ontario­history.org :

Updated February 23, 2025.

Bibles | Carleton Co. | Dufferin Co. | Elgin Co. | Frontenac Co. | Grey-Bruce Co. | Halton Co. | Lanark Co. | Leeds & Grenville Co. | Lennox & Addington Co. | Manitoulin | Peel Co. | Renfrew Co. | Russell Co. | Simcoe Co. | Stormont/Dundas/Glengarry Co. | Toronto | Waterloo Co. | Welland Co. | Northern Ont. | Outside Ont. | Outside Canada | Military | LINKS

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As of Oct. 31, 2024
See the detailed list. Surnames: Aubry, Donaldson, Gilmore, Gordon, McInrue, Ogg-Moss, Poirier, Pringle, Walford.


The items below are mostly photos, documents and objects I've come across in my research and in rooting through flea markets. I assume that most of them relate to Eastern Ontario or upstate New York. I welcome submissions from anyone of scans of relevant photographs or documents, etc.

Anyone discovering ancestors in these photographs ("for sale" section only) please email me, as you can have them for my cost plus postage.

But now there's a problem – since I first posted these photos I've moved twice, and the photos have ended up in one of 200-plus boxes of books in storage. So although my intentions are in the right place, the photos aren't.

I've also imposed the following limitations:


(See the grey box above for details)

Bibles | Carleton Co. | Dufferin Co. | Elgin Co. | Frontenac Co. | Grey-Bruce Co. | Halton Co. | Lanark Co. | Leeds & Grenville Co. | Lennox & Addington Co. | Manitoulin | Peel Co. | Renfrew Co. | Russell Co. | Simcoe Co. | Stormont/Dundas/Glengarry Co. | Toronto | Waterloo Co. | Welland Co. | Northern Ont. | Outside Ont. | Outside Canada | Military | LINKS


(See the grey box above for details)

  • Aladin Hotel, Mountain Grove, Ont. (Frontenac County) Undated group photo taken in front of the hotel. This photo has been given to the North Frontenac Historical Society. It was used as an illustration in Michael Dawber's book, Back of Sunset, a history of what is now Central Frontenac Township.
  • A series of 11 photos and a postcard which seem to be related, as the handwriting on the back of four of them is similar. They were stuffed together into a folder found in an antique store. Surnames of person in photo and the location of the photographer are: Boyce (Moose Jaw, SK), Clark (Kingston), Collins (Trenton), Hamilton (Napanee).
  • Ian Roland DARLING was born in Vancouver in 1961. I found a collection of photos, mostly of him and his mother, plus two letters, in a flea market in Smiths Falls, Ontario, in 2004. The collection was returned to him in September, 2010.
  • Three PATRY children, St Placide, Quebec. Found in an antique store near Perth, Ontario. I saw about 30 photos of this family in the store c. 1998, but the store was gone a few years later.
  • Bowes - Burns - Rose - Wadell Family. This group of 10 adults must have been gathered for a funeral as all the women are in black. All people are identified. Surnames: Bowes, Burns, Rose, Wadell. (Revised March 18, 2024)

Bibles | Carleton Co. | Dufferin Co. | Elgin Co. | Frontenac Co. | Grey-Bruce Co. | Halton Co. | Lanark Co. | Leeds & Grenville Co. | Lennox & Addington Co. | Manitoulin | Peel Co. | Renfrew Co. | Russell Co. | Simcoe Co. | Stormont/Dundas/Glengarry Co. | Toronto | Waterloo Co. | Welland Co. | Northern Ont. | Outside Ont. | Outside Canada | Military | LINKS


Fatal Duel book cover DUEL . . . . Much has been written about the fatal duel between John Wilson and Robert Lyon that took place in Perth, Ontario, June 13, 1833. Much has been written – but apparently not all has been revealed. Author David Mulholland claims to have uncovered an account written fifty years after the duel. It was written at the request of John Watson, a Professor of Moral and Mental Philosophy (Psychology) at Queen's University in Kingston . . . . click here to read more.

Reid Family History Janet Gosior has published a 335-page book "Reid Family History: Lanarkshire, Scotland to Ontario, Canada". James Reid immigrated to Canada c.1833 and settled in Dalhousie Twp. and married Mary Easton in 1837. They had 11 children. Connected surnames are: Barrie, Currie, Duncan, Gibson, Park, Stewart, Watt. The book contains 80 pages of exerpts from James Reid's diary which he kept from 1861 until his death in 1881. Email Janet Gosior for more information.


  • These are links to my genealogy website and to the LCGS website. Pages will be displayed in a new browser window.
  • Disjunction Certificate, John DOBIE & Mary BARBER. Document written in Tortherwald, DFS, SCT., 1820. They first settled in Lanark County, Ont., then where did they go?
  • DOBIE-SMITH Bible This family first settled in Lanark County, Ontario, then moved on to Chesley, Bruce County, Ont. Surnames: Dobie, Elliot, Graham, Halliday, Holliday, Houston, Knox, Livingston, Mair, Mclellan, Newell, Smith, Tatlock, Walls. This link is to the Lanark County Genealogical Society website.
  • DOBBIE Families of Lanark County My research notes. Mostly taken from the Perth Courier.
  • Photo of Hannah DOBBIE of Lanark County, Ont., and her daughter Theressa McGonegal, about 1930.
  • Drummond Twp., S.S. #3, about 1909. Photo of a class of 28 students plus their teacher, Lena James. All but one are identified. Surnames so far: Andison, Armstrong, Blair, Frizell, Kerr, Leach, Livingston, Livingstone, McLenaghen, Munroe, Murphy, Richardson, Stedman. A link is provided to an enlargement of the students.
  • DUNCAN Family Photo, c. 1905, Lanark. The family of Robert Arthur Duncan (1870-1945) and Mary Cullan Munro (1871-1941). They were originally from Dalhousie. Connected surnames are: Donaldson, Munro, Turnbull, Wright.



This photo collection is now in the Lanark County Archives.
121 Photos, only a few identified.

Izzat photo

This collection of photos was found incorporated into a mouse nest, inside an old suitcase in the landfill at the McDonalds Corners municipal dump. Many of the photo locations are farms and other rural areas, and except in a couple of cases, not enough background is shown to identify their location. Some photos show town or city houses, and in one case, what seems to be a large city school. One photo almost certainly was taken in downtown McDonalds Corners, Ontario, and another is of a class at the Elphin school. I'll need your help to identify the others. Studio photos were taken in Perth and Brockville, Ontario, while others were taken in Manitoba at studios in Brandon and Winnipeg, and yet another is from "Irvine" with no state or province given. In addition, a photo booklet, "The Town Of Souris", was found with the photos. Only a few people are identified; they are: Lyle Keith Bulloch, Essie and Meda Caldwell (identified as being from Watsons Corners), Robert Carmichael, Robert John Ferguson, John Fletcher (photo taken in Irvine), Mrs. Allan Izatt, and Mary Rae Kellie. This collection presents a fascinating puzzle – about the only thing that can be assumed is that the people shown here are connected in some way to the Izatt family – relatives, friends or neighbours.
Click here to see the menu of photos.

IZATT notes and facts. Information gathered on this family since posting the photo collection above. The connection between these Izatts and two families in Souris and Reston Manitoba has now been made clear. Surnames so far are: Allen, Bulloch, Caldwell, Dunlop, Ferguson, Izatt, Kellie, McCulloch, McIntosh, Millar, O'Connor, Poole, Pudd, Ranger.

  • Bond Family of Lanark Village. Thanks to Ruth (Drysdale) Duncan for this photo of six people, not fully identified. Photo was taken before 1911. Surnames are: Ball, Bond, Dobbie, Duprale.
  • Grade 1, Lanark Village Public School, 1946. Thanks to Ruth (Drysdale) Duncan for this photo of 18 children, all identified. Surnames are: Ballentyne, Blackburn, Bouchette, Brady, Campbell, Christie, Darou, Drysdale, Gibson, Graham, Greer, Jones, Liddle, Matthie, Reid, Somerville, Storie.
  • Lanark Town On Fire, 1959. Newsreel footage of the fire which destroyed much of downtown Lanark Village. Link provided by the Lanark Heritage Preservation Society website.
  • Lanark Village School, Unknown Year. Thanks to Lanark & District Museum for this photo on Facebook, of 14 students plus their teacher, Geraldine Ryde. Year and grade are as yet unknown. Student surnames are: Bell, Benedict, Bothwell, Goedhuis, Knapp, McGinnis, McPhee, Shaw, Widenmaier.


  • A collection of photos with descendant lists. The Maxwell and Robertson families arrived in Lanark County, Ontario about 1820, and had at least two marriages between them. One branch left Lanark County about 1880 and settled in Snow­flake, Manitoba. Other family members spread throughout North America, and as far away as Mexico.
    If you click on a surname link above, a descendant list will be displayed with links to photos of specific people. Or you can see a menu of the photos arranged by family.
    I'm still working on this collection and will update it with more photos after some questions have been resolved.
    Thanks to Craig Maxwell for the photos – Craig, your email address no longer works – and to Lynne Rooney for updated info on the two families.
  • Letter from James and Margaret Robertson to Alexander Pringle. This letter was written from Lanark Ontario in 1845 to their nephew Alexander Pringle in Cobourg Ontario. Beth Pringle, your email address no longer works.



  • The two McFarlane-related documents are in the collection of the Metro Toronto Reference Library, and can be found in the Baldwin Room, indexed under "Lanark County" and "McFarlane, John." Both documents were micro­filmed in 1941, but the film is unreadable, being almost completely black. Luckily, the original documents had been photo­copied, and the library staff were able to copy the original photo­copies for me. Both journal and letter are extremely fragile. I tran­scribed the two documents several years ago for the Lanark County Genealogy Society website, but their website ran out of storage space so they weren't used. I discovered the files on an old backup CD, so I've posted them here.
  • February 15, 2022 – Ken Godfrey's 4th great-grandfather, John Gilmour, was on the same 1821 voyage. Instead of a daily journal, he later published his recollections of the trip, which were written after he was safely in Canada. Ken has added two documents to this collection – a day-by-day account of the voyage, using both journals as reference, plus an overview of John Gilmour's published work.
  • The Journal of John McFarlane, 1821. Sailing from Geenock on May 19, 1821, on the ship "David of London", this family endured many hardships by the time they started clearing their land near Lanark Village in August.
  • My Day-by-Day Account Of The Above Voyage. By Ken Godfrey, whose 4th great-grandfather, John Gilmour, was on the same voyage.
  • Letter from John McFarlane Sr. to his son John, 1829. His son John being the writer of the journal above. John Sr. was left behind in Scotland and has mostly woeful news for his son.
  • Descendants Of John McFarlane
  • Ancestors Of The McFarlane Family In Lanark Township. This document by Linda Horyn traces the descend­ants of John McFarlane, Sr. (father of the journal writer and author of the letter above).
  • John Gilmour's Account Of The Above Voyage. By Ken Godfrey, a 4th great-grandson of the journal's author. This is a description – not a transcription – of the account of the 1821 "David of London" voyage, published by John Gilmour, after safely arriving in Canada. Since it was written months after the actual voyage, he had the luxury to include more detail and description. (Corrected February 7, 2024)
  • North Elmsley Barn-Raising, 1890's. A formal group photo of about 50 men & boys, seven women and two infants, arranged on and in front of the frame of a partially-built barn. Two names, Peter McTavish and Cameron McTavish, are written on the back. A link is provided to an enlarged version so you can clearly see faces.


  • Ferrier's Saddlery, about 1887. It was located at the corner of Gore and Heriott Streets, in downtown Perth. The building seems to be decorated for Queen Victoria's jubilee. Photo was found on Facebook.
  • Perth : Autograph book, 1888 to 1897 The autographs and sentiments are directed to "Edith", who must have attended or even taught at the Perth Model School. She also had cousins and friends in Jeffersonville, Indiana. Surnames are: Armour, Barnett, Bower, Campbell, Clark, DeWitt, Douglas, Drysdale, Dunham, Forgie, Fumerton, Hammond, Jaques, MacDiarmid, McFarlane, McKinley, Motherwell, Murray, Pink, Ritchie, Scott, Silcoxson, Steele, Storey, Talbot, Taylor, Virtue, Wodden.
  • Perth, Ontario 1898-1899 Directory. Originally published by the Perth Expositor. All of the individuals' names and the commerical listings are included as well as names of school students and teachers, etc. Not only does this directory tell you where everyone lived but also where they worked.
  • Names from Perth Old Home Week, 1905 There are two lists of names which were published in the Perth Courier, during Old Home Week, between the issues of April 21 and June 30. The names are sorted by surname only, and there are many duplicates. The first list (2850 names) seem to be names submitted before the reunion. The second list (831 names) are those who registered with the Secretary during the reunion, plus those mentioned in news items about the reunion.
  • Perth Collegiate Track Team, 1932. This photo was purchased on Ebay and is now in the Perth Museum. Surnames: Beatty, Byrne, Code, Dickson, Evans, Fleming, Gilhuly, Hands, Hardy, Hughes, Hulbert, Joynt, McCaskill, McFarlane, McLaren, Nichols, Pownall, Quinn, Rutherford, Vellely, Wilson.
  • Perth Masonic Penny, c.1920-30. This token was purchased on Ebay and is now in the Perth Museum.
  • Perth Collegiate, Grade 11-C, 1956. Thanks to Ruth (Drysdale) Duncan for this photo of 27 students. All are identified. A link is provided to an enlarged version. Surnames: Applejohn, Bingley, Blair, Cameron, Campbell, Chaplin, Coburn, Conlon, Conroy, Cordick, Drysdale, Dunlop, Gray, Hands, Headrick, Imeson, Kuba, McGlade, McLean, Millar, Onion, Paul, Purdon, Ramsbottom, Richardson, Thompson, Timmins.
  • Picnic at Playfairville, Ont. Large group of people, 1880's? Photo is from the Walter Cameron estate. Playfairville is at the junction of county roads 7 & 12 – about a mile north of the village of Fallbrook, and eight or nine miles north-west of Perth, Ontario. Up to about 1900 Playfairville boasted several saw mills and even an iron mine. All that remains now is the church and three or four houses.
  • Post Offices of Lanark County. Names of the Post Offices in Lanark County, from the start of the postal system up to modern times. The list includes those which have been closed. Included are the names of the postmaster or postmistress, where available. (Added January xx, 2021)


  • Thanks to Kathleen Anne Palmer-O'Neil for this series of histories and photos of her family. They are arranged roughly in chronological order by generation.
  • Marion Umpherson Prentice, a short history. Marion, who married James Prentice in 1874, was Kathleen Anne Palmer-O'Neil's great-grandmother. After being widowed in 1880, she was a seamstress in Lanark Village from about 1890 until her death in 1918. Surnames mentioned: Manion, McCargan / McCargar, Cohen, McLean, Molyneaux, Pepper, Prentice, Rice, Umpherson, Umpherston, Waddell.
  • James Lorne Prentice, cheesemaker. James (1879-1951) was the son of James Prentice and Marion Umpherson Prentice (item above). He was a Lanark County cheesemaker and worked for many years at Balderson Cheese. Surnames mentioned: Closs, Crandall, Darou, Graham, Gunn, McLean, Molyneaux, Palmer, Pate, Prentice, Umpherson.
  • James McLean, Lanark Village tailor. James (1871-1940) was the husband of Agnes Kathleen Prentice, daughter of James Prentice and Marion Umpherson Prentice. Surnames mentioned: Baker, Campbell, Crain, Gunn, McFadden, McLean, McVean, Molyneaux, Paul, Prentice, Scott, Umpherson.
  • Marion Kathleen McLean and Mary Dunnett. Marion (1903-1996) was the daughter of Agnes Kathleen Prentice and James McLean (item above). She had a children's clothing store in Perth for many years, and lived with her partner Mary Dunnett. Surnames mentioned: Bush, Dunnett, McBride, McLean, Prentice.
  • More Prentice photographs. Four photos which wouldn't fit into the short histories above. Surnames are: Graham, Molyneaux, Prentice.
  • Lanark Township people, 27 photos. There are two large group photos, one with 33 women and girls, the other with mostly children and teens. The others are mostly studio portraits and family groups. Nobody is identified but they are associated in some way with the following families: Closs, Easton, Fleming, Gibson, Graham, Gunn, McKinlay, McLean, Molyneaux, Paul, Prentice, Rankin, Umpherson.


  • Rev. A.G. Robertson and his sister Aggie. Studio photo, about 1890's, taken in Perth, Ontario. They are not connected to the family in the Maxwell-Robertson photo collection (see the box above listed under Maxwell). This photo has now been re-united with a member of the family.
  • Patterson Family, Smiths Falls, 1895. Two photos: one a studio portrait by J.Moore, Smiths Falls, taken August 1, 1895, showing Ethel Clarissa Patterson, and her younger brother, Frankie Jeffrey Patterson. The second shows them with their aunt Sarah Jeffrey, as well as "mother".
  • Annie Davidson, Oak Street, Smiths Falls. Thanks to Brian McMullan for identifying Annie and the location. She and her husband ran a small dairy bar on Oak Street in the 1950's and 1960's.
  • Smiths Falls School Class, 1917-18. 35 students, most of whom are identified. Surnames so far: Allan, Anderson, Chalmers, Cooke, Crate, De Val, Dewey, Dorman, Eldridge, Elliott, Fields, Gowland, Hall, Johnston, Kilfoyle, Lane, Loucks, Mason, McGillvary, McIntosh, Parks, Scott, Swayne, Wynne, Young.
  • Smiths Falls, Ontario, 1929 St John's Church Annual Report. Contains the published list of subscribers, WWI Honour Roll, and names of church officials. You can see page images of the complete booklet.
  • Two STONE Families. The Charles F. Stone family of Perth, Ont. and the John Stone family, probably also of Perth. Charles Stone was at one time publisher of the Perth Expositor. There are two sets of photos here – the first set is a formal portrait, about 1912-14, of the Charles Stone family, plus a photo, date unknown, of one and possibly two of Charles Stone's sons as members of Perth Collegiate Institute's hockey team. The others were taken at the wedding of Etta Belle Stone to William Lawrence on 17 June, 1914. Members of both families are present in the wedding photographs, but it's not immediately clear how they are related.
  • Unknown school class, but almost certainly Lanark County. Probably Beckwith, Ramsay or Drummond Townships. Seems to be about 1890's. The children are well-dressed, so it may be a school in Carleton Place.
  • Unknown school class. Probably Lanark County and most likely Lanark Village, Middleville or Hopetown. Looks like 1940's to 1950's. This shows the complete photo.
  • Unknown school class. Unknown location. The wall behind the children is of stone and they are for the most part well dressed, so this is possibly a large town or a city school – Kingston? Ottawa? Perth? Brockville?. A very fragile and fragmented photo.
  • Two unknown classes, about 1920 Both photos taken at the same school, as the outside entrance behind the students has the same brickwork. Two students are identified as "Bill" and "Hilda". And I'm guessing at the era – can you identify even when the photos were taken?


Bibles | Carleton Co. | Dufferin Co. | Elgin Co. | Frontenac Co. | Grey-Bruce Co. | Halton Co. | Lanark Co. | Leeds & Grenville Co. | Lennox & Addington Co. | Manitoulin | Peel Co. | Renfrew Co. | Russell Co. | Simcoe Co. | Stormont/Dundas/Glengarry Co. | Toronto | Waterloo Co. | Welland Co. | Northern Ont. | Outside Ont. | Outside Canada | Military | LINKS


  • Three photos related to the BABCOCK family of Frontenac County. Can anyone identify these people? Surnames are: Babcock and Rees.
  • Golden Lake – See the 'Sleepy Hollow Chronicles', by Ernie Bies. (Revised April 26, 2024)
  • Renfrew County, Hagarty Twp., S.S. No. 2. Transcription of the school attendance register for September, 1949 through June, 1954. Teachers were Mrs. Freda Kuehl (1949) and Jean Cooke (1950-54). 29 students in total over the five years. Student surnames: Adrian, Buckwald, Getz, Hartwich, Hartwick, Hartwig, Kuehl, Morris, Schleen, Schonnop, Webber, Weber, Zummach.
  • Queen's University, 1934. My father went to Queens for one year but flunked out because of too much serious partying. Among about 100 photos in an album of that era, I found these two of his friends at school, with names marked on one of them. Surnames are: Bean, Burt, Coy, Dobie, Gooderham, Lee, McBane, McConnell, Parry, Paulin, Platt, Scott(?), Wilmott. The other photo is simply marked "Boardinghouse Gang, Queens, 1934". February 10, 2009: The complete album has now been posted.
  • Pembroke, Room 10, Centre S.S., 1932. Thanks to Wayne Laverdure for this great class photo as well as all of the student names. Surnames: Amyotte, Brunette, Casidy, Chaput, Daley, Doyte, French, Gervais, Guay, Hammond, Harwood, Hebert, Kilby, Kiley, Knott, Ladouceur, Laverdure, Mallen, Milke, Monnard, Morrow, Mulligan, Salmon, Salmond, Sheedy, Shields, Stoudley, Sulivan, Tomchiche, Tracey, Trembley, Vandette, Wickware.
  • Snow Road & Mississippi Station. North Frontenac County. Five photos – three of the school and students and two of the old general store. Thanks to Chris Gardner for these copies of historic photos which are still hanging in the Snow Road Community Centre (formerly the Snow Road school). Surnames: Adams, Allan, Atkinson, Brook, Buchanan, Buchannan, Bushell, Chalmers, Chambers, Clark, Dobson, Duncan, Erwin, Flood, Geddes, Gemmill, Gilbert, Gilchrist, Hannah, Hughes, Johnston, Jones, Kennedy, Kirkham, Law, Lee, Lett, McKinnon, Millar, Nichol, Noris, Revell, Richards, Storms, St. Pierre, Trombley, Waite.
  • History of Snow Road & McLaren's Depot. by Miss Maude Walker. Transcribed from an article in the Perth Courier, Aug. 7, 1936. Surnames: Allan, Bryce, Closs, Geddes, Gemmell, Gillies, Gilmour, Hossick, Lett, Maxwell, McCauley, McLaren, Millar, Riddell, Sims, Snow, Wilson, Wood.
  • Photo Collection From Snow Road, c.1900. This collection of 21 original glass negatives was found in an antique store in Perth, Ontario. Twelve of them were published in Hilda Geddes' book "The Canadian Mississippi River", and it is thanks to this that the locations shown in the published photos have been identified. Four photos show recognizeable people, but only one – Robert P. Harper – is completely identified. Buchanan, Erwin, Mills, Riddell, & Trombley are mentioned but not explicitly identified. Homesteads identified are: Geddes, Lett, Rhodes, Richards (later Kinghorn), Trombley. The source of these negatives is a mystery. They have been donated to Archives Lanark.

Bibles | Carleton Co. | Dufferin Co. | Elgin Co. | Frontenac Co. | Grey-Bruce Co. | Halton Co. | Lanark Co. | Leeds & Grenville Co. | Lennox & Addington Co. | Manitoulin | Peel Co. | Renfrew Co. | Russell Co. | Simcoe Co. | Stormont/Dundas/Glengarry Co. | Toronto | Waterloo Co. | Welland Co. | Northern Ont. | Outside Ont. | Outside Canada | Military | LINKS


  • Brockville: Victoria School, 1918. Photo of 41 female students plus their teacher, Miss A. Hutchison. Three are unidentified. Names so far: Blackwell, Burlingame, Carswell, Clow, Cole, Coons, Davison, Easter, Frame, Garrett, Giffin, Gilroy, Glasgow, Guest, Hewitt, Hislop, Hollister, Kerr, Marshall, McDougall, McKinley, McMillan, O'Neil, Orr, Pask, Sargent, Scott, Shirtraw, Smith, Spinsby, Stephens, Timleck, Turner, Wade, Webber, Wells.
  • Easton's Corners, 1930. Eight photos: three of Victor Norman Grimmett with a boy named Cecil, and three of Victor's brother Harry Vernon Grimmett. Another is of the Easton's Corners community band, and another a farm photo with a team of horses. Most people are identified. Surnames so far: Bonner, Eberts, Empey, Goodbody, Grimmett, Halpenny, Hulse, Maitland, McDonald, McGrath, Putnam, Wilson.
  • Frankville School Students, 1951-52. Thanks to George Day for this photo of 25 students plus their teacher, Lyall Stewart. All students are identified. Their surnames are: Bryan, Burns, Carr, Cauley, Code, Davis, Day, Ellis, Grey, Hamilton, Laming, McCarthy, Mercier, Moran, Myers, Yates. Photo is by W. MacDonald, Smiths Falls, who is the same photographer as the photo below.
  • Glen Elbe School Class, about 1955. So far no students are identified; there are 17 girls and 11 boys, with ages from about 10 to 13. Teacher is Mrs. Topping. Photo is by W. MacDonald, Smiths Falls, who is the same photographer as the photo above.
  • Gananoque area, C.S.E.T. camp group photo. All names needed. C.S.E.T. was similar to the Y.M.C.A. and provided healthy social outlets for young men and boys. This photo is by Prosser Studio, Gananoque, and is hand-dated 1929.
  • Myrna Neil, age 20 months in 1942. Photo purchased in an auction near Inkerman, Dundas County, Ontario.
  • Kemptville High School, "Thirds", 1897. Class photo, nobody identified.
  • Possibly Kemptville High School checkers, card club. Nobody identified.
  • Kitley Township, Leeds County, 1953 Voters' List. Complete transcription of 32-page printed booklet.
  • McCoy Family: Descendant list and photos. Alexander McCoy (b. 1791) and Mary Robinson (b. 1811) were both born in Ireland, and were married 13 Aug 1833 in Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario. Their children were born variously in Toronto and in Bastard Township. The information here is of the first three generations, many of whom settled in New York state, but others settled in Frontenac, Renfrew and Lanark Counties, Ontario.
  • Merrickville Men's Hockey team, 1903-1904. The players are identified as a group but not as individuals. But there are seven players and eight players' names – can you help? Surnames are: Angus, Cranstoun, Davis, Edwards, Kyle, Laycock, Merkley, Mills, Miskelly, Putnam, Watchorn.
  • Westport : 10th Division Court Ledger, 1852-1882. Names and accounts of people who paid money to, or received money from, the court because of legal actions. No details of the charges are given but some interesting details can be determined by viewing the page images. 136 pages with 254 unique names.
  • Wilstead S.S. No. 5 Undated class photo (c. 1935). Wilstead is just east of Gananoque, Ont. Shown is a class of 22 students plus their teacher, Mr. Kyes. Surnames: Breckenridge, Chisamore, Cross, Gray, McNeely, O'Hearn, Richardson, Rotters, Russell, Steacy, Vanormen.

Bibles | Carleton Co. | Dufferin Co. | Elgin Co. | Frontenac Co. | Grey-Bruce Co. | Halton Co. | Lanark Co. | Leeds & Grenville Co. | Lennox & Addington Co. | Manitoulin | Peel Co. | Renfrew Co. | Russell Co. | Simcoe Co. | Stormont/Dundas/Glengarry Co. | Toronto | Waterloo Co. | Welland Co. | Northern Ont. | Outside Ont. | Outside Canada | Military | LINKS


  • Ottawa: George Croshaw & Dora Jane Cuddie, 1889. Thanks to Marvin Paranych for a photo of his maternal great-grand­parents' wedding in Ottawa in 1889. Shown also is an image of the marriage certificate, which is a valuable record, as the marriage doesn't seem to have been registered.


  • Group photo taken 1911. Included are the names written on the back of the photo. Two versions of the photo are shown – size-as and very much enlarged of the students only – plus a scan of the names written on the back. The names have been expanded through information received from an Ashbury College researcher. First names have been given to most of the boys and those who were killed in World War I are shown.
  • Probably Ashbury College. A group of about 60 men and boys of all ages, with the younger ones dressed for racing or other sport. Photo taken c.1900, in front of a building with a distinctive design on the doors. Can anyone identify the location for certain? Note the teacher holding a hand-gun! He is one of two teachers who are probably in the photo above which is definitely of Ashbury College.
  • JACKSON Homestead at 212 Springfield Road, later sold to Ashbury College. Fifteen people are gathered on the verandah.
  • University of Ottawa Destroyed by Fire, 1903. Thanks to Taylor Kennedy for transcribing the front page of The Evening Journal of December 2, 1903, which was entirely devoted to this disaster. In addition, are about 35 university-related photos, which Taylor obtained from the National Archives. (Added December 7, 2024)
  • Train Derailment Near Ottawa, 1913. Thanks to George Poirier for this photo showing a large crowd surrounding derailed passenger train cars, and to Linda Seccaspina for two additional photos of the accident. A link is given to Linda Seccaspina's blog describing this accident in which eight people died and many were injured.
  • Last Run as a C.P.R. Engineer After 47 Years. Thanks to George Poirier for these two photos and a news clipping of train engineer John Finn's last run from Petawawa to Ottawa's Union Station, in February, 1954.
  • Ottawa Journal, Wed. Nov. 3, 1965, Births & Deaths. These birth and death notices, along with those from the Globe & Mail below, were found under our kitchen linoleum during renovations.
  • Ottawa Journal, Fri. Nov. 5, 1965, Births & Deaths.
  • Ottawa : 15 photos from 1970. I took these photos of a small rock music performance in Vincent Massy Park, just off Riverside Drive on Heron Road, Ottawa. Look closely at the teenagers there because if you're of a certain age you might see your parents! This is a link to a set of my photos on Flickr. Click on any of the small photos to see a larger version. Any info you might have would be most welcome.

Bibles | Carleton Co. | Dufferin Co. | Elgin Co. | Frontenac Co. | Grey-Bruce Co. | Halton Co. | Lanark Co. | Leeds & Grenville Co. | Lennox & Addington Co. | Manitoulin | Peel Co. | Renfrew Co. | Russell Co. | Simcoe Co. | Stormont/Dundas/Glengarry Co. | Toronto | Waterloo Co. | Welland Co. | Northern Ont. | Outside Ont. | Outside Canada | Military | LINKS


Bibles | Carleton Co. | Dufferin Co. | Elgin Co. | Frontenac Co. | Grey-Bruce Co. | Halton Co. | Lanark Co. | Leeds & Grenville Co. | Lennox & Addington Co. | Manitoulin | Peel Co. | Renfrew Co. | Russell Co. | Simcoe Co. | Stormont/Dundas/Glengarry Co. | Toronto | Waterloo Co. | Welland Co. | Northern Ont. | Outside Ont. | Outside Canada | Military | LINKS


  • Napanee : Selections from the Napanee Standard of August 26, 1887. Local news, one marriage and several deaths. Three out of the four pages are devoted to US and international news, so I've not transcribed those.
  • Napanee : Selections from the Napanee Beaver of May 15, 1896. News, births, deaths, social notes, gossip, and outright lies. As well as local news from Napanee, there are short gossip/news columns from: Beaver Lake, Centreville, Colebrook, Croydon, Deseronto, Desmond, Enterprise, Erinsville, Fredericksburgh, Hawley, Ingle, Lime Lake, Millhaven, Morven, Orchard Hill, Plevna, Tamworth East, Violet, and Wilton.
  • Tamworth, Ont. "C" Co., 146th O.S. Batt. Surnames include: Alton, Babcock, Barker, Bush, Campell, Charlton, Coxall, Cross, Day, Ekulbeck, Franklin, Furrs, Galbraith, Garrison, Hannah, Lambert, Lee, MacFarlane, Marshall, McGill, Parks, Pennell, Pervus, Rogers, Salsbury, Samson, Smith, Stoddard, Switzer, Thompson, Wagar.

Bibles | Carleton Co. | Dufferin Co. | Elgin Co. | Frontenac Co. | Grey-Bruce Co. | Halton Co. | Lanark Co. | Leeds & Grenville Co. | Lennox & Addington Co. | Manitoulin | Peel Co. | Renfrew Co. | Russell Co. | Simcoe Co. | Stormont/Dundas/Glengarry Co. | Toronto | Waterloo Co. | Welland Co. | Northern Ont. | Outside Ont. | Outside Canada | Military | LINKS


  • Unknown family, Aylmer, Ontario. Thanks to Mary McKeown in Ireland for this photo of seven members of an unknown family about 1880-1900. Photographer is E.S. Hadcock, Aylmer, Ont. Can you identify them?
  • Four unidentified people, St Thomas, Ontario. Thanks to Mary McKeown in Ireland for these photos from a Morrissey-Brennan family album in Kilkenny, Ireland, about 1870-1880's. Photographer for all is W.A. Cooper, Elgin Gallery, St Thomas, Ont. Can you identify anyone?

Bibles | Carleton Co. | Dufferin Co. | Elgin Co. | Frontenac Co. | Grey-Bruce Co. | Halton Co. | Lanark Co. | Leeds & Grenville Co. | Lennox & Addington Co. | Manitoulin | Peel Co. | Renfrew Co. | Russell Co. | Simcoe Co. | Stormont/Dundas/Glengarry Co. | Toronto | Waterloo Co. | Welland Co. | Northern Ont. | Outside Ont. | Outside Canada | Military | LINKS


  • Bruce County, French Bay School, 1939. Thanks to Donna Field for this photo of 28 students plus their teacher, Rye Patterson. Student surnames are: Atchison, Beirnes, Buckton, Carson, Currie, Dion, Huff, Kearns, Kirkland, McIntyre, Sutton, Temple, Vary.
  • Bruce County, Halls Corner, 1922 Thanks to Donna Field for this photo of 24 students plus their teacher, Florence Bailey. Student surnames are: Angel, Farrow, Holmes, Lang, MacDonald, Reid, Richards, Rourke, Scarrow, Speer.
  • Bruce County, S.S.#7, Arran School at Invermay, 1946. Thanks to Donna Field for this photo of 24 students plus their teacher, Joyce Walker. Student surnames are: Dix, Duff, Graham, Hemstock, Herron, McMullen, Nicholson, Reid, Richards, Scarrow, Trelford, White.
  • Bruce County, Park Head, Unknown Year. Thanks to Donna Field for this photo of about 27 students plus their teacher, Miss Bradford. Student surnames are: Bumstead, Catto, Crawford, Kinsley, Kirk, Lee, MacIntosh, McCartney, McGarvey, McNabb, Rouse, Saunders, Seigrist, Sutherland, Vaughn, Wilson.
  • Bruce County, Park Head, About 1941-42. Thanks to Donna Field for this photo of 18 students. Student surnames are: Brown, Casemore, Foulds, Hewitson, Matches, McDonald, McKnight, Walker, Warrington.
  • Bruce County, Hepworth Public School, Grades 1-4, 1949. Thanks to Murray Ceaser for this photo of 38 students plus their teacher Emily Cunningham. Student surnames are: Cameron, Campbell, Clifford, Cohen, Dawson, Dent, Diebel, Dieter, Edney, Hunt, Lawrence, McFadden, Murphy, Playford, Post, Pring, Richards, Ruth, Schnurr, Shulty, Sutcliffe, Uhrig, Walker, Westlake, White.
  • Bruce County, Park Head, 1960. Thanks to Donna Field for this photo of 7 students. Student surnames are: Caswell, Cruickshank, Mercer, Quinlan, Rossley, Smith. (Revised June 15, 2024)
  • Bruce County, Wiarton Public School, Grade 6, 1949. Thanks to Murray Armstrong for posting this photo on Facebook. Shown are 35 students plus their teacher (name unknown). Student surnames so far are: Butchard, Boulter, Boyd, Burt, Ceaser, Clifford, Driffill, Edmonston, Eyre, Forbes, France, Gilbert, Gosling, Hahn, Ingles, Mason, McDonald, McGarvey, Mertha, Robertson, Schenk, Schroeder, Smart, Symons, Tyson, Wheaton, Wilford, Williamson.
  • Bruce County, Wiarton Public School, Grade 7, 1950. Thanks to Murray Ceaser for this photo showing the same 35 students as in the photo above, about a year later. Student surnames so far are: Butchard, Boulter, Boyd, Burt, Ceaser, Clifford, Driffill, Edmonston, Eyre, Forbes, France, Gilbert, Gosling, Heath, Ingles, McGarvey, Mertha, Robertson, Rouse, Schenk, Smart, Tyson, Wheaton, Wilford, Williamson.
  • Bruce County, Wiarton Public School, Grades 6 & 7, 1959. Thanks to Joanne Lancaster for posting this photo on Facebook. It shows 39 students with their teacher, Mrs. Bea Nixon. Surnames so far: Collins, Ellis, Fortner, Fraser, Gilbert, Heathers, Henderson, Hepburn, Holohan, Hull, Hurst, Jermain, Lemcke, Loucks, Lymburner, Mayhoffer, McCullogh, Miller, Moore, Murelle, Nixon, Ottewell, Ringrose, Sam, Schoeder, Simmie, Smillie, Stewart, Symons, Taylor, Thompson, Thorn, Twigger, Wright.
  • Bruce County, Wiarton Public School, Grade 6, 1967. Thanks to Murray Armstrong for posting this photo on Facebook. It shows 25 students with their teacher, Brian Thompson. Surnames: Arnold, Bartley, Chambers, Cunningham, Desjardins, Hellyer, Hyatt, Kerr, Krumholtz, Lockhart, Mayrhofer, McCartney, McGregor, McInnis, Perry, Porter, Rouse, Sanderson, Shank, Skene, Stewart, Sutter, Thomas, Tuffnell, Wright.
  • Grey County, Amabel #10, Maple Grove School, 1941. Thanks to Donna Field for this photo of 16 students plus their teacher, Miss May French. Student surnames are: Bannister, Cross, Currie, Dawson, Forbes, Gates, Knight, Robinson, Smith, Wilson.
  • Grey County, Clavering, S.S. #3, 1930. Thanks to Donna Field for this photo of 41 students plus their teacher, Ward Agnew. Student surnames are: Atkinson, Bell, Carson, Charlton, Greig, Hill, Lawrence, Lisk, Loughlean, Mole, Moore, Perkins, Preston, Smith, Tomlinson, Wilkinson, Wilson.
  • Grey County, Desboro School, 1922. Thanks to Donna Field for this photo of 40 students. All are identified. Surnames are: Brooks, Carson, Folkerson, Gobert, Graham, Grahlman, Guse, Heft, Herman, Jackson, Leno, Lipskie, Lorenz, Maluskie, Pfeiffer, Prowd, Schultz, Schwartz, Subject, Urstadt, Wagner.
  • Grey County, Zion Keppel #4, 1948. Thanks to Donna Field for this photo of 24 students plus their teacher, Miss Bernice Baker. Four names are missing. Student surnames so far: Beacock, Berfoot, Deakins, Hill, Lee, Mole, Preston, Reckin, Simmons, Wells.
  • Grey County, Keppel #8, 1947. Thanks to Donna Field for this photo of 13 students. ALL NAMES ARE MISSING.
  • Grey County, Shallow Lake School, 1949. Thanks to Donna Field for this photo of 29 students. Eight students are unidentified. Student surnames so far: Blacklock?, Bowser, Casemore, Colborne, Cole, Coleman, Coleridge, Henry, Kellar, Lester, Locklean, McMann, Monahan, Moyer, Noble, Shouldice.
  • Grey County, Sullivan & Derby, S.S. #1 East, Beatie's, 1951. Thanks to Donna Field for this photo of 23 students and their teacher Mrs. Lavina Cook. Student surnames are: Barber, Crawford, Duff, Farrow, Gamble, Guise, Martin, McNabb, Pringle, Scarrow, Schultz, Showell, Sutherland.
  • Grey County, Sullivan, S.S. #2, 1944. Thanks to Donna Field for this photo of 15 students. Surnames are: Batterman, Fraser, Grahlman, Lipskie, Minke, Stewart, Weeden.
  • Grey County, Sullivan, S.S. #3, Aitcheson's, 1930. Thanks to Donna Field for this photo of 30 students and their teacher Mr. Herman Bierworth. Student surnames are: Aitcheson, Holding, Liefso, Lueck, Miller, Osborne, Peters, Pitt, Priebe, Schopf, Specht, Sprung.
  • Grey County, Sullivan, S.S. #6, 1950. Thanks to Donna Field for this photo of 38 students and their teacher Mrs. Sylvia Kuhl. Student surnames are: Albright, Coldwell, Crowe, Elkema, Janke, Kaufman, Klages, Kuhl, Martin, Robertson, Stephan.
  • Grey County, Sullivan & Derby, S.S. #13, 6, Beatie's, 1966. Thanks to Donna Field for this photo of 24 students and their teachers Mrs. Laura Schultz & Mrs. Ruth Kaufman, and chairman Mr. Mitchell Lundy. Student surnames are: Carnaham, Farley, Gamble, Keeling, Lundy, McCallum, McNabb, Pringle, Scarrow, Walker.

Bibles | Carleton Co. | Dufferin Co. | Elgin Co. | Frontenac Co. | Grey-Bruce Co. | Halton Co. | Lanark Co. | Leeds & Grenville Co. | Lennox & Addington Co. | Manitoulin | Peel Co. | Renfrew Co. | Russell Co. | Simcoe Co. | Stormont/Dundas/Glengarry Co. | Toronto | Waterloo Co. | Welland Co. | Northern Ont. | Outside Ont. | Outside Canada | Military | LINKS


  • Orangeville High School, about 1950. Thanks to Laraine Maltby Smith for this group photo of 41 students, most of whom are unidentified. Surnames so far: Langridge(?), Langtree, Lennox, McKee, Nixon, Pattullo, Poyntz, Storey, Thompson, Wilson.
  • Rosemont, Ont. Union School class, 1890's. Mono Twp., Dufferin County. Pictured are about 53 students plus five adults who presumably are teachers or school board members. Only one person, an adult, is identified, and his surname is McNabb.

Bibles | Carleton Co. | Dufferin Co. | Elgin Co. | Frontenac Co. | Grey-Bruce Co. | Halton Co. | Lanark Co. | Leeds & Grenville Co. | Lennox & Addington Co. | Manitoulin | Peel Co. | Renfrew Co. | Russell Co. | Simcoe Co. | Stormont/Dundas/Glengarry Co. | Toronto | Waterloo Co. | Welland Co. | Northern Ont. | Outside Ont. | Outside Canada | Military | LINKS


  • Thanks to Laraine Maltby Smith for these class photos.
  • More Halton County Class Photos. This link will take you to the "Halton Images" website. Enter class photo into the search box and there will be over 1300 hits, from 1880 to the present day.
  • Omagh Public School Class Photos, 1930's. Two different class photos with the same two students identified – Helen & Warren O'Connor. Also Donnie Devlin in one photo.
  • S.S. #6, Omagh, Trafalgar Township, about 1939. Class of 21 students with their teacher, Miss Black. Surnames so far: Beaty, Black, Devlin, Ford, Kelly, LeRiche, Marshall, McCann, Miller, Noble, O'Connor.

Bibles | Carleton Co. | Dufferin Co. | Elgin Co. | Frontenac Co. | Grey-Bruce Co. | Halton Co. | Lanark Co. | Leeds & Grenville Co. | Lennox & Addington Co. | Manitoulin | Peel Co. | Renfrew Co. | Russell Co. | Simcoe Co. | Stormont/Dundas/Glengarry Co. | Toronto | Waterloo Co. | Welland Co. | Northern Ont. | Outside Ont. | Outside Canada | Military | LINKS


Thanks to Laraine Maltby Smith for most of these class photos.
Other contributors are credited in the item description.


  • Brampton, McHugh Public School, Grade 7, 1946. Class of 37 students plus their teacher, Miss Hannah Yarrington. Twenty names are missing or incomplete. Surnames so far: Agnew, Boothroyd, Burrows, Coates, Conboy, Core, Garbutt, Gowland, Hunter, LeMay, Little, McKee, Peacock, Reeves, Squirrell, Sutton, Thompson, Tindale, Treleaven, Tribble. (Revised April 5, 2024)
  • Brampton, McHugh Public School, about 1948. Class of 32 students with no teacher. Only two of the students are identified – surnames so far are May and O'Connor.



  • Huttonville P.S., "Junior Room", 1951 class photo. Class of 19 students plus their teacher, Miss McClure. Everyone is identified. Surnames: Burrows, Burton, Findley, Haynes, Hayward, Kingshott, Lockhurst, Marshment, McGonigal, Pennycook, Pollard, Putman, Smith, Snider, Taylor, Trimble, Whitelaw.
  • Huttonville P.S., Grade 8, 1951 class photo. Class of 20 students plus their teacher, Mrs. Field. Surnames: Armstrong, Barnett, Black, Brown, Fendley, Fraser, Hamada, Haynes, Lightfoot, McClure, Moffat, Muir, Murray, Oldham, Ostrander, Petri, Pollard, Somes, Trimble.
  • Huttonville P.S., Grades 1, 2 & 3, 1952 class photo. Class of 28 students plus their teacher, Miss McClure. Nine students are unidentified. Surnames so far: Burton, Butt, Fraser, Haynes, Kingshott, Lockhurst, Marshment, McClure, McGonigle, Pennycook, Pickells, Putman, Snider, Thrower, Whitelaw.
  • Huttonville P.S., Grades 4, 5 & 6, 1952 class photo. Class of 42 students plus their teacher, Miss Menary. Three students are unidentified. Surnames so far: Ashmore, Babcock, Burrows, Cardinal, Cordingley, Davis, Downton, England, Frost, Harston(?), Haynes, Hendriks, Hutton, Kingdon, Lacey, Lockhurst, Madill, Marshment, McClure, Menary, Merklinger, Morris, Muir, Murphy, Noble, Pennycook, Petri, Piper, Pollard, Poole, Snider, Soames, Taylor, Thrower, Trimble, Webster, Whitlaw.
  • Huttonville P.S., Grades 7 & 8, 1952 class photo. Class of 31 students plus their teacher, Mrs. Field. Surnames: Allenby, Berry, Bracey, Brunskill, Cartwright, Cordingley, Friend, Hamada, Haynes, Herbert, Kingdon, Laidlaw, McClure, Moore, Muir, Nixon, Ollis, Petrie, Pollard, Rudd, Sterritt, Sullivan, Swackhammer, Taylor, Williams, Young.
  • Huttonville P.S., Grades 6, 7 & 8, 1956 class photo. Class of 31 students with no teacher. Surnames: Arthey, Barrett, Berry, Burrows, Burton, Cooley, Haynes, Hufton, Kingshott, Law, Lockhurst, Marshment, McGillvary, McGonigal, Moore, Pennycook, Smith, Soames, Stewart, Swerdfeger, Taylor, Thrower, Trimble, Veenstra, Warren, Wrenn.
  • Huttonville P.S., Grades 7 & 8, 1957 class photo. Class of 23 students. Two students are unidentified. Surnames so far: Arthey, Barratt, Burton, Collins, Cooley, Haynes, Hufton, Law, Lockhurst, Marshment, McGonigal, Moore, Pennycook, Soames, Sovereign, Stewart, Swerdfeger, Trimble, Wrenn.
  • Huttonville P.S., Grade 4, 1963 class photo. Thanks to Bob Henshaw for this photo of this class of 30 grade four students plus their teacher Miss Teramoto, who is the only person identified.
  • Huttonville P.S., Grades 5 & 6, 1965-66 class photo. Thanks to Bob Henshaw for this photo of this class of 32 grade five & six students plus their teacher Isobel S. McKay. Surnames: Arnold, Bray, Brown, Collins, Eady, Ferri, Franklin, French, Hamilton, Henshaw, Hooyenga, Kee, Laidlaw, Lipp, Manley, May, McIlveen, Norman, Osborne, Phillips, Raine, Sovereign, Spears, Spowart, Stokes, Swackhamer, von Bloedau, Webster, Wyllie, Youden.
  • Huttonville P.S., 1967 School & Staff. Thanks to Bob Henshaw for these photos of the school building and of 14 teachers, of whom seven are identified by surname only. Surnames so far: Dunlop/Newman, Henry, Holmes, Jeffs, Lee, McKay, Reinhart/Tupling.
  • Huttonville P.S., Grade Eight Class, 1967. Thanks to Bob Henshaw for this photo of this class of 43 students and two teachers. No names were provided.


  • Woodhill P.S., about 1930 class photo. Class of 19 students plus their teacher Mrs. Wilfred Watson (nee Wilson). Two students are unidentified. Surnames so far: Campbell, Davis, Elinsky, Hostrawser, Maltby, Timms, Ward, Watson, Wright.
  • Woodhill P.S., 1942 class photo. Class of 23 students plus their teacher, Miss Goodchild. Six students are unidentified. Surnames so far: Dale, Gardhouse, Hostrawser, Maltby, McKenna, Smith, Ward, Wilson, Windell, Woodill.
  • Halton County Class Photos. This link will take you to the "Halton Images" website. Enter class photo into the search box and there will be several thousand hits, from the 1860's to the present day.

Bibles | Carleton Co. | Dufferin Co. | Elgin Co. | Frontenac Co. | Grey-Bruce Co. | Halton Co. | Lanark Co. | Leeds & Grenville Co. | Lennox & Addington Co. | Manitoulin | Peel Co. | Renfrew Co. | Russell Co. | Simcoe Co. | Stormont/Dundas/Glengarry Co. | Toronto | Waterloo Co. | Welland Co. | Northern Ont. | Outside Ont. | Outside Canada | Military | LINKS


  • Medonte Ontario, SS#4 1931 Class Photo. Only three students out of 49 are identified: Clarence, Elwood and Lorne McLaughlin. Medonte is in Simcoe County, north-east of Orillia.
  • Waubaushene School, Class Photo, about 1944. Thanks to Laraine Maltby-Smith for this photo of 12 students plus their teacher, Mr. Morley Taylor. One name is missing. Surnames so far: Ball, Bell, Boyd, Hopkins, Lawton, Pipher, Plunkett, Thiffault, Tucker, Wilson.
  • Waverley School, early 1900's. Thanks to Taylor Kennedy for these three class photos. Nobody is identified. They seem to be from the 1920's-1930's. Surnames mentioned, but students not identified: Brock, French, Johnson, Swan. Can you help?
  • Waverley School, about 1935-1940. Thanks to Taylor Kennedy for these two class photos. Only Barry Swan and Mrs. Rowat are identified. Can you help?
  • Waverley Ont., Remembrance Day Celebration. Village crowd, perhaps 1920. They may be dedicating the cenotaph. Can you provide details?

Bibles | Carleton Co. | Dufferin Co. | Elgin Co. | Frontenac Co. | Grey-Bruce Co. | Halton Co. | Lanark Co. | Leeds & Grenville Co. | Lennox & Addington Co. | Manitoulin | Peel Co. | Renfrew Co. | Russell Co. | Simcoe Co. | Stormont/Dundas/Glengarry Co. | Toronto | Waterloo Co. | Welland Co. | Northern Ont. | Outside Ont. | Outside Canada | Military | LINKS


  • See Greg Chown's history blogs – Lost Toronto and Lost Toronto 2 and Lost Toronto 3.
  • Map of The City of Toronto, before 1886. This map of what is now downtown Toronto was scanned from the 1886 edition of 'Toronto "Called Back" – 1886 to 1850,' published in 1886. A link is provided to a much enlarged version.
  • Ontario Veterinary College Class of 1905. Thanks to Taylor Kennedy for this photo and identification of the names under each slightly fuzzy medallion portrait. Most are identified and a name will pop up when you put the cursor over a portrait. OVC was located in Toronto until it moved to Guelph in 1922. Surnames so far: Anderson, Bair, Bay, Beamer, Benjamin, Broadfoot, Brother, Byer, Campbell, Carmack, Carr, Chappele, Christian, Clark, Cordick, Cottrill, Cowan, Coxe, Crooks, Deavenport, Decow, Dettman, Dewar, Drown, Estay, Fulcher, Galbraith, Gibson, Gordon, Greenwood, Haggerty, Henrickson, Hilton, Humphrey, Hunter, Johannes, Jones, Kain, Keller, Kidder, Knight, Labrosse, Lane, Lavery, Lawton, Lenton, Lloyd, Lowery, Mahon, Matthew, McCartney, McCreight, McLeish, McNally, McNeil, Meiser, Mollison, Montague, Moore, Morgan, Myers, Newton, Pearce, Philip, Pinhorn, Porter, Pugh, Ross, Russell, Scott, Sears, Shearer, Spidell, Stoner, Sweeney, Thompson, Tiffany, Titterud, Tornquist, Valentine, Walters, Watson, West, Winans, Young.
  • University of Toronto, University College, class of 1943. This graduation photo was purchased from an antique store in Ottawa. It consists of 212 portraits, arranged alphabetically by name, plus portraits of four college officials. Surnames: Adams, Aluf, Ander, Anderson, Appleyard, Ardiel, Bailey, Ballantyne, Balmer, Banfield, Bannerman, Barnes, Basher, Beanes, Bilevich, Binsky, Blockley, Boyd, Bricker, Brontman, Brown, Buchanan, Bucovetsky, Cameron, Campbell, Carter, Chard, Chechalk, Clinch, Cody, Coleman, Coneybeare, Cornell, Cornwall, Corp, Couch, Cowan, Crane, Cruise, Dallyn, Davis, Day, Dean, Dewar, Dods, Douglas, Edell, Edelstein, Elias, Elmore, Ewins, Ferguson, Fernie, Finlayson, Fisher, Francis, Frankel, Fraser, Gardner, Geering, Geldert, Gimple, Graham, Green, Greenleaf, Griggs, Grossman, Gulch, Gutzman, Hall, Ham, Hedley, Henderson, Himmel, Hooton, Howard, Howie, Hoyle, Jack, Jenkins, Johnson, Johnston, Kahn, Kassirer, Katz, Kennedy, Kerr, Knowles, Koppel, Krausse, Langford, Lark, Latimer, Leggett, Leigh-Mallory, Lesueur, Livingstone, Locke, Loffmark, MacBeth, MacDonald, MacMillan, Macaulay, Marshall, Masters, Matchett, McAndrew, McBride, McClelland, McConnell, McCreery, McDonald, McLauchlin, McLeod, McMillan, McQueen, McRuer, Merritt, Miller, Mills, Mollard, Morse, Moss, Munns, Near, Nicholls, Nicol, Niemeier, Norsworthy, Norwich, O'Mara, Parker, Patten, Petegorsky, Potashin, Pounder, Powell, Prager, Ramsden, Redfern, Robson, Rose, Rosenberg, Rosenbluth, Rowat, Salter, Sametz, Samoloff, Sanders, Satthianadhan, Savage, Schild, Schneider, Schnittman, Schoonmaker, Shear, Shields, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simon, Sinclair, Sneath, Snyder, Solway, Spanis, Stee, Stewart, Stock, Stone, Straus, Street, Sutton, Sweetman, Sztokalo, Taillefer, Talbot, Tucker, Tureck, Turner, Ursem, Verity, Vesa, Vizzard, Waddell, Walden, Wallace, West, Westman, White, Whitfield, Willan, Williams, Willson, Wilson, Wood, World, Wright, Yarrill, Zierler.
  • Queens Rifles Band, about 1945. Thanks to Taylor Kennedy for this photo. Twenty-eight men are in the band but only Harold Conner is identified. Can you identify anyone else?
  • Globe & Mail, Mon. Nov. 1, 1965, Births & Deaths.
  • Picket at Toronto City Hall, Summer, 1970. Joe A. Lauwers felt he had been betrayed by the Canadian Government when they confiscated his passport and deported his nine-year-old daughter without cause, so he took his message to the public, written on four large bread-boards.
  • Mariposa Folk Festival, 1970 Held on Toronto Island, July 24-26, 1970. Twenty-nine photos – identified are performers Ramblin' Jack Elliott, Bruce and Brian Good, as well as The Jug Milk Funk Band.
  • The McCaul Street Memorial Co-op, Summer, 1970. About 40 houses in the block bounded by Beverley, Cecil, Henry and Baldwin Streets were owned by Toronto Hydro who evicted the tenants because they wanted to demolish them. Here are 39 photos of the tenants and of the officials who served the papers and tore down the signs. Included also are a scan of the information leaflet published by the Co-op, and a link to a history of the Hydro Block up to April, 1975. People identified so far: Dan Heap, William Kilbourn, Bob McArthur, John Phillips, John Sewell.


Featured bands were Lighthouse and the warm-up band, Mudflat. This was an amazing performance and attracted a huge, enthusiastic crowd. This free concert was sponsored by radio station CHUM, and was to welcome Lighthouse back from their performance on the Isle of Wight. I've posted a total of 84 photos of both performances from four rolls of film.

  • Mudflat – The Warm-Up Performance. Sixteen photos of the performers, plus one of the crowd. Identified are: Pinky Dauvin, Bob DiSalle, Gene Falbo, Grant Fullerton, and David Moulaison.
  • Lighthouse – The Featured Performance. 48 photos of the performers, plus one of the fountain in the reflecting pool at City Hall. Identified are: Dick Armin, Bruce Cassidy, Ralph Cole, Don DiNovo, Paul Hoffert, Ringo Hrycyna, Keith Jollimore, Bob McBride, Pete Pantaluk, Skip Prokop, Howard Shore, Larry Smith, Louie Yachnin.
  • The Performance Audience. Eighteen photos of the crowd which filled Nathan Philips Square in front of Toronto City Hall.
  • Wedding at the Huron Street Community Hall, 1970. The hall at 15 Huron Street was the unofficial headquarters of the American war resister and deserter community. These 19 photos show a wedding between an American draft resister and Canadian woman. Surnames so far: Clavir, Diamond, Ewing, Hallgren, Phillips, Samoyloff, Merrill.
  • Anti-War Measures Act Demonstration, 1970. Fourty-four photos by Charles Dobie. Because of the FLQ crisis in Quebec, the Canadian Government invoked the War Measures Act on Friday, October 16, 1970, which suspended most civil rights. This demonstration in the square at Toronto's City Hall, was held at 2 p.m. the next day. Some of the speakers were Terry Campbell, Rob Fairley, Harry Kopyto, Joan Newbigging, Nancy Pocock, and Clayton Ruby. Participants: George Addison, Al Cappe, Mike Constable, Martin Freeman, Stan Gray, Greg King, Jessie McKenzie, Vern Olson, Harry Stone, Zoltan Szoboszloi, Chris Therott, John Wilson, Joseph Young, Peter Zorzi. Were you there? You might see yourself in the crowd.
  • Anti-Vietnam War demonstration, summer, 1970. Twelve photos of one of the many anti-war demonstrations in front of the US Consulate by the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist). Surnames so far are Mackey and O'Hara.
  • Toronto Street and People Photography, 1969 - 1973.
    • Baldwin Street, Summer of 1969. Thanks to Louise Peacock for these 13 photos taken with a fisheye lens, at Jimmy Wilson's Festival of Little Big Horn, June or July 1969. Only two people identified so far: Peacock, Taylor.
    • Darcy Street & Huron Street Hall, Summer of 1971. Thanks to Jenny Morris for these 12 photos. Surnames of people identified: Arnup, Collins, Cox, Becker, Berg, Goldstein, Hallgren, Morris, Sanders, Saunders, Wicks.
    • Huge Indoor Book Sale, 1970. The consensus is the location was Varsity Arena. The inside of the stadium/arena was crammed with books and book buyers. Not to mention a camel. Six photos.
    • Free Rabies Clinic, 1970. Eight photos of a free rabies clinic for pets. The location has been identified as Shuter Street between Jarvis and Sherbourne.
    • Baldwin Street, September, 1970. 14 photos taken on Baldwin Street in front of the Baldwin Street Gallery, and The Yellow Ford Truck. Shown are children being photographed by Laura Jones and the late John Phillips, as well as a small music festival held on the sidewalk. In addition to Laura and John, the only one identified so far is Jimmy Wilson, owner of the Yellow Ford Truck store. (Revised June 30, 2024)
    • Kid Bastien's Camelia Band at Grossman's Tavern. Some time in 1970. All band members are identified. Surnames: Bastien, Berry, Dyson, Leggett, Savory.
    • Hari Krishna kids on Yonge Street. October, 1970. These four photos were on the same roll of film as the Anti-War Measures Act demo, above.
    • People on Yonge Street, 1971. Crowds and individuals photographed on Yonge Street.
    • Kensington Market, 1971 or 1972. Twenty photos taken one afternoon on a walk through the market. Stores so far identified are: Europa Butcher, N. Goldlist Poultry Market, Kaplan's Cheese House, and Perlmutar's Bakery. Surnames of people identified so far: Bronstine, Ilutowicz, Lottman, March, Perlmutar, Zalavinsky, Zorzi, Zylbercwajg.
    • Guerilla Newspaper, 1970 and summer of 1971. 15 photos – mostly taken inside their office on Dundas Street West. Others at 201 Queen Street East, plus a group photo. Also a portrait of Al Darlington, photographer. Other surnames are Brophy, Cassity, Constable, Dobie, Ewing, Fronczak, Hardiman, Hutchinson, Saunders, Whyte.
    • Street photos, autumn of 1972. Eighteen photos taken in the early fall of 1972. I walked from my home in Cabbagetown, east along Carlton Street to Allan Gardens, photographing some of the people I met. This includes a rally of the Edmund Burke Society which was in progress in Allan Gardens. Then to City Hall, Spadina Ave., and then to the site of the just-demolished Toronto Star building on King Street.
    • Anti-Vietnam War demonstration, winter, 1972/3. An anti-Vietnam War rally which must have started at St James Church. The route is confusing but the photos are posted in the order taken. I don't know where it ended – possibly I ran out of sunlight or time. One group identified is "Jan. 20 Action Coalition". The only person identified is Carrie Blance Lively.
    • Students at Riverdale Park & Zoo, 1973. 19 photos of students and their teachers enjoying the park. I thought they were local students from the Spruce Street school until I noticed busses in the background of one of the photos, so they could have been from anywhere. Three students are pictured with name tags – surnames are: Harkness, Ruwhof, Teasdale.
  • Inside the Toronto Star. Eight photos in total, one from 1970 of the late John McDonald, sports writer. Also seven photos from the early or mid-1980's, taken inside the composing room when the Star was transitioning from "hot metal" production to photo-typesetting.
  • Toronto, Ontario: Four Cyrillic gravestones which I photographed in Toronto Necropolis & Crematorium in 2005. I originally assumed they were Russian, but have since been told that three are Macedonian and one is Bulgarian. Complete translations of the inscriptions are now given. Surnames are: Bobov, Dzhogomanov, Iliov, Markov.

Bibles | Carleton Co. | Dufferin Co. | Elgin Co. | Frontenac Co. | Grey-Bruce Co. | Halton Co. | Lanark Co. | Leeds & Grenville Co. | Lennox & Addington Co. | Manitoulin | Peel Co. | Renfrew Co. | Russell Co. | Simcoe Co. | Stormont/Dundas/Glengarry Co. | Toronto | Waterloo Co. | Welland Co. | Northern Ont. | Outside Ont. | Outside Canada | Military | LINKS


  • Edmund Wollis & Jane Mackie of Winterbourne. Thanks to Marvin Paranych for a photo of the couple taken about 1900, plus a short bio written a few years later. Surnames mentioned: Adsett, Burnett, Elsley, Gillies, Glennie, Hamilton, Kirkness, Mackie, Morelli, Ross, Webster.


  • Humberstone Public School, c.1910. Thanks to Laraine Maltby-Smith for this postcard image of a two-storey brick school with students playing outside. I estimate the date to be about 1910 based on the clothing of some of the students.
  • Port Colborne School Class, c.1945 Thanks to Maria Klassen for this photo showing a class of 28 students plus their teacher. Photo location and date are uncertain. Nobody is identified. Your help is needed on this one.

There is a large collection of photographs of mostly Eastern Ont. people and places on the
Lanark County Genealogical Society "Mostly Photos" page.
also see
the Lanark County GenWeb 'Pictures' page.

Bibles | Carleton Co. | Dufferin Co. | Elgin Co. | Frontenac Co. | Grey-Bruce Co. | Halton Co. | Lanark Co. | Leeds & Grenville Co. | Lennox & Addington Co. | Manitoulin | Peel Co. | Renfrew Co. | Russell Co. | Simcoe Co. | Stormont/Dundas/Glengarry Co. | Toronto | Waterloo Co. | Welland Co. | Northern Ont. | Outside Ont. | Outside Canada | Military | LINKS


  • Through The Years, 1983 to 1997, Manitoulin History and Genealogy. Extracts of all 151 "Through The Years" booklets published by the Gore Bay Recorder. The extracts give the titles and descriptions of articles and photos, and list surnames mentioned in the booklets. The actual booklets must be purchased, if they are still available.

Bibles | Carleton Co. | Dufferin Co. | Elgin Co. | Frontenac Co. | Grey-Bruce Co. | Halton Co. | Lanark Co. | Leeds & Grenville Co. | Lennox & Addington Co. | Manitoulin | Peel Co. | Renfrew Co. | Russell Co. | Simcoe Co. | Stormont/Dundas/Glengarry Co. | Toronto | Waterloo Co. | Welland Co. | Northern Ont. | Outside Ont. | Outside Canada | Military | LINKS



This photo album was found in a Toronto book­store in the mid or late 1980's. The photos span about 15 years – the first 30 pages were taken at Cassumit Lake (about 120 km north-west of Red Lake) in northern Ontario, and record the construction of one or more mines there and the transfer of heavy equipment to them by aircraft. Sub­sequent pages seem to consist of photos of friends and/or relatives of the album's owner and range from Ontario and Winnipeg to Nova Scotia, with one photo seeming to be of a mountain town (in Alberta or BC?).

Photos of aircraft with the following regist­ra­tion numbers were taken at Cassumit Lake: CF-AAT, CF-ABK, CF-AQW, CF-ARM, CF-AWV.

The following locations are identified: Cassumit Lake (ON), Deep Brook (NS), Dobie Townsite (ON), Halifax, Hatt Cove (NS), Kenogami (ON), Kerr Addison (ON), Temagami (ON), Winnipeg – but most of the photos have no location given.

The following names are identified: Donnie Baird; Briden; Nancy & Brian Buckles; the Cassidy Children; Peter & David Chillas; Allyn, Nancy & Tommy Clarke; Connors; Mary Cooks; Ann Cooks; Jane Dewar & sister; May deWitt; Mrs Gaudore or Gadaure; the Goddards; Janet Good­man; Heather Jakeman; Mrs Matthews; Miss McAlpine; Mary McDonald; Miss McMillan; Peter McPeak; Keltie Munroe; Miss Penton; Eleanor Perkins; Charlie Putnam; Belle Roberts; Carol Simm; Bill Smitheringale; Frankie Stanley; Tyrrell; Patsy Webster; Williams; Peter, Grace & Charlotte Woodbury. There are more people identified only by their given name or by initials.


2024 See Atikokan on Google Maps.
Atikokan is in northwestern Ontario, about 200 km. west of Thunder Bay and 150 km east of Fort Frances. Sapawe is a small village on the railroad about 10 miles east of Atikokan. We moved to Atikokan in January 1953, when the town's reason for being was Steep Rock Iron Mines, which was operating the world's largest open pit iron mine, and Caland Ore, which was mining a separate part of the same orebody. At its height in the 1960's, three mines produced millions of tons of iron ore annually. I was there until I left high school to join the Canadian Navy in the fall of 1960. The mines have long since closed but Atikokan survives, successfully marketing itself as "The Canoeing Capital of Canada". Noteworthy here is a large collection of school class photos. This section grew so large that it became a separate website.
Click here to view atikokan­history.org. (Updated January 18, 2024)

  • Beardmore, Ontario. From a postcard dated by the photographer May 9, 1940. Shows the main downtown area and some residents.
  • Students in Beardmore, Ontario, 1942. From a postcard dated by the photographer March 25, 1942. I found this image on my computer but have no idea who sent it to me.
  • Nugent's Drugstore in Beardmore and Geraldton. Three photos from the Ken R. Johnson collection.
  • Baby Book from Nugent's Drugstore, 1945. Ernie Bies was born in 1945 in the old Geraldton Hospital, on the shore of Little Long Lac. Here is his baby book.
  • Beardmore School, Grade 4 Class, 1948-49. Photo of 37 students plus their teacher, Mrs. Dickison. Many names are missing. Surnames so far: Casselman, Dickinson, Dozak, Erechook, Faubert, Glowaski(?), Hemphill, Hurd, Kirkpatrick, Ladouceur, Melanchuck/Melenchuck, Millman, Miron, Morton, Nelson, Nordquist, Pearson, Polonski, Rimer, Sawchyn, Springer, Wertin, Wilson.
  • A Tale of Two Cities Named Coppell. A comparative historical analyses of Coppell, Texas and Coppell, Ontario, by Philip LaBerge. Both started as tiny railroad towns, but Coppell, Texas grew to its present population of over 40,000 people, while Coppell, Ontario (near Hearst) has just about disappeared. This is a large pdf file with many illustrations.
  • Collingwood, Ont., 1890's Students. This photo was taken by James Asa Castor who had a portrait studio in Collingwood. His son, Paul Mark Castor, is the only student identified here. Can you identify any of the others?
  • Empire, Ontario : Northern Empire Mine, 1929. Empire was only about a mile from Beardmore, but the mine and town no longer exist. This is a postcard dated December, 1929. My parents lived at the townsite in the late 1930's. See more photos in the items below.
  • Miners at Northern Empire Mine, 1936. Four men including my father Bill Dobie, July 1936. This is a link to a page on my genealogy website.
  • Miners at Northern Empire Mine, 1935-36. Thanks to Elsie Flint for these three photos, two of which show miners at Northern Empire. Included in both is her father Paul Drozda. Also a photo of her and her brother, Myrv Drozda, as young children at Northern Empire.
  • Northern Empire Mine, late 1930's & 1940. Nine photos from the album of Margaret and Bill Dobie: several of family members, the mine buildings, one of the school & post office, one of gold bricks, etc.
  • The Short Life of the Empire Post Office. Thanks to Ken Johnson for this copy of his article originally published in the Thunder Bay Chronicle-Journal, Feb. 23, 2019.
  • Northern Empire and Magnet Mines, 1941-42. This photo album was originally owned by E.O. Berger of Nevada City, California. There are over 100 photos, mostly of Magnet Mine and Northern Empire Mine, but also of Elmos Mine (on Long Lac), Sand River Mine, and Tombill Mine, (all near Geraldton, Ontario) plus a couple of mines in Colorado. There are many photos of people – surnames are: Anderson, Bell, Berger, Bray, Brooks, Cadwell, Cannon, Edgar, Glover, Hargraft, Heisler, Irvine, Kivela, Linquist, Loring, Marno, McCloud, Morton, O'Brien, Schultz, Scott, Tansley, Titcomb. The album is now in the Thunder Bay Museum.
  • Geraldton: Long Lac Looms Up in 1934. Thanks to Edgar Lavoie for this article, by Ted Elliott, published August 1934, in Gold Magazine. The article reports on mining development in the vicinity of Geraldton, on or near Long Lac and its tributaries. Note: Long Lac and Little Long Lac refer to lakes. The town of Geraldton is close by Little Long Lac, while the much larger Long Lac (named Long Lake on Google Maps) is south of Geraldton and stretches about 30km south-west to north-east, south of Hwy 11, to the town of Longlac.
  • Downtown Geraldton Ontario, about 1935. Three photos – two from my parents' album showing some downtown stores with mud streets and partial wooden sidewalks, and one from the Ken Johnson Collection, showing a slightly earlier view of the same buildings, one still under construction. Shown are: C.M. Douglas, General Store; Geraldton Cafe; Geo. W. Matthews & Co. Stocks and Bonds; and Normandy Inn. Thanks to Ken Johnson who has added one photo plus detailed information about the stores shown in all three.
  • Geraldton Hotel, Geraldton Ontario. From a postcard postmarked 1946. Added is a short history of the hotel by Ken Johnson.
  • Geraldton area mining camp, about 1935. Five photos which seem to have been printed from the same roll of film as the Geraldton photos above. Surnames: Dobie, Harju.
  • Geraldton Flying Club, 1938. Thanks to Ken Johnson for his article in the Thunder Bay Chronicle-Journal, January 22, 2012.
  • Opening of Geraldton's New School, 1957. Thanks to Treasa Kenny for this photo of school children gathered in front a Christmas tree. The only student identified is George Kenny.
  • A Short History of Geraldton's Strand Theatre. Opened in November 1936 and closed in early 1986, the Strand Theatre served very much as Geraldton's community centre. Thanks to Ken Johnson for his article in the Thunder Bay Chronicle-Journal, August 23, 2015, as well as scans of several playbills of films mentioned in the article.
  • Geraldton Strand Theatre Show Bills, 1960's. Thanks to Ken Johnson for these scans of three theatre show bills which advertised up-coming movies. The show bills seem to be from 1961, 1963, and 1967.


  • Ernie Bies was brought up in the tiny Slovak community of Bradlo, about 10km south of Hearst, Ontario. Most of these articles have been previously published – mainly in HighGrader Magazine, but also in the Kapuskasing Northern Times, Kanadsky Slovak, Le Nord, Ottawa Citizen, Eganville Leader, Cochrane Times Post, and several others. (Updated Feb. 23, 2025)
    Click here to view the menu.


  • See Kearns & Virginiatown on Google Maps.
    Kearns and Virginiatown are two small towns in north-eastern Ontario, situated almost on the Quebec border between Kirkland Lake Ont. and Rouyn Quebec. We (the Dobie family) lived in Virginiatown from about 1943 to about 1947, then made the one-mile move to Kearns where we lived until January 1953. This is a steadily growing collection of photos contributed by web­site users. This section grew so large that it became a separate website. Click here to view vtown­history­.org. (Updated January 25, 2024)
  • Klotz Lake, Camp 4, Thunder Bay District. Three men with horse and wagon and lots of mud. Unknown year.
  • Larder Lake Train Station, 1947. This photo, dated May 9, 1947, shows men, women & children on the station platform. Can you identify anyone?
  • Longlac Post Office, 1930's. Thanks to Ken Johnson for this article, based on a few surviving Post Office records, about the applicants for the position of Longlac postmaster in 1929. This is a reprint of Ken's article in the Thunder Bay Chronicle-Journal, May 15, 2016. Added is a photo of the post office when J.W. Heald was postmaster, and a hand-drawn map of Longlac in 1935.
  • Maud Gascon, "The Little Mother of Longlac". Thanks to Ken Johnson for this copy of his article originally published in the Thunder Bay Chronicle-Journal, January 5, 2014. Added is a map of Longlac drawn by Maud when she applied for the position of Postmaster, about 1929.
  • South Porcupine: Schmelzle Family, about 1910. Thanks to Marvin Paranych for this photo. Originally from Jewelville, Ontario, the Schmelzle family moved to South Porcupine (now part of Timmins, Temiskaming District) shortly after this photo was taken. Included is an obituary of Christian Frederick Schmelzle, age 91, published in the Porcupine Advance, in 1949. Connected surnames in the photo and obituary are: Crawley, Evans, Fera, Hanson, Hardie/Hardy, Kaufman, Krizizan, Sloan.
  • Sudbury Air Cadets 1955. Thanks to Gary Denny for this photo, shown on my vtownhistory.org website. These cadets were based in Sudbury, Ont., but at least a couple of them used to live in the Larder Lake - Virginiatown area. All but one of the 33 cadets are identified – surnames so far are: Benhke; Bergeron; Bertrand; Blais; Boileau; Bourne; Brazeau; Chalker; Chrapchynski; Denny; Gauthier; Grey; Irwin; Kelley; Kyre; MacIntosh; Marchand; McCelland; McGillis; Mossy; Noble; Obonsawin; Quesnal; Sauve; Shelswell; Shulman; Smith; Spencer; Tones; Wattie; White. Can you identify the remaining cadet?
  • Temagami, Ont. area, Gray family photos, 1930's. A collection of 12 photos, mostly of people. The only person identified is "Douglas Gray, 1 yr. June 12". Also a woman, possibly his mother, is "Maude". The photos were mailed to Mrs. J. E. Vanclief, Goward, Ont. (former name of the present North Temagami), in an envelope from Shaw's Drug Stores, Cobalt. Towns in the area include Latchford, Gillies Depot, etc.. Your expertise would be greatly appreciated in placing the photos and identifying the people.
  • THUNDER BAY – (Formerly Fort William & Port Arthur)
    • Fort William Collegiate Football, 1936. Thanks to Mark Fisher for posting this team photo and names, on Facebook. Surnames are: Bibert, Chepsvik, Dennis, Ede, Fisher, Glover, Goodier, Grocke, Hasell, Low, MacKay, McLeod, McRae, Michaels, Moran, Pattison, Peat, Ross, Smith, Vance, Yenachuk. (Added January 27, 2024)
    • Fort William studio: Photo of a World War I Captain. This man was identified as Captain John Clarence Milne, who was killed in action June 6, 1916. (Revised January 25, 2025)
    • Port Arthur & Fort William Booklet "The Twin Towns of Port Arthur and Fort William," published by W.G. MacFarlane, Toronto, and J.L. Meikle, Port Arthur. Publishing date is not given but is about 1890 to 1900. Thirty-two pages, mostly photos. Previous owner of the booklet was Baruch Woodbeck, and I've given some genealogy info on him and his family from Hymers, Ontario. This booklet is now in the Thunder Bay Museum.
    • Port Arthur Ontario, 1920s Photo Album. This is one of my father's photo albums showing his friends from early teenage years, c.1922, to when he was a student at Queen's University, c.1934. Surnames: Andrews, Bonin, Burleigh, Burt, Callaghan, Cook, Coy, Cross, Dobie, Evans, Gooderham, Green or Greer, Lee, McBane, McConnell, McKay, Parry, Paulin, Platt, Scott, West, Wilmott, Zinc. This is a link to my genealogy website.
    • Port Arthur, Central School, Kindergarten, 1957-58. Thanks to Mark Fisher for posting this class photo of 22 students, plus their teacher, Mrs. Murray, on Facebook. Surnames: Becker, Fisher, Frehner, Gehl, Hallahan, Heinz, Husic, Jung, Megson, Muir, Packota, Piechota, Prieston, Richmond, Rioux, Robinson, Rowe, Saarinen, Schevchenko, Sippola, Taylor, Thomson. (Added January 28, 2024)
    • Port Arthur, Prospect School, Grade 2, 1961-62. Thanks to Mark Fisher for posting this class photo of 27 students on Facebook. Several names are missing, and others have first names only. Surnames so far: Bryan, Carnell, Crawford, Cummins, Dushnicky, Elliot, Fisher, Gaudart, Hansen, Maier?, McCowatt, Perrier, Pumphrey, Reddon, Smith, Spence, St. Amand, Suttie, Tanner, Tebinka. (Added January 27, 2024)

Bibles | Carleton Co. | Dufferin Co. | Elgin Co. | Frontenac Co. | Grey-Bruce Co. | Halton Co. | Lanark Co. | Leeds & Grenville Co. | Lennox & Addington Co. | Manitoulin | Peel Co. | Renfrew Co. | Russell Co. | Simcoe Co. | Stormont/Dundas/Glengarry Co. | Toronto | Waterloo Co. | Welland Co. | Northern Ont. | Outside Ont. | Outside Canada | Military | LINKS


  • Please see my Royal Canadian Navy website which has about 3,500 photos, and counting.
  • World War 1 : Tamworth, Ont. "C" Co., 146th O.S. Batt. Surnames include: Alton, Babcock, Barker, Bush, Campell, Charlton, Coxall, Cross, Day, Ekulbeck, Franklin, Furrs, Galbraith, Garrison, Hannah, Lambert, Lee, MacFarlane, McGill, Parks, Pennell, Pervus, Rogers, Salsbury, Samson, Smith, Stoddard, Switzer, Tompson, Wagar.


Many thanks to Taylor Kennedy for providing these photos.

  • 1st Battalion of the Midland Regiment, 1942. This panoramic photo, taken at Niagara On The Lake, is about 4 feet long and 8 inches high. You can see a small version here but a link to an almost original size version is also provided. The only name so far is Robert Howard Wilson.
  • Canadian Women's Auxilliary Air Force (CWAAF), 1942. This panoramic photo, taken in Toronto, shows the Officers and NCO's of the 1st Squadron, January 1st, 1942. Of the 97 women shown, 10 names are given: A/S/O Bacque, S/O Bather, Cpl Burton, Sgt Ferguson, Cpl Griffin, Cpl Hall, F/O Hime, Cpl McMillan, Cpl Russell, A/S/O Taylor. You can see a small version here but a link to an almost original size version is also provided.
  • Directorate of Procurement Aircraft, 1942. This panoramic photo, taken at Airforce HQ, (Toronto? Ottawa?), shows a mixed bag of about 250 military and civilian men and women. You can see a small version here but a link to an almost original size version is also provided.
  • No. 6 Platoon, "B" Coy, No. 25 C.A.(B)T.C., Simcoe, ON, 1943. Thanks to Melissa Beedle for this group photo of 57 officers and men, dated May 5th, 1943. Unfortunately all but eight of the names have been lost. These surnames are: Bryce, Daniels, Davenport, David, Edwards, Holmes, Maxemenko, Thorndyke.
  • No. 7 Platoon, "B" Coy, No. 25 C.I.(B)T.C.-C.A., Simcoe, ON, 1945. Thanks to Harry Proctor for this group of 53 officers and men, dated Jan. 16, 1945. All of the names are included in the photo description, as printed on the matting of the original photo. A link is given to a larger version.
  • Aircraft at Crumlin Airfield, London, ON, 1943. Thanks to Jim Booth for these two photos of vintage aircraft. The only name is Jim Booth, Sr.
  • Instructors' Course No. 2, #1 T.T.S., Aylmer, Ont., 1946. Group photo of about 200 RCAF officers and men arranged in front of a four-engine bomber. Photo dated 1946 on the back.

Bibles | Carleton Co. | Dufferin Co. | Elgin Co. | Frontenac Co. | Grey-Bruce Co. | Halton Co. | Lanark Co. | Leeds & Grenville Co. | Lennox & Addington Co. | Manitoulin | Peel Co. | Renfrew Co. | Russell Co. | Simcoe Co. | Stormont/Dundas/Glengarry Co. | Toronto | Waterloo Co. | Welland Co. | Northern Ont. | Outside Ont. | Outside Canada | Military | LINKS


  • Lethbridge, Alberta School Classes. Two school class photos, probably late 1940's and/or early 1950's. About 68 students plus a teacher in total. One is probably Grade 1 or 2, the other Grade 6 or 7. Both are from the same family photo album as the wedding and other photos in the group below.
  • Lethbridge, Alberta School Class, 1949. Thanks to Stephen Morse for this photo of a school class showing 36 students who seem to be about age 10. Only one student, Stephen's father Barry Morse, is identified – shown with his class the year he and his mother and sister were deported to England. Yes, there is a story there. (Added February 3, 2025)
  • Alberta College, Edmonton, 1946-47 Calendar. About 300 names of students who received prizes and diplomas. Links are also provided to the page scans.
  • Lethbridge, Alberta, Japanese Wedding. Seven photos in total – four of two Japanese weddings (one a double weddng dated Feb. 18, 1951); two of a Caucasian family group; and one, dated 1948, of a group of mixed Caucasian and Japanese young women. Only first names of the children are given. All came from the same family photo album, along with the two school photos above, so it is reasonable to believe they are related in some way.
  • Cassiar, BC. Want some asbestos? Here's some asbestos – a whole mountain of it. My father worked there in the middle 1970's. This postcard was published by Cassiar Asbestos Corp. Ltd., so they weren't trying to keep this a secret.
  • Winnipeg, Manitoba, T. Eaton Co. tailor shop. Workers in the tailor shop, about 1910. Scanned from a stereoscope photo.
  • Names from the University of Manitoba 1918-1919 yearbook. About 300 names: those killed in action, those awarded medals, those from the class of 1919 who were on active service, and the names, photos and biographies of the graduating class.


  • In Newfoundland you are never very far from the dead. Graveyards greet you at the entrance to every village, and memorials can be found on nearly every headland overlooking the sea. I noticed two major differences between graves in Newfoundland and those in Ontario – many headstones with dates well into the 1970's are the thin, white (limestone?) tablets common a century ago, and which can be seen in any mainland "Pioneer" cemetery. The second thing I noticed was the terrible state of many of the cemeteries – weed-choked with the stones twisted and tumbling at every angle. Many of the cemeteries are well-kept and neat, but the ruins seem to be a significant minority. These photos were taken in late September or early October, 2005.
  • Keels, Anglican Cemetery. Keels has to be one of the most remote and starkly beautiful villages I've ever seen. Our guidebook said that the earliest graves in this cemetery are dated from the late 1700's.
  • Kings Cove Cemetery. A few kilometers down the road from Keels is the larger village of Kings Cove. It boasts at least two churches and a beautiful harbour. This graveyard, probably the Anglican, is larger and if possible, even more bedraggled than the one in Keels.
  • McGill University, Montreal : The Class of 1936. Names and addresses of the class of 1936. This includes Phil Edwards who at that time was Canada's most decorated Olympic athlete.
  • St Lambert, Quebec, Bell Telephone workers. Three photos which seem to have been taken in the 1950's. The person who sent them to me says he found them in a book. Updated to add a modern view of the street where one of the photos was taken. The other two were taken at the old Waterman Pen factory.
  • Maple Grove Farm, Tuxford, Sask. Thanks to Ruth (Drysdale) Duncan for this photo of 13 farm labourers about 1900. Photo is hand-labeled G.S. Tuxford. Nobody is identified.


  • I found the above-titled book in an Ottawa bookstore several years ago. When I got around to looking at it recently I found a Certificate of Baptism and a colour photo stuck inside. The certificate is self-explanatory, but the photograph needs you to help with identification. Please see below.

Bibles | Carleton Co. | Dufferin Co. | Elgin Co. | Frontenac Co. | Grey-Bruce Co. | Halton Co. | Lanark Co. | Leeds & Grenville Co. | Lennox & Addington Co. | Manitoulin | Peel Co. | Renfrew Co. | Russell Co. | Simcoe Co. | Stormont/Dundas/Glengarry Co. | Toronto | Waterloo Co. | Welland Co. | Northern Ont. | Outside Ont. | Outside Canada | Military | LINKS



  • My grandmother's family (Long) had lived in Princeton, Minnesota since the late 1860's or so. Her father, Solomon Long, ran a shoe store there. After she married my grandfather (Karl (Charles) Ludvig Carlson) in 1905, she lived with him in various small towns in North Dakota, as well as in Kensington, Minnesota (see the photos in the section below). They and their three children moved back to Princeton in 1922. These are only a few of a large collection of Princeton Minnesota photos I inherited from my mother.
    • Old Whittier School­house in Princeton, 1890s. Thanks to Sandra Stark for providing many of the student & staff names. This is identified as my grand­mother's (Anna Long) school in Princeton. She was born in 1879, so based on her apparent age in the photo it was taken about 1890. This large group consists of all ages from young children to teenagers and teachers. Can you help to identify people?
    • Three Princeton gals, about 1900. Anna Long, Orpha Saxon and Blanche Byers.
    • Princeton Minnesota graduating class of 1925. Group portraits of the graduating class of Princeton High School. Surnames: Balfanz, Bengston, Bragge, Buckley, Caley, Carlson, Cater, Chapman, Davis, Gates, Gilbertson, Glade, Grow, Hall, Hawley, Homme, Howard, Jump, Kaufert, Keen, Kimbling, Milbrath, Mossman, Oliver, Peterson, Ross, Rusene, Sausser, Scholey, Stanley, Townsend, Wicktor, Young.
    • Princeton High School Class, 1927 to 1930.This is my aunt Cathryn Carlson's high school class. She graduated in 1930, but many of the kids look too young to be graduating. This may be her freshman class, which would make the year about 1927. Can you help to identify people?
    • Princeton High School, The Tiger, 1930 Yearbook. Scans of all but the advertising pages of The Tiger, with transcription of all names. This copy belonged to my aunt Cathryn Carlson and it is full of hand-written inscriptions from many of her friends and teachers.
  • New York City, 1849. The complete passenger list of The Richard Cobden which sailed from Liverpool and landed at New York on 24 August, 1849. There are 261 names, including six people who died en-route and two who stowed away.


  • My mother's family (Carlson) lived in various small towns in North Dakota and Minnesota between 1905 and the 1930's. My grandfather was a miller and later a mill manager so the family moved often. Keeping track of where they lived at different times is difficult and identifying the locations of a large number of photographs is almost impossible. Here are a very few which show outdoor locations. Can you identify where they are? The Carlsons homesteaded near Tolley (see the two "claim shack" photos below) soon after 1905, but eventually moved into Kenmare where my mother was born in 1908. They also lived in Kensington, Minnesota and Crosby, North Dakota at different times, and moved to Princeton, Minnesota in 1922 (see the photos in the section above).

Bibles | Carleton Co. | Dufferin Co. | Elgin Co. | Frontenac Co. | Grey-Bruce Co. | Halton Co. | Lanark Co. | Leeds & Grenville Co. | Lennox & Addington Co. | Manitoulin | Peel Co. | Renfrew Co. | Russell Co. | Simcoe Co. | Stormont/Dundas/Glengarry Co. | Toronto | Waterloo Co. | Welland Co. | Northern Ont. | Outside Ont. | Outside Canada | Military | LINKS


  • Bible of William & Elizabeth ANDERSON, who were married in Bytown, Canada West, on March 19, 1844. Most of their children were born in Kemptville, C.W. Surnames mentioned: Anderson, Bevitt (minister only), Bower, MacLennan, and Stawage (minister only).
  • Bible of George HAY & Mabel Rebecca MacGREGOR, who were married 2nd September, 1908 in Riverfield, Quebec. Surnames are: Bishop, Carson, Coombs, Crawford, Forbes, Gruer, Halliday, Hay, Kellock (minister only), Kerr, MacGregor, McGregor, McLeod, Morgan, Murphy, Perkins, Rennie, Sowler, Wilcox. This Bible was found in the Smiths Falls Flea Market, Smiths Falls, Ontario, Canada, in August, 2003, and returned to the dealer who kindly let me transcribe the names.
  • MERRICK Family Bible Pages : Plomer Young Merrick and Julia Letitia MaGee, both of Merrickville. Plomer was a son of William Merrick and Julia Roche.
  • Bible of Thomas & Mary Mynard, whose children were born between 1834 and 1848. No locations are given, but seven grandchildren were baptized in Montreal, Quebec, 1893-1902. Surnames: Dart (minister only), Doyle, Mynard, Richards, Wilber. Last entry is 1902.
  • Bible of John Mynard & Nanny Richards. John was a son of Thomas & Mary Mynard (see the bible above). Surnames: Barnewall, Maybery, McDonald, Mynard, Richards. Places mentioned: Verdun, Quebec and Cornwall, Ontario. Last entry is 1969.
  • Bible of Howard PRICE & Eva Lillian HANES, who were married June 9th, 1915 in Winchester, Ontario. The last entry is 1982. Surnames are: Hanes, McLeod (minister only), Price, Scott, Wanke.
  • Bible of John Vincent SMITH & Freedom Augusta PARKS, who were married January 5, 1876 at Fredericksburg, Ontario. There are many names written in several lists inserted in the Bible. The latest entry is 1974. Surnames are: Clement, Davis (witness), Davison, Hicks, Kellar, Mott, Parks, Seeley, Smith, Thompson, Topliff, Wilson (minister).
  • Bible of Thomas STONE & Mary Jane HUNTER, who were married June 4, 1872 and lived in Port Elmsley, Lanark County, Ontario. Surnames are: Hunter, Stone.

Bibles | Carleton Co. | Dufferin Co. | Elgin Co. | Frontenac Co. | Grey-Bruce Co. | Halton Co. | Lanark Co. | Leeds & Grenville Co. | Lennox & Addington Co. | Manitoulin | Peel Co. | Renfrew Co. | Russell Co. | Simcoe Co. | Stormont/Dundas/Glengarry Co. | Toronto | Waterloo Co. | Welland Co. | Northern Ont. | Outside Ont. | Outside Canada | Military | LINKS


  • See the Links Page. All links were working as of February 8, 2024. This section last updated February 8, 2024.

Do you have photos and/or documents which could be put on this website? Especially of interest are class photos, group photos, voters' lists, etc. from anywhere in Ontario. Please email me and we can discuss it.

Please see my other web­sites :
Atikokan, ON | Genealogy | Royal Canadian Navy | Photos on Flickr | V-Town & Kearns, ON

My postal address: P.O. Box 20095, Perth, ON, Canada. K7H 3M6.

For info on hundreds of Lanark County & Eastern Ontario families, visit the Lanark County Genealogical Society website.

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All photographs are © Copyright by their contributors.

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