn Island News continued -- M. McKay, Mr. Jas. Bailey, Mr. E.D. Smith, D.J. McLeod, Capt. Robt. Jewill, P. Arnett, Wm. Williton, W. Woods, F.S. Goodmurphy, Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Pateman, Wm. Jones, John Rombough, Chas. Hoy, Goe. Stewart, Jas. Fitzpatrick. |
Back Cover | Article: Cockburn Island News continued -- Geo. Deering, E. Birch, Mr. R.C. Reid, Mr. Angus McKay, Mrs. R.C. Reid, Mr. Jas. Jones, Mr. M. McPhee, John Robb, Neil McKay Jr., Geo. A. Pateman, Robert Jones, Miss Annie French Wm. James, Mrs. Geo. Stewart, Mrs. Wm. McDonough, Mrs. Angus Smith, Mrs. Edgar Hinds. |
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Page | Article or Item |
Front Cover | Photo: of Ross Steele, Neil Prentice and Henry Williams at a lumber camp in Dawson Twsp. |
2. | Indexes, subscription and information on "Through the Years". |
3, 4. | Article and Photos: of the whaleback designed vessel, Atikokan. |
5. |
Article: Fishing Season Closes 1944 -- James Purvis, Alex Purvis. Article: December Liquor Quota May Be Doubled 1994. |
6. | Poems: His Unlucky Day and Real Trouble. |
7. | Article: Lawyers and Doctors, enormous fees. |
8. | Advertisement: for J.H. Biehl, Watson & McKim Dealers, Gore Bay and Manitowaning. |
9. | Article: Gore Bay area news in 1909 -- Capt. Jas. Purvis, Mr. and Mrs. Jeffkins, Neil Campbell, R.A. Smith, J.H. Biehl, Stewart Clarke, Mr. F.E. Titus, Capt. Wm. Kemp, Harry Gamey, Chas. Wright, Capt. Dunn, Mr. Lawson, Mr. A.L. Graham, Joseph Smyth, Mrs. Peter McRae, Capt. R.L. Graham, Mr. Jas. Mastin, John and Robt. Jaffray, Henry Potter, Wm. Bracken, Wm. Ainslie, Thos. Wiggins, Mrs. John Mutchmore, Miss Dadie, Bob Porter, John McKenzie, Dan McArthur, George Strain Jr. |
10. | Article: Gore Bay area news continued -- Harry Biehl, J.H. Biehl, R.A. Smith, Stewart Clarke, Chas. Kemp, Mrs. Andrew Hall, Mr. Ralph Pearson, A.E. Johnson, Mr. Sutton, Dr. Brooks, Miss A. McLean, Mr. D. Bickell, Mr. Gid. Cronkhite, Mrs. Herb Needham, Mrs. Price, Mrs. R.R. McKessock, Chief of Police Wood Sundayed, Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Graham, Crown Attorney Murray, Master Willie Dinsmore, Capt. Angus Matheson, John Fraser. |
11. |
Article: Gore Bay area news continued -- Mrs. Fraser, Mr. J.M. Fraser, Mrs. D.B. McRae, Miss Bella McRae,
George Morris, Jack Waite, Mr. and Mrs. J.N. Waite, Chas. Brocklebank, Jas. Fisher, James Robinson, signed
J.W. Wright. Story: Whence the Wistle 1909. |
12. |
Photo: c. 1922 of Anne (Mrs. Tom Porter) and Jean (Mrs. Harold Purvis) Buchanan. Photo: 1962 of Judy Graham, Linda McQuarrie, Sandra Merrylees, Carrie Walker, Wendy Campbell, Nancy McDonald, Sandy Burns, Linda Godby, Mary Lous Woods, submitted by Joan Campbell. |
13-17. | Article: Liquor a contentious issue in 1910. |
18. | Old songs and old Poems -- "Here's to Brower Hewitt" -- "Let the Rest of the World Go Dry". |
19. | Old songs and old Poems -- "Wynken, Blynken and Nod". |
20. | Old songs and old Poems -- "Wynken, Blynken and Nod" continued. |
21. | Photos: of horses prepared for seeding the land and a sheep being sheared. |
22. | Photos: of horses pulling load of hay, and pulling a grain binder. |
23. | Photos: of horses at work in the field and a threshing machine. |
24. | Letter: dated 1910 to Northern Navigation Company. |
25. | Letter: exchanged with Northern Navigation Company. |
26. | Letter: dated 1910 to Northern Navigation Company. |
27. |
Article: Ice Lake 1909 -- Miss M. Orr, Mrs. McArthur. Article: Gordon 1907 -- George Beck, George Strain, Mrs. Beckerton, Harry McAnsh, Will Coburn, Sam Hall, Mr. Bruin, Mr. W. Srigley, Arthur McArthur, Harvey Beck, James Merrylees, J.J. Merrylees. |
28. |
Article: Burpee 1907 -- Wm. Prestage, Mrs. E. Williams, Wm. McKinley, Mr. Cosby, Frank Williams, Joseph Williams,
Wm. Ainslie, Henry Smyth, Mr. Turner. Article: Britainville 1907 -- Mr. McCormick, Archie McCormick, Neil McIntosh, Archie McColman, John Luther, M. Clark, William Hubbard, R. Parkins, Walter Gilpin, Norman Campbell, Lorn Vanhorn, Miss McSpack, Norman Vanhorn, Mr. Vance, Dr. H. Elliott. |
29. |
Advertisement: for a cream separator from C. Richardson & Co. of St. Mary's (1904). Article: Tehkummah 1907 -- Hanian Walsh, Miss Janet Caddell, Will Martin, Mrs. D. McDonald, Miss Zaida McDonald. |
30. |
Article: Fernlee 1909 -- Russell Hopkins, W.S. Cook, Miss G. Morris, Mrs. H. McKeen, Miss E. Cochrane, Mr. H. Smyth,
John Wickens, G.H. Cook, A.M. Rumley. Article: Sheguiandah 1909 -- Mrs. L.W. Ferguson, Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. Noble, Mrs. Robt. Somerville, Mr. Wm. Whitney, Mr. E.M. Bradley, Miss Hindle. Article: Figures Speak 1907, Conservative tariffs. |
31. |
Copy of Dominion Transportation Co. steamer schedules. Advertisement: Six horses for sale by James McCutcheon, Sandfield. |
Back Cover | Women's dress styles fashionable in 1916. |
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Front Cover | Lyrics: to the Field Artillery Song. |
2. | Indexes, subscription and information on "Through the Years". |
3. | Note for the Editor: Twelve years of "Through the Years" publications. |
4. | Drawings: of Russian and French Army personnel. |
5. | Poem: The Death of Napoleon, by Isaac McLellan. |
6. | Poem: March of the Dead. |
7. | Poem: March of the Dead continued. |
8. | Poem: March of the Dead continued. |
9. | Drawings: of Armies of years past. |
10. | Lyrics: to The Maple Leaf Forever. |
11. |
Lyrics: to The Regiment of Sambre and Meuse. Lyrics: to It's A Long, Long Way to Tipperary. |
12. |
Lyrics: to The Rose of "No Man's Land". Poem: Requiem. |
13. | Lyrics: to In Flanders Fields. |
14. | Drawings: of two different sized cannons. |
15. | Drawing: of one of Germany's Krupp guns. |
16. |
Lyrics: to Onward Christian Soldiers. Drawing: of an Austrian gun. |
17. | Lyrics: to Nearer my God to Thee. |
18. | Lyrics: to The Charge of the Light Brigade. |
19. | Article: Games Laws in 1909 by W.J. Wright, Game and Fishery Overseer. |
20. |
Letters: in reply to Games Laws by W.J. Moody. Article: Teenage Boy Killed in Hunting Accident, 1953 -- Melvin Baxter, Mrs. Joanne Baxter and Mr. Thomas Baxter, Dr. J.F. Bailey. |
21. |
Photo: of Clara (Young) Hubbert. Photo: of Clifford and Winnie Roberts with a Chevrolet car. |
22. |
Photo: of Clara Hubbert and Charlie Bracken with a team of horses hitched to a wagon. Submitted by Ruth Nicholson. Photo: of a horse and buggy with Clara Hubbert in the buggy. |
23. |
Photo: of William Hubbert at his home in Britainville. Article: Revived lumber industry brings new life to Espanola, 1946. |
24. | Article: Meldrum Bay 1957 -- Chas. McDonald, Melvin Bell, Mrs. B. Morrison, George Everett, Don McDonald, Norman Kelly, Mrs. N. Kelly, Mrs. Eiro Townsend, Mrs. Leonard Bailey, Joe Sullivan, Mrs. J. Williams, Mrs. G. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. S. Bell, George Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Meldrum Wickett, Dale VanEvery, Harry Hawkins, Archie Wickett, Mr. and Mrs. Neil McDonald, Miss Joyce McDonald, Mr. L. Morrison, Mrs. E. Townsend, Melvin Bell, Miss Gloria McDonald, Blake Thibault, Platt Purvis, Ted Jackson, Wayne Donaldson, Miss Ginger Morrison, Miss Ruth Noland, Miss Marjorie Gareau, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Steele, Andy Falls, Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. L. Bailey, Charlie Everett, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bell, Sharon Bell, Ricky Bell, Sandy Bell, Mr. and Mrs. L. Johnston, Mrs. Trick, Joe Gareau, Mrs. Geo. Bailey, Chas. McDonald, George Hazzard. |
25. |
Article: Sheguiandah in 1909 -- Miss Margaret Orr, Miss V. Hindle, Miss Connor, Allan Crossley, Chas. Aylesworth,
Mr. F.G.R. Bradbury, Miss Lena Abbott, Miss Wilbur, Mr. J.L Ferguson, John Skippen, Mrs. Bradley, Mrs. Major,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gordon, Mr. Batman, Mr. Orr, Mr. Trotter. Article: Mindemoya in 1909 -- Mr. D. Williamson, Mr. F. Wagg, Miss Mabel Bond, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Becks, John Cooper, Mr. W. I Wagg, Dr. Walker, Mr. Crawford, Mrs. Walker, Mr. W.A. Hares, Mr. A.J. Wagg, Mr. Hare, Mr. Wagg, Mr. H.A. Bunt. |
26. |
Article: He has the Witching Power, 1970's -- Art Lane, Morris Roach. Obituary: 1946 of Robert Russell of Tehkummah (wife Catherine Pyette) -- Mildred (Mrs. Ernest Freeman), Leila (Mrs. Albert Sloan), Steve Russell, Rozzie Russell, Richard Russell, Matt Russelll, Percy Pearson, John Little, Whit McDonald, Ozzie Hall, Alex Russell, Charlie Vanhorn. |
27. | Photo: of ladies fashions in 1916. |
28. | Article: Ice Lake 1910 -- Mr. W.J. Moody, Mr. E. Tinsley, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Wakalet, Miss Marshall, Mrs. George Birch, Geo. Deering Jr., Edgar Palmer, Ernest Birch, Thos. Wilson, Truman Wilson, Sam Deering, W.J. Wright Jr. |
29. | Words to "Who Killed Cock Robin?" |
30. |
Letter to the Editor: Bill Tracy, George Moore, Wm. Tracy. Article: Your wisest course 1907. Article: Just where the danger lies 1907. |
31. |
Advertisement: wanted investors in Taxicab Stock. Advertisement: for Province Bay Drug Store, Dr. Berry, Providence Bay. |
Back Cover |
Article: A Man of Many Parts 1907 circulated in Cumberland, England. Yearly subscription on "Through the Years" booklets. |
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Front Cover | Merry Christmas. |
2. | Indexes, subscription and information on "Through the Years". |
3. | Christmas Poem: A Child is Born to Us. |
4, 5. | Story: Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus. |
6. | Photos: of St. Francis and St. Nicholas. |
7. | Stories of the Saints. |
8. |
Article: St. Nicholas, The Real Santa Claus. Recipe for "Preserved Children". Advertisement: Fresh Candies available at Robinson's Bakery. |
9-11. | Article: The Bells, by Edgar Allan Poe. |
12. | Lyrics: to Jingle Bells. |
13. | Poem: The Holy City. |
14. |
Article: steel-hulled freighter Canadoc. Photo: of the freighter Canadoc. |
15. |
Photo: of the freighter Portadoc at Port Huron. Article: steel-hulled freighter Canadoc continued. |
16. |
Article: Buys Lacloche Island for use as Airport, 1945 -- Sidney J. Bird, Magistrate W.J. Golden, Capt. R.L. Graham. Recipe for a Home. |
17. |
Photos: of milking and making butter. Article: making of butter with a churn. |
18-23. | Article: Cockburn Island 1934 by Rev. Kingsley Joblin, submitted by Flora MacLean -- Mr. Smith, Mr. Jones, Duncan McLeod, Roy Jones, Farley Mowat, Capt. Batten, Capt. McCoy, Will Elgie, George Pateman, Jack MacMillian. |
24. | Photo: of the Northeast Railway Office. |
25. |
Article: the act respecting the Manitoulin and North Shore Railway -- W.R. Smyth, M.P. Article: Sheguiandah March 1910 -- Mrs. Jas. Campbell (Theresa Halcrow), Mrs. Noble, Mrs. Halcrow, Mrs. John Orr. |
26. |
Article: take time for 10 things. Article: Eagle Island news of March 1910 -- George Scott, Simon Fraser, Mac Fraser, Jock Campbell, Henry Baker. |
27. |
Photo: of the Bellevue Hospital Ambulance of earlier times. Article: Slash 1910 -- Mrs. R. Leeson, Austin Connell, Thomas Overfields, Jesse Sloan, Mr. J.J. McMurray, Thomas McMurray. |
28. | Article: Mindemoya news in 1910 -- Mrs. Hodgon, Mrs. Wyman, Miss Janet Hodgson, Miss Susie Bowyer, Mrs. J. King, Miss Aiken, Wilfred Cochrane, Dr. Walker, Mr. W.A. Hare, Wm. Vanhorn, Robert Bond, Mr. A.J. Wagg, Mr. W.J. Berry, Ira Nighswander, Rev. Mr. Steel, D.A. McDonald, Ted Ashley, Rev. Mr. Turnbull, Miss Lizzie Stocks. |
29. |
Article: Mindemoya continued -- Miss Charlotte Spackman, Miss Lillian Ferguson, Wm. Ferguson, Elmo Gordon,
Miss Lizzie Stocks, Mr. and Mrs. Hurlburt, Miss Celena Charters, Wm. Tann. Article: Gordon Council -- George Emiry, Jacob Vanmeer, Malcolm McArthur, William Gilroy, Ambrose McArthur, John Gibson, John Kinney, George Willett, Fred Nelles, C. Montgomery, George Croft, Frank Johnson, John Hall, James Stone, Nelson Campbell, L. McDougall, W. Hickimbottom, Ed Hore, Dan McLean, William Dinsmore, John Gibson. Article: Miners Rescued 1909, Cherry Illinois. |
30, 31. | Poem: New Year's Eve by Robert Service. |
Back Cover | Happy New Year, Best Wishes and Santa cartoon. |
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